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Mohamad Azwan Bin Awg Besar

Programmme ID : PSPT46T A716128 M.SC Physical Education & Sports Pedagogy



The purpose of this study is to highlight the current status of PE in Brunei’s schools and compare

it against suggested international standards and recommendations. This study also examines

the quality of physical education (PE) that is being delivered in Brunei’s primary schools through

the eyes of the primary school teacher.

My interest on this research topic has emerged while I was working as a tutor in the department

of Arts and Social Sciences in Education at the University of Brunei Darussalam. Teaching in that

country gave me an overview on the education system as I interacted with some of the PE

teachers and did my tutor placement programme in one of the government primary school. My

experience gave me insight into the curriculum of PE, and I realized the potential of this

research in this area is not just for my profession but to give the Curriculum department in

Brunei, an insight that physical education curriculum has an important role to play within the

primary school. It needs to encourage and promote physical activity, develop the children's

understanding of a healthy lifestyle and must inspire a positive attitude towards PE. The

curriculum must meet the needs and interests of children.

The physical education landscape in Brunei has changed dramatically in recent years. The

syllabus has been amended to meet the changes of the new PE hour’s lesson. Prior to this, t he
Mohamad Azwan Bin Awg Besar
Programmme ID : PSPT46T A716128 M.SC Physical Education & Sports Pedagogy

Ministry of Education in Brunei, has taken the initiative to support PE by recruiting more PE

teachers to accommodate towards improving the efficiency of teaching and learning PE.

Part of my role as a lecturer is to assess the primary & secondary trainee teachers in their

school teaching placement. I have found that during the last 3 years that I have worked in

University Brunei Darussalam that many of these qualified teachers tell me that they lack

confidence in their teaching of PE and that they feel that they do not know enough about the

subject. The amount of hours dedicated to the curriculum of PE is limited, as are the hours

given to all the foundation subjects within the primary curriculum.

At the time of this study, I am aware that there is limited scope of research into the new policy

of PE that had already been undertaken. This research intends to provide an academic and

social study that will give insights for educators to investigate the provision of PE in Brunei. As a

tutor in physical education for University Brunei Darussalam, the study of this area is important

for my career. This study will help to provide profound knowledge of the provision and status

of the PE teacher and gain a beneficial insight in broadening my knowledge in preparing and

implementing the new policy especially regarding to the PE programmed

of primary school in University Brunei Darussalam.


Participants and procedure

Mohamad Azwan Bin Awg Besar
Programmme ID : PSPT46T A716128 M.SC Physical Education & Sports Pedagogy

Survey will be used to provide a detail picture of the PE infrastructure in Brunei schools. The

survey must be approved by the Ethical Review Board and the Ministry of Education (MOE). A

package containing a covering letter and two sets of different questionnaires will be used to the

heads of PE departments (HODs) of all of the primary schools in Brunei (?? primary schools).

One questionnaire was for completion by the HOD and the other by teachers teaching PE in the

school, regardless of whether they were PE specialists or not; that is, qualified or unqualified PE

teachers. The survey data will specifically related to the impact of facilities, staffing, timetabling,

curriculum time and status on the provision of PE. questionnaires will be treated with strict

confidentiality and the anonymity of each respondent is fully respected. All data will be

analysed using SPSS 15.0 for Windows.


The following measures will be included in the questionnaires.

School demographics

Basic demographic data were collected, such as the gender, age, and teaching experience of

participants, as well as the school name, school size and whether pupils had access to PE

equipment/play before, during and/or after school. Participants will also provide details of their

teaching hours per week, as well as other administrative duties for which they were responsible

(both PE- and non-PE related). Additionally, participants will also need to respond to questions

on their teaching qualifications and professional development.

Mohamad Azwan Bin Awg Besar
Programmme ID : PSPT46T A716128 M.SC Physical Education & Sports Pedagogy

Head of PE and PE department

HODs will be asked about the number of staff they had in their respective departments as well

as their qualifications for teaching PE, the coaching qualifications of staff members, the

involvement of other stakeholders in the PE programme, and research involvement of their

departmental staff. Participants also be asked about the teachers’ involvement in co-curricular


PE programme and curriculum

Participants will complete a table on the PE curriculum time allocated for each level, and each

activity. In addition, information on the adequacy of PE time will also being investigate.

Furthermore, on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being ‘Not at all’ and 5 being ‘To a large extent’),

participants need to respond to questions on assessment methods employed in their school.

PE equipment and facilities

Information on the type of facilities available for PE, and whether any community based

facilities were used by the school, will be collected. In addition, participants will rate on a scale

of 1 to 7 (1 being ‘Insufficient’ and 7 being ‘Extensive’, or 1 being ‘Inadequate’ and 7 being

‘Excellent’) the quantity and quality of PE equipment available respectively.

Status of PE

Participants will be asked for their perceptions about PE being valued by their peers, students,

parents and school administrators.

Mohamad Azwan Bin Awg Besar
Programmme ID : PSPT46T A716128 M.SC Physical Education & Sports Pedagogy

Teaching of PE

Participants will respond on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being ‘Not at all’ or ‘Strongly disagree’ and 5

being ‘Always’ or ‘Strongly agree’) to questions assessing the extent of influence of the PE

syllabus on their teaching of PE, evaluation (internal/external/annual) of their teaching in PE,

their teaching methods, strategies, lesson duration, class climates, teacher preparation and

safety protocols. Additionally, the participants also rated on a scale of 1 to 7 (1 = ‘Inadequate’; 2

= ‘below average’; 3 = ‘somewhat adequate’; 4 = ‘adequate’; 5 = ‘good’; 6 = ‘very good’, e.g. with

coaching certification; 7 = ‘excellent’, e.g. with advanced coaching certification or equivalent),

their perceived competency level in teaching a variety of activities in PE.

Mohamad Azwan Bin Awg Besar
Programmme ID : PSPT46T A716128 M.SC Physical Education & Sports Pedagogy


Armour, K.M. & Duncombe, R. (2004). Teachers' continuing professional development in

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Armour, K.M. & Yelling, M.R. (2004) professional ‘development’ and professional ‘learning’:
bridging the gap for experienced physical education teacher. European Physical Education

Chris, G. & Ian, J. (2004) Research methods for sport studies.London: Routledge


Kirk, D. and Macdonald, D. (2001) Teacher Voice and Ownership of Curriculum Change. Journal
of Curriculum Studies 33 (5), 551-567.

Maykut, P.S. & Morehouse R. (1994). Beginning qualitative research. London: Falmer Press.

Penney, D. & Waring, M. The Absent Agenda. Pedagogy and Physical Education. Journal of
Sport Pedagogy 6 (1), 4-37
Mohamad Azwan Bin Awg Besar
Programmme ID : PSPT46T A716128 M.SC Physical Education & Sports Pedagogy

Sparkes (1990) Winners, Losers and the Myth of Rational Change in Physical Education : Towards
an Understanding of Interests and Power in Innovation

Zufri, H. An Evaluation of The Place and Role of Physical Education Assessment in Primary
Schools in Brunei. Journal of Applied Research in Education 72-91.

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