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LIBBGRPSRIFIIPIIPFIPIPP IPI IPF PPP ETP eS PPT T PIPPI IS Profiles \( International Checkpoint 360° COMPETENCY FEEDBACK SYSTEM 0 (264) 751-1644 » win prolesinerational. com Introduction Checkpoint 360° Competency Feedback System™ “This repo summaries the rests of the CheckPoint surveys that you, your boss dec reports and pers recently completed The job petformance scores you ecived ae resented in gras and numeric seals on the pages that follow {A variety of skill areas are covered. Ina progression of increasingly detailed skills, the CheckPoint System assesses 8 major Universal “Management Competencies, which break down into 18 Skill Sets, which encompass all 70 survey items. ‘Scores are determined by the 5-point scale used on the CheckPoint Survey: 0 Not Applicable (not averaged into scores) Never demonstrates this skill Seldom demonstrates this skill, Usually demonstrates this skill 1 2 3. Sometimes demonstrates this skill 4 Always demonstrates this skill Feedback is reported in the following elements: Executive Overview: Resulls for the 8 Universal Management Competencies, comparing the average Self score with the average score ‘of All Observers (includes Boss, Direct Reports and Pecrs) and showing whether scores fall within, above or below the Favorable Zone 5104.25), Also Total CheckPoint Scores, including the score differential between Self and Al Observers. avorable Zone: ‘The Favorable Zone represents the range where a group of managers and leaders were typically rated by others on the CheckPoint 3607. These leaders were from a wide range of industries and organizations, and had all been identified as good performers by their respective companies. xxecutive Summary: Results for the 8 Universal Management Competencies, comparing the average scores of al reference groups (includes Self, Boss, Direct Reports, Peers and All Observers), providing Total CheckPoint Scores for each group, and pointing out group score averages that vary by I point or more. ‘Skill Set Analysis: Results forthe 18 Skill Sets, comparing the average scores of all reference groups (includes Self, Boss, Direct Reports, Peers and All Observers) and pointing out group score averages that vary by 1.5 points or more, as well as analyzing Critical Skill Sets to establish Talents, areas needing Focus, and arcas where a significant GAP exists between Self and Boss scores. (You and your boss chose 6 Critical Skill Sets, out of 18, These were considered critically important to your particular job requirements.) ‘Reference Group Comparison: Results for the 18 Skill Sets and ‘Total CheckPoint Scores, analyzing the average scores of each reference group (includes Self, Boss, Direct Reports and Peers). Survey Summary: Results forall 70 survey items, displaying the average scores for Self, Boss and All Observers (includes Boss, Disect Reports and Peets) and highlighling the items that fallin a Critical Skill Se, as wel as flagging items where responses lack consensus (varying by three or moze points) within a reference group Development Summary: Describes your strengths and development needs for the 18 Skill Sets and provides guidelines and suggestions for your individual development plan. ‘As you review this material, keep in mind that most people exhibit hoth strong and weak abilities. No one does everything equally wel, Approached as a learning tool, this feedback can be a Valuable first step toward increasing your effectiveness on the job. Good luck on the course of professional development. 2 98888558844 HHHEEEHSESESESEE Executive Overview Overview of Self vs. All Observers | | r | / fi 5 Favorable Zone (G.50 to 4.25) Total CheckPoint Scores fee ; : ; os abe aiGhewe set bate iar ater Sat 9 ster obi cn Di eset) “+ Cops anf Ose et come TRE EDSSSSSSESSSSSESSSSESESE Executive Summary Overview of All Reference Groups Tivenal Management Compeleses ) eee Communication ‘Actively listens to the ideas and concems of others, Analyzes information from varying perspectives, establishes the pivotal element of an issue, and reaches a logical conclusion through the process. Expresses ideas clearly, concisely, directly and willingly. Leadership Has built a solid foundation of trust by leading through example. Clearly defines, expectations and charts the course for successful implementation. Delegates appropriately, empowering others to manage challenges. Adaptability Deals effectively with diverse work styles and in differing environments. Adjusts constructively to setbacks and plans for change. Encourages creativity, innovation and risk-taking, Relationships Is sensitive tothe feelings of others and contributes to a positive, cooperative workplace. Capably resolves conflicts and builds consensus while formulating goals and maximizing use of team talent Task Management Uses technology, resources and time efficiently. Leams quickly and applies current information to appropriate tasks. Production Initiates action. Is assertive and decisive. Overcomes obstacles to achieve high-quality, beneficial results. Development Of Others Coaches effectively and makes training available, Provides timely, objective performance reviews. Gives recognition to top-notch work and extra effort. Is enthusiastic and promotes positive attitudes Personal Development Displays a high level of energy, persistence and a positive outlook. Learns from mistakes ‘and constructive criticism and continuously seeks ways to improve. 2 fie ete pe it ey pom ciate, @ et Q ree Dect rer € alc heckPoint Scores OFF HHH HHH EHHSEHEHSEHEDSSESSESES Skill Set Analysis Includes Critical Skill Sets Critical Stat Sets: Self and Boss chose 6 Critical Skill Sets, out of 18. ‘They considered these critically important to the particular requirements of Chosen by Self and Boss this jb and are indicated with bold lettering ‘A Caitical Skil Set, according to Self or Boss, and both Seif > A ciitical Slat Set, according to Self or Boss, and Self and land Boss score averages are equal too higher than 3.5. ‘Gap Boss sore averages cfr by 1.5 points or more. [Baas] A Cita i et, according o Self or Boss and both Seif 4 Any itference between reference groups where averages vary Fos] and Bos sore averages are Below 3.5 V by 15 points or more se ~SkiISet See Coe or 5 Me nm Communication BE Hisens To Others: Encourages others to share their ideas and concerns. Listens openty to all viewpoints ‘without interrupting, Summariaes information and Verifies understanding. Processes Information: Gets to the point. Evaluates the pros and cons, as well as the short and long-range consequences, of decisions, Develops logical, clear conclusions, Communicates Effeetively: Expresses self clearly, both in writing and in speaking. Is thorough, yet concise, and is consistently straightforward, Readily shares information with others. be trusted to keep promises and confidences. Is honest and ethical. ISI Provides Direction: Bstablishes clea expectations and {manageable workload. Plans the steps required to a ————e ison, [Dd Delegates Responsibility: Delegates appropriate jobs to appropriate people. Empowers others to work and solve problems on thelr own, ‘Adjusts to Circumstances: Can adjust to people's srse work styles and to varying environments. Deals with setbacks constructively and anticipates change. Thinks Creatively: Brings an imaginative approach to the Job, inspiring innovation, risk-taking and creative problem- solving. 5 Chater @ 1 D do Deine re scans ec PY overseebernsciil sas PPh ett i 3_ ae Seta Ue OFFSETS SESESESESESESESESESSASASLSDSSSEES Skill Set Analysis, Cont, = Performaie Se [Reference Group Comparison | Lesig 3 os 1 2 3 4 we se vt tts wy Rw Tow | Mi-Range | High Relationships Builds Personal Relationships: Is considerate of others' feelings, shows freedom from unfair biases and is tactfl when giving criticism. Remains composed under stress, Facilitates Team Suecess: Resolves conflicts fairly in a of cooperation. Builds consensus and leads team in setting appropriate goals. Recruits effectively and uses talents of group wisely. Task Management (ND Works fficiently: Makes efficient use of current technology and wise use of outside resources. Avoids procrastination and sets priorities. Works Competently: Has mastered the fundamentals of the job. Can quickly and competently apply new methods and ‘new information (0 appropriate tasks. prose Production HEED > QB tke scion: Knows when the time sight intate tion. Handles problems with ansrtvenessand makes iimely, frm detsons, Achieves Results: Overcomes obstacles to achieve results OD @ iintscrigh standards or others and that postive impact the organization Development Of Others ultivates Individual Talents: 1s an effective coach and makes training available. Provides objective performance feedback on a timely basis. °e [El] sorivates Successfully: Gives recognition to people ‘who produce excellent work and give extra effort. Has an enthusiastic attitude that positively affects others. Personal Development s D) Displays Commitment: Maintains a high level of energy, perseveres and remains positive. D P a @ Sects mprovements Leamns positive lessons rom mistakes $ and constructive criticism, Pursues resources to improve and 8 develo profesionlly. Sets no limits on personal potential. A Looe s te oe ste Cake: @ St @ bon ditto oes GY Atovenen KBr [ET cienbyetortos nai tse isnt Ste ec sit 6 Reference Group Comparison with Management Alignment of Self and Boss ‘Sails es ~ Performance Analysis Communication Listens To Others Processes Information Communicates Effectively Leadership Instills Trust Provides Direction Delegates Responsibility Adaptability Adjusts to Circumstances Thinks Creatively Relationships Builds Personal Relationships Facilitates Team Success Task Management Works Efficiently Works Competently Production Takes Action Achieves Results Development Of Others Cultivates Individual Talents Motivates Successfully Personal Development Displays Commitment Seeks Improvement Total CheckPoint Scores inter @ 34 D tos @ dicate D rex OO HEHEHE SESE SSESSESESESESIEIISSESESES | Mid-Range PCV FTHSESEEETEFHEFEESEH4EFH4ESFSEFE4E4ESFE4E444S43S4SSESSSS Survey Summary Tantei of the 70 Items Tower Seat ae {stoned by Se ose obo SS ‘lags: Responses lac consensus within reference group a 1, Solicit ideas, suggestions and opinions from others @@.2, Creates a comfortable climate for airing concerns "Listens to a’points of view with an open mind |. Listens carefully without interrupting “7 S.Suninarzes put, then checks for understanding Processes Information 6 Identities the core element of an issue 1. Considers the pros and cons, aswell as short and long-term consequences, of decisions “8. Arrives at logical, clear conclusions Communicates Effectively 9: Expresses thoughts clearly in waiting 10. Isan effective, articulate speaker SSR ree rery sit overdoing PG.12. Communicates in a straightforward manne, even when dealing with sensitive topics ‘G1 Makes cure job-related information readily available to others ihonestin dealings with others jemonstrates high ethical standards By Provides Direction 18, Makes expectations clear G19. Establishes a manageable workload 20, Accomplishes long-term objectives by planning incremental steps 21. Keeps focus on big picture while implementing details Delegates Responsibility eis sand when to take personal esponsibility PO. Delegates the right jobs to the right people PAA. Gives others authority to independentty fulfil responsibilities @G25, Empowers others to find creative solutions to problems tere: @ st D tes Ditters @ res €) Aoi sins Dine es) 8 F888 DTT ESOT EES EESESESSESSESSESESESSE Top Line: Sat Response (=) Survey Summary ue nen tren Botton ine: AM Observers (tm) of the 70 Items Boss or Sef aid not rate “® ‘Bod Lettering: ems that all in a Cia Skil eas designated by Sel, Bas, obo "lags Responses lack conse within ference group (cesponses vay by 3 or mor pin). Adaptability Gy Adjusts to Circumstances 26.18 exile in dealing With people with diverse work styles 27. 1s comfortable in a variety of environments 28, Reacts constructively to setbacks 29, Anticipates and plans for changing situations ‘Thinks Creatively 40, Approaches job vit imagination and originality G31. Inspires innovation in the organization 32, Tiling tak Hold cleo risks 33, Views obstacles as opportunities for creative change Relationships £ Builds Personal Relationships Shiv consideration for the fetings of others '35. Shows absence of prejudicial and stereotypic thinking in words and actions ‘36: Delivers ériticim tactfully and constructively 37. Maintains composure in high-pressure situations ae ‘Team Success 38, Resolves coniiets fairly @G.39, Creates an atmosphere of team cooperation over compe PA A0- Dida Conse On decisions @OM1. Leads team in formulating goals that complement the organization's mission GOA, Brings capable people into the group 43, Uses the diverse talents and experiences of the group to maximum advantage ‘Task Management Works Efficiently 44, Applies curent technotogy in practical ways to maximize efficiency 45. Makes wise use of outside resources 46. Avoid prosrastiation 47, Sets priorities and tackles assignments accordingly ‘Works Competently 48, Deinonstates mastery of fundamentals necessary tothe job 49. Is skilled at learning and applying new information quickly 50, Integrates new theories, tends and methods into appropriate business operations caterer @ sar @ won @ disstyas res GY Axor oid se Dp adn) 9 [Reference Group Comparison Lk ad ae a ae 99889 OTFHHSSEESESESEHFE4ESHESEEE4SESEESSSESIEEUS Survey Summary of the 70 Items Tndividual Survey Items ‘Takes Action $51. Knows when fo stop planning and start implementing 52, Takes the initiative to make things happen 153. Is assertive in managing problems ‘54, Makes timely, clear-cut firm decisions Achieves Results ‘55, Overconies obstacles t6 complete projects successfully 56. Effects outcomes that set hgh standard for others ‘PWS, Achieves remit havea postive impact onthe organization as a whole Development Of Others Cultivates Individual Tatents ‘POSB. Isa patient helpful, effective coach 59. Gives others accesso training for skill development and professional growth 160) Provides objetive appraisals of others strengths and needs 61. Maintains a timely schedule for reviews and follow-ups [Motivates Successfully (62; Gives Feenghition to producers of high quality work ‘@DP63. Shows appreciation when others give extra effort ‘PGA. Stintes a contagious enthusiasm that promotes a positive attitude in others Personal Development. Displays Commitment 65, Manian a coisistently high energy level 66, Persiss and persoveres 67 Keeps positive outlook Seeks Improvement @O.68. Adinits misiakes and learns from them ‘69. Accepis criticism constructively PO 1T0.dentites aa pursues resources needed to improve performance rk @ 5 He dees Dee Aleem Ds Rpt nd ot) 10 ‘Top Line: Saf Response (=) Mike Line: Bass Response (m=) Bottom Line: AM Observers (am) Boss or Sel aid not rate ten: ‘Bold Lettering: toms hat al ina Cra Sil Se, as designated by Sel, Bos, or both Flags Responcs lack consensus within ference group leesponses vary by 3 or more pits). | [Reference Group Compan - aes 3 4 5 tin ton me ry 2 e889 999999999999 999TT99FT9FF9999999989) Survey Comments All respondents are given the opportunity to provide comments about you and your leadership skills. These ‘comments are separated by each respondent group, provided in free form and are displayed exactly as they were entered. Boss Comments ‘© Becky is student centered when making her decisions. She will continue to work on delegating and empowering others to be leaders. I appreciate her attention to detail but she needs to continue to work on making clear and firm decisions, You are on the right rack for creating a comfortable climate for open communication and listening to others. Becky is un intelligent leader who Ullizes research, professional literature and data to make student centered decisions. She prepares the information so the staff will be able fo see how the information impacts the direction. At times the workload needs to be checked to make sure itis manageable for Becky and her staff. As a leader Becky continues to look for ways to lead, She is resourceful and has a strong mission of service to others. Direct Report Comments © Becky Gerdes is an exceptionally skilled professional and a person of character. As principal of Bamber Valley Flementary she has worked tirelessly to equip parents, students, and staf with the resources they need to succeed. She has inspired staff members to achieve more and to work collaboratively toward common goals. She has enabled those around her to launch new endeavors by providing the necessary time and resources. Becky has faced head on and has overcome the many challenges that come to those in leadership and has never wavered in her support for the high standards of education. Mes. Gerdes displays a passion for educating students that is truly amazing. T can say with enthusiasm that in my 21 years as a teacher in the Rochester Public Schools Becky Gerdes is the most talented colleague I've had the pleasure of working with. She isan inspiration to those she serves! © Becky is a great administrator. I've never met anyone so organized. Her organization skills allow her to handle more tasks than a lot of other people. ‘© Working with Becky is a very positive experience. She has a wealth of knowledge that she readily applies to a variety of issues. She is well versed in research and application, She is willing to try new methods that are research based and is eritical enough to realize which methods are not worthy of time. She is willing to invest in the resources necessary to accoplish a task. Tecky provides feedback that notes both areas of mastery and areas of growth. Interactions are postive, Becky encourages you to ‘challenge yourself in becoming a master teacher. She supports that challenge with her encouragement and with necessary resources. Becky promotes an atmosphere where opinions can be heard, She is @ good listener and works to make sure all points are aired equally. She works to foster an atmosphere where colleagues can collaborate in as many ways as possible. She is a strong ‘proponent of collaboration. She truly has the best interest of the students in mind, © Mrs. Gerdes is an amazing administrator. She isso committed and gives 150% all the time. She is creative, loyal, persistant, knowledgeable, resourceful, supportive, and consistent. I feel she is willing to learn and so willing to improve what she docs. 1 have enjoyed working for her and she motivates me to do my best. Becky cares about al of our students and wants to help them achieve success. She also wants the staff to be successful. She acknowledges her staf and she supports us. Its been a pleasure ‘working under her. ‘¢ Becky Gerdes is an extremely positive person. She works very hurd and is very efficient. She challenges herself and others to dream big and do what's best for children and families. She seems to enjoy helping students with problem solving. She also is happy to celebrate individual success with students. She strives to know about everything that is happening in her building. She hhas a great memory and takes copious notes on most conversations. She follows up prompily on any issues or concerns tht arise ‘The only areas of concem, I might have, are her being very approachable when staf have differing opinions and her being willing to deviate from her own agenda, at times. Becky Gerdes has done a lot for Bamber Valley during these past few years, She shows passion and dedication to her assignment at Bamber, ‘© Becky has a wonderful, postive sprit that she brings to all that she does. Iam continuly amazed at al the things she accomplishes, Sometimes the desire o accomplish so much becomes consuming. I believe that facusing on fewer initiatives ‘would help her and her staf place their strengths and attention in one or two areas, rather than four or five. Peer Comments © Becky isa very driven and committed leader, She is not afraid to tackle assignments and projects. She is professional and hard-working in all that she does and constantly maintains a very positive outlook. Becky does not connect well with her staff on a personal level. At times, she does not appear to be genuine and seems to put her own goals before that of her staf, She really needs {o listen to what her staff is saying and create an atmosphere of trust. un * Survey Comments Peer Comments, Cont. © Becky isa skilled and enthusiastic leader. She consistently demonstrates her concern for students and staf. She is innovative in solving problems and recognizing achievements, She is energetic and stives for perfection in her work. ‘© Mrs. Gerdes has a wonderful personality. Her dedication to her staff and students make her a valuable asset to this district. As a Teader she is faced with a number of issues on a daily basis. Bamber Valley is one of the largest elementary schools in the district, T Feel Mrs. Gerdes along with a wonderful stat create a learning environment that puts Bamber Valley among the top schools inthe district, It gives me great pleasure to fil out this survey for such a valuable staf member, © Becky came into a situation in which her staf was divided and contentious. She has used her leadership skills to bring them back {ogether and to form a school community. As well, even with the initial challenge of working with a staff with low morale, she sMarted fo look at new delivery models that would help students. Staff was highly involved in the process. At one point, staf voted to derail the proposed changes. This could have been disheartening, but Becky used it as a learning experience, Her staff have continued to look at possible changes and to pilot new delivery models under her leadership, R 9090898888898 999TF9FSS8S9FFEHEEHESESESEHEEESESSSDESS (8888 G98 F9999B999BFIDI99B9DDDIDDDDDDDDD9D93D3D333SS Development Summary for Becky Gerdes Strengths ‘A consensus of your reference group ratings shows these competencies are clear strengths, as they fall in or above the Favorable Zone. Displays Commitment Instills Trust Works Efficiently ‘Works Competently Cullivates Individual Talents Achieves Results ‘Thinks Creatively Builds Personal Relationships ‘Listens To Others ‘Communicates Effectively BY Facilitates Team Success Processes Information SU Takes Action Motivates Successfully BY Adjusts to Circumstances Build on this Strength! By Provides Direction Build on this Strength! Seeks Improvement Build on this Strength! EX Delegates Responsibility Build on this Strength! The critical development arcas are determined by input from Boss and Self and the relationship of the Favorable Zone. cee Klar Ef cy satersaneacaetsiase Sl} vernal Sate B a a es

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