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Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Chapter 11: The Breadwinner/D4 Grade: 6 Date: November 28th 2017
Subject/Strand: Language Unit: Reading Location: Room 148 Times: 9:10 - 10:30(80 mins)

Lesson Plan Description (What are you teaching? How does it fit into the context of the unit? What are the big
ideas/essential/enduring understandings?)

Today I will be reading aloud to students chapter 11, of The Breadwinner. Students will continue
their chapter grids and character charts to help demonstrate their understanding of the novel. Students
will also rotate through their daily four centers practicing a variety of reading/writing comprehension
activities. The big idea is for students to get used to reading texts unfamiliar with to them. This enduring
understanding will help students beyond the classroom by giving them the tools to comprehend texts
written in unfamiliar contexts.


Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations (numbers from documents and details)

1. read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of literary, graphic, and informational texts,
using a range of strategies to construct meaning;
(pg. 111)

Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations and Achievement Chart Categories

(Numbers from documents and details) selected & listed from the Ont. Curriculum, (refined when necessary): realistic number of
expectations (1 or 2), connect to assessment. Indicate category in brackets beside specific expectation :Knowledge and
Understanding( K ) Thinking (T); Communication (C); Application(A)

1.8 make judgements and draw conclusions about ideas in texts and cite stated or implied evidence
from the text to support their views (T)
(pg. 112)

Learning Goals Discuss with students: What will I be learning today? (Clearly identify what students are expected to
know and be able to do, in language that students can readily understand.)

Today I will be learning to use evidence from the text to draw conclusions

Purpose of the lesson (indicate purpose for this lesson/assessment) [ ] FOR [ X ] AS [ ]

Success Criteria Discuss with students: How will I know I have learned what I need to learn? (Clearly identify the
criteria to assess student’s learning: evidence of learning students will provide to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and
thinking, in language that students can readily understand). Indicate the Achievement Chart criteria.

I can: Summarize events in the story (K)

I can: Provide at least one example from the story to support my thinking (A)
I can: Predict what may happen based on examples from the text (T)

Assessment Mode- Assessment Strategy and Task for Students- Assessment Tool -
Written, Oral, What are the students doing to show their Instrument used to
Performance (Write, learning? assess; Record
Say, Do) Keeping format
Students are completing chapter grid while Tracking sheet
Written / Say. teacher reads the chapter. They are then sharing (checkbric). Used to
their answers with the class to fill in the class assess if the student was
anchor chapter grid. able to make a
connection, and
Students are also involved in various written communicate it
activities during the daily four centers. appropriately. As well as
anecdotal notes during
daily four centers


Prior Learning: Prior to this lesson, students will have

Completed the previous 10 chapter grids, answered the other chapter questions, and have started a
character list and vocabulary list. They also have been doing daily four centers all year and know the
expectations for a daily four session.

I.E.P. program implications: Accommodations, Modifications

accommodated by:
-additional time for processing
-quiet space
-assistive technology (Google Read and Write for Chrome)
- additional time for task completion
-check-ins for understanding
-time management aids
Differentiation: Content, Process, Product, Environment, Assessment
Content: students will have the choice of what words they will copy down into their writers
workbooks, the words will be ones that they do not know, some students may have more words
written down then others.
Process: Assistive technology such as ipads/chromebooks will be available to answer worksheets
and make notes during reading

Learning Skills/Work Habits: [ ] responsibility, [ ] organization, [ X ] independent work, [ X ] collaboration, [ ] initiative, [

X ] self-regulation
Self regulation: Students in this class struggle with raising their hand and not blurting out answers
during language, we have had conversations about self regulation. They have set their own goals and
monitor their progress with how many rocks they have at the end of the week.
Independent Work: uses class time appropriately to complete work (independent work during the novel
study portion)
Collaboration: During some of the daily four centers/accepts various roles and an equitable share of work in a

Vocabulary: (for word wall addition or reference and/or to develop schema for this lesson. To be addressed in lesson)
Tohsak, burqa, gravedigger - these words will be posted on the board on the word wall chart, these
words will also be added into the students novel study folder.

Resources and Materials /Technology Integration: List ALL items necessary for delivery of the lesson. Include
any attachments of student worksheets used and teacher support material that will support communication of instruction. Include
the use of Information Technology (ICT) in your lesson plan where appropriate.

Students Writer’s Notebooks

Language Curriculum
Buzz rocks
The Breadwinner (Chapter 11 )
Learning goals and success criteria chart
Guide to effective literacy instruction: Grades 4 - 6 Modelled reading: pg. 41,44,81
Guided reading: 121-123
Daily four center sheets
Daily four cue cards for groups to know where they are supposed to be

Anchor charts for chapter grid, and vocabulary list

Three Part Lesson Identify what the students are expected to think about or

What Teachers Do: Write the What Students do: Identify what the students are expected
lesson description with enough to think about or do (in terms of learning processes).
detail that another teacher could
replicate the lesson without a
personal discussion. Prompts and
guiding questions are required in
each section.
Minds on: Motivational Hook/engagement /Introduction (5-15 min)

Establish a positive learning environment, connect to prior learning, set the context for learning, pre-determine key questions to
guide lesson.

Time: 10 (Indicate time breakdown of

instructional elements)

“Good morning class, I’m looking

- Students come in write down agenda notices and
for a group who has their agendas
begin silently reading
ready to be signed and is silently

-Give point to group doing this

After agendas are all signed, give a

buzz rock to one person in each
group. The buzz question will be on
- When students are ready hand them buzz rocks and
the board as follows:
state the buzz question

Buzz Question: Is what Parvana and

Shauzia doing worth the money?
How would you feel? How do you
- If volume gets too loud remind them of “buzz
think Parvana’s mother feels?

This question will refresh the last

chapter of The Breadwinner in the
students minds.

Class Management: bum bum bum

bum bum
Have a brief discussion of what the
students came up with.

“Our learning goal for language today

is today I will be learning to use
evidence from the text to draw
We will know we have done this if we
can summarize events in the story,
provide at least one example from the
story to support our thinking and
- Get thumbs up from students to show they understand
predict what may happen based on
LG and SC.
examples from the text”

Make sure students have their green

duotangs out and ready to go before
beginning to read.
Action: During /Working on it (time given for each component, suggested 15-40 min)

Focus is on student interactions with task/peers/teacher. Identify students/groups receiving teacher direction.

Time: 60 (Indicate time breakdown of

instructional elements)
30 Minutes of Breadwinner
Begin reading Chapter 11 of The
Breadwinner to the students.

While reading the chapter point out

vivid images or experiences Parvana

Stop the text when new word or

character is introduced.
- Nooria is supporting Parvana because she realizes
how badly they need money
- Why do we think Nooria is
- Students are shocked at this, it shows the taliban are
supporting Parvana?
more violent than just hitting people
- Parvana may be worried its her father or if they find out
- Stop this chapter when hands
she is a girl they may do that to her
are cut off in market by
- Discuss the importance of
this and why the author might
have included it in her story

Have students complete the chapter

grid, end of the chapter questions and
- Have students fill in charts as reading, have students
vocabulary sheets.
guess the meaning of the words in the story that are
Take up the chapter grid, and chapter
questions with students

“Okay class we are now going to

move into our daily four activities
please look at the board to see where
your group should be”

30 Minutes of Daily Four:

- Have students move quietly to their activities
1) Read to Self: students at this
station will read their own
novel independently to
- Class management = taking away blurt rocks
- Take away bubble time
2) Editing Fun: Students will be
given some paragraphs that
have mistakes throughout
(punctuation, capitalization,
content, spelling). They will
edit these sheets using the
CUPS method and colour
coordination for CUPS.
3) Working on Writing: students
will use the answer sandwich - First three stations independent, but at editing fun
model to construct a students may check their work with other students at
paragraph on “What is your that station
favourite sandwich”. Students
will be given the graphic
organizer to ensure they
have a topic, details, support,
and concluding sentence in
their paragraph.
4) Guided reading: Students will
sit with me on the back - Readers take turns and then work together to answer
horseshoe table, read the the worksheet that accompanies the passage
passage first independently
then take turns reading it
aloud. We will then work
together as a group to
answer the EQAO practice
questions that accompany
the passage on hearing aids.

Consolidation & Connection (Reflect and Connect) (5-15 min.)

Help students demonstrate what they have learned, provide opportunities for consolidation and reflection. Close the assessment
Time: 10 (Indicate time breakdown of
instructional elements)

Class Management: bum bum bum

bum bum

“Let’s reflect back on our learning

goal before we go for lunch. Did we
use evidence from the text to draw
conclusions. (in our answers, in our
- Students give thumbs up/down depending on how they
think they did
We will know we have done this if we
- Students are encouraged to share some of the
can summarize events in the story,
conclusions/ predictions they may have
provide at least one example from the
story to support our thinking and
predict what may happen based on
examples from the text”

“Good work everyone, you may go

and get your lunch after your desk is
clear ”

Extension Activities/Next Steps (where will this lesson lead to next)

This will lead to reading chapter 12 of the Breadwinner which will ultimately lead to a culminating task
on the Breadwinner. Groups will rotate through the daily four centers the next language period.

Personal Reflection - Choose at least one question from each area that best allows you reflect
on this lesson. Questions should vary over the week and specific plans.
Learner Empowerment
1. How did students
show understanding of
2. How did my lesson
transform students from
“passive listeners” to “active
3. Was my behavior
management technique
effective? Why?
4. Were students able to
transition to the next activity
5. How does the lesson
provide a meta-cognitive
opportunity for students to
address their own learning?

Instructional Strategy
1. Was my motivational
technique (hook) effective?
2. What will I do to
improve questions? Was a
balance between teacher and
student talk evident?
3. How did the task
provide a Rich Performance
opportunity or other way of
actively demonstrating
4. How did I provide
modeling, guided &/or
independent practice?
5. Was my behavior
management technique
effective? Why?
6. Were students able to
transition to the next activity
Professional Educator
1. What factors may
have influenced the success
of this lesson? Did I note and
respond to these elements
2. How might I improve
the effectiveness of my
teaching for my next lesson?
3. What additional
proactive management
step(s) should be considered
for subsequent lessons?
4. What did I learn from
this lesson about my own
effectiveness as a teacher
(strengths and areas for
future improvement of
communication, planning,
implementation and
classroom organization,
management, assessment)?
5. How is my growth as
a professional being

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