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Volume XVL Z-123.

Milledgeville, Georgia, Saturday, November 1, 1941
e No. 6

m^'' College Theatre Presents GSC Students Frosh Election Monday;

"Man Who Came to Dinner^^ Represented 29 Nominated lor Ollice
[The opening fall produclbion offered by the College Thea-
tre -will be given: November 6 at 8 o'clock in Russell audji- In Macon Sat. Freshmen nominated 29} girls for class offices. This nunv
torium. Featured in ''The Man WJ'io Came ito Dinner" are The organized movement to
b^lr indicates that Uhere is class interest among- the fresh-
the .men. Each of these girls was introduced at the Freshman
iLeo .Luecker oif the Peninsula
thwart the political control of
Players, Wisconsin, and Robert p
state school of the University ; •— — < meeting, Thursday night at 6
•>Black, of Hollywood. o'clock and the nominees for
System of Georgia will reach a
Mr. Luedkler is one of the climax today as delegates from D l v ^ .Tk w^ v-VT- I V T r t ^ v ^ ^ : * president Avere asked to mafce a
founders, of the Peninsula Play-
ers, at Fish Creek, Wisconsin, the
colleges from all parts of the
^tate meet in Macon. r n a e n i x i i a m e g^ort speech.
oldest .summer theatre in the
Middle West. Last summer he
At a student body meeting 7 Seniors All of these students ai'e capa-
ble of holding the offices for
held Friday, November 24, GSCW which they were nominated.
played leads in "Tonight ,at
unanimously voted to cooperate , ^ , . , Election will be held Monday,
8:30/' "CamiUe," "Rebecca,"
by all posible means with the oth- Seven seniors were elected into . . , „ .a, ,. ^ i
"The Little Foxes," "The Sky- , , ^. November 3, on the front porch
er state colleges. Martha Daniel,
lark," and "The Man Who Came
president of College Government Phoenix, the honorary scholastic will (be open froin 9 till-, 5. ,, .Run-i
to Dinner." When the last play ' , .. ,
Association, condaicted the meet- overs will be held Wednesday,and
of Arts. Fill out your ballot
was presented, Mr. Luecker was society, it was announced today -^ . ^.i i n *. n T. n
ing outlining the part GSCW President: Leslie Reea, Faye
confined to the wheel chair with ' , drop it m the ballot box. Polls
would take in the affair and the by Dean Hoy Taylor.
a broken ankle and, for that rea-
after effects which would be 'Composed' of the upper seven
son, this play Avas selected for
caused by the non-accredited per cent of the senior class, these
status.' students have the highest scho- TT „„„ i in a- ^ T\T «• „•
pi' Hancock, Frances Stone, Marjorie
After doing several seasons of lastic averages. oi i j T • xr ,~i
Committees , Shepherd' Louise Knapp, Care-
stock in the East, Mr., Blaclq went The members newly named ,. ^^
Tuesday night a second mass
to the west coast two years ago , ,, „ ,, line Bowman,
meeting was held attended by all are: Blanche Muldrow, Ruth . „ , . '
when offered an opportunity to
students. The following girls vol- , , , , ,^ r, , Vice President: Naincy iSchip-
appear with the famous coach of
unteered to work on the ar- Pearman, Judy Krauss, Mary Sal-
screen, stage, and radio, Jose-
MILDRED COVIN rangement committees: publicity, ' . „. ' ,, ,^., fer, Mary Hancock, Kathryn
phine Dillon Gable. He had one
Oberly Andrews, Mary Ann Mc- lee. Hazel VKillingsworth, M,il. ,-.' '. „ ... ' TV .K
of the featured) roles in the first • ' _, ' ^ ,, ,r.,, Anna
King, Frances
fVn^ian Archer,
•-Pulliam, JuneDorothy
Kinney, Dilsey Arthur, Grace dred Pharr, and Dorothy "IMiller. cil, „ „ „ Virginia
' , ' ^ ' ,..Collier,
! ^ , ,Peggy '
Ifull-length dramatic production . .™^ , / ^ Har-
on television on the west coast. ^ J ^ t
He appeared in the theatrical
W e e i C
Smith, June Ragsdale, Eleanor
Williams; correspondence, Eliza- , . . „
J „^
Coffey,Fay e L r o w d e r Harper
, , , , t T^ • Donald, Harriet Floyd.
T ,-,
„ '. T
Secretary: Jane Holland, Jer-
TT „ ^ T

beth Williams, Ann Gwynn, Sara Wmnie Frances Jolley, who were ^, ^ , _. , '
productions of "Night Must Court: Martha Duke, Edith
Fall," "ibseh's Ghosts" and a Will Feature Bond, Beryl "McDaniel,
Cowii; finance, Peggy Lacey,
elected last Wins State
were renamed
, ry
m \,
^^ ^
number of other plays. He has Jean Trapnell, Anne Beers.
Lunnie Parker, Prances Cope-
also ibeen in several pictures.
Mr. Black is the son of R. C. AmericaoSkill land, Mary,'Ann Alexander, Mar-
garet Baldwin, Miriam Jones;
Voice Contest C o u n c i l : Constance
Treasurer: Eugenia
Ann Bradfield, Marjorie Cole,

Black of Plant City, Florida. He By RUTH ADAMS printing, Pat Malcolm, Catherine Fay Crowder, well-known in r | | 3 k r i i ^ ' g T I f i t f r k l »
is visiting his aunt, Mrs. T. H. "American Art for the Ameri- Foster, Rachael Tidwell, Doris Milledgeville and at GSCW for I - ^ C c l U O ± j i 9 l Itfl
Clark, in Milledgeville. can Home" is the theme of Art Johnson. her musical talent, recently was
The play is being staged by Week which is to be held on our declared' the winner in state con- ^ " r i l v i Y I Q* l O Z l i T IQ
Letters were given to the stu- test, being sponsored by Phil • ^ J ^ - ' - l l l g J . > f ' * X lO
Mr. Luecker and the play pro- campus and' throughout the dents to be sent to parentis, and
Spitalny and his all girl orches-
duction class. Jane Garrett is Ufaited States on November 17- influential people throughout the
stage manager; Jeanne Peterson, 23.
associate director; ElizaTjeth Wil-
• This week 'was made an an-
state. The correspolidence com-
mittee has made definite plans
'^'^' Announced
liams, costumes, 'and Juanita for organized contact with all Ninety-four students ' were
nual occasion at* the sucessful
Pitts, sound director. state legislators and senators. placed on Dean's list for the
close of Art Week on December
State Conference spring quarter of 1941, In order
1, 1940. President Roosevelt said to receive this scholastic honor
that he felt justified in recom- Membensi at the executive com-
Corinthian Deadline mending an annual Art Week be- mittee will represent GSCW at
it is neceissary to have an aver-
age of 88 on academic work. The
ii\ Set For November 7th cause of the gratifying success the state-wide stuednt coiuference following girls are Dean's list
achieved during the 1940 period. today. Georgia Tech, University students .for the past spring quar-,
By VIRGINIA AUSTIN Last year's reports indicate that of Georgia, Mercer and Emory ter:
$100,018.45 was realized in sales. will send delegates,
1*1' '(• The deadline for the contest re- THE CAMPUS CANOPY, pub- Linda Addy, Mary Bargeron,
cently announced by the.Corin- (Continued On Page 0) (Continued On Page 0)
i • m^"' Vera Bennett, Beulah Brown,
thian will be November 7.
Lala Frances Carr, Elizabeth
Freshmen are invited to com- Clyde, Cora Jan© Davis, Mary
pare last year's three issues, an-
alyzing and giving brief construc-
Sponge, Candles, Corn Catherine Deaver, Marjorie D,u-
mas, Gertrude Ehrlich. Margaret
tive criticism about them. The
following points should be con-
sidered in the comparisons: QuaU
Compose GSC Necklaces Evelyn lEInnis,, Mary Frances Eth-
ridge, Nancy Green, Ethel Hem-
bree, Florence Hooten, Evelyn
ity and type of material, reada- By Ann Fitzpatrick Jones, Marie Kimbrough, Vir-
bility or attractiveness^ and the How do you spend ycur leisure time? Do you read a ginia Lucas, Dorothy Sue Mann,
physical make-up of the maga- magazine, play tennis, go to a movie? Or do you put your FAYE CROWDER Rebecca Mulligan, Maybess Mur-
zine. clever brain to^ work arid try to figure out a way to make Tlie idea for the competition phy, Mary Frances Neel, Sara
Ruth Neel, Margaret Nicholson,
The three best constructive the most original, unique, super- can be accredited to the mem-
Betty Robb Peacock, Hilda Pope,
criticisms of last year's issues colossal necklace on the campus? bers of this organization. They
Martha Lois Roberts, Ivie Leei
will be published in the fall edi- Recently there has been aj varied to explain to them the mystery realized that the girl students of
Smith, Ann Stubbs, Eleanor
tion of Corinthian. array of articles strung around of tlie scarcity. They have been universities seldom have an op-
used' to decorate some woman's portunity to gain fame in the Jane Thornton, Martha Eloise
different girls' neckp, and some
call them necklaces. neck. The costume jewelry coun- field of radio. Auditions are be- Wade, and Mary Jeff Whelchel,
ter at the dime stores has prob- ing held in ten colleges along the and Georgia Lee Stone.
There are givlsi on our campus
JPIavo you mailed your let- who must ibelieve in using ma- ably lo^ti 'Ibecause- 'Of this fad, coast. The victorious singer at Thelma And-erson, Alice Ball,
ters to your parents, friends, terials in the "raw," because they but the nail polish dealers have each of these schools will appear Marguerite Baissett, , Elizabeth
and legislators? AVrite pei'- use ordinary seeds to make at- come out all right (because these on the Hour of Charm, on which Biles, Grace Boyd, Jessie Marie
.soiial notes and sign your tractive necklaces. If the farm- "raw" materials are usually Spitalny's orchesti'a ia featured,
w Uajiie. likicli lettjer seiit out . „ . • , .
, . ,, i i„„ „,ji.i . ^.i « Brewton, Ruth,Browning, Mrs. J.
brightened 'up "with fa coat of receive one hund-red dollars and R. Carson, Florrie Coffey, Lucy
strengthens oiu- objectives. ers m Georgia have
of watermelons a shortage red
and cantaloupes
.._, „„i.„i, ' a trip to New York City with all Dulw„ Doris Dunn, Elizabeth Du-
next spring, someone will have (Oontiiuiod On Pago 3) (Continued On Pago 8) (Oontiiuied Oil Page 3)
Saturday, November 1, 1941. THET C O L O N N A D E . Pageuvl^ixe^j'J
THE COLONNADE Saturday, November 1, 1941
Page Two

Colonnade Faye Crowder— Outland Plays

Letters To Name It
when yfe stop in the middle of
"l\nd Thousands Shall PaW
Worth TrY'wg Ben haU and ask^ if 810 Terrell
C is, on this floor or the one
(Continued from page D • On Appreciation l-y -VUlt'l

About two yeai-s ago the students of GSCW decided to ^ J | g E d i t O F

By ELIZABETH REDDICIt a,T30ve it. How we hate them. But
Name it! Name what? My J^Q^^ QJ all we hate those peo-
Adds Staff expenses paid. It is this honor
which Fay Crowder has received.
Series Wednesday
Lloyd Outland, violinist and
Tells Dramaik War Story , •. / ( i i l I.:

organize an honor systemi' on the campus. Rules were drawn name? Your name? You name pj^ (of all classes) who receiye a member of the music depart- By DOROTHY MILLER
up and have since been revised several times to fit the Dear Editor: it! Before you and* I tooth go off, telephone calls and specials all
requirements of om' school. No particular honor system of We raised a lot of huiiahaioo the loose end, I'LL name it. It's <jay long.
Members Three students will be selected
from the original ten to return ment will be the guest artist on
the Appreciation Hour Wednes-
A;ND THOUSA.NDS SHALL FALL, one o'f the most
to New York and accept one
a n o t h e r school w a s used a s a n example; o u r system is en- ^^riday when we stood up in the the freshmen; the poor, unoh- Georgia state CoUege for The complete staff of THiE day night at 8 o'clock. Miss Mag-
electrifying books on the present war and called by the
thousand dollars. The final win-
reirely ours. Due t o t h e fact t h a t i t t a k e s t i m e and a change auditorium and voted to shai-e in strusive misused, stepped-on ^^men was rightfully named so. COLONNADE has been announc- ner will be named the most gie Jenkins will accompany him. NeWsYork Times The All Quiet on the Western Front of
« . ; , , . . , „ ,, 4 J 4. v the University's hilarious tram- docile freshmen. Males are non-existent. The only ed by the editor. The following charming co-ed of 1941 and will Mr. Outland received his ArB. U -^ World War II, tells the story olf
of ideas that a few or maybe many of the students have, ^^^^^.^^ ^^ p^j.^.^^^ ^^, ^^ ^^^^^^t ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ j . ^ ^ , ^g ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ .^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ girls have been added to the be presented again on the Hour degree from Earlham College, the fall of Prance through the
t h e s y s t e m w a s placed only on scholastic work.
. , , ,.'.(./. . 1 -i. , Tj;
-jve're malting history, we're the instructor says, "My dear, young ^^ nine-thirty and six-thirty. Fe.
moving hand. Were we? No! I ladies, you are no longer digni- „,aipq are everywhere!
1941.42 editorial staffi: Lilyan
Middlebrooks, Catherine Poster,
of Charm. When she returns she
will carry with her as a gift to
Richmond, Virginia in 1931 and
his M. A. degree in music edu-
Year's Plans eyes of a volunteer in the For-
eign Legion. Hans Habe, a well
It would have been put mto effect m our dormitorj/ life, ^^^^ ^^^^ .^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^. ^.^^ '^.^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^.^,.^. , , , ^^^^^ ^^^ J^ Zon^^i^in^ No, w« Eugenia Turner, Helen Davis, her school a scholarship fund of cation from Teacher's College, known European author, gives a
b u t t h a t m a y come later. I t was believed t h a t t h e girls,
if given an opportunity t o vote on t h e system in each class
^.j^g. your anti-political move was merely lowly college freshmen." p^j^.j.. ^g.,re freshmen. We've
pushed down our. throats .auite Oh, professor, we realize that; ^^^^ ^.^ pouege to acquire cul-
Evelyn Pope, Dilsey Arthur,
Kathryn. Donnan, Lulane Mc-
four thousand dollars, to be giv-
en under her name to talented
Columbia University in 1936. The
Institute of Musical Arts of the
Outlined By simple, graphic picture of the fall
of a people who were unaware
Bride, Virginia Austin, Jane JuUiard School of 'Music in New of the tremendous events happen-
could m a k e t h e i r own choice as t o w h e t h e r t h e y accepted
easily. We were puppets whose in feet, there's'not one hour of ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ become ladies. What
t h e ' s y s t e m o r not. M a n y colleges h a v e t h e honor pledge
'aye's" were echoes to give the our day^that we are not aware ^^^ ^ ^ acquire? Sparks, Mary Brewton, Elizabeth
ReddicT*. Hazel E. Smith, Martha
musical students.

'Miss Crowder, who will repre-

Yorla awarded him the d'iploma
of graduation in violin in 1934.
CommerceClub ing around them. Some scenes,
so graphic that tne reader will
-. , , 1, 1 1 i- 1 -KTiT^ \ ^'^,r^A •(-v,„-f.
« truth to a Journal article of the of it. And yet, after six weeks, . Twentv extra pounds.
Edwards, Marjorie Stowers, Jew- sent the iUniversity system of The 1941-42 club has recent- never forget them, show the belief
Signed to coven all scholastic work We believed that a ^^^ ^^^^^^^ - .^ ^^.^^ ^,^^^.^^ ^ ^^^^^^^, ^,^. i- Jwenty ^^^^ ^^P_^^^ ^^^^^^^^ For several years, before coming
ell Willie, Nina Wiley, Ann. Fitz-Georgia, studied under Vernon E: ly :been organized with the idea of the French in tlieir country
b e t t e r understanding would come about by providing t o r j ^ ^ deference to the. superior der as to how we could be trans- g^ j ^ ^ ^^-^ tray of cigarette to GSCW, he taught in the public
patrlck, Constance Martin, and Noah, of Birmingham, Alabama. of introducing to the members and in liberty and what happens
schools of New York and Ala-
each class t o vote. showmanship you gave us, won't formed into such amazing crea- ^j^^tbs. Ernestine Johnson. for three years. It was he who the aspects of the various busi- to these simple, trusting people
>.^:il4V^- bama. \
T h e organization is n o t complicated. I t consists of Honor you let us in on your methods, tures in this short time. 4 rpi^^ knowledge oif spread- , discovered the possibilities in her ness fields. Guest speakers will ^vhen the true stgnificence of
His program includes:
Board and Honor Council made up of students and five Yo^ see, some day we may grow ^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ i^g up a bed in five seconds. Hilda Williford, Annie Laurie voice. But it is to Max Noah, discuss such fields as court re- the French retreat- draws upon
Sonata No. 4 D Major, Alle-
f^nuuJ marr^hoy-^ "^^ *° "^^ ^®^^°^^ ^°*^ ^^^^^ ^° for
' breakfast.
-,-.--.'* We
^ r . eat.
„ „ / t ,We
r „ go to
5. How to chase H o r r l
„„ .„
R. Johnson, Betty Limerson, Caro- head of the music department of porting, commercial ediucation, them.
class We eat We go to class. We
thoughts such as biology test out gro, C. F. Handel.
l a c u i t y memueih. , . T^ . , ,. out-maneuver, and out-wit, some- lyn Scott, Ann Tinsley, Jo Tins- GSCW, and her teacher since her the private secretary, personnel, AND THOUSANDS SHALL
Ahodah (God's Worship), Er-
Honesty is a trait all people jhave or desire. It is not the ^^^^^ ^^^^ humbly, then, i ask eat. We study. We eat. We go of our mind and concentrate on ley, Naomi Beaton, Florine Tom- Sophomore year in college, that
nest Bloh
stenography, business machine FALL is dramatic, amazing, in
fact that we are not honorable if we do not have an honor you: . to bed We sleep—if our room- more important things such as lin and Clyde Ellen Longley com- she gives' credit to for the de- technique, and civil service. gome instances unbelievable, and
mate's'snore has a soothing ©f- the remote possibility of getting Mazurka No. 2, Henri Wein-
system, it is the fact that in case one penson might slip, (i) How did you so easily set plete the business staff. velopment of h,er vocal abilities. The club members edit a brief jn all tragic for throughout the
a date for Sunday. iawski
there is a gi'oup of people interested enough to help her. the stage for your Friday yeiis of ;;7;,^";;;~j^;ddred~"nerves.How 6. The art of eating the first Concerto in G Minor, Varspiel, mimeographed' monthly newspa- took Habe tells incident after, in-
As it stands, a studenib is liable to suspension for dis- :^''f^'' ^^ ^ ^ ^ f T T^Z''Z """us""'fi-eshies.'
--'- call
People "'-^'"'^" ' On November 21 she will leave per. Tlie officers compose the cident of the various ways the
, , , , 1 1 J . 1 i TTL X ^ 1 T- ing (and* dificult to explain at Max Bruch
Honest, scholastic work and trial at UJpper Court unless her ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ gluttons
we hate tbem. Juniors laugh (Continued On Page 4) Aeolian Gives by plane from Candler Field in
Atlanta for New Yorl\(. She will Symphonie Espangole, Andante, staff. This year the club is also superiority of the Germans in
publishing a year booilg contain- arms and ability was drilled into on the honor system. The students under the sys- ^^^ publicity that you committed Hallowe'en Party sing two days later alnd return Rondo, Edward' Lalo
ing the • constitution, an outline the soldiers of France. They nev-
tern ape giveit another chance and if and when found cheat- your student body to an action
ing. we had not THEN accepted. X
Finish The Fight "Did you ever think as the ghosts on the twenty-fourth.
go by
Traeumere, Robert Schumann
La Fille Aux Cheneux de Lin.
of the year's program, and a few
commercial songs.
er had a chance. A scene in the
forest of Verdun among the.
The honor system is not a covertupi for anyone. It has "^ijj^k^ ^H^^^H theT^w^o m^D The unanimous vote for immediate action to join the That some of these days you've Debussy The club has 131 members en- graves of Frenchmen who died
got to die?"
been added to the constitution this year that a student re- ^^^^j^^^^^, trustingly in a Journal other colleges of th« University Systjatm taken Friday must Sponge, Candle— Cassak, William Kroll rolled. The officers include Patsy
Malcolm, president; Tony Mar-
{^ the other war illustrates the
lack of faith • the army com-
ported 3 times is subject tq trial by Upper Court. reporter? now be followed up. The work has only begun. It is true These woula Have been your (Continued from page 1)
sentiments had you watched the sengill, vice-president;' Mary nianders had in their soldiers and
Many students are absolutely sure they will not be dis- that'we are convinced ourselves that steps must be takiein;
honest but, if we can help one see that just a small slip is ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^'^^ J^^^^J;^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ convince the state.
Aeolian guild glioste adrift itio
their Hallowe'en celebration at
After someone (we hope she
d'idn't eat them all herself) had
Frosh Give Ruth Reid, secretary; and Lucy
Jordan, treasurer. The following
how this was impressed upon the
unnecessary, the system is worth putting before all classes- ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ .^ . . , ,i, .. ^ . „ . . ^ . •„ i,i«.... i„ . . f
Most of the faculty hav0 cooperated with the organiza- Mr Hasiam so negligent of the ^"^ state hasjbeen given many names in history in let-
Nesbit woods Friday night. eaten enough fried chicken to
save several wish-bones, a most
Goblins and spooks and white unique necklace was made of
Fashion Show committee chairmen have been
appointed:' Greta Bell, refresh- Habe's amazing adventures • as
fion to their fullest. Many think it is useless, but they feel duties he is paid for that he did eirence to its being backward in some movements. Some ments, Helen Tabb, membership; interpreter in a German concen-
sheets all add-ed wierdness to the them. This was garnished with By BLANCHE LAYTON Eugenia Hooks, publicity, and Oration camp and his spectacular
that the students have their own ideas about campus or- not even know what you were of the names have been justifiable. But our colleges today occasion. Ghoipt! i*rumor Sias, lit nail polish. The freshman Y group came Betty Hudson, entertainment. escape to Free France, Portugal,
ganization. printing? Really, I think that are giving opportunities equal to any state in higher edu- that the extra big ghost in the out in finesti apparel to make its Dr. Charles Taylor, assisted by and finally the United States
This being the third year of the honor system, it is r^- ^ ^ J ^ A n r h o w l i f v o u ' f e r t o ^^^^°^ ^°^' ^^"^"^^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^^^^^' ^® ^^^^ ^^""^ ^^^'°^ double-bed sheet was Miss Car- Other articles of food that have ifjashion ; show .a .'.sensation on

other members of the commerce where he was given a special en-
queued that all classes take their vote. It is a quiet part ^t^^^g ^^ punctually, and so se- <^^"e^^s and 13 other colleges. In the last few yeai's the Btens. Those weak, wobbly little been sources of material for Monday evening at seven o'clock department faculty, are the club's ti'ance visa by President Roose-
spooks were the new members, on necklaces are macaroni, d'ried in Beesion recreation hall. They advisers. ^' ®^*^ recall the days of the Count
of the campus mechanics and naturally it will take time cretiveiy? Your foresight and in- junior colleges throughout the state have developed into
their way to that unforgetable corn, and even candy kisses. We are studying the clothes appro- ' of Monte Cristo and other adven-
to l^elcome a success. If you believe in the system, know genuity in not taking the too- well composed places of learning. New buildings have been ritual—initiation. Wonder why suggest though that it win be priate for certain occasions. turers of fiction.
enough about it to convince someone else when questions P^*^i° ^"^ or train must be com- added to all the campuses and real opportunities for our
arisei mended. But without riding a g^^^^^ educaitional system have opened- up.
they staggered a little?

Eating and playing games and

unwise for many to string eatable
objects around the neck. ning
Louise Kriapp was simply stun-
in her attire of brown for BSU Delegates AND THOUSANDS SHALL
FALL is receiving favorable no-
tons or train, and I know none of ^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^^ bringing in faculty members from other Sunday wear. The bows on the
[o\Si'ens?'''' ""'^ " " parts of the United States. Yes, from other states, but be-
scaring people are the favorite The tree family has been a big left, shoulder and left side of
Attend Athens tices by all reviewers and is cer-

The Colonnade cause they know more than Geiorgians, but because they
In closing, let me thank you j^^^^g ^ad better opportunities and longer study on certain
i pastimes of Hallowe'en creatures, help in mal?(ing necklaces. Some- belt were very tricky.
so: these pleasures were indulged one was patient enough to gath-, Mary, Hancock; modeled* a sport
tainly to be read as a true pic-
.tjnre of German activity in
in heartily.1 Also as much fun and er acorns and buckeyes for dec-: dress .of| blacl{| and red plaid wool France supported by a Trojan
Published weekly during school year except during holi- for y^^^^^^^^onn, ^a instruc ^^^^^.^^^^ ^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ food was crowded into one hour orative purposes. Another young with the front blouse of vel- Horse government.
.«ays and examination periods by the students of the C^^orr^^-^^ - ^ - - ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , f,, our students. This has-been the attitude taken by our At the BSIU convention in Ath-
as was supernaturally possible. lady's material for a necklace veteen.
ens October 31-November 2,
m State College for Women, MilledgeviUe, Georgia. Sub- ^^^.^; ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ the in- leading citizens. The attitude is the same, bujl^ a danger iNow after a while a l l t h e food came from the rubber tree. She Dean's List—
GSCW will be represented by 32
scription price |1.00 per year. Entered as second-class mat- stitution which ii;as settled its ^as arisen. was gone and* the ghosts were used many bay colored rubbei; Mary Martin's red wool evening
students. Miss Mildred Owen, who (Continued from page 1)
00000 so sleepy. Soon everyone bands. Part of the bark o^ a tree coat was "snappy,' enough with
ter October 30, 1928, in the post office, MilledgeviUe, Geor- cherished name for dignity and ^j^j^ danger cannot be turned aside lightly with a jest is state associate BSU student
racked together all the parts, ofl was (feed when someone cut. a its .three, large leopard covered Pree, Mary Jeanne Everett, An-
gia, under the act of March 3, 1879. ' ToTTLZllT^.t':^':^- -„.,.,„,.„ of the hand. Just as we say w« cannot isolate the United their skeletons and floated bacik\ cork. '••••'•'' ' buttons. She carried an evening secretary, Martha Lois Roberts,
nie Laurie Fowler, Alice'i GeAvisch,
Member bag to match. Her gown was of Frances Jane Hatfield, and June
er, more personal reason than this States from }the rest of the world, we cannot isolate Geor-
RBPRBSBNTBD FOR NATIONAU ADVBRTISINO BY to the Stygian fields and dream-
Two of the most popular types white crepe. Ragsdale will spea'l< during the
Mary Stevens Gibbs, Dorothy
t^SSOCiaied Golleeiole Press ^^^^JJjJ^Pub^S^mml^^^' ^°^ stripping your Alma Mater of gia institutions. Sit^andards and requirements have been set ed of—their other fellow Aeolian Harper, Marjorie Herring, Win-
are' of laquatic nature. One is week-end.
ghosts and of the spooky time nie Frances Jolley, Hazel Kil-
Diiiribuior of *42o MADieoN*AvE.*" *'N'EW"YO^. N.Y. its reticence, and making of it yp for all southem collides in order that education will made from .sea. shells and the Jean Minton was voguish in a Five hundred students from^ the
they'd aU had together. lingsworth, Judy Krauiss, Blanche
CHicMo. BO.IOB. u>u^nut^d» • SAI. FMNciica a broadside target. ^g uniform. These standards have been met by our schools. other from sponge;;" . . • ' , , • ' ; ' igreyed green skirt;. and short- the 35 BSU's, in Georgia schools
GolleeicileDieesl - m . ^
Have yoii seen those.- inade sleeved slip-over . sweater, and a are expected to attend the con-
Layton, Merle McKemie, Eliza-
LUCIA BOONEY Editor ' '''^''' ' M I R Y S T O N . We have been recognized as accredited schools by the col- from cand'le ''di'ipi)lngs?" ' Just light tan box jacket. vention, an annual event, which
beth Mayes, Sarah Frances Mill-
PAULA BRETZ Managing Editoi — l i e s and universijties of the country. The recognition would Bell Annex Wins light a candle,,;save the wax that ..Kitty Johns', full ..white net will be held at the Athens First
er, Sara Marguerite Moone,
not be ol such importance if the whole education of a Blanche Muldrow, Ellen Nelson,
EVELYN LANS Business Manager ^^^^ ^^}J
I would like to clear up your student were not so complicated. The high schools are ac-
Parents' Day Award drips off, and you can string it skirt ^yas topped by a white lace
top with tlu'ee-quarter length
Baptist chui'ch.' The Georgian
Luella .Peacock, Margaret Pea-
RUTH ADAMS Associate Editor Two hundrd parents were guests into a very comely necklace. Hotel will be the headquarters.
cock, Ruth Pearman, Maiy Eliza-
mind as to the points which you credited, other private schools in ;ehe state, and all grad- of students at the annual GSCW ],f-you are "ever'in a hurry and ileeves. The blouse .was fitted'. ^ The theme of; the convention is
BETTY PARK ,., f The brown herringbone skirt beth Power, Eloise Rodgers, Mrs.
^ ' ^ ' ^^^^'' '''^ t° misunderstand about the ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ . ^ . . ^ e d i t e d degrees.
Parents' day held Saturday, Oc- need •som.evrcostuin'e ^ ^ ® % • ^° "Supreme Allegiance, to Christ."
Mary Emma Bhultz, Emma Hagan
Exchange Editor student body action taken Fri-
Photographic Editor ^'F> October 24.
^^ ^^^ University System of Georgia could offer as high
graduate work as Johns Hopkins, i Columbia univerlsity, etc-
..Cii'vulation Managers You may grow up to fce sen ^^^ students would not h^ SO Worried about the situation.
I tober 18. Bell Annex again was go with that new blouse,' a list
the winner with 52 mothers and twist • Some bright" colored yarn
fathers present. Sanford was| run-
worn by Mary Ann'Watson look-
M very sporty^ witli a heather;
around::.y.pur neck and you'll be "i'sloppy-joe" slip-bverV '
State and southwide Baptist
leaders, such as William Hall
Preston andi Roland Q. Leavell,
Frances Gagle Sledd, Helen
Grace Smith, Gene Elizabeth Sta-
ley, and Rubye Vinson.
Martha Bateman, Frances Ju-
in style. ""' i Lavenia'Roughtpn./ came out win speak to the delegates.
ner-up with 50 parents register- anita Bennett, Sara Sue :&ennett,
Typists: Ernestine Johnson, Sarah Sloan, Gwen Jarvis, Constance X c T b e c I u ? ^ T e Tore our As it will be if we are taken from the accredited list, ma&- Maybe necklace ;:m is your iookjing ve.ry pea-santly in a. The GSCW delegates left for
ing. Mary Alice Calhoun, Frances
^^'^tin. echooi'and have given up hours ters degi'ees Can be received from qjnly one 'and PhD iproom-stick skirt of many colors.
The program consisted of a hidden talent. Try it! Athens at 3 o'clock Friday aft-
Campbell, Henrietta C a r s o n,
Reporters: Blanche Layton, Dot Miller, Sue Landrum, Jeanne Pet- ^^^ y,^^^,^ ^j ^^^ ^ime (which is camiot be received. Many people say that does not affect A heather short-sleeved sweater ernoon and will return Sunday
talk by Mrs. Ethel Hill Dallas of completed her,'outfit. |' : Gladys Darling, Margaret Dobbs,
erson, Ruth Pearman, Margaret Wilson, Ann Pitzpatrick, Nina Wileyi' just as valuable to us as your& ^ e or my children. This is not true! Teachers by the GEORGRAPHY CLUB at 2 o'clock. At the Milledgeville
LaGrange. Dinner was served in Mrs. G. W. Eaton, Rhudene Har-
SCHEDULES; T^IP , j I Her grandmother'a black lace Baptist Church Sunday ;night at
JewaU WUlie, Araminta Green, Marjorie Stowers, Martha Edwards, is to you). ^^^^ gj.Qj,Qg^ Georgia teachers, have! their masters degrees and Terrell recreation hall.
Members'.; of- ithe • .Geography came in nicely,'for Frances Man- 7:30, these students will speak
degree, Mary Frances Hines,
Hazel Smith, Elizabeth Reddick, Maiy Brewton, Jane Si)arks, Vir- ^^^''^^> ^^^ whor''yorfer'havo ^"^^^y ^re working toward a PhD degrqe. Nearly aU doctors Mrs. Chesnut from Jacksonville, Mary Cordelia Johnson, Ruth
dub will visit the Ocinulgee Na- gleburg's lovely white lace eve- on the convention highlights.
Florida was given recognition as tional'^park • in';Macon Saturday, ning'Igowii,; witli illie'^black lace Johnson, Mrs. Maye Jones, Jessie
ginia Austin, Lulane McBride, Kathryn Donnan, Dllsey Arthur, 0^^^.^^^^^^ y^^^ ^^^ ^^niors and and lawyers do graduate. study. If graduate work can be
the pare;it coming the longest Noveriiber vStfAllImembers inter- strips around' the skirt. It was Henderson, Betty Barnes, Tony Lambert, . Margaret Lambert,
Brelyn Pope, Helen Davis, Eugenia Turner, Catherine Poster, Idlyan ^^m ^ot be in' the least afected taken in only one school in lihe system, a great number of Mary Estella Miller, Sara Frances
distance. Mrs. R. S. Crowder oi ested I n talcing'" 'this excursioji made by "yours truly" this past Shingler, Frances Michael and
Middletarooks. . ^^ ^^^® Avithdrawai of our (teachers will never rieceive their master degrees. There- r'f m Birminghrfwh and Mrs. Hollins- shouldviSee ;,e"ither Mamie Jenkins, vacation. ; ^ • .•,,-.. .^ . •: ; •' Miriam Beedict. . , Moore, Sarah Louise Peek, Janie
Bu86ines9 staff: Helen Dunn, Asst. Bus. Mgr., Hilda Willlford, Clyde scjiooi from the accredited list, ^QJ,^^ ^-^^ opportunities open to small children for better ' \ head of MilledgeviUe were recog- Eliza;beth HoUingshead, or Kath- i Other g i i ' i s ' who liiodeled.- i Ann Stubbs read a very hu- Louise Reichert, Emily Rowan,
ffllen Longley, Carolyn |Scott, Betty Limereon, Jo Tinsley, Ann Tins- J^'^^ ^ ° g / ^ j ^pubiiritrwefe' our i^strucition will decrease. nized as. having the largest num- ryn ''Ciiniiinghani'Oandl pfiy;]|itly dresses equally .as.;pretty were:; morous .poem by Cornelia ,Otis Annie Lillian Simpson, Laura Ce-
ber of daughters having attended cents,'«the.tranapor,tation .expense. Sara Ann Haye^, 'Sara Frances, Skinner. leste Thrash, and Margaret Truitt.'
ley, Evelyn Davis, Naomi Beaton, Annie Laurie Johnson, Plorine ^^^^^ 'what;^ publicity could be We cannot accredit our own system. At priefeent any
ToihUn. '"' ' (Continuca On P«ge 4) studeait who wants an educatioii may have one. OflCW.
Page Four THE COLONNADE Saturday, November 1, 1041
Saturday, November 1, 1941 THE COLONNADE Page Five
Letters to t h e Editor iness, would you tell everyone in
(Continued from page 2)
the school? See how much you Church Notes A La Mode Caldwell Visits
Campus Sportaiions
are missed when you leave the
more questionable than to rise
campus when you are a senior? BAPTIST— There's something about the
above the authortties of the
It's amazing how little people no- . Several of the Baptist students fall that suggests a sweater, and GSC Teachers • •
school and state? • •
tice your presence. We rode to who are attending tlie Baptist any style In any color is to be
If you disagree so lieartfly Athens in a car. No, we do not Student Convention in Athens seen on our campua. The special- By MARJORIE STOAVERS
with the policies presented Fri- By MABARET WILSON
own our own cars, but we have this week-end will have charge ty this season, however, is the ' Miss 'Sallie Caldwell from the
Did you fail to enter the table
day, wliy did you not take a stand friends who are not connected °^ ^^^'^ ^^^^^ service at the Bap- "sloppy joe" flllp-over with long education department v i s i t e d tennis tournament witli your fa-
Sophs D e f e a t Seniors
at either of the student meetings with the college who do have ^^"^^ church Sunday. All who wish sleeves. If you don't have one, some of GSCW's old and new Although the Seniors were
held last week? Ample time was vorite teacher last year? Or.
cars. We rode the same way We to hear this "relbound" program you can count yourself out, for graduates throughout the state is there a f a c u l t y mem- leading betwea^nj • halves with .a
offered for discussion before the they're a neceaisdty to your cam- last week. She seemed pleased
do during the week. Visit San- are asked to meet in front) of At- ber whom you would like to have score of 16-15, the Sophomores
•vote was taken. Questions were ford sometime and see Qur au- kinson hall at 7:15. pus wardrol)e. with the work that they are do- came bade to win a 37-26 vic-
as a partner in our tournament?
asked, why didn't you express tomohiles. Sunday School—10:15 Even the faculty are wearing ing. tory.
Ann Hammett, table tennis man-
your opinion in front
front of every- Could you suggest some mem- Church_ll:30 them. Miss Billle Jennings looked In Cochran Miss Cald»well vis- Final game in the Volleyball
ager, wants you to start finding
one; of course, THE COLON- ber of the student body better BTU—2:30 just as collegiate as she always ited iMarguerite |Ches;ter, Grace Tournament was played Tuesday.
•a partner right away because the
NADE is a good place to air fitted to represent! you at a meet- does in one of these "can't-be- Morgan, Marian Culpepper, Mar- The first game ended with the
date to start the competition is
your views, but they are a little ing of the college students than CATHOLIC— done-without-'ems" in rose. Her tha Respess, Julia Meadows, and Sophomores victors over the
late. •coming up soon.
your president whom you elect- Father King, who. has been the pleated* skirt was quite the skirt Margaret Norton. She also saw Freshmen. The Seniors used their
In answer to your questions, Don't forget that hockey will
ed? The others of us volunteer- local Catholic pastor fop the past for it, too. many older graduates there. best Volleyball techniques against
I'll take them one Ijy one: •start Monday afternoon at 4:15.
ed our services to start the pro- four years, has been sent to Al- Lee Coddlngton attended the In Eastman Lucy Duke and the Juniors to win by a small
This sport gains popularity every
(1.) Newspapers have ai method gram rolling to save our system ^a^y, Georgia. Taking his place student meeting on Tuesday in Martha Jones were found neck- margin.
year and we know that you will
of predicting the outcome of from politics. Is Father Cassedy, who will be an aquamarine "sloppy-joe" worn deep in work but very enthusias- want to come out on back cam-
The Sophomores now have all
events after thorough study. It If there are other questions the priest of the local parish and with a black swirl aHirt. tic, nevertheless. class flags, but the classes can
pus Monday through Thursday.
is an editor's priviledge to make which you or any student d'oes the advisor to the Newman cluT). Angelyn Glisaon chose a beige Miss Caldlwell visited Betsy try to get them back whetn the
Miss Lippman will be there to
a good guess of an affair if the not understand, please bring slip-over to wear with her yel- King in Dublin; Nan McCloud Hockey tournaments are held-.
help you if you want to learn or
copy must Tje set up ibefore the them (before the student ibody at EPISCOPAL— low and iblue plaid skirt. A and Carolyn Adams,'Lyons; Ruth The line-up for the final gam©
just improTe.
date Of the outcome. Intelligent the forthcoming meeting. THE (Sunday School—10:30 miniature tennis racquet on a ^Gibbs, Lyons Central; Miriam was as follows:
students of the campus had ex- COLONNADE will be 'glad to re- Celeibration of Holy Commun- chain aljout her neck was quite Bloodworth, Dorothy Dard-en, Seniors: Vera Bennett, Mary
pressed their opinion on the ply to any letters. ion-Sermon—11:30 ilntriguing, and, of 'course, her Lela Mae Johnson and Dorotby 'Have Your Hair Styled Lee Godd', Cornelia Harris, Ara- '•— ' * ir.l..... mull ' ,. H , ' nt it/lkii^ •....;^«..~^'.»...^> < ••.'• i • A n r . . » . a . . ^ t . i t * i K i Stk^^f u .^Wii^A

question. Was the remark made THE EDITOR. Young People's Organization brown moccasins and beige socks Hudson at Haddock. minta Green, Margaret Baldwin, Among the sports leaders who rank high at GSCW; are, left to right, Lucy Brown, fresh-
at rectoi7—2:15 were important factors in the From Harrison comes good At Doris Warnock, Mayo Aultman, man; Mai'^'ha Ruth Brown, Sophomore; Thelma Broderick, junior; and Doris Warnock,
at the meeting that the affair
was "trustingly confided in a Dear Editor, outfit. news from two more GSCW stu- Ann Hammett.
Journal reporter?" Evidently you I have heard that the students METHODIST— dents, Johnnie Graham and Mar- Sophomoes: Sara Sims, Lottie senior.
These "V]-neck sweaters are Wallace, Mildred Carr, Margaret
have never come in contact with are not taking advantage of the Sunday School—10:10 guerite Moone.
newspapers 'before; no one con- opportunities given them Tiy the Church—11:30
like costump jewelry. The V 5124 for Appointment Wilson, Martha Ruth Brown, Ann pey, Norma Durden, Marie Har- SKATING PARTY SCHEDULE better v/ith music, so music we
stands for Victory, and is quite Loraine Proctor in Eatonton grove, Mildred' Mulligan, Martha
fides in reporters. ads. Last week; several merchants League—2:15
a popular sign in apparel this and Elolse Wade In Tennille re-
Haddle, Joyce Slate, Remember how much fun you shall have! You can get your
Tuggle, Tony Shingler, Florine had at the skiating party last skates when you get there and
(2.) In regard to George Has- gave away passes or coupons food year. Mary Jeanne Everett's yel- ceived visits from our education G and L D r e s s Tomlin, Harriett Wills, Eleanor year? There will be another on?, they will be furnished by the
lam, he is a busy man, but sinpe for merchandise and are doing PRESBYTERIAN—

Su,nd|ay School_10:10
low V-neck Jsllp-over was very department's representative. Swimming Club Jane Thornton, Oberley Andrews, even better than the last, Tues- Recreation association. Mary
no faculty member has ever cen- likewise this wee^s^. I think that good-loofking with, her navy blue and Beauty Shop
sored' our copy he has not as- the students should read the ads Church_ll:30
pleated skirt. Miss Caldwell saw many of Holds Tryouts Louise Rountree, and Anne Brad- day, November 4, from 7:00 till Frances Icott is outing manager
sumed such a role. A censor is in order to « e if their names , PSA VesperiSL_5:00 our former students in Vidalia, From the thirty girls who tried 8:00 in front of the Mansion, We this quarter and is in charge of
unbecoming in a democratic appear. After all, we can't ex- Kathryn MoGrlff's V-neck Irwinton, McRae and Sanders- out ifor the Swimming club, four- The club will hold its regular
the affair. "'
school. All policies of THE COL- pect the merchants to patronize sweater was almost a twin in ville but no new graduates. teen were selected to become new meeting Monday night at 8 and all know that We can skate much
ONNADE are determined by the us if we don't patronize them. Flowers Discussed a t shad<e and design to Mary
Sea Food Special members. The try-outs were held all new members, are urged to be
staff; the newspaper is a stu- EVELYN LANE,
Education Club Jeanne's. A dark plaid pleated joe" slip-over sweater with long on two Monday nights; sventeen present.
dent puiblication puTilished by skirt was a part o Kathryn's en- iSileeves. They're the hit of the trying out the first time and
Flowers—^liow to wear, use, semble. , , , !.;.y jii 1 season on any campus.
(3.) We are all seniors, and
Name It—
(Continued from page 2)
and arrange them will be the
topic for the program of the El-
there is a little matter of the plate of ibiscuits in a hurry so ementary Education clul) Monday
Alnnette Coleman wearsi a pas-
tel plaid skgrt with her light
thirteen the last, Th© new memr
hers of the Penguins are: Anne
Thomas, Nan Scott, Hannah Slap-
Campus Observes
code, which you may not know you can be assured of a second. night at 7:15 in the Peabody blbue "sloppy-joe" slip-over. A Visit Your Our library joins with the na-
pearl necklace goes nicely with tion in celebrating Nov. 2-8 as
about. We have the right to ride And there you have it—the life Elementary School build4ng. Miss Country Store Book Week. The slogan for 1941
any time of the day with whom of a freshman. Magazines por- Lucetta Lawrence, of the Law- it, too.
we please. If you were makin^g a tray us ais small, slim iglrls in rence Flower shop, will give a
trip to Athens upon private bus- tight jackets withi the wind* blow- demonstration, on how to wear
As I said before, if you don't
have one, you'd Ibetter splurge
And try the best
\ .
Special exhibits will be placed
in the library. Many new books
ing coiffured curls as just the flower - arrangements. with the purchase of a "sloppy- Monday and Tuesday will go on the shelves for check-
right angle. Short stories tell _o,^ ing out.
There will be an exhibition of
This ticket and one admis- the peaceful, well-ordered lives textiles sent by Miss D. Mastalio
in which il-eshmen attend classes, Peabody is joining in very en-
sion plus tax will admit two receive "A's" and rise to fame from New York. Special 'Book thuisiastically. PEABODY CHAT-
Week exhibits will be featured in
persons to see Bdtte Davis in their clubs. On week-ends, the the library as a part of the club's V«j;'
I- l l l
TER, the combination bulletin
people in these stories go to (I,"
board and newspaper, will fea-
in "The Letter''. activities.
football games and wear yellow ture Book Weels;. Both high

chrysanthemums; a f t e r w a r d s All interested in elementary school and elementary school
Co-Ed Theatre they dance to Glenn Miller's mu- education are eligible for mem- have planned' special chapel pro-
sic in a Bigma Nu house. That's ^je^gi^ip '^^ the club and are In- grams. A special story telling
Thursday and Friday what the books tell us. vited to attend the meeting Moii;- hour will be held every day dur-
WE say that .college is one day night. Free ticket today to Miss Janola Barnes ing Book Week.
November 6 and 7
big rush. There's never enougli
Officers, of the club are: Eliz- The first Book Week was ob-
time to comb your hair, or eat
abeth Zeagler, president; Clara Wednesday Only served in 1919, and idea con-
your dessert, or get to club meet-

Bus Station
ing or write letters. "Hurry, Mae West, vice-president; Dot
hurry" is the freshmen's creed, Joiner, secretary, and Rose Ann
^Don't' f ceived by Franklin Mathews,
Chief Scout Librarian. Their
theme was "More Books In the
Tlie life of a rat is a hard one; Chaplin, treasurer. ^ ' t a k e stiff courses if you want to Home."
but we do love it!
Buy Your make Phi Bete without studying The sponsors of BodW Week
have attempted to encourage
Special Values Ladies'
reading as a form of pleasure and
T I C K E T Fine Shoe Repairing inspiration as well.
••• Silii Stockings
To Go Home From Us
iPhone 269 - Free Delivery Rayon Top and Heel. ^D".
V^^j^^v JLiu beautify your fingernails
^ w i t h that wonderful
Book Week iia placed in No-
vember because new tiles from
tall publishing season are avail-
Super Shoe Service Full Fashioned Free ticket today to Miss Lucy Browning able. More books are sold in No-
79c to $1.00
long-lasting, gem-hard vember and December than at No Cramming Necessary!
If you want the Best, Shop at Dura-Gloss Thursday and Friday
any other time of the year.

DO NOT MISS! For swell flavor and

E. E. Bell's HE'S CRAZY LIKE A # ^ F O X . . . I H £ WOlFf Rose's 17th A n n u a l
The Twilight Hour real chewing fun-the
This COUPON Good for
D IRA-GLOSS Peanut Sale
Guess number of t*oimds and
Win Prisfe
answer is delicious
$1.00 tin a Permaaent.
CJulver &, Kidd Drug Company
Every Night ~ 8 Until 10
Phone 7581 Nail Polisli ia> T''
1st Prize $1.50
'- •. •!
Wrigley's Spearmint Gum
Unusual Specials aind Surprises
Mildred Wright's
Beauty Shop
M Ml Coimolit Coulin ""'" s 2nd Prize
Guess given with each 10c Ibag.
75c -A*
I >r>'. I, *.* 1

LORR UBOHATORIES • Pilinoi, H. J. Free ticket today % Miss Dorife Phillips NOVEMBER 1st to 8th
# ^

!>liww wniwvM*ww'm<ui a w wwwittni<w'ii«tnV<"*i»t i m *MHI >''

^^^ «u..i.i.m"< ,i,i»>imi.'.*tiWi''it3.';''jiw.;.ri'v;t>^ij;.'' •::-A V

THE COLONNADE Saturday, November 1> 1941

?age Six
dealers are able to show a profit ent political interference in t M HsUed. O^totoer 28.
Art Week- at the end ofi the year. education of Georgia's future cit., ^^^ editorial policy of THE
(Continued from page D 1) The meaning of the arts to the izens. This fight ia not only of >J,J^Q-J^Y WHEOEIL, the campus
Such a week not only provides American people today was clear- prime-importance to the snivel- ^^^^^^^^^^, ^^ ^mory university,
the artist craftsmen, and d-esign- ^^ expressedtoy'President Roose- sity System but also to all tne ^^^^^^^ .^ ^^^^ October 23 issue,"
er a market for his works, but ^^^ ^t the dedication ofi the Na- Junior colleges and seconaaiy ^^^^^ .^ Georgia, college men and
also allows art to makte her de- ^^^^^^ Gallery of Art on March schools in Georgia," sta ed a, ^^^^^^ ^^,^ ^.^.^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^
but in many homes, schools, i^^ i94i_ The President said in'dent council bulletin published at ^^^.^^^^^^ .^ ^ l^-gl^^ fo, educa-
churches, business oflficea and p^j,).. « A few generations ago, Georgia Tech. ^.^^^^ freedom, justice, and tol-
ciubs. the people of this country were "Ra,isin' Hell" in general and oration. Emory men have joined
Particular emphasis this year ^.^ught by their writers and by ..j^g coHege"! stuff is one methoS' students of the , University of
will be placed on securing works ^j^^j^. critics and by their teach- ^^ expression, but when a, situa- Georgia in protest against, a sys-
of art as gifts, from communities ^^.^ ^^ believe that art was some- ^^^^^ ^,g, gerious as the present one tem which subjects, the educa-
or individuals for camps, can- tj^ij.^ foreign to America and to ^^..^^g^ ^j^g students of Georgia tional institutions of the state to Mlllea|evilie ^
tonmehts, v.^roaHnn
recreation centers, •tiiemselvies^something jitinportied ^jj^ ^^^ accordingly. The main petty, bigoted, political control." Bottling U).
service clubs, military andd naval '^^,^^^ another continent and from object of the student action is to -
hospitals and other centers pro an ^^ age
^^^ which
,>xwv.ii was
..^o .not theirs — divorce the University System
vided for our defense forces and go^^ething they had no part in, ^^^^^^ politics and give the ac-
Jusit received — The InkogTaph, pencil point-d fount-
Sale Exhibitions to provide an save ^^^^ to
^^ go to^^ see
gee uit in a guarded ^j-editing agencies assurance that ain pejn, fits any hand, price only $1-00 at
income to the artists and crafts- ^,^^^^^ oj^ holidays or Sundays. ^^^.^ f^^cas will not die down un-
men. The people dC this country know til the stated goal is reached," Wbotten's Book Store
,- , thnf the now . . . that art is not a treasure continued the Tech bulletin pub-
There is no ^^'.f'^'^^' "^ of the present life of all the Hv-
fioundation ,for wide public ^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ p^^,,
terest in the -'^^ f ^ f ^^ J^'. of tht present life of all the liv-
in recent years by the govein _ ^^^^ ^^^^^^.^^^ peoples-all who fstar of stage, screen and radio) visits
nient art programs, and by mu ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^.^^_ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ •"""^
many training camps in her job as
seums, art organizations, aitists _ ^^^^^^^ Chairman of the Entertainment Com-
dealers, and others i^^ - e s ^ d n i^ J j ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^. mittee of the Home Legion. A carton
of Chesterfields is a might/ welcome
American creative . - ; - - • J j ,,33ent wide country." gift for the men in camp.
in spite of this rapid development
very few of our artists, crafts The nation-Avid'3 program of
men,, and designers are able to ^j.^^yegj, .^iH ^ongig^ ^^ local
support themselves by the sale ^^^^^ Exhibitions and demonstra-
of their works, and in spite of ^.^^^^ ^^ .^^ organized, and con-
the recent upward trend in tl'.e ^^^^^^^^ ^^.^^^ ^.^^^ cooperation of
-American art market very few ^j^ individuals, groups, organiza-
tions, and agencies, public and
private, interested' in the arts,
Odorless Cleaning: Remember, it's "American Art
for American Homes." Keep this
One Day Service slogan in mind, especially during
One Dress Cleaned Free to
Art Week—November 17-23.
Carolyn Edwards
Good For 6 Days Only
GSC Students—
(Continued Froiu Page 1) % •

Co-Ed Theatre lished by the students of GSWC

at Valdosta, stated Saturday that
A Martin Theatre their college was "'disturbed over
Milledgeville, Ga. the perilous situation." "We
stand ready to do our part," an-
Monday and Tuesday
nounced the paper.
November 3 and 4
Georgia Tech
"Down Argentine "By a planned program and
Way" planned demonstrations the Stu-
With dent iCouncil feels that campus
Don Aineclie and Betty feeling can be more effectively
Grable utilized in the direction olf per-
Carmen Miranda manent correction oft the pres-
Also News and Cartoon "Good ^ Fo/lov/ ffie /eacf of Adrienne Ames and send
Old Iilsh Times" N e W under-arm f the men in the camps the cigarette that's
Wednesday, November 5 Cream Deodorant
"Mr.anAMrs.Sinih" safely
Carole Lombard and Robert
Stops Perspiration
Everything about Chesterfield
Gene Raymond is made for your pleasure and conve-
Also News and Musical nience ... from their fine, rightly blended
"Mississippi Swin""
tobaccos to their easy-to-open cello-
Thursday and Friday
phane jacket that keeps Chesterfield
November 6 and 7
Bctte Davis always Fresher and Cooler-Smoking.
1. Does not rot dresses or men's
"TheLeter" . shirts. Does not irritate skin. Buy a pack and try them.
With 2. No waiting'to dry." Can be
Herbert MarsIuU and James
used right after shaving. You're sure to like ihem because the
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Stephenson for 1 to 3 days. Removes odor hig thing that's pushing Chesterfield
Also Cartoon & Science So. 5 from perspiration.
4. A pure, white, greaseiess, ahead all over the country is the
Saturday, November 8 stainless vanishing cream.
5. Arrid has beeri awarded the approval of smokers like yourself.
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With being harmless to fabrics.
George Montgomery Arrid is tha LARGEST SELLING £V£RYWHERE VOa GO
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Lynne Roberts, Eve Arden
Also cartoon "Home Guard"
and Chapter 1 of "King of the A R K I If
At aU etoroB BoUlng totlot goodi
"Royal Mounties'' 39^ ajar (alao in 10|! and 59|i jura)

In The Dark of The Get It At
Record of the Week Moon (Charlie Spivak) HALL MUSIC CO.
• •

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