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Presented to:
Ms. Ericka Villanueva

Submitted by:
Christian D. Alegria
Minard F. Bautista
I. Introduction:

Wildlife conservation is the regulation of wild

animals and plants in such a way as to provide for their
continuance. Efforts are aimed at preventing the depletion of
present populations and ensuring the continued existence of the
habitats targeted species need to survive techniques involve
establishment of sanctuaries and controls on hunting use of land
importation of exotic species pollution and use of pesticides.

A simpler definition of wildlife conservation is the

management of species through sustainable practices to ensure
future generation can enjoy it as well. Conservation is not be
confused with preservation. Preservation is the idea that humans
should leave wildlife alone sanctuaries should be created and
humans should have on contract with the animals conservation
uses direct involvement from humans through habitat restorations
refuges hunting and photo safaris right now is the field of
II. Major Dangers to wildlife

 Climate change
 Global warning
 Habitat loss due to destruction
 Fragmentation and degradation

III. Wildlife conservation as a government involvement

Wildlife conservation is the practice of protecting.

Wild plant and animal’s species and their habitat.

Many nations have government agencies and NGO’s dedicated

to wildlife conservation which helps to implement policies
designed to protect wildlife.

 Animal species
 Many nation have government agencies
 NGO’s dedicated

IV. Non-government involvement

NGO’s are now playing an important role in farming the

environmental policy conservation with is focus on protecting
particular species of wildlife fauna.
V. Conclusion

Our intention when planning this book was explore the

diverse ways the reproductive science is inextricably tied to
many aspects of biodiversity conservation being affected by
globally important environment changes mostly caused through
anthropogenic influences others were more focused in both wild
and captive animals. We also wanted to review advances in
technological measures that are being actively developed to
support the breeding and management of wildlife.

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