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2016 0401 FINAL 1.0 SANITIZED ‘TOP SECRET / CANADIAN EYES ONLY ‘THREAT ASSESSMENT FOR ‘THE MINISTER OF NATIONAL DEFENCE ‘+ The threat environment remains conceming a a terrorist atack may occur without warning, The Minister, being « prominent member ofthe Canadian government, could he a targe or be incidentally involved in such an atack. Introduction: ‘This document isan update ofthe General Threat Assessment for the Minister of "National Defence (MND), the Honourable Hart SAJJAN, conducted of 2016 0112. Methodology: The RCMP conducted an all-source assessment of holdings related or possibly related to Minister SAAN, ‘This included a search of databases available to the RCMP as of the Intelligence CucOMT Date (ICOD) “The RCMP also ‘made several request fr information to its parmers Caveat: Threat Assessments are made on the bass of information available to the RCMP and bother facors which were reported tothe RCMP as of the COD. ‘This assessment is writen forthe RCMP Protective Policing program, General threat environment affecting the MND “Terrorism, in Canada and abroad, continues to pose « challenging threat fr the RCMP and its sccurty partners ‘The RCMP has opened ‘counter-terorism investigations during the past Fiscal Year (2015-2016), and has charge & number of individuals with serious terrorism offences, 2016 04 01 FINAL v 1.0 SANITIZED ‘TOP SECRET / CANADIAN EYES ONLY The present threat environment in Canada is distinguished by the activity of single, compartmentalizedindividvals who can conduct atacks without warning, Such individuals are typically “inspired” by foreign propaganda from the “Islamic State" (SIL), Al Qaeda, or other listed a ferronst entities, Terorit organizations lke ISL have demonstrated the | EYP capability o conduct savanced frcign atacks, suchas those in Pris ang | * Ufed — jrates © Ing © Kuwait the RCMP cannot discount the existence ofan ISIL-directed | * Ukraine terrorist operation targeting Canada, * United Kingdom ‘© Dominican Republic United States Poland Globally, the counter-terorism environment is very complex; many Germany European nations are ona high-level of alert and have been so for many | + Italy ‘months, Artacks, as seen in Brussels on 2016 03 22, cantake place === without warning and threat disruption is proving tobe difficult to ‘ota ne schieve. The Minisier could be affected by global terrorism as be travels ‘outside of Canada (ee Text Box 1) ‘Threats posed to past MNDs Generally speaking, the historical threat level for Canadian Ministers of Defence Following the October 2014 terrorist attacks, the level was raised for anumber of high profile ministers ‘The following table reflects the threat level assessed by the RCMP forthe relevant MNDs during ‘heir time in office 2016 04 01 FINAL v 1.0 SANITIZED ‘TOP SECRET / CANADIAN EYES ONLY Asjessed MIND | Threat Level Vion. Peter ~~] 2007 08 14 2013 07 is MACKAY Hon. Rob BOIS OT 1S BOIa TO NICHOLSON _| 2014 12 10-2015 02.09. ion. Jason ‘2013 02 09= 2015 11 OF KENNEY Hon. Hart DUIS 11 OF > Prevent SAUAN Tube Tact MND For the las three MNDs, there were 45 investigations into general threa-elated activities during ‘their tenure; approximately 40% ofthese investigations were conducted while offce-holder was the MND, and the remainder were during their time in anther portfolio. Of the 45 investigations, 27 were not related to founded at Greats gains a Minister The remaining 18 Sts wna Sau ree) = files were identified a actual threats mo ee requiring further investigation Macedon | ‘Out these 18 investigations, charges were Ini ve Os 1 in two cases; only one was while the office: Che ‘i holder was the MND. In both eases the SERB, "| Chwsitnanmimneny, individuals were charged with “Utering Nice ‘ ae we hone ‘ ‘Tae majority of evens regardless of cae fem 2 ‘outcome, were while the office holder was ree : rot the MND. Only one threat was recorded. Sd : in relation to MND NICHOLSON (2013), and no threats to MND KENNEY were reported, ‘The nature of non-threat related investigations were typically from individuals who may be ‘mentally il (including nonsensical letter writers), and criticism directed towards Ministers perceived as possibly threatening, Tae nome res MND are 2016 04 01 FINALY 10 SANITIZED ‘TOP SECRET CANADIAN EVES ONLY Sources of potential threat to MND SAJJAN Az MND, MP, and as a community leader A the civilian leader of a major G7 & NATO military, presently involved inthe Glabel Coalition to Counter ISIL, the Minister is a target for trons Who oppose Canada's actions. Uniformed members ofthe Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), of which the MND is a former ‘member, are prominent targets for terrorism. Four members ofthe CAF have been attacked in Canada since October 2014 by persons with a varety of motives ‘The Ministers also prominent, easily recognizable Member of Parliament who regularly tends events ~ and is seen ~ with the Prime Minister. He also has a high profile in his ridin, where approximately 15% of his constituents are from South Asia. The Federal riding has been previously held by prominent Sikhs including he former Premier of British Columbia and former Federal Minister of Health Ujjal DOSANJH. {As such, one source of potential threat to the MND results fom his position as & Minister ofthe Crovin and as a symbol of Canada. Another source of potential threat arses fom his ‘background asa community lender anda symbolic Indo-Canadian, ‘According to open source, the MND was involved ina contentious dispute over the Liberal Party ‘nomination in his riding Vancouver South. A number of Sikhs apparently uit the Party, claiming thatthe process was being “hijacked” by the World Sikh Organization (WSO).” The MND’ father, who was a member ofthe Punjab Police and a reported executive ofthe WSO," is ‘known religious figure Violence has been an element ofthe political and religious debate between Sikhs in Greater ‘Vancouver. Windows have been smashed, threats have been mde, and people ave been 2016 04 01 FINALY 1.0 SANITIZED ‘TOP SECRET / CANADIAN EYES ONLY attacked. Clashes at a temple in Suey led toa stabbing in 1997."° Throughout the late 90, ‘murders and atempicd bombings targeted moderate Sikh religious figures." In general, support for S Sikh extremism still remains a concer for Canada. ‘The MND and his family have been subject of non-specific, posiby threatening events according to police files, oi 2016 04 01 FINAL v 10 SANITIZED ‘TOP SECRET // CANADIAN EYES ONLY ‘As aformer member of the Canadian Armed Forces “The MND was deployed to Afghanistan three times over the period between 2006 and 2010, in a variety of functions. He was involved in armed conflict against listed terrorist entities in an active theatre of war. This circumstance is unique in the context of RCMP threat assessments ‘As aresultofhis duties, itis certainly conceivable that {the MND was targeted by the Taliban ~ ether directly as 4 prominent Sikh cosltion commander or indirectly as @ ‘member ofthe Canadian Armed Forces. The Taliban tnd their extremist allies targeted Indians in Afghanistan throughout the MND''s time there. For instance, the Indian Embassy in Kabul was bombed twice in 2008 and 2008. MND Selected Career History 1989 — Joins Canadian Forces 1999 — Joins Vancouver Police 2006 — 1" Afghanistan Deployment reo Nova) -2™ Ah. Deployment (as ‘Spetial Advisor) 2010—Leaves Vancouver Police Mar-i1-3"Afgh, Deployment (with ISAF) 2015 — Elected as MP; appointed as MND 2015 ~ Released from the Canadian Armed Forces To Bos BN Ce Pl ree 2016 08 01 FINAL v 1.0 SANITIZED ‘TOP SECRET CANADIAN EYES ONLY As a former member ofthe Vancouver Police Department ‘The MND had an 11-year career with the Vancouver Police Department (VPD), culminating in his last assignment as a Detective Constable with the Gang Crime Uni." Violence continued ito the next decade, leading to some elements of Indo-Canadian crime networks ‘o become targets of a 2012 RCMP national enforcement priority a reducing gang violence in British Columbia, jedat ¥ puns/haritsian bere 2016 04 01 FINAL 1.0 SANITIZED ‘TOP SECRET / CANADIAN EYES ONLY Concluding Remarks Minister SAJJAN isa unique challenge from a threat assessment standpoint, Rarely has & Minister of National Defence had such prominent career background. Yet, by al accounts he is welliked and respected by his colleagues and his community. {He will not be able to avoid controversy and ceiticism in his role but, wit significant ‘community support any potential threat will very likely be brought tothe attention of law enforcement and deslt with appropriately, Tey] =

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