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Eur J Anaesthesiol 2018; 35:1–15


Does goal-directed haemodynamic and fluid therapy

improve peri-operative outcomes?
A systematic review and meta-analysis
Matthew A. Chong, Yongjun Wang, Nicolas M. Berbenetz and Ian McConachie

BACKGROUND Much uncertainty exists as to whether peri- interval (CI) 0.50 to 0.87; number needed to treat ¼ 59; N ¼
operative goal-directed therapy is of benefit. 52; I2 ¼ 0.0%]. In subgroup analysis, there was no mortality
benefit for fluid-only goal-directed therapy, cardiac surgery
OBJECTIVES To discover if peri-operative goal-directed
patients or nonelective surgery. Contemporary goal-directed
therapy decreases mortality and morbidity in adult surgical
therapy also reduced pneumonia (OR 0.69; 95% CI, 0.51 to
0. 92; number needed to treat ¼ 38), acute kidney injury (OR

DESIGN An updated systematic review and random effects 0. 73; 95% CI, 0.58 to 0.92; number needed to treat ¼ 29),
meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. wound infection (OR 0.48; 95% CI, 0.37 to 0.63; number
needed to treat ¼ 19) and hospital length of stay (days)
DATA SOURCES Medline, Embase and the Cochrane
O (0.90; 95% CI, 1.32 to 0.48; I2 ¼ 81. 2%). No impor-
Library were searched up to 31 December 2016.
tant differences in outcomes were found for the pulmonary
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Randomised controlled trials enroll- artery catheter studies, after accounting for advances in the
ing adult surgical patients allocated to receive goal-directed standard of care.
therapy or standard care were eligible for inclusion. Trauma
CONCLUSION Peri-operative modern goal-directed therapy
patients and parturients were excluded. Goal-directed therapy
reduces morbidity and mortality. Importantly, the quality of
was defined as fluid and/or vasopressor therapy titrated to

evidence was low to very low (e.g. Grading of Recommen-

haemodynamic goals [e.g. cardiac output (CO)]. Outcomes
dations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation scoring),
included mortality, morbidity and hospital length of stay. Risk of
and there was much clinical heterogeneity among the goal-
bias was assessed using Cochrane methodology.
directed therapy devices and protocols. Additional well
RESULTS Ninety-five randomised trials (11 659 patients) designed and adequately powered trials on peri-operative
were included. Only four studies were at low risk of bias. goal-directed therapy are necessary.
Modern goal-directed therapy reduced mortality compared Published online xx month 2018
with standard care [odds ratio (OR) 0.66; 95% confidence

The concept of peri-operative goal-directed haemody- guided by traditional vital signs, the principle underlying
namic and fluid therapy (GDT) has its origins in the GDT is that the administration of fluid and vasopressors
seminal study by Shoemaker et al.1, where patients who be guided by explicit targets that reflect end organ blood
received preoperative haemodynamic optimisation flow, such as cardiac index (CI), stroke volume (SV)
titrated to explicit goals of end organ blood flow had variation (SVV) or oxygen delivery (DO2).96 Historically,
improved outcomes. Over the decades, GDT has such indices were measured by pulmonary artery cathe-
remained a high area of interest in peri-operative study, ters (PAC), but recently less invasive technologies have
with the publication of nearly 100 randomised controlled become widely available.97 Such contemporary GDT
trials (RCTs) since the 1990s alone.1–95 In contrast to care devices derive measurements using a variety of methods

From the Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine (MAC, YW, IMC) and Department of Medicine, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada (NB)
Correspondence to Dr Matthew A. Chong, MD, Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, University Hospital – London Health Sciences Centre, 339
Windermere Road, C3-108, London, ON, Canada N6A 5A5

0265-0215 Copyright ß 2018 European Society of Anaesthesiology. All rights reserved. DOI:10.1097/EJA.0000000000000778

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

CE: Swati; EJA-D-17-00516; Total nos of Pages: 15;

2 Chong et al.

Table 1 Overview of contemporary goal-directed haemodynamic and fluid therapy devices

Technology Measurements derived Sample manufacturer(s) or brand(s)

Transpulmonary indicator dilution Cardiac output LiDCO and PiCCOß
Arterial waveform-derived Stroke volume variation and cardiac output FloTracTM, LiDCO and PiCCOß
Oesophageal Doppler Flow corrected time and stroke volume CardioQTM
Echocardiography Cardiac output, stroke volume and contractility assessment Philipsß and SonositeTM
Partial CO2 rebreathing Cardiac output NICOß
Bioreactance Cardiac output NICOMß

GDT can be guided by a variety of modern technologies to derive haemodynamic indices, such as cardiac output and measures of volume responsiveness.97 LiDCO,
lithium dilution cardiac output (LiDCO Ltd, Lake Villa, Illinois, USA); NICOß, noninvasive cardiac output (Novametrix Medical Systems, Wallingford, Connecticut, USA);
NICOMß, noninvasive cardiac output monitor (Cheetah Medical, Vancouver, Washington, USA); PiCCOß, pulse contour cardiac output. (PULSION Medical Systems SE,
Feldkirchen, Germany). For reference, the rest of the systems used as examples in this table are manufactured by the following companies: FloTracTM (Edwards Life
Sciences, Irvine, California, USA), CardioQTM (Deltex Medical, Chichester, United Kingdom), Philips Ultrasound Machines (Philips Ultrasound Inc., Reedsville,
Pennsylvania, USA) and SonositeTM (Sonosite Inc., Bothell, Washington, USA).

from transpulmonary indicator dilution to arterial wave- care and that reported at least one clinical outcome
form analysis. These are summarised in Table 1.97 of interest.
Given the clinical importance of GDT and its potential to
Study selection
improve patient outcomes, investigating whether or not
Patient groups
these interventions are truly effective is worthwhile.
For inclusion, studies had to recruit adult surgical
However, existing reports and meta-analyses have dem-
patients having elective, urgent or emergency surgery.
onstrated conflicting results.98–101 Significantly, several
Although both cardiac and noncardiac surgery were of
significant limitations of methodology have been

interest, we excluded studies recruiting exclusively
repeated across these older reports, such as missed stud-
trauma patients, parturients and nonsurgical critical
ies,98,99 pooled complications as an artificial composite
care patients.
with the risk of double-counting of events98,102 and
exclusion of certain types of surgery or patient
groups.98–101 Finally, several authors have pooled
Subjects had to be randomised to either a standard of care
PAC-guided GDT studies with those using contempo-
or GDT. We defined GDT as any fluid and/or vasopressor
rary GDT devices.98,103
therapy titrated to haemodynamic targets that included
To address the limitations of existing publications, we the following: SVV, pulse pressure variation (PPV), CO or
performed an updated systematic review and meta-anal- CI, SV or SV index, central venous oxygen saturation,

ysis of peri-operative GDT. We hypothesised that peri- DO2 or DO2 index, oesophageal Doppler flow corrected
operative GDT would improve mortality (primary out- time, echocardiography assessment and oxygen extrac-
come) and morbidity (secondary outcomes) in adult sur- tion ratio (O2ER). These targets were chosen as they
gical patients when compared with standard care. are well studied and, in the context of the conflicting
Although use of PAC is historically of interest with regard evidence base, there is some suggestion that their opti-
to GDT, we postulated that those generally older studies misation improves outcome.97,103 If investigators used an
would have significant methodological differences from Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Programme,
modern studies, such as the initiation of GDT preopera- both study arms must have been receiving the ERAS
tively, and would not reflect current practice.1 Under care. With regard to the control arm therapy, we
these more rigorous methodological conditions, we won- excluded studies where the control arm was also
dered whether the benefits of GDT identified in older receiving a form of GDT, such as trials comparing two
analyses would persist.98,103 different GDT devices or those comparing different
GDT targets. We accepted standard care in the form
Methods of protocol-driven standard care (e.g. maintain mean
The current systematic review and meta-analysis com- arterial pressure > 65 mmHg), care at the discretion of
plies with the preferred reporting items for systematic the attending physicians with no formal protocol or pro-
reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement.104 Our tocols involving restrictive fluid strategies.
institutional research ethics board does not require
approval for systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Outcomes
The primary outcome was in-study mortality. Secondary
Literature search outcomes included organ-specific morbidity, such as
MEDLINE, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library were myocardial infarction (MI), arrhythmia, cardiac arrest,
searched without language restriction from inception to congestive heart failure (CHF), acute kidney injury
31 December 2016 for RCTs that recruited adult surgical (AKI), pulmonary embolus, infections, stroke or transient
patients receiving peri-operative GDT versus standard ischaemic attack (TIA) and surgical complications.

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2018; 35:1–15

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
CE: Swati; EJA-D-17-00516; Total nos of Pages: 15;

Meta-analysis of peri-operative goal-directed therapy 3

Furthermore, exposure to allogenic packed red blood cell 50 to 70% to be moderate heterogeneity and 70% or
transfusion and hospital and ICU length of stay (LoS) higher to be high heterogeneity. Stratification of out-
were of secondary interest. comes based on PAC versus other technologies was
planned a priori. Furthermore, all subgroup analyses were
Search strategy prespecified according to hypothesised sources of hetero-
The full search strategy is available online (Supplemental geneity and included: type of surgery (e.g. cardiac versus
Digital Content 1, Search Strategy Appendix, http:// noncardiac surgery), type of fluid (e.g. colloid versus The search used a compre- crystalloid), fluid versus fluid and vasopressors to achieve
hensive combination of medical subject heading terms goals, presence of ERAS program, risk of bias and tech-
and free-text terms and synonyms. The reference lists of nology used to achieve the GDT. Publication bias was
included articles and older reviews were manually assessed via Egger’s regression and visual inspection of
searched for additional studies. Unpublished data were the data on a funnel plot.
not sought. To avoid publication bias, grey literature (e.g.
In the context of many meta-analyses, repeated signifi-
conference abstracts) was included in the systematic
cance testing of pooled data can lead to the possibility of
Type 1 errors.107,108 Trial sequential analysis (TSA) is a
statistical technique that allows the creation of trial
Article screening, data extraction and risk of
sequential boundaries within a cumulative meta-analysis
bias assessment
to determine whether a P value is sufficiently small to
Studies were screened independently by MC and YW
show an effect or futility.107,108 TSA was used to assess
and any discrepancies resolved by consensus with IM. A
the maturity of the evidence base for the primary out-
similar process was used for the data extraction. Extracted
come of mortality. To perform the TSA, we assumed a
data included baseline demographic data, study descrip-
two-tailed a of 0.05, b of 80% and a relative risk reduction

tors and predefined clinical outcomes. The risk of bias
of 20% from the control group event rate. The TSA was
assessment was conducted using the Cochrane Risk of
performed with version Beta. Other authors have
Bias Tool.105 The tool defines several sources of bias and
provides a standardised approach for assessment. The
O provided excellent descriptions of TSA, and full discus-
sion is beyond the scope of this systematic review.108
specific domains include random sequence generation
(selection bias), allocation concealment (selection bias),
blinding of participants and personnel (performance
Literature search and study selection
bias), blinding of outcome assessment (performance
The search initially retrieved 1945 citations with 95
bias), complete reporting of data and with low-to-minimal
RCTs (11 659 patients) meeting the inclusion criteria
loss to follow-up (attrition bias), selective reporting bias

(PRISMA Flowchart, Fig. 1).1–95 Eight small RCTs

and other bias.105 Studies were considered to be at low
(400 patients) did not report extractable outcomes and,
risk of bias if they adequately met the first five criteria
therefore, could not be pooled for meta-analy-
with no evidence of significant selective reporting bias or
sis.2,8,17,19,49,54,86,95 A description of excluded studies is
any other major sources of bias. Grading of Recommen-
provided in the supplemental content (Supplemental
dations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation
Digital Content 2, Table of Excluded Studies, http://
(GRADE) methodology was used to appraise the overall
evidence base quality for each outcome.106

Statistical analysis Baseline characteristics of included randomised

Stata (Version 13.1; StataCorp, College Station, Texas, controlled trials
USA) was used for statistical analysis. Binary outcomes The salient baseline characteristics of included RCTs are
were reported as odds ratios (ORs). Continuous outcomes shown in Table 2. Only four of 95 studies were consid-
were reported as the weighted mean difference (WMD) ered to be at low risk of bias, given the challenge in
or standardised mean difference, where appropriate. Both blinding participants during the performance of GDT in
types of data were presented with their corresponding the peri-operative period (Risk of Bias Assessment, Sup-
95% confidence intervals (95% CI). We anticipated clini- plemental Digital Content 3, Risk of Bias Assessment
cal heterogeneity among the devices and methods used to and Risk of Bias Distribution,
provide GDT, and therefore, a random-effects analysis A115, Fig. 2).36,51,76,84 Notably, 12 studies recruited car-
model was selected. For statistically significant outcomes, diac surgery patients, with the rest recruiting noncardiac
the number needed to treat to benefit one patient surgery patients.19,22,31,38,40,42,47,57,58,60,66,70 Thirteen
(NNTB) or number needed to treat to harm one patient studies used a PAC to guide therapy.1,3,11,12,18,25,28,31,60,83,
(NNTH) were calculated, where appropriate. All data are The remaining studies of more modern
reported with a significance level of a ¼ 0.05. Heteroge- GDT devices/technologies used oesophageal Doppler
neity was estimated using the I2 statistic and the x2 test (23 studies),10,13,14,17,20,21,23,24,32,33,41 –43,46,47,68,71,74,76,78,
for statistical significance. We considered an I2 value from 79,82,86
noninvasive CO monitoring (e.g. arterial

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2018; 35:1–15

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
CE: Swati; EJA-D-17-00516; Total nos of Pages: 15;

4 Chong et al.

Fig. 1

Records identified through Additional records

database searching identified through other
(n = 1945) sources
(n = 8)

Records after duplicates

removed (n = 1529)

Records screened Records excluded

(n = 1529) (n = 1426)

Full-text articles Full-text articles excluded,


assessed for with reasons

eligibility (n = 8)
(n = 103)
• Wrong intervention (n = 1)
• Wrong outcomes (n = 5)
• Duplicate of included

Studies included in study (n = 2)
synthesis (n = 95)

Studies included in
synthesis (meta-
(n = 87)

PRISMA flow chart. The study selection process is described in detail. Excluded studies are listed with their reasons for exclusion in Supplemental
Digital Content 2, PRISMA, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses.

waveform-derived CI or SVV; 52 studies),2,4–6,8,9,15, NNTB ¼ 34), the highest risk procedures (OR 0.69; 95%
CI, 0.51 to 0.95; P ¼ 0.02; NNTB ¼ 75), and among
and miscellaneous technologies (e.g. studies where the GDT was initiated intra-operatively
PPV, laboratory measurements of O2ER or echocardiog- (OR 0.65; 95% CI, 0.47 to 0.89; P ¼ 0.007; NNTB ¼ 59).
raphy; seven studies).7,45,50,56,72,89,94 All results are pre- A full summary of the sensitivity analyses is shown in
sented according to the predefined analysis plan and Table 3. Notably, the mortality reduction was not sta-
stratified by PAC use versus the more contemporary tistically significant in the subgroup of studies employing
technologies. fluid-only GDT, but remained significant among studies
where no industry relationship was apparent (Table 3).
Results for contemporary goal-directed Given that only four studies overall could be definitively
haemodynamic and fluid therapy judged at low risk of bias, subgroup analysis by risk of bias
Primary outcome: in-study mortality was insufficiently powered.36,51,76,84 With regard to TSA,
GDT guided by modern technology resulted in lower in- the cumulative z-curve did not cross the trial sequential
study mortality compared with standard care (OR 0.66; monitoring boundaries nor enter the region of futility
95% CI, 0.50 to 0.87; P ¼ 0.004; NNTB ¼ 59 or 18 events (Supplemental Digital Content 5, Trial Sequential Anal-
prevented per 1000 patients; I2 ¼ 0.0%; N ¼ 52; Supple- ysis, In the context of
mental Digital Content 4, TSA, this suggests that the cumulative sample size is
A115, Forest Plot of Mortality for Modern GDT). These inadequate to definitively determine the impact of GDT
benefits persisted across subgroup analysis in the highest on peri-operative mortality and that further trials have the
risk patients (OR 0.60; 95% CI, 0.42 to 0.85; P ¼ 0.004; potential to alter the magnitude and/or direction of effect.

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2018; 35:1–15

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 2 Baseline data

Patients Intervention
Trial Year Sample size Patient risk Type of surgery Initiation of GDT GDT technology Control group
Ackland et al.84 2015 204 High risk General and vascular Postoperative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Bartha et al.85 2013 150 High risk Orthopaedic surgery Preoperative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Ben Romdhane et al.86 2014 30 High risk General surgery Unclear Oesophageal Doppler Standard care
Bender et al.87 1997 104 High risk Vascular surgery Preoperative PAC Standard care
Benes et al.88 2010 120 High risk General surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Benes et al.89 2015 80 Low risk Orthopaedic surgery Intra-operative PPV Restrictive fluid therapy
Berlauk et al.90 1991 89 High risk Vascular surgery Preoperative PAC Standard care
Bisgaard et al.92 2013 70 High risk Vascular surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Bisgaard et al.91 2013 40 High risk Vascular surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
CE: Swati; EJA-D-17-00516; Total nos of Pages: 15;

Bonazzi et al.93 2002 100 Low risk Vascular surgery Preoperative PAC Standard care
Boyd et al.83 1993 107 High risk Abdominal surgery Preoperative PAC Protocol-driven standard care
Brandstrup et al.82 2012 150 Low risk General surgery Intra-operative Oesophageal Doppler ‘Zero balance’/‘Normal bodyweight’
Broch et al.81 2016 79 Low risk General surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Buettner et al.80 2008 80 Low risk General surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Standard care
Bundgaard-Nielsen et al.79 2013 42 Low risk Urological surgery Intra-operative Oesophageal Doppler Standard care
Calvo Vecino et al.78 2014 121 Unclear General surgery, urology, Intra-operative Oesophageal Doppler Standard care
gynacology and
orthopaedic surgery
Cecconi et al.77 2011 40 Low risk Orthopaedic surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Challand et al.76 2012 179 Low risk General surgery Intra-operative Oesophageal Doppler Standard care
Cordero-Rochet et al.2 2014 80 Low risk ENT surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Standard care
Colantonio et al.75 2015 80 Low risk Oncological surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care

Conway et al.74 2002 57 Low risk General surgery Intra-operative Oesophageal Doppler Standard care
Correa-Gallego et al.73 2015 135 Low risk General surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Donati et al.72 2007 135 High risk
General and vascular
Intra-operative Oxygen delivery or extraction Protocol-driven standard care

El Sharkawy et al.71 2013 59 Low risk General surgery Intra-operative Oesophageal Doppler Protocol-driven standard care
Fellahi et al.70 2015 100 High risk Cardiac surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Standard care
Forget et al.94
Funk et al.69
Low risk
High risk
General surgery
Vascular surgery
Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor
Protocol-driven standard care
Standard care
Gan et al.68 2002 100 Low risk General, gynaecological, Intra-operative Oesophageal Doppler Protocol-driven standard care
and urological surgery
Gerent et al.67 2015 125 High risk General surgery Postoperative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Standard care
Goepfert et al.66 2013 100 High risk Cardiac surgery
Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Han et al.62 2016 40 Low risk Orthopaedic surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Hand et al.63 2016 94 High risk ENT surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Harten et al.64 2008 30 High risk General surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Standard care
Hughes et al.65 2013 30 High risk General surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Standard care
Jammer et al.61 2015 30 High risk General surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Jerez Gomez-Coronado et al.60 2001 390 High risk Cardiac surgery Postoperative PAC Protocol-driven standard care
Jhanji et al.59 2010 135 High risk General surgery Postoperative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Kapoor et al.57 2008 30 High risk Cardiac surgery Postoperative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Kapoor et al.58 2016 130 High risk Cardiac surgery Postoperative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Kellman et al.56 2014 60 High risk Urological surgery Intra-operative TEE Standard care
Khambalia et al.55 2015 60 High risk General surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Kulkarni et al.54 2012 31 Unclear ENT surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Kumar et al.52 2015 40 High risk General and vascular Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Kumar et al.53 2016 60 Low risk General surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2018; 35:1–15

Meta-analysis of peri-operative goal-directed therapy 5

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 2 (continued )

Patients Intervention
Trial Year Sample size Patient risk Type of surgery Initiation of GDT GDT technology Control group
Lai et al.51 2015 220 Low risk General and urological Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Standard care
6 Chong et al.

Lopes et al.50 2007 33 High risk General surgery Intra-operative PPV Standard care
Martini et al.49 2009 59 High risk General surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Liberal and restrictive fluid controls
Mayer et al.48 2010 60 High risk General surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
McKendry et al.47 2004 174 High risk Cardiac surgery Postoperative Oesophageal Doppler Standard care
McKenny et al.46 2013 102 Low risk Gynaeological surgery Intra-operative Oesophageal Doppler Standard care
Mikor et al.45 2015 79 High risk General, urological, and Intra-operative Oxygen delivery or extraction Protocol-driven standard care
vascular surgery
Moppett et al.44 2015 130 High risk Orthopaedic surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Standard care
CE: Swati; EJA-D-17-00516; Total nos of Pages: 15;

Munoz et al.43 2012 250 High risk General surgery Intra-operative Oesophageal Doppler Standard care
Mythen et al.42 1995 60 High risk Cardiac surgery Intra-operative Oesophageal Doppler Standard care
Noblett et al.41 2006 108 Low risk General surgery Intra-operative Oesophageal Doppler Standard care
Osawa et al.40 2016 126 High risk Cardiac surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Oubaha et al.95 2009 29 Unclear General surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Park et al.39 2016 47 Low risk ENT surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2018; 35:1–15

Parke et al.38 2015 144 High risk Cardiac surgery Postoperative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Standard care
Pearse et al.36 2005 122 High risk General surgery Postoperative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Pearse et al.37 2014 734 Low risk General surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Standard care
Peng et al.35 2014 80 Low risk Orthopaedic surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Pestana et al.34 2014 142 High risk General surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Standard care
Phan et al.33 2014 100 Low risk General surgery Intra-operative Oesophageal Doppler Restrictive fluid therapy

Pillai et al.32 2011 66 Low risk Urological surgery Intra-operative Oesophageal Doppler Standard care
Polonen et al.31 2000 403 High risk Cardiac surgery Postoperative PAC Protocol-driven standard care
Ramsingh et al.30 2013 38 Low risk General, urological, Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Standard care
gynaecological surgery
Salzwedel et al.29 2013 160 Low risk General surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Standard care
Sandham et al.28 2003 1994 High risk General, thoracic, vascular, Preoperative PAC Standard care
orthopaedic surgery
Scheeren et al.27 2013 64 High risk General and urological
O Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Standard care

Schmid et al. 2016 180 High risk General surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Standard care
Schultz et al.25 1985 70 High risk Orthopaedic surgery Preoperative PAC Standard care
Senagore et al.24 2009 64 Low risk General surgery Intra-operative Oesophageal Doppler Protocol-driven standard care
Shoemaker et al.1 1988 88 High risk General surgery
Preoperative PAC Protocol-driven standard care
Sinclair et al.23 1997 40 Low risk Orthopaedic surgery Intra-operative Oesophageal Doppler Standard care
Smetkin et al.22 2009 40 High risk Cardiac surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Srinivasa et al.21 2014 85 Low risk General surgery Intra-operative Oesophageal Doppler Restrictive fluid therapy
Szturz et al.20 2010 230 Low risk Urological surgery Intra-operative Oesophageal Doppler Protocol-driven standard care
Tolstova et al.19 2010 47 High risk Cardiac surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Valentine et al.18 1998 120 High risk Vascular surgery Preoperative PAC Standard care
Van Dellen et al.17 2013 84 High risk General surgery Postoperative Oesophageal Doppler Standard care
Van Der Linden et al.16 2010 60 High risk Vascular surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Protocol-driven standard care
Vanakas et al.15 2012 20 High risk Orthopaedic surgery Intra-operative Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitor Standard care
Venn et al.14 2002 90 High risk Orthopaedic surgery Intra-operative Oesophageal Doppler Standard care arm and CVP arm
Wakeling et al.13 2005 128 Low risk General surgery Intra-operative Oesophageal Doppler Protocol-driven standard care
Wilson et al.12 1999 138 High risk General, vascular, and Preoperative PAC Standard care
urological surgery
Yassen et al.11 2012 60 High risk General surgery Postoperative PAC Protocol-driven standard care
Zakhaleva et al.10 2013 91 High risk General surgery Intra-operative Oesophageal Doppler Protocol-driven standard care

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

CE: Swati; EJA-D-17-00516; Total nos of Pages: 15;

Meta-analysis of peri-operative goal-directed therapy 7

methods. Studies recruiting cardiac surgery patients, critical care patients requiring surgery or more than 50% of patients with ASA class 3 or higher were classified as having ‘high risk’ patients. ASA class, American Society of
Key patient groups and intervention details of included studies are presented. The noninvasive cardiac output monitor group includes monitors that derive cardiac output from arterial waveform analysis, lithium ion dilution or other
Secondary outcomes: organ-specific morbidity
All binary secondary outcomes are listed in detail in

Anesthesiologists’ classification; ENT, ear, nose, throat; GDT, goal-directed haemodynamic and fluid therapy; PAC, pulmonary artery catheter; PPV, pulse pressure variation; TEE, transoesophageal echocardiography.

Table 4.

Cardiovascular outcomes
Control group

Contemporary GDT reduced rates of arrhythmia (OR


Standard care 0.70; 95% CI, 0.55 to 0.91; P ¼ 0.006; NNTB ¼ 34). MI,
CHF and cardiac arrest were not significantly different
between groups (Table 4).

Respiratory outcomes
Cardiac Output Monitor
Cardiac Output Monitor

Cardiac Output Monitor

Cardiac Output Monitor
Cardiac Output Monitor

Rates of respiratory failure and prolonged mechanical


ventilation were reduced in patients receiving GDT (OR

0.54; 95% CI, 0.35 to 0.84; P ¼ 0.006; NNTB ¼ 26).
Furthermore, rates of pneumonia were reduced with
GDT compared with standard care (OR 0.69; 95% CI,
GDT technology

0.51 to 0.92; P ¼ 0.01; NNTB ¼ 38).



Other infectious outcomes


Wound infection (OR 0.48; 95% CI, 0.37 to 0.63;

NNTB ¼ 19) and intra-abdominal infection (OR 0.65;
95% CI, 0.45 to 0.93; NNTB ¼ 35) rates were reduced
Initiation of GDT

in patients receiving GDT. In addition, rates of sepsis

were also reduced in the GDT arm compared with

standard care, but only 13 studies reported this outcome
O (OR 0.55; 95% CI, 0.33 to 0.91; P ¼ 0.02; NNTB ¼ 43).
The incidence of urinary tract infection was similar
between groups (Table 4).
Other outcomes
Type of surgery

GDT patients had reduced rates of AKI versus standard

Thoracic surgery

Vascular surgery
General surgery

General surgery

General surgery
General surgery

care (OR 0.73; 95% CI, 0.58 to 0.92; P ¼ 0.007;


NNTB ¼ 29). No significant difference was detected

for stroke or pulmonary embolism between groups. Like-
wise, surgical complications were similar between groups
in terms of anastomotic leak and ileus or bowel obstruc-
Patient risk

tion. Finally, exposure to allogenic blood was not differ-

High risk
High risk
High risk
Low risk
Low risk
Low risk
Low risk

ent between arms.

Secondary outcomes: healthcare length of stay and

other continuous outcomes
Sample size

Continuous outcomes are summarised in Table 5.


Length of stay
Across the 62 RCTs reporting hospital LoS, contempo-
rary GDT reduced LoS (days) compared with standard

care by 0.90 (95% CI, 1.32 to 0.48), with very high

statistical heterogeneity (I2 ¼ 81.2%). Similarly, ICU LoS
was also reduced (0.69; 95% CI, 1.00 to 0.37;
I2 ¼ 83.8%).

Time to recovery of bowel function

Table 2 (continued )

The time to first flatus (days) was reduced by modern

GDT by 0.37 (95% CI, 0.59 to 0.14; I2 ¼ 74.1%), but
Ziegler et al.3
Zheng et al.4
Zheng et al.5
Zhang et al.8
Zhang et al.7
Zhang et al.6
Zeng et al.9

there were no differences in the time to first oral intake or

bowel movement detected. Statistical heterogeneity was

high among all these analyses (Table 5).

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2018; 35:1–15

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CE: Swati; EJA-D-17-00516; Total nos of Pages: 15;

8 Chong et al.

Fig. 2

Random sequence generation (selection bias)

Allocation concealment (selection bias)

Blinding of participants and personnel

(performance bias)

Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias)

Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)

Selective reporting bias (reporting bias)

Other bias

0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Low risk of bias Unclear risk of bias High risk of bias

Risk of bias distribution. The bar chart shows the breakdown of scores for each domain of the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool. There were significant
deficits in meeting the criteria for most of the studies, particularly with the performance of blinding participants and study personnel and the reporting
of allocation concealment method. The full risk of bias scoring is shown in Supplemental Digital Content 3,, due to
the large size of that figure.
Results for pulmonary artery catheter-guided goal- ‘major abdominal complications’,49 reduced mortality
directed haemodynamic and fluid therapy (albeit statistical analysis is not presented)54 and reduced
Mortality was reduced among all 13 studies that used a lactate levels.95

PAC to guide the GDT (OR 0.53; 95% CI, 0.30 to 0.92;
P ¼ 0.004; Supplemental Digital Content 6, http:// Discussion, Forest Plot of Mortality for Contemporary goal-directed haemodynamic and fluid
PAC-guided GDT), but this effect did not persist in therapy
the largest and most rigorously conducted study.28 There This comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis
were no other differences in any of the other secondary of 95 RCTs demonstrates that contemporary GDT mod-
outcomes among the PAC studies, including morbidity estly improves in-study mortality in non-trauma and
and LoS (Tables 4 and 5). nonpregnant adult surgical patients (OR 0.60; 95% CI,
0.50 to 0.87; NNTB ¼ 59; P ¼ 0.004; N ¼ 52). The overall
Publication bias results are found in the Summary of Findings Table,
The primary outcome (in-study mortality) was assessed with the corresponding GRADE recommendations
for publication bias with Egger’s regression, and a funnel (Table 6).106 Based on the articles included in this
plot was constructed and inspected for asymmetry. analysis, these numbers suggest that for every 1000
Egger’s regression was not significant (P ¼ 0.59) and patients treated with GDT, 18 (95% CI, 7 to 26) deaths
the funnel plot appeared symmetrical on visual inspec- would be prevented. In reference to the subgroup anal-
tion, which suggests a low probability of publication bias. yses performed, the mortality benefits were most pro-
nounced in high-risk patients (NNTB ¼ 34), present
Results of nonmeta-analysable studies among trials where the GDT was initiated intra-opera-
Eight small RCTs (400 patients) could not be pooled due tively (NNTB ¼ 59), and persisted among large trials
to lack of extractable outcomes, and all of these studies recruiting more than 100 patients (NNTB ¼ 59). In con-
were conference abstracts not yet published at the time of trast and perhaps in part due to lack of statistical power,
our literature search.2,8,17,19,49,54,86,95 Of these, some the benefits were not statistically significant in cardiac
found no difference between GDT and standard care.2,19 surgery trials or studies involving emergency surgery, and
Others found modest differences such as decreased hos- they seemed to be reliant on the use of vasoactive agents
pital LoS,8,86 faster recovery of bowel function,17 reduced as part of the GDT. Furthermore, with regard to the

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2018; 35:1–15

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CE: Swati; EJA-D-17-00516; Total nos of Pages: 15;

Meta-analysis of peri-operative goal-directed therapy 9

Table 3 Summary of subgroup analyses for in-study mortality for contemporary goal-directed haemodynamic and fluid therapy

Subgroup OR (95% CI) NNTB or (NNTH) N of studies P value

Overall pooled; I2 U 0.0% 0.66 (0.50 to 0.87) 59 52 0.004
Patient risk
High 0.60 (0.42 to 0.85) 34 28 0.004
Low 0.79 (0.50 to 1.24) – 24 0.30
Surgical risk
High 0.69 (0.51 to 0.95) 75 43 0.02
Intermediate 0.55 (0.30 to 1.02) – 9 0.06
Industry ties
Yes 0.83 (0.56 to 1.22) – 23 0.34
No 0.52 (0.35 to 0.77) 35 29 0.001
Surgical type
Noncardiac 0.67 (0.50 to 0.91) 60 44 0.009
Cardiac 0.59 (0.27 to 1.27) – 8 0.18
Elective surgery
Elective only 0.66 (0.48 to 0.92) 73 45 0.01
Includes emergency cases 0.66 (0.39 to 1.12) – 7 0.13
Start of GDT
Preoperative – – 1 –
Intraoperative 0.65 (0.47 to 0.89) 59 45 0.007
Postoperative 0.72 (0.38 to 1.33) – 6 0.29
Use of vasopressors
If required per protocol 0.59 (0.40 to 0.89) 44 26 0.01
Not per protocol (fluid-based intervention only) 0.65 (0.41 to 1.05) – 23 0.08
Per protocol (mandatory) – – 2 0.85
Unclear – – 1 0.55

Cardiac output monitors 0.68 (0.49 to 0.95) 56 29 0.02
Oesophageal Doppler 0.71 (0.39 to 1.28) – 16 0.26
Pulse pressure variation
Oxygen delivery or extraction
0.54 (0.14 to 2.05)


Echocardiography – – 1 –
Study size
Large trials (n> 100) 0.69 (0.50 to 0.95) 59 24 0.02

Small trials (n<100) 0.59 (0.34 to 1.03) – 28 0.06

Adequately powered prespecified subgroup analyses are shown in the table with the corresponding numbers needed to treat for benefit or harm values. Bold results
achieved statistical significance. 95% CI, 95% confidence interval; GDT, goal-directed haemodynamic and fluid therapy; I2, heterogeneity statistic; N of studies, total

number of trials; n ¼ number of subjects within a trial; NNTB, number needed to treat for benefit; NNTH, number needed to treat for harm; OR, odds ratio.

device used to achieve the GDT, the minimally invasive Pulmonary artery catheter-guided goal-directed
CO monitor category was the only significant modern haemodynamic and fluid therapy
subgroup. Finally, although statistical heterogeneity was Given the significant limitations among the trials that
low (I2 ¼ 0.0% for the primary outcome), clinical hetero- used PAC-guided GDT, together with improvements in
geneity is still a real concern given the variety of GDT the conduct of clinical care and trial design that have
technologies, haemodynamic goals and protocols taken place over recent decades, it is perhaps not surpris-
employed. Taken together with the high risk of bias, ing that data for the PAC studies were systemically
modest absolute risk reduction and inconclusive TSA, different from modern studies. It is for this reason that
the results should be interpreted with caution. these data were presented separately. In this context,
PAC-guided GDT reduced in-study mortality in older
Secondary benefits of modern GDT included 30 (95%
trials that mainly involved preoperative optimisation –
CI, 10 to 47) fewer cases of arrhythmia, 27 (95% CI, 7 to
but not in the most rigorous and well conducted study.28
43) fewer cases of pneumonia, 55 (95% CI, 39 to 67) fewer
With regard to secondary outcomes, there were no differ-
cases of wound infection and 35 (95% CI, 11 to 55) fewer
ences for the PAC-guided GDT studies.
cases of AKI per 1000 patients treated with GDT (Table
6). Significantly, the rate of AKI was reduced despite 71 In addition to being more invasive than contemporary
of 95 GDT studies using colloid boluses (Table 1), which GDT technologies, there is a lag time between the deci-
have been demonstrated to be harmful in critical care sion to place a PAC and actual insertion; furthermore, the
patients.109 Despite increased fluid administration in the plethora of haemodynamic data derived from a PAC must
GDT group overall, there was no difference in CHF or be integrated, interpreted and then applied to patient
MI. Hospital and ICU LoS were also reduced with GDT, care.97 For all these reasons, reinforced by our findings,
albeit the statistical heterogeneity in this analysis was contemporary practice does not place a great value on the
very high. role of PAC for intra-operative monitoring.110,111

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2018; 35:1–15

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CE: Swati; EJA-D-17-00516; Total nos of Pages: 15;

10 Chong et al.

Table 4 Binary secondary outcomes summary

Outcome OR (95% CI) NNTB (NNTH) Heterogeneity (I2) N of studies P value

Modern 0.70 (0.55 to 0.91) 34 0.0% 33 0.006
PAC 0.93 (0.70 to 1.24) – 0.0% 7 0.64
Myocardial infarction
Modern 0.79 (0.49 to 1.28) – 0.0% 23 0.34
PAC 1.12 (0.76 to 1.65) – 0.0% 9 0.58
Modern 0.61 (0.33 to 1.12) – 0.0% 17 0.11
PAC 1.08 (0.84 to 1.38) – 0.0% 9 0.57
Cardiac arrest
Modern 1.01 (0.51 to 1.99) – 0.0% 5 0.98
PAC 0.45 (0.15 to 1.37) – 0.0% 3 0.16
Modern 0.69 (0.51 to 0.92) 38 0.0% 29 0.01
PAC 0.88 (0.65 to 1.21) – 0.0% 5 0.43
Respiratory failure or prolonged need for mechanical ventilation
Modern 0.54 (0.35 to 0.84) 26 0.0% 19 0.006
PAC 0.77 (0.19 to 3.19) – 58.7% 4 0.72
Wound infection
Modern 0.48 (0.37 to 0.63) 19 0.0% 32 <0.001
PAC 0.80 (0.58 to 1.10) – 0.0% 5 0.17
Intra-abdominal infection
Modern 0.65 (0.45 to 0.93) 35 0.0% 16 0.02
PAC 0.42 (0.09 to 1.87) – 0.0% 3 0.25

Modern 0.72 (0.48 to 1.08) – 0.0% 18 0.11
PAC – – – 2 –
0.55 (0.33 to 0.91)
0.77 (0.40 to 1.48)

O 0.0%
Modern 0.80 (0.36 to 1.78) – 0.0% 15 0.58
PAC 0.37 (0.08 to 1.69) – 0.0% 5 0.20
Ileus or bowel obstruction
Modern 0.75 (0.52 to 1.08) – 0.0% 17 0.13
PAC – – – 1 –
Anastomotic leak

Modern 0.67 (0.44 to 1.02) – 0.0% 17 0.06

PAC – – – 1 –
Modern 0.36 (0.24 to 0.52) 7 0.0% 12 <0.001
PAC – – – 0 –
Modern 0.73 (0.58 to 0.92) 29 6.6% 37 0.007
PAC 0.65 (0.36 to 1.15) – 13.9% 7 0.14
Pulmonary embolus
Modern 0.87 (0.41 to 1.84) – 0.0% 19 0.71
PAC 1.12 (0.14 to 8.71) – 51.4% 4 0.92
Allogenic blood transfusion exposure
Modern 1.11 (0.83 to 1.49) – 36.3% 26 0.47
PAC – – – 2 –

Dichotomous outcomes are listed in the table with data reported by PAC-guided versus modern GDT. Bold outcomes achieved statistical significance. 95% CI, 95%
confidence interval; AKI, acute kidney injury; GDT, goal-directed haemodynamic and fluid therapy; I2, heterogeneity statistic; N of studies, total number of trials; NNTB,
number needed to treat for benefit; NNTH, number needed to treat for harm; OR, odds ratio; PAC, pulmonary artery catheter; UTI, urinary tract infection.

Differences from previous reviews comment on important subgroups such as cardiac surgery
Given the clinical importance of peri-operative GDT, it patients.40,98,99,112 In addition, we avoided pooling com-
is important that any systematic review be comprehen- plications as an artificial composite,98,102,113,114 mixing
sive and that the meta-analysis accounts for inherent GDT trials with those exploring liberal versus restrictive
sources of heterogeneity as best as possible. Our work fluid administration,102 and pooling both PAC-guided
improves upon the previous published reviews that have and contemporary GDT studies together.98,99,103 With
significant limitations of methodology. For example, we reference to the latter, it was our opinion that certain PAC
have included studies that were excluded in other reports studies generally did not reflect contemporary practice
with narrower inclusion criteria, allowing for the ability to and were of lower methodological quality, which would

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2018; 35:1–15

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CE: Swati; EJA-D-17-00516; Total nos of Pages: 15;

Meta-analysis of peri-operative goal-directed therapy 11

Table 5 Continuous secondary outcomes summary

Outcome WMD (days) 95% CI (days) I2 N of studies P value

Hospital LoS
Modern S0.90 S1.32 to S0.48 81.2%M 62 <0.001
PAC 0.26 1.03 to 0.51 86.5%M 8 0.52
Modern S0.69 S1.00 to S0.37 83.8%M 23 <0.001
PAC 0.20 0.86 to 0.45 86.7%M 6 0.54
Time to first oral intake
Modern 0.54 1.11 to 0.03 95.7%M 13 0.06
PAC – – – 0 –
Time to first flatus
Modern S0.37 S0.59 to S0.14 74.1%M 10 0.002
PAC – – – 0 –
Time to first bowel movement
Modern 0.21 0.65 to 0.23 86.4%M 10 0.35
PAC – – – 0 –

Secondary outcomes are stratified by use of PAC versus modern technologies to guide the GDT. Bold outcomes achieved statistical significance. 95% CI, 95%
confidence interval; GDT, goal-directed haemodynamic and fluid therapy; I2, heterogeneity statistic; LoS, length of stay; N of studies, total number of trials; PAC, pulmonary
artery catheter; WMD, weighted mean difference. M Denotes statistically significant I2 values with P < 0.05.

decrease the external validity of the results had they been Another important consideration is the comparability
pooled with the data from more contemporary trials.1 between different GDT devices; indeed, studies explor-
ing the correlation between different GDT monitors for

reflecting haemodynamic status have demonstrated
mixed results.115–117 Significantly, in subgroup analysis
Study limitations
by type of technology, the mortality benefit of modern
Despite the low statistical heterogeneity in our morbidity
O GDT only persisted in the minimally invasive CO moni-
and mortality analyses, the main limitation of this meta-
tor subgroup, which reduces the ability to generalise the
analysis is the clinical heterogeneity among the different
primary outcome results.
GDT devices, goals and algorithms employed by
included studies. Although such clinical heterogeneity In addition, although our analysis identified several
can never be fully mitigated by statistical means, we took secondary benefits of peri-operative GDT, the second-
several measures to address this issue, such as the use of a ary outcomes should be interpreted with caution because

random effects model, stratification of the results by not all studies reported each outcome, and the timing of
PAC-guided GDT versus modern GDT, and finally follow-up varied between studies. Furthermore, another
subgroup analysis by other important sources of hetero- significant limitation is the high risk of bias among
geneity (e.g. type of GDT monitor). included studies. For example, only four of 95 studies

Table 6 Summary of findings table for contemporary goal-directed haemodynamic and fluid therapy

Illustrative comparative risks (95% CI)

Assumed risk Corresponding risk Quality of the
(standard care reduction in GDT Relative effect Number of subjects evidence
Outcomes group) group (95% CI) (95% CI) (number of studies) (GRADE)
Mortality 52 per 1000 patients 18 (7 to 26) events avoided per 0.66 (0.50 to 0.87) 5550 (52)  lowa
1000 patients
Arrhythmia 109 per 1000 patients 30 (10 to 47) events avoided per 0.70 (0.55 to 0.91) 3269 (33)  lowa
1000 patients
CHF 28 per 1000 patients Not significantly different 0.61 (0.33 to 1.12) 2125 (17)  lowa
Pneumonia 93 per 1000 patients 27 (7 to 43) events avoided per 0.69 (0.52 to 0.92) 2776 (29)  lowa
1000 patients
Wound infection 111 per 1000 patients 55 (39 to 67) events avoided per 0.48 (0.37 to 0.63) 3593 (32)  lowa
1000 patients
AKI 141 per 1000 patients 35 (11 to 55) events avoided per 0.73 (0.58 to 0.92) 4310 (37)  lowa
1000 patients
Hospital LoS The mean hospital LoS The mean hospital LoS was 0.90 8797 (62)  very lowa,b
ranged across (0.48 to 1.32) days shorter in the
control groups from GDT group
1.2 to 29 days

, low quality evidence rating using the GRADE recommendations; , very low-quality evidence rating using the GRADE recommendations; 95% CI, 95% confidence
interval; AKI, acute kidney injury; CHF, congestive heart failure; GDT, goal-directed haemodynamic and fluid therapy; GRADE, Grading of Recommendations, Assessment,
Development and Evaluation; LoS, length of stay. a High risk of bias due to lack of blinding and unclear method of allocation concealment for the majority of studies. b Very
high statistical heterogeneity.

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CE: Swati; EJA-D-17-00516; Total nos of Pages: 15;

12 Chong et al.

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