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The Navajo Medicine Man Remedy That Will Reverse Your Hearing Loss!

by Ben Carter

All Natural Remedy For Complete Hearing Improvement


Please note that much of this publication is based on personal experience and anecdotal
evidence. Although the author and publisher have made every reasonable attempt to achieve
complete accuracy of the content in this Guide, they assume no responsibility for errors or
omissions. Also, you should use this information as you see fit, and at your own risk. Your
particular situation may not be exactly suited to the examples illustrated here; in fact, it’s likely
that they won’t be the same, and you should adjust your use of the information and
recommendations accordingly.

Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 4
The Anatomy of the Ear ..................................................................................................... 5
Hearing Loss ......................................................................................................................... 10
Treating Hearing Loss ....................................................................................................... 23
The Navajo Way of Healing.............................................................................................. 35
Effects of Nutrition on Hearing ..................................................................................... 54
Preventing Hearing Loss .................................................................................................. 72
Apps for Hearing Loss....................................................................................................... 85
Resources for Hearing Loss ............................................................................................ 95
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 98
15-Day Action Plan ......................................................................................................... 102


mong the many blessings of nature, hearing is one that humans can
never be grateful for enough; we generally take this sense for granted.
It is only when people lose their sense of hearing that they realize how
bland and blank that life can become.

Understanding the way that our ear works is important in order to grasp how
hearing loss is a phenomenon that affects so many people all over the world.
The contents of this book target topics that revolve around determining the
causes of hearing loss as well as the way it can be treated most effectively.
Since this problem has become quite common, a number of treatments are
being introduced to treat the ear.

Amidst these invasive surgical treatments, many natural ways of healing can
restore hearing in a person who loses this capability. In the subsequent
chapters of the book, you will read about natural ways like The Navajo Way
to Healing and Healing Hearing with Nutrition. Both doctors and patients
alike often overlook these methods; however, extensive research has shown
that natural remedies for hearing loss are both productive and healthy.

If your loved one has gone through the terrible trauma of losing their
hearing, this book will be a valuable resource for you to learn about and
familiarize yourself with the necessary details regarding this condition. You
can then stand in a better position to suggest treatment options and to make
sure that the patient is being looked after properly with all remedies and
areas of improvement being explored.

Lastly, you will get to know about the many preventive measures that can be
taken to ensure a healthily functioning sense of hearing. These measures
range from having a healthy lifestyle and taking proper nutrition, to cleaning
the ears regularly and taking a couple of essential exercises into
consideration. Alongside these techniques, we will also discuss the many
hearing loss apps that can be used by those whose hearing is not totally lost,
but may have reduced to some extent.


The Anatomy of the Ear

The Sense of Hearing

n the same way that all other structures and processes in the body have
an organized and working system, the sense of hearing is also a system
with many components and smaller processes to complete it. For a person
to hear sound and then communicate information as a response, the entire
body has to function in connection to the brain.

Although the common statement is that “we hear with our ears”, the
functions going on inside the body are highly complicated and work at a
deeper level. How does the ear function help you to recognize different types
of sounds? How does it record different pitches, volumes and frequencies?

Answering questions like these means understanding the exact anatomy of
the ear. Once the many nitty-gritties of the basic bodily functions of our
hearing system are understood, then the loss of hearing can be identified

As part of the anatomy of the ear, there are two main topics for discussion.

1. Parts of the ear and the hearing system in general

2. The process of hearing (i.e. receiving and processing sound)

Parts Of The Ear

It will come as a surprise for many
that the ear itself is a complicated
organ. There are many parts,
some that have very important
functions and others that are just
present for support. While a
detailed anatomy is usually on
the fingertips of medical
professionals, knowing a bit
about the structure of the ear is a
must for general readers as well.

The structure of the ear is divided into three main parts, namely the external,
middle and inner sections of the ear. Within each part, various smaller parts
work together to receive and process sound.

 External Ear: The external ear contains two parts: the pinna and the
ear canal (external auditory meatus). The pinna is the specifically
shaped structure that is made up of soft cartilage and is covered by the
skin. This is the entrance to the ear. It is attached to the ear canal, which
is 2.5cm in length and 0.7cm in diameter in the average adult.

 Middle Ear: The parts of the middle ear are connected to the ear canal
from the outside. The middle ear contains:

 Eardrum

 Tympanic Cavity

 Ossicles (three soft bones)

o Malleus (also called the hammer is attached to the eardrum

o Incus (also called the anvil bridges the gap between the malleus
and the stapes

o Stapes (also called the stirrup is the footplate, which is the

smallest bone in a human.

 Inner Ear: The inner ear includes a number of important parts:

 Oval Window: The oval window connects the middle ear to the
inner ear.

 Semicircular Ducts: The semicircular ducts are filled with fluid. They
communicate the position of the head to the brain. These ducts
play an important role in helping the brain interpret balance.

 Cochlea: Cochlea is a spiral-shaped structure that converts sounds

into signals for the brain to interpret. These signals, when sent to
the brain, are broken down into messages and then given to the
body to bring about action.

 Auditory Tube: The auditory tube is a support organ in the inner

ear. Its function is to drain excess fluid that collects inside the ears.
It is connected to the back of the throat, thus providing the fluid a
passage to exit the ear structure.

The Process of Hearing

The process of hearing involves all the above parts of the ear in combination
with the cognitive and processing ability of the brain. Together, this makes

up the sense of hearing. Hence, when discussing the hearing ability in human
beings, we will refer to the parts discussed above.

Receiving Sound Waves

When the ear receives sound, it is sent to the auditory cortex, which is a
special region located at the back of the brain that is dedicated to process
the sound waves in the body. The most important component of the ear in
regards to the reception of sound waves is the eardrum. It is in the eardrum
that these waves collect and then travel into the inner ear for processing.

While travelling in the eardrum, these waves cause vibrations and make the
entire auditory structure vibrate in order to sense the presence of sound.
These waves then reach the ossicles, which are three small bones in the
middle ear. From here, they are passed on to the cochlea. It is believed that
“true hearing” (when a person feels there is noise in their surroundings)
begins when the sound waves reach the cochlea.

The cochlea transforms sound waves into nervous impulses that are sent to
the brain. Since the function of the cochlea is so important, it deserves some
detail. Inside the cochlea resides a sensory organ called the corti. An Italian
anatomist named Alfonso Corti discovered the corti in 1851. It was
discovered that the corti contains 15,000-20,000 sensory cells, each of which
has its own tiny hairs.

This hair is able to pick up the most sensitive of sounds by detecting minute
vibrations in the cochlear fluid. Moreover, each hair is specialized to detect
different types of sounds that belong to various frequencies. Combined, they
enable human ears to hear sounds belonging to the frequency range of 20
Hz to 20 KHz and a volume range of 5 to 15 decibels.

The hairs in the cochlea are extremely sensitive. They need to be cleaned and
taken care of very delicately because, once they are destroyed, they will never
grow back.

The next part of sound processing begins in the brain. When signals are
received, the brain interprets them and orders the body to behave in a certain

manner. Each of these behavioral patterns is either previously recorded or is
introduced into the body with new sound frequencies. This is the reason why
when you hear a sound that the brain has processed previously, you behave
exactly how you behaved the previous time.

This learning ability of the brain, combined with the hearing process in the
various parts of the ears, is what completes the sense of hearing.


Hearing Loss
What Causes Hearing Loss?
1. Damage to the inner ear: Any damage caused to the inner structure
of the ear results in permanent hearing loss. As mentioned previously,
the ossicles and the eardrum are very sensitive parts that can be

damaged even if one cleans the ear too vigorously. Extreme caution
and care need to be exercised when inserting a cleaning tool or
inspection devices into the ear to make sure that the tiny fragile bones
are not disturbed.

2. Abnormal bone growth or tumors: The growth of tumors, even if

they are not cancerous, can cause hearing functions to be impaired. A
bulging tumor can block the passage of the ear canal, hindering sound
waves from reaching the cochlea. Examples of these tumors include
osteomas, exostoses, acoustic neuroma and benign polyps. Multiple
treatments have been designed to clear the tumors; however, in many
cases, only partial hearing is ever restored.

3. Exposure to loud noises: Constant and persistent exposure to loud

noises can cause significant damage to the inner ear structures. Such
damage is often permanent and leads to hearing loss in people of all
ages. Often times, exposure to intense noises cannot be avoided
because people work at jobs involving manufacturing, assembly line
plants, airplane communication, noises created by motorbikes, and
heavy machineries. According to research, more than 30 million
Americans are exposed to dangerous levels of noise at work. Ear
protectors are the easiest solution to this problem.

Apart from work, many unhealthy and undesirable noises are part of
the lifestyle choices made by us. For instance, continuously attending
concerts and rock shows during which music is played above 100Hz
can cause temporary or permanent damage to the eardrum and
ossicles only after 15 to 29 minutes of exposure.

The same way, if the sound of music and singing is above 85 decibels,
it can cause damage to the ear. Tinnitus, which means experiencing
continuous ringing in the ears, is usually a result of such exposure. In
many cases, tinnitus ceases within a few minutes or hours; however, in
many others, it becomes a persistent problem.

4. Injury or pressure changes: Injuries such as severe head trauma can
result in the dislocation of the ossicles, or permanent damage to the
nerves running through the ears. Contact sports like wrestling, boxing
and rugby are the causes of intensive injuries around the brain and

Apart from injury, sudden and massive changes in pressure resulting

from activities like scuba diving, flying or swimming without proper
gear cause changes in air pressure in the ear canal.

While the eardrum does have the ability to heal in a few weeks, if the
damage is severe, surgical procedures may be required.

5. Medicines: Did you know that regular use of aspirin increases the risk
of hearing loss? Other than this, many intensive medicines like those
prescribed for cancer have the power to affect hearing adversely.
Whenever such medication is administered, a patient’s hearing is
constantly monitored to record distortions and impairment levels.
Many times, adverse side effects on hearing clear up after the drug is

6. Chronic diseases: Diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart

attacks and strokes – all of which have no connection to the ear
whatsoever – have the power to affect hearing because they may
reduce or interrupt the flow of blood between the inner ear and the
brain. As these diseases are chronic, hearing may be lost for good.

7. Use of earphones: The use of earphones and earplugs has gone up

considerably. With more and more people listening to loud music and
commentaries using headphones that aim the sound waves directly
into the inner ear, the chances of inner ear damage have increased
considerably. The extent of hearing loss depends on the level of
volume and on the duration of listening time.

8. Buildup of Earwax: Earwax is naturally present in the ears for

lubrication and protection of the inner structures. Moreover, it also

protects the ear canal against the collection of bacteria and dirt within
the ear canal. However, when earwax keeps accumulating, it hardens
and consequently leaves an uncomfortable feeling. With a clogged ear,
earaches are common and, in more extreme cases, hearing impairment
may also occur.

Still, removing earwax at home is highly dangerous since poking into

the ear can damage the sensitive nerves and hearing organs. If you
think you have a clogged ear, it is best to consult a doctor who will use
special tools to remove the earwax without causing any pain.

9. Heredity: Is it possible to have hearing impairments, if such a condition

is in your genes? Yes, medical research has proven that family history
often results in the malformation of the ear and its inner organs.
Studies show that almost 70 percent of deafness cases are passed on
by recessive genes and 30 percent by dominant genes. Such a case of
hearing loss has a very slim chance of being treated.

What’s Age Got To Do With Hearing?

It is undeniable that hearing loss can happen
at any age; the number of young children with
hearing aids and ear issues has increased
significantly in the last two decades.

Data from the U.S. government reveals that

close to 5.2 million children between the age
of 6 and 19 have impaired hearing because of
exposure to unfavorable environments or due
to being born with abnormal hearing function.
Still, what if you have never been injured or if
you have never worked in a facility or
environment that is exposed to loud noises. What would be the cause of
hearing loss?

According to many studies completed by the National Institute of Deafness
and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), in the same way that aging
affects the overall condition of the body and its organs, it also affects the
ears and their inner structure. This means that, as a person ages, the ears age
as well; eventually, their function to detect noises deteriorates. This condition
is known as presbycusis.

An extensive research conducted by NIDCD indicates that one in every three

Americans between the age of 65 and 75 suffers from impaired hearing.
Those who are 75 and older also have a certain level of deterioration in their
hearing levels. These studies conclude that despite all the care you take to
keep your ears and their structure safe, as you age, hearing distortion is
usually an inevitable result.

What does age have to do with hearing? In the previous section, the function
of the brain was outlined in great detail. In the hearing process, the brain
plays a major role in the processing of sound waves and in the initiation of
behavior. A young person’s brain is alert and active; hence, it has a lot of
processing power and can interpret thousands of nervous signals at a time.

Similarly, the structures in the inner ear are young and in their prime, so
detecting even the most minute of sounds in the surroundings. With age, the
processing ability of the brain weakens; it understands much less than it used
to, thus reducing the capacity to hear.

Similar age-related structural changes in the brain are also responsible for
confusion that may be felt while deciphering difficult words. These behaviors
are quite among the aged and are evidence that hearing is definitely affected
by the aging process.

What can be done to prevent hearing loss that occurs due to age? Even
though the prevention of hearing loss is the topic of discussion in the next
few chapters, it is essential to mention here that while age-related hearing
loss may not be unavoidable, doctors predict that the onset can be delayed
to an extent. Since the main reason for this type of hearing impairment is the

slower functioning of the brain, efforts should be made to keep the brain
healthy and strong.

Proper nutrition and lots of challenging brain exercises are the key to
ensuring that brain cells are active and accustomed to working smoothly
under pressure. Auditory exercises and a healthy lifestyle are some sure-shot
ways to help detail the effects of aging on hearing.

Types of Hearing Damage

Identifying the type of hearing damage or loss is the first step towards
treating it. Comprehensive Auditory Evaluation (CAE) is necessary to be done
before medical professionals can estimate the extent of damage to the outer
and inner ears. A couple of tests like the Speech Audiometry Test or the
Balance Test are conducted on patients to determine which part of the ear
has been affected.

Once the results of these tests are evaluated and studied at great lengths,
doctors can determine which type of hearing damage the patient is suffering
from. There are three main types of hearing losses that have been identified.

1. Conductive Hearing Loss:

Conductive hearing loss (CLH) is a conduction that relates to the

mechanical movement of sound waves. When this movement is
hindered in the form of a blockade or an abnormality that prevents the
middle ear from transmitting sound waves to the inner ear, a patient is
said to be suffering from conductive hearing loss.

When the middle ear’s ability to transmit sound decreases, sound is not
recorded by the ear at its true intensity. This means that while the
original sound may have been extremely loud, what reaches the inner
ear (and the cochlea) is very dim with low intensity, which can also be
considered as a distortion of the sound wave.

In other words, the true intensity of mechanical energy is not being

transmitted in the ear in such a condition. A patient suffering from CHL

cannot hear low voices, minute sounds or far away noises, all of which
already have very low intensities.

Some causes of CHL are as follows.

 Malformation of any part of the ear

 Allergies

 Tumors

 Collection of fluid in the middle ear

 Trapped foreign materials in the ear

 Infection in the ear canal

There are many treatment options for conductive hearing loss. Since it
is usually the result of a temporary condition that hampers mechanical
energy, most cases of this condition are curable. After a medical or
surgical procedure, patients are able to hear fully or partially. In the
case that hearing is recovered partially, hearing aids can be used.

2. Sensorineural Hearing Loss:

The words “sensory” and

“neural” – which together
make up the second type of
hearing loss – indicate that
this is a result of nerve and
sensory neuron damage in
the inner ear. More
specifically, auditory nerve
dysfunction results in the
loss of hearing in patients
suffering from this condition.

Research has revealed that in a case of sensorineural hearing loss, the
corti inside the cochlea becomes injured. Other cases include damage
to the tiny hairs that are specialized at detecting different types of
sounds or a problem with the inner fluids of the ear. Such damage
always leads to the sensory inability of the auditory nerves to transmit
sound signals to the brain via the auditory pathways.

Unlike conductive hearing loss, sensorineural problems do not stop at

merely lowering the intensity of sound. Instead, this loss is coupled with
low intensity with a complete distortion of the original message, so
much so that the hearer cannot determine the exact message even if it
is very loud.

Common reasons for sensorineural hearing loss are:

 Toxic drugs
 Aging
 Trauma to the head
 Intensive exposure to loud noises
 Illnesses like otosclerosis or autoimmune inner ear disease
 Genetic hearing impairments
 Virus
 Encephalitis
 Meniere’s disease

Treating sensorineural hearing loss is not easy. Surgical options are not
enough to make the sensory hair work again, nor are they able to build
nerve connections to the brain. In most cases, the damage is a
permanent condition and no cure has yet been found to reverse the
neural shock received by the body.

3. Mixed Hearing Loss:

Mixed hearing loss results when the impairment can be detected as

being sensorineural, with conductive loss affecting a few parts of the
ear. Mixed hearing loss usually signals that the inner and middle ear

have both suffered damage. In other words, the inner ear loses sensory
experience while the middle ear reduces the mechanical intensity of
sound. The result is a coupled effect of minimal sound detection.

Mixed hearing loss cases are worse than both types happening
separately; while the mechanical component can be fixed, the sensory
and neural one is permanent.

The causes of MHL combine both of those related to conductive and

sensorineural loss.

The many different types of hearing loss conditions are all classified under
these three broad categories outlined above. While there are no strict lines,
the second type is medically considered the worst of all because it results in
pain and uncomfortable feelings for the patient, not to mention that it is also
incurable. Conductive and sensorineural are both being researched
thoroughly and studied to make constant discoveries about their causes and

Regardless of the type of hearing loss, caution must be exercised when

examining the inner ear and when determining the extent of damage done.
Since treatment options are based on this examination, audiologists
prescribe extensive treatments to be wholly and unconditionally confident
about their decision.

Can Infections Lead To Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss is a result of a number of causes and illnesses. The previous
topics have highlighted a number of reasons for hearing loss that can cripple
a patient and completely devoid their body of sound. Such conditions, as
hard as they are to bear, put the patient at a high risk of other neural and
sensory diseases.

Hearing loss caused by aging is a phenomenon that is both natural and

controllable. However, unlike age-related hearing loss, other more serious

ear conditions are severely damaging to the overall health of the brain and
the body. Some of the most commonly occurring hearing disorders are:

 Cerumen Impaction: This is the medical name for the collection of

compressed earwax. As mentioned previously, the collection of hard
earwax leads to a hearing distortion that can be fixed by cleaning it.

 Otitis Externa: Also called swimmer’s ear, this is the inflammation of

the outer and middle ear. The target of inflammation is the external
auditory canal.

 Cholesteatoma: Cholesteatoma is the collection of a mass in the

middle ear that is made up of squamous cell epithelium and lots of
cholesterol. This condition usually affects the middle ear.

 Otosclerosis: This is a type of conductive and sensorineural hearing

loss that is classified by the growth of a long bone-like structure in the
ear. This growth fixes the location of the stapes, thus preventing them
from vibrating.

 Trauma: Trauma is another type of hearing disorder that results in

severe injury.

 Infections: Many infections are not easily or directly noticeable. These

are caused by infections and misophonic bacteria that raise havoc in
the middle and inner ear.

In the next topic, the last hearing disorder that is caused by infections inside
the ear will be discussed in further detail.

Hearing Loss Caused By Infection

To make the understanding of hearing loss clearer, we discussed the many
causes of all types of hearing losses. It is important to understand that the
damage of the ear and its many components can be caused by infections
and bacteria-related issues.

Broadly speaking, sound waves do not reach the inner ear when they are
being blocked by a hindrance in the ear canal or the eardrum. This hindrance
can be the result of numerous instances, such as the insertion of a foreign
object, a tumor, or even a serious infection.

Many times, the attack made by infectious bacteria can cause irreparable
damage to the ear and its inner structures. Infections have the power to give
a patient severe earache and might even make them extremely dizzy and
uncomfortable. In this regard, the first infection that deprives many people
of the ability to hear is called the acute OTITIS media.

The most common patients with the OTITIS infection are children. Since they
are more active and tend to play in all kinds of outdoor conditions, they are
more prone to this infection. Although such an infection in your child’s ear
may have passed without any damage many times before, repeated
occurrence is a sign of distress.

What Is OTITIS Media?

OTITIS media is a medical name for the
inflammation of the middle ear, and
acute OTITIS media is the name of the
infection that results from this condition.
Studies have shown that acute OTITIS
media is the result of a cold or allergy
when the body is being attacked by
bacteria. When these bacteria host on the
body and leave it weak or fragile, it gives
the organisms the perfect chance to
enter into the small ducts and canals
within the body.

The presence of bacteria and viruses often result in the collection of pus and
mucus, both of which accumulate behind the eardrum. In this location, pus
blocks the eustachian tube (auditory tube), hence causing a lot of swelling
and pain. In a healthy individual, the eustachian tube should remain

collapsed so that the path to the sensitive middle ear remains closed.
However, when it fails to do so, bacteria and other germs in the nose and the
throat enter the middle ear easily.

The presence of bacteria in the ear has also been attributed to a condition
called the upper respiratory disease. Since the ear and the throat are directly
connected via the auditory tube, bacteria from the lungs can easily travel to
the eardrum. As the bacteria multiply, air is pushed out of the middle ear,
creating a vacuum-like condition that sucks in more and more bacteria from
the surrounding pathways.

Another reason why this ear infection is found mostly in children is that the
eustachian tubes in toddlers and adolescents are shorter, horizontal, and
straighter. This structural difference makes it even easier for the surrounding
bacteria to travel to the ear quickly.

In the initial and the last stages of the infection, during the time when the
pus is leaking, there is a high chance of fluid collection in the middle ear. This
fluid sometimes also finds its way to the pinna, indicating the person that
something is wrong with the inner working of the ear. Such a condition is
called OTITIS media effusion.

If not taken care of, these fluids can collect in the ear for weeks, thus causing
the infection to worsen and permanently affect the hearing ability of the
patient. As a standard, if fluids remain in the middle ear for more than three
months and hearing is impaired for six weeks at a stretch, you should get
your patient tested by an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist.

How Does It Affect Hearing?

Regardless of the extent of acute OTITIS media, hear loss and impairment is
inevitable. Since the collection of fluids creates an imbalance in the ear,
conversion of sound waves into signals and then transmission of these
signals is adversely affected. Children and adults with this infection
experience a loss of hearing of about 24 decibels.

In mathematical terms, 24 decibels is equal to a loud whisper. This means
that those affected by this ear infection cannot identify or interpret whispers.
It should be noted that the intensity and consistency of the fluids in the ear
vary from one patient to the next. If the pus and fluids are of a thicker
consistency, the 24 decibels increase to 45 decibels, thus increasing the
extent of hearing loss greatly.

In children, detecting acute OTITIS media is not easy. However, certain signs
and symptoms have been listed that help parents, guardians and doctors in
detecting the infection in children. These include:

 Misunderstanding speech

 Talking louder than normal

 Ignoring moderate sound levels and volumes

 Exhibiting a delayed development in speech

Misunderstanding of messages and hearing muffled voices can be a very

dangerous condition in a school-going child. A child that cannot process the
most basic instructions in a classroom setting will be unable to stay abreast
with academic work and expectations. At an age when mental and cognitive
development is at its peak, an acute OTITIS media infection can make the
path to learning very difficult, thus resulting only in an extremely slow and
unresponsive development and learning levels in a child that only leads to
delayed language and skill development.


Treating Hearing Loss

What are my options?

nce a patient has been diagnosed with hearing problems, the most
common solution suggested by doctors is the use of a hearing aid.
However, before a patient is advised to proceed with any kind of
treatment, it is very important for the doctor to first diagnose the exact
symptoms and root cause of the problem; the risk of further damage to
hearing is minimized and prevented. There are a number of available

treatment options, from being medically supported by a professional to
utilizing more natural and organic cures.

Depending on the nature and extent of the problem, most of the disorders
related to hearing loss have medical cures. However, in a few cases of higher
severity, it is highly challenging to cure this ailment, especially in those
patients that are suffering from irreversible hearing disorders that may be
caused by inherited genes or by traumatic accidents. With the recent
advancements in audiology, there are now many possible treatments for
such patients. In these treatments, such patients may not be able to regain
their hearing ability completely, but they may be able to discern various
sounds to a certain extent. This advancement in hearing loss treatment is a
big leap forward for such patients; researchers are trying their best to aid
them with the most accessible treatment options.

While these cases may be severe, there are numerous ways through which
you can avoid hear loss and may even prevent it completely, especially when
you age or when you are bound to deal with occupational noise. Taking a
well-balanced diet, preferably enriched with a combination of anti-oxidation
components, is the best way to prevent hearing loss and any other associated

Natural Hearing
Since using hearing aids can be uncomfortable and uneasy, most patients
tend to avoid their usage. Many people are actually unaware of the fact that
there are more natural ways of controlling hearing problems, and even of
preventing such problems from further damaging your ear. The best herb
recommended for prevention is Gingko Biloba, which is believed to prevent
cochlear damage and other associated disorders, along with lubrication of
the neurological functions of our bodies.

It has been observed that hearing loss may occur from head trauma or neck
damage; so, treating such distresses may result in curing hearing problems
in those patients. As mentioned before, a well-balanced diet also keeps your
hearing preserved. It is best to avoid animal fat and replace it with refined

sources of carbohydrates. Consuming cold-water fish enriched with omega-
3 fatty acids regulates the blood supply of your ear in the same way that it
regulates the whole circulation system in the rest of the body. Include fresh
juices, vegetables, fruits, fiber-associated foods, seeds and herbs in your daily
diet, which are all very useful and effective in conserving your hearing. Also,
cut down on your salt intake; excessive salt in your daily diet can cause fluids
to retain inside your ear, which may consequently develop into a hearing

The use of foods that are rich in vitamin A and E are the best way of
preserving your hearing. It will not only help in protecting your hearing, but
will also prevent you from developing any hearing disorders. Doctors may
advise their patients to utilize supplements rich in various types of vitamins
in order to protect your hearing from developing any associated problems.

Medical Treatment
There are many associated hearing disorders related to your ear, and each
type requires a different set of medication. In severe cases, surgery may be
required. For conductive hearing loss – in which the middle ear bones are
damaged – surgery is the most common medical solution offered to such
patients. For patients who might be suffering from some form of bacterial
infection in their ear or from a blockage of earwax, antibiotics are advised in
order to clear away all the bacterial growth present within the ear.

If a person is diagnosed with a case of permanent hearing loss, which is

condition commonly found in people who have aged above 80 years, then
using a hearing aid is the best available option for them. In other cases,
hearing assistance devices and associated technologies are also
recommended to patients suffering from hearing loss as a good alternative
to hearing devices.

With the advancement of hearing aid technology, a cochlear implant is

proving to be an innovative invention of helping people with a severe and
irreversible form of hearing loss. The cochlear implant may not make patients

completely able to hear speech clearly and loudly, but it assures a miraculous
sound travel and the discerning ability to stir up in their ears.

Healing Through Nutrition

Antioxidants, such as vitamin A and E, are some of the highly recommended
food components that should be consumed for preserving and protecting
hearing abilities. They are known to neutralize the oxygen value up to the
normal limit that is required by your body. Similarly, it also helps to maintain
oxygen levels in our ear for the maintenance of good hearing abilities. The
most popular antioxidant-enriched foods are leafy vegetables, lentils, dried
beans and bananas.

 Vitamin C is found in berries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cantaloupes,

cauliflowers, peppers (red, green and yellow), tomatoes, strawberries,
sweet potatoes, papayas, snow peas, grapefruits, honey dew, kale,
kiwis, mangoes, turnips, nectarines and peaches. Vitamin E is found in
sunflower seeds, spinach, pumpkins, red peppers, broccoli, carrots,
chard, mustard, turnip greens, mangoes and nuts.

 Vitamin B-12 is very important for your nerves and associated cells. It
has been observed that people who have low levels of vitamin B-12 are
more likely to develop hearing loss and other disorders as they age. In
addition, food enriched with vitamin D can help in conserving your
hearing ability and it is mostly found in food such as milk, salmon, tofu,
eggs and salami. It helps in maintaining your bone density ratio, which
can then shield you against the development of diseases like

 It is also observed that people who consume a diet that is abundant in

omega-3 fatty acids are more likely to successfully shield themselves
from losing hearing sense. These fatty acids are found in cold-water
fish and fish oil. Nutritionists may advise patients who are in danger of
developing hearing disorders to begin taking fish oil capsules in order
to overcome the symptoms and preserve their sense of hearing.

 Food containing generous amounts of magnesium plays a vital role in
protecting your inner ear bones, especially if they are at risk of being
damaged during loud sound exposures. Magnesium is found in
bananas, artichokes, broccoli, soybeans and squash.

 It is believed that zinc has the power of protecting your hearing ability
from diseases like tinnitus, cochlear damage and other related
syndromes. Zinc is found richly in foods such as red meat, poultry,
beans, cooked oysters, seafood, whole grains, fortified cereal, dairy
products, chocolate, mushrooms, spinach and cashews.

 Selenium is abundantly found in fortified breads, tuna, Brazil nuts, beef,

poultry products and grains.

 Food rich in beta-carotene and other carotenoids are watermelons,

tomatoes, tangerines, sweet potatoes, apricots, asparagus, beets,
broccoli, cantaloupes, carrots, corn, spinach, squash, pumpkins, pink
grapefruit, peaches, nectarines, kale, mangoes and green peppers.

 Other foods rich in antioxidants are beans, eggplants, prunes, onions,

alfalfa sprouts, red grapes, plums, raisins and apples.

End of Free Chapters

Obtain the Complete Version Now!

The 24-Hour Reboot!

• Muscle & Fitness


• Muscle &

Performance Magazine

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• ICON Magazine


Thomas DeLauer is a well-known health and fitness coach that is

most noted for his personal transformation and knowledge in the
area of inflammation/nutrition. He has been featured on TV as well
as some of the largest Health and Wellness magazines.

Please Read This Before Starting
This is not a series of random foods, there is a valid
reason behind why these specific foods at a given time
How many times have you wanted to take control of your diet, but
the daunting thoughts of how much you have to erase before you
ever have a desire outcome seem to take over? You’re not alone.
That’s how I felt…

You are going to see some food combinations that may seem a bit
unconventional, but I want you to find the motivation to stick
through this for one day. The purpose of this reboot isn’t to
necessarily help you lose a lot of weight in 1-day, but rather to help
your body be in a prime position to transition into the right eating

It is difficult to start eating well and have it make a difference when

your body still has a negative balance of the unhealthy foods in your
body. The first step is always to give yourself a clean slate to work

Although you will likely see and feel some tremendous results with
this 24 hour cleanse, just note that the magic takes place when you
continue to eat an anti-inflammatory diet that allows you to get the
most out of your nutrients.

This program is a KICKSTART to the way you feel when you give
yourself a clean slate to work with.

Purpose of the 1-Day Reboot

When you have excess inflammation in your body, it can cause intestinal
inflammation. This, in turn makes it difficult to absorb nutrients and therefore
spikes cortisol levels, when this happens, your metabolism can slow down
causing a whole world of problems!

I’m not a huge believer in taking a bunch of supplements or drugs to fix a

problem. The thing is, the science is there to prove that just by eating the
right foods at the right time during the day can really turn things around.

Look, this is a free program that I put out there to help as many people as
possible. It’s effective, but it’s not going to turn around your health for you…
you need to take that into your own hands.

What this cleanse protocol CAN do for you is this:

Give you the clean slate and lowered levels of inflammation that are required
to get the most out of your diet! After this reboot you will likely be absorbing
more nutrients, which means your metabolism will rage faster and if you
choose the right steps at the end of the program, you can make leaps and
bounds above what you would otherwise.
Rules That are VERY Important
• Review the Entire Program before Starting so that You know what to get
from the Store

• Try to do about 15 Minutes of Easy Cardio on an empty stomach the day

that you do your reboot (this mobilizes free fatty acids and helps your
body burn a bit more fat)

• The foods really should be all organic. I know they cost a bit more, but it
is worth it, especially for one day! The thing is, organic foods don’t cause
the inflammatory reaction within our bodies.

• You’re going to have to STAY AWAY FROM GLUTEN, GRAINS and DAIRY
for at least this one day!

• There is a good chance you’ll feel typical detox symptoms during the
reboot, but that’s okay. You might get a slight headache, you might even
get a bit of an upset stomach, but that’s your body working overtime to
fight inflammatory responses!

• If you feel dizzy, or weak, give yourself a bit of honey or blueberries as a

first measure of action.

• Make Sure You Drink at least 0.75oz of Water per Lb of

As with any program, if you feel exceptionally dizzy or weak, contact a health professional.
How You Transition Out of The
Reboot is Critical – PLEASE READ
How many times have you done a cleanse and rebounded worse
after the cleanse?? Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen!

Look, as much as I would love to ask you to support what I do and try my full
7-day reboot, I really just want to make sure you have success with this
program. Honestly, it pays dividends to see people have success with this
program and get motivated to start making the right changes.

Here’s a few tips on how to transition out of the Reboot:

1) Continue to Drink 0.75oz per Lb of Body Weight for 5 Days

2) Do Not consume more than 2500mg Sodium for 5 days (unless

required for a condition)

3) SLOWLY increase the amount of food that you consume after

coming off the reboot. DO NOT BOUNCE right back to old
habits, that is a recipe for weight and bloat rebound

4) Phase out the high amounts of fruit, and begin to introduce

more in the way of fats like coconut oil, almond butter, olive
oil and even nuts like brazil nuts and walnuts.

If You are interested in transitioning into the Full 7-Day Cleanse

that helps you transition a bit more, I do recommend you give it a
try. If it doesn’t work, I have a 100% quality assurance refund

Take Advantage of the 7-Day Organic Total Body Reboot by

Quick Shopping List For You

* Organic Blueberries

* Organic Honeydew Melon or Cantaloupe

* Asparagus

* Swiss Chard

* Cucumber

* Celery

* 1 Organic Lemon

* Protein of Choice (preferred Organic Cage Free Eggs

* (For Vegetarians) Red Split Lentils

* Coconut Oil

* Agave Syrup or Honey

* Cayenne Pepper

* Cinnamon

* Himalayan Pink Salt

* Apple Cider Vinegar


Breakfast: Start with 2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar and Juice
of 1 Lemon with 8oz Water

• Organic Blueberries OR Organic Honeydew Melon

2oz TOTAL Fruit for every 50lbs of bodyweight! I know it sounds like a
lot, but this is for GOOD REASON! You can blend these too!

• 2 Stalks of Asparagus for Every 50lbs of Bodyweight

This is to ensure that your kidneys get flushed of excess calcium so that
magnesium stores in the body can do their magic.

• 1 Tbsp of Organic Agave Nectar

• SMALL Serving of Protein (Organic Eggs Preferred) Good Rule of Thumb

is about 5g of Protein for every 50lbs of bodyweight. Protein is very
important in this case. This is where lots of detox programs go wrong.
You need protein to keep the metabolism functioning properly on a

o Alternative for Vegetarians or Vegans – ½ Cup Red Split Lentils

• 1 Tsp of Cinnamon
On the Berries or in Smoothie to help carbohydrate metabolism

• 1/2 Tsp Himalayan Pink Salt – This is to help keep your minerals
balanced throughout the day and to help with adrenal function.
• ½ Tsp of Cayenne
Stimulates the metabolism to process the impurities and reduce
1 Day Reboot Lunch
Eaten about 4-5 Hours Later:

• Organic Swiss Chard

Roughly about 1 cup, but can go as high as 2.5 cups)

• PROTEIN, about HALF the size of your fist this meal

• We don’t need much here, all we are trying to do is keep amino acid
levels higher

• 1oz of Berries or Melon for Every 50

of Bodyweight
• 1 Tbsp Organic Coconut Oil
The purpose here is to give your body medium chain triglycerides that it
needs to mobilize free fatty acids (helps you burn fat)

• ½ tsp of Cayenne Pepper

Sprinkled on protein OR Swiss Chard

Alternative Lunch (Juice)

If you’d feel better juicing your lunch, try this one out!

If you don’t have a juicer, you’re better off opting for the whole-food meal above.

• Juice of 2x Cucumbers (organic), 1x Small Knuckle of Ginger Root, Juice of 1

Beet(Organic), 1/2 Cup blueberries, 1 tsp Turmeric root, ½ Tsp Cayenne Pepper, 1x
stalk of celery

• Still consume the HALF of a FIST sized portion of protein (organic) or use organic PEA
PROTEIN powder.

1 Day Reboot Dinner
• No Protein with this Meal

• Organic Blueberries or Honeydew/Cantaloupe Melon

2oz per 50lbs of bodyweight. If you opt for cantaloupe, eat the seeds as
they are exceptionally high in Omega 3 Fatty Acids.

• 1 tsp Cinnamon

I recommend putting this on the berries or melon, it is to help with

carbohydrate absorption and blood sugar.

• 1 Tbsp Organic Coconut Oil

Melted or as a plain spoonful.

• Juice of 1x Cucumber plus 2x Stalks of Celery

This can be eaten straight if you do not have a blender

• 2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar Before BEDTIME!

Once you’ve completed the last meal of the day, be sure to drink a fair bit of
water before going to bed. It is also a recommendation that you have a bit of
magnesium (by way of capsule) to help your body balance out in the way of
minerals and electrolytes.

If you want to transition out of the Reboot with the right vitamins to refuel
your body, you can get a special discount on my Vitamin and Supplement
Bundle by Clicking Below.

Get The Special Pricing on Vitamins for after the Reboot Here
Go to the Next Page to Look at the Next Steps!

You’re Feeling Good, What’s Next?

Now that you’ve helped reduce the inflammation within your body, you can go
right back to eating the way that you were… Or… You can take the opportunity
of having a clean system and a purified body and start making some easy

You see, now you’re experiencing some new-found energy, your body is
absorbing what it needs in the way of nutrients and your metabolism is firing
up. But you know the saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day…” Well the same
goes for reducing inflammation and getting healthy.

I’ve created an expanded version of this program that walks you through Step-
by-Step what you can do for 7-days to dramatically feel better and REALLY
kick start your way to better health. It’s called my 7-Day Organic Total Body
Reboot and you can get it by clicking right here!
I designed this with a couple of ph.d friends of mine and it’s the same program
that helped me get on my weight loss journey, but also what helped my wife
beat her symptoms and get back to being the best version of herself in very
little time. You’ve taken the Steps to get healthier, why not take the next step
to really feel the way you should. Click Below and Get Started!

Hey There!

Alright, so the Organic Total Body Reboot has some weird foods in it, I’m not going to lie! But it’s the
sequence in which you eat these foods that makes all the difference and helps you to reduce inflammation

So hear me out on some of these foods that I’m having you order, and especially the quantities of those
berries… It sounds a bit crazy (and it kind of is), but the stellar results of over 40,000 awesome clients
speaks for itself!

Do you yourself a favor though, and look through the full program first. It’s good for you to get an idea of
what you’re going to be eating so that you can get a good sense of how much to buy, and what not (it varies
by how much you weigh and that is what makes this so effective (Because it’s a bit more personalized this

7-Day Organic Total Body Reboot Grocery Shopping List

• Organic Lemons (You’re going to Need at least 7-14 of These)

• Apple Cider Vinegar (One small bottle will suffice)

• Organic Protein of Your Choice (Preferred Fish or Cage Free Eggs – You will
consume about 0.25oz of Protein for Every Pound of Bodyweight each day)

• Organic Berries (Blueberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Strawberries – You will

consume 4oz for every 50lbs of Bodyweight here, it’s A LOT of berries)

• Asparagus (No need to be Organic, Asparagus is safe as NON-ORGANIC – You will

need 2 stalks for every 50lbs of bodyweight
• Organic Coconut Oil

• Organic Local Honey

• Cayenne Pepper
• Organic Kale (or Baby Kale)
• Organic Carrots (You’ll use these for juicing, so about 2-3 per day)

• Ginger (About 1 Small Knuckle Per Day)

• Organic Cucumbers 1-2 per Day
• Turmeric Root
• Raw Shredded Cabbage (Or Head of Cabbage you can cut up – ½ Cup per day)
• Organic Broccoli or Baby Broccoli

Organic Health Protocol OHP 365

Basic shopping list that you can follow for this first week:
Foods with an “**” Indicate a must have food type, others are optional for
Best Options Potential Substitutions
Carb Sources Carb Source Substitutes
**Puffed Rice Cereal or Organic Rice Crispies (type) Organic Rice Cakes (unsweetened)
**Organic White Rice Organic Brown Rice, Organic Quinoa
**Red Potatoes White Potatoes, Fingerling Potatoes
**Organic Black Beans Organic Pinto Beans, Organic Kidney Beans
**Honey Agave Syrup
**Sweet Potatoes Yams
Tapioca Flour Coconut Flour

Fat Sources Fat Source Substitutes

**Coconut Oil Avocado Oil, Olive Oil, Palm Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil
**Avocado There is no solid substitute for Avocado
**Almond Butter Cashew Butter, Sunflower Nut Butter
**Sprouted Almonds Sprouted Cashews
**Sprouted Walnuts No Solid Substitute for Sprouted Walnuts
** Unsweetened Baking Chocolate No Substitute
Coconut Cream (This is usually in a can)

Protein Sources Protein Alternatives

**Organic Chicken Breast Organic Turkey Breast
**93% or 99% Lean Ground Chicken/Turkey No Substitute
**93% Lean Organic or Grass Fed Ground Beef 93% Lean Ground Turkey
**Wild Caught Alaskan Cod Dover Sole, Responsibly Raised Tilapia, Other White
Fish (Wild Caught)
**Wild Caught Salmon Wild Caught Sea Bass
Higher Fat Cut of Steak (Ribeye, etc) Higher Fat Poultry (Chicken Thigh, Wing, etc)
ORGANIC Breakfast Sausage (Low Sodium) Sub for LOW SODIUM Bacon or Tukery Bacon
Pea Protein Powder Brown Rice Protein Powder NO WHEY PROTEIN

Vegetables and Fruits Vegetable and Fruit Alternatives

**Kale Spinach, Mixed Greens NO ICEBERG LETTUCE
**Snap Peas Green Beans
**Broccoli Sprouts Radish Sprouts, Other Sprouted Veggies
**Cabbage Kimchi, Sauerkraut (this is for a pro-biotic)
Zucchini Squash, Spaghetti Squash, Butternut Squash
**Blueberries Raspberries, Blackberries
**Strawberries Apricots, Peaches, Nectarines
Organic Health Protocol OHP 365

**Bananas Plantains
Watermelon Cantaloupe, HoneyDew
Others Others
**Stevia MonkFruit Extract
**Chile Powder Paprika, Bell Pepper
Apple Cider Vinegar


Organic Health Protocol OHP 365

Basic shopping list that you can follow for weeks 2-4
Foods with an “**” Indicate a must have food type, others are optional for
Best Options Potential Substitutions
Carb Sources Carb Source Substitutes
**Organic White Rice Organic Brown Rice, Organic Quinoa
**Red Potatoes White Potatoes, Fingerling Potatoes
**Honey Agave Syrup
**Sweet Potatoes Yams
Tapioca Flour Coconut Flour

Fat Sources Fat Source Substitutes

**Coconut Oil Avocado Oil, Olive Oil, Palm Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil
**Avocado There is no solid substitute for Avocado
**Almond Butter Cashew Butter, Sunflower Nut Butter
**Sprouted Almonds Sprouted Cashews
**Sprouted Walnuts No Solid Substitute for Sprouted Walnuts
** Unsweetened Baking Chocolate No Substitute
Coconut Cream (This is usually in a can)

Protein Sources Protein Alternatives

**Organic Chicken Breast Organic Turkey Breast
**93% or 99% Lean Ground Chicken/Turkey No Substitute
**93% Lean Organic or Grass Fed Ground Beef 93% Lean Ground Turkey
**Wild Caught Alaskan Cod Dover Sole, Responsibly Raised Tilapia, Other White
Fish (Wild Caught)
Wild Caught Salmon Wild Caught Sea Bass
**Lean Cut of Pork or Lean Ground Buffalo (Bison) This is to Venison or Elk (if available)
shock the body with a different source of protein.
Higher Fat Cut of Steak (Ribeye, etc) Higher Fat Poultry (Chicken Thigh, Wing, etc)

Vegetables and Fruits Vegetable and Fruit Alternatives

**Kale Spinach, Mixed Greens NO ICEBERG LETTUCE
**Snap Peas Green Beans
**Broccoli Sprouts Radish Sprouts, Other Sprouted Veggies
**Cabbage Kimchi, Sauerkraut (this is for a pro-biotic)
Zucchini Squash, Spaghetti Squash, Butternut Squash
**Blueberries Raspberries, Blackberries
**Strawberries Apricots, Peaches, Nectarines
Organic Health Protocol OHP 365

**Bananas Plantains
Watermelon Cantaloupe, HoneyDew
Others Others
**Stevia MonkFruit Extract
Kombucha For Additional Pro-biotic Effect Kimchi, Sauerkraut
Apple Cider Vinegar
Maca Root Powder


Organic Health Protocol OHP 365

Supplement/Vitamin Dose and Times per Day Purpose

Krill Oil 1,250 mg 1 Capsule 3x Daily w/ Meals Omega 3 Fatty Acids without the
Mercury Content
Alpha Lipoic Acid 200mg 1 Capsule 3x Daily w/ Meals Powerful Antioxidant and Carbohydrate
Chromium Picolinate 200mcg 1x 200mcg tab with each Aids in carbohydrate and fat metabolism
Maca Root Powder 1 Tsp – ½ Tbsp 1x per day Aids in healthy hormone function and
from week 2 + metabolism
Digestive Enzymes (Generic) 1 Digestive Enzyme with Helps break down the food that you are
Each Meal consuming to further aid in nutrient
Probiotic Supplement or Acidophilus 2 capsules at end of the day Helps restore healthy gut bacteria to aid
in digestion
Vitamin B-12 Sublingual 1,000mcg 1x per day Helps nerve function and helps with
energy while dieting
Spirulina Greens 2 Tbsp at least once per day For an extra phytonutrient boost
Vitamin C 500mg 2x Capsules 2x per day Helps lower cortisol levels so that you
can preserve lean muscle
Multivitamin 1x Capusle 1x per Day To ensure a healthy balance of minerals
Potassium 200mg 1x Capsule 2x per Day To help with mineral and electrolyte
Magnesium 500mg 1x Capsule 1x per Day Also helps electrolyte balance as nerve
and bone function


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