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Neurosurg Focus 16 (6):e4, 2004, Click here to return to Table of Contents

Conus medullaris and cauda equina syndrome

as a result of traumatic injuries: management principles

Department of Neurosurgery, and Department of Orthopaedics, Jefferson Medical College,
Rothman Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Conus medullaris syndrome (CMS) and cauda equina syndrome (CES) are complex neurological disorders that can
be manifested through a variety of symptoms. Patients may present with back pain, unilateral or bilateral leg pain,
paresthesias and weakness, perineum or saddle anesthesia, and rectal and/or urinary incontinence or dysfunction.
Although patients typically present with acute disc herniations, traumatic injuries at the thoracolumbar junction at the
terminal portion of the spinal cord and cauda equina are also common. Unfortunately, a precise understanding of the
pathophysiology and optimal treatments, including the best timing of surgery, has yet to be elucidated for either trau-
matic CES or CMS. In this paper the authors review the current literature on traumatic conus medullaris and cauda
equina injuries and available treatment options.

KEY WORDS • cauda equina syndrome • conus medullaris syndrome • trauma

Conus medullaris syndrome and CES are complex neu- ever, that the location of the terminal end of the spinal
rological disorders manifesting a myriad of symptoms cord, or the conus medullaris, varies as the infant devel-
such as back pain, unilateral or bilateral leg pain, pares- ops.29 During infancy the spinal cord terminates between
thesias and weakness, perineum or saddle anesthesia, and the first and third lumbar vertebrae, whereas in adults it is
rectal and/or urinary incontinence or dysfunction. Patients positioned between the 12th thoracic and the second lum-
with CES typically present with symptoms of lumbosacral bar vertebrae. In a detailed anatomical review of the conus
radiculopathies, whereas those with CMS present with medullaris in the adult human, Malas and colleagues29
symptoms consistent with spinal cord compression and found that the conus had a variable location between T-12
dysfunction. Both syndromes may occur following trau- and L-2.
matic injury to the thoracolumbar junction or the lum- The thoracolumbar region is where the rigid thoracic
bosacral regions. kyphosis transitions into the mobile lumbar lordosis and is
In a report on intervertebral disc herniation, Mixter and therefore susceptible to traumatic injuries.35 This transi-
Barr33 initially described the relationship between CES tion generally occurs at T11–12, although in elderly pa-
and lumbosacral nerve compression as a result of disc her- tients with osteopenia the transition point generally
niation. Although CES is clearly related to the presence of migrates caudally due to the increased degree of thoracic
an acute large lumbosacral disc herniation, its relationship kyphosis in this population.4,14,39 In the vicinity of the tho-
to acute traumatic injury to the thoracolumbar junction is racolumbar junction in an adult, the spinal cord terminates
less clearly defined. Many authors2,3,14,17,18,22,27,34,36,40,41 have as the conus medullaris. Anatomically, this is a dilation of
defined variable treatment algorithms for the management the distal portion of the spinal cord and is the site of tran-
of CES caused by acute herniation of the nucleus pul- sition from the central to peripheral nervous system (cau-
posus. Nonetheless, a precise understanding of the patho- da equina). This is a very important distinction given the
physiology and optimal treatments, including the timing implications for recovery following injury. Patients with
of the latter, has yet to be elucidated for either traumatic an injury above the conus medullaris typically present
CES or CMS. with symptoms consistent with spinal cord injury, where-
as those with injuries below this level may present with
ANATOMY, DISEASE, AND IMAGING symptoms consistent with lumbosacral radiculopathies.
Anatomical Considerations
Lesions affecting the transition between the two regions
can cause symptoms consistent with both upper and lower
In neonates, the spinal cord terminates at the end of the motor neuron dysfunction.
vertebral column or the lumbosacral junction. Note, how-
Natural History of Injury to the Conus Medullaris or
Cauda Equina
Abbreviations used in this paper: CES = cauda equina syndrome;
CMS = conus medullaris syndrome; CT = computerized tomogra- Neurological recovery from injury to the conus med-
phy; MR = magnetic resonance. ullaris or cauda equina is variable and unpredictable and

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J. S. Harrop, et al.

may be influenced by many unrelated factors such as

patient age, vascular supply to the region, energy transfer
to neural elements, pharmacological means to modify the
secondary cascade of injury, and timing of neural decom-
pression. Traumatic lesions of the cauda equina, which
cause sudden, acute neurological deterioration as opposed
to the gradual onset of lower motor neuron dysfunction in
chronic CES, generally have a poorer prognosis.27
Patient Assessment
In a minority of patients with a clinically unstable trau-
ma, fractures are not identified immediately during the re-
suscitative period. It has been reported that between 5 and
15% of patients with multisystem trauma often have an
occult fracture that is not diagnosed during their initial
evaluation.9,15,23,28 This is particularly pertinent in the con-
text of an unrecognized cauda equina or conus medullaris
injury given the potential for a more optimal return of neu-
rological function through directed nonsurgical or surgical
intervention.1,27 Additionally, symptoms of CES or CMS
may be extremely subtle and therefore a heightened de-
gree of suspicion is necessary when encountering trau-
matic lesions of the thoracolumbar junction so as not to Fig. 1. Lateral (left) and anteroposterior (right) plain radio-
miss an accurate diagnosis. At times, results of the neuro- graphs of the thoracolumbar spine obtained following an L-1 flex-
ion compression injury.
logical examination may only reveal the presence of mild
unilateral perineal anesthesia or urinary retention, findings
often missed on routine placement of indwelling catheters
during the posttrauma resuscitation portion of a patient’s process due to the confined imaging space, and patients
workup. If an unstable fracture is not appropriately immo- with specific ferromagnetic implants cannot undergo MR
bilized, effects due to repeated trauma to the neural ele- imaging because of the risk of severe soft-tissue injury
ments may lead to further injury resulting in progressive due to foreign body migration. Findings on MR imaging
loss of motor and bowel/bladder function. have been correlated with neurological recovery follow-
ing trauma; that is, the presence of hemorrhage within the
Spinal Imaging spinal cord parenchyma is associated with minimal neuro-
logical recovery.37
Plain radiographs of the entire spinal axis provide the Note that MR imaging studies are especially useful in
medical team with an immediate understanding of spinal
alignment and the presence of any obvious traumatic dis-
ruption of the osteoligamentous anatomy of the vertebral
column (Fig. 1). Results positive for trauma on radiogra-
phy and neurological examination lead to a more focused
investigation by using advanced imaging modalities.
Computerized tomography scanning provides optimal as-
sessment of bone anatomy and the degree of canal occlu-
sion due to retropulsed bone fragments in the setting of a
burst fracture (Fig. 2).12,13 Nonetheless, CT scanning has a
limited capacity for visualizing the precise size of a trau-
matic disc herniation, the presence of epidural or subdu-
ral hematomas, the nature and degree of ligamentous dis-
ruption, or the changes in spinal cord parenchyma.16
Magnetic resonance imaging has further improved our
ability to visualize and comprehend the degree of soft-tis-
sue ligamentous injury, intravertebral disc disruption and
herniation, spinal cord parenchymal edema, and hemor-
rhage or disruption following spinal injury (Figs. 3 and 4).
Magnetic resonance imaging is a noninvasive, nonioniz-
ing modality that allows improved visualization of the
spinal cord parenchyma and adjacent soft-tissue struc-
tures.25 Unfortunately, this method is not without its draw-
backs: it may not always be available in all institutions at Fig. 2. Sagittal reconstructed (left) and axial (right) CT scans of
all times, it requires more time to obtain a full complement the thoracolumbar spine demonstrating an L-4 burst fracture with
of images compared with the time taken using other imag- retropulsion of bone into the spinal canal (arrows) and compres-
ing modalities, some patients are uncomfortable with the sion of the distal lumbar and sacral nerve rootlets.

20 Neurosurg. Focus / Volume 16 / June, 2004

Treatment of spinal syndromes resulting from traumatic injury

the presence of an indwelling catheter. Accurate neural

visualization may help to clarify the pathophysiology in
this clinical situation.


The thoracolumbar junction is a spinal region vulnera-
ble to traumatic injury. Mechanisms may include blunt
trauma from motor vehicle collisions or penetrating in-
juries from gunshot or knife injuries. A majority of in-
juries occurring at this level are either compression or
burst fractures. The former type are usually not associated
with any neurological deficit given that there is no viola-
tion of the spinal canal due to spinal misalignment or
retropulsed bone fragments.
Burst fractures by definition involve compromise of the
spinal canal by the middle spinal column or spinal mis-
alignment (Fig. 4). These fractures are often managed
nonsurgically unless there is significant disruption of the
posterior osteoligamentous complex with kyphotic defor-
Fig. 3. Magnetic resonance image of the thoracolumbar spine mity or the presence of a neurological deficit in the setting
revealing an L-4 burst fracture with retropulsion of bone into the of significant thecal sac compression. Fractures at the
spinal canal (arrow) and compression of the distal lumbar and level of the conus medullaris and the cauda equina often
sacral nerve rootlets. are associated with incomplete neurological deficits due
to the space available to the spinal cord at these levels.
demonstrating the thoracolumbar junction due to the vari- Penetrating Injuries
able location of the conus medullaris at this level in the Very few studies have been conducted on the treatment
adult population.29 Patients with neurological dysfunction of penetrating traumatic injuries to the cauda equina and
referable to this region can be difficult precisely to classi- conus medullaris. In 1999 Flores, et al.,17 retrospectively
fy neurologically due to the possibility of injury to both evaluated the neurological outcomes in 45 patients who
the cauda equina and the conus medullaris; the presence of had incurred gunshot wounds to the spine. Sixty percent
lumbar spinal nerve root sparing and delayed reflex recov- of the patients presented with symptoms consistent with
ery, especially in the setting of drug-induced sedation; and CES. Following laminectomy, 53% of these patients dem-
onstrated improvement in their symptoms. Only a handful
of case reports have been published on the onset of CES
following stab wounds, the administration of epidural
anesthesia, and the spontaneous occurrence of epidural
and subdural hematomas from anticoagulation thera-
py.17,40,41 The unifying theme in all of these publications
has been the concept of timely diagnosis and surgical de-
compression in the context of obvious thecal sac com-
pression. Unfortunately, even with timely surgical inter-
vention in these scenarios, functional outcome has often
been unpredictable.
Blunt Trauma
Presently, there is significant controversy concerning
the appropriate treatment algorithm in patients who sus-
tain a traumatic injury to either the conus medullaris or
cauda equina following blunt trauma. The need for surg-
ery as well as its timing is often a conjectural matter with-
out the definitive support of Class I or II evidence-based
literature. No definitive treatment algorithm has been uni-
versally accepted for injuries to the conus medullaris or
cauda equina despite the number of retrospective reviews
on the subject matter. The goal of treatment in such sce-
narios is to attempt to maximize neurological recovery
Fig. 4. A T2-weighted MR image of the thoracolumbar spine while preventing further neurological decline and associ-
demonstrating an L-1 burst fracture with retropulsion of bone into ated pain syndromes.
the spinal canal (arrow) and compression of the spinal cord (conus Once an injury to the conus medullaris or cauda equina
medullaris). Note the increased signal representing cord edema. has been identified, early intervention is paramount. This

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J. S. Harrop, et al.

includes appropriate immobilization of the spinal column sions and correcting severe kyphotic deformities.6,7 Bohl-
and maintenance of physiological vital signs, especially man6 reported superior neurological outcomes following
blood pressure and oxygenation. Intravenous administra- an anterior as opposed to a posterior decompressive pro-
tion of methylprednisolone has been advocated by re- cedure in patients with an incomplete thoracic spinal cord
searchers in the National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study injury. The major limitation of an anterior exposure is the
II and III studies in adult patients within 8 hours of spinal potential surgical violation of the pleural and/or peritoneal
cord injury. The effectiveness of this pharmacological reg- cavities. McCormick30 reported the effective use of an an-
imen has not been uniformly accepted, however.21 The terior extrapleural technique in exposing the thoracic and
efficacy of steroid agents in modifying the secondary cas- thoracolumbar spine and avoiding violation of the pleural
cade of injury to the peripheral nervous system, specifi- cavity.
cally in CES, has yet to be proven. Gok, et al.,20 examined Posterior decompression through a laminectomy fol-
the efficacy of methylprednisolone in acute experimental lowing thoracic and thoracolumbar injuries has been
cauda equina injury in a rabbit model. They concluded shown to be ineffective and should not be performed as an
that both neurophysiological and histopathological study isolated treatment strategy.6,34 Surgical removal of the pos-
results demonstrated the neuroprotective effectiveness of terior osteoligamentous complex without a concomitant
methylprednisolone if the agent was administered within fusion may allow for temporary neurological recovery.
8 hours of trauma. Nonetheless, the vertebral column will be unable to main-
Following hemodynamic stabilization, immobilization, tain its alignment with the loss of its dorsal tension band,
and the decision to administer selected pharmacological and instability together with the potential for loss of spinal
agents, the treating physician must decide whether surgi- alignment may ensue. The immediate result of removing
cal intervention is necessary given the degree of fracture the dorsal osseous components is migration of the spinal
stability. An unstable lesion is fraught with the potential cord posteriorly if the spine has a lordotic alignment.
for progressive deformity and pain that may worsen the Note, however, that normal spinal alignment at the thora-
presenting neurological status in the patient. Surgical in- columbar junction is neutral to slightly kyphotic, which
tervention is accepted in the setting of significant defor- does not allow for optimal thecal sac migration from an-
mity, that is, kyphosis, or in the presence of a progressive teriorly located retropulsed bone fragments. This may re-
neurological deficit in the setting of a spinal deformity or sult in further neurological compromise due to tethering of
static neurological compression. the neural elements (bowstring effect) over anterior bone
A neurological deficit is present in approximately 4 to elements.
42% of patients with thoracolumbar junction fractures.18 Advantages of the posterior approach lie in the fact that
Many researchers believe that neurological damage pri- it provides excellent visualization and access to the dorsal
marily occurs at the moment of maximal canal occlusion, thecal sac. These are useful in managing certain fracture
that is, at the time of injury, and that in the setting of a types because the reported incidence of thecal sac lacera-
complete spinal cord lesion, regardless of the degree of tions together with possible nerve root incarceration after
residual canal occlusion, surgical decompression rarely, if traumatic thoracic and thoracolumbar burst fractures is
ever, enhances neurological recovery.5 In the event of an between 7 and 16%.26,38 An anterior approach will not
incomplete neurological injury with persistent thecal com- provide access to an entrapped lumbar nerve root in this
pression, many investigators advocate timely surgical de- clinical situation.31 The presence of a central split in the
compression to maximize the potential for neurological spinous process or greenstick fracture of the lamina on
recovery of a conus medullaris or cauda equina injury.10 preoperative transaxial CT studies may be an indicator of
Boerger and colleagues5 performed a metaanalysis of the a dural laceration, depending on its size and neural dis-
world’s literature in 2000 to evaluate the effectiveness of placement during force impact.32
surgical decompression in the context of a neurological The value of timely surgical intervention in a patient
deficit associated with a thoracolumbar burst fracture. with conus medullaris or cauda equina injury following
They found that patients with an incomplete neurological trauma is unclear at this time. Acute surgical intervention
deficit who had undergone surgical decompression and in the first 24 to 48 hours after injury, especially by using
stabilization experienced a better neurological recovery an anterior approach, is often associated with excessive
compared with that in patients who had undergone non- surgical bleeding, which has motivated many personnel to
surgical treatment.5,7,8,24 Surgical intervention also de- delay surgical intervention for at least 2 to 3 days follow-
creased pain, reduced periods of postural reduction or ing injury. The attempt to maximize neurological recovery
bedrest, and improved sagittal alignment to a greater de- through immediate surgical decompression and stabiliza-
gree than nonsurgical intervention.19 At present, surgical tion has not resulted in clinically improved neurological
decompression in patients with a complete neurological outcomes compared with outcome following delayed sur-
injury has not demonstrated any real benefit in terms gical intervention or nonsurgical treatment. In degener-
of overall neurological improvement.6 Surgery in this ative disease, surgical intervention within 48 hours of
context is intended to maximize rehabilitation potential, symptoms of cauda equina dysfunction has been shown to
shorten in-hospital and rehabilitation time, improve spinal improve sensory, motor, urinary, and rectal abnormalities
stability, and prevent future spinal deformity. significantly compared with intervention after more than
An anterior or posterolateral extracavitary approach 48 hours.3 Lesions involving the conus medullaris have a
may allow for the effective decompression of neural ele- less predictable response to immediate surgical interven-
ments in spinal cord compression. The anterior approach tion.11 Patients with unilateral saddle dysethesias in the
is particularly useful in decompressing midline ventral le- setting of CES have a better prognosis for return of blad-

22 Neurosurg. Focus / Volume 16 / June, 2004

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