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NOME _________________________________________________________ Nº ____ TURMA ____

CLASSIFICAÇÃO ______________________________ PROFESSORA ___________________

Bom Trabalho!

Grupo I

1. There are around 4600 M.a., from a cloud of

gases and dust, formed the Solar System, which
includes the planet Earth. The subsequent
formation of the Earth's atmosphere was
important for the development of life.
Cyanobacteria are one of the earliest known
primitive living beings, and their ability to
perform photosynthesis may have been
associated with the release of oxygen into the
atmosphere. It underwent profound changes
over geological time (Figure 1). The appearance
and evolution of life on Earth depend on the atualidade
functioning of the Earth as a system, consisting Fig. 1
of four subsystems that interact with each other.

1.1. In response to items 1 through 5, select the only option that allows you to get a correct statement.
1. The Earth did not have life in the first times of its formation because ... ___
A. ... there was no oxygen in its atmosphere.
B. ... the impact of meteorites and volcanic activity were very intense.
C. ... there was no ozone layer.
D. ... the distance to the Sun was much greater than the present.
2. Earth conditions that allow the existence of life ... ___
A. ... its position in the Solar System, the existence of liquid water and an atmosphere.
B. ... its size, the absence of liquid water and the absence of an atmosphere.
C. ... its position in the Solar System, the presence of liquid water and the absence of atmosphere.
D. ... their size, the presence of liquid water and the high thermal amplitudes.
3. According to the graph of figure 1, ... ___
A. ... the atmospheric carbon dioxide content has increased over time.
B. ... oxygen and water vapor were the first gases of the primitive atmosphere.
C. ... the present carbon dioxide content is inferior to the one of the primitive atmosphere.
D. ... oxygen appeared in the atmosphere when the oceans formed.
5. The primitive atmosphere was important for ___ the impact of the meteorites and to maintain the superficial
terrestrial temperatures due to the greenhouse effect generated by some gases, like ___ ___
A. increase (...) carbon dioxide
B. reduce (...) oxygen
C. increase (...) oxygen
D. reduce (...) carbon dioxide

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2. Use the key to classify the following statements, according to the data of the graph of figure 1.
I. Affirmation supported by the data.
II. Affirmation contradicted by the data.
A. The chemical composition of the atmosphere has remained constant throughout the Earth's history. ___
B. The energy emitted by the sun has caused a continuous increase in the Earth's temperature. ___
C. The high CO2 content in the atmosphere ensured that, in the early stage of the planet, the temperature
remained high. ___
D. Throughout Earth's history, as the energy emitted by the Sun increased, the concentration of CO 2 in the
atmosphere decreased. ___

2. The appearance of the first life forms profoundly modified the Earth's atmosphere and other terrestrial
subsystems. Figure 2 shows compositions of the Earth's atmosphere.

Fig. 2

2.1. Identify the graph representing the current composition of the Earth's atmosphere. ______________
2.2. From the following statements, select the correct ones. ________________________________________
A. Primitive photosynthetic bacteria were responsible for the release of oxygen and its accumulation in the
primitive atmosphere.
B. The concentration of atmospheric CO2 has increased throughout the Earth's history.
C. Ozone was formed from oxygen and accumulated, forming the ozone layer, important in the colonization of
terrestrial environments by plants and animals.
D. The main gases of the primitive atmosphere were carbon dioxide, nitrogen and ozone from volcanic activity
and comets that hit the Earth.
2.3. Choose the correct option:
The primitive atmosphere allowed ... _____________________________
A. ... increase the impact of meteorites.
B. ... decrease the average surface temperature.
C. ... create a greenhouse effect.
D. ... increase volcanic activity.
2.4. Choose the correct option:
Volcanism (volcanic eruptions) was important for the appearance of life on Earth because ...
A. ... released gases that accumulated and formed an atmosphere with water vapor.
B. ... released organic compounds into the environment.
C. ... living beings appeared in the deposits of volcanic ash.
D. ... released large quantities of pyroclasts to the outside.
2.5. Write an argument for the appearance of life in the water and not on the earth's surface.
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3. Classify as true (V) or false (F) the following statements.
A. The first living beings on Earth colonized the earth. ___
B. The first living aquatic beings did not need oxygen to survive. ___
C. The decrease of water vapor in the atmosphere coincided with the formation of the oceans. ___
D. Oxygen was the main gas in the atmosphere at the time of the formation of the planet. ___
E. The oxygen content in the atmosphere gradually increased. ___

Grupo II
1. Read carefully the following news about Hudson Bay, which is an open system.
In 2011, in Hudson Bay, residents of the area commented that
the freeze was delayed in a month, because every spring it was
normal for Hudson Bay to thaw earlier. The result is that bears
have less time to hunt on ice and it is only on ice that they can
find their food, the seals, which are also endangered.
Since the sea began to thaw, polar bears do not have a
substantial meal and are therefore starving, even losing one
pound of their fat reserves.
Polar animals were the first to be affected by global warming. The
destruction of the habitat of these species is becoming more and
more aggravated. (adaptado)

1.1. Make the correct correspondence.

1. All water on Earth.
a) Geosfera ____
b) Hidrosfera ____ 2. Corresponds to the layer of gases that surrounds the Earth.
c) Atmosfera ____ 3. All solid material on the surface and interior of the Earth.
d) Biosfera ____
4. All living beings that inhabit the Earth.
1.2. Using the data provided on Hudson Bay, give an example of interaction:
a) Atmosfera (gases) – hidrosfera (water);
b) Hidrosfera (water) – biosfera (living beings).

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Grupo III
1. Despite the immense biodiversity, living beings have a common basic unit: the cell.

1.1. Classify (say if they are procarióticas, eucarióticas animais or eucarióticas vegetais) cells A and B.
A - ____________________________________ B - ____________________________________
1.2. Write the name of the organelles.
1 - _________________________________ 4 - _________________________________
2 - _________________________________ 5 - Cápsula
3 - _________________________________ 6 - _________________________________

1.3. Classify as true (V) or false (F) the following statements:

1 - The plants are multicellular and have cells as represented by the letter A. ___
2 - The animals are multicellular and have cells as represented by the letter A. ___
3 - In scheme B, the genetic material is bounded by a nuclear membrane. ___
1.4. In response to items 1 through 4, select the only option that allows you to get a correct statement.
1. Scheme B corresponds to a cell ___, and in scheme A the cell is eukaryotic, since it has ____.
A. animal (...) internal membrane systems
B. plant (...) plasma membrane
C. prokaryotic (...) organelles with membranes, such as the nucleus
D. prokaryotic (...) plasma membrane
2. The living beings constituted by prokaryotic cells are ____ and have their genetic material in ____.
A. multicellular (...) nucleus
B. unicellular (...) nucleus
C. multicellular (...) cytoplasm
D. unicellular (...) cytoplasm
3. The cell membrane is responsible for ... ___
A. ... establish the limit of the cell, controlling the exchanges with the outside.
B. ... produce all the energy the cell needs.
C. ... store the genetic material.
D. ... carry out photosynthesis.
1.5. Identify the cellular structure (organelle) described in each statement.
A. Organizer responsible for the storage of genetic information (DNA) ._________________________
B. Membrane that establishes the boundaries between the external and the internal environment .__________
C. Gives a rigid shape to the cell. ________________________________________________________
D. Responsible for carrying out photosynthesis .________________________________________________
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