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• •• • -or'"' ,," -- •

,-~. " " ."









21 July 1945
B-29s create Ilore Garden Plots 3
Photo of Chiba Damage 3
Photo of Shimizu Damage 5
Four Fire Ilissions 6
Photo Sendai under Attack 6
Photo Sakai under Attack 7
Photo Gifu under Attack
315th Bombs Two Refineries 9
Photo Maruzen Refinery Damage 10
Final Shipping Squeeze Initiated 11
B-29 Bombs }l..29
Jap Fighter Strength Increases 15
Problems of a Jap crew Chief 15
Fighter Reaction to Recent Ilissions


saturating AA PaYS Dividends

Japs Using German Flak Tactics


70 percent of BaU-outs succeed

Bailout and Rescue at Assembly 24
Rescue"Notes from Iwo
The Ge neral COllllll1 ts Hara-XU!. 27
Experiment on RefIa ctions 26
. Jap Shackled to Plane
GOod Graciousl •
...~~ ~

, NOTIQ< _

To avo1O contu.o,o. ;.-':b;e,u:.t '''ue, 0' th.

telllgenee Report, the destgnation Twentieth All' POI':~ In.
be used 1n rsterrlrl1l: to operations or this camall.l1d l' 111
leu or whether the op(ll'atlon oecUl'red betore or
redeslgnatlon or the XXI Bomber COlIllllan(l on 16 JI117.
U 6tt~~:.•

It 11 intended that thh weekly re~

port be II. lou.rce or interllll.ticn tor COlll_
bat erell's and start ottlelra Ifho have a
leg1tUllltl interest 1n the OPeration, or
the T'IIIInt1eth AU "orca. Within those
l1lalt5 it ,hould receive the widest po.~
Ilbll circulation permiSSible under the
prOV1l10115 or AR 380-5.

In Order that a maximum or intelli_

lenee lIIe)' be inclUded, the report is
11vln In ove.r-all elasstt1clUon or sec_
ret. When the nature or the IIlllterial
warrants, Indlvl<1ual IJ'tlele. he'll re-
celved II. lower security elas.1tleatlon.
fbe report I, '0 •• sembled that the
ecaponent ••etlan:! llIay be rellloved end
c1reuletei1 01' rUed Sejlll1'lIhl,.. It' PCll'~
tiona are repro&l.ced, secur1t,. regula_
tion, llI.lJt be observed lind the ,0lU"ce

CorresPOndenee re'lII'dill& this pub-

lieation 'hould be addressad to the Com_
IIIIl11dl1lfl twentieth Ail' Jfore..

APO e"4, e/o Postlllllstel', san l"raneisco,
CalirOl"nta, Attention: AC or s. A~e • .
or ,..
0_ 4. h....:
~s D. OA1!ClA
., parc••t n..·'''' .op"·.......... "'. ""'"
u Y wh.n it ... attacked b1 the seth nll4l·
brc.d .\" ene b_la'tr;cr;.·la1l":
.. ~.
a.s.C. ur ofce All'leW. e aDd
-I .. .._Ill.~_t
Colonelj •
AC or s, A~e at
~l&bt mol'
_ B-29 s
JaOl!Loes. oltl '
.. ell: by IDoeadlal'1"
tb. ro1lCiriAI ,1&i :
it .., lie
'-i bur • as the 'total or urbaD
AUTH: C.G. lOAf. Initiah11bb. 0'- . _ .... to .. .art-

,-""t tr::/1
~. 1e':~. ~J'. l:
~ 11I....11.111 onr b1 XXI Ballb8I' Call"'
DATI 21 J"uJ.y 1"5
_ ~y or war • !bO'-
..........._~1" __ it
rose r.'ts
to end .... UJ"P1'U"
d ,...
Fl."",.l..",.., by ~,,~ PTU
7-95-56 ~ the II oaet1IlII ~ of tlQl'o-
I": ".nu't',on the h . . or the . - -
-, ..;.e.ens burDe4
. ar--• . .1ft"
. . d"

• • •• •
.e want to work, tarm implements
6annot be obtained.- heavy and ......
meager ttl lIedl\l1l1
The enemy appears to realize, There-t!ll8 i.tltefllttJ otllbtp
too, that he can do little to ham_ B-29s or tlo 10.1 'Ill! taa:....' "
per the aerlal blcnrs now belng a1m... , 1lblch 13 ~~~\
ed agalnst b1m. In a broadcast on Pour B..29a .. ,,~
11 Jul7, whlle he was reeling trte. J&rnllI8l'l to - ....~
radar and 1t1tttrtrt:"''''.''11
both B-29 strlkes and a hammerlng
trCIID. the Davy's carrler-based air
power, he told this sad 'truth to
. -.r. cOQat"~~,,--....~

the homeland: -The ene1llY"S hope at !he 58'" "" _

b~b1ns with two thousand planes is .86 lqtlare .~ lit
bOW Unall,. becCllling evident before the heaY11.7 - , <11'11
us as a matter ot actua1ity••• The
enfllDJ' 's propaganda on intensifying
atr ralds oannot be ignoreO. ru...
:~Iee eit:r, lIbic~ •
- ~". ......
tare attacks trom the a11' undoubted_ lIIS8IOI He

ly 11'111 be the prelude to the de_ - -lIlIII

cisive battle on the hClDeland. With_ The 73rd 1f1
a city ot 47 ~ .t~~ 7ibe':op.\t-1ii:
out being able to resist the chal- princlpe.ll:r ai
lenge, we cannot annihilate the en- wasaki Aircraft J'a"'~ lit ~Ii
'uq on our homeland..-
~loys about 6,500 m~
OUSlng project. DIU iii
1Ilany ot the worker. lh, II ..
pr oper. 'ftlere 11 al.o. WIlt
The t11'st tour of the two ser_ gine plant and I tutu. ~ at urban attacks made during the cit;y. Akuhi 11 10CItat . . .
week were on the night ot 6-7 July. land Sea west of lobt III
Chiba,Akashi, Shimizu and Kotu were north or AnJ1 Ia1aD4.
the targets.
Of· 131 73rd 1r1.q; drInft.,
borne.l23 attaObd.ltub1 . . .
951 tOD:! at 500-pOllllll _
....r o~tt.ath••e. bY ,n.e..,er,.dr'''''' ...
47 per.en' ,f
the bnil...n, er "
et g.
Cb.iba is the key city ot the clusters thl'CJU3b 4 \0 W" e night of 6..' JUl3'.
Chlba Peninsula which guards Tokyo trexa' 7, 8U . . . . . ot
~e D~
the 1.41 square aile of bu1lt,.1JP
and is believed to be the most ally, three bY III 1Dl1114".'
heavily fort1tied &rea- ln Ja'P8n. area. 'total 15 ,bCU 50
One plane be-bed . . iii III ~ l.aportant alumlDUJa 1nduStr:r. percent. fbe Intue l ar- baS
It is Ii transportation hUb, the site were non-etteet1".
of military establishments and un-
dOUbtedly suppl1es the labor for
the large new Hltachi Aircraft Ccm..
Three eoe., a1rcnn-, UlQ located there are several ,_11
_, bldldinc and repair yard' and
ft1l rvdl ot tne Toklla1do·. a1n
b ... d•• tr Ofed b1 fir wi
ception or ,.aU par
ttl thl - -
,Dd sooth.
1D tbll
and ~o _be~ iDlNJV-
ted but the:r did DOt a"::i.. lb. It bu I population of 69,000. porti of t,he . .tar'ldl
paD)" plant at the southern outskirts
of the city. Tho railroe.ds through
Cb.iba are used almost entirely for
ium aDd bea'17 UP" ~ "II'
inaecurate at the
ses were incurred b1
a:'i.a.. .....It. '136 a11'boroe. 1:53 or the 313
~t9t dropped 1,030 tOOl or
ar- OD
tarptl Itl ~.
11SSIOl BS4 - rOII1
_Ultary sh1pments. landed at 111'0. ., 1'1'1.. on tne target _.. 119 f~
r~ 1tte~~1
'!'bl 31&th Wia& . _ loto ttl'
.,..,ru.r, eight 'Yl,ua11:r and siS b1
I ~'7
tour of ttl' ,trlk" ell
The ~8th Wing drew this target Haz;y recormlll.lDH ,,_...1M 'Ytnal1y. BCDb1D.1' was
and mounted 129 airerart against it.
One hundred twenty four dropped 882
the city sbOll' at
mile or 24 ~el1
r;~ 4. to lO/lO cloud treD ., ,500
hcti~.~" e1J'crart I'J,OD-et-
tbe thnllht of
pret. tlll'a1 capital aDd lIi~~'
1011· ItI'G';"
,lJI~ c i 10 oeD-
O ,•
aat.ed 111 • .~,"l::t:" 011 tbI
tons or ~OO-pOUnd incendiary clus- e't. of
built-up arel dlStret'''U ," ""
t.r~, 500-pound trag clusters and destruction to data
Cbl1 RR ltD' ••D al~·jl~O' It
loo.pound incendiary bombs; 119 ..';:nty lix ene., t1lMeJOs all- trel JaP8D. I t ' oatt to
mile cr 43 percent.
t,h. tokllSldO 11_;...l111.~
dropped by radar and oile visually, It \ill '. 0.4 _de rout' attaOk•• *111
-. \al' tit Hported DO flak at 0
one ~ de~d reckoning and three un~
known. Bombing was done trom 10,
000 teet through 10/10 clOUd. peu.r
aircratt were non-ettective and one
SbilDUU, the
get, 1s an aJ''' of tilt ill.
ftJ1If .'
31S~.­ _ :"1,114
~ ...t. Wbat tbere . . ...
inaccurate anO of b.a,,",
lta.; 1aI caliber _ ftere .... DO
Of 3-298. 'tWo l.anded at Id.
,............ .. -......"',-
11 prlDOlpal17'
. .dDl
,_ aD
t D... UF'
1Jd'aDt:r1 rN--- rw--
bOlibtld a target ot opportunity.
Two Single-engine and 11 uniden..
eentratioo aDd 11 ~ ...
water Pal"t 10 tile . . ~ ~-.. trc.
the b_blQC t~
.15 Iquar-e .1~.0I' "., peroea'
..II' ,.s.'.
titied enemy aircratt were Sighted long sel'l"lD1 !'_.....
ror nearb:r Sb~"""
but none .,attacked. Flak W&!J or
imports coatllU •
•: • ."


In l~O tofu had a populatton of

102,000. I t spreads a Httle more Nineteen enlllll)' tt
than two ailea north and south and Sighted and one air ~tlll1
attack was reported. ~~1l' p,
lU11l Bnil heavy. lrIea~r '!Ill "-
ODt aU. east and west with the
.cst congested area comprising one
eq'l&r8 mile 111 the center. ate. Two B-29s sUSt.!lIQ1C r;~
The 314th Wlng put 130 planes age and three landed. st l1rQ~
over the target, of 138 airborne. Post strike photos Ill",
Tbey dropped 967 tons of 100 and square mUe or 64 Pereent If
SCO_pound incendiary bmbs and CllU- built-up &rea damaged. 'Ut
ters through 8/10 cloud trom an cent ot the btl1ldill&s In \bt7
a~erage altitude of 13,785 feet. r08d mar s hall1ng :Yard lOIltlllf-1
henty three bombed visually and c1ty have been destroyec. Pl."
la'1 by radar. Seven were non-et- cent or the target we elOQll~
fective and the disposition or the a t the t1me ot the NleO~l.ISIllIi;
bOllbs !'rOIl one aircraft is unknown. (Secret)

SENDAI under ettacll bf,

W1ng on night of 90010

~ FI R..B
llISSION 257 ..-

Senda1 lies 190 .U" - :


e1t~ IJlId~ .tuekJ'~

Tokyo and 1s the 151'8"ttbetD .... o1pt of ~
nt "'"
It 1s primarilY e g(lferllll~
ulation 223,630) in nor lI'lD.l .....
Sandal, Saltat, WakaylUll& and GUu
-81;8, .&.ttacked on the night or 9_10
tar but is also the hoe' tl~1fl
8l'llly uni t5 and i l tbI c.:..t lG'"
July llt'" 'ttlqr Wings or the m BolD._ Clenter tor the eotire litt- ~ ,
ber 'COIlmI,apd \n a continuation or the lands to the nortbo fIO~,. II
Plants and a ~ .orkJ I1'G
lneendl&ry 'Pt'ogr&/ll l!lg&lnst Japanese
urban-~nd~trl.1 are.s.
strategic s1gn1t1CaPceo
- . ......
'. '.
. '.. :
and ..ood
tUtue.. par .-.·..
!14tb 'had 1~ a1l'crat ait...
tb t

The 5Bth Wing sent 131 aircraft '*' a target and

it as airborne i 108 borna, 129 of ,.bleb dropped al1t 898
agaln!t It. 123 of which drOPped
90'1' tons or incendiaries through
1n th.e
Osaka 1'8810
,,~ ftS't
/""'i ,,,, '"...
incendiaries --
111 bod 101t1
bod ~fr~
toni of Inc.rW.Uull' .- 98 v1su
bY raoar'- tor"""b~bfIl5
bY cloud 16,300 t ••t. ODI t
3/10 cloud trem 10,000 teet. Ninety tng and cb8Cl.1cal 8lallltllK, blt"
r~ bombed visually and 29 by ra- peclaUy or Picric "c1d'~" I:t. ...b1llg b • another target. F1.T8"'1'8 noDd -
POPUlation or 182,l4t'., ~lt~, 1"te4
d&:', One bcmbed anotner target.
r:J-.r a1l'cr.rt f.ct1.... and on' .cted &I a r.4&J'
SeTea were Don-erfective. Htuated 011 Osaka Ba, tluo e1tl ~
south or Osaka. Ther' ll' ee ~
ractor~es .1n the center or :_hlti
~Il I ttaCked •
J.;4 ~ ooe :D1,eareblisntl
,lak_s ..ere w104-l'ep6rUD8 'a1l'cr
no b(lllb8· to lD .n""
art and car
Twenty enemy righters were"Sigh._
on the 'astern aM SOUth "VlIJl ~ ~ rIM-
inaCcurate rRBr
were e
raporte4. They ma4' thl'ee at ate
tea end one attack was made. Six
aircraft sustained m1nor dalll88e frOID Skirts. There is a r",Ur ~ "
t10n and yards in the cit, ~ I~
~. '/b::
':1l'cratt ....8 damaged
10Sse • ODD
".re nO
pUk -.s a04erat. and iDlccur
.~ noo--ertecti'9'e and one
beavy flak which was meager to mod_ ••41ufl aDd h ....Y1. It 4aJI&8e4
erate and generally tnaceurate. plan. hangers on the COUt a~'" ttl B-£9'. ODe Bo.29 was .b6 b'-
tha city. ~ I:P,. IIo one, not included tween Rota an4' saip&D and all cr"-
),IIrI ~~ aUborne, preceded the
lle41U1l1 flak was meager and lnec-
cW"ate. ......or' _ . ,,,,...ed. sU ].aDd'"
ona hUndred twenty tOlD' 8.2911 ~ ttl obtain and transmit ..ea-
One aircraft not IncluCiec in the the 73rd 'Wing were aUbor,- acaU:
total airborne crashed on attempted ...., fr CD b - bel"
the etty, 115 drOPPing 765 t~lf Photo sbOWS that
takeoff and all crew members were inc.ndlarles . on It thrQ;l&b 1Ilo 10 pOlt strite
fl·...• recot\ll&19sanee t "
thb targ.t 11 .PI"'OSlJOb
sare. One aircraft also preceded cloud trom 10.600 teet. b-.'«II Ill obtained. cbnt deS ..07"d" b ...ult .r ,,1'
or th. t"tol ..Il -"P .....
the strike to obtain weather data. ed visually aDd Ul by radar, !tIttII litlD nSS 260 __ GI10 aU.
Th1.rteen landed at 1_0. aircraft bombed other tarsets. CIiI
aircraft preceded the stUb to ~ !'J' 314tb. 'ingbad G1tu a8 a tar-
o! ••10Ilo
60 .quor'
1.93 ,quar••1~ bill bee D 4_1;1'0 .-'
.1U·, bPpros1.. 1
~ 11111 city, 1f1tti a populatiOn
"".1. ~.::f:t
No post str11l:e reconnaissance tain weather date aM abo dl'OpPN • Wg' 1J>1dontl1'l'd 1........ .-1
Des been obtained. 51:1: tons on the pr1mary tarset. su ,l't,Wl,l1.' 1n one the prill."or plAnt bn'
B-29. were non-ettectt..... power...pro4U cln8 areas bOUS iD .0111''''
the .CII1th cep-&
lIISSION 258 __ SAXAI iliSIl, 18 mileS nortb1f'8 st or . .- the es
c1ty have be'D lfes • '
lI'ediwn and heavy tlak: as Ill•• "'" tt 11 surrcnnd.d by 008 or
8a.kal 1a an industrial center ally
were not
AlreJ'att IlIllli
reeflhed . .
ger barrages while those wbidl . .
caught in searchlIlhts reet1nd
IiIlO1t heav1ly rorested areas or
_ til. peacet1JDBI the IndUS'"
,... of the c1ty consiSted or _~llt
moderate continuO'llaly pointed ttl..
APproximately 50 percent or \be
aircraft were illu-lnated IDlll'Gfl . . .D. twO r~~
wa. not as ettectt.. al It tlU bill at~c".,-::r
in the past. Eight B-29t rtetl.... ...I1,=-nJ
minor tlak dama&e. There wert DIl ~:;V;;.~ e-t-
losses. Two landed at Iwo 1~. ..'rAt ~15tn Wlng w -
post strike rec0lllll1Jltllll
l:Ia war...u-
or Ja- •1.,.r.1I11
till ).Of,_ ...
'0 ..o1,ed tr-

.. ponr
bas be.n obtained.
~ tllOU\er 30lt
lIt1l.!l& the week by
~ Woo 1Il000e
:r..:....... --~

popolatIoa.ct~ -.,.~t the

jol' ~ ~
'lfakay&llll bas a
e03. Betore the nr ttle pr~ua
II on press-
htU1ti proouciDs .-t~'
post .v....
,··..rf.!..~r1.. ~..
industry" tutUaa bat h UOll rI
haye been con'nrted to pro::.seall'
heavy aircr.rt ~tI, tall'"
or4Dance, high qual1::oc; ao 1lJII
dy.a. Th. city 1U' 40 a1J.I ...
~ the
nisht of ~-- Jul1 tb.
~ or th1s w1.n& retur0a6 to tbe
\1tt ll:U t\er1oet'J at l1 Sb~u~
'0 be a .,.;le
ot ............
~~ ..
';4b1 tbSJI as--

toM.. to' .~~ .....
had 'titt pr.. lou- 0 p' uP....
a outb o£ Kobe and ttl rl"
~. ~ $ ~SJII' t.'-l~ fill
..,ptot"" II
...:.~ ........,............;.. ..:s
••• t or osaka at itP" t. or 2-3 Jul1'

p.ninsula ce-.n4iDl

~ o~'eD' ..
...:'..the prl-.rY tI'~A-~~5!fCJllol4"" ~rr.:_~ ... !!:"'~
to Osaka Bay. Di opped 4,U of·!SOO""J t •

't tbI .... ~oUIb ~b1~.1_40 ~ "..

.. by planes 4l"opp1Dl til ~eott."·

-". . .

/J.·L. • .,...... til. TWO"". DooA

'11()« under at_ok bt.;';: ~
on the nlght ot 9-1~ ";i1b.0lI"--
Ins Inc.ndlarU' ar' 1a ~... nt.1t1e4
• •
against the .oke•

)lam aircraft r&porteO no tlak.
New daDlage to the plaot as a re-
wet non.ettec. sult or the mission 15 set at 20
percent after e preliainary stuOy
or poet strike pbotoS. nve per-
ceot or tbe target was cloud cOf'er-
eO. (Secret)

.,mile rusan U rltbln present range

or operations of Fleet AiI' 'log 0D8
.lhI or U.12 J-ulY. 1512: wbicb 15 100ld08 atter the situation
B~e9s ne'" 1,860 Mutt..
I1ClIlligbt there. and RashiD are be-
IIlleI (rlll1 Tln1an to pollute ' ra08e or present Ravel air op-
wblll' or RashiD. Jagan'S bUs- 0nd
eretio lIblch leaves theil, tor
tar_ 5Japort. This 115 the ~hl t1llle
ns being l to the tender care
I~ ellibat
n leg flown to oate by of subs and B-2"'9. SUbmarine oper-
or the 'XXI BOGICca. atl0 tn the Ja'P&o sea has Ce proved
extremelY hazardOUS I hllO the io-
SURPRISB! itlati or the final squeeze io
the XXIon planned program0ese
IPoot thet tl1e Ja'P!I considered' cOIiPlete elosJSl"e or all Jall5
. .r~,anctum Ja'Oan Sea shiP- ports by doing.
eeDters Jar. tl"0lD even B-29
Uon is .vid.J:l,ced in the D&'t.l 07 THE J:IssION
ul1,tanee they rendered
"laft aU the Ralhin harbor aDd 'fbe Job tlooe at RashlD was part
~l1&bh burning to guide ,CNJ' of BacaCom 1I1SsioO _bll r '262 Clin-
Il'rt.nd ThiS was par· ins 11155100 pbe1' 33), dW'iOC
'Iala:11 tuoughttul. as .... had nO
"' which ealls were paid land
00 t;f'0 oth'"
~ rlconnalllsanc. or the ar_· tarS in tbe JaP b_ •
,,": they decid. to black (Nt in
'IJIKwe. scope coverage was ob"
on U J011' ,LX 313tb .1I1S
• on this rirst aiss10n tar craft .ere airb«ne tr'* 1
...CM.1ll ~ther .swe.t.nio&- or 1446JC to 111 .ines at :'bi:;.d ,is"
ot these a1rer~..A~our a1l'~
..ters. l,OOO-peuo4 .toes ~ nd~" a'
.,ob laid t~ 2'O~~. r-'Dt1
RashiD tr~ ~.-zoe
tour alJ'ere....
aUbOZ'DI' (r'*
lD1'S 1D th'
~~:ta trOll Fleet Air Wing on••
1lJ.1at t~ldnawa to a..arch .ntl oeu
t l"T,eJt to
to la1 eSblll000-ti

.1J'~.-znd 1.000-~
catAI- • . .t II1nete.n of
Ml e Yellow s.... ern
iotli strait anti at :-1I1d 6a
~ ~~~_ all Ja'P shiPping tAlr
hAS tb'.. eJJIIIS lIS tDe'
III 'At. .........·.wn trca WOIl. we • and 1!M 8 .VV"'- r-ireraft ",r. aCID"
., h t poru on Wis t~­ tlal M • 'rb~e •

__ IlOl'tant Ja'P a" laMl ntb.a'"r a1 n& fl.. blO - crt
..~01' at
II t:b&ndoned as shiPpi1\S c. • •
Jt:area n porU on the tn. aircraft ,t r-o' n'"
ted- Je;oan sea. b1'l. • d : : : ; : . aDd oDII
t t1oD
~ three
Itt" cau,
chiet "or_n ~ts nO::
't1".. ~tlll'rl~tJ'~
ttl" ).a_pc!
r-o- J:'l!~
.... _a1J'°P
aDc! 0° 1011'"
othlr eiJ'Gl'aft,..l

bUSy ts
Itt ••hare at Jaoao'. ~­
~eatel' ,..16 co-pJ'~1.


1, 95 percent deatro,yed rellow!ng
an ..ttack on the night or 6_7 Ju11
by the 3lSth Wing•
111 ~ere'
to h.r b~ ~Do or
'q•• an, Sei.hln., .04
, RashiD i. th·

.1'1 - ~
...- ,.
• •••

rorce. 1n
2. Limited combat act1vlt1
c oU
June whlch perllitted repla _
to exceed ".stage. Iner.. in
production ot tighters 15 dU01ssed

Despite the iocreas. ill the slze
ot the Jap tighter force there a~t
pears t.o be a decrease ln the ploun
or fighter intercept.ion encountered
by the B_29S on recent .usl •
This .y. be attributed to tbe J_P"
~ desire to conser'1e biS strengtb fOf'
/I) righter strength available the upected invasion at th. c1t1
ti h(llllt"'
~ B-29 lnterception has practic- land and a11l 0 to "IIll pl1
ot t;argeta on s1llU1taneoua B..29
. The plane was level~ e: doubled 1n tM las t six week5-
15,000 teet and it oft It ~&55 to 1 , 560. There are t."o str1k8 to ..eak11 defended areas· r
airplane "'~9 m .s tOllM tile tor th15 I rol ere data tUbta
20~ to zS5·
!II:cI oil
~edueed speed ore maneuwlblill eCI law1ng
br gh , so the POll:_ 1. COIlY,raton ot J\YU5hu_bas reaction tor 111511008
thaOU t down to sl1ghtlr lila_ ~t.U9 !'ral the auicide and bOlllb~
ttl n la normal eruisins getttlllll Illtaek torces to the intercepter
e p. ne 'll'8S brought back lISle
cruise control as mueh U ponlblt.
DuQ to lack ot rudder eontrol tlII
Another air_to-air banblng by a heading wandered aboot 10 clecr~,.

»-f9,.ltb a resulting Darrow eseape :Q.Al !aSSION],
tor the aceldental target, occurred RETURNS TO TIJIlIAll §JIbtti
during 1b8 3!3th's strike on HameJl. The dee ts ion to eonUP' to T1Do
on i'JulJr. A 313th WID8 8-29 eom-
_t4ed b)" Lt. Dooald. X. Drassler ot
tan rather- then land at Iwo lIS 11-
fluenced 11,. the ant.1dpeUcc. rl ...,
6,tt l9k1.

the Gl'OUP. had finished his better tac1l1.ti85 tor an ~ 50" 60
bORb run'an4 release at 10.000 teet !anding at home base. sect~~~ -.e1So.21 131
70" eo
alHtu4e, when it was 1n a nea1' the damaged taU (see I'1Dt....
eoll1s10b with another 8..29. Lt.
Dressler dO'Te to the right, and the
otber plane. swinging apward and to
dropped off eontinuousl1 011
long fUgbt. dUrinlt whleb til. a-
was prepared to baU out.
....."" 012
~ ~.
to pQOll' operat.l oaa1 .....
the lett, releasM its bClllbs as it 110110 cloud cover. anable
pa~aed overhead, Several bombs SUCCESsP'UL LANDII'] Itnlhtar .acart not a"
paned through the rudder and ver... TIle ship cClDlllenced tOWlllft 11:
tieal ttn ot Lt. Dressler's plane. ways on nearing TioW and, ~O tilt
ing in closer. waYe shar ....)ll1b11111. Il8"UQII • •
'lb. &1l'plane ft.! on automatic
pUot and it was seen at onee'that right. 'Ibis was corr ec
reduction' of power il1 110. 11 ~
tD4 1D• !12!!L .-;:,.r
all ruc1der control was lost. The
pilot'8 .lev-star and rUdder eOb_
trol~' prOved oper6tlve.but the"eo-
2 engines. and byi ncr e&f
on No. 3 and Bo. f .1181O::;o~1t
approach was made, ustnS tro1-"
.,,1If ...
Mil t.O
.11&bt •
PUot"a ..l6t....out. In addition, the breaking syst. was Inopera.. maintain dtrect10aa~_.J°~..
landing gear was lotnW-" 111
$ tlll1Udins
tiTS, With a power setting ot43 lIP, 1ll000ent and no flaps 41; 1II~ tteuOba.
2,400 RPM, a alow climb was started
at 210 Idle, per hour, using the
auto pilot tor control or elevators
but witt) ~).~control at allerons.
right over the run1lS1.:_....;.. ..
made a successful ~ ~
braked tbe sh1p nth . .
system. (Cont1d.n~)

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