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Are You a Pro? Please take the survey and be honest with yourself. This is your analysis of your degree of professionalism. No one will see your responses. Never Almost Never Sometimes Most of the Time Always am pleasant to be around at school/work. I get along well with others at school/work. SB _ I know what my responsibilities are. have a good relationship with my supervisor(s) Task questions to clarify my responsibilities and duties when necessary. Tavoid complaining when I am at school/work, arrive early to begin work. I dress appropriately when I come to school/work. Tam willing to learn new skills in teaching. 0. Tcan name at least two people at school/work that I have a positive poe oro" 5 Watkin relationship wit ul. Ido my work on time and to the best of my ability. 12, Lf there is a problem with something I do, I accept responsibility for it. 13. help others when needed without being asked, 14, Lam willing to stay later to get a job done appropriately and on time. 15. Others have complimented me on my work and positive attitude, 5 Total Points Survey Results: 15-30 Not so pro 31-41 On the go to being a pro. 42-55 You are half way there! 5 ro with a little more effort! 65-75_Way to go! You're a pro!

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