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Strategy and Organization:

Fundamentals and Application to Knowledge-

Intensive Institutions

COIN Course –
Incoming Exchange Students
Winter Semester 2017/2018

Professor Barbara Sporn

Academic Writing: Your Paper

 Choose your University and Write a Case

 Use readings and questions
 Use personal background and experience
 Outline the topic and send to professor: 2 coaching sessions per student
 Example: “strategic planning and involvement of organization units”, “influence of
environmental pressure on strategy and organization”
 Collect material: articles, case material, internet search
 Write the paper in four parts (maximum length 20 pages)
 Introduction describing the topic
 Theoretical background
 Area of application
 Conclusion and Summary
 References
 Use Style Guide of the Academy of Management:
 Due Date: December 11

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Unit 1: Strategy

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Definition of Strategy

Different Views on Strategy

 “A method or plan chosen to bring about a desired future, such as achievement
of a goal or solution to a problem.” (British Dictionary)
 “Strategies are realized as patterns in streams of decisions or actions”
(Mintzberg 1983)

 Strategy as 5 P’s
 Position
 Perspective
 Plan
 Pattern
 Ploy

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Types of Strategy

Deliberate Strategy
Intended Strategy Realized Strategy

Unrealized Strategy Emergent Strategy

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General Features

 Sets direction
 Focuses efforts
 Defines the organization
 Provides consistency
 Involves decisions

 Four approaches to strategy formation

 Planning – deliberate and tangible (create market share)
 Venturing – emergent and tangible (image campaign)
 Visioning – deliberate and broad (new programs)
 Learning – emergent and broad (organization development)

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Academic Strategy

Keller's Framework on the Formulation of Academic Strategy (Keller, 1983)

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