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Orbital Arteriovenous Malformations

Sunil Warrier, MBBS; Venkatesh C. Prabhakaran, MS, MRCOphth; Alejandra Valenzuela, MD;
Tim J. Sullivan, FRANZCO; Garry Davis, FRANZCO; Dinesh Selva, FRANZCO

Objective: To present the clinical features, manage- tion of extraocular movements, and diplopia (1 patient
ment, and outcomes in a series of patients with orbital each, 12%). All of the patients except 1 underwent sur-
arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). gical resection, with 3 (38%) receiving preoperative em-
bolization of feeder vessels; all of the patients had initial
Methods: Clinical records of patients with orbital AVMs resolution of manifestations after treatment.
confirmed using angiography were reviewed as a retro-
spective, noncomparative, interventional case series. Conclusions: Angiography is essential for diagnosis and
for planning the management of orbital AVMs. Treat-
Results: Eight patients (3 women and 5 men) with uni- ment depends on patient-specific features and includes
lateral AVMs and a mean age of 39 years (median, 36.5 observation, embolization, and surgical excision or com-
years; range, 26-70 years) were reviewed. Findings ex- bined preoperative embolization/excision. Given their vas-
isted for an average of 11.2 years before diagnosis and cular nature, the main cause of poor management out-
included periocular mass (7 patients, 88%); periocular comes is perioperative hemorrhage. Outcomes after a
edema, pulsation/bruit, proptosis, episcleral conges- multidisciplinary approach are good, with few recur-
tion, and previous trauma (4 patients each, 50%); el- rences reported at follow-up.
evated intraocular pressure (3 patients, 38%); pain and
reduced visual acuity (2 patients each, 25%); and restric- Arch Ophthalmol. 2008;126(12):1669-1675

NTRAORBITAL ARTERIOVENOUS giographic evidence and outcomes after in-
malformations (AVMs) are rare tervention. A review of the literature to
lesions that are thought to be con- better define the features and management
genital in origin.1 They are de- of orbital AVMs was also undertaken.
rived embryologically from the
arterial system, the venous system, or both. METHODS
They are high-flow, progressively enlarg-
ing communications between arteries and This is a multicenter, retrospective study of all
veins that bypass normal capillary beds, patients with orbital AVMs who were seen in
usually with multiple feeder arteries, a cen- 2 orbital units: South Australian Institute of
tral nidus, and numerous dilated drain- Ophthalmology, January 1, 2004, to January
ing veins.2 The diagnosis of an orbital AVM 1, 2007 (2 patients), and Royal Brisbane Hos-
is based on angiographic and histologic pital, January 1, 2001, to January 1, 2006 (6
findings. Findings on selective angiogra- patients). The inclusion criterion was an an-
giographically proved AVM involving the or-
phy include an engorged, rapidly filling, bit. Medical records were reviewed for the fol-
proximal arterial system; the malforma- lowing data: age; sex; ethnicity; duration of
tion; and the distal venous outflow. His- signs and symptoms; clinical presentation; site
tologic analysis reveals thick-walled, ir- involved; imaging findings on angiography,
regular arterial and venous channels with computed tomography, or magnetic reso-
Author Affiliations: South and without stromal hemorrhage.3 nance imaging angiography; treatment modali-
Australian Institute of Appearance on initial examination is ties; and outcomes. Response to treatment was
Ophthalmology and Discipline variable, as although the lesions are often evaluated by resolution of the signs and symp-
of Ophthalmology and Visual congenital, they may not cause symptoms toms noted at the initial examination and pa-
Sciences, University of in childhood. Stimuli for growth include tient satisfaction.
Adelaide, Adelaide, South menarche, pregnancy, and trauma.2 Com-
Australia (Drs Warrier, RESULTS
mon findings include periocular pain, di-
Prabhakaran, Davis, and Selva);
and Department of lated corkscrew vessels on the globe ex-
Ophthalmology, Royal Brisbane tending to the limbus, proptosis, pulsation, CASE SERIES
Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland bruit, and raised intraocular pressure.4 We
(Drs Valenzuela and Sullivan), report the largest case series, to our knowl- This study included 8 patients (3
Australia. edge, of symptomatic orbital AVMs, with an- women and 5 men) with a mean age of


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postoperatively, of which 1 required strabismus surgery
Table 1. Initial Clinical Signs and Symptoms in 8 Patients to attain binocular vision. Mean follow-up was 27
With Orbital Arteriovenous Malformations months (range, 3-48 months), during which 6 patients
remained symptom free and 1 each (as described previ-
No. (%)
ously herein) required further procedures. Patient
demographics and management are outlined in
Periocular mass 7 (88)
Table 2.
Periocular swelling a 4 (50)
Pulsation/bruit 4 (50)
Proptosis 4 (50) ILLUSTRATIVE CASE
Previous trauma 4 (50)
Edema/congestion of episclera/conjunctiva 4 (50) A 47-year-old woman complained of persistent pain,
Elevated intraocular pressure 3 (38)
Pain 2 (25)
discomfort, and increasing redness and size of a right
Reduced visual acuity 2 (25) periorbital lesion, which was present since childhood
Restriction of extraocular movement 1 (12) and had been debulked at least 20 times before review.
Diplopia 1 (12) She had episodes of severe pain associated with recur-
rent intralesional hemorrhages. Her best-corrected vi-
a Intermittent swelling was described in 1 patient. sual acuity was 6/6 in both eyes. She had 2.5 mm of
nonaxial proptosis of the right eye. Dilated, abnormal
vessels were noted on the right temporal conjunctiva
39 years (median, 36.5 years; range, 26-70 years). and sclera together with enlargement of the palpebral
Seven patients were white and 1 was Malay. All of the lobe of the lacrimal gland (Figure 1). Ocular move-
cases were unilateral. The mean duration from initial ments were not restricted, and no distensibility was
clinical signs and symptoms to diagnosis and treat- noted when using the Valsalva maneuver. The remain-
ment was 11.2 years (median, 8 years; range, 3 der of the ocular examination, including the fundus,
months to 30 years). The presenting signs and symp- was unremarkable. Magnetic resonance imaging of the
toms are summarized in Table 1. The most common orbits revealed a vascular malformation in the supero-
finding was a periocular mass in 7 patients (88%), temporal orbit (Figure 2). Angiography showed an
with periocular swelling and edema, pulsation/bruit, AVM in the right orbit with feeder vessels from the oph-
proptosis, previous trauma, and episcleral congestion thalmic artery and multiple branches arising from the
in 4 patients each (50%). superficial temporal and maxillary branches of the ex-
Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging ternal carotid artery. After discussion with the patient,
localized the AVM to the superomedial quadrant of the it was decided that preoperative embolization of the
orbit in 3 patients, the superolateral quadrant in 2, the malformation would not include the feeder vessels from
inferolateral quadrant in 2, and the entire medial orbit the ophthalmic artery because of the risk of blindness.
in 1. The latter patient had a giant facial AVM that had a Hence, preoperative embolization using polyvinyl alco-
significant orbital component. Aside from this giant le- hol particles occluded the external carotid artery feeder
sion, all of the AVMs were located in the anterior orbit. vessels, but residual flow was evident from the ophthal-
Angiography was available for all 8 patients. Feeder ar- mic artery branches (Figure 3). The lesion was de-
teries were noted from the internal carotid artery in 5 pa- bulked via a lateral orbitotomy after the largest feeder
tients (63%), of which 4 were from the ophthalmic ar- vessel from the lacrimal artery was exposed and clipped
tery, and from the external carotid artery in 3 patients (Figure 4). Histopathologic examination confirmed
(38%). an AVM (Figure 5). The patient was asymptomatic for
Preoperative embolization of feeder vessels was per- 8 months before developing recurrent symptoms of per-
formed in 3 patients (38%). Polyvinyl alcohol particles5 sistent pain and discomfort. Further debulking surgery
were used in 2 patients and platinum microcoils (Beren- was performed, with initial symptom resolution, but
stein Liquid Coils; Boston Scientific, Natick, Massachu- the patient remains symptomatic at this stage. She is
setts)6 in 1. Incisions appropriate to location were used considering superselective catheterization of the oph-
in the 7 patients (88%) who underwent surgical man- thalmic artery preoperatively.
agement. Feeder vessels were identified using angiogra-
phy and were ligated, with careful excision of the mal-
formations ensuring hemostasis. In the case of the giant COMMENT
facial AVM, reconstruction after excision of the facial com-
ponent was accomplished using a radial forearm free flap. We describe herein a series of 8 patients with angio-
Histologic analysis in all cases revealed lesions with thick- graphically and histologically proved orbital AVMs, which,
ened arterial and venous components, consistent with to our knowledge, is the largest series in the literature.
AVMs. All of the patients except 1 underwent surgery, with
After surgical debulking, substantial symptomatic or without previous embolization, generally with good
improvement was noted regarding proptosis, raised results.
intraocular pressure, reduced visual acuity, and peri- Vascular malformations of the orbit are complex and
ocular swelling in all of the patients. Pain was persistent varied lesions. Rootman3 used hemodynamic concepts
in 2 patients (25%), with 1 requiring further surgical to classify them into subtypes. Type 1 encompasses lymph-
intervention. Diplopia was reported in 2 patients (25%) angiomas and combined venous–lymphatic system mal-


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Table 2. Patient Demographics and Diagnosis and Management of Orbital AVMs

Patient No./ of
Sex/Age, y Symptoms Symptoms Side Angiography Treatment Progress Comments
1/M/27 6y Periocular mass, slowly L AVM anterior Refused treatment Lost to follow-up after Boxing trauma to
increasing size, superolateral orbit; 3 mo left side
pulsation positive multiple ICA feeder
2/M/26 4y Periocular mass, L AVM anterior Surgical excision Mild and regressing Trauma causing left
intermittent eyelid superolateral orbit; without swelling orbital fracture
swelling, pulsation feeder vessels from embolization owing postoperatively;
positive STA, facial artery, to numerous feeder follow-up, 11 mo
ophthalmic artery vessels
3/F/41 3y Pain, eyelid lesion, and R AVM anterior Surgical excision Decreased pain only Encephalocele
bulbar conjunctival superomedial orbit; without on bending; surgically
hyperemia feeder vessels from embolization follow-up, 37 mo managed in past
ophthalmic artery and
ethmoidal artery
4/M/43 20 y Periocular mass and L AVM anterior Preoperative Horizontal diplopia that Trauma to left orbit
swelling, diplopia, superomedial orbit; embolization using required strabismic 20 y before initial
6-mm proptosis, feeder vessels from platinum correction; other examination
pulsation positive ophthalmic artery microcoils6; surgical symptoms resolved;
excision follow-up, 48 mo
5/M/28 16 y Periocular mass, 4-mm L Giant AVM filling entire Surgical excision Resolution of None
proptosis, reduced VA medial orbit; feeder symptoms; mild
vessels identified from diplopia in extreme
ethmoidal artery up and down gaze;
follow-up, 10 mo
6/F/70 3 mo Periocular mass, R AVM anterior Surgical excision Resolution of None
pulsation positive superomedial orbit; symptoms;
multiple feeder temporary
vessels from supraorbital nerve
supraorbital vessels hypoesthesia;
follow-up, 48 mo
7/M/32 10 y Periocular mass and R AVM anterior Preoperative Resolution of signs None
swelling, 5-mm inferolateral orbit; embolization using and symptoms;
proptosis, decreased feeder vessels from PVA particles5; follow-up, 12 mo
VA, increased IOP, maxillary, facial, surgical excision
edema, and congestion lingual, and
of episclera ophthalmic arteries
8/F/46 30 y Periocular mass and R AVM anterior Preoperative Resolution of Considering
swelling, pain, superotemporal orbit; embolization of ECA symptoms for 8 mo preoperative
increased IOP, 2.5-mm feeder vessels from feeder vessels using before recurrence; embolization of
proptosis, edema, and STA and maxillary and PVA particles5; follow-up, 12 mo ophthalmic artery
congestion of episclera ophthalmic arteries surgical debulking feeder vessels

Abbreviations: AVM, arteriovenous malformation; ECA, external carotid artery; ICA, internal carotid artery; IOP, intraocular pressure; L, left; PVA, polyvinyl alcohol;
R, right; STA, superficial temporal artery; VA, visual acuity.

formations with essentially no flow. Type 2 encom-

passes low-flow lesions, including distensible, directly
communicating venous malformations and nondisten-
sible lesions with little venous communication. Both
AVMs and cavernous hemangiomas are included in type
3, with antegrade flow from the arterial through to the
venous side.
As described at the beginning of this article, AVMs
are high-flow communications between arteries and
veins, bypassing normal capillary beds. Orbital AVMs
are rare lesions, and Wright,7 in a series of 627 patients
with proptosis, found only 3 AVMs. A review of the lit-
erature disclosed only 361,2,8-34 reported cases of orbital
AVMs. A selection of these cases is summarized, high-
lighting various management options and outcomes
(Table 3). The most common presenting feature was
proptosis, followed by a periocular lesion and pain.
Figure 1. Clinical photograph highlighting dilated, abnormal vessels on the
Most lesions were located in the superior orbit. Sponta- right temporal conjunctiva and sclera together with enlargement of the
neous hemorrhage is uncommon, with only 1 case palpebral lobe of the lacrimal gland.


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Figure 2. Magnetic resonance images (T1, contrast enhanced) of the orbits. A, Axial image showing a vascular malformation in the right superotemporal orbit
with a characteristic flow void (arrow). B, Coronal image highlighting a right superotemporal vascular malformation with vessels evident in the muscle cone.

Figure 4. Intraoperative photograph of the excision of an orbital

arteriovenous malformation with identification of a lacrimal artery feeder
vessel via lateral orbitotomy.
Figure 3. Preoperative angiogram after embolization revealing residual flow
via the ophthalmic artery feeding vessels to a right orbital arteriovenous

being reported.25 This is in contrast to histologically bination of cutaneous angiomas and retinal, orbital, and
similar cerebral AVMs, which manifest most commonly cerebral AVMs, with cutaneous manifestations being the
with hemorrhage (approximately 50%)35 and are re- least common.37 Three of 36 orbital AVMs (8%) re-
sponsible for 1% of all strokes.36 There is a tendency for viewed for this article could be classified into this cat-
orbital AVMs to expand slowly, with factors such as egory. It is unclear whether the Wyburn-Mason syn-
menarche, pregnancy, and trauma implicated in their drome is a separate disorder or simply a multifocal
growth. Trauma was a feature in 50% of the patients manifestation of AVM. Note that cerebral AVMs may cause
in this series but was previously reported in only 5 secondary orbital congestion because of atypical venous
patients.2,13,15,29 drainage into the orbital veins.38 Garrity et al39 use the
Orbital AVMs are best considered to be congenital ham- term secondary type of orbital AVM to describe this phe-
artomas, with trauma possibly precipitating hemody- nomenon, although no AVM of the orbit exists in this
namic changes, leading to symptoms. Based on loca- condition.
tion, they may be classified into 3 types: purely orbital, Diagnosis of orbital AVMs is based on angiographic
orbital and periorbital, and orbital with retinal or cere- findings highlighting an engorged, rapidly filling proxi-
bral AVMs (Wyburn-Mason syndrome). The first 2 groups mal arterial system, a malformation, and distal venous
are more common (33 of 36 reviewed cases [92%]: 26 outflow.3 Histologic analysis of these lesions includes ir-
[72%] purely orbital and 7 [19%] orbital and perior- regularity in the thickness of the muscularis layer in the
bital). Wyburn-Mason syndrome can include any com- affected arteries and veins and the presence of a partial


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elastica in some vessels.40 A nidus of cellular stroma is
found between the vessels.
The diagnosis can be aided by clinical history and non-
invasive tests, such as flow Doppler studies, and by com-
puted tomography and magnetic resonance imaging to
highlight the extent of the lesions. Because these lesions
are rare, they must be considered in the differential di-
agnosis of orbital vascular lesions with similar clinical
features, such as carotid-cavernous fistulas, dural-
cavernous sinus fistulas, orbital arteriovenous fistulas
(AVFs), and cerebral AVMs with drainage into orbital
veins. Orbital AVF is the only condition that may be con-
fused with orbital AVM on radiology and angiography.
Orbital AVFs may be traumatic or spontaneous and are
limited to the orbit, with no connection to the cavern-
ous sinus.41 These lesions can be differentiated from or-
bital AVMs on angiography: AVFs demonstrate a direct Figure 5. Histologic section with adjacent medium-sized arteries, veins, and
arterialized veins, consistent with an arteriovenous malformation
arteriovenous connection without the intervening ni- (hematoxylin-eosin original magnification ⫻20).
dus that is characteristic of AVMs. Orbital AVFs are rare,
with only 10 reported cases; the subject is well reviewed
by Yazici and coworkers.41 Positioning of a catheter when embolizing ophthal-
The management of orbital AVMs is based on a mul- mic artery feeder vessels must be distal to the posterior
tidisciplinary approach. As described earlier, the slow ciliary and central retinal vessels, or larger emboliza-
growth and the low incidence of hemorrhage permit ob- tion particles aimed at greater-caliber vessels should
servation in many cases. Regression is well documented be used. This should be accompanied by provocative
in cerebral AVMs but has not been reported in orbital testing with lidocaine to ensure ocular blood flow. The
lesions.42 Indications for intervention include visual com- technique involves the injection of enough lidocaine
promise, patient discomfort related to symptoms, and aes- to replace blood flow for at least 2 seconds so that
thetic concerns when the lesions extend outside the or- there is sufficient time for perfusion through the tissue
bit. The primary treatment for orbital AVMs is surgical and, hence, provocation. The detection of a scotoma
excision with or without preoperative embolization. Ra- on testing localizes ocular blood flow.43 Surgical resec-
diotherapy using newer techniques to focus radiation onto tion should be via an approach specific to the location
the lesion (linear accelerator, proton beam, or gamma of the AVM. Rootman et al 29 advocated the use of
knife) has been used for cerebral AVMs and works by in- microvascular clips as opposed to bipolar cautery
ducing thrombosis42; however, this method has not been whenever possible to ensure a more precise effect
used for orbital lesions. around delicate tissue.
Surgery seems to be a safe and effective treatment for Review of the literature shows that recurrences were
orbital lesions, and the predominantly excellent results reported when incomplete excision or partial emboliza-
from this and other case series2,15 highlight the impor- tion alone was performed,10,21,22,31 highlighting the ten-
tance and effectiveness of preoperative embolization. dency of these lesions to recruit new feeder vessels when
Goldberg et al15 in 1993 reported 3 cases of orbital AVM their supply is partially reduced. This tendency to recur-
that were successfully managed with combined emboli- rence was also demonstrated in the illustrative case in
zation and surgical resection. One patient complained of this series, in which preoperative embolization of the ex-
persistent supraorbital swelling on bending that, on an- ternal carotid feeder vessels but not the internal carotid
giography, was found to represent a varix. Another se- feeder vessels was performed.
ries2 consisted of 3 patients with orbital AVMs managed The risk-benefit ratio must be evaluated on a case-by-
with combined embolization and surgical resection, with case basis before interventional management is under-
little morbidity. Exposure keratopathy developed in 1 pa- taken in orbital AVMs. Their natural history must be un-
tient owing to vertical shortening of the lower eyelid, derstood and considered, alongside the risks of
which was subsequently surgically corrected. Since the neuroradiologic and surgical interventions. Visual com-
advent of superselective angiography32 and small cath- promise and persistent or progressive patient discom-
eters, it has become possible to locally restrict flow to the fort are the main indicators for intervention. We found,
lesions, thus reducing their bulk before resection. It also in this series of 8 patients and in the literature, that a mul-
changes the flow property from a dynamic to a static pro- tidisciplinary approach, when successful, is often cura-
cess, thus reducing the risk of hemorrhage periopera- tive in these rare lesions.
tively. In small lesions, with high surgical risk, emboli- Orbital AVMs are rare lesions that usually manifest
zation alone has been successful.32 This is possible in only in a chronic manner. They are an important differen-
a few cases given the propensity of AVMs to form col- tial diagnosis in any suspected orbital vascular abnor-
lateral circulation. This form of catheterization is also use- mality. Angiography is essential for diagnosis and for
ful in the diagnosis of small AVMs of the posterior orbit, planning management. Their management depends on
such as those involving the dura of the optic nerve.22 Cur- patient-specific features and includes observation,
rently, these lesions have few therapeutic options. embolization, and surgical excision or combined pre-


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Table 3. Selected Reported Cases of Orbital AVMs: Management and Outcomes

Patient Duration
Sex/ of
Source Age, y Symptoms Symptoms Side Angiography Treatment Progress Comments
Murali et al, M/53 1y Proptosis, bruit, R Feeder vessels from No treatment Spontaneous Disappearance
1981 visual loss ophthalmic artery thrombosis of of bruit
and IMA superior ophthalmic
vein; disappearance
of AVM
Howard et al,21 M/19 2y Proptosis, upper R AVM superotemporal Initial biopsy and Immediate None
1983 eyelid edema orbit; feeder embolization of IMA; disappearance of
vessels from IMA, surgery via lateral proptosis;
STA, and MMA orbitotomy for recurrence recurrence 4 y later;
immediately after
Gross and F/60 1y Headache, L AVM superior orbit Heifetz clamp incorporating Asymptomatic at 5-y None
Hornblass,18 proptosis, anterior to orbital major proximal and distal review
1989 episcleral rim ends and left in situ
thrill, raised
Tsai et al,32 M/30 8y Decreasing VA, R AVM fed only by Superselective catheterization Proptosis and pain Previous
1990 proptosis, ophthalmic artery and embolization using settled; vision stable radiotherapy
increasing PVA at 2-y review for AVM
pain, bruit
Rootman M/31 20 y Proptosis, bruit, L AVM superolateral Preoperative embolization Postoperative History of
et al,29 1992 pain orbit; feeder and surgical resection angiography at 1 mo trauma
vessels from showed small
ophthalmic artery residual nidus;
and MMA self-resolving
hemorrhage at 8
mo; asymptomatic
at 18 mo
Chakrabortty M/27 23 y Proptosis, R AVM fed by Initially clipped; postoperative Unknown None
et al,11 1993 chemosis, ophthalmic artery angiography showed
visual loss recruitment of new feeder
vessels, which were
embolized; surgical
removal followed by
exenteration for cosmetic
Goldberg et F/22 18 y Upper eyelid R AVM superior orbit Initial excision abandoned Normal ocular Initial
al,15 1993 mass, owing to hemorrhage; examination complaint
proptosis radiotherapy and findings at 3 mo during
reexcision; embolization pregnancy;
with ophthalmic artery periods of
spasm and visual growth
compromise; second during
embolization and surgical menarche
Hieu et al,20 F/39 1 mo Proptosis, raised R AVM retrobulbar, Surgical excision via No recurrence, None
1997 IOP, visual intraconal space; fronto-orbital craniectomy resolution of signs
loss feeder vessels and symptoms
from dilated
ophthalmic artery
and ECA
Yasuhara F/7 1y Visual loss L AVM: submaxillary, Embolization ⫻ 6 and Disappearance of None
et al,33 1999 retinal, orbital, and radiotherapy to submaxillary lesion;
middle subdural submaxillary AVM; gamma other lesions stable
knife treatment to orbital at 1 y
Moin et al,25 F/75 Several Proptosis, R AVM in retrobulbar Lateral orbitotomy and Unknown First report of
2000 days diplopia, space; fed from debulking, aborted owing spontaneous
conjunctival ophthalmic artery to hemorrhage; attempted hemorrhage
chemosis embolization; exenteration
Pathak-Ray F/7 Unknown Reduction in L Retinal and orbital Observation No change at 3 y Wyburn-
et al,28 2001 vision AVM Mason
Trombly et al,31 F/11 Unknown Upper and lower R AVM in orbit and Surgical excision complicated BCVA 20/80 with None
2006 eyelid lesion, forehead; feeder by hemorrhage; serial ptosis and
thrill vessels from right incomplete embolizations; exotropia; lesion
ophthalmic artery, planned for exenteration prominent and
R and L ECAs disfiguring at 2 y

Abbreviations: AVM, arteriovenous malformation; BCVA, best-corrected visual acuity; ECA, external carotid artery; IMA, internal maxillary artery; IOP, intraocular
pressure; L, left; MMA, middle meningeal artery; PVA, polyvinyl alcohol; R, right; STA, superficial temporal artery; VA, visual acuity.

operative embolization and surgical excision. Given rhage. Outcomes after a multidisciplinary approach
the vascular nature of orbital AVMs, the main cause of are generally good, with few recurrences reported at
poor management outcomes is perioperative hemor- follow-up.


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