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Moch.Saiful Rahman1, Hj.Endah Nurul Kumaridjati2
Program Studi S1 Keperawatan STIKES Nahdlatul Ulama Tuban

Seorang narapidana yang sedang menjalani hukuman penjara akan berdampak terhadap
psikologisnya berupa stres. Selama menjalani pidana, narapidana membutuhkan penyesuaian
terhadap lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan harga diri dengan
tingkat stres pada narapidana di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas IIB Tuban.

Desain penelitian ini analitik korelasional dengan pendekatan Cross sectional teknik
pengambilan sampelnya dengan Simple Random Sampling, pada 115 responden di Lembaga
Pemasyarakatan Kelas IIB Tuban. Alat ukur menggunakan kuisioner, dan analisa data
menggunakan uji statistic spearman rank.

Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan sebagian besar responden memiliki harga diri rendah
yaitu 58 orang (50,4%). responden memiliki tingkat stres ringan 58 (50,3%), Berdasarkan uji
spearman rank terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara harga diri dengan tingkat stres (nilai
approx sig= 0,011) dengan nilai signifikan α = < 0,05

Dari uraian di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa harga diri mempengaruhi tingkat stres
narapidana, sehingga diharapkan narapidana bisa beradaptasi dan dapat melakuakan
penyesuaian diri dengan baik dan selalu mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan yang memungkinkan
terjadinya stress reliefs (penurunan stress) seperti membuat kerajinan keset dan miniatur
sehingga meningkatkan kepercayaan diri narapidana dan harga dirinya tidak lagi di pandang
rendah oleh masyarakat.

Kata Kunci : Narapidana, Harga Diri, Tingkat stres

A prisoner who is serving a prison term will have a psychological impact on stress. During
the course of the crime, prisoners are treated the same or nearly the same among inmates with
other inmates and require adjustment to the environment. From initial surveillance to 10
inmates, 7 experienced stress and 3 did not experience stress. This study aims to determine the
relationship of self-esteem with the level of stress on prisoners in Class IIB Penitentiary Tuban.
This study uses correlational analytic type using Cross sectional approach. Sampling
technique by Simple Random Sampling by using statistical test spearman rank.Cara data
collection by using questionnaire, after the data tabulated with ordinal and ordinal scale.
Ordinal categorized low self-esteem 25-33, medium 34-42, 43-50 high. And ordinal are
categorized stress levels given scores: Score <14 no stress, score 14-20 mild stress, 21-27
medium stress score, score 28-41 heavy stress, score 42-56 very heavy stress.
From the result of the research, the respondents have low self-esteem that is 58 people
(50,4%), whereas a small part of respondent have high self esteem that is 3 people (2,6%).
Respondents had mild stress level 58 (50,3%), whereas a small percentage of respondents had
moderate stress level 8 (7.0%) and no stress 8 (7.0%). Based on spearman rank test there is a
significant relationship between self-esteem with stress level (value approx sig = 0,001)
From the above description it can be concluded that self-esteem affects the level of stress
of prisoners, so that the inmates expected to adapt and can do well adjustment and always follow
the activities that allow the occurrence of stress reliefs such as making a mat and miniature
crafts that increase confidence Self-prisoners and self-esteem are no longer in the lower eyes of

Keywords: Prisoners, Self-Esteem, Level of stress


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