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Young People and


3.1 Consumer Habits

PAGE 120
Sugestões: O professor pode introduzir a unidade, perguntando aos alunos se conhecem o conceito
shopaholic e se se consideram viciados em compras.
No final do Quiz, pode-se fazer um tratamento estatístico dos resultados. Assim, será possível aferir
quais os hábitos de consumo dos alunos.

PAGE 122

Objetivo: A partir desta atividade o professor pode perceber qual a visão geral da turma face ao
conceito de «consumismo». Depois de realizado o exercício, o professor pode promover uma discussão
acerca das diversas opiniões obtidas.

PAGE 124
a) The increase in the number of people that buy things without thinking about the price, the need or
the quality and turning this into a way of life.
b) … it has deteriorated becoming a constant chase between individuals.
c) This has created a culture where people go past others to get to a higher position or rank.
a) diminished (l. 3)
b) trust (l. 4)
c) cohesive (l. 16)
d) widened (l. 18)
e) hostile (l. 23)
a) He’s the author of the book Gold Rush about western attitudes towards consumerism.
b) Post-war societies aimed at creating an organised and unified culture, where opportunities were
shared equally by everyone. This has changed after the 1970s.
c) After the 1970s many social differences appeared, due to the fact that people’s income wasn’t similar,
which led to many social disparities. Consequently, there was a growth in unemployment rates, the
destruction of welfare systems and the growth of a poor social class.
d) Some of the consequences are environmental problems, inequalities of consumption, a large gap
between rich and poor countries, …
e) These countries have been able to keep consumer expectations within their economic limits, which
means that they don’t buy more than they can afford.

PAGE 125
a); c); e).

BE CONNECTED • Inglês • 11.º ano • Material fotocopiável • © Santillana 1


PAGE 126
a) Many things people don’t need are bought.
b) Mary’s credit card limit has been reached.
c) Social problems are being caused by consumerism.
d) You will be helped to balance your monthly expenses by Deco.
a) Women are believed to shop more than men.
b) The shop is thought to offer good promotions.
c) The company is expected to become profitable next year.
d) Shopping was suggested as being bad for your health.

PAGE 127
Objetivo: Através do poema, o professor pode realizar um trabalho de projeto, pedindo aos alunos que
investiguem sobre outros poetas britânicos e recolham poemas ilustrativos do trabalho desenvolvido
pelos mesmos.
People are so addicted to buying, that they forget their contact with both the natural and the spiritual
sides of life.
a) Development; b) consumerist; c) environmental; d) biodiversity; e) behaviour; f) resources;
g) acknowledge; h) system.

PAGE 129
a) Fascism, communism, democracy, religion.
b) “The more we consume, the better our lives will be”.
c) Ecosystems are being destroyed, ice caps are melting, sea levels are rising, etc.
d) They accepted scarcity due to their fear of God. They were taught that life after death was the most
important thing.
e) Adam Smith.

PAGE 130
Objetivo: Dar a conhecer aos alunos a história dos códigos de barras tão frequentes nos dias de hoje e
de que forma a sua criação contribuiu para o aumento do consumismo.

BE CONNECTED • Inglês • 11.º ano • Material fotocopiável • © Santillana 2

Two hands keeping barcodes apart.
Sugestão de resposta: It suggests that a person is a prisioner of barcodes/consumerism. Metaphorically
it may represent consumerism taken to the ultimate consequences or the need to see beyond this
extreme consumerism.
Sugestões de resposta:
a) History of barcodes
b) When the idea first appeared
c) Initial development of barcodes

PAGE 131
Sugestões de resposta:
d) First commercial barcodes
e) First UPC scanner and bar stripes
a) perilous (l. 2); b) close (l. 5); c) profusion (l. 8); d) multiplied (l. 9); e) cumbersome (l. 12); f) hunches (l.
a) they helped to keep a close track of what was sold
b) the first barcode scanner was used
c) was awarded the 1992 National Medal of Technology

PAGE 132
Watching and Listening

BE CONNECTED • Inglês • 11.º ano • Material fotocopiável • © Santillana 3

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