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Political Science 1 Summer 2008
Accepted for PS 1 by UCB
Office: L629 phone: 239-3716

Brief Course Description: An introduction to the institutions, operations, policies, and problems
of American government today.
Objectives: After completing this course, the dedicated and serious student should be able to
examine and understand; USA constitutional development, the organizations, roles and activities
of our major political institutions; identify and intelligently discuss the role and impact of the
presidency, Congress, and the courts: understand the foundations of civil liberties and civil rights,
the role and operation of the media, political parties, elections, and interest groups in our society.
Required Textbook: American Government and Politics Todav, Brief edition by S. Schmidt
Methodology: This is a lecture and discussion class. Videos and films will be used as needed.
Evaluation and Grading: You will be given two objective examinations. For each test, to obtain
an A- you must score 90%; for a B- 80%; and for a C- 70% of the total possible points. All
students are required to complete all assigned readings. There are no required term papers for
this class but you might be asked to tum in short current event reports. All students must attend
class meetings regularly, participate when encouraged, and take good notes. 11 is advised that
you read the assignments prior to each class.
Attendance: You will be dropped from the class after two unexcused absences.
DO NOT StGN FOR THIS CLASS IF you have made travel plans in advance that will make you
miss the scheduled final exam date for this class. Drops: must be completed though the office of
Admissions and Records in accordance with the published CCSF procedures and schedules.

I. First Midterm Themes and topics:

The Constitution and the federal system

Mercantilism and the thirteen American colonies
Declaration of Independence .'
Nation-building: the Articles of Confederation system and its weaknesses
Constitutional Convention: sectional and political issues. Negotiation and compromise.
Federalism, constitutionalism and separation of powers.

Readings: Introduction, ChapterS 1, 2 and 3. In the Constitution read Article 1, sections

1,2,3,8, and 9; Articles 2, 3,4, and 5; Article 6, paragraph 2 and Amendments #12, 20, 22 and

Civil liberties and civil rights media. parties. elections, interest groups.
Readings: From the Constitution, read the Bill of Rights and amendments #13, 14, 15. In the
lext, read Chapters 4-8,
II. Second Midterm: The basic institutions
The presidency, the Congress... and the Courts
Readings: Chapters 9,10,12

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