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Anarchy is the condition of a society, entity, group of people, or a single person that rejects hierarchy.

term originally meant leaderlesness. It refers to the curtailment or abolition of traditional forms of government.

There are various pros as well as cons of anarchy

Pros:- 1. anarchy is the search for complete freedoms

2. in essence "power for the people"; "each man for himself

3. You are finally free from the shackles of authority.

4. You can do whatever you want.

5. You are equal to everyone else, all social hierarchy has been abolished ( anarchy is the absence of

6. The country wouldn't be split between all of these ridiculous political groups.

7. No taxes to be paid.

Cons:- 1. There might be some disorder when it first starts, but it's the same when a beast is finally released
from their cage, they burst out and enjoy freedom, before getting on with their lives.

2. no government services.

3. There would be no punishment for crimes.

Capitalism - an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by
private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

1. It is for the good of society

While others are encouraged to think that a capitalist society is selfish as people work for their own money.
However, a deeper look suggests that it can result in benefits for the society as every job can help someone
Let’s use an example to illustrate this further. For example, a factory worker creates items that a society can’t
live without. A hairdresser provides services that help people look and feel good about themselves. Lastly,
police make sure that people are protected and live in a lawful society.
While some may argue that people who work high-paying jobs are still at an advantage over those who are
paid to do menial labor, it can also be argued that they actually have a positive effect on the society. For
instance, a banker can teach society how to manage money better. An athlete, even if overpaid, can provide
much excitement and entertainment for society.
2. It promotes equality
As they say, it doesn’t matter if you didn’t start out living the good life as you have an equal chance of making
it big. Basically, the principle here is that the harder you work, the greater the reward.
3. It results in a decentralized economic system
A decentralized economic system is considered as one of the greatest advantages of capitalism. In this kind
of economy, people are more open to lots more options in business. As such, they are exposed to
competition and need to overcome challenges just to stay in the market.
Also, as a result of having open competition in the market, capitalism then encourages economic growth.
4. It provides a certain level of freedom
The government doesn’t intervene when it comes to the pricing of goods or in its production for private firms.
The prices that are set depend on demand and supply.
Also, in a capitalist economy, people have the right to own private property. Not only that, they also have the
freedom to choose which type of work they want. This freedom extends to selecting one’s education, as well
as religious or political influences.

List of Cons of Capitalism

1. It creates a money-oriented economy
Businesses tend to focus too much on money-making opportunities and therefore become very materialistic.
In essence, rather than provide for the common good, they create products and services with only profit in
mind. In other words, the goods and services they create are available only if people can pay for them.
2. It lessens the need for manpower
Increased competition results in the need for rapid development. As such, high importance is put on
technology. This simply means that businesses tend to rely on automation more than they do humans. As a
result, lots of people would lose their jobs to machines. Not only that, the excessive use of machines harms
the environment.
3. It doesn’t really create an equal opportunity for all
This is most evident in land ownership where property passes from one generation to the other. Because of
this, some people remain rich just because their parents are property owners. That being the scenario, the
concept of equal opportunity for all is thrown out the window.
Socialism - a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of
production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

List of Pros of Socialism

1. Every citizen will have access to education and health care.

According to proponents, two major problems of nations practicing capitalism are the high costs of health
care as well as education. Because of these, there are countries with high rates of illiteracy and many are not
able to continue their education. Also, people who cannot afford health care are not given the medical
attention they need. In a socialist society, education is available for everybody and people will be able to
meet their medical needs because health care costs will be more affordable. With the government owning
hospitals and health care facilities, medicines and medical services are relatively low in costs if not totally
2. It results to a classless society.
Socialists believe that equality among people is important, including social class. By making people equal to
each other, the gap between the rich and the poor will be bridged. Opportunities are handed to members of
the community regardless of race, color, age and gender.
3. It allows for balance in wealth and earnings.
With the government in control and owning most of the industries like housing, utility companies, poor
members of society are given access to basic services which they will not be able to if establishments and
industries are privately owned. On the other hand, when it comes to taxes, there is progressive taxation in a
socialist society. This means that the higher the income, the higher the taxes. With this taxation system, it will
be easier for low income employees to budget their earnings and while those who earn more and pay higher
taxes will still have enough left to spend.
4. It eradicates monopolies in corporations.
In a capitalist nation, companies are owned privately unlike in a socialist country where the government
monitors, controls and owns companies that offer services like transportation and medical institutions, where
money spent come from taxes. This way, prices are regulated and made affordable for the people unlike in
capitalism where private business owners and suppliers can demand high prices for their goods and

List of Cons of Socialism

1. It gives the government much if not full control.

Critics of socialism argue that allowing the government to run people’s lives, including where to live, how
much to earn and what health care is given to them is not good. It is unfair to the people since they have no
say on these things. With the state on top of things, citizens have lesser options especially on services and
2. It demands higher taxes.
Proponents, especially those who with white collar jobs, are complaining about costly tax payments since the
government has to impose these taxes be able to subsidize services offered to the public for free or at lower
3. The rights of workers might be too much.
With unions and workers’ councils having more power in businesses, critics are concerned this can give them
too much authority that workers will demand over-the-limit wages. If this happens, employers will be reluctant
to hire people while unproductive employees will be retained. For opponents, this will result to economic
failure and unemployment.
4. People have to deal with bureaucracy.
Groups who are not in favor of a socialist society claim that with state-run services, there is too much
bureaucracy which only makes it difficult for people to get services fast. With standard operating procedures
to follow and the long processes people of the community have to go through just to get basic services, the
citizens are being deprived of immediate assistance.
5. It can result to lack of motivation.
People who are against socialism say that by making people’s lives comfortable and providing free services,
they might not be driven to work harder and dream of improving their lives. Business owners, on the other
hand, will not be motivated to open new businesses while innovative people will not be inspired to invent new
things because for them, nothing will change and they will remain stuck.
6. It can result to unnecessary spending by the government.
Some groups point out that since the government in a socialist setting has the power to spend on services for
the general public using taxpayer’s money, this can result to too much spending which can lead to poor
economy. With the state having the authority to subsidize projects it chooses, this can result to irresponsible
spending and inflation.
Democracy - a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically
through elected representatives.

List of Pros of Democracy

1. It is by the people and for the people.
In a democratic form of government, everyone will be allowed to vote and participate in weighing in on what they
think about the country’s political, social and economic issues, making sure that whatever decision is made, it will
be in their interest and not just of the government leaders. The public would actually hold power and has opinions
that matter. This sense of participation would allow the feelings of pride and patriotism that are not often seen in
counties with a different political system.
2. It promotes a sense of involvement.
When people have the power to vote and support certain decisions and laws, they would feel like an active part in
society. This means they would feel being needed for the society to thrive. Giving power to the people and letting
them get involved is definitely something that will have a considerable impact on the country as a whole.
3. It imposes equality.
The vote every person has would carry the same weight, making a democratic form of government built on
equality. Not only in democracy, but this reigns true in all forms of political elections, making all individuals feeling
heard and important.
4. It allows for reasonable policy changes.
According to proponents, this is probably the biggest pro of democracy. Considering the people’s power, they are
also important to making changes to the system when they feel it is necessary, which are then agreed with the
elected officials willingly.
These changes can come without violence, where power is transferred from one party to another through election,
which means the government is only bound in power by terms that are separated into yearly increments. Change
would be constant, and the ruling party must work for the citizens, or they would not be voted back into power. The
authority given by the people would allow for a political system that does not take advantage of the given power.
5. It does not put power into a single individual.
In democracy, power is spread out, and no individual holds all of the power—even the majority of it. This helps
prevent exploitation of the people and corruption.
6. It provides obligation to citizens.Democracy enables the feeling of obligation to the public in motivating the
ruling power. Consequently, government officials will have a duty and obligation to the citizens who voted them
into position, which means they owe their success to the citizens, so they should be indebted to them in a certain
degree. Such motivation can help these officials work towards policies and goals they were elected to impose.

List of Cons of Democracy

1. It risks lack of knowledge among the people.
Due to the fact that the people have the power to elect officials into office, they would be often not informed on
political issues in a way that they should be, which means that many of them with voting power are not as
knowledgeable about relevant issues as necessary. This is not always ideal, as common masses without the
understanding of societal issues would make the wrong choices during elections.
2. It might cause the minority to get the short end.
Since a democratic form of government is set up to cater to the majority, the minority would be often overlooked
and even exploited. A lot of policies and laws that favor the majority are mostly hurtful to the minority, causing a
large gap between the 2 groups.
3. It would allow mob influence.
One big downside to democracy is the possibility that mobs will still have influence. Though the public is the one
doing the voting, mobs can still influence the voters’ decisions. People would be influenced by others, and
sometimes, political officials would even make claims to simply win their votes, instead of working for the people.
The elections will then be the spotlight, rather than the policies that need to be changed.
4. It might experience election fraud.
Democracy will face difficulties in functioning efficiently, especially when there is a larger to take care of. Elections
and vote tallying would become a seemingly impossible task, leading to some form of corruption, such as voter
5. It may have difficulties to avoid shortfalls.
Every political system does not come without flaws, which means that democracy is not a perfect system,
especially that there are different people having different views, making matters complicated. Since government
positions are based on short terms, the political system might also be short-term focused and would not be
working for the growth of society long-term.
6. It is prone to the “free time rules” system.
In democracy, people who have the most amount of free time would get to attend meetings frequently, influencing
the government decisions that would be made. On the other hand, people with full and busy schedules would have
no time to attend these meetings and could not have the same pull.
Marxism - A system of economic, social, and political philosophy based on ideas that view social change in terms
of economic factors.
Marxism - A system of economic, social, and political philosophy based on ideas that view social change in terms
of economic factors.


1. It tends to create a system of true equality.
Although Marxism’s system of government is considered as communism, it places an emphasis on human rights,
with its foundation encompassing equal gender roles, health care and access to education. As Marx believed,
there should be equality before the law and societal services, where everyone has an equal stance and
opportunity with no dominant gender. This means that every person would be able to get access to the most
important things he needs regardless of whatever he does, wherever he lives or how much he makes to provide a
better living for those depending on him.
2. It offers benefits to the society.
If you look at the Marxist theory, it considers society as a whole, which means that it acknowledges all the social
forces involved, including the power interests of different groups. Stressing the role of class struggle or conflict
within society between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, it is effective in explaining change in society. In
essence, it organizes society under capitalism, where the bourgeoisie tends to maximize profit with the proletariat.
3. It helps with capitalism.
Ironically, when huge multi-nationals dominate the entire world economy, capital advocates would tell us that the
future lies with small businesses or always state that “Small is beautiful”. However, we can consider that the
youthful phase of capitalism is gone beyond recall. But as far as Marxism is concerned, free competition inevitably
begets monopoly, where the struggle between big and small capitals always yields to the same result. In modern
times, the vast power of multi-nationals and monopolies seems to exercise a total stranglehold on the world,
holding access to economies of scale, staggering sums of money, ability to manipulate commodity prices and
even the influence of government policies. Now, Marxism was able to predict the inevitable tendency towards
monopolization, where free competition was a standard.
4. It reduces the tendency of debt.
Under the Marxist philosophy, communities will be working together to achieve success, where all people would
come together to provide for each other, with the help of the government distributing resources as required.
5. It protects the rights of unions.
Rather than exploiting managers, Marxism encourages unions to stand up for personal rights, creating a system of
checks and balances for a maximum production level to be achieved. As it is believed that this philosophy never
exploits workers by management, followers believe that unions are definitely a great idea.


1. It tries to abolish religion.
Under Marxism, you would have the freedom to have your own faith, but you would not have the freedom to
practice it in a way that is organized. As you can see, religion would ultimately place one group in a superior role
over the others, which goes against the equality principle of Marxism. This means that there would be no
organized religion, which would affect prominent beliefs followed around the world, including Christianity and
Judaism. As Marx felt that religion was used to control people, Marxism would not allow people to be free of
choosing their spirituality.
2. It negatively affects the educational system.
It is important to note that Marxist education implements one that is absolutely state- controlled, which means that
it regards too much importance to the role of the state in education, which means that the methodology of
teaching, curriculum construction and examination system would be determined by the state and it does not allow
other agencies in education—local or regional—to have their say. Marxist philosophy on education sees
economics lying at the root of every human activity, though this is not absolutely factual on scientific point of view,
as economics occupies the pivotal position in the curriculum is one of the main objectives to acquire productive
skills, which would result to creative faculties of children being neglected.
3. It does not value the concept of private ownership.
While you are given a place to live as part of a community and contribute to the common good, you will have no
private property ownership, which means that you might not have much control over your residence and your
contributions. In Marxism, there will be the idea that private properties and businesses should be abolished, which
makes it impossible for anyone to take business advantage of someone else, giving him no reward for working.
4. It limits opportunities for entrepreneurs.
If you are in doing business under Marxism, then basically, you would be working for the government, which
means that are not going to work as an entrepreneur, freelancer or sole business owner because everything would
run through the government.
5. It can lead to communism.
Communism is a possible occurrence in Marxism, as this philosophy is believed to lead to dictatorship. As you can
see, it would not allow anyone to be an individual, which is believed to lead to a dangerous society without
anybody being motivated.
In theory, equality sounds great, seeing a lot of examples where people are treated fairly, but keep in mind that an
individual is taken out of the scenario under Marxism. The strengths and weaknesses of this philosophy show
some sets of benefits and drawbacks, creating a system of government that is prone to abuse, that is why Marx to
fix its flaws. But by examining its key strengths and weaknesses, we will be able to decide whether it is best for
society or not.

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