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Pearson Correlation:

1. Formulation of Null and Alternative Hypothesis:

1. Null Hypothesis:
H0: Social scientist shows negative attitude towards the nanotechnology questionnaires.

2. Alternative Hypothesis:
H1: Social scientist shows positive attitude towards the nanotechnology questionnaires.

2. Level of Significance:
5% level i.e. 0.05

3. Test Statistics

Pearson Correlation:

4. Critical Region:

df = 40-2= 38
rtab = 0.01 (38)
rtab= 0.403
5. Calculations:

Table 1

Reliability of Attitude towards Nanotechnology Questionnaire

Measures No. of items Mean SD Cronbach’s


Attitude 10 35.65 25.80 0.179

Table 2

Pearson Correlation between Attitude and Age of Social Scientist (N=38)

Variable Age

Attitudes of Social Scientists towards Nanotechnology Questionnaires

P 0.467

Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2- tailed)


There is no significant correlation between two variables. So our null hypothesis is


Scatterplot between Age and Attitude.

Independent Sample T-Test

1. Formulation of Null and Alternative Hypothesis:

2. Null Hypothesis:
H0: There are gender differences between the attitudes of social scientists
towards Nanotechnology questionnaires.

6. Alternative Hypothesis:
H1: Gender differences make no difference between the attitudes of social
scientists towards Nanotechnology questionnaires.

2. Level of Significance:
5% level i.e. 0.05

7. Test Statistics

8. Critical Region:

df = 40-2= 38
ttab = 0.01 (38)
ttab= 2.429

Table 1

Reliability of Attitude towards Nanotechnology Questionnaire

Measures No. of items Mean SD Cronbach’s


Attitude 10 35.65 25.80 0.179

Table 2

Mean, Standard deviation and t-test on Attitude towards Nanotechnology

Questionairre. (N=38)

Gender N M SD t P

Male 19 36.00 2.516

Attitude -.764 0.467

Female 21 35.00 2.955


Gender differences exist between the two variables. So our null hypothesis is

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