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Department of System Science

University of California, Los AnB;eles, CA 90024

1. IntIDduction and appropriate programming techniques were devised.

At the same time, similar methods of syntax speci-
My purpose is to survey the orlglns of the
fication and programming techniques were used in
theory of formal languages and automata through
the definition and implementation of Problem Orien-
1964 and to indicate some of the main directions
ted Programming Languages. In the early 60s, all
which the :-;ttldy of the sub4ect has takc::>n since tIlen.
of these various threads were brought together as
In the discussion of origins, I shall concentrate
it was recognized, and then formally proved, that
on those I know best: the work on mathematical
all these models defined the same class of languages,
linguistics and automatic translation of the 50s
namely, the family of context-free (CF) phrase
and early 60s, which led me into the field. I had
structure languages.
hoped to trace the developments since 1964 thIDugh
the papers presented at the IEEE Symposia on the
TI1e rest of this paper is divided into three
FOill1dations of Computer Science (initia11v, Switch-
main sections chronologically: prior to 1956; 1956
ing Circuit Theory and Logical Design; later,
to 1964; 1965 to the present. The year 1956 saw
Switching and Automata TI1eory) and the companion,
the publication of the tentative definition of
parvenu, AC11 Symposia on the Theory of Computing.
phrase structure grammar [Chomsky, 1956], though the
This good intention was impossible to sustain, par-
Chomsky hierarchy of languages and ITBchines did not
ticularly as I moved fIDm the exuberant 60s into
appear in print until 1959 [Chomsky ,1959 J. The
the grim 7 Os. LDng gone are the days in which ab-
year 1964 is a watershed: the Chomsky hierarchy of
stracts of one's summer research and the theses of
languages, grarmnars and machines was completed.
one's best students automatically appeared at the
After that, formal language theory as a discipline
next Conference! Still I shall give pride of place
diverged from mathe:rn::ltical or computational linguis-
to such cont1'ibutions where possible.
tics. Most (though not all) of the subsequent de-
velopments were inspired by ideas related to com-
There (:il'e at least five (not altogether dis-
puter rather than natural languages and to comput-
tinct) sources foY' the ideas developed in fonnal
ing and programning. Thus, from approximately 1965
language theory. They Eire:
on, one can regard formal languaF\e theory as a
elogic and recursive function theory branch (originally the main one) 8f theoretical
computer science.
•s\vitching cil'cuit trleory c]IKl

emodeling of biological systems., Past 1964, time and space allow me to touch
developm::ntal systems and on only a few themes and mv references become a
very sparse subset of the available literature. I
eITBthematical and computational linguistics
shall, not unnaturally, dwell most on the direction~;
·computer prograrmning and the of ALGOL in which my oVJTl research went.
and other Problem Qr)iented lrl.nguages
. Before Ctlomsky: 1936-1955
Recursive function theory is ;:3urveyed elsewhel'C in
these Proceedings so I shall mention relevant ideas As evel'y computer science student should kr10v],
only in passing. The emphasis of this paper is on the Chomsky hierarchy in its standard formulation
formal languages, so I shall descrilR only the l'e- consists of foul' classes of languages, each class
lated parts of the development of finite automata p1'operly containing the next: recursively enumer-
theory, skimping 01' skipping purely machine 01' sys- able, context-sensitive, context-free, regular.
tem oriented topics. These classes can be defined by placing an increas-
ingly strict set of restrictions on general rewrit-
Phrase structure gpammars wen=? originally cle- ing systems or equivalently by considering the
scribed by Chomsky [l959a] as a forrna.lization of languages accepted by nondeterministic machines
the Irrrrnediate Constituent (IC) analysis used by lin- with an increasingly restricted type of data struc-
tWists ~"'1 describing thp morpholog:/- aDd syntax' of ture (or Horking tape): 'I\.lring maChL1J.e, linear
natural languages. The work on :rn::lchine translation bounded automaton, pushdown store automaton, finite
at various institutions used various state automaton. 1he formal proof of equivalence
theories as bases for automatic syntactic analysis of grammars and IIBchines was completed in 1964,
but some of the definitions are much older.
t Th · .
lS paper was supported ill part by the National
Science Foundation under Grants NSF MCS-78-04725
and NSF MCS-79-01439.

CH ]471-2/79/0000-0066$00.75 (~~) 1979 IEEE 66

The types of machines and grarrnnars used to represents an ... al with an at t~e 1 if
define the class of recursively enumerable languages
were defined and studied in the 30s and 40s by an it is initial and, if noninitial, represents
.. . ~ ... al with the location of an in time
Turing [1936J and Post [1943,1947J, respectively. unspecified. An event is represented by a set
Many of the notions I survey here are now presented of tables. The concatenation EF of events E
in quite different formulations from those in the
original papers. By contrast, Turing's definition and F is the set of tables ~ where X lS a table
of a "Turing TlBchine" , its jusTi fi_c:at-ion and the In r which is not initial and Y is in F (so in
construction of the first univer'lsa1 Turing machine, Clu'rent no-tation is reLlIIv IT). The class of reg-
are little different from the notation we use now. ular events is defined as the closure of the unit
The -halting problem is not explicitly discussed; on events ane1 the empty set under) union, concatenation
the other hand, the tabular description of machines and an operation we can call E·':r ~ the correspon-
(frequently with added documentation or comments!) dence between rep;ular events aJicl finite automata is
is more convenient than some I have seen in recent established.
books. "No attempt has yet been JIBde to show that
the "computable" numbers include all nlIDlbers which
The context-free phrase :=:;tructure grammar is
VJould naturally be regarded as computable. All (1r-
(~ne attempt to fnrmcilize the notion of Irrunedidtc
guments that can be given are bound to be, funrla- Consti tupnt erC) anal vsic~, an approach to the de-
mentally, appeals to intuition and, for this reason,
;~cription of the morphology and syntax of natural
rather unsatisfactory ITk1thematically. The real lan,P:uage advocated in the 40s ancI early 50s by
question at issue is, 'What are the possible pro-
!\rrerican linguists such as Bloch, Harris and Wells.
cesses that can be carried out in computing a num- Bloch explains, "In analyzin,P~ a given sentence, we
ber?' "[Turing, 1936, p 249J.t
first 5501(Jte the irrunc'diate constl tuents of the
sentence as a whole, th('n the (~onstituents of each
The generation of sets by rewrltlng systems,
constituent, and so nn to the ultimate constituents
called production systems, ~,vas formalized by Post
-- at c,-very step choosing our constituents in such
[1943J who observed that the sets so generated are
a way that the total number of different construc-
recursively enumerable sets and vice versa. The tions will reJYBin as SITk'ill as possible" [Bloch,
particular type of production system used by Chom-
1946J. And again, "When a word contains three or
sky was defined and termed "semi-Thue" by Post
more morphemes,Lt is usually necessary to analyze
[1947J who gives the natural mapping from Turing
j t into two and only two IMMEDIl\TE CONTITUilITS OJ
machines (Post uses quadruples rather than Turing's
either or both of which may be susceptible of fur-
quintuples) to semi-Thue systems. In 1936, Post-
ther anaJysis" [Bloch .-md Trager, 1942J.
gave, independently, an informal description of com-
putat ion quite similar· to Turing's and declared
that proving enough formulations equivalent to re- Various attempts were rrade at formalizing
cursiveness would change Church's thesis "not :~o this procedure. In "Frum 1"1orpheme to Utterance.,"
much to a definition or to an axiom but to a natu- Harris first apologizes for introducing "methods
pal law" [Post, 1936,p 105 J. as mathematical as the one proposed here." His
method consists of f+t'st defining substitution
Thus, the grammars (or generating systems) classes of morphemes ,or sequences of morphemes,
and machines at the "top" of the Chomsky hierarchy \,ihich can appear in the same context or envir'on-
were known, and known to be equivalent, by 1947. ment in the lan~;udgE). are fonned; an
Another paper by Post from this periOd later pro- equation Be =A me,3J1S -rha t a morpheme of class B
vided the key tool used in proving problems in for- followed by arnorpheme of class C can be substi-
ITBI language theory undecidable: the Correspondence tuted for d mornheme of class A. The utterance
Problem [Post, 1946]. (It is nlITIored that this is divided into mc~rphemes vlhich are placed into
paper was inspired by World War II experience in morpheme c L::Jsses. Then -the equations are used to
cryptography! ) make repeated sub~~tittJtion until (one hopes) the
~tlhole uttercJ1ce is grouped into a sentence type;
At the "tJOttom" of the hierarchy ~ the f 2..rH-
i.e . ., a morpheme class which corresponds to a
ily of regular languages first defined ?y Kleene v,Jhole sentence rHarris ,1946J.
[lQSl and 1956J. Kleene's formulation lS based on
the paper of McCulloch and Pitts [1943J on the i\nc)ther' attempt vJa~3 made by \~ells to "re-
logical analysis of nervous activity in which cer- place by a unified systeTI1c-=ttic theory the hetero-
tain asslllTlptions regarding nerve nete:: were formu- anc] incomplete methods hitherto offered
lated. In Kleene's paper, finite automata are dt:Jtennining immediate constituents" [\JJells,
represented by nerve nets. Instead of words or ~~47~p 31]. A sentence is ,Jivided into 2ICs
strings, the paper discusses tables of input pat- (three or more are allowed by Wells only when no
terns tagged as initial or noninitial. A table jivision intu Lwo rcs HB.k:es sense), each Ie i-l'
ICs and .so nn down. As ,3Jl example, the sentence
"the king of England opened Parliament" -- please
+ note the date of Wells' paper! -- is diagrammed
IAccoroing to Professor I. J. Good, the first "Tur-
ing Tl12lchine" was a data-processor, nicknamed the ++
Bombe, used by ULTAA during World War II to crack Bloch and Trager [1942J define a morpheme as a
the Enigma machine [Lewin, ULTRA Goes to ~~r: The linguistic form which cannot be divided into small-
Secret 8tory~ Hutc11inson,1978,p 58J. SO Turing er mean in f2;fu1 parts; e.g., "opened" contains two
machines are very practical! ITDrphemes, "open" and "-ed".

by ':"Jells: I n s s
LnT n Tn) to nTn) to
the king III of 1111 England ,
Thus, the categorial grammars of Bar-Hillel
open III ed Parliament
are perhaps the first example of a mathematical sys-
which in tree notation would be: " tem that is capable of generating formal languages
and which was inspired by work on machine transla-
tion. This became a stronger theme in the late 50s
and early 60s.

3. The Formative Years: 1956-1964

The phrase structure model appears in Chom-

sky's"Three Models for the Description of Lmguage"
the king of England open ed Parliament [1956J. The three models defined in that paper do
not correspond at all to the classes of the Chomsky
In these formulations, IC analysis was meant hierarchy. They are theories for the explanation
as a method for describing the structure of a stY'ing of linguistic phenomena rather than precis~ ~the­
known to be a sentence and not a method for genera- matical models. These three models are: FlDlte
ting sentences nor distinguishing which strings.are State Markov Processes; Phrase Structure (as a for-
sentences. Wells says, "The task of IC-analysls malization of IC Analysis); Transformational Gram-
mar. The finite state grammars defined here
is the task not of descY'ibing what utterances occur
but of describing, after these utterances have been actually generate only a proper subset of the reg-
ular languages. Under phrase structure, Chomsky
given, what their constituents ~" [Wells, 1947~
p 100J. Harris recognized that hls formulae could defines a [L: ,FJ grammar where F is a finite set
be used in either direction since he warned, "there of rules of the form uXv ~ uyv, u ,X, v and y
are further limitations of selection arrDng the IYDr- over a finite alphabet Vp, X is a single symbol,
phemes, so that not all the sequences provided by Y is nonempty and I is a finite set of initial
the formulae occur" [Harris, 1946;p 178J. strings over Vp. A grammar gives rise to two
different languages. One, the derived language, is
the set of all strings derivable from the axioms of
In his formulation, Bar-Hillel was already
concerned with "situations in which a completely L ; i.e., the sentential form language. (So one of
the ideas used in L-systems appears right here!)
mechanical procedure is required for discovering
the syntactic structure of a giv~n string .. SUc~ a The other, the terminal language, is the set of all
situation arises, for instance, lD connectlon wlth strings which are in the derived language and are
terminated; i.e., to which no further rules apply.
the problem of mechanized translat~on" [Bar-I?-llel,
Chomsky notes that "in every interesting case
1953;p 47J. Bar-Hillel proposed hls categor&al
there will be a terminal vocabulary VT .•• every
grammars as a combination ~f.the.met~od~ dev~l~ped terminal string is a string in VT and no symbol
by the Polish logician KaSlffilr AJduklewlcz [ Dle
of VT is rewritten in any of the rules of F.
svntaktische Konnexitat;' Studia philosophica~ 1
In such a case, we can interpret the terminal
(1935) 1-27J with the methods of IC analysis.
Words and strings are assigned to categories which strings as constituting the language unde~ anc:lysis
(with VT as its vocabulary) and the derlvatlons
can be basic or operator. When an operator cate-
of the strings as py'Oviding their phrase structure"
gory forms out of left arguments of the categories
[Chomsky ,1956;p 117J. Chomsky shows that there are
u l '··· ,urn and right arguments wl.' ... ,wn ' a terminal languages which are not derivable and that
string belonging to the category v, it is said to the families of derivable and of finite state lan-
belong to the category guages are incomparable. The distinction betwe:n
what later became context-free and context-senSl-
tive grammars is not clear here; in fact, the
example of a language not terminal ~ {VIfW I w in
(u l )··· (um)!WIJ··· [wnJ {a b}+}) is obviously context-sensltlve. In
Then the basic rule of derivation is a cancellatiorl
tr~sformational grammar, transforrrations operate
on the derivations of a string produced by a phrase
structure gramnar. A transformat ion is built from
cancels to (derives) v
elementary transformations akin ~o pJ:rase structure
rules all of which must be applled m parallel;
this is similar to derivations in tabled context-
For example, if John belongs to category n , poor sensitive L-systems.
to LnT ' and sleeps s
to ---cnT ,one can ana 1yze The 1956 paper did stress the idea of ge~era­
tive grammar: not just diagramning utterances ill a
Poor John sleeps as
language but actually pruviding a mechanism for
generating all and only the sentences of the lan-
t The older among us may recognize traditional
The Chomsky hierarchy, more or less in its
methods of diagrarruning sentences, here and later,
present form, appeared in "On Certain Formal Prop-
but I do not have a nice scholarly reference for it!

perties of Grammars" [Chomsky ,1959aJ; the defini- including the empty word. Ott and Feinstein [1961J
tions appear in a 1958 Quarterly Progress Report of converted regular expressions (using the now stan-
the MIT Research laboratory of ElectrDnics [Chom- dard notation) into Improper State Diagrams (a type
sky,1958; the QPR's ar€ an important source of in- of nondeterministic automata allowing transitions
formation on early WJrk on formal language theoryJ. on empty input) and Improper State Diagrams into
Here the set of symbols is formally divided into Proper State Diagrams (deterministic machines).
VN (nonterminals) and VT (terminals); a rule must
have at least one nonterminal on the left hand side; The most quoted paper on finite state lan-
the terminal language is now the set of strings guage is probably Rabin and Scott [1959J. Here,
over VT generated from a designated initial sym- we have perhaps the first appearance of the stan-
bol. The four types of gramrrars and languages are dard definition of nondeterministic finite state
defined here: acceptor and the classic conversion into determin-
istic autorrata, although, as noted above, the idea
Type 0 (no restriction) and the result already appear in Chomsky and Miller
Type 1 uAv-+uyv , A in [1958J. Regular languages are characterized in
VN ' Y nonempty terms of congruence relations of finite index
Type 2 A-+y , y nonempty (credited to Myhill [1957J) and in terms of right
Type 3 A-+aB or A-+a, A invariant equivalence relations of finite index
VN ' a in VT
(credited to Nerode [1958J). Some of the closure
The identification of Type a languages with recur- properties are established: reversal, the Boolean
sively enumerable sets is noted as well as the fact operations. Decision algorithms are provjded for
that Type 1 languages form a proper subclass of the the emptiness, finiteness and equivalence problems.
family of recursive sets. It is shown that Two-way and twJ-tape deterministic finite autorrata
are defined and a reduction of two-way to one-way
{anbmanbmcc I n,m ~ l} is Type 1 but not Type 2, machines given (in the sarre issue of the journal,
using not a pumping leJllTIB but an argument on the Shepherson [1959J gives a simpler construction).
copying power of Type 2 grammars; it is noted that For languages accepted by deterministic two-tape
there are Type 2 languages which are not Type 3 . automata, it is shown that projections are regular,
Thus, there is a proper hierarchy of both gramrrar emptiness and finiteness are decidable, and there
and language types. is closure under complementation but not intersec-
tion or union. A noteworthy development is the
The connection between Type 3 languages and first (?) use of the Post Correspondence Problem,
finite state languages was noted. Indeed, Chomsky in this case to show the W1decidability of the
and Miller [1958J basically define a finite state emptiness of intersection problem for deterministic
grammar as a particular type of finite state auto- two-tape automata and then the undecidability of
maton and make no distinction between the concepts. emptiness for twJ-tape two-way machines.
Their "finite state grarrrrn::lr" has a finite set of
The theory of context-free languages was be-
states, a designated initial state So and, for
ing developed during the sarre period. I have not
each state Si' a finite number of transitions
(arrows) to other states, each labeled either with been able to pinpoint the initial appearance of
a symbol or with the empty word. A word is gener- the term "context-free" for the Type 2 case; per-
haps some reader can help. It is not used by
ated by this grarrrrnar if it takes the grarrrrrar from
Chomsky in 1958 or 1959, nor by Bar-Hillel, Perles
So back to So without passing through So en and Shamir [1961] nor Ginsburg and Rice [1962].
route. Among other things, it is shown that the
It is however used by Scheinberg [1960], who notes
gramrrar can be made W1arnbiguous (and indeed alrrDst
deterministic) in the sense that empty word trans- that context-free graJIll1B.rS are a special case of a
semi-Thue system and shows that the family of con-
itions lead only into So and, for each Si and
symbol a, there is at most one arrow labeled as text-free languages is closed under union but not
intersection or complementation; he uses pumping
leaving Si; the proof is essentially the same as type arguments to show that {anbnan I n ~ l} is not
the construction of Rabin and Scott [1959]. It is
context-free. The term "context-free" is also
also shown that the finite state languages form a
Boolean algebra and a characterization akin to that used by Chomsky in "On the Notion 'Rule of Gram-
mar'" [1961].
of regular expressions is provided.

The family of finite state or regular lan- Important parts of the theory of context-
guages was also studied from the point of view free languages were presented in 1961 by B3.r-
derived from considering switching circuit theory Hillel, Perles and Shamir and by Parikh. BPS
and logical design and inspired by Kleene' s paper call a Type 2 language a "simple phrase struc-
[1951,1956J. Myhill proved that a one letter set ture language" (SPL) . Among other things, that
is regular if and only if it is ultimately peri- paper established that the class of SPLs is effec-
odic and that a set is regular if and only if it tively closed W1der reversal, union, concatenation,
is the union of some of the equivalence classes of star closure and SUbstitution, and that erasing
a congruence relation of finite index [Myhill,1957J. and renaming rules can be effectively eliminated.
Copi, Elgot and Wright [1958J cleaned up Kleene's The famous uvwxy-theorem or pumping lemma (later
formulation of nets, events and regular expressions. strengthened by Ogden [1968J) appears. The r€duc-
McNaughton and YarrBda [19601 prDved the so-called tion process for Type 2 gramnars appears and is
Kleene-Myhill theorem using state graphs for auto- used to show the decidability of emptiness and
mata and the standard regular expression language, infiniteness. The cross-product construction

is introduc ed to Sf'101r} the closure of SPL tinder in- tion a.1'1d the new state of the cell?.Y' by eliminating
tersection with FAL (Finite AutorncJ.ton Language = the old highest symbol and/or introducing the new
fini te state language). The Post Correspondence symbol as the case may be ... translation of formula
Problem is used 3S the key tool to establish the p::ograrns into ~achine operations, with the excep-
undecidablility of a nu~er of problems including: tlon of recurslve address calculation, can be done
emptiness of intersection; the universe problem; sequentially, without storing of the formula pro-
whether an SPL is an FAL; inclusion; equivalence, gram, as a pure input process."
even equivalence to an FAL.
The mechanical translation programs at Har-
In an NIT QPR [Parikh,196lJ, which did not vard and MIT used the idea of a pushdown store.
appear in journal form until 1966 but was still At MIT, Yngve in "A Model and a Hypothesis for
widely influential, Parikh established two key l'e- Language Structure" [1961J starts by assuming a
suIts: the existence of inherently ambiguous CF phrase structure (Type 2) grammar for English and
languages (the language {anbmakbr I n = k or m = r, constructs a pushdown store transducer to generate
n,m,k,r ~ I} cannot be generated by any unambiguous English sentences using the phr'ase structure gram-
mar. He adds a depth hypothesis, limiting the num-
CF gr~); the .=ommutative map of a CF language
ber of symbols to be stored in the pushdown store
lS seffilllnear.
which reduces it in power to a finite state trans~
\~ile the theory of context-free languages
ducer. On the other hand, in order to handle dis-
continuous constituents, he adds rules of the form
was being developed, systems with the power of
(e.g.) A-~B ... C which allow uDAv , say, to
Type 2 grammars were being used (knowingly or un-
become uBDCv instead of uDBCv, etc.
knowingly) for the specification and automatic syn-
tactic analysis of both natural and ar~ificial
(i. e., programning) languages. Rhodes at the National Bureau of Standards
[Rhodes, 1961, the published version of a 1959
Nany of the systems for automatic syntactic reportJ originated for the automatic syntactic
analysis of Russian a rrethod later to be called
analysis used explicitly or implicitly the concept
"predictive analysis" fThe idea is that each word
of a pushdo~m store. The origin of the concept of
when analyzed may make predictions as to the occur-
pushdown storage is not clear. t10st writers attri-
r~nc~ of future words ir'.. the sentence. IThese pre-
bute it to Burks, Warren and v~ight [1954J who for-
dlctlons are treated in a roughly LIFO fashion
malized the parenthesis-free notation of Lukasie-
~this ~s not explicitly stated in the Rhodes paper);
wicz [1951J and used it to describe a "simple and
J_teratlons are allowed if the analysis cannot be
easily mechanizable process of truth-table~ computa-
completed or if there are alternative analyses.
t~on"; the idea of a pushdown store appears impli-
Clt in the description of their logical machine.
At Harvard, the ideas of Burks, Warren and
It was used more explicitly by Newell and Shaw in
\Nright and of Rhodes were developed into the Mul-
"Programning the Logic 'Theory Machine ll [1957J.
tiple-Path Predictive Analyzer for English and for
Their basic data structure is a list vll10se elempnts
;<J.Jssian. An early report by Bossert [1960J dis-
can be lists. ~~ item in a list is given bv a lo-
cusses the implementation of predictive analysis
cation word, half of which points to Cis the address
of) the element and the other half of which points and explicitly deals with "prediction pools" which
to the location word of the next item on the list. are essentially pushdown stores. The thesis of
To keep track of the available space, their system Sherry [1961J discusses the predictive syntactic
uses an available-space list which is used as a analyzer ~or Russian and hypothesizes for languages
pushdown store. "vlhenever space is reouired for an essentlal formula model. In this model, words
building up a new list, this~ is obtained by using are functors or variables. A variable has meas-
~Jre -1 while a degree n fW1ctor has measure n;
words from the front of the available-space list
and, whenever information is erased and the words measures are additive. A formula is essentiaZ if'
that held it become available for use elsewhere, and only if it has measure 0 cmd all initial sub-
these words are added to the front of the available- strings have nonnegative measure. Other condi tion~;
space list" [Newell and Shaw, 1957 J. are added, to requin? variables to be in special
c~asses or in special orders, etc. rThere are algo-
The term "last-in-first-out" storage was used rlthms to test whether a formula is essential. Two
explicitly by Sarrelson and B3.uer [1960J who pro- interesting points are that the algoritruns are
posed the use of LIFO storage as an aide in the given in Iverson Notation (the precursor of APL)
~d that.their total correctness is formally veri-
translation of ALGOL (say) formulae into ffi3.chine in-
structions. They say "all incoming (source) infor- Iled, USlng so-called "6M - theorems" which say
mation given by symbols which cannot immediately be that, if the algorithm reaches a well-formed sub-
evaluated is introduced, in the sequence of first formula (called 6M), then that subfonmula
a.ppearance, into a special storage called 'symbols will be correctly handled and afterwards will leave
cellar' , where at any given time onlv the element no trace on the data st-ructure (a pushdown store);
introduced last (the highest level of the cellar) such theorems a curious prefiguration of the
is of immediate consequence and need be available. Floyd-Manna verification procedure. (Incidentally,
Each new symbol of source information is, in turn, Floyd [196lJ gave an inductive inference method of
compared to the momentarily highest cellar symbol. proving properties of the sets of sentences gener-
These two symbols in conjunction determine the able from the nonterminals in a CF grammar.)
evaluation Cif.possible) of the highest cellar sym- Oettinger [1961J specifically used the term
bol by generatlon of an appropriate machine instruc- "pushdown store" for predictive analysis and linked

it to "LIFO" storage. "The Rhodes method of 'pre- developed at RAND by Robinson [1962J for use with
dictive' syntactic analysis is based on the obser- a parsing algorithm attributed to Cocke [Hays,1962J.
vation that in scanning through a Russian sentence This algorithm consisted of generating for a given
from left to right it is possible, on the one hand, sentence, all two-word constitutes. All consti-
to make predictions about the syntactic str~ctures tutes of length n are generated using as constitu-
to be rret further to the right and, on the other ents the constitutes of smaller length previously
hand, to determine the syntactic role of the wond obtained (including individual words, constitutes
cUYTently being scanned by testing what previously of length 1), until all constitutes of the sen-
made predictions it fulfills. The predictions are tence length aI'e obtained. The program had the
stored in a linear array called the 'prediction very important feature of processing a given phrase
pool' which behaves approximately as a pushdown of a given type at most once. Thus, Cocke's algo-
store .... Predictive analysis yields a description rithm essentially showed that context-free lan-
of the syntactic structure of a sentence in terms guages can be parsed in polynomial t -J.; i)~ Cindeed,
consonant ... with old-fashioned parsing, immediate OCn 3 )) although that was not immedLD' :,'recognized.
constituent theory ... or phrase structure theory ....
It remains to analyze the exact relation of the Independently, computer prograrrmers devised
predictive ID2thod to these theories" [Oettinger, a syntax for the specification of the l~ference
1961,p 105J. language for ArhOL. As Backus explained at the
1959 ICIP Conference, "There must exist a precise
The predictive syntactic analysis method was description of those sequences of symbols which
essentially nondeterministic since different matches constitute legal IAL prograITls .... for every legal
of prediction and word could be made and result in program there must be a precise description of its
different prediction strings. Thus the methcxl was 'meaning', the process or transformation which it
implemented by following; different paths at the describes ... . Heretofore there has existed no formal
sar.-e ti.rre, hence the term "multiple-path syntactic descr'iption of a machine-independent language (other
analyzer" [Kuno, Oettinger,1962]. I just came than that provided implicitly by a complete trans-
across a very old paper of mine, "Iterations for lating program) which has met either of the two
the Syntactic Analyzer" [Greibach,196J], which dis- requirements above .... Only the description of legal
cusses the problem and tries (not too successfully) programs has been completed, however .... In the de-
to recast it in terms of threading paths through a scription of IAL syntax which follows, we shall
maze, and shows that in a few very special cases need some metalinguistic conventions for charac-
the number of iterations would be linear in the terizing various strings of symbols" [Backus, 1959 J .
length of the input. We were very much aware of The "metalinguistic convention" is not defined for-
the problem of exponential blow-up in the number mally but given by an example of formulae in what
of iterations (or paths), though we felt that this is now called BNF (foY' Backus Naur Form), possible
did not happen in "real" natural languages; I do values of the variable defined and the cormnent
not think we suspected that a polynomial parsing ".. . the formula above gives a recursive rule for
algorithm was possible. the formation of the values of the variable ... "

A somewhat different model was used at RAND, The ATbOL 60 report used BNT to specify the
based on the idea of tree diagrams of sentences syntax of the prDposed International Algorithmic
[Hays,196lJ. In these dependency systems~ the Language (IAL) [Naur,1060]. The original syntax
nodes of a dependency tree correspond to terminal of ALGOL turned out to be ambiguous, an embarras-
symbols (word or word classes) of the sentence sing situation, and some of those involved wondered
whose structure it represents, in contrast to the about the possibility of automatically detecting
phrase structure tree, where terminal symbols are such ambiguities. Cantor [1962] proved that this
associated only with the bottom node on each branch. is impossible -- the ambiguity problem for Backus
One occurrence is independent, the origin of the systems is undecidable. (His example of an ambigu-
tree. Every other occurrence except the origin ous ALGOL statement is: "if B /\ C , then for
depends on one and only one other occurrence; every I: = 1 step 1 until N do if D v E ,then
occurrence except the origin depends, directly or A[I]: = 0 else K: =K+l;K: =K-l" , which under one
indirectly, on the origin. A dependency tree is interpretation will have the effect of leaving K
drawn in such a way that its nodes are arranged lITlchanged when 1 CB /\ C) holds and under the other
horizontally from left to right in sentence word will change K to K-l when 1 (B /\ C) holds.)
order. It is also made to obey the restriction of Cantor used not the Post Correspondence Problem
projectivity [Lecerf and Ihm,1960J so that no two but the existence of an undecidable Post normal
branches of the tree cross each other and vertical system.
projection lines extending from each node onto a
horizontal line drawn below the tree do not inter- IrDns [1961J discussed "A Syntax Directed
sect any of the branches of the tree. (A similar Compiler for ALGOL 60", which was to be "a compil-
idea using "predicts" instead of "depends on" could ing system which essentially separates the func-
be used for predictive analysis [Greibach,1962, tions of defining the language and translating it
1963aJ. ) into another". His paper uses the syntax of ALGOL
60 and extends it to allow specification of meaning
Immediate Constituent analysis was also used. (in terms of the target language) as well as of
Sakai [1962J proposed an algorithm for parsing form.
sentences based on IC analysis with strict binary
division. 1m extensive IC grarrunar for English was

Thus, the same importai'l.t ideas emerged for . ries, canceling rules A[A\BJ to B and
the automatic translation of both natural and artl- A[A\[B\CJJ to [B\CJ and an initial category. A
ficial languages: string al ... a n o~er V is gene~ated if and only
if there are Ai ill f(ai) ,Is l s n such that
-separating syntax and semantics Al .. ·An cancels to S. This. fonnulation o~ cate-
gory system uses a slightly dlfferent notatlon from
-using a generative grammar to specify the set that originally proposed by Bar-Hillel [1953J.
of all and only legal sentences (programs) Gaifman [1961; revised and published in 1965J used
the equivalence of categorial and Type 2 grarrrnars
-analyzing the syntax of the sentence (program) to establish the equivalence of those two systems
with a certain formulation of dependency systems.
and then using the analysis to drive the In his formulation, roughly speaking, a filllction
tra'l~~ c+ion (compilation) f assigns words to categories in such a way that
some word is assigned to each category and there
are a finite set of rules of the form X(Yl' ... 'Yr
FurtherITDre., roughly similar methods were used to
specify th2 syntax and one key prograrrrrning tech- . ': Zl' ... ,Zs) rreaning that if X is in f(a), then
nique -- the pushdO'wn or LIFO store -- was used for a as a word of category X can be expanded into
at least part of the analysis or translation [Oet- (Y ,b ) ... (Y ,b ) (X ,a) (Zl ,c ) ... CZ s ,c s ) which can be
tinger,196l; Samelson and Bauer,1960J.
1 1 r r l
seen to correspond to context-free rules of the
form X -+ Y ... Y a Zl ... Z or be diagrammed
Among the systems for generatio~ or,analysis 1 r s
proposed by linguists and computer SClentlsts were
the following:
-IC analysis
-categorial grammar
-Type 2 (CF) phrase structure grarnma
·BNF (the syntax of ALGOL 60) X in f(a) , b. in F(Y.), c. in f(Z.) , where
l l ] ]
-dependency systems
, i' Zj are categories and a, b,l ,c.] are words
·predictive analysis
(terminals). (Cf Greibach [1962,1963].)
·pushdown store acceptor
Ginsburg and Rice [1962J connected the syntax
These various systems were gradually shown
to have the same power for language specification. of AlliOL 60 with Type 2 phrase structure grammars
This was not unexpected; in a paper not published by considering as AlliOL-like the langua~e~ def~­
able as one of the coordinates of the rm.nJlIB.l f lxed
in full until 1964, Gross [1962J hypothesized that
all the well-known models of language used in the point of an n-tuple standard function; this is the
fields of rrechanical translation and infor'TIBtion basis for the power series approach to CF languages.
retrieval would be the same in power, but gave no This paper also define? the family of seq~ential
full proofs. In his 1959 paper, Chomsky had al- languages, considered l ts closure propertles an?
proved that it properly inc~udes the.class of fl-
ready shown that Type 2 grarrtrIBrS are no more pow~r­ nite state and is properly lncluded In the class of
ful, in weak generative capacity, than IC analysls
Type 2 languages.
(in the sense of strict binary division and no con-
text) by showing that all CF languages could be The equivalence of nondeterministic pushdown
generated by rules of the kind A -+ b (b terminal; store acceptors and context-free grammars was in-
in IC analysis, this cO:rY€sponds to "word b ,be- dependently established by Chomsky and Schutzen-
longs to class A") and A -+ Be (B, C nonterrrunals;
berger [Chomsky, 1962; Chomsky and Schutzenberger ,
this corresponds to "a constitute of class B fol- 1963] and Evey [1963J. In a 1962 QFR, Chomsky de-
lowed by a constitute of class C can compose a fined nondeterministic pushdown store automata
constitute of class A"); this is the Chomsky with e-rules; these machines accept if, at the
Normal Form.
first return to the initial state, the pushdown
Bar-Hillel, Gaifman and Shamir [1960J proved store is empty and the whole input has been pro-
cessed. The paper shows that, for a pushdown store
that "simple [i.e. Type 2J phrase-st:r:ucture gram- automa..ton M, there is a finite state transducer T
IIBrS as defilled by Chomsky, are equlvalent to
and a regular set R such that L(M) =T(K n R) ,
vari;us types of categorial grammars, as discussed
where K is a one-sided cancellation language, and
by Ajdukiewicz and Par-Hillel, which are thereby
thus L(M) is context-free via the closure of the
shown to be equiValent among themselves." In the
family of CF languages under intersection.with
process, the authors show that Type 2 gramrIB.rS can
be converted to a restricted form of category sys-
regular sets [Bar-Hillel, Perles,and Sh~r,1961J
and under finite state transductlons [Glnsburg and
tem: vocabulary V, simple categories ill a set T,
Rose,1963; draft available earlierJ. The paper
operator categories of the forms [A\B] or
also characterizes CF languages as h(K n R) for
[A\[A\BJJ for A,B,C in T, an assignment func- h a horromorphism and claims that one can take as
tion f such that, for each a in V, f(a) is a
K the two-sided cancellation language; however,
finite nonempty set of simple and operator catego-
I have never been able to understand that proof,

nor the one in [Schutzenberger,1963J. systems. Notice that a rule in GNF can be con-
sidered a special case of a rule in a dependency
In his thesis, Evey [1963J used a different system (or, perhaps, Gaifman normal form!) where
approach. He defined a "hierarchy!! of six sets of the one terminal symbol per rule can appear any-
machines (with finite state control and up to two where in the right hand side of the rule; hence,
pushdown stores, possibly restricted to counters Gaifrnan's theorem can be considered to be a corol-
or to 1 or 0 stores) and partitioned them into ac- lary of mine. I did not realize until long after-
ceptors and transducers and into deterministic and wards that, using the closure of the family of CF
nondeterministic. He showed that the languages under reversal, it is not hard to obtain
class of languages accepted by nondeterministic a GNF grammar from a restricted categorial system
acceptors of a given type is the same as the set of and vice versa. Incidentally, another restricted
output languages (ranges) of deterministic trans- type of Type 2 grammar, the operator grammar (no
ducers of the same type. Thus, the class of lan- two nonterminals adjacent), proposed at this time
guages accepted by nondeterministic pushdown store by Floyd [1963j in connection with tne use of pre-
a~ceptors (pdas) is the class of images of sets cedence grarrnnars tor parsing prograrrnning languages,
L:~' under pushdown store transduction. He showed can be shown to suffice for CF languages, using
that the latter is contained in the family of con- GNF [Greibach,1965J. In my thesis, I also showed
text-free languages through consideration of spe- ambiguity undecidable in a very restricted case:
cial types of bracketed languages and what he called m-inimal linear graJnmars, meaning only one nontermi-
"pushdown store gramrrars". A pushdown store gram- nal X and rules of the form X~ uXv, X-+ u., u
IIBr is a Type 0 grammar such that there is a finite and v strings of terminals. Since the usual for-
upper bound on the distance between the first non- mulation of the Post Correspondence Problem did
terminal and the first available nonterminal (i.e., not work, I proved a variant undecidable and used
available for application of a rule) in any derived that for the reduction [Greibach,1963bJ; this tech-
string. I t is easy to convert pdas to pushdown nique has been used by others.
store grammars; the difficult part is to show that
pushdown store generate CF languages The top of the hierarchy had already been
(without of course appeallllg to the equivalence of recognized, as I have observed earlier. However,
CF graJI1l'IBrS and pdas!). Note that the important different formulations of Turing machines were ob-
part of the proof of the equivalence between CF tained. Counter machines were vaguely mentioned
graJI1l'IBrS and pdas is the conversion of pdas to by Chomsky [1959J. Minsky [196lJ showed that in a
grammars ; it was apparent to us all that a CF gram- certain sense a machine with two counters can sim-
mar could be parsed using a nondeterministic pda ulate a Turing machine. A very elegant and intui-
with e-rules once the definition was at hand. tive direct proof (without the encodings used by
Evey also established that left-to-right or right- Minsky for input and output) was provided by Fisch-
to-left derivations suffice for CF grammars and er in the first FOCS paper we cite [Fischer,1963;
that discontinuous rules of the type advocated by the full paper appeared in 1966J. He showed that
Yngve [1961J do not increase the power of a CF two pushdown stores can simulate a Turing tape,
gramrrar; the latter fact was also observed by Mat- two counters can simulate a pushdown store, and
thews [1963J. two counters can simulate any number of counters.

In my thesis [Greibach,1963aJ, I completed Thus, at this stage, we have a graJTU'TB.Y' and a

this set of results by establishing that the method machine for: Type 0, Type 2 and Type 3. We also
of predictive analysis can handle all Type 2 lan- have various other characterizations in each case
guages. Rules in a predictive analysis grammar are (such as the regular expression characterization
considered to be of the form (P,c) I Pl·· .Pk where for regular languages). Only the Type 1 languages
P and Pj are predictions and c is a syntactic remain to be characterized by machine. This was
word class. The argument pair (P,c) indicates the last case completed. The type of machine need-
that word class c may fulfill a prediction P ed was fundamentally different from those in the
(thus initiating a syntactic structure correspond- other cases. What was required was not a restric-
ing to P) if P is on top of the prediction pool tion on the access of the machine to its work tape"
(pushdown store); then P is removed from the top but on the amount of tape allowed. We should note
of the pool and replaced by PI . · . F\ , a string of that both time and tape restrictions on Turing
new predictions that have to be fulfilled in the machines were defined in the early 1960s.
indicated order (PI first, I\ last). There were
various exceptions permitted in the actual Harvard Yamada [196lJ first formalized the concept of
syntactic analysis program, but we need not con- realtime computation and established the existence
sider them here; rrost of them did not affect the of fill1ctions not realtime computable. Rabin [1964J
theoretical power of the system. In this formula- provided what is now the standard definition of the
tion, such a rule corresponds to a phrase structure class of languages recognizable in realtime by
rule P ~ cPl· · · Pk ,where P,PI'. · . ,Pk are non- k-tape or mu1titape deterministic Turing machines
terminal symbols and c is a terminal symbol. and showed that two tapes are JIDre powerful than
Thus, to prove that predictive analysis could han- one tape in realtime. In the 1964 meeting of the
dle all CF languages, it suffices to show that Syrnposiwn on Switching Circuit Theory and Logical
any Type 2 grarrnar can be converted to one with Design, Hartmmis and Stearns [1964J presented the
rules of the forms: P ~ cPl ..• Pk or P ~ c ; i. e. , classification of numbers, functions and sequences
the so-called Greibach Nornal Form. I also con- by time compZexity on a multitape Turing machine;
sidered various types of predictive and dependency their hierarchy results can be applied to the class-

ification of formal languages by their language theory. A good survey of formal language
of recognition. In his thesis, Cole [ theory in its relation to mathematical linguistics,
ered computation in realtime by iterative the syntactic analysis of natural languages, meth-
finite state machines. ods for machine translation,and information retrie-
val, can be found in the notes for the 1964 Harvard
The classifaction of sets by space complexity Summer School Course on Language Data Processing
of recognition was initiated by Myhill in a' widely [Oettinger,1964J. Although the divergence was not
cited but never published report [Myhill,1960J. He rapid nor complete, that represents the last time
defined a deterministic linear bounded automaton when formal language theory could really be consid-
(lbaJ as a two-way deterministic finite state auto- ered part of mathematical linguistics or, alter-
maton with overprinting. He showed that rudiment- natively, the start of the disciplme as a part of
ary sets can be defined by deterministic lba and theoretical computer science.
posed the question of whether this is a proper con-
tainment, a question which is still open today. 4. Directions after 1964
The paper also gave an informal definition of ma-
chines with storage restricted by an arbitrary From 1964 on, formal language theory devel-
function f such that fen) ~ n everywhere. oped as a branch of theoretical computer science.
The take-off point was the study of the t;rammars,
Landweber [1963J showed that the class of machines and languages of the Chomsky hierarchy:
languages generated by Type 1 phrase strUCTLrr'e lan- restrictions and extensions of context-free gram-
guages (the class of context-sensitive, CS , lan- mars and pushdown automata; restrictions on the
guages) is not enlarged by allowing endmarkers, is computing ability and resources of Turing machines;
closed under the operation of intersection and in- abstractions of the properties of various classes
cludes the class of languages accepted by deter- of languages; the need for better algorithms for
ministic lbas. the recognition of languages; consideration of the
practical use of context-free grammars in parsing
I recall that, when I was wrltlng my thesis and compiling.
in 1963, it was an lllteresting open question whe-
ther lbas corresponded to Type 1 gramnars as pdas Exactly which topics are classified under
to Type 2 gramrrers. With hindsight, it is hard to "formal language theory" and the relative emphasis
see why this was a difficult problem at all. Part placed on them is debatable: different books on
of the reason was that we were not really used to the subject have different selections. Time and
nondeterministic machines -- to think nondetermin- space do not allow me to cover all possible topics
istically -- and Myhill's paper defined only deter- nor to cover anyone topic at sufficient length.
ministic lbas. It was known that deterministic I claim an author's prerogative to dewll most on
and nondeterministic finite automata had the same the Subjects I know best and the part of the theo-
power [Chomsky and Miller,1958; Rabin and Scott, ry to which I contributed.
1959J and -- as noted, for example, in the thesis The directions that I shall consider briefly
of Evey [1963J -- that deterministic and nondeter- are:
ministic Turing acceptors had the same power. It
was suspected and shortly proved mdependently by -Restrictions on Context-Free Grammars and PDAs
various people [Cole,1964; Haines,1965; Ginsburg
and Greibach,1966, based on a 1964 draft] that de- -Extensions of Context-Free Grammars and PDAs
terministic pushdown automata did not accept all -Unifying Frameworks
CF languages and so were of lesser power than non-
deterministic pdas. But lbas? -Complexity Ouestions

Those four topics are not disjoint and the overlap

and interaction between these areas (and others)
Kuroda [1964J completed the Chomsky hier'ar- has been a fruitful source of techniques and re-
chy of languages and ma.chines when he defined non- sults. Some directions I shall not survey (although
detePministic lbas and showed that each context- I have been connected with a few) include: algebraic
sensitive (1\JPe 1) language can be accepted by a theory of autorra.ta and languages; probabilistic lan-
nondeterministic lba. He also gave a proof that guages; fuzzy languages; 2-dimensional languages;
the language accepted by a nondeterministic Iba semantics (including schematology).
is context-sensitive. Further, he showed that the
class of languages accepted by deterministic lbas 5: Below the Context-Free:
is a Boolean algebra containing the class of con- Restrictions on Context-Free Grammars and PDAs
text-free languages. He stated two important prob-
lems which rernain open today: Is the class of Various types of restrictions have been
context-sensitive languages closed under complemen- placed on context-free grammars and on pushdown
tation? and, Is the class of nondeterministic lba store autorra.ta (pda). Many of the restrictions do
languages equal to the class of deterministic lba not affect the power of the devices. For example,
languages? (i.e.; is NSPACE(n) = DSPACE(n)? the we have seen that restricting the productions of a
"LBA. problem").
context-free grarmnar to Chomsky Normal Form or to
Greibach NOrITBl Form or to operator form still per-
mits the generation of all context-free languages.
Thus, the Chomsky hierarchy was completed and (That is, modulo the empty word which I shall de-
the stage set for most of the developments of formal
sisnate e .)

Chomsky's definition of a pda allowed what I restriction on context-free grammars is different
have called "e-rules": transitions of the machine in natuy'€ from those we consider below. In a right-
which do not advance the input tape. Eliminating to-left derivation ... U::9V . .. , the nontermina1
e-rules, thus restricting the pda to operate in expanded in the step u =?v and the production
"quasirealtime" , does not limit the power of a pda, used in that step identify a handle of v. Roughly
even if at the same time the number of states is spea~ing, a grammar is LR(k) (i.e., left-to-right
restricted to one [Greibach,1963aJ. Restricting a translatable) if the handle of a right-to-left
pda to deterministic operation does make a differ- sentential form is always uniquely determined by
ence, however. This is the first restriction we the string (of terminals and nonterminals) to its
shall consider' and, from a pr'actical viewpoint, left and the next k (terminal) symbols to its
the most important. Restricting the number of non- right. The language generated by an LR(k) grammar
terminals in a rule to two makes no difference, as is a dcfl while every defl has some LR(l) gram-
we saw, but restricting the number of nonterminals ffi3.r. For k fixed, it is decidable whether a con-
in each intermediate step of a derivation does; we text-free grammar G is LR(k) but it is undecid-
shall consider restrictions of that sort and the able whether there is an integer k such that G
corresponding types of pdas. The third restric- is LR(k) ; for the latter proof, Knuth defined
tion we shall consider is not directly on the gram- and used another Valliant of the Post Correspondence
rrBrS or ma.chines but on the form of words in a lan- Problem. Knuth [1965J discussed Pallsing procedures
guage. for LR(k) gra.rrDTla.l"'s and the use of LR(k) grarrrrnars
for All;OL. Since that paper, various authors,
Deterministic Context-Free Languages such as DeRemer [1969,1971J have considered the use
of subclasses of LR(k) grarrrrnars for parsing pro-
The basic properties of deterministic push- grammin~ languages.
down store automata (dpda) ';Jere st"udied by Schutz-
enberger [1963J, ~insburg and Greibach [1965J, and A different grammatical characterization of
Haines [1965J under different formulations. The DCFL was given by Harrison and Havel [1972;1973J.
langpage accepted by a deterministic pushdown store They defined the class of (realtime) strict deter-
automaton is called a cieterminist1:c context-free ministic grammars that generates precisely the
language (dcfl)~ every context-free languap;e (cfl) class of languages accepted by empty store by
can be generated as the range of a deterministic (realtime) dpdas which block on empty store. It
pushdoWfl store transducer [Evey, 1963 J . The pal~n­ is decidable whether a grammar is strict determin-
drome or mirror image language {wx Iw in {a, b }~~ , istic. Addin,Q, an endrnarker to a dcfl makes it
x is the reversal of w} is a cfl which is not strict deterministic so, for most purposes, the
deterministic (Cole[1964J, Ginsburr and Greibach theories of deterministic and strict deterministic
[1965J), so the family of deterministic context- context-free languages coincide.
fl'ee languages (DCFL) is a proper subfamily of
the family of context-free languages (CFL). Precedence languages were introduced by Floyd
[1963J while Wirth and Weber [1966J proposed an
Fischer [1963J claimed that DCFL is l1 easi- extension in their discussion of Euler. The rela-
ly" sho\VI1 to be closed tmder complementat~ion. How- tionship between precedence and deterministic con-
ever, there is one difficulty. The standard def- text-free languages was initially not quite clear.
LYlitions of a dpda allow e~rules and hence the M. Fischer [1969aJ showed that the class of Floyd
possibility that the rrBchine can "loop" and never operator precedence languages is properly contained
read all of its input tape. Eliminating e-r1ules in the class of backwards deterministic Wirth-Weber
produces the class of realtime pda languages precedence, which in turn is properly contained in
which Ginsburg and C;reibach [1965 J showed to be a DCFL. However, every cf1 can be generated by
proper subfamily of DCFL; their counterexample some Wirth-VJeber pD2cedence grarrrrmr. On the other
can be recognized by a realtime Turing machine hand, Graham [1970J observed that "if one takes
(TI1) with one working tape, but Rosenberg [1967bJ the definitions of extended precedence to be those
pr'Ovided an examp1e of a dcfl not realtime defin- sUfSgested by Wirth and Weber in the descr'iptive
able by any multitape 1M. However, it is possible portions of their paper, rather than the formal
to clLTinate loopLYlg in deterroinistic pdas nnrl rlefin-it--jons presented, then all the classes of
thus DCFL is closed under complementation [Schutz- extended precedence languages which are nontrivial
enberger,1963; Haines ,1965; Ginsburg and Greibach, extensions of simple precedence are equivalent and
1965 J. Ivlor€ significantly, this also shows that are equivalent to the class of deterministic lan-
dpdas can be to oper-ate in linear time. An- guages and to the class of bounded right context
other important fact is that a dpda can be effec- languages. "
tivelv converted to an eqllivalent unambiguous con-
text-free grammar (i.e., one left-to-right deriva- Ginsburg and Greibach [1965J established
tion for each word in the language) [Haines,1965; most of the basic closure and decision properties
C;insburg and Greiffich, 1~165 J. of DCFL. They showed that inclusion is Ufldecid-
able as are the emptiness of intersection (L n L' =
These two properties -- lineae time recog- v?) and the identification problems (does a con-
nltlon and unambiguity -- naturally directed atten- text-free grammar G generate a deterministic
tion to deterministic context-free languages but context-free language?). The equivalence problem
it was the introduction of LR(k) grammars b~l and most of the identification (or subclass con-
Y~luth [1965J which established their import~lce for tainment) problems remain open. Stearns [1967J
the syntax of progrilllllning languages. The LR(k) showed that it is decidable whether a dcfl is

The equivalence problem has been shown decid- Q967al provided different ITBchine realizations of
able for various subclasses of deterministic lan- the linear context-free languages using two-tape
guages. A parenthesis grammar has rules of the finite state acceptors; this enabled him to prove
form A -+ (u) where u does not contain n (T1 or the unQecidability of the universe problem
TI ) " . McNaughton [1967J defined parenthesis gram- ("L = L~:") .
mars, showed that they generate deterministic
context-free languages and that inclusion and equi- Instead of restricting the occurrence of non-
valence are decidable. Knuth [1967J showed that it terminals in all derivations, one can require that
is decidable whether an arbitrary context-free gram- there is a round k such that, for each word w
mar generates a parenthesis language. Usually, generated by the grarrrrnar, there is a derivation of
equivalence is shown decidable by showing inclusion w in which no sentential form contains more than
decidable. The first known exception is the class k occurrences of nonterminals. Ginsburg and
of simple languages (generated by grammars in Grei- Spanier D-968aJ called such grammars derivation Nonnal Form such that a pair (Z ,b) of a bounded and proved that they generate the closure
nonterminal Z and terminal b appears in at most of the linear context-free languages under substi-
one rule Z -+ bu) for which Korenjak and Hopcroft tution. Nivat [1967J and Yntema [1967J studied
[1966J showed equivalence decidable, while Friedman this very illteresting family under different for-
[1976J showed inclusion undecidable. Rosenkrantz mulations and proved that it is indeed a proper
and Stearns [1969J showed equivalence decidable for subfamily of CFL. Walljasper [1974J defined a
the LL(k) grarrrrnars of Lewis and Stearns [1966 J family intermediate between ultralinear and deriva-
(which are stronger than simple gramnars but weaker tion bounded by placing a uniform upper bound on
than LR(k) ). Interest in the equivalence problem the occurr€nces of nonterminals only on left-to-
was reawakened by Valiant [1974J who provided pow- right derivations.
erful new techniques and by Friedman [1974J who
showed the problem to be logically equivalent to As mentioned, restricting the number of
the strong equivalence problem for monadic recur- states in a nondeterministic pda does not limit
sion schemes. Beeri [1975J improved Valiant's its power (depending on the precise definition of
algorithm for deciding equivalence of finite turn acceptance). Two pushdown store symbols likewise
dpdas . Recent1y it has been shown that Valiant's suffice to define all cfls. However, restricting
algorithm for nonsingular languages is also valid the store to one symbol plus an endmarker yields
for realtime strict deterministic languages and the family of one counter languages, which is a
that "Ll = L2" is decidable for L l realtin1e proper subfamily. Greibach [1967J showed that a
strict deterministic and L2 merely deterministic two-way infinite hierarchy of context-free lan-
[Oyamaguchi,Honda and Inagaki,1979J; this may be guages could be obtained by combining the finite
the strongest result to date. turn restriction with a generalization of the
counter restriction (the pushdown store contents
Linear-like Languages: Nonterminal Restrictions must belong to a fixed bounded regular set).

Chomsky and Schutzenberger [1963J defined Bounded Languages

linear context-free grammars by productions whose
right hand side contain at most one nonterminal and, A language L is bounded if there are words
by adding arbitrary productions which could be used wI, ... ,wn such that L ~ wl*"'wn * The study
only initially, extended the concept to metalinear of bounded context-free languages was very fruit-
gramnars. Greibach [1966J showed that, for a sym- ful for they have elegant algebraic characteriza-
bol c not in L, lcL is linear if and only if tions which allowed precise proofs of difficult
L is regular if and only if (lc)~': is metalillear; results on inherent ambiguity. A bounded language
thus, metalinear graJI1l1B.rS are stronger than linear L ~ wl*"'wn * is context-free if and only if its
but weaker than context-free. Parikh mapping (i. e., the set { (iI' .. · ,in) I
WI i 1 . .. wn i n '}
ill L ) .lS the f illlte
.. .
unlon 0
Sentential forms of lillear graJ11I1BT'S can con-
tain at most one nonterminal. Banerji [1963J gen- linear sets each with stratified periods [Ginsburg
eralized this concept to nonterminal bounded gram- and Spanier,1966 a ], it is an unambiguous context-
:rn:.:ITS where there is a uniform upper bound on the free language if and only if its Parikh mapping is
number of occurrences of nonterminals ill sentential the finite union of disjoint linear sets each with
forms. Ginsburg and Spanier [1966bJ provided a independent stratified periods [Ginsburg and Ull-
different but equivalent grammatical characteriza- ian,1966J. Inclusion, equivalence and ambiguity
tion for the languages generated by such grammars are decidable for context-free grammars which gen-
and called them ultralineup. They also established erate bounded languages [Ginsburg and Spanier ,1964;
a JIBchine characterization via fin'tete-turn (also Ginsburg and Ullian,1966J. Ginsburg and Ullian
called reversal-bounded) pdas: there is a uniform [1966J used the characterization of unambiguous
upper bound on the number of times a pda can turn bounded context-free languages to prove that it is
from pushing (increasing the store) to popping (de- undecidable whether a context-free grammar gener-
creasing the store). This bound corresponds to the ates an inherently ambiguous language (one for
bound on the number of occurrences of nonterminals which there is no equivalent unambiguous context-
for- the equivalent grc3JTlffi3.r. A proper hierarchy of free grammar).
classes, all properly included in CFL, is defined
by varying this bound. Thus, linear languages are
those accepted by single-turn pdas. Rosenberg

6. Between Context-Free and Contex-Sensitive: fi~ltiple Tapes and Heads
Extensions of Context-Free Grammars and Pdas
We have already seen variations in the access
The concepts of a pushdown store automaton to the input tape. Rabin and Scott [1959J consid-
and a context-free grammar have been extended in ered finite automata with two-way input (i. e., the
various ways. Usually such systems yield a family reading head can move left or right on its input)
lying between context-free and context-sensitive. and with two input tapes. Rosenberg considered
When the input tape access was changed -- e. g., two- finite automata with multiple input tapes [1964J or
way input heads -- this did not necessarily hold; with many reading heads on one input tape [1965J.
however, I take the liberty of surveying the differ- Two interesting problems were left open by these
ent cases together. papers: are k+ 1 heads better than k for a fi-
nite state acceptor reading its input tape in one
Stack like direction only? is equivalence decidable for deter-
ministic finite state acceptors with n ~ 2 one-way
A pushdown store automaton can compute only input tapes? The first question was recently set-
on the top of its work tape, adding, removing or tled by Yao and Rivest [1976J. The second question
changing symbols, and cannot visit the interior with- remains open for n ~ 3; it is easy to see that
out erasing the symbols above it. A stack automaton for n = 2 and other variations <e.g., nondeterminism
-- introduced by Ginsburg, Greibach and Harrison or two-way head motion or multiple heads on one
[1966,1967J -- can operate either in pushdown mode tape) it is undecidable. Bird [1973J proved that
on top of the store or in reading mode in the in- equivalence is decidable for deterministic one-way
terior of the store; when it visits the interior of two-tape finite state automata while Beeri [1975J
the store, it can read but not write; i.e., it can- provided an algorithm with an exponential time
not change the contents of the interior of the store. bound; recently, Friedman and Greibach [1979J showed
A nonerasing stack automaton can push but not pop that the question is polynomially decidable. For
(erase) while in pushdown mode. A checking automa- one-way input tapes, the projection of the language
ton [Greibach,1968aJ is a nonerasing stack automaton accepted by an n-tape finite state machine on one
which once in reading mode can never return to push- of its tapes is regular. M. Fischer [1969J showed
down ITDde~ essentially all it can do is write a word that the family of context-sensitive languages (CSL)
on its working tape and then move back and forth can be characterized by the projections on one tape
checking its working tape against its input tape. of languages accepted by two-way two-tape nondeter-
A nested stack automaton [Aho,1967J can act in push- ministic finite state automata. Gray, Harrison and
down mode, in reading mode or in stack creation Ibarva [1967J considered pda with a two-way input
mode. In stack creation mode, it can create a new tape while Ginsburg, Greibach and Harrison [1967J
nested stack below the currently scanned symbol; in defined two-way stack automata.
pushdown mode, it operates on the top of the main
stack or of one of the nested interior stacks; in Extensions of Context-Free Grammars
reading mode, it can move its head within one of
the stacks without writing or out of the bottom but The power of a context-free grammar can be
never out of the top of one of the nested stacks. extended either by r€stricting the use of its pro-
It is the last mentioned restriction that keeps the ductions or by adding different types of productions.
nested stack automaton from having the power of a Salomaa [1973J calls the first method regulated re-
Turing machine. writing. In a matrix grammar -- introduced in [Ab-
raham,1965J -- rules are organized into sequences
The hierarchy of languages accepted by the called matrices. A matrix rule [PI' .. ' ,PtJ is
corresponding one-way nondeterministic devices can applied to a string u l by first using PI to
be roughly diagrammed: derive u2 from ul".·' and finally using Pt
to derive Ut+l from Ut. In a time-varying gram-
CHECKING t NONERASING STACK\ mar [Salomaa,1970J, there is an ultimately periodic
7- STACK ~ NESTED STACK sequence PI,". ,Pj, ... of subsets of the set P
PUSHDOWtJ STORE / of productions such that, at time j in a deriva-
f CSL . tion, only productions from Pj can be used. In a
programmed grammar [Rosenkrantz,1967J, the produc-
The families of context-free and of nonerasing stack tions are labeled and each Droduction is associated
languages are incomparable. The families ot lan- to two sets of production l~bels, a success field
guages accepted by the one-way nondeterministic and a failure field. If a production can be ap-
(deterministic) devices of all these types (check- plied, it is applied leftmost and the next produc-
ing, nonerasing stack, pushdown store, stack, tion must be selected from the success field; if a
nested stack) have most of the same closure and de- production cannot be applied, the next production
cision properties. An interesting exception is the must be selected from the failure field. Arbitrary
substitution operato~: the family of (nonerasing) context-free programmed grarrrrnars (cfpgs) generate
stack languages is not closed under substitution all r.e. sets while nonerasing cfpgs generate a
while the other three are~ the substitution closure family properly between CFL and CSL [Rosen-
of the family of stack languages is properly in- krantz,1967J.
cluded in the family of nested stack languages
[Greibach,1969J. These observations strongly Ln- Altman and Banerji [1965J introduced the no-
fluenced the development of AFL theory and its tion of the string of production labels associated
variations. with a Cleft-to-right) derivation. Ginsburg and

Spanier [l968l:i) defined aontroz, sets on grarrmaP8: a L-Systems
gramnar G generates with cOntrol set R the set
of words w for which it has 1eft-to-right deriva- '"IrsYstems are defined -by .restrictions on the
tions with associated production ·labe1 strings in application of productions but have generated such
R. Not surprisingly, rostof these devices ;do not a large body ,of 'literature that theY~'must be con-
affect the power of:'''gI\31IIMrs with Type 0, 1 or 3 sidered to fOrm a ,s~parate topic. , 'l'heywere intro-
productions but do'"affeGt those with Type 2 ·(con- duced bytJndermeyer [1968J to capttlrecertain .
text-free) produCtions. Further, there are· close features of .devel~al systen'B, 'and thus fonn
relationships 'arrong' 'these diff~t systems with the'qnly post~ehansky.topicwe sha1.i examine not
or witheut 1eftlrost· restrictions arid, with or talith- inspi.redprllnarily by cariPuter science concepts.
out·· appearance cheCking (which allOWS 'Certain .
specified productions to be skipPed whetr' their ap- As we have seen, the basic ideas' 'Iof L-systems
plication ·is 'iJripossible)~. A good survey apPears were prefigured in Chomsky's 1959 paper. In .1-
in· .SalonE.a "'[1973] . . systems, rules are applied in parallel -- eVery
symbol in a string is simultaneously :rewritten --
Rewriting is regulated in a slightlY,differ- and one considers the derived 'langUClge' (no .distinc-
ent fashion in' scattered 'Context \granm!rs' [GreibaCh tion 'between tenninals and"noritermi.:rials) as well as
and Hopcroft,f969]. Rules are grOuped into sequeh"- perhaps the 'te~l l~e. . In fact, "terminal'
ceS .as fu: matrix .'~. buT· they' IID.1st J:>e applied language" !"eally divide'S into two ideas: eit~ the
in ~le1 and'in order' from left: to right ; .a non- adutt language of strings ·whichcanilot be rewrit1:en
erasing restriction is applied. ,The family· o,f into other strings or ·the e~tended ·~e of
scatt~d ~ccmtext l~guages has thepropertiea "of : strings over a "partiCUlar designated vocabulary.
the' fmly of' context-sensi1;lve languages, which If the· rules are context·free' rules, we have OL
is one':reason it has. so>'far i~en impossible to systems (or L-systems without interactIons). In
'prove ~~ ebnt~t. If, a sequence' [Al 0+ wl' .", tab Z,edL-systems, productions are grouped into sets
···.,An~Wn].:' 'car;' be :ap~lied'?J11~ when theAl are. called tables and" during a rewriting step ea9h· sym-
all the· nontermmals iri the 'strmg, one ohtams' the bol must be rewritten using a Proouciion fran the
abso·Z,utely paraZ,Z,-el graJ11!7laPB of Raj1ich [1971]. same table. In a detel'l1linistic system, only one '.
These .generate an interesting sUbset of one-way 'rule fran a table is applicable· toa symbol, while
checking autonatbn languages: there is a uniform in a prtopagating .system, .niles arenonerasing.
upPer bOtmd on', the number oftimes"-the checking Systems are designed mnem:mically: 'E· for extendeCl
automaton can visit any··tape sq~. ' language, T for "tabled~'r n"for deterministic~ P
for' propagating. 'From a"fonnallanguage"iewpo~t,
The family. of nested stack aut~ta' qorres- the family of ~L languages is perllaps'thenost
ponds to tM:> quite diffenmt 'extensions of .context- interesting, 'Since it .has 'the mst attractive prop-
free gramnars: the inde~ea ~'of Ah6 [1967] erties. "
and the or macro grc3IIlIErS of M. Fischer [1968],
both inspired by Constructs iri prog:remnrlng lan-' Rozenber~ ~d Ibucet [1971] established the
guages .. '. In. both cases, context-free productions basic of OL languages. Rozei1berg

are aUgTriented by allowing arguments. 'in' the case [1973a,b] considered TOL and EroL languages.
of ',nacre ~s, 'each"nonte~l haS ~t Blattner [1973] showed that eqUivalende is tmde";'<
places Occupied by: '~~ings; a¥e A(xi~:·· · ,'.Xn'>' cidable for OL systems, while &1lik and Fri~'
... v I'eplaces a str:J:ng A(ul'·· ·,Un) by . v' whe!'e [19771 showed that it is decidable' for 'OOL sys-
each 'Xi . in v fs' ~placed by':' ui. The 01 '(oUt~ tems (which was for a long time an important open
side-in)' restriction rreans that the nIle 'is' appli-.c- question). Checking stack pushdown automata, a
able only if A is outeIm)s1:; i'-e., nOt :ih -an' ar- machine m:xie1 -far m'OL·· languages, were defined
gunent place of·'any nbnterm:i.rli.U; this pr'Oduces 'the by van 'I2euwen ['1976J. T!'a.nslational techniques
class· of . INDEXED or nested stack languages ... ···'lhe for dealing with families of OL languages (and
IO ·(inside~out) restriction neans that the rule 'is· in ,particular, establishing the appropriate ~la­
applicable only if A is innerm:>st; i.e. ,the 'Ui tionships anong the various families) are given
are' terminal strings. The families of 01 and 10 in Skyum [1975] and Ehrenfeucht and Rozenberg
languages are incomparable. [1975]. Surveys of the sub1ect apPear in the l:x:>oks
by Rozenberg and Salornaa [1974] and Hernan and
As: we have seen', the syntax of ALGOL 60 was Rozenberg [1975].
one of ."the inspirations'· :for'the study of context..;"
free langUage's. Double-level· 'context-free gr'am- Trees
nars,·or ·W~granuars, were, proposed for"the ·syntax
of ., AI.mL 6'8 ~ One level' cif the· :'grc:nmer produces Tree diagrams were introduced' early in the
strings bfcharacterswmch naY"'~Ee,·tise~ fu1:he, non- study of context-free languages (and, in one sense,
terminals of' the serond level, thus possibly pro- they preceded fonnal l~e theory).·. Transform-
~.: ~~j~~=iogi~f~te:r:
ations on trees stUdied in connection' with
bdtli the~syntax of natural ianguages and the .seman-
ulations apectr" in [Sirifzoff',1967] and··[Chastellier tics of pr'ogranming' languages.· . ,, . "
and CO~rauer,19691. Since' W-grairJnars'pt'Oduce-
all r.e. sets, various restrictions on their"gener- lewis and' Steams [195'6] fonnalized. the idea
ative power have been considered (cf.,[Greibach, of syntax ~:iIected tpan~ticers (S!YI') ·and· di~eus~
1974]). the ~atrt.q~stioh bf when' a . (sinple) SDT can
be iiriplenented bYa determ:i.riistic'oo';':1.ine pushpoWJ:l

store transducer and obtained, aJIDng other things, For positive results, simulation techniques
formal generalizations of the translational algo- are useful. Hartmanis et al. [1964,1965J used data
rithms of Oettinger [1961J and Sherry [1960J. Aho compression techniques to establish linear speedup
and Ullman CL969al generalized sm to GSDT and theorems: a bound of kfCn) on time or space
compared them to tree walking automata. yields no more than a bound of fen) (k > 1) except
for linear versus realtime. Fischer, Meyer and
The tree transducers studied by Baker [1973J Rosenberg [1967J introduced the idea of "tape fold-
and Engelfriet [1975J can be considered as parallel ing" in order to show that, in realtime, multiple
rewriting devices opel'ating either fYDffi the bottom heads on one working tape can be siJIlulated by sev-
up or from the top down. The compositon of n eral working tapes with one head apiece. This idea
bottom-up Ctop-down) transductions can be realized was combined with the notions of "guessiJ1g" plus
by the composition of n+l top-down (bottom-up) some results from AFL theory to show that, for
transductions. Letting Dn be the family of tree nondeterministic multitape Turing machines, linear
languages obtained from the recognizable sets of time is no better than quasirealtime and two Turing
trees by the composition of n top-down transduc- tapes Cor three pushdown stores) suffice [Book,
tions, and similarly Un for bottom-up, we have Greibach, 1969J. This contrasts with the determin-
. .. Dn s; Un +1 s; Dn+1 ... The interesting question istic realtime case: there is a dcfl which can
remained: is this hierarchy proper? be accepted in linear but not in real time [Rosen-
berg,1967bJ and k+l tapes are always better than
This question was recently settled in the k [Aanderaa, 197L~ J.
affirmative. Engelfriet, Rozenberg and Slutzki
[1978J offer a "systematic treatment of the rela- New light was shed on the long-standing LEA
tion$hips between parallel rewriting systems Ctop- problem in 1969. Savitch showed that NSPACECSCn))
down tree transducer, £TOL system) and two-way ~DSPACECCSCn))2) for SCn) logn;t this is
machines C2-way gsm, tree-walking automaton, still the best general simulation result known.
checking stack automaton) restricting the copy- Ftlrther, there is an upward translational result:
ing power of these devices the iteration of non- if :CSPACE(S(n)) = NSPACE(SCn)) for any Sen) 2
deterministic top-down tree transducers, of non- log n, equality holds for all lar8er space bounds.
deterministic 2-way gsm's and of control on ETOL
systems each gives rise to a proper hierarchy." Book and Wegbreit [1971J and Ibarra [1972J
This beautiful result is a good advertisement for used Savitch's simulation result, the deterministic
ETOL systems and for the translational techniques space hierarchy results and translational tech-
related to AFL theory. niques to establish a nondeterministic space hier-
archy in certain cases Ce.g., NSPACECnr ) 7 NSPACE(n~
7. Complexity Questions for 1 s; r < S ). Cook [1972 J established a corres-
ponding nondeterministic time hierarchy. Various
Complexity Classes hierarchy results were refined and sharpened by
Seiferas et al. [1973J.
The classification of functions, and by im-
plication languages, by computation time on a mul-
Interesting connections were established be-
titape Turing machine was introduced by Hartmanis tween these classes of formal languages defined by
and Stearns [1964J and the existence of a hierarchy
the complexity of the recognition problem and
was derronstrated. The classification of languages classes defined in other ways. The first such re-
by the space required for recognition on an off- sult, of course, was the connection between CSL
line multitape Turing machine and the corresponding and NSPACECn) Ci.e., the class of languages ac-
hierarchy was presented by Stearns, Hartmanis and cepted by nondeterministic Ibas). Hopcroft and
lewis [1965J who showed that there are minimum Ullman Q967bJ showed that the classes of languages
boW1ding fW1ctions in the sense that, e. g., for accepted by nonerasing stack automata with a two-
offline Turing machines, if the space bound grows way input tape can be characterized by space bound-
"much slower than" loglogn, the machine is no more ed Turing machines: DSPACECnlogn) CNSPACECn 2 ))
powerful than a finite state automaton.
is the class of languages accepted by 2-way non-
erasing deterministic CnonJe terrninistic) stack
Various techniques were used for both nega-
automata. vJhat about s;eneral two-way stack auto-
tive and positive results. For establiShing nega- mata? Cook [1969J showed that the same bounds
tive results Ci.e., L cannot be accepted by a apply if the Turing machine is also allowed an
machine of type X within bound Y), the most 1mbounded pushdown store; such a ITBchine is called
common tools are diagonalization Ce.g., to estab- an auriliary pda. Let APDA(SCn)) be the class
lish the basic time and space hierarchies) and in- of languages accepted by offline machines with an
formation theoretic arguments on the amount of in- unbounded pushdown store and an SCn)-bounded
fonnation needed Ce. £;., in showing that certain Turing tape. Then APDACnlogn) CAPDACn 2 )) is
languages are not realtime definable). the class of languages accepted by deterministic
Two more techniques were introduced in 1965:
Hennie presented the notion of "crossing sequences"
and used it to show that, in linear time, a single- tIn this notation, SPACE indicates a bound on work-
ing tape space and TIME on computation time, the
tape Turing machine is no ITDre powerful than a
finite state acceptor. Ruby and Fischer intro- function in parentheses is the bound and (N)D in-
duced translational Cpadding) techniques for improv- dicates computation on an offline Cnon)determin-
istic multitape Turing machine.
ing the time hierarchy in certain cases.

Cnondeterministic) two-way stacK automata. Slllce \vas the basis for Savitch' s simUlation. Recently,
l\pDACSCn)) = Uc DTlIv1EC2 cS (n)) , stack automata lan- Cook [1979J showed that all deterministic context-
guages can also be characterized by time oounded free languages can be recognized deterministically
complexity classes. simultaneously in n 3 time and Clog n) 2 time.

Another important question concerns time- How hard is the problem? A:re these upper
space tradeoffs. Clearly, XTlliECSCn)) ~ XSPACE(S(n)), bounds tight? Lewis, Stearns and Hartmanis [1965J
but is space rrore powerful than time? Hopcroft and showed that there are cfls recognizable offline
Ullman 0968~ provided some evidence while Hopcroft, in loglog n space but also that some, for example
Paul and Valiant [1975J settled the question in the {anlfl I n 2 I} ,require log n space. mes log
affirmative: DTIME(S(n)JogS(n)) ~ DSPACE(S(n)) , space suffice for deterministic recognition? Sud-
so in particular there is a context-sensitive lan- borough [1973J showed that this problem is in a
guage which cannot be recognized in linear time on sense equivalent to the Iba problem: CFL
a deterministic Turing machine. ~ DSPACE (log n) if and only if DSPACE (S(n)) =
NSPACE(S(n)) for all Sen) 2 log n .
Cook [1971J introduced the famous F vs. ~w
question: can every language recognizable nondeter- Cook and Karp showed that the P vs NP ques-
ministically in polynomial time (i.e., every lan- tion could be reduced to the question of whether
guage in NP) be also recognized deterministic- one of a large (and ever-growing!) number of lan-
ally in polynomial time Ci.e., be in P)? Cook guages (problems) can be recognized (solved) in
(and then Karp [1972J) showed that this question deterministic polynomial time. The complexity of
was equivalent in a certain sense to many famous the recognition problem for CFL can be reduced
open problems. "It is shown that any recognition to the complexity of one context-free language ~,
problem solved by a polynomial time-bounded nonde- the "hardest" context-free language, a "nondeter-
terministic Turing machine can be 'reduced' to the ministic" variation of a Dyck set [Greibach,1973J.
problem of deciding whether a given propositional Every cfl is an inverse homomorphic image of
formula is a tautology. Here' reduced' means, either La or La - {e}; hence, the time (space)
roughly speaking, that the first problem can be complexity of recognition (parsing) of 4J is the
solved deterministically in polynomial time pro- realizable least upper bOW1d for time (space) com-
vided an oracle is available for solving the sec- plexity of recognition (parsing) of context-free
ond " [Cook,197IJ. languages. A corresponding characterization for
DCFL does not exist [Greibach,1973J. However,
A nondeterministic machine in the usual def- Sudborough showed that there is a "hardest" dcfl
inition accepts if some path in its computation 1..0' in a different sense: OCFL ~ DSPACE(logn)
tree is "good". Wotschke [1975J considered machines iff DSPACE(logn) is equal to the class of lan-
which accept only if all paths are good, as well as guages recognized by deterministic polynomial time
other variations on the method of acceptance. bounded log n tape-boW1ded auxiliary pdas (Which
Kozen [1976J,and independently Chandra and Stock- is the class of languages log n-reducible to dcfl
meyer [1976J, developed the idea of alternating [Arora and Sudborough,1976J).
existential and universal quantification in the
definition of acceptance by a nondeterministic ma- 8. Unifying Framework
chine and showed that this bridged the time and
space hierarchie s; e. g., ATTI1E (log n) =DTll1E (poly) The same closure properties appeared again and
and ATTI1E(poly) = DSPACE(poly) (where A indi- again as we examined various restrictions of, and
cates an alternating machine and poly indicates extensions of, pushdown store automata. Certain
general polynomial bounds). decision properties also recurred: membership was
usually decidable for machines with a two-way tape
Time and Space Bounds for Language Recognition and emptiness and member/ship in the one-way case,
while emptiness was usually undecidable in the two-
As I have indicated, back in the early 1960s way case. Not only the results reappeared; the
we were very much concerned with whether the poten- constructions used in the proofs were almost iden-
tially exponential blow-up in many of the algorithms tical and did not appear to depend on the particu-
proposed for recognizing context-free languages was lar devices W1der construction. Thus, in the
necessary. Actually, the algorithm of Cocke al- surrnner of 1966, attempts were made to find a uni-
ready provided a negative answer, but this was not fying framework for these observations; the results
recognized. Kasami [1965J and Younger [1966J in- were presented at the 1967 Symposium (1967 was a
dependently gave algorithms which they proved re- very good year for forrnal language theory!) in the
quired only time kn 3 (i.e., O(n 3 ) ) ; this gen- papers by Hopcroft and Ullman and by Ginsburg and
eral method is now called the Cocke-Kasami-Younger Greibach.
algorithm (cf. Harrison [1978J for a good exposi-
tion). La.ter, Valiant [1975J cormected the problem AFLs~ AFAs and Balloons
of context-free language recognition with computa-
tions with Boolean matrices to yield a theoretically A balloon automaton [Hopcroft and Ullman,1967aJ
faster (O(n 2 . S1 )) algorithm. has a finite state control (deterministic or non-
deterministic), an input tape (one-way or two-way)
So polynomial time suffices. What about and an abstract memory called the balloon. Balloon
space? Lewis, Stearns and Hartmanis [1965J showed control fW1ctions change the configuration of the
that CFL ~ DSPACE«logn)2) ; their construction balloon while a balloon information fW1ction allows

the machine to receive only a finite aIIlOW1t of in- istic acceptors with n tapes, tape i of Scheme
formation from the balloon by mapping the set of i, define precisely the class of homomorphic images
balloon configurations into a finite set. The of the intersection of n languages, the i th lan-
finite state control knows the state of the control, guage definable by a realtime acceptor of Scheme i;
the input and the value of the balloon information limitations on the computation time of the acceptor
function and changes state, moves the input tape correspond to limitations on the homomorphism [Grei-
and selects the balloon control fW1ction. A class bach and Ginsburg,1972; work done in 1968J. This
of Balloon automata (BA) is closed if it contains generalizes the observation that every r.e. set can
all allowable machines with balloon information and be obtained as the intersection of two dcfls [Gins-
balloon control functions constant (so, defines all burg, Greibach and Harrison, 1966 J; a corresponding
regular sets) and if, whenever it contains machines result just for quasirealtime multipushdown store
MI and M2 , it contains any other allowable machine automata was used to show the NTll1E(n) is con-
whose balloon control fW1ctions are taken from tained in the family of scattered context languages
those of MI and M2 and whose balloon informa- [Greibach and Hopcroft,1969J. Similar results hold
tion function makes only distinctions made by MI for transducers, thus generalizing Evey's results
and M2. All types of stack automata form closed on acceptors vs. transducers; if the multiple tapes
classes of balloon autOl'TBta. Various closure prop- are nested, the appropriate operator is substitu-
erties hold for an arbitrary closed class of bal- tion rather than intersection.
loon automata. IDEA: inverse gsm, intersection
with regular; INBA: inverse gsm, W1ion, concaten- Combining the work of Chomsky and Schutzen-
ation, Kleene star, intersection with regular, gsm, berger [1963J with my normal form theorem, one
quotient with regular; 2DBA : reversal, inverse characterizes CFL as the family of sets
gsm, intersection~ 2NBA: same as 2DBA plus W1ion. h(g-l (K2) n R) ,where K2 is the one-sided Dyck
set on two letters, R is regular, h and g are
In developing AFL theory, we first consid- homomorphisms with h nonerasing. The natural
ered the desired closure properties and then looked generalization of this result lies in the concept
at the corresponding class of machines. An AFL is of a principal AfL or trio. A trio is a family
a nontrivial family of languages closed W1der W1ion, of languages closed W1der nonerasing homomorphism,
concatenation, Kleene plus, nonerasing horromorphism inverse homomorphism and intersection with regular
and intersection with regular sets; a full AFL is sets; a full trio is a trio closed ill1der erasing.
an AFL closed under arbitrary homomorphism (i. e. , A (fu ll) sem1·,.4.FL is a (full) trio closed W1der
erasing) [Ginsburg and Greibach,1967J. vve knew union. If .Cf is the least (full) AFL containg L,
that something interesting was happening when we it is a (full) principal AFL with (full) genera-
showed that a full AFL is always closed W1der tor L; principal (full) trios (semiAFLs) are sim-
finite transductions and quotient with regular sets ilarly defined. If a storage (AFA) schema is
and that, to obtain a full AFL from a family of finitely encoded -- e.g., pdas with only two
languages, it suffices first to take finite trans- storage symbols -- the corresponding family of one-
ductions and then to substitute them into regular way nondeterministic acceptors defines a full prin-
sets. An AFA schema. is determined by a type of cipal AFL and every full principal AFL can be
storage structure, an information function on the so defined [Ginsburg and Greibach,1970J. In the
storage, a set of instructions and a function that multitape case, one takes as generator the shuffle
maps a storage configuration and an instruction of the generators corresponding to the individual
into a new storage configuration, subject to a few tapes. So, for example, the characterization of
conditions. An AFA associates the corresponding the r.e. sets by two COill1ter machines implies that
schema to the family of all possible machines with a full generator for the r.e. sets is the shuffle
finite state control acting on storage of the ap- of {Onl nc In ~ l}~': and {anJ:1d In ~ l}~~.
propriate type and limited to receiving (as for
balloon automata) only a finite amount of inforrn:i-
tion from the storage. Using these definitions, Applications: Structure of Special Families
we were able to show that full AFLs are the natu- of Languages
ral characterization for the family of languages
accepted by any reasonable class of one-way non- The concept of AFA and AFL inspired the two-
deterministic ITBchines (AFAs or lNBAs) and way classification of CFLs found in [Greibach,1967J.
similarly AFLs corresponded to one-way quasi- Boasson [1971J applied similar algebraic techniques
realtime (nondeterministic, W1iform upper bound on to the study of one cOW1ter languages while Gold-
the number of e-rules in a row) acceptors. stine [1972J considered AFLs generated by boill1ded
Thus, we now had a natural framework for To define CFL, it suffices to take pda that
studying one-way nondeterministic acceptors. Other have just two storage symbols and no e-rules and
types of ITBchines were also considered. An AFDL do not reinitialize the store . Results in Ginsburg,
is a nontrivial family of languages closed W1der Goldstine and Greibach [1972J and in Greibach [1970,
inverse gsm, marked W1ion and star and removal 1972J show that this is not accidental. If L is
of endmarkers [Chandler,1969J. A nontrivial class a full generator of CFL, then every cfl can be
of languages is defined by a class of 2DBA. if and obtained from L u {e} by nonerasing a-transducer
only if it is closed W1der marked ill1ion, IIB.rked i.rna.ges. Hence, for any reasonable machine defini-
star and inverse two-way gsm mappings [Aho,Ull- tion of CFL, there is an equivalent subfamily of
ffi3l1, 1969bJ. finitely encoded quasirealtime acceptors which do
What happens if the acceptor is allowed to not reinitialize the store. Boasson and Nivat
have multiple storage tapes? One-way nondetermin- [1976J showed that every parenthesis language is

either cierivEttion-bow-tded \:;xample is the proof that IJ'TIME(n) can:bE> defined
CFL. by quasirealtime TI'ls \tJith one checking stack and
one pda (or three pdas) [Book EiJld Greibach, 196 9 ] .
Additional operations can be added to define Here, the fact that every language in NTll1E(n) is
particular families. For a substitution f, the the nonerasing homomorphic image of the intersection
iteration of f on L is the language obtained of cfls and that the families of languages in-
by repe~te91y applying f to L; f is nested volved are closed under nonerasing homomorphism
if b lS In feb) for each symbol. A superAFL demonstrates that it suffices to show that one can
(hyperAFLJ is a full AFL closed under nested define all intersections of cfls by the desired
iterated substitution (iterated substitution). type of machine. It also shows that NTll1E(n) is
This allows us to link L-systems neatly to the a principal ArL. A similar result was shown for
Chomsky hierarchy after all: the family of regular the family BNP of quasirealtime reversal bounded
languages is the least full AFL, CFL is the least multipushdown store machines: three single-turn
superAFL and the family of £1OL languages is the pushdown stores suffice so every L in BNP is
least hyperAFL (cf, Rozenberg and Salomaa [1974J, the nonerasing homomorphic image of the intersec-
pp 250-301). tion of three linear cfls [Book, Nivat and Pater-
son ,1974 J.
Applications: Translational Techniques
and Hierarchies ~vegbreit [1969J showed that NSPACE(n) is a
principal AFL. These results were used by Book,
Here is an example of a translational or
Greibach and Wegbreit, and Ibarra [1970J to show
bridge theorem: for c a sym]x)l not in L, LcL
that, under various general conditions, time and
is regular if and only if L is regular. Thus,
space complexity classes form AFLs or principal
from the existence of a language L that is lin-
ear but not regular, one can deduce the existence
of a language LcL that is metalinear but not lin-
Two interesting applications of this technique
ear. AFL theory is a good framework for such
are the results that P =NP iff P is closed un-
results. I used them in [Greibach,1967J to obtain
der nonerasing homomorphism iff NTll1E(n) ~ P
the hierarchy results and in [Greibach,1968a,1969J
[Book,1972J and the construction of various complex-
to show that the family of (one-way) stack lan-
ity classes from the regular sets via homomorphic
guages is not closed under sUbstitution and its
substitution closure is properly contained in replication: the family of r.e. languages (respec-
tively BNP, NP) is the least family of languages
containing the regular sets and closed under inter-
section and arbitrary (respectively, linear-erasing
These results can be abstracted elegani~ly in
and polynomial-erasing) homomorphic replication
some cases. Here is an example. Let Sub (~)l ,~ )
be {feLl) I Ll in :/1 and f an '~2-substitu­
Applications: General Reduction Theorems
tion} and T(Ll ,L 2 ) = {blwl···bnwn I bl ... b in
L , b a sym]x)l, Wi lD L2 }· If Ll and L2 Results of this nature say that, under general
l i
circumstances, a certain property is undecidable
are over disjoint alphabets and SRI and !£) are
or rW-hard, etc., or that undecidability of one
full serniAFLs, then T(L ,L ) in Sub(~l"~) problem implies undecidability of another. For
l 2
example, Hartmanis [1967J showed that, for a mono-
implies that either L is in 5£1 or L lS In
l 2 tonically increasing function Sen) ~ log n , if a
~2' Now this allows one to conclude that, if .~ property A dichotomizes DSPACE(S(n)) but not
Ule f arnily of regular' languages, then A is unde-
is a full semiAFL not closed under substitution,
then iterating substitutions on .<f yjplds an in- cidable for S(n)-space bounded Turing machines.
finite hierarchy and the closure of ~ tmder sub-
stitution is not a full principal AFL. As an im- If a family of languages ff is effectively
mediate corollary: CFL properly contains the closed under union and concatenation by regular
substitution closure of the linear cfl and the sets and has an undecidable universe problem and
one counter languages, a result that is tedious A is any property defined on !L ,which is true
for all reguJ_ar sets, false for at least one lan-
to obtain otherwise. Various translational theo-
rems and their applications appear in [Greibach, guage in .P, and is preserved by inverse gsm,
1970,1972J. union with {e} and intersection with regular sets,
then A is undecidable for 5f [Greibach,1968bJ.
The most beautiful example of the use of Hopcroft and Ullman D.968aJ showed that the
this type of translational techniques is, as indi- emptiness and membership problems for various
cated arove, Engelfriet's tree transducer hierarchy classes of balloon automata are related: for ex-
theorem [Engelfriet, Rozenberg and Slutzki,1978J. ample, emptiness is decidable for IDEA if
and only iff membership is decidable for 2NEA.
Applications: Complexity Classes Hopcroft [1969J showed that "L = R" is undecidable
for L context-free and R any fixed unbounded
Many of the complexity classes mentioned regular set; Hartmanis and Hopcroft [1970J showed
above (such as NP) are AFLs and AFL theory that containment, equivalence and the universe
can often shed light on some of the problems men- problem are undecidable for any family of recursive
tioned and assist in simulation proofs. A good sets containing the AFL generated by {anlfl I n ~ l}.

Grammar Forms have alsoirlcluded a few of the influential books
on fonnal languages wid related topics.
The development of AFL theory was initially
machine oriented. The attempt to complete the A general apology is due. Time and space did
usual triple of languages, machines and grlarrrrnars not me to list all or even most of the im-
via grammar forms has initiated a large body of lit- portant papers, so I have chosen instead to offend
eratl~e, which it is too early to assess. The everyone by omitting at least one significant con-
basic idea is to use a as a template and tribution of each author (including myself).
consider which grLlJIlllUrs can b2 obtained from it in .7936
certain nat~a1 ways. A sample r1esul t : the f am- Post, [.L., Finite combinatory processes - Formula-
ily of one counter 1anVlages does not correspond tion 1., ~lo?Arriat of Symbolic Logic., 1 (1936 )103-105.
to a grammatical family of this type; this agrees
with one's intuition. Basic results can be found Turing, A.r·1., On computable numbers, with an appli-
in Cremers and Gin~:;buY'g [1974,1975]. cai=ion to the Entscheidurlgsproblem, Proceedings
of the London Mathemat'ieaZ Society., Ser.2, vol.42
(1936-37) 230-265; Correction, ibid., 43 (1937)
9. Conclusion
He:. have seen how formal lal'1guLlgc theory pe- 1942
ceived much of its impetus from the machine trans-
C.L., Outl1:ne of L1~ngu1.:stiG
lation projects of the 50s and early 60s and asso-
Society of America at the
ciated work in mathematical linguistics, how the
h7averlv Press, 1942.
systems used had the same matheTTBtical model as
teclmiques used in specifying and translating prob- 1943
lem oriented prograrruning languages (notably, AII;OL) ,
HcCu110ch, H.S. and Pitts, E. A logical calculus
how the Chomsky hierarchy of languages, machines
of the ideas irmna.nent in nervous activity, BuZZ-
and grarrmars was developed and completed and how
the subject became part of theoretical computer
(.IF MaJ}zcrna i ~>'(J 7 5 (1943) 115-133.
science around 1964. We examined a few of the di- Post, E. L., For'TnaJ reductions of the ,o;eneral com-
rections formal language theory has taken since binatorial decision problem, American dOUl)nal of
1964, in general paralleling the development of the Mathematics., 65 (1943) 197-215.
rest of theoretical computer science, inspired by
the same questions (parsing and tr anslating, algo-

rithms and computational complexity, etc.) Bloch, B., Studies in colloquial Japarlese ,II,
Language., 22 (1946) 200-2 1t8.
What next? Some of the famous (or infamous)
Harris, Z., Fr'om morpheme 1.:0 utterance., Language.,
problems posed at the start remain open (dpua
22 (1946) 161-183.
equivalence, the Iba problem) and still contri-
bute to the development of the subject. Subsequent Post., E.L." A variant of a recursively unsolvable
work has raised nev.l questions" some of which have problenl, BulZ.Am.Math.Soe . ., .52 (194·6) 26 L+-268.
been solved (DOL equivalence), some not (P vs. NP).
At tirr~s, there has been a tendency to regal~ at
least part of the subj ect as pari~ of pure mathernat- Post., E.L., ReCtlrsivc unsolvability of a problem
ic~) and to treat it in this way. I think that is of 111ue, ~I. Symbo Z·z:c~ LO(Jic., 12 (1947) 1-11.
a bad idea (although SOm2 of my best theorems are
\0ells., R.:=., Immediate constituents, Language., 23
mathematical). I hope that I have shown that for- (1947) ()1-ll7.
mal language theory is an integral and important
part of theoretical computer science, and should 195]
reJTI.ain so. Harris ~., Me thods in 8tnu:t ura l Lingui-s tics.,

IJniv.Chicago Press, 1951.

}'=leene, S. c. Rep:t\?sentation of events in nerve
Items are ordered first clu-'Onologically by nct~~ and . .ta, ProJect Rand Res. Memn.
year and then alphabetically by first author. A R~L?04_, Santa Bonica, CA (Dec. IS ,1951); published
~itation [Squiggle,1984aJ means that the reference in Automata S't;udieD (Sharmon, C.D. and i1cCapthy,
is the first item by Squiggle listed for 1984. lJ., eds) fJr"'incton Uni v . P:cess, Princeton, NJ
Some of the papers listed b210w may not be cited (195FJ) pp 3-42.
(I hope not vice versa).
Lukasie\tJicz, IT • ., /irisro+lp'8 Sylto[J'Z:stic from the
Standpo1>z t of ModeP'r2 Porma l Logic., Oxford Univ .
For FOCS and SIGACT papers~ I have tried to
Press, 1951.
list the item under the Symposium date and include
iTl the listing other incarnations of the paper'; I 1952
probably have missed several. I have referenced
Harris, Z., Discourse analysis, Language., 28 (1952)
each Proceedings in full only for the first list-
ing; thereafter using the abbreviation "ACM Symp"
or "IEEE Symp", as appropriate. Other papers may 1953
be listed under the date of appearance of either
Bar-Hillel, Y., A quasi-arithmetical notation for
the progress report" thesis, conference or pub-
lished version, not in a consistent fashion. I syntactic description, Language., 29 (1953)


VSlS elf a
notation" :L:.-,ljaur;hton, R. and Yamada, H., Pep:ular expressions
tion~ (1954) 53-57. and state p:raphs for automata" IHE-P(;EC.' 9 (1960)
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Eahin'l H. 0 . ., Eea1tirne ., IsY'cze l rT. Math. ~
gramming and Formal SYDtems (Braffort., P. and 1 (1974) 203-211.
Hirschberg, D., eds) Horth-Holland, nT., 1963.
Rosenberg., A.l, . ., On n-tape finite state acceptors,
Evey, R.J., The Theory and Applications of Pushdown
IEEE Symp. ~ .76-81:, taken from Nonwriting Ex-
Store Machines~ Ph.D. thesis., Harvard Univ . ., May
fi?!'7,~1'n)!8 OT 4u.torn.ato-> Ph.D. thesis., Har-
1~b3~ also Rept.No. NS}'-lU, Math.L1:ng.Jlutom.'f'1-ar?s.
vard Un iv., AtU;ust 19 G5 ~ also see Fischer, P. C.
Harvard Comput. Lab. 'l Cambridge. 'l J'1ass.
,_Hill lljll'fJ" A.L., one-way nonwr'itiIlg
Fischer'l P. C., On computability by certain classe~; aut riFk3ta, (1968) 88-101.
of restricted Turing machines, Proc.IPEE Symp.
Circuit and Logical Design~ Chi-
cag()~ Sept 1963~ pp. : publ. as PTurins; /~l)raham., S. ~ Some (Juestions of nhl"nse structure
machines with restricted memory access" 'l InfoYlm. ,craI'lmars, ('ornp. LlYig. ~ 4 (1965") 61- 70.
ContI')., 9 (i966) 364-379.
~ E. ar}~ Bclrl(.=:r·
., ~) • ., Some T)roblems of f inite
Floyd, R.\'I., Syntactic analysis and operator pre- , In TOl-m. Contr. ~ 8 (1965) 351-363.
cedence, ~IACl4~ 10 (1963) 316-333.
, S. and Creibach, S., Deterministic con-
Ginsburg, S. and Rose, G.F., Operations which pre- text free langua~es., Proc.IEEE Symp.Sw.Circ.Th.
serve definabi1ity in languages, JACM:J 10 (1963) 8 Log.Des.~ Univ. Michigan~ Ann Arbor~ Oct.lg65~
29-47. pp 203-220; publ. in Inform.Contr.~9 (1966)620-648.
Ginsburg, S. and Spanier, E.H., Quotients of context- Haines, L.G., Generation and recognition of formal
free languages, JACM~ 10 (1963) 487-493. laJ?guages~ Ph.D. thesis, June 1965, MIT ,Cambridge.

Hennie, sequences and off-IDle Fischer, .C. and Meyer . A.P., Rea.] time counter
Till·ing rnachin.e computations., IEEE 8ynrp -' PP .168- 4"1chines - Preliminary version, TEEE Symp. -' pp.
172 ~ pub1. as POne-tape off-line Till'"'ing machine ~. 48 -15 4; an e>"'Panded version publ. a.s: Fischer,
computations, Inform.Contr." 8 (1965) 553-578. P.C., Meyer', A.F.. and Rosenberg, A.L. "Collilter

KasaJI1i, T . ., lm efficient recognition and syntax- lTBchines and counter languages," Math.Syst.Th.~2
analysis algorithm for context-free languages, (1968) 265-283.
Rept. No. 2-, Univ. Hau)aii Contr. # AF19(628)- fischer, P.C., Meyer, A.R. and Rosenberg, A.L.,
4379, 1965. Turing machll1es with several read-write heads,
Knuth, D.E., On the translation of languages from IEEE Symp.-, pp.117-127; "Real-time sim-
left to rip;ht, Inform.Cont-r.-, 8 (1965) 607-639. ulation of multihead tape units.," JACM~ 19
(1972) 590-607.
leHis, F. M., Stearns., R. E. and Hartrnanis, J.,
~Iernory bounds for recognition of context-free Ginsburg, S. and Greibach, S., Abstract families
illld context-sensitive la~guages~ IEEE Symp.-, of languages, IEEE Symp . ., pp.128-245; publ. in
pp.191-202. Studies in Abstract Families of Languages., (Gins-
burg, S., Greibach, S. and Hopcroft, J., eds),
Rosenberg, A.L., On multi-head finite automata, Mem.Am.Math.Soc . ., No. 87 (1969) 1-32.
IEEE Synp.~ pp.221-228; publ. in IBM J.Res.&
Dev.-, 10 (1966) 388-394. C:;insburg, S., Greibach, S.A. and Harrison, M.A.,
Stack automata and compiling, JACM (1967) 172-201.
Ruby, S.S. and Fischer, P.C., TranslaL~iona] methoj2,
and computational complexity, .IEEE Symp.-, pp. (-;ray, J.N., Harrison, M.A. and Ibarra, O.H., Two-
way pushdown automata, Inform.Contr . ., 11 (1967)
Stearns., R.S . ., Hartmanis., J. and Lewis, P.N., Hiep-
archies of memory limited computations., IEEE Greibach, S., An infinite hierarchy of context-free
Symp.-, pp.l79-190. languages, IEEE Symp.-, pp.32-366; publ. in JACM.,
16 (1969) 91-106.
Hartmanis, J., The complexity of ~~decidab1e prob-
Ginsburg, S., The Mathematical Theory of Context- lems in automata theory, IEEE Symp.-, pp.112-116;
Free Languages-, McGraw-Hill., 1966. publ. in JACM~ 16 (1969) 160-167.
Ginsburg, S. ., Greibach, S.A. and Harrison, M.A., HopcYDft, LT. E. and Ullman, J. D., An approach to a
One-way stack automata - Extended abstract, P-roc, wlified theory of automata, IEEE Symp. -' pp.140-
IEEE Symp. Switching and Automata Theory~ Berke- 147~ publ. in Bell Syst.Tech.J.~ 46 (1967)
Zey-, CA-, Oct. 1966~ pp.47-52~ publ. as "One-way 1793-1829.
stack automata," ~TACM-,14 (1967) 389-418.
Hopcroft, J. E. and Ullman, lJ. D. ., Nonerasing stack
Ginsburg, S. and Spanier, E.B"! Semigroups, Pres- automata, I':J.Comput.Syst.Sci.~ 1 (1967) 166-186.
burger formulas and languages" Pacific rI.Math.,
16 (1966) 285-29b. Kasarni, T., A note on computing time for recog-
ni tion ot languages generated by linear gram-
Ginsburg, S. and Spanier, I.H., Finite-tt1rll push- mars., Infolm.C~ntr.-, 10 (1967) 209-214.
down automata, SIAM rJ. Cont-roZ~ 4 (1966) 429-453.
Knuth~ D.E., A characterization of parenthesis
ellisburg, S. and Ul1ian, lJ. , Ambiguity irt context- languages, Inform.Contr.-, 11 (1967) 269-289.
free lan~J)lages, JACM, 1.3 (1966) 62-89.
McNaughton, P'O' Parenthesis gramnars, (JACM-, 14
Greibach, S., The unsolvability of the recognition (1967) 490-500.
of linear context-free languages., rJACM-, 13 (1966)
582-S87. Nivat, M., Transductions des langages de Chomsky-,
Ph.D. thesis, Grenoble Univ., 1967; pUbl. in
Korenjak., A.J-. and Hopcroft, ,J.E., Simple deter- Ann.Inst.Fourier-, Grenoble., 18 (1968) 339-455.
ministic languages, IEEE Symp.~ pp. 36-46.
Rogers, rI . ., Theory of Recursive Functions and
Lewis, P.M. and Stearns, R.E., Syntax directed Effective Computability, McGraw-Hill, 1967.
transduction, IEEE Symp.~ pp.2l-35; publ. in
rIACM-, 15 (1968) 465-488. Rosenberg, A. L., A machine realization of the
1L"'1ear context-free languages., InfoYWl. Cont-r. ~
Wirth, N. and Weber, H., EUl.EF., a generalization 10 (1967) 175-188.
of PlGOL and its formal definition CACM-, .9

(1966) 13-25 and 88-89. Eosenberg, A.L., Peal-time definable languages,

~TACM, 14 ( 1967) 645 - 662 .
Younger, D.H., Context-free language processing in
time n 3 _, IEEE Symp. -' pp.7-20; publ. as "Recog- Fosenkrantz, D.lT., Prograrrnned grarrrrnars - A ne""
nition and parsing of context-free lc3Il.guages in device for gener)ating formal languages, IEEE
time n 3 -' Inform. Contr. -' .10 (1967) J89-208. 8ymp.-, pp.14-20; publ. as "Programmed grammars
and classes of formal languages, fT JACM~ 16
196? (1969) 107-131.
Aha, A. V., Indexed grarnrnar)s - 1m extens ion of Sintzoff, M., Existence of Vru"'1 Wijngaarden's
context-free grammars, Proe.IEEE Symp. S7.Jitch- syntax for every' recursively erll.nnerable set,
ing and Automata Theory~ Austin TX~ Oct.1967~ Ann.Soc.Sci. de B~~xelles~ 2 (1967) 115-118.
pp.21-31; JACM-, 15 (1968) 647-671; also as
Stearns, R. E . ., A regularity test for pushdown
TfNested stack automata, If ~TACM~ 16 (1969) 383-406. machines, Inform.Contr.-, 11 (1967) 323-340.

1968 Fischer, M.J., Two characterizationsof the context-
sensitive languages, IEEE Symp.~ pp.149-l56.
Fischer, M.J., Grammars with macro-like produc-
tions 3 Proc.IEEE.Symp.Switching and Automata Ginsburg, S., Greibach, S. and Hopcroft, J., (eds.)
TheorY3 SchenectadY3 NY3 Oct.1968 3 pp.131-142 Studies in Abstract Families of Languages~ Mem.
- Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, Harvard Univ., May Am.Math.Soc. No. 87~ 1969.
1968; also Rept. No. NSF-22 3 Math. Ling. Autom.
Trans l. ~ Harvard Computation Laboratory. Greibach, S. and Hopcroft, J.E., Scattered context
grammars, J.Comput.Syst.Sci.~ 3 (1969) 233-247.
Ginsburg, S. and Hopcroft, J. E., Two-way balloon
Greibach, S., Full AFLs and nested iterated substi-
automata and AFL, IEEE Symp.~ pp.292-297~ publ.
in JACM~ 17 (1970) 3-13. tution, IEEE Syrrrp.~ pp.222-230~ publ. in Inform.
Contr.~ 16 (1970) 7-35.
Ginsburg, S. and Spanier, E.H., terivation-bounded
languages, IEEE Syrrrp. ~ pp. 306-314 ~ publ. in JCSS~ Hopcroft, J.E., On the equivalence and containment
2 (1968) 228-250. problems for context-free languages, Math.Syst.Th.~
3 (1969) 119-124.
Ginsburg, S. and Spanier, E.H., Control sets on
grammars, Math.Syst.Th. , 2 (1968) 159-178. Hopcroft, J.E. and Ullman, J.D., Formal Languages
and Their Relation to Automata~ Addison-Wesley,1969.
Greibach, S., Checking automata and one-way stack
Ogden, W., Intercalation theorems for stacK lan-
languages, IEEE Symp.~ pp.287-291; publ. in
guages, ACM Symp.~ pp.3l-42.
J.Comput.Syst.Sci.~ 3 (1969) 196-217.

Greibach, S., A note on undecidable properties of Rosenkrantz, D.J. and Stearns, R.E., Properties of
deterministic top down grarrrrnars, ACM Symp. pp. 3
formal languages, Math.Syst.Th. ~ 2 (1968) 1-6.
165-180; publ. in Inform.Contr.~ 17 (1970) 226-255.
Hopcroft, J. E. and Ullman, J. D., Decidable and un-
Rounds, W.C., Context-free grammars on trees, ACM
decidable questions about automata, JACM~ 15
(1968) 317-324. Symp. ~ pp . 143-148 ~ publ. as "Mapping and grarrrrnars
on trees," Math.Syst.Th.~ 4 (1970) 257-287.
Hopcroft, J. E. and Ullman, J. D., Relations between
time and tape complexities, JACM~ 15 (1968) Savitch, W.J., Deterministic simulation of non-
414-427. detenninistic Turing machines, ACM Symp. ~ pp.
247-248~ publ. as "Relationships between non-
Lindenmeyer, A., Mathematical models for cellular deterministic and deterministic tape complexi-
interactions in development, I and II, J.Theor- ties." J.Comput.Syst.Sci.~ 4 (1970) 177-192.
etical Biology~ 18 (1968) 280-315.
van Wijngaarden, A. (ed.), Report on the algorith-
Ogden, W., A helpful result for proving inherent mic language ALGOL 68, Numerische Mathmatik~ 14
ambiguity, Math.Syst.Th.~ 2 (1968) 191-194. (1969) 79-218.
1969 1970
Aho, A.V. and Ullman, J.D., Translations on a con- Book, R.V., Greibach, S.A. and Wegbreit, B., Tape-
text-free gramnar, Proc.ACM Symp. Theory of Com- and time-1:xJunded Turing acceptors and AFLs, Proc.
puting~ Marina del Rey~ CA~ May 1969, pp.93-112; ACM Symp. Theory of Computing~ Northampton 3Mass . ., Inform.Contr.~ 19 (1971) 439-475. May 1970, pp.92-99; publ. in JCSS~ 5 (1971) 606-
621~ also see Book, R.V., Greibach, S., Ibarra ,0.
Aho, A.V. and Ullman, J.D., A characterization of
two-way deterministic classes of languages, Proc. and Wegbreit, B., Tape-bounded Turing acceptors
and principal AFLs, JCSS~ 5 (1971) 622-625.
IEEE Symp.Switching and Automata Theory~ Water-
l003 Ont.~ Oct. 1969~ pp.149-156; publ. in Early, J., An efficient context-free parsing algo-
J.Comput.Syst.Sci.~ 4 (1970) 523-538. rithm, CACM~ 13 (1970) 94-102.
Book,R. V. and Greibach, S.A., Quasi-realtime lan- Ginsburg, S. and Greibach, S., Principal AFLs ,
guages - Extended abstract, ACM Symp . ., pp.15-18; JCSS~ 4 (1970) 308-338.
publ. as "Quasirealti.m2 languages," Math. Syst. Graham, S., Extended precedence languages, bounded
Th.~ 4 (1970) 97-111.
right context languages and deterministic lan-
Chandler, W.J., Abstract families of deterministic guage s (extended abstract), Proe. IEEE Syrrrp.
languages, ACM Symp. ~ pp. 21-30. Switching and Automata TheorY3 Santa Monica~ CA 3
Oct. 1970~ pp.175-180; abstract of Precedence
Chastellier, G. de and Colmerauer, A., W-grarrrrna.r,
Proc.ACM Natl.Conf.~ (1969) pp.5l1-Sl8. Languages and Bounded Right-Context Languages~
Ph.D. thesis, Stanford Univ., 1971; publ. as
Cook, S.A., Variations on pushdown maChines, ACM "On bounded right-context languages and grarrrrnars,"
SYrrrp.~ pp.229-232; publ. as "Characterizations SIAM J.Comput.~ 3 (1974) 224-254.
of pushdown ITBchines in terms of time-bounded
computers," JACM, 18 (1971) 4-18. Greibach, S.A., Chains of full AFLs, Math.Syst.
Th.~ 4 (1970) 231-242.
teRemer, F. L., Generating parsers for BNF gram-
Hartmanis, J. and Hopcroft, J. E., What makes some
mars, Proc. 1969 Spring Joint Computer Conf.~ language theory problems undecidable , J. Comput.
AFIPS Press, Montvale, NJ, 1969, pp.793-799.
Syst.Sci.~ 4 (1970) 368-376.
Fischer, M.J., Some properties of precedence lan- Salomaa, A., Periodically time-variant context-free
guages, ACM Symp.~ pp.18l-l90.
grammars, Inform.Contr., 17 (1970) 294-311.

Lindenmeyer, A. and Rozenberg, G., Developmental
Boasson , L., till iteration theorem for one-counter systems and languages, ACM Symp., pp.2l4-221;
languages, Proc.ACM Symp. Theory of Computing~ publ. in part as "Developmental systems with
Shaker Hgt8.~ Ohio~ pp.116-120~ pub1. as "Two locally catenative formulas," Acta Informatica,
iteration theorems for sorre families of lan- 2 (1973) 214-248.
guages, JCSS~ 7 (1973) 583-596; also see Cones
Meyer, A.R. and Stockmeyer, L.J., The equivalence
rationnels et familIes agreables de langages
- Application au langage a compteur~ Ph.D. thesis,
problem for regular expressions with squaring re-
Univ. Paris, 1971. quires exponential space, IEEE Symp.,pp.125-129.
Book, R. V. and Wegbreit, B., A note on AFLs and
bounded erasing, Inform.Contr.~ 19 (1971) 18-29. Baker, B., Tree transductions and families of tree
languages, Proc.ACM Symp.Theory of Computing,
Cook, S.A., The complexity of theorem-proving pro-
cedures, ACM Symp.~ pp.15l-l58.
Austin, TX, May 1973~ pp.200-206; Ph.D. thesis,
Harvard Univ., 1973.
Cook, S.A., Linear time simulation of deterministic
Bird, M., The equivalence problem for deterministic
two-way pushdown automata, Proc.IFIP Congress'71~
two-tape automata, JCSS, 7 (1973) 218-236.
North-Holland, Pmsterdam, #TA-2, pp.172-l79.
Blattner, M., The unsolvability of the equality
DeRemer, r.L., Simple LR(k) grammars, CACM~ 14
problem for sentential forms of context-free
(1971) 454-460.
grammars, JCSS, 7 (1973) 463-468.
Meyer, A.R. and Fischer, M.J., Economy of descrip-
Greibach, S .A., Jump PDAs, deterministic context-
~ion by automata, grarrrrnars and formal systems,
free languages, principal AFDLs and polynomial
Proc.IEEE Symp.Switching and Automata Theory~
time recognition, ACM Symp., pp.20-29; publ. as
East Lansing~ Mich.~ Oct. 1971~ pp.188-l91.
"The hardest context-free language," SIAM J. Com-
Rajlich, V., Absolutely parallel gramnars and two put.~ 2 (1973) 304-310, and as "Jump PDAs and
way deterministic finite-state transducers, ACM hierarchies of deterministic context-free lan-
Symp.~ pp.132-l37~ publ. in JCSS (1972) 324-342. guages," SIAM J.Comput., 3 (1974) 111-127.
Rozenberg, G. and Doucet, P.G., On OL-languages, Harrison, M.A. and Havel, I.M., Strict determinis-
Inform.Contr.~ 19 (1971) 302-318. tic gramnars, JCSS~ 7 (1973) 237-277.
1972 Hunt, H., On the time and tape complexity of lan-
guages, ACM Symp., pp.10-19.
Aho, A.V. and Ullman, J.D., The Theory of Poysing,
Translation, and Compiling, Prentice-Hall: Vol.I: Rounds, W... Complexity of recognition in inter-
Parsing, 1972; Vol. II: Compiling~ 1973. mediate-level languages, Froc. IEEE Symp. Switch-
ing and Automata Theory, Univ.lowa~ Oct. 1973,
B3k:er, B. and Pook, R. V. , Reversal-bounded multi-
pp. 145-158.
pushdown machines, Proc.IEEE Symp. switching
and Automata Theory, Univ.Maryland, Oct.1972~ Rozenberg, G., TOL systems and languages, Inform.
pp.207-211; publ. in JCSS, 8 (1974) 315-332. Contr. 3 23 (1973) 357-381.
Book, R. V., On languages accepted in polynomial Rozenberg, G., Extensions of tabled OL-systems and
time, SIAM J.Comput., 1 (1972) 281-287. languages, Int.J.Comput.Inf.Sci.~ 7 (1973) 463-468.
Cook, S.A., A hierarchy for nondeterministic time Salornaa, A., Formal Languages, Academic Press, 1973.
complexity, Proc.ACM Symp. Theory of Computing~
Seiferas, J.I., Fischer, M.J. and Meyer, A.R.,
Denver~ CO, May 1972, pp.187-192.
Refinements of the nondeterministic time and
Ginsburg, S., Greibach, S. and Goldstine, J., Uni- space hierarchies, IEEE Syrrrp.~ pp.130-l37; publ.
formly erasable AFLs, ACM Symp., pp.207-214; as: Seiferas, J., "Techniques for separating space
publ. in JCSS, 10 (1975) 165-182. complexity c1asses;'JCSS, 14 (1977) 73-99; and:
Seiferas, J., "Relating refined space complexity
Goldstine, J. , Substitution and bounded languages,
c1asses,"JCSS~ 14 (1977) 100-129; also see Sei-
JCSS, 6 (1972) 9-29.
feras, J.I., Fischer, M.J. and Meyer, A.R., "Sep-
Greibach, S., Syntactic operators on full semi- arating deterministic time complexity classes,"
AFLs, JCSS, 6 (1972) 30-76. JACM~ 24 (1978) 146-167.

Greibach, S. and Ginsburg, S., Multitape MAs, Sudborough, I.H., On tape-rounded complexity classes
JACM, 19 (1972) 193-221. and multihead finite automata, IEEE Symp. -' pp.138-
144; publ. in JCSS~ 10 (1975) 62-76.
Harrison, M.A. and Havel, I.M., Real-time strict
detenninistic languages, SIAM J. Comput., 1 1974
(1972) 333-349.
Aanderaa, S.O., On k-tape versus (k-l)-tape real time
Ibarra, 0., A'note concerning nondeterministic computation, in Complexity of Computation rSIAM-AMS
tape complexities, JACM, 19 (1972) 608-612. Proc.~ vol.7) (Karp, R.M.,ed.) Amer.Math.Soc, Prov-
idence, RI, 1974, pp. 75-96.
Karp, R.M., Reducibility aIIDng combinatorial prob-
lems, in Complexity of Computations (Miller, Pillo, A. V., Hopcroft, J .E. amd Ullman, J.D., The
R.E. and Thatcher, J.W., eds) Plenum Press, NY, Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms,
1971, pp.85-l04. Addison-Wesley, 1974.

Eook, F..V., Nivat, M. and Paterson, M, Intersec- Hopcroft, J., Paul, W. and Valiant, L., On time
tions of linear context-free languages and re- versus space and related problems, IEEE Symp.~
versal botmded multipushdown machines, Proc. pp.57-64.
ACM Symp.Theory of Computing~ Seattle~ Wash.~
May 1974~ pp.290-292~ publ. as "Reversal- Hunt, H. and Rangel, LT.L., Decidability of equi-
bounded acceptors and intersections of linear valence, containment, intersection and separ-
languages;' SIAM J.Comput.~ 3 (1974) 283-295. ability of context-free languages, IEEE Symp.
Cremers, A. and Ginsburg, S., Characterization
of context-free grarrnnatical families, Proc. Hunt, H.B. and Szymanski, T.G., On the complexi-
IEEE Symp. Switching and Automata Theory ~ Neu) ty of grarrmar and related problems, ACM Symp. ~
pp.54-65~ publ. as "Complexity metatheorems
Orleans~ LA~ Oct. 1974~ pp.199-204; see ver-
sion pool as: Cremers, A., Ginsburg, S., and for context-free grammar problems," JCSS~ 13
Spanier, E.H., "The structure of context-free (1976) 318-334.
grammatical families," JCSS~ 15 (1977) 262-279. Perrault, C.R., Intercalation theorems for tree
Friedman, E. P., Relationships between monadic transducer languages, ACM Symp.~ pp.126-136;
recursion schemes and deterministic context- publ. in JCSS~ 13 (1976) 318-334.
free languages, IEEE Symp.~ pp.43-51; publ. Wotschke, D., Degree-languages, polynomial time
as "Equivalence problems for deterministic recognition and the L&\ problem, ACM Symp~pp.
context-free languages and rronadic recursion 145-152; publ. as "Degree-languages, a new
schemes,"JCSS~ 14 (1977) 344-359. concept of acceptance," JCSS~ 14 (1977) 187-
Greibach, S.A., Sone restrictions on W-gramnars, 209. (Part of Boolean Operators on Languages~
Ph.D. thesis, UCLA, 1974.)
ACM Symp.~ pp.256-265; publ. in Intl.J.Com-
puter Inform.Sci.~ 3 (1974) 289-327. Valiant, L., General context free recognition in
less than cubic time, JCSS~ 10 (1975) 308-315.
Rozenberg, G. and Salomaa, A., L Systems~ Lect.
Notes in Comput.Sci., No. 15, Springer-Verlag 1976
Arora, A. and Sudborough, I. H., On languages
Valiant, L.G., The decidability of equivalence log-tape reducible to context-free languages,
for determinist~finite-turnpushdown auto- Proc. 1976 Conf.Information Science & Systems~
mata, ACM Symp.~ pp.27-32; part of Decision BQltimore~ MD~ pp.27-32.
Procedures for Families of Deterministic
Boasson , L. and Nivat, M., Parenthesis genera-
Pushdown Automata~ Ph.D. thesis, Univ.Warwick,
tors, Proc. IEEE Symp.Foundations of Computer
UK, July 1973~ publ. in Inform. Contr. ~ 25
Science~ Houston~ TX~ Oct. 1976~ pp.67-70.
(1975) 123-133.
Walljasper, S.J., Left-derivation rounded lan- Chandra, A.K. and Stockmeyer, L.J., Alternation,
IEEE Symp. ~ pp. 98-108.
guages, JCSS~ 8 (1974) 1-7.
Friedman, I.P., The inclusion problem for simple
languages, Th.Comput.Sci.~ 1 (1976) 297-316.
Beeri, C., An improvement on Valiant's decision
procedure for equivalence of deterministic Kozen, D., On parallelism in Turing rna.chines, IEEE
Symp.~ pp.89-97.
finite-turn pushdown automata, Froc. IEEE Symp.
Berkeley~ CA~ Oct. 1975, pp.128-l34; Sudborough, I.H., On deterministic context-free
Theor.Comput.Sci.~ 3 (1976) 305-320. languages, Imlltihead automata and the power of
Cremers, A. and Ginsburg, S., Context-free gram- an auxiliary pushdown store, Proc. ACM Symp.
mar forms, JCSS~ 11 (1975) 86-117.
Theory Computing~ Hershey~ PA~ May 1976~pp.14l-l48.
van Leeuwen, J., Variations of a new machine model,
Ehrenfeucht, A. and Rozenberg, G., On the (com-
binatorial) structure of L languages without IEEE Symp.~ pp.228-235.
interactions (extended abstract), Froc.ACM Yao, A. and Rivest, R.L., K+l heads are better
Symp.Theory of Computing~ Albuquerque~ NM~ than K, IEEE Symp.~ pp.67-70.
May 1975~ pp.137-144. 1977
Engelfriet, J., Bottom-up and top-down tree
Book, R. V., Language representation theorems: How
transformations - A comparison, Math.Syst.Th.~
to generate the R.E. sets from the regular sets. ,
9 (1975) 198-231.
Proc.IEEE Sympo.Foundation of Computer Science~
Ginsburg, S., Algebraic and Automata-Theoretic Providence~ RI~ Nov. 1977~ pp.58-61; pub1. as
Properties of Formal Languages~ North-Holland, "Simple representations of certain classes of
1975. languages," JACM~ 25 (1978) 23-31.
Ginsburg, S. and Lynch, N., Comparative com- CUlik, K., II and Fris, I., The decidability of
plexity of graJIUIBr forms, ACM Symp. pp. 153- the equivalence problem for DOL systems, In-
158; see "Size complexity in context-free form.Contr.~ 35 (1977) 20-39.
grarrrrnar forms," JACM~ 23 (1976) 582-598 and
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