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NOME _________________________________________________________ Nº ____ TURMA ____
CLASSIFICAÇÃO ______________________________ PROFESSORA ___________________

Bom Trabalho!

Grupo I

1. Read the text carefully and answer the questions.

The lobo-guará is very agile: runs through the vegetation in search of food. The food includes rats, reptiles,
frogs, insects and birds.
Besides these animals, it also eats fruits, such as the fruit of the wolf-fruit, or lobeira (Solanum lycocarpum),
common in the cerrado (a kind of forest) and in many places of Brazil.
This plant produces fruits similar to the tomato, which the lobo-guará eats and, after digesting, releases the
seeds at long distances, being one of the main seed dispersers of the plant.

1.1. Identify, about the lobo-guará:

a) its habitat ________________________________________________________________________
b) its nicho ecológico ___________________________________________________________________

1.2. Make the correspondence betweeen the letters, A a E, and the correct numbers of the key..
A - Plants of the species Solanum lycocarpum, in the cerrado area, are frequently used. ___
B - They are the birds of the genus Ema that originate among themselves fertile offspring. ___
C - It is the basic structural unit of the lobo-guará of the cerrado. ___
D - The beings that inhabit the cerrado interact with each other and with the environment. ___
E - They are all the living beings that inhabit the cerrado area. ___
I – Ecossistema (Ecosystem)
II – Célula (Cell)
III – Espécie (Species)
IV – Comunidade biótica (Biotic community)
V – Organismo (Organism / Being)
VI – Tecido (Tissue)
VII – População (Population)
VIII – Órgão (Organ)

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3. Select a single option for each of the following questions, from 1 to 5.
1. A species consists of a group of organisms:
A. that only differs in sex (female or male).
B. completely equal to each other.
C. similar, which can reproduce and originate fertile offspring.
D. similar, which can reproduce and originate sterile offspring.
2. To a biotic community and to the environment in which it lives and with which it maintains interactions, it is called:
A. habitat. C. biotope.
B. population. D. ecosystem.
3. A set of living beings of the same species, occupying the same territory, in the same interval of time, is:
A. species.
B. population.
C. biotic community.
D. abiotic community.
4. The abiotic components of an ecosystem are characterized by:
A. Relations between different populations.
B. relations between all living beings.
C. Physical and chemical conditions of the environment.
D. Biological and chemical conditions of the environment.
5. Suppose earthworms, goldfinches, rats, and moles live on green lawns. In this region are present:
A. 4 populations.
B. 5 populations.
C. 6 populations.
D. 2 communities.
4. Classify the following statements as true (V) or false (F):
A) The set of living beings of different species that live in a certain place, in a determined period of time constitutes a
population. ___
B) The biotic factors are all related to the physico-chemical medium. ___
C) The community exerts action in the physical-chemical environment. ___
D) The set of ecosystems of the planet is called biotope. ___
E) The set of populations that interact constitutes the biotic community. ___
4.1. Correct the statements that you considered false.
5. Ecosystems are complex clusters of various biotic and abiotic factors. Consider a certain lake.
Associate each of the following statements, one of the letters of the key.
A. The population
B. Community
C. Biotic factor
D. Abiotic factor
a) In the lake, the number of carp is very high. ___
b) Fish feed on insects in the lake. ___
c) The temperature of the lake falls in the winter and rises in the summer.
d) There are leeches on the lake that survive at the expense of the fish and mammals there. ___
e) The lake has a lot of oxygen, not being polluted. ___
f) At night, the countless frogs are heard croaking. ___
g) The snake feeds on frogs and other small animals. ___
h) Algae do not exist in the deep areas of the lake, because they do not have sufficient light to carry out photosynthesis. ___
i) In the lake, there is a large group of different groups of species of living beings. ___
Ciências Naturais 8º ano Página 2 de 6
6. Read the text carefully and answer the questions.
The Tagus Estuary Natural Reserve is an estuary ecosystem, consisting of marshy areas (marsh) and extensive areas of
sands and clay sludge, subject to the tidal swirling. These zones, marginalized by reeds, are habitat for clams, earthworms
and crabs that serve as food for fish and various waterfowl, such as the cormorant, tortoise or flamingo. Ducks, herons and
eagles are also part of the avifauna of this ecosystem represented in the figure.

6.1. Explain why the estuary can be considered an ecosystem.


6.2. Select the option that makes each of the statements correct.
1. The set of all the sea bass that live in the Tagus estuary constitutes ...
A. A biocenosis
B. A biotope
C. A biotic community
D. A population
2. The white-heron (garça branca) and roya heron (garça real) are two species of herons in the Tagus estuary. This means
A. They can not reproduce with each other.
B. They are not able to produce fertile offspring.
C. Both can occupy the same ecological niche.
D. There is competition among them.
3. Lizards (lagartixas) in the estuary vary in body temperature, which is very dependent on the ambient temperature. For
this reason they are called animals _____ unlike for example ________ that regulates their temperature.
A. …poiquilotérmicos….da garça-real….
B. ...poiquilotérmicos….do robalo….
C. …homeotérmico….da garça-real….
D. …homeotérmico….robalo….

garça robalo

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4. Some species of birds are only found in the Tagus estuary during the winter, arriving here from regions of northern Europe.
This is the case of the Owl-do-nabal, in the image to the side. It can be said that these birds _________ to avoid temperatures
over ______.
A. ... hibernate ... cold.
B. ... migrate ... cold.
C. ... hibernate ... hot.
D. ... migrate ... hot.

6.3. The sunflowers planted in the fields of the Leiria of the Tagus owe their name to a characteristic
of plants - their movement towards the light.
6.3.1. Identify this characteristic of sunflowers.

7. Read the texto carefully.

Light is a very important factor for animals and plants.

An experiment was carried out in which the light intensity (iluminação) between strong (forte) and weak
(fraca)was varied. At the end of the experiment the number of animals-of-the-wood (bichos-da-madeira) and
of ladybugs (joaninhas) that were distributed by the different zones were annotated. The results obtained
are recorded in the following table.

Table 1 - Distribution of living beings by different lighting zones

7.1. Select the option that allows you to get correct statements.
7.1.1. Taking into account the data presented in table 1, we can say that bichos-da-madeira are ___ living beings and joaninhas
are ___living beings
A. lucífugos […] lucífilos
B. lucífilos […] lucífugos
C. lucífugos […] lucífugos
D. lucífilos […] lucífilos
7.1.2. The photoperiod (fotoperíodo) conditions the behavior of animals and plants. We understand by photoperiod ...
A. The movement of plants towards the light.
B. the movement of the animals towards the light.
C. the number of hours of light during a day.
D. the movement of animals towards obscurity.
7.2. Photoperiod is a factor that often causes the migration of certain species.
Indicate what you understand by migration.

7.3. Select the option that allows you to get correct statements.
7.3.1. The photoperiod takes many living beings, such as the bear and the squirrel, to _________ this process leads the
organism to a state of dormancy, where its activity is reduced to the minimum in the ___ seasons.
A. hibernation (hibernação) [...] hot
B. hibernation (hibernação) [...] cold
C. estivation (estivação) [...] cold
D. estivation (estivação) [...] hot

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7.3.2. The tallest trees (árvores altas), which belong to the ___ stratum, have in their upper crown their most ___ leaves.
A. arboreal [...] narrow
B. herbaceous [...] long
C. herbaceous [...] narrow
D. arboreal [...] long
8. In addition to light, temperature also conditions living things. refer 3 characteristics of desert animals to survive in desert environments.

9. Classify as true (V) or false (F) each of the following statements.

A - Plants that bloom when there are more than 15 hours of daylight a day are long. ___
B - Animals of constant temperature are called poikilotherms (pioiquilotérmicos). ___
C - Reduced limbs are characteristic of animals that live in hot places. ___
D - Evergreen trees lose their leaves in cold seasons. ___
E - Soil is a complex mixture of altered rock material, minerals, organic matter, water and air. ___
F - Plants from cold environments lose their underground part during the winter.___
10. Please read the information below and answer the questions, based on the following picture as well.
"The emperor penguin (pinguim imperador) is one of the few animals to spend the winter in Antarctica. Adults can reach up
to 1.10m in height and weigh up to 30kg.
- The Magellanic penguin (pinguim de Magalhães) lives in temperate waters, inhabiting coastal areas of Argentina, Chile
and the Malvinas Islands. It has about 70 cm of height and 5 to 6 kg of weight.
- The Galápagos penguin (pinguim das Galápagos) is the only species that lives near the equator. It has about 50 cm of
height and a weight of 1.5 to 2.5 kg.

A1 - Pinguim Imperador A2 - Pinguim de Magalhães A3 - Pinguim das Galápagos

B1 – Feneco/Raposa do deserto B2 – Raposa europeia B3 – Raposa do Ártico

1 – Lebre americana
Naturais 8º ano no Inverno C2 – Lebre americana no Verão D- Pinheiro-bravo Página 5 de 6
10.1 – Relate latitude variation to temperature variation.

10.2 – Formulate a hypothesis that explains the variation of the latitude with the subcutaneous fat layer of the represented
penguin species.

10.3 – Present two morphological differences (how they look like regarding colour) between the desert fox (raposa do
deserto) and the Arctic fox (raposa do Ártico).

10.4 – Explain the advantage of these characteristics for each of the foxes.

10.5 – Propose an advantage for the color change of the american hare (lebre americana).

10.5.1 – Indicate the abiotic factor that causes the color change of the merican hare coat (lebre americana)

10.6 – The brave pine trees (pinheios bravos) shown in figure D are found in a very dense pine forest.
Indicate the abiotic factor that causes them to increase in height in response to this limiting condition. ________________
10.6.1. Justify.


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