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I o

850 'LAN! fTlUICl 3
o '.U


0' A RESCUE sue



· .... ~~ ...


11 August 1945
20th lauDches 850 B.. 29s in One N1ght 3
Strike Photo ToyllllZ 4
Clt1~s Warned -_ but No B-29s Lost 5
Damage Photo Nakajima AlC Company 7
Damage Photo T!luruga a
Strikes Jr!ade on Three Jap Islands 9
Damage Photo Fukui 10
315th Out Three Times 11
Euller Damage Asses!led 12
Mining Kission!l 12
Fighters Get One B_29 During JUly 13
righters V8 B_29s .... Score Nil 14
BritiSh AirCraft in the Area 15
Suiciders I Finishing School 16
Night Interception Improving 16
61!l ~ RESCUE
Notes trom the Log ot a Rescue SUb 17

Japanese Merchant Shipping 26
Jap Reaction to Strike Warnings 26
1f1ee '101'11: 1t You Can Get It

58th W1nI loadlas 4.0~~~°b'• •
- ....

. ~-b
r ..." 8·29S IN ONE NIGlll
, ,n-'·
I~ -~


increased in importance becau.e or
"Twentieth Air Foree, which d1spersal ot induStry trOll Tokyo.
I ago broke all AAF reeorCl.s tor
j tonneg es , put 851 B_29s into The 58th \fiog had ttte target and
Ill' on the night of 1-2 August sent leo B-e9s 'agalnst 1t. MUlese
1 series of strikes "hich tar 169 dropped 1,558 ton! ot Ince~
J!,ed any previouS B-29 missioDs dlaries tl1rough 0 to a!l0 cloud trtlll
It I. Intlnde(l that thls weekly re_ .bers ot planes and weight ot 15,000 teet. Four aucraft, Indud-
part b. a sourel or tnfOl'llllltlon tor COlll- !!, About 6,514 tons or bcmbs lag one which bombed the prtmary,
bat crew, and ,tarr orneer, have a nnes were dropped. bombed other targets. Two RCV and
lIs1t1mate interest In the operettons of two wtnd run a1rcratt were airborne
ttl, r_ntleth Air Yore.. Wlthin those
11mtt.s it .houl(l reeeive the widest pos. ~ operations on this night tall in addltion to the mala farce.
'1'01, circulation permissible undllr the Ithree groups: Incendlsry at- Elght aircratt returned early and
provisions or All 380-~. !51gainst tour Japanese cities, 36 laoded on Iwo.
In order tbat • mu.1mlllll of tntelH_ llrget strike by the :315th wing
II ;ioing mission. In the bOlllb- sevent1 tlve ener:v a11'craft were
,encl., b. Incluo:!Id. the report U s1gbted aod they launched seven at-
11"'" an O'I'uall cunineatlen or sec- lttacks 793 strike aircraft tackS. eedlUl1 and heavY flak was
ret. l'I'hen the nature ot the lIIate'r1al ~14 alscellaneous B-29s were in.. lIeager and lnaccurate. Thera were
.urent., IDclt'l'l<1ual article, have re-
<:el"I(I II lowr ,ecurity clanUlcatlon. lid. Forty t"o B-29s plUS one 10 !earch11Fts, reported as ,sner-
todJabo and one ReM' aircratt all1 IneffectIve. TwO aireratt
The report is '0 ',,8lIlbled that the
eo.poneot sections !laY be removed and
~ in the mining mission. sustalDlld .ln01' flat ~ge and one
circulated or tUeel teparately. I!' par_ S49"" lost to un]mown causes in
tiOIa are reproduced, ,e<rorit, recula- r10r to the attack leatlets and the vle1D1tl ot cape
tiens llIut be observed and the source
,~broadcasts were again used to
:: the Japanese cities that the .0 post sU'.1ke Ji!.0to s ban been
Correspondenlle regar/lll!8 thls pub- 1 would visit them soon. Tnl"e
ltc,tlon should be addre,u(I to the COlD.. ~ wve warned .. tour .ere bit. obtai Dltd ,
"ending c.l'lllral. TW'eotteth All' Force, I1SSICIf 3(17 - TOfAKA
"PO e34, clo PoatlDllster, san Pranciseo,
CaUrorn1a, Attent1on: AC or S, A_2. - : all these aircraft 0011 one.
tbe Mth lYing. na lost. 'J'-- 11 the third went ctty
1i01-IJU.aPd sea coast ~ Honsbu.
O. #. h...:--.
/Es J:.:Ul'ban area strikes wert .. ~
oD ttl. ar" serve• •s a business
t10Zl bub tor extea-
O. OARClA _I~ lad reuuyelr·. l~ustr1al
, WI.dOD' with ~~ .. W-~
Colonel; G.S.C.
AC or s, A-2
IISSIOH 206 .... RaClbi oJl !!'l•• II ....It,. . . .:~~» ......
}al"p,t .~ffJd('J"Aftt, 'ball
~ehioJi lIIPortlD~J
P-"': I
laJ'l!IIlI' ."ci.1 sw.l. preciS10n
UTH: C.G. %OAF. Initials~1t is aD
COntrolling practl~ ~
~ ',pi! eta_leal IDCluSt.r1es.
DATI 11 August ~ t
::!OQO rail uattto to t ted s.a 1....... population ot about
~ Honsbu. It 11 ~,-' fila •
til. tainous ar~l_~ ana" • fila fII'd W1DI ..nt 192 aircraft
8-49-6 ~ Imperial PaJ.a'!~ " . . ttl
\i. '1 settled bou.t~ !II'
.... _ outlylD1: 1DdU'';tse :t.,,"
......tion 1s '75,000-

~ .. '. . \.
, TOyama, 173 of whlcbdr°PPed
pst ns of lncendlBI'les on the Of 104 enemy aircraft sighted,
,_to target through 0/10 cloud only five attacked. l'edium flak
"lz 500 reet. One strike air. "a5 meager and 1naccurate. No air~
craft were lost or daoaged.
• nd tWO wtnd run e.1rcratt

other targets. A super~umbo No post strike photos have been
o1.d the strike planes. obtained.
returned early end nine landed

JlX eneIDY aircraft sighted made IUto is lOcated about 60 miles
~ one attack. APproximately 20 northeast or Tokyo, It is bpor-
jIInt of the at tacking B-29s r6. tant as a transportation center and
iw1 heaVY and medium flak,meager has large marshal11ng yards and
llIllccurate. Two were sl1ghtly railway repair facllities, Two h1gh
... by flak. priority Hitach1 plants located in
the envirollS or the c1ty emph851ze
10 post strike photos have been the importance of the urban area as
.UJId. a souree or labor and a center of
small sub.contract1ng shops. The
VISSION 308 wOO NAGADKA population 1s 66,500,

lag6 oka,a city of 70,000 located The 314th W1ng put up 167 B·29s,
IlGrth centrlll Honshu, 1s an 1m- 160 of 1Ihich dropped 1,145 tons of
incendiaries on the target. Bombing
rlant center of machine and tool "as through 8 to 10/10 cloud from
tletlon and also h e. rallroad 12,860 feet. One bombed another
~lon. The city has 8 built-up target and siX returned early. Two
• ore.l square miles and 1s sit- RCIoI aircraf't, ODe wind run and one
lIl12 miles inland fran the shore superdumbO also .ere aUborne. Six
Ille Japan Sea. landed on ITO.
te 313th Wing attacked this tar- Twenty enemy fighters "ere sight-
I11th 136 planes, 125 of which d but they made only one attack.
tped 934 tons of incendiaries on e UlI end heavy flak 1I8S meager and
I primary. Bombing was through Medi at. No eircraft "ere lost
inaecur •
belOUd from 12.500 feet, Five or damaged.
led oUler targets end six return~
I&1"ly. One wind run and on8 su~ Post strike reconnaissance has
"bo also were airborne. Thll'~ not be8n obt.aineCl. (secret)
Wlen landed on 1.,,0.

_ BUT NO 1·29' LOST

TsU, AOIori, Ichinaaiya, UJiyamada
Ogaki .nd o-J1.U. Not a B·29 ..

tb. Twentieth j\ir Foree put 496 10. • the SSth Wing staged part of
iary_ bearing B~29s into the it. t atrcraf't at 1_0 for the strlke
on the night of 28-29 Jul1 as against Aalari, lfhich is on the eJ:~
aJtI1t1eted its -raU' warning" trt" Dorth part ot HOI1llhu. Details
,es against Japanese citie•• of tb. ai.slona follow:
cities bit along witb fivt
~~. had been drned earlier by IJSSIOlf 29'1' .- TSU
~ ts and radio that tht1 ..1'1 !1'1 11 a bilbl1 indUst1'ial1zed
c~V 121 the Nagoya araa. 34
TOYAllA. under attack by the 73rd Wins tl0 On the list". For the JaP : ;t
~1bed t~
aiJAII at that city. It
on the n1gb t of 1-2 AUgust, rinal re" _ Q to this plan 1lblch baI • ~at1oa of 68.000 coacaD-
turns are not in but it is doobttul that
much of this e1tYll'ill be lett stan d1Dlo ~t 1n SOllIe de in la.
or this publicatiOD, see the
Page of thiS 111\1'·
ua 1D a ctaP6ct •.aue
te4 ;r~.
of ~

I.~ ~. six citle. attacked were

• •
sQuare m11u. Demol1t1on bOlllbs
'It',re dropped on it 1n a dayl1ght
No post strike photos have been
a':tack on 24 Jul1'. MISSION 299 -- ICHINllIIYA
Seventy e1ght aircraft or the This 15 one of the secondary cit-
53th Wlng nr8 airborne against tt, ies rl thin a 30 mile radius of Nago-
7S or thalli dropping 730 tom or ya. It began early in the war to
!5JO_pound lncelJ11ary clusterS [reID convert industries into satellitee
1),800 teet. Yorty seven bombed of Naga,ya's aircraft industry. It
visually and 29 by radar througb 4 is nine miles west of Nagoya on the
to 8/10 cloud. Two dod run air- Tokkaido (louble track main 11ne
cral't also were airborne; they r;f1'- whicb runs fran Nagoya to Gitu. It
blted the target broadcasting and is a former textile center nO'll' pro-
also dropped leaflet, on three ducing large quantities of war lllat-
cities. Two planes returned early. erials. Population is 50.000. On
Seven landed at IWo. 13 July .8 percent of the built_up
ODe enea!3' aueratt wa' sighted area was destroyed in an incendiary
but it d.ld not attack. KedlU11l and attack.
beavy flak '11'85 very lIIeager and In.
llccurate nth no 109' or damage re- The 73rd Wing hed the target and
sulting. put up 127 atrcratt against it, 122
of them dropping 865 tons of lacen_
No post strUte photos have been diaries through no cloud from 15,000
obtained. feet. Fifteen bombed visually and
107 by radar. Two bombed other
MISSION 298 -- AC&ORI targets and three returned early.
One wind run plane was airborne and
'Ih15 cit)' 15 the most highly de- also bombed the primary. seven of
veloped port 1n northern Honshu and the 8_29s landed at 111'0.
15 the tunnel tor ell traffic be-
tween Honshu and Hokkaldo. It 15 Nineteen enemy fighters were seen
on the northern part or HOl'I5hu 1n and 15 attacks made on the bombers
the southern curve or Aomori Bay. but no losses or claims resulted. THE NAKAJDlA AIRCitA?r CCllPA1'IY at
Population 15 about 100,000 aoo area About half the force reported flak, Handa. Target 1635. 'If&! 44 peretllt
ls 3.71 square miles. heavy and mediUll1. meager and inac- destroyed by the 314th \'1'1041 in thl
curate. Three B_299 were damaged. daylight m15sioD of e40 Jul1·
The 58th staged 65 ll1rcratt at
:11'0 to hit this target. Although No post strike photos have been
:'eaflet and II1nil1« /lissions have obtained.
\een staged through there, this is wire airborne, 91 dr'oppitll 658 tcm
the first time a major strike had l.lISSION 300 .- UJIYAUADA of tneendiar1t!l 01'1 the e1tJ'. SI
been. I t also 1I'IlS the first major ~Y f meager and. inaccurate ..- 9' isually and 34 b1 radal' thrlJl&h
1I5eofI1I'o's -super service station- This city has a population of U\ a~ta or some of tM last aU'''orus 2 to WlO cloud ft'CIIII 14,900 feet.
l'hich consists of individual gas 52.000 and is located 43 miles soatll ~ cking. some pholfsm
,umps at the har(l stands. Seven of
:he plenes landed back at 111'0 on
of Nagoya. two and a half miles iD- h~tobserved. No loU ar
land from Ise 8ay. It is a part ot ed from t'lak.
(1,,- Six returned ear11 and the w111d ran
B..29 allo b~bed the prtaarY· Tell
the return trip while the othere the Nagoya industrial area and has laoded at I.a.
ell.llle on back to TiniBn. a built-up area of 1.2 square mile. ~ ~ P09t 9trike photOll have blaa 1':D8117 aircraft ..-r- ..itt. tat
Sixty one of the 8-29s droppe(l The 3l3th ~l1ng sent 99 aircraft ". ttle boablr. at the tarss Wt1Cl1l
attaCkS were reported. coOrd
and 21
546 tons on Aomori, 35 visually and against it, 93 of which dropped 735 llISSION 301 __ OOA'KI betwH D 'e&1"cbl1&fltl and tbl tl&t1·
~6 by radar, thrwgh 0 to 10/10 tons of incendiarie9 throUgh 0 to tel'l . . aotM. one eae-1 rtptel'
cloud. Bombing was C'rCUI 13,800 5/10 cloud from 12.700 teet. Six ~1a 19 a to'll'n of 35.000 10ca
... claSPd d.ltror-d and •• 8-291
feet. Three aircraft bombed other dropped visual~y and B7 by radar. bad DO 10..... ile41~ - b16YJ'

_I.. ..,.......
targets and one returned early. \11 es IIlles northwest or ""soP'
One banbed another target. five re- t b.a tuttle and ehalllical center tJ,8II: . . . .neral.1T ....1' aJld. iDlo-
r1l'o 1I'1n(l run planes br 06dcas ted
dnd data and dropped leaflets.
turned early. One wind run aircraft
carried no bombs. Nine landed on ~aa 15 eonsplclO\l1 .illa 1D fir oar
• s-e prcbable JlbOl::::
'iiI the city, Ilost of tlblcb are
Iwo. tlg war suppl1.,.
rive enemy planes were sightlll:! trill .....•
but they did not attack. Heavy Fourteen enel:l)' fighters lDade
flak 11'. very meager and inaccurate.
rhere was no loss or dalllage.
three attacks which accompli9hed
nothing. Ued ium and heevy flak 'It'IlS
11Qaty seven 31"th wtDl ......
;;r;:10 post
strike photos have been
Thirty two B·29, t'r0lll the 314th
were airborne. 29 of thalli drOPPing
e07 tons on the target through 4 to
6/10 cloud trom 10.400 feet. Eight

~J!r.LK E
ade 6'lt %teetry; ~tUltif
bombed by radar and 21 Visually,
thrajlma 15 one of the tour larg- One wind run aircraft accolllPanied
est cities on the island of' ShikokU. the strike. Three returned early
It has 8 population of' 52,000 and and t"o landed at 1,,0.
is an important port tor inter-is-
lard shiPping 8M another of J epan" There was no enemy air OPPOSl1:10n.
textile centers Which has made usa Medium flak was meager end inaccur. ,.rt' bundred sixty one B'-29s of two un1dentified industr1es were
or its. plants far war production. ate and no loss or damage was caused 13r4,313th and 314th "lngs were callpletely destroyed.
It 1s located on the west central by tt. ~Dt OD the nigh t of 26-27 JulT
C08st or the island and has 8D. area There has been no post strike • 1Dce nd1 &r:r missions against the MISSION 294 -- TOKUYAMA
of two SQuare 1Il1les~ recOfllJ81ssance. (secret) ~51!l clties of lIatsuy8lJl8, Tom_
and cmuta. Impartiality was Tokuyama, tbe 3l3th \"ling' s tar~
:'tor the Japanese main islands, get, is located on tbe southern
,IOl15h U, J{yUshu and Shikoku each coast ot Honshu Dlar the western
Jttl "hare ot the bombs. end of the Inland Sea sbout 50
miles east ot Shimonosek1 Stralt!,
IISS!ON 293 -- MATSUYAl!A It is a small industrial eoneantra~
tion of about 40,000 persons. Two
IItsuyama, target tor the 73rd large soda chemical plents, a large
., 15 the most important city refinery and 011 storage facll1t1es
~ port In western Shikoku. It are among the industries in or oear
I • population of 120,000 and 115 the clty.
.-ted on the northwest coast on It 15, in addlt1on, the maln
ilta plain. Before the war the
lltacture of cotton fabrics was population center of an 8I'e8 ot COD~
I principal industrial activity, sldersble importance to Jepell8se
ItJpleally. most of these mIlls war productioD, BUildlngs are ot
:. been converted to war produe.
typical Jepanese frame-stucco COD-
struCtiOD •
one hundred two B-29s were air-
!be 73rd WIng put up 129 aIr· borne !rca the 313th W1as. 97 ot
1ft. 127 ot which dropped 911 which dropped 747 tons or 1ncendiar-
.. or 50o-pound incendiary elus· 1es ._ 65 by redal' and 32 v1sually.
• and iD-pound IneeOIUary bombs Bomblna was through 3 to 10/10 cloud
1til, pr1.lDary target fran 11,700
Seventeen bombed vl!1uall1
UO by radar through CAVU con-
from 11,500 feet. One aircraft
dropped e1gh t tons on 01 ta and a
..iod run B-29 dropped four tons on
Two returned earl1. ODe the prilll&I'Y target. Four returned
~~ aircraft, not included in early and nine leoded et Iwo, one
,..tats above.dropped three tons at Ok1nad.
:u- enelDY aircreft were encOUD-
llt.and one attacked. ene en8ll1
onl1 enemy a1.r opposit10D was
one Baka-t7Pe interceptor 'llh1ch ex-
ploded after haW tired upon, MediUm
ra:l' 19 claimed as destroyed and
lit 29 lIustained major battle d. .
and heavy flak var1ed tram raeager
to 1nt8Il.5.. It 1rlLS 1naccurate. AI· the enemy attack. SeveD tllougt!. several S-!?9' were ·rocklld·
~ landed at 1.0. Twenty tive there'" no flak los' or dallllloge.
,,_t ot the aircraft reported
!tIr lOstly medlum. me.Ser and 1~
'0 post str1ke pictures have
.....te. Three B.2911i re~i" beeD t;ak1!n.
: duege. JlIssICli 295 ..- CllJTA
~'ft1e Wing did an excellont job
,thtal'get, destroying 73 per~D
0: c.ata ... be-bed b7 the :514th
wtM. ,... oity, eleb hu a popu..
~. bunt.up area or the e1tli leUOD of 1'",000, 1. oa lJUSbU. on
'it out area viSlble OD pOlli. tbl aortbeU O(8,t or Cblaaban
ftt e ~otos covers 1,22 Sq:raD (IlI1t. A4~t coat tields .UPP17
'i p~:_ .22 square .ile more 11- QIIIta wltb _tetal used in the
\is -...nned target area. OM raaDd
Shops and warebouses ar"
manufacture of chemicals.

harbor In Japan.
synthetic 011 and other products.
The city has the largest artlf1clal

314th put up 1:30 B-29s, 124

causes. Seventeen lande~
nlne at other bases.
at 1wo
Thirty seven enemy aircraft were
sighted end nine attacks made. One
B-29 s1I5t81ned major dal!lage from
enemy fighters. Med lW1l and heavy

/ /sth. Wing, which has taken
r-' 3~l! the Job of destroylDg
pselty of th· l.1
shows siallarad intermediate tanks
or whieh dropped 969 tons on (mute. flak was meager to moderate and In~ • it.5 011 producing and supply titled buildlnamage • FIve unlden-
SlxtJ bombed by radar and 64 visu- accurate. ·It caused no damage. .,ISl' ran three m15sions dur~ damaged and th,gS were ~estroye~ 01'
jIlt' I ba 1 same 15 true or
ally trQll 14.790 teet throua:h 0 to :;>d:1 week. pro b e orf'lce bUll~lne: aM r a
1011e, cloud. Five aircraft returned Post strike reconnaissance has r lIIalntenanee t.heds our
earl)" and one lJ8!1 lost to unknown not been obtained. (secret) the nlght of 25-26 July this •
]l tuoked tb.e Hayama and Mi tsu-
~. 011 Refineries (Targets 116
Jt7) at Kawasaki. These targets On the night or 1-2 Al1!WJt the
I",aeent and are located on tb.e 3l5th Wlng returne~ to the Kaw-asak!
:"1r4 waterfront. Together they Petroleum Center, Yoyama an~ Kitsu_
;itute tb.e most important retin- bishi 011 Refineries. No post strik!
liter ot the Japanese inner photos have been obtaine~ since t\\1s
~t addition to having impCll'tant mission, the details otwhicb follow:
. . tac11it1es for 011 and 011
One bun~red twenty eight B-299
"ere airborne, of whicb 120 ~roppe~
315th sept B3 aircraft to l,OlB tong of 500-poun~ GFs on ttle

e them. seventy six dropped

tea ot SOO-pound OPs on the
", targets through a to 4/10
.. tl'CIIl 16,675 teet. All except
pr1mary targets fica 16,550 reet.
The weather was clear. Four air-
craft, including bo w1n~ run, boa-
bed other targets. P1ve 1an~ed on

r. bombed by radar. One bombed

target and two wind run a1.r-
dropped 18 tons on the Japan
• ••tals Aluminum Plant
,irIJq. Five returned early and
Thirty seven enelll7 fighters were
airborne e:ld lll8de six attacks. Hea-
vy tlak was moderate to iDtense and
rlaQded away .fran base. generally inaccurate. Ke~1UlR rIak
"as meager aDd inaccurate. Search-
:WeaDd tothree
ten enemy fighters were
attacks received.
lights "ere active an~ a barrage
type tira in coordination witb tbe
~""'ible a1r-to-air bombing at- searChlights was enc(IJ.ntere~ Dlar
'" were reported. Heavy flak the bOll.b release line. some AA
rockets and parachute nares were

~.rate to intense and gener- seen. Flak d8llflged 15 B_E9s.
laaceurate although 12 8_29'
cJ lIIinor flak damage and lXIe SRIMOTSU RUINERI
~ was believed lost to flak.
r.::: Se&rehlight scttvi t7 ...
and rope was used with var~
The ShilllotsU 011 Ratloery at 'It'a-
kayau (T8l"!et 5026) ... bOllbe~ by
the 315th Ir1D& OD the nipt of 28-
29 J'U17. !'hts is an lIIpol'tant ,...
~_ strike photos reyesl the tt.Der Of crude petrol.- aDd baS
~ damage to the 111 taubl. b1 larse retlD1ns taell1t1"jut.rlIl"
~1aery: 32 percent ot the stCll'qe and bu good ,h pplD1 and
1'.11 facll1ttea. It appe~' to be
s terage capac i t7 de.troyed
84: two iso-octane units
Dace. all. upbal t loedtae
• .odUll plant, nll la1d oat aDd
bas IQft1cleDt producUCD aDd ,tCll'-
,~.. Can lII&DUtaet;wolD1 Pl:::& .,. to t1n 10 8 blllb pr1"'U" COl
~\II Size 1JUebouae' de.tJ" the lis or aU taraeb la J.,u.
1Iti1:c1 8QC1 an open .tar... ar_ aat> 8lronn __ o l r -
aa4"'<11' ..., ..... or_.-!I

~ lb. R~_ .... ole" C - 11" ~ ':{:.'"~ 'lr"00lIibJ:f
Ut of the ar1l1aa1- tOtal
eapacltr ... ,..trored or :.:-w10d . . _ . . . - 11"
· &tld 26 per~Dt at tbe . .
- 1,45
11 . . . . . .
,I , . .\.~ ......

on the primary, one bombed another not attack. Heavy and medium flak
t81"get and one which hit the pr1mary was meager and. inaccurate. It
elso bOlllbed another target. rive caused minor damage to one B-29.
returned early. Post strike reconnaissance has
Twelve enemy fighters seen dtd not been made. (Secret)


Preliminary damage assessment be"
been made on some of the missions
conveyor,gas purification building,
column, gas bolder, fuel conveyor,
boiler bOUtle of central power sta_
previously reported on. Reports
tollo,,: tion. two workabops, control and
PUJllp house an4 other bulldings and tighterl were slJob
tanks. Utb. the Twentieth Air rorce one Ivie, of 8-2901': apiut U1
Tsurull:s. bit by 313th wing on the III operat1ng over Japen flusbed 1Ilw..a. oab sikes aDd ttl,
n~ght or!2~13 July. Built-up area
o~ city Is 68 percent destroyed _. Kawanishi Aircraft Co, Tamad_ • t." !Dore Jap tighters toward 45. Tbls ca8l' ot attacks 35 to ft,
damage eovering .77 square mile. zuka Plant, Target 21S7,-nit by 58th ItIll! of the Month than previoua- toree. of 1~:S~th iDtercepUo«
Harbor facilities are 40 percent Wing on 24 July: 77 percent of the IIIIl11 one B-29 1r8S lost. to tbe Ing 200 to 400 aua·~cratt, .k_
destroyed end an electric sub-sta- original roof area is damaged or "interceptors during July. nte the Icale or c , wb.icb 1lU
tion completely destroyed. destroyed. All major builcUngs were • or losses has tallen graduall1 s1n8le B-29 I t ! ' ; ~;tr aptDlt
either completely destroyed or se_ It January ot this year, wheD rebruarl. enuary auel
K'Uwana. target for 313th Wing on verely damaged. IW9s ot each 100 sorties w.. e
tlS---nIgn't of 16-17 July. Built.up II to tigbter". ID Ju17 the tMII! !Diller or
area 84 percent destroyed __ .63 Isu, hit by 3l3th and 3l4th " I1u been po1nted out betore,
square mile. A textile mill re_ '.Yi08S on 24 July. Damage 1a .24 IU'faUOI1. lack at tuel, poor 'r11'cratt ,1rbcrDll"'"'iiifiiSt a serlell
square mlle. This 18 a result ot raUonaJ, weather over the emp1l'e, o 80-29 IItriDS was 30 to 40 aDd
eelved 75 percent damage.
bombings by HE and does not include "'.ttT ot 13.. 29 strikes and lBis- the aftJ"a«e IIQ8beJ' or ettacks as
Pukui, bombed by 58th Wing on later incendiary damage. ten to leo Ttle cc.paraUn17 lCllJ
nlgnr-o? 19_20 July. Damage totals
• at D18bt against poorlT deteo- ratio ot attack. to lIt&btin&S. i to
Harlets are the tactorl!l limit- I (Dcnall7 2 or 3 to 1), is attri-
1.61 square mile, 85 percent of the Nakajima Aircraft~, Handa IJapanese figbter opposition. buted to the fact that .cst or the
built-up area. An unident1fied in- Plant, Target'635, bitey 3l4th .is!lOllS l!W'iqj: Jul7 were at n1&bt.
dustry is 50 percent destroyed.
Ube Coal Li!uetaction Co, Target
cent of total root area. One large _t.
Wing on 24 July. Damage is 44 per_ !be conservation poltcr 18 very
final assembly building is 60 per. talld and P-51s .or the VII Fighter
carrier aircratt ot the
'lD1ne .lldeD' cootlaned to r ..
:ei" tbe .-alll.t .. cxmt or opp~
ItKr;tiltDY 31 th wing onnights of
15-16 and 22_23 July. Damaged ~e:
cent destroyed,a sub asselli:lly bulld_
i08 75 percent destroyed and two _ orreporting more and .ore 1D-
tbe c8llloutiaging and bid..
IJ(SUS! &r .orm's BID
live ,torage bUilding't a crane,
tour unidentified bui dings. coke
large shop buildings completely
destroYed. (Confidential) k CIQt of Japanese aircraft, aCteD
~tuung dummies in the a1l'f1eld 10 tbI 1Ut t.. d&1l or JolT
ate. there .ppeered a laereas e io

lIittl ot tighters to nortberD a.-.r tlCbteJ' ,..cti on• TIllS-.J
'flu and even Hokkaido
~. Shitta alao bave been
he.' been be attl'lbuted to _ er ~e rI the
lr!!:~ southern FiJuShU to north-
rDlleNr1Dl r,oter··
til. JaPI blft aoaa:ernd ,ur-

-_ ......
",\IIbu. tbe Inland Se• •Dd 0Ia- 1
On 1-2 August,the night on which ti~ p18_ aDd ... to rlSk \be
the Twentieth A11' Force put 851
primary areas and six (one of whieb 't 01& areas. This dUpOllit1 OD
laid part of hi! mines in the pri. I, ters is intended to pelWilt
B_29s in the air, the 3l3th ran a
mining mission covering waters at
1asbin.Seishin,Shloonoseki Straits,
Hamada, Sakai, Yonago and Naka Omi.
mary area) put 35 tODS in alternate
areas. .:;"7 to (1) aY014 c1a117
~ Okin&.....based tlsbter~
One enelllJl' tighter was airborne ...~ interceptioDS
ot '4_ tIt
...,.~ ..
S. 1M ~o' toDd .ul..

Fifteen which were to mine Rashin
ahd Seishin, on the Korean coast,
st8&ed thrOUgh Iwo. Another aborted
enroute to Iwo. or the 42 airborne,
plus one Ilnd one RCII:,
37 laid 242 tons of mines in the
but 4id not attack. Flak was neg..
(3) Increase proteoti ioa•
...-::~~~. nat and Dorth ~
!'tlit""""".... and (t) 1ll:::~..
The 3l3th also ran mtni08 mU- ~b~ltr to counter
stons on the night of 25-26. 27.28, " ,.. on ShikolN aDd ... hl"D
..,,1GD we''''''
. .. ..... . 11I--' =
a.::=::- ~J"~:'....
t t.-.'
and 29-30 July. (Secret) •
n 7 S a..- \0 OPpOSITION OORI1lO 1Ot:l 10
_ _ _ _~l~_Jub__••x1.. . at eo to ..

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