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state government.” speak against the amendment speech, but rather refuse to against them.

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Speaker’s role should

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to other issues and
including workers’
ort reforms and
ion reforms. But
es low, federal stim-
crashing oil prices,
be one of support perceived enemies. This results ble status quo and the toxic
The Sun publishes a p
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e to dominate the have enjoyed the opportunity in a toxic environment of fear groupthink into which he has
in office. to observe the leadership of and trepidation which hides been forced. Worse, because the Entire contents copyrig
government struc- six different Speakers of the under a fragile free flow of ideas has slowed to a Reproduction without
ealth Department House. It's said to be the most facade of parti- trickle, the politician offers little mission is prohibited.
as an opportunity powerful position in all of san unity. in the way of actual policy-based Archives, photo reprin
back issues available.
campaign themes: Oklahoma government; stronger This poison- solution and simply resorts to
ernment. Medicaid in influence than even the ous atmos- traditional government pander- Member
obacco Settlement Governor. Based on careful phere has a ing: "We just need to spend more Oklahoma Press Associat
SET) reforms, end- observation over the years, I have chilling effect money!" Southern Newspaper Publishe
ywood and film attempted to learn all I can about on policy. No There is a tremendous amount National Newspaper Assoc
U.S. Suburban Press Inc
gle that paid mil- the strengths and weaknesses of one wants to of power vested within the
stein, and initiation the different leadership styles be next on the Speaker’s office, and the use of We welcome letters
process improve- and apply the lessons that I have Rep. Jason enemies’ list, fear to stay in power is extremely the editor. Please lim
state agency would learned to my life. submissions to 350 wo
he can also work to I have noticed that at the high-
Murphey so even the
effective in the short run. In the
long run, however, nearly every Letters to the Editor ar
accepted at the The
m for out-of-state est and most simplistic level of friends are House member is happy and Edmond Sun virtually a
nies and tribes sell- analysis, there are two primary House hesitant to relieved when this Speaker subjectl however, certa
g these reforms will types of House Speaker arche- District 31 speak out too moves on from his seat of power. rules apply. The Sun w
and revenue need- types. The first, a distinct minori- much. It should be the goal of every accept letters either fo
against a political cand
room teacher a ty of the whole, creates an envi- Eventually Speaker to govern in a fear-free or issue up to the last
nd protect ronment conducive to produc- the free flow of environment. As custodian of days before an election
tivity and resists the temptation ideas begins to dry up, thus sig- the role of Speaker, he should Letter wrters are asked
t together thought- to use the Speaker’s office to cre- nificantly compromising the view it as a personal failure if a discuss issues and not m
personal attacks. Lette
ss the political spec- ate fear. mission given to us by the tax- caucus member expresses fear must be signed and a
kage of criminal jus- These Speakers are remem- payer. The Speaker's inner circle because of his actions. It should number provided for
s. But the hard work bered in a more positive light becomes an echo chamber into be his primary goal to be a ser- verifiaction purposes, a
ssed, and they des- and may maintain the loyalty of which honest and truthful advice vant to the members and help the Sun retains the rig
vernor’s thoughtful their former colleagues even is not produced. House leader- them succeed in their legislative edit letters for carity, a
refuse letters which m
tive is building new after they leave office. We feel a ship subsequently loses touch endeavors. considered libelous.
decade. bit of regard for these individuals, with the people and reality, and Unfortunately, most come far
administration has not because we agreed with all House members sense this but short of meeting this standard. Columnists’ opinio
more innovative and their policies, but because they are trapped between a rock and And ironically, though they had are their own and d
reflect the views of T
aging their treated fellow House members a hard place, i.e., reality and the great power, they are not well
Edmond Sun.
Here again is a with respect and didn't use their state's most powerful politician. remembered and few, if any, will
n to deliver on a great power to inflict harm; They become demoralized ever surpass the zenith of that Correction policy
bringing more hopefully he worked for us, and the more attentive con- power. As a matter of policy, T
oma while also rather than us working for him! stituents quickly notice the It should be our goal as mem- Edmond Sun will publi
corrections or clarificat
e fastest-growing The second type of House change of quality in their repre- bers of the House to remove this of errors in fact that h
dget. Speaker deliberately uses fear as sentation. The perceptive will power and disperse it amongst been printed in the
a tool to maintain discipline. He see the dead look in their politi- the members of the House. In newspaper. The correc
serves as president of the reminds members of his power cian's eyes as their legislator this way, we ensure this type of will be made as soon a
airs ( by making examples of real and attempts to justify an indefensi- abuse will never occur again. possible after the erro
been brought to the
attention of the
newspaper’s news edit

Members of The Edm

estration: Our Country’s Greatest Enemy Sun’s Editorial Board

Sun General Manager
Moler, Sun Editor Mark
Codner and communit
thing can com- operations and most importantly, uniform. I voted in favor of the Member of Congress, it is my duty members Keith Weber
the heartache end the ill effects of an underfunded budget agreement after our to fully support our troops who Lee and Mark Nash.
by the lossCopyright
of military due to years of sequestra-
(c)2018 Edmond Sun, Edition 02/14/2018
February 15, 2018 9:48 am (GMT +6:00)
President and Commander in Chief defend the rights of all Americans. Powered by TECNAVIA
ese wars, no tion. The two-year and General Mattis asked me and To vote against providing our mili-
as done more budget agreement my colleagues to do so in the name tary with the resources it so desper-

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