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23. No. 10
Georgia State College for Women. Milledgeville, Go.

Mdr/ a. 1949

Emory Professor GSCW Modern Dance Clubs Present

To Receive Herly Annual Recital Ttiursday Night
The GSCW Modern Dance
Award Saturday Next Year's Class
Clubs have completed
chcireographic work for the year

On May 7, Westover, the home and ace now doing the final
polishing of their original dances,
of Dr. arid Mrs. L. C. Lindsey,
will be the scene of a tea that
will mark the beginning of a
Attendance in preparation for their dance
recital on May 5..'
The music used this yerc is of
chain of events honoring Herty
Day. It has been estimated that Rules Announced several contemporary
composers such as
stein, Marius Milhaud and Dimi-
five hundred guests will be pre- Dean Donald MacMahon has tri Shostakoviph.
sent at the tea, which is to last annopriced the plans of the com- The costumes and accessories
from 3 o'clock until 4:30 o'clock mittee on class -attendance. The have been planed and designed
new ruling will go into effect at by the girls in the dances as
p.m. in the program.
the beginning of the fall quarter. the compositions were choreo-
Second will be a supper on the Students should attend regu- graphed. The color harnlonies
front campus of GSCW of which larly and on time all scheduled have been worked out to fit the
the student body, faculty, and classes and chapel programs. lidea or. emotion, expressed in
Attendance is counted irom the each dance. Several sets of cos-
Hecty Day guests-will attend. frst day of class meeting in the jtumes have been worked put
Following the lectures which quarter. Absences caused by to fit the idea or emotion ex-
will egin at Russell Auditorium illness are excused on certifica' pressed in each dance. Several,
at 7:30, there will be a presenta- tion fiom. tfie college physician. sets of costumes have been work-
tion • of the Herty Award. The Cej cain absences whch are due ed out to fit the idea or emotion
award will be presented this year to mitigating circumstances may expressed in each dance. Several
to Dr. Osborne R. Quayle, who be excused by executive order sets of costumes have been dyed
is the professor of chemistry at from the Dean of Instruction or with the same type of anilii5,e
Emory Univeirsity. , Dean of Women. Requests for •dyes used by the Auburn Play-
excuses must be filed within one PTS in their stage sets in the Mol-.
' Immediately following the lec- week after student returns to lere play presented here last fall.
tures and presentationis of awards classes. These dyes are just beconaing
there will be a dance on the tennis t o enable students to budget available again after the war
courts for the entire student body their time more effectively and which is quite an experience for
which will last until 12 o'clock. take advantage of off-campus in- the girls of the club to work
Relteshments will be, sevred by terests of an educational nature, with.
members of the cheriiistry club. some freedom is permitted in the Mr. John Gore is in charge of
The dance will bring the 1949 matter of class attendance. The the lighting effects. It is expected
Herty Day to its close. absences which may be taken that the new spot lights ordered
FHANCES LAWSpN in a preview cf what tyou wiU see without penalty vary with the by the Drama Department will
Officers of the Chemistry Club maturity of the student. The arrive in time for this program.
are Evelyn Simpson, president; ai Russell Auditorium Thursday night. following is proposed as the scale Plans are underway to achieve
Macy Ham, vice president; Elea- of absences permitted without unusual lighting effects.
nor Groves, secretary; Sara Sue
Warisley, corresponding secretary,
Robersoxi Elected Wesley Group penalty: Members of the seriior club
a. A freshman may be per- are: Bettie Bonnell, Sandersville;
and Ann Peterson, treasurer. State GHEA Sec niitted two unexcused ab- Delma Carr, Milledgeville; Bettie
Lois Roberson, and CoUette
Lane, the p r e s i d e n t s of Enjoys Varied sences in each course of
which she is registered dur-
Continued on Page Four)

the two Home Economics Clubs ing any quatrer.

Dr. Smith GiYes attended the Georgia Home Eco-
nomics Association at the Heni'y Program Here b A sophomore may be
permitted three unexused
Cliapel Programs
Grady Hotel in Atlanta on April apsences in each course for Friday,.May 6—President Geo.
Dr. Roy L. Smith, Chicago pub-
Exam Sciieduie 29-30.
lishing house executive for the
Mesdames Gilbert, Smith and Methodist Church, was the speak-
which she is registered dur-
ing any quarter. •
P. Donaldson, Abraham Baldwin
Agricultural College.
JUNE 6-9 King of the Home Economics er at the annual Wesley Foun- c. A junior may be per- Monday, May 9—Music De-
staff accompanied the girls. dation program here on April 30 mitted four unexcused ab- partment tentative)
Monday- Lois Roberson was elected sec- and May 1. Dr. Smith. spoke sences in each course for
JEor which she is registered Friday, • May 13-r-Dr; Charles
retary of the State GHEA. at the banquet Saturday night Milton Newcomb, humorist
8:30-10:30— during any quarter.
English 102 , On Wednesday, May 4, the in the recreation center of the d. Seniors.are granted per- Monday, May 16—A Capella'
English 206 clubs will install the newly Methodist Church, and also spoke Choir skit from "Naughty. Mkri-
elected officers for . t h e |,at the services there on Sunday. mission to formulate a Sen-
• English 206 ior Code. Under this plan etta"
11:00-1:00— coming year, and they are'for the Dr. tmith was formerly the
Undeccliissmen Home Economics editor of the Christian Advocate, clasjs, attendance; is a student Friday, May 20—Rabbi Joseph
First period classes Club: President, Betty .Stubbs, but has been since -September responsibility. Seniors not I. Weiss
2:00-4:00— Macon,. Vicie-presideJnt;' -'^'AUicto ooo o' the two .publisheis in under Code will be granted Monday, May 23^IC . (tenta-
Second period classes Anne McKinley, Harlem; second charge ol the publishing mter- (Continued on Page .Three) tive)
Business Machines 303-304 vice-president, Ruby, Jack Hall, ests of the Methodist Churcn. He
Tuesday Lyons; secretary, Bernice Car- is a native of Nickerson, Kan-
Soc. Sci. . 104 ter, Nicholls, Ga.; and treasurer, sas, ii.C is nationally knowt: as
: Soc. Sci. 211 to be elected from the freshman a minister and lecturer. He was
11:00-1:00— class of next year. narr.ed in 1937 as "one of the sov-
Third period classes The Upperclassmen Home Eco- en most leprcsentative preachers
• Home Ec. 211 nomics officers are: Ann Wel- in Ame'ica.'
, 2:00-4:00— . don, Lavonia, president; Mar-
gscette Gregory, Chatsworth/first The annual progi'am opened
Fourth period classes on Friday night, April 29, with
Health 100 vice-president; CoUette . Lane,
Metter, second vice-president; an Oriental Concert at which
8:30-10:30— ' Mary Ann Jacobs, Buckbead, Miss Mary Bel-li Loh of Shang-
Math 100 treasurer; Sarah Bess Hay, Bu- hai, China; Miss Chinsook Kwon
ford, secretary. and Miss Chongil Chod of Seoul,
Chemistry 100 Korea, gave a musical program
11:00-1:00— of songs and dances.
•Biology 100
Art 104 .
T' Corner On Saturday night the annual
The YWCA sponsored a "sing-
2:00-4:00— spiration" on front campus Mon- banquet, was held, its theme be-
Fifth period classes day night at 6:15. • ing . "M;aytime Gaytime." The
Thursday Dr. Frances Hicks spoke at speaker was introduced by Rev.
8:30-10:30— the Bible Study breakfast Tues- W. W. Byington,' executive di-
Music 100 ' . day mot'nirig at the "Y" apart- rector of Wesley Foundation.
11:00-100— , ;- ment. ', •:/ .•.' ;',"••.••;:;,, „ :•.•: • The Sunday church service was
.Sixth period, classes, . C u r r e n t Affairs, ^vill be, Thurs- in charge p^,,;the .students, 'With
,;v:tM,Mltiple section classes m?iy day afternoon ai 5' b'clocfe. The .M,iss.,. Martha Lpij,.; Stewart •, .of THE OFJPICERS of the Clieitiiiitr,y Club, who ore sponsors
hold examination's in ^individual topic will 'be "What Part /Can' 'i ('
fsections at periods feighated, PofItiii!&J|iay In U. S." Sumner,,.,as,.^chairman. • l, « n «
it preferabll(S/i: ;• S! :;V,' -, i ;• , ,^.,. ji ,o«;;M2L
•—"•" Situation Pretty Drastic Jessies On The Prowl Again RULES ANNOUNCED Exinis Entertains THE COLONNADE
(Continued from Page One) .
Thfi ' L O L U N ' N A D E ^^^ ^® ^°^^ two quarters there has been a By Patsy MontgaiMr/ Jour unexcused absences per With Barn Ddnce
course per quarter.
lllv %WfcWliilitlrii g^^^ deal of confusion 'as to the meaning of a (This week a freshman is voicing her opinions
e. Class attendance for
Ennis Hall's Rereation Hall Class Leaders
Published bi-weekly during the school year, w "P.D." sign. This has'been talked over by Student 'in this column. The next issue will carry opinions was the scene of an , informal
cept during holidays and examination periocb by Council, House Presidents, and other campus froni a sophomore, junior and senior on the same
students of any class making dance Saturday night, April 23. Elected Recently
the Dean's List will be a
student responsibility. The Ennis girls entertained their The four campus groups have
the students of the Georgia State College for Worn- groups. It was decided that something should be subject.) dates from eight until twelve. elected officers to head their
f. Students who are on pro-
en, MiUedgeville, Georgia Subscription price, $1.00 done about the situation via -the floor leaders in Sororities are not for us! Yep, we've all heard bation or are sub-standard Miriam Ivey was chairman of clfsses for 1949-1950.
per year. Member of Associated Collegiate Press, each dormitory. that time and time again. Jessie is the friendly will be subjected to sub- the dance committee. Presidents are: Betty McAn-
standard regulations. The refreshments were hot ally, Elizabeth Kendall, Deryl
Notional Advertising Service, and Georgia Colle- D u x j j , i college'. . . Jessie is the college where everybody dogs and cokes' served al fresco Tumlin and Carolyn Anglin 'elect-
._ „ - .Z- Research fqund many good reasons why the ^''"^^'^ , , , , .. . . n v. g. Members of the various
clases are permitted the same by the barbecue pit behind the ed respectively foe the Senior,
giate Press Association. . u ,. ^ i ,i < knows everybody else, and its ]ust all one big number of absences from as- dormitory. Junior snd Sopliumore classes
«_, J i «.v TT . t» J M-ii-i^«^««ii«» r « signs are not as effective a s they had been pre- ^'^'^^ cv^ y Ji ' sembly as,for any regular Dui:ing a portion of the dance and Day Students.
Printed by The Union-Recorder, MUledgeville, Ga. , , ™ . , ., , , , happy family. Oh, there may be some who don t course fotc which they are a suare dance or barn dance af- Othec officers of the Senior
viously. There are many cute girls who are lucky '^^^ , - . i, ..TT ../ registered. fair was presided over by Julia class were: Mary Alice How-
„ „., , „ „ enough to have the initials P.D.-so they conven- ""^erstond that it m comes natural to say Hey! Field Trips: Hardin, who called the dances. ard, vice-prfesid^t; Haywood
For professional activity under She was asisted at the piano by Dean, secretary; Helen Lewis,
EDITORIAL S i m ,^^,1^ ^^^^^ ^^, ^^^^^ j ^ ^ , ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ , ^ p ^ ^ , ^ ^ to everyone you meet,- but,they just dont under- treasurer; Carolyn Crotwell, rep-
faculty guidance any student may Jackie Becton.
Editor in Chiel Polly Btaiman Deitrich or Patty Doodlebug in their place. Then, °* , , ., ' . , c. j . resentative to student council;
plan out-of'city visits to the total
M r.. u ™» =;,nl«r,a. 'l^^'-'^^^ft^^^ "™««d few who write under the ^ Then why dont more g.rls 00^^^^^^^ extent of three class days absence and Betty GoodmaJi, repr^en-
News Editor Mary Qlen Stalhngs „ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^^ ^.^^^^^,. ^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ „^^_ Council meeting . . . and why c a n t Y have more per quarter. Class absence 'for
Plans Underway For tative to jcdiciary.
News Staff: cept friends, maids, parents, housemothers, phone-' *^'^ ° ' "fesP^^^^ • - a n d why is it that ,ust the such out-of-city visits in excess Junior^Senior Dance The Junior class officers elected
Margie Anant, Enid Paschall, Gena Gwin, calls, .visitors or anything Impo.lant." You will same few go to Play NwM every Saturday? Lately of three days must be drawn The Juniors are planning a big BETTY McNALLY, Elizabeth Kendall Daryl Tumlin, ond besides President Elizabeth Ken-
Chctrlene Steinmetz find one on evey floor who insists on'writing notes ®"^®ryDoay nas een w g.. . from the siudents unpenaliied event for the Seniors. Yes, you Caroline Anglin, newly elected class presidents. dall, who served as class presi-
Club News Editor . Celeste Smith to her friends or roommate. You may rear soun-.. ^^^^ "^^'^'^ °^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^'^ on campus that may absences. guessed it, the Junior-Senior dent for th esophomore class also,
Minimum Attendance Require- Dance, with the "Generals," from were vice-president, Barbara
^, V M Oi. a X X IT -u ••- - it. Ti X .11 be the cause of part of the trouble. It might not;
Club News Stall: of falling buuaings or the like from a room with ^^u=.^ H ments: North Georgia College, providing Rec Board Retreats i ^ ^ ^ ^ ?°f* '^° Webber; secretary, Clare Amis;
To receive credit in a course the music. To U k e Laurel Textbook Meeting treasurer, Mary Lancaster; rep-
Nellie Faye Thomas, Mobby Preacher, Charley p. D. on the door. This usually mean "P (arty) ^""^^^ everything, but it could help. the student must attend three- resentative to student council,
Bloodworth D(ay)". There is the little problem of—shall we s a y - This "once in a lifetime" event GSCW was the scene of the
fourths of all classes held in the which the Juniors hope will be The Rec Board went to Lake first annual conference on text- Les Clark; and representative to
Feature Editor Patsy Montgomery Now, to talk about Jessies who insist on going ^f'^' ^ ^ ° ^ ' ^ ^^°^ ^ ° ^ ^ ^ ^ f f ^ ^"^^ ! f T t \ course during the quarter. the biggest and most scccessfu Laurel on Saturday, April 30, foe book selection, "Reading rnd judiciary. Amy Bartlctt.
Feature Ekiitor Fatsy M y ^_^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^_^^^ ^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^_ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^Ij^^^ ^^^^. Quality Pomt Reductions: that GSCW has had in a lon£, its spring retreat. This year the Literature," on April 28-29. The Kitty Pitts was elected scpho-
. Feature Staff: high water. It's always nice if you can slip through ^ ^ ' ° ^ ^ ^ ^^® "^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^'""^^ ^°^® ^®®^ growing. Exceess absences for the year time, is to take place- Mey 14 new General Board for next year conference is sponsored by the moie vice president. Jean Ash,
Minnis Alderman, Barbara Thompson, Doris ^^e suite, disturb one poor child trying to study or • ' ' ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ °^ ^^ °^ ^^ ^^^^S' °r ^^ ^^°Y ^®' will be subjest to quality point in tlae gym also went on the retreat to help GSCW department on education. se-cretary; Barbai-.n Te«te, treas-
Townsend, Millie Street smother in the midst of a bath, and go in the both- ^^^^ ^ or .4; but there is the greatest tendency on. with the planning of activites. cici,'L;iHla BUM r'.'i»resenlative
reductions at the rate of one-half The Juniors have appointed Five GSCW physical education Dr. Mildred English, acting I- .student cc.uui.i; Frances IV.v.ui,
Art Editor Mary Ham room door, they are always glad to see you. if tinS ^^"^P^^ ^^^ ^®^^°^^ "^^^P^ to stay too much to- point 'jEor each unexcfased ab- Mary Alice Howard as general majors were invited to partici- head of the Divison of Teacher representative to judiciary.
^ ^ ^ isn't effective try poking a pencil throuqiv fhe '^^^^^' ^®^® ^^ca tendency for these girls to be^ sence. chairman of the dance. The pate in Wesleyah Play* Day in Education, presided over the
Make-Up Editor Dorothy Turner ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^.^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^ intelligent ^^ ^^^^^^ ° s ^^V" Jessie should be, and then on heads" of the other committees are Mrcon last Saturday. Those girls meetings on Thursday and Fri- The other Day Student officers
one always finds a way to get around ^hem. ^^^ °^^®^ ^^'^^ i'^"^^® ^^^^^"^ °r associating with Faculty Forecast Jane McGee, refreshments; Ann taking part in the Play Day ac- day mornings. Dr. Frances Ross were: Emily Trapnell, vice-presi-
Hicks, associate professor edu- dent Delle Hammock, sec-
BUSINESS STAFF ' There are some girls who really mean business- ""^^ ^^^ Y°^^ ° ^ '^^t^l® "^ro^P-' Then when our- President Guy H. Wells will Moore, decorations; Carolyn Crot- tivities were Louise Stephens, cation and psychology, presided retary; Carolyn Cox, treasurer;
, «. when they hang that sign outside, but I think that Problems arise, all of us sit for hours and hours speak at Andrews College in well, music; Polly Miller, clean- Jean Hayslip, Katherine Willis, over the afternoon sessions Josephine Edwards, representa-
Bu^ness Manager Joann Suter ^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^.^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ourselves, drying to solve them . . . in our own little groups.. Cuthbcrt a|nd to the Cuthbert up; Carolyn McDaniel, invitations; Barbara Webber and Adel Rog- tive to student council; Joyce
Rotary Club on May 10. and Lilv Suder, program. ers. The girls from Bessie Tift, Anglin, representative to judici-
Assosiate Business Manager___-Kathleen Benefield They are used for so many other things than the "^^ <?° ^° ^ °^^ °^t®r ^® ^i^st few minutes, Mrs. C. B. McCullar, public re- The Junior slogan is,'"You get GSCW and Wesleyan were divi- Alumnae Notes arj'.
^. ,_,, . , •,. p _ ^ ' real purpose, that they have simply become a everybody begins to wander off into their own' lations director, will speak at the your date! "We will provide the ded into color teams to compete in When Ann Mainoc of Forsyth
Circulation _ Marian thrown iQ^g^^j^g j^^Q^^gj. little groups and unless you're such a dynamic Mercei: University Alumnae Ban- rest!" Eoftball, tennis volley bair bad- gradcates from GSCW in June,
quet on May 13 in Macon, and Scirry! "We can't tell you any- minton. Later the girls had a she will be tre , fifth girl in her
Business Assistants:- • , « One Jessie used hers for People Dozing, another P^^^^^^l^^V that 'we can immediately adjust to a n y to the students at West Georgia thing else about it! It has to be picnic supper and returned. family to be grauated from GSCW.
The sixth girl chose to be a
Don't Forget
Melba Hooks, Martha Jane Gunn, Jean Carroll pitying Dead or •.maybe Party Day. Some girls new. situation, we are not m too big a hurry to come-. College on May 3. a surprise. There will be recreational swim-
, . 1 J .. Ti 1 ii. X • n 1 ' again—and the last time we were really urged'. Dr. Euri Belle Bolton attended hiinjg in the gymnasum pool on nurse. They are the daughters Mother's Day
Pvp>ifl,nop Mimi Abell '^ho simply dont like people use them for People, •, .. , ,. ^ ^ / • the Georgia Academy of Science Saturday nights from-7:30 until. of Mr. and Mrs. J. .,T. Mainor
Lxcnange mimi/iDeu -. . ."^ \ . . , ., , v j x *u v ^ to come by a Y member was first quarter freshman-
Dreaded. Untidy girls who are ashamed of their
meeting ft Emory University and
the meetinrs of the Georgia Psy-
chological Association this week.
Skill Clubs Hame 9:30.
The tennis courts will be light-
of Forsyth.

ed on Saturday and Sunday Mrs. J. Walter Hendricks of

Typists*. ' humble abodes used P.D.'s for Place Disorderly, „**'
Peggy Walton, Barbara Dunson, Bobbie Vance pj^nty Dusty, or Pardon the Dump. On tlie other
^^®^ °^ Saturday night we want to go to Play
hand, after a room cleaning the sign on the door' ^^^"^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^® '^'®^. ^^®^®' ^® ^®® ^^"^® P^°P^®'
Dr. D. C. Fuller, head of the
Business Administration Depart-
ment has been elected "president New leaders
^r.^,rT -i X XI. r^ «.^., Two of the skill clubs have an-
nights until 10:30 for student use Savannah, who was a GSCW
fci: students with their registered student in 1893 attended Parents
v,,, ,,, , „„„ „„ dates.
Day as the guest of hrr grand-
: might read Palace of Delight or Paradise Den. ' ^^^^^"^ *® ^^'^ t i m ^ b u t we don't know how to^ of the GSCW unit of the Georgia ' , , •^j „#*,•„„.. *^^
•ElJ *• A « ;„+;«« •Mt'n fpori nocnced newly elected officer for daughter, Mary Hendricks, who STORE
We Should Be Proud • H the occupants are short on spending money ^^^ '''' "^^ ^ ° ^ ^ ^ ^^^® ^° ^°^^ ^^^"^' ^^^ ^^'^^°^ ^°°' Education Association. Mr. Ted ., „ „„™,„.„ „L,^ is a freshman.
Congratulations! to everyone who participated you might see. Pay Dollar Please Donate, or Pocket: ^ ^ ^ ^° ^^^^ ^P ^^^ ^ 7 ' f ® ^ ° ^ ^ P^^^' P^J^^-' Booke. o« the Education St=fl, ^ ^ ^ . ^ r ^ J ^ o d e r n Dance Club Dr. ^ Wells Entertains
in making Parents Day and the Pilgrimage two of book Desolate. Some class spirited souls think ^^larly i we don t know the players too well. -Weve- the vice-president. ^^ .ctosea^J^am Constantineau,; G e r m a n InStrUCtOrS
the most succccessful days MiUedgeville ever up oddities like Purple Dragon, etc. ' ^ ^ f ^ '^^ '^^' . f ^ °-^®^ °^ ^^f® ^ < ? ^ P \ ^ ° ^ Elbecton, treasurer, and Dorothy j -^^ -^^YIS entertained two Ger- VISIT HALL'SJ
witnessed Every now and then you see some Pathetic Dump ^°^^®^ ^°^^® ^^^^ °^^ P^^^^ ^^^^^ ^ ^ ° ^ ^ ° ^ ^ ' D. E. Glub Elects Vernon Turner, Tifton, president, j ^ ^ ^ instructors at a luncheon SEE THE NEW VINYLITE RECORDS
The dieticians announced that 1700 people were with signs pleading for quiet, reading: Professional ^^' ^ ^ ^ '^^ ^^ heart than ^little ole newcomers', The Distributive Edccation The Benguin a u b has elected j ^ ^he College cofeteria on April
Club has elected officers for the Betty Harris, Decatur president; 29. * ON DEMONSTRATION
served lunch on front campus on Parents Day. Ticket Duty or Paper's Due. These are usually respected. « ' • °^f P^^^ P°^^ ^^^^ ^ f ^^^^^^ [°^^ '^ ^^f^ ° '
coming year. They are: Jackie Mary Quinn Harvey, Millen, sec- When Dr. Wells was in Ger
sellers at the court house sold approximately 2,0U0 I'm getting Pretty Disgusted reading signs all ^^^J""^^ ^f^^' newcomer might not be so good.... Moorehead, Fitzgerald, president; | retary, and Dodie Hammond, At- many lasf year Miss Margarethe HALL AUTO & HOME SUPPLY
tickets for the tour of homes on Sunday. • over the campus. Some of them are just Plain ^^^' Z\^V^7^ ' T T • '""^"^ Bettye Foster, Bluffton, vice- lanta, publicity chairman. von Pcttkamer served a luncheon 1—•—••—W'l "I'll' "I 'ii"f |i ii-Sis
Parents Day was filled with fun and entertain- Daffy The situation is Plenty Drastic; some girls ^^is and that; but. we do h a y e o u r cliques where president; Nancy Hicks, Conyers, P. E. tilulb officers are: Pres- in his honor. Dr. Wells return-
ment for everyone. Perfect planning and timing are Powerful Dumb if you ask me. Oops, the 'me and my budges are mstmseporable and ole secretary; and Claire Amis, Mc- ident, JsaMa Hardin, Juliette; vice- ed the compliment to her on
Donough, treasurer. president, Polly Miller, Macon; Friday. Food was very scarce in
. kept parents busy every minute of the day, from last door said Press Dodgers^well, that's the last ^ ® ^ . 9 ° ^ / J^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^f] 1^«1® °1^ ""jy; ^^^' . °^ Their sponsor is Miss Cnar- secretary, Marion Killingsworth, Germany at that time, but Miss
««o .1 , . 1 J XI 1 . . f ..T X . oir-rr,.. We )ust don t run around too much with the girls lottee Mankey, head of the Dis- Fortli Gaines; arid treasurer, Kath- Puftkamer served the luncheon Good QUEEN LIZZIE
8:30 until the curtain closed on the last act of 'Life straw. - . ,i^ •, tribctive Education Department. erine a M p s , Summerville. despite difficulties.
Wtv, p tv. •" . in that crowd Miss Puttkamer is a teacher wouid've had 'em in a tizzy...
A/Vithtather. ;.,;... . i But why not disband for a little while and make trainer in Germany. She work-
Bell Annex girls won the Parents Day Award J)iq Deep
with 41.3 percentage of the parents present. Terrell
. some new friends—they're probably just as sweet
Twenty or thirty cents sounds like a very small and as cute as good ole Sally Jane. CAMPUS THEATRE ed in several areas of the country
with Dr. Wells during his stay
in Germany. Mrs. Blau, direrfor
Halll ranked second, having 34.6 percent present. ^^^^^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^.^^ ^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY—MAY 10 and 11 of home economics in the western
The town girls pulled themselves up from bottom ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ .^ ^^^ ^ L E T T E R F R O M J E S S I E B E L I E sector of Berlin, is also in the
last year, to the third highest percentage ,of par- ^^^^^ Dear Cousin: . United States on a tour to be-
ents. By noon, approhimotely 500 parents had Hundreds of people ore financially unable to I thought since I didn't have much to do ttiis come acquainted with fhe home
registerel in the dormitories, and many arrived f^g^t cancer. Seven hundred people die in Georgia week I would write you a long letter. " economics program in public
shools and colleges.
^ ^^' annually who might be saved. I have a test over the last 18 chapters of Social
There was a wondrful spirit of cooperation be- The American Cancer Control Society is waging Science the Professor has covered for tomorrow.
tween the college and the city for the two occas- a crusade against cancer by voluntary contribu- It only covers two centuries and I can remember Walter R. Thomas
ions. Parents Day tied in well with the prepare- tions. They need your help in" educating the public just that much. I usually make better on those *
tion for the tour of the state's Ante-Bellum Capital, as to the symptoms and necessity of early treat- tests if I don't study anyway. I have the nicest MONTE CRISTO
G I G A SAN JUAN • Arthur Trfeachor
Makes Available
Some of 'the beautiful homes were graciously ment, establishiny free clinics and research on the time figuring the patterns out. Usually they have to Yo^ the Most
opened so the parents could get a preview of ' cause and remedy of cancer. about 4'ds, 3 c's, 2 b's, and 1 a, and so on dowi THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, MAY 19 and 20
Sunday's spectacular events. Dr. Amanda Johnson is head of the campus the line until the test is finished. She certainly does 4QII' AUXIf MCHAKV
Complete Stock of)
^. rr ,. i_ J 1. 11 J di^'ive. The floor leaders in each dormitory ore grade them funny too. I told her I didn't deserve Jewelry Gits to Be
Most of the visitors were so busy and enthralled ^^^^^^-^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^, j ^ ^his worthy undertaking. "F" on the last one, but she soys it's the lowest , if she'd worn a
by the sights and beauty of the town, that they ^^^ g^^^^,^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ,^ ^^^OO^ ^ S ^ ^ grade they give in that department. ,, ". o <•' Had Anywhere
Morgot the weather, but even the weather cooper- ^^^^^^ contribute generously in making this a . We hove a term paper to write in'English this ,,
ated beautiu y successful campaign. ' quca:ter,"but a real smart senior scdd you.should '*' SOLD
Let's not wait imtll-this season next year to be Think the matter over before someone , op- ,always wait until the end of the quarter while dead
proud of the charm, beccuty and culture around us preaches you. Hove your donations ready and ^ make • week was in full swing and the, libfOTy: was quiet,,
llOOIS Hancock St.
S M Them te Mdcdn at |)aviion-Poxon'8
but take advantage of the knowledge that is ours It as liberal a s possible. This menace, toward, BO you could do. It In. one week. ^.. • CdhMrky tICHHICOIOR MiUedgeville. Ga.
rrii HUM: "IMINK T|IIM>'. IritiMl hit, m., Int l, 1I7IftNimr,IraTiHII
looking. human life deserves your support. , .. , ' l l p ^ v LbV^; JESSIE BELL
Temil ^rls Mary Lancaster, Gainesville;
Honor Adains And Uague Of W(mien|Two Dorins Plan Martha Ann Lane, Whigham;
Frances Lawson, Tennille; Eliza-
beth Mitchell, Americus; Mildred
Newman Club iiicics At Tea
Elects Officers The social function for
Hail this quarter was held Sun-
Terrell Picnic Outings Smith, Madison; Theresa Smith,
ETberton; Gena Sullivan, Mill-
The girls of Bell Annex are edgeville; Irma Wall, Tuscaloosa,
The Newman Club of the
Sacred Heart Catholic Church day afternoon. May 1,
has elected officers for 1949-50. form of a faculty tea in honor
in the
Town Cliapter eagerly looking forward to a Alabama.
spring outing set for Saturday, Members of the junior club are
Annette Evans of Brunswick, '.Jit retiring' Dean Ethel Adams The League of Women Voters May 14. On' this day the girls Wanderleen Boyd, Elberton;
will cemain in the office of the and Dir.; Frances Hicks. held their meeting on Wednesday of the dormitory along with their Carolyn Clements; Americus,;
president of the organizatzion evening, with Mary Eleanor hocse mothei;, Mrs. H. M. O'Cal- Dorothy Coleman, Ft. Lauderdale,
for the second consecutive year. Members of the facclty were Chambliss, president, in charge. laghan, will climb into trucks Florida; Jurie Connell, Griffin;
Othei- officers are Jean Conners, entertaiiied by the girls in the and head fee Lake Jonesco. A Joan Constantineau, Elberton;
Atlanta, vice-president; Nita dormitory from four o'clock Mrs. Donald MacMahon at- wonderful day will be enjoyed Mary Giddens, Griffin; Betty
Fowler, Atlanta, secretary; and til: five-thirty. tended the meeting as a represen- out at the lake, with games, Greer; Katheryn Hooten, Mill-
Patricia Evans, Brunswick, treas- Birdie Johnson was chairman tative\ of the Milledgeville chap- swimming, food, and cokes fur- edgeville; Gertie Jane McMurrey,
urer. of the affair and in charge of ter of League of Women Voters. nished. Cuthbert; Betty Moye, Waycross;
the committee work. Every The college and local group have TERRELL PLANS Natalie Roberts, Haddock; Jackie
girl took part in the hfelping to decided to unite to make a more The girls in Terrell B and C Rooks, Augusta; Peggy Rudder
entertain the faculty. successful chapter. are counting the days till May 21. Atlanta; Ann Shelton, Valdosta
Patricia Sikes, Brunswick; Kitty
'. - ' •
The merhbers will go on a This has beeii the date selected
Wilmarose Nicholson was chair- retreat at Lake Laurel on May for the spring social. Instead of Marie Smith, Milledgeville; Sue
man of the refreshment commit- 20 and 21. the usual dance, they are plan- Smith, Fitzgerald; Betty Steward,
tee. According to her the com- ning a trip to Lake Laurel. Decatur; Millie Street, Augusta;
The newly elected officers of Carolyn Dunning, president of and Dorothy V. Turner, Tifton.
mittee was fortunate in having
the "able assistance of Mrs. the organization are, Dorothy B and C, has announced that Students become members of
Georgia Wallace," the house Boyd, president, Rome; Betty plans have been made for a the Junior Dance Club upon the
j\ mother, in making the punch and Jean Lamb, vice-president, Ma- tR'uck to furnish, transportation successful completion of a test
con; Polly Brannan, secretary, in Modern Darice techniques.
delicacies which we served. MODERN DANCE Any member of the Junior
Judy Taylor was in charge of Lawrenceville; Emily Trapnell, (Continued from Page One) Dance Club may become a mem-
the receivirig line. treasurer, Milledgeville;. Jean Foster, Bluffton; Marion Foy, ber of the Senior Club when she
Spring formals were worn by and Joan Robertson, Norcross, Thomaston: Mariarine Griffith, choreographs a dance and , pre-
\ A> all the girls assisting in serving and Serena Wepf, Summerville, Cave Spring, Sara Kennedy sents it to the members of the
>\ and entertaining. board members. Savannah; Bettye Lamb, Macori;' Senior Club.



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