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by the natural disasters and over time doplis Mindori, near the junction of
earth and grass covered the site. Fi- the left bank of the Ptsiula River. On
nally, 200 years later a new dwelling the southern slope of the hill, over
was built on the remains of the Dedo- which the river flows, a layer of cultu-
plis Gora palace but the ruins of the ral significance has been exposed at
temples remained untouched until a depth of 14 meters. The settlement
the 20th century. About 80 hectares of remains in the lower layers of Dedo-
land around the temple complex were plis Gora date back to the Chalcolithic,
considered taboo – a forbidden place Early, Middle and Late Bronze Ages,
where it was prohibited to even make the Early Iron Age, and the Achaeme-
hay, sow or plough, much less esta- nid and Early Hellenistic periods. The
blish dwellings. subsequent higher layer includes the
In 1873 a Ruisi nobleman, Aleksandre ruins of an ancient palace and, in turn,
Paniashvili, built an aedicule to St. Ge- these ruins are covered by four hori-
orge of Sarke on a small hill in the mi- zons of Late Roman – Early Medieval
ddle of the forbidden territory – a stele cultural layers, the last of which dates
with a relief of St. George slaying a dra- to the 6th-7th centuries. No habitations
gon. I discovered this hill in 1971, over were found on this hill after the 7th
100 meters in diameter, which was un- century AD.
touched. There were offerings of coins, There are two more hills with settle-
and a carved fragment of yellowish li- ment remains to the east and north of
mestone around St. George’s stele. The Dedoplis Gora. They are not as high as
limestone fragment, with its shape and the latter, but have much larger, flat
ornament, in the form of a section view hilltops. The eastern hill has revealed
of a lotus flower, resembled the bell- only Late Bronze and Early Iron cultural
-shaped base of the Achaemenid (First layers, and the northern hill we excava-
Persion Empire) period, and the disco- ted houses of Early Iron and Late Bron-
very suddenly became an archaeologi- ze periods in 1979-1981, as well as pits
cal sensation. filled with materials of the early Bronze
In 1972 stationary excavations be- period (Kura-Araxes and Bedeni cultu-

A Roman Pantheon
gan at Dedoplis Mindori. Curiously res). North and east from the hill on
enough, a Mazdean altar was found the other terrace of the Mtkvari River
directly under the stele at a depth of (on Dedoplis Mindori), 13 burial sites
2-2.5 m. As a result of five fieldwork of the first part of the 3rd millennium BC

on a Zoroastrian Altar
expeditions, the archaeological re- were found, as well as 41 burial moun-
search expedition of Simon Janashia ds dating to the turn of the 2nd and 1st
State Museum of Georgia uncovered millennia BC, and one mound with a
a monumental temple complex. They chariot from the Late Bronze period
discovered a main and minor temples, (14th-13th centuries BC). There is a lar-
Archaeology > Iulon Gagoshidze six identical temples, eastern and wes- ge burial site spread across this part of
tern gates and other structures. This Dedoplis Mindori, called the “Doghlauri
In Shida Kartli, Georgia’s geographic center between the left tributaries of the Mtkvari River– East Prone and temple complex, built as a single pro- Burial Mound”. In 2012, 2013 and 2015,
West Prone, there is a wide valley called Dedoplis Mindori, or “Queen’s Hill”. In the Middle Ages this territory ject during the same period, covers we excavated 410 graves of the Early
was part of the royal estate of the Queen. territory of almost five hectares. In and Late Bronze Age at this burial site.
1976, we stopped excavations in the The Bronze Age settlement spread to
hope that one day it would be possi- the west from the hills, on a terrace, up

rchaeological excavations have was built in Dedoplis Mindori, while quake destroyed both temples and the ble to conserve the ruins of this mas- to where the East Prone River, with the
established that during Anti- one of their palaces was built south of three-story palace on Dedoplis Gora terpiece of ancient Georgian architec- West Prone, flows into Mtkvari River.
quity this territory was owned the temples on a high hill on the banks (“Queen’s Hill”). This was followed by ture. Research continued, however, At the mouth of East Prone River, on
by the kings of Kartli (“Iberia”), then by of the Mtkvari River. The palace would a great fire. King of Kartli, Mithridates, on Dedoplis Gora, where we hoped to its left bank, on Berikldeebi, there is
the end of the 2nd century BC, at the become a royal residence where the son of Pharsmanes, never restored the find the Royal Palace. a vast field of 50 mounds. We excava-
Kartli King Parnajom’s orders a family Kartli kings would go to pray. temples or the palace. The population Dedoplis Gora is a lofty hill 34 me- ted seven of them in 1979-1985. Two
chapel for Kartli’s Pharnavazid kings Around 80 AD, a powerful earth- also avoided the buildings destroyed ters high, at the southern end of De- dated to the Early Bronze Age (the


palace were sometimes even used as rounded by pylons (peristyle), western
walls for mud huts. (small) and northern gates and also 20
The settlement on Dedoplis Gora rooms 18 of which have doors leading
existed until the 6 th-7th centuries. Over to the gallery along the perimeter of
three centuries an extensive cultural the courtyard, separated from the
layer was created at a depth varying courtyard by pylons.
from 50 cm to 4 m. In the 4th-6th cen- Such a construction technique was
turies on a relatively lower place in the typical of Kartli in the Hellenistic pe-
middle of the hilltop, there was a ritual riod. The load-carrying structure is
site. Excavations here revealed altars wooden, while the lower part of the
in small rooms, with identical structu- walls and pylons is formed by a cage of
res to those found in the northern hill crisscrossed wooden beams filled up to
and Berikldeebi settlement remains a height of 1.5-2 m with large pebble
that date to the Bronze and Early Iron stones placed on mud-and-clay mor-
Age. tar. A mud brick wall was then built on
The discovery of pre-Christian altars the base prepared in such a manner.
in the layers of the Early Medieval pe- On the outside and sometimes on the
riod point to the continuity of religious inside as well, walls are plastered with
traditions from the Bronze Age until blocks of sandstone ashlar attached to
the Middle Ages. This is proof that no each other, and with reinforcing beams
ethnic changes occurred here during of the wall supported with wooden do-
this period and also indicates that an- wels shaped like arrowheads.
cient Georgian folk astral cults of ferti- In the eastern part of the palace, a
lity were preserved intact in Kartli des- fire altar with sacrificed items on it was
Bedeni culture) and four to the Mi- or was not very high: not only metal, placed, an unopened sack of wheat is pite the fact that the religion of Iberia’s discovered in the storeroom No 20. We
ddle Bronze Age. One of them, Num- stone, clay and glass artifacts but also dropped on the doorstep of one of the royal dynasty and, probably, of the ru- found small bronze and silver sculptures
ber 4, turned out to be from the early organic materials have survived, such rooms (No 1), a bronze amphora is in ling aristocracy since the Achaemenid representing the Greek and Roman pan-
Late Bronze Age (15 th century BC). In as wood and bone items, fruit stones, one corner of the room while its hand- period must have been some type of theon: Apollo-Phoebus, his twin sister
1979-1990, at the junction of Mtkvari nuts, grains and – consider this – even le was found on the sofa. Things were Mazdeism (Zoroastrianism). These in- Arthemis-Diana with a silver spear and
and Prone, excavations supervised by baked bread and textiles. This is why even dropped in the courtyard, inclu- cluded fire temples on Dedoplis Min- silver anklets, their mother, Leto-Latona
Acadamician Alexander Javakhishvili the artifacts found as a result of the De- ding gold jewelry and a Lysimachus dori and a family Zoroastrian place of (silver), Tyche-Fortuna, Silenus sitting
revealed a cultic settlement where the doplis Gora palace excavations are so stater. worship inside the palace on Dedoplis under a vine, as well as the figurines of
remains of Chalcolithic, Early Bronze numerous, diverse and, at times, unex- After the fire the palace was never res- Gora as well as the Iranian-Zoroastrian a bronze eagle, a dolphin and a large
(Kura-Araxes and Bedeni cultures) and pected. There is furniture, tableware, tored, as with the temples of Dedoplis theophoric names of Kartli kings and silver raven. The sculptures were placed
Late Bronze – Early Iron periods – buil- weapons, tools and equipment, food Mindori. It seems that some significant aristocracy. on bases. There was also a gold laurel
dings were discovered along with se- and other items. Such a diverse archa- changes occurred in Kartli Kingdom Finally, the Early Medieval altars dis- wreath, a silver thymiaterion (vessel for
veral burial mounds from the Chalcoli- eological discovery provides a unique in the late 1st century that apparently covered on Dedoplis Gora prove how burning incense) and 15 coins in a glass
thic and Middle Bronze Ages. opportunity to glimpse the everyday affected the royal religion and the ter- difficult and slow the spread of Chris- dish: 13 Augustus denarii and two local
Since I am not aware of any other set- life of a 1st-century Kartli nobleman, to ritorial organization of the country. It is tianity was in Kartli despite the fact (Georgian) gold copies of Alexander the
tlement of such a large scale anywhe- talk about the nature of his estate, his also possible that this catastrophic ear- that it had already been declared a sta- Great staters. Two pheasant eggs were
re else on the territory of Shida Kartli, income and expenditure records, the thquake, which destroyed not only the te religion as early as the first third of placed on the altar. This kind of almost
I believe that it was likely a central entertainment and level of education, palace but also the temples, was percei- the 3rd century. Among the numerous unbelievable coexistence of Mazdeism
settlement within a large region, at faith, domestic and external relations, ved as God’s wrath and the ruins were Early Medieval artifacts discovered and Greco-Roman culture could only be
least during the Bronze Age. The ruins clothes and weapons as well as nu- abandoned as a result. on Dedoplis Gora, there is no sign of possible in Georgia (Kartli Kingdom).
of a three-story palace and its tiled merous details of daily life that even One way or another, life on Dedo- Christianity at all except for a single Archaeological excavations at the
roof, which were turned into a unified, written sources would hardly be able plis Gora was extinguished with the seal from the 5th or 6th century that Dedoplis Gora palace shed light on
pumice-like mass by heat, securely to portray. In short, this site permits us fire and no one lived there for almost seems to have a cross and Georgian many aspects of our country’s past
conserved the rooms on the first floor, to conduct ethnographic research on 200 years. Only towards the end of the Asomtavruli alphabet letters engraved that had yet been unknown. Each new
and everything that survived the fire 1 st century Iberia. 3rd or the beginning of the 4th century on it. season of excavations has been full of
that resulted from the earthquake is The excavated site was a vivid illus- new dwellers began to settle on the In the course of excavations in 1985- surprises and the study of the Dedo-
there for us to find. Many things sur- tration of the anxiety and chaos that hill. The floors of the first houses often 2014, about one third of the palace plis Gora palace continues. Hopefully
vived the fire because the temperatu- preceded the moment of the final des- imitated the mudbrick daubed palace territory was cleared. These are: the this site will amaze us many times
re at the first-floor level near the flo- truction of the palace: items are mis- walls, while the remaining walls of the western part of the courtyard sur- more.


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