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AUTONOMY OF CONTRACTS Obliga tions from contra cts ha ve the force of law between the

GOLANGCO V. PCIB contra cting pa rties . When the terms of the contra ct a re clea r and
SC ruled in fa vor of WGCC. The controvers y pi vots on the provision i n lea ve no doubt as to the intention of the pa rties , the literal meaning of
the cons truction contra ct to as the defects liability period. The i ts s tipulation should govern. The Kasunduan contained a penal clause
provision provi ding for the defects liability period was not s hown as whi ch provi ded that a pa rty who vi olates any of i ts provisions shall be
contra ry to law, morals, good customs , publi c order or publi c policy. liable to pa y the a ggrieved pa rty a penal ty fi xed a t 50,000 etc. The
By the na ture of the obliga tion in such contra ct, the provision limi ting penalty clause generally subs ti tutes the indemni ty for da mages and
liability for defects and fi xing speci fi c gua ranty periods was not onl y the pa yment of interes t i n case of noncompliance.
fai r and equi table; i t was also necessary.
The adoption of a 1-yea r gua rantee, as done by WGCC a nd PCIB, is PNB v. CA and JAYME-FERNANDEZ
es tablished usage i n the PH for pri va te and govt. cons truction Remedios a nd Amado obtained a 50,000 l oan from PNB with 12%
contra cts. After the lapse of the period agreed upon therein, WGCC interes t per annum. Their contra ct includes a clause whi ch allows PNB
ma y no longer be held a ccountable for wha tever defects , defi ciencies to raise the ra te of i nteres t depending on the bank’s future policies .
or imperfecti ons tha t ma y be dis covered in the work executed by So, PNB imposed subsequent raises to the appli cable ra te ranging
WGCC. from the original 12% to 42% and a penal ty of 6% p.a.
SC: A credi tor cannot raise the ra te of interes t based solely on a
CASTRO v. TAN certain clause in the contra ct and without the consent of the debtor
Defendats here entered into an a greement wi th Pet. Spouses Castro as to the a mount and ra te of such increase.
denominated as Kasulatan ng Sanglaan ng Lupa at Bahay (Kasulatan) It is basi c that there can be no contra ct in the absence of a greement
to secure a loan of 30,000 they obtained from Spouses Castro. Under or of mutual assent of the pa rties.
the Kasula tan, Spouses Cas tro undertook to pa y the mortgage debt In the case a t ba r, the escalation clause in the contra ct gi ves PNB an
wi thin 6 months wi th an i nteres t ra te of 5% per month or 60% per unbridled ri ght to unilaterall y a nd upwardl y adjust the interes t on the
annum. loan and such ri ght would negate the element of mutuality in
SC: Nothing in Central Bank Ci rcula r No. 905 tha t grants lenders carte contracts.
blanche authority to raise interes t ra tes to levels whi ch will either P.D No. 1684 a nd C.B Ci rcula r No. 905 did not authori ze ei ther pa rty to
ensla ve thei r borrower or lead to a hemorrha ging of thei r assets . unilaterall y raise the interest ra te wi thout the other’s consent.
While pa rties to a loan agreement ha ve wide lati tude to stipulate on Contra ct changes mus t be made wi th the consent of the contra cting
any i nterest ra te i n view of the Central Bank Ci rcula r whi ch suspended pa rties . The minds of all pa rties mus t meet as to the proposed
the Usury La w ceiling on interes t, i t is worth s tressing tha t interes t modi fica tion, especiall y when i t a ffects and important aspect of the
ra tes whenever unconscionable ma y s till be decla red illegal. agreement. In the case of loan contracts, i t caanot be gainsaid tha t
Sti pulati ons authorizi ng iniqui tous or uncons cionable interes ts a re the ra te of interes t is alwa ys a vi tal component, for it can ma ke or
contra ry to morals i f not agains t the law. brea k a capi tal venture. Thus , any cha nge must be mutually agreed
Freedom of contra cts is not absolute; i t is understood to be subject to upon, otherwise, i t is bereft of any binding effect.
reasonable legislati ve regulati on ai med a t the promotion of publi c No one recei vi ng a proposal to change a contra ct to which he is a pa rty
heal th, morals, safety and welfa re. is obliged to answer the proposal, a nd his silence per se cannot be
construed as an a cceptance. In the case a t bench, the ci rcums tances
MALLARI v. PRUDENTIAL BANK do not show that the pri va te respondents implici tl y a greed to the
Spouses Mallari obtained from a 300,000 l oan and was proposed increases in interes t ra te whi ch by any s tanda rd were too
subject to an interes t of 21% per annum, attorney’s fees equi valent to sudden and too s tiff.
15% and in case of defaul t, a penal ty of 12% p.a of the total due. Pet.
obtained a nother 1.7M loan with 23% interes t p.a etc. ALLIED BANK v. CA
SC: The 23% p.a a nd 12% penalty cha rge p.a a greed upon by peti tions The phrase “may be renewed for a like term”.
and resp. a re not unconscionable. The contra ct is not violative of the principle of Mutuality of Contra cts
Pa rties are free to enter into a greements and sti pulate as to the terms because in the fi rst case, the lessee had a choi ce when the contra ct
and condi tions of thei r contra ct, but such freedom is not absolute. was negotia ted whether or not to agree wi th this s tipula tion and so as
However, i f the s tipula tions in the contra ct a re valid, the pa rties the lessor. If the lessee did not like the provision, he could reject i t but
thereto a re bound to compl y wi th them, since such contra ct is the law he agreed so there was mutuality when the lessor and the lessee
between the pa rties . negotia tesd the contra cts and they a greed.
Here, the interes t ra te a greed upon by the pa rties was onl y 23% per The contra ct provi des the option to renew on the pa rt of the lessee,
annum or less than 2% per month whi ch a re much lower than those so tha t ca n be enforced and there is also a li mita tion here because i t
interes t ra tes agreed upon by the pa rties in the herein mentioned sa ys “for a like term a t the opti on of the lessee”, meaning under the
cases (see full text); thus i t is not unconscionable. terms and condi tions of the old contra ct.
The ri ght of renewal cons ti tutes a pa rt of the lessee’s interest in the
HEIRS OF EK LIONG v. CASTILLO land and forms a subs tantial and integral pa rt of the a greement. The
Resp. entered i nto a Kasunduan a greei ng to sell the remaining 60,000 fa ct that such option is binding onl y on the lessor and can be exercised
sha re in the land and in fa vor of Manuel for the sum of 180,000. La te r onl y by the lessee does not render i t void for lack of mutuality. After
(read full text) resp. refused to compl y wi th the Kasunduan. Issue here all, the lessor is free to gi ve or not to gi ve the option to the lessee.
is whether the Kasunduan should be gi ven effect? And, while the lessee has a ri ght to elect whether to continue wi th the
SC:The Kasunduan is valid. The prohibi tion a pplies onl y during the lease or not, once he exercises his option to continue and the lessor
pendency of the sui t a nd generall y does not cover contra cts for a ccepts , both pa rties a re therea fter bound by the new lease
contingent fees where the transfer takes effect onl y after the finality agreement.
of a fa vorable judgment. The Agreement and the Kasunduan a re not
independent contra cts , wi th pa rties, objects and causes di fferent from
tha t of the other.
Pet.obtained 1M loan from resp. wi th a PN and an interes t of 15.446% Nevertheless, an escala tion clause "whi ch grants the credi tor an
p.a and a penal ty cha rge of 18% p.s . The bank s ta rted imposing higher unbridled right to a djus t the interes t independentl y and upwa rdl y,
interes t ra tes. completel y depri ving the debtor of the ri ght to assent to an i mporta nt
SC: The increases of interes t ra te unilaterall y imposed by modi fica tion in the agreement" is void. A s tipula tion of such nature
without petitioner’s assent a re violative of the pri nciple of mutuality vi olates the pri nciple of mutuality of contra cts . It is now settled tha t
of contra cts ordained in Art. 1308 of the Ci vil Code. Any contra ct an es calation clause is void where the creditor unilaterall y determines
whi ch a ppea rs to be hea vil y weighed in fa vor of one of the pa rties so and imposes an increase in the s tipula ted ra te of interest wi thout the
as to lead to an uncons cionable resul t is void. Any stipulation express conformi ty of the debtor. Such unbridled ri ght gi ven to
regarding the validity or compliance of the contract which is left creditors to a djus t the i nterest independentl y and upwa rdl y would
solely to the will of one of the parties is likewise invalid. completel y take awa y from the debtors the right to assent to an
The provision in the promissory note authorizing res pondent bank to important modifi ca tion in thei r agreement and would also nega te the
increase, decrease or otherwise change from time to time the ra te of element of mutuali ty in thei r contra cts .
interes t and/or bank cha rges "without advance notice" to petitioner,
"in the event of change in the interest ra te pres cribed by law or the SC held tha t the escala tion clause he re is still void because i t grants
Moneta ry Boa rd of the Central Bank of the Philippines," does not give respondent the power to impose an increased ra te of i nterest wi thout
respondent bank unrestrained freedom to charge any rate other a wri tten noti ce to peti tioners a nd their wri tten consent.
than that which was agreed upon. Here, the monthl y Respondent’s monthl y telephone calls to petitioners advising them of
upwa rd/downwa rd a djustment of interest ra te is left to the will of the prevailing interes t ra tes would not suffice. A detailed billing
respondent bank al one. It violates the essence of mutuali ty of the s tatement based on the new imposed interes t with corresponding
contra ct. Si milarl y, contra ct changes must be made wi th the consent computation of the total debt should ha ve been provi ded by the
of the contra cting pa rties. The minds of all the parties must meet as respondent to enable peti tioners to ma ke an informed decision. An
to the proposed modification, especially when it affects an important appropria te form must also be signed by the peti tioners to indi ca te
aspect of the agreement. In the case of loan contra cts , it ca nnot be thei r conformi ty to the new ra tes. Compliance wi th these requisites is
gainsaid tha t the ra te of interes t is alwa ys a vi tal component, for i t can essential to preserve the mutuality of contra cts. For indeed, one-sided
ma ke or break a capi tal venture. Thus , any change mus t impositions do not have the force of law between the parties,
be mutually a greed upon, otherwise, it is bereft of any binding effect. because such impositions are not based on the parties’ essential
In this case, respondent bank sta rted to increase the agreed interes t equality.
ra te of 15.446% per annum to 24.5% on Jul y 11, 1997 and every In the absence of consent on the pa rt of the peti tioners to the
month thereafter; 27% on Augus t 11, 1997; 26% on September 10, modi fica tions in the interest ra tes, the adjus ted ra tes cannot bind
1997; 33% on October 15, 1997; 26.5% on November 27, 1997; 27% them. Hence, we consider as invalid the interes t rates in excess of
on December 1997; 29% on Janua ry 13, 1998; 30.244% on Februa ry 7, 15%, the ra te charged for the fi rst yea r.
1998; 24.49% on Ma rch 9, 1998; 22.9% on April 18, 1998; a nd 18% on Based on the Augus t 29, 2000 demand letter of China Bank,
Ma y 21, 1998. Obvi ousl y, the rate increases are excessive and peti tioners ’ total principal obliga tion under the two promissory notes
arbitrary. It bea rs rei tera ting tha t respondent bank unilaterall y whi ch they failed to settle is P10,355,000. However, due to China
increased the interes t ra te wi thout peti tioner’s knowledge and Ba nk’s unila teral increases in the interes t ra tes from 15% to as hi gh as
consent. 24.50% and penalty cha rge of 1/10 of 1% per da y or 36.5% per a nnum
The peti tioner negotia ted for the renewal of his l oan and he paid the for the period November 4, 1999 to Februa ry 23, 2001, peti tioners ’
interests due. Respondent bank then could not claim that there was balance ballooned to P19,201,776.63. Note tha t the o ri ginal a mount
no a ttempt on his pa rt to compl y wi th his obliga tion. Yet, respondent of principal loan al mos t doubled in onl y 16 months . The Court also
bank has til y filed a peti tion to foreclose the mortgage to gain in taking fi nds the penal ty cha rges i mposed excessi ve and a rbi tra ry, hence the
peti tioner’s pa rcels of land a t ba rgain pri ces . Obviously, respondent same is hereby reduced to 1% per month or 12% per annum.
bank acted in bad faith.
In sum, we find tha t the requisites for reformation of the mortga ge PNB v. MANALO
contra ct and promissory note a re present in this case. There has been The Spouses Manalo applied for an All-Purpose Credit Fa cility in the
meeting of minds of the pa rties upon these documents . However, amount of P1,000,000.00 wi th the PNB to finance the cons truction of
these documents do not express the pa rties ’ true a greement on thei r house.September 20, 1996: the credi t fa cility was renewed
interes t ra tes . And the failure of these documents to express thei r for P7,000,000.00. As a consequence, the pa rties executed a
agreement on interes t ra tes was due to respondent ba nk’s inequi table Supplement to and Amendment of Exis ting Real Es ta te Mortga ge
conduct. Henceforth, the SC GRANTED the petiti on. The interest he whereby the property covered by TCT No. 171859 was added as
paid in excess of 15.446% should be applied to the pa yment of the securi ty for the loan. It was agreed upon tha t the Spouses Manalo
pri ncipal obligati on. would make monthl y pa yments on the interes t. However, PNB
claimed that thei r last recorded pa ymen t was made on December,
The contra ct mus t bind both contra cting pa rties ; i ts validity or There was no mutuali ty of consent. The credi t agreement executed
compliance cannot be left to the will of one of them. Arti cle 1956 of s tipula ted tha t the loan woul d be subjected to interest a t a ra te
the Ci vil Code likewise ordains tha t "no interest shall be due unless i t "determined by the Bank to be its prime rate plus applicable spread,
has been expressl y stipulated in wri ting." prevailing at the current month." This s tipula tion was ca rried over to
Any contra ct whi ch appears to be hea vil y wei ghed in fa vor of one of or adopted by the subsequent renewals of the credi t a greement. PNB
the pa rties so as to lead to an unconsci onable resul t is voi d. Any thereby a rroga ted unto i tsel f the s ole prerogati ve to determine and
s tipula tion rega rding the validi ty or compliance of the contra ct which increase the interes t ra tes imposed on the Spouses Manalo. Such a
is left solel y to the will of one of the pa rties, is likewise, invalid unilateral determination of the interest rates contravened the
Es calation clauses refer to stipulations allowing an increase in the principle of m utuality of contracts em bodied in Article 1308 of the
interes t ra te agreed upon by the contra cting pa rties . This Court has Civil Code.
long recogni zed that there is nothing inherentl y wrong wi th escalation The Court has decla red tha t a contra ct where there is no mutuality
clauses between the pa rties pa rtakes of the na ture of a contract of adhesion,
and a ny obs curi ty will be cons trued a gainst the party who prepared
the contra ct, the la tter being presumed the s tronger pa rty to the BALUYOT V. CA
agreement, a nd who caused the obscuri ty. PNB should then suffer the STIPULATION POUR AUTRUI REQUISITES:
consequences of i ts failure to s pecifi call y indi ca te the ra tes of interes t 1) there must be a s tipula tion in fa vor of a 3 rd person
in the credi t agreement. 2) the s tipulation mus t be a pa rt, not the whole of the contra ct
PNB could not also jus tify the i ncreases i t ha d effected on the interes t 3) the contra cting pa rties must ha ve clearl y and delibera tel y conferred
ra tes by ci ting the fa ct tha t the Spouses Manalo had paid the interes ts a fa vor upon a 3rd person, not a mere incidental benefit or interes t
wi thout protest, a nd had renewed the loan several times . A borrower 4) the 3 person mus t ha ve communi cated his acceptance to the
is not es topped from assailing the unilateral i ncrease in the interes t obligor before i ts revoca tion, a nd 5) nei ther of the contra cting pa rties
ma de by the lender since no one who recei ves a proposal to change a bea rs the legal representa tion or authoriza tion of the 3 rd pa rty.
contra ct, to which he is a pa rty, is obliged to answer the same and said
pa rty’s silence cannot be construed as an a cceptance thereof. INTEGRATED PACKAGING V. CA
Las tl y, the CA observed, and properl y s o, tha t the credit agreements Reci procal obliga tions a re to be performed simul taneousl y, so tha t the
had explicitly provided tha t prior notice would be necessa ry before performance of one is conditioned upon the simul taneous ful fillment
PNB could increase the interest ra tes . In failing to noti fy the Spouses of the other.—The transacti on between the pa rties is a contra ct of
Manalo before i mposing the increased ra tes of interes t, therefore, sale whereby pri va te respondent (seller) obliga tes i tself to deli ver
PNB violated the sti pulations of the very contra ct tha t i t had prepared. pri nting paper to peti tioner (buyer) whi ch, in turn, binds itself to pa y
Hence, the va rying interes t ra tes imposed by PNB ha ve to be va cated therefore a sum of money or i ts equi valent (pri ce). Both pa rties
and decla red null and void, concede tha t the order a greement gi ves rise to reciprocal obliga tions
such tha t the obligati on of one is dependent upon the obliga tion of
JONSAY v. SOLID BANK the other. Thus , pri va te respondent underta kes to deli ver printing
Moma rco, controlled and owned by the Spouses Jonsa y, is an paper of va rious quanti ties subject to peti tioner’s corresponding
importer, manufa cturer and dis tributor of ani mal heal th and feedmill obliga tion to pa y, on a ma ximum 90-da y credi t, for these ma terials.
products ca teri ng to ca ttle, hog and poul try producers . Moma rco Note that in the contra ct, peti tioner is not even requi red to make any
obtained loans of P40,000,000.00 and P20,000,000.00, respecti vel y, deposit, down pa yment or advance pa yment, hence, the undertaking
from Solidbank. The s tipulated rate of interes t was 18.75% per of pri va te respondent to deli ver the ma terials is condi tional upon
annum, along wi th an es calation clause tied to increases in pertinent pa yment by peti tioner wi thin the pres cribed peri od. Clea rl y, peti tioner
Central Bank-decla red interes t ra tes , by whi ch Solidbank was did not fulfill i ts side of the contra ct as i ts last pa yment in Augus t 1981
eventuall y able to unila terally increase the interest cha rges up to could cover onl y ma terials covered by delivery i nvoi ces dated
30% per annum. September and October 1980.
SC: An es calation clause in a loan a greement granting the lending bank Where a pa rty has not paid for the ma terials covered by deli very
authori ty to unilaterall y increase the i nterest ra te without prior notice invoi ces on time, the other pa rty has the ri ght to cease making further
to and consent of the borrower is void. deli veries .—In this case, as found a quo peti tioner’s evi dence failed to
Si milarl y, contract changes must be made with the consent of the es tablish tha t i t had paid for the printing paper covered by the deli very
contracting parties. The minds of all the pa rties mus t meet as to the invoi ces on ti me. Consequentl y, pri va te respondent has the right to
proposed modifi ca tion, especially when i t a ffects an i mporta nt aspect cease maki ng further deli very, hence the pri va te respondent did not
of the agreement. In the case of loan contra cts, i t ca nnot be gainsaid vi olate the order a greement. On the contrary, it was petitioner which
tha t the ra te of interes t is alwa ys a vi tal component, for i t can make or breached the agreement as it failed to pay on time the materials
brea k a capi tal venture. Thus , any change mus t be mutually agreed delivered by private respondent. Respondent appellate court
upon, otherwise, i t is bereft of any binding effect. We cannot correctl y ruled tha t pri va te respondent did not viola te the order
countenance peti tioner bank's pos turing tha t the escala tion clause a t agreement.
bench gi ves i t unbridled right to unila terally upwa rdl y adjus t the Principle of Relativity; Words and Phrases ; The pri nciple of relati vi ty of
interes t on pri va te respondents ' loan. Tha t would completel y take contra cts provi des that contra cts can onl y bind the pa rties who
awa y from pri va te respondents the ri ght to assent to an i mporta nt entered into i t, and i t cannot fa vor or prejudi ce a thi rd person, even i f
modi fica tion in thei r a greement, and would nega te the element of he is awa re of such contra ct and has a cted with knowledge thereof.—
mutuali ty in contra cts . As correctl y held by the appellate court, pri va te respondent cannot be
The "unilateral determination and imposition" of increased held liable under the contra cts entered into by peti tioner wi th
ra tes is "vi olati ve of the principle of mutuali ty of contra cts ordained in Phila cor. Pri va te respondent is not a pa rty to said agreements . It is
Arti cle 1308 of the Ci vil Code ." One-sided impositions do not have the also not a contract pour autrui. Aforesaid contra cts could not a ffect
force of law between the parties, beca use such i mposi tions a re not thi rd persons like pri va te respondent because of the basic ci vil law
based on the pa rties' essential equality. Al though es cala tion clauses pri nciple of relati vi ty of contra cts whi ch provi des tha t contra cts can
a re valid in maintaining fis cal stabili ty and retaining the value of onl y bind the pa rties who entered into i t, and i t cannot fa vor or
money on long-term contra cts , giving respondent an unbridled right prejudi ce a thi rd person, even if he is awa re of such contra ct and has
to adjus t the inte res t independentl y and upwa rdl y would completely a cted wi th knowledge thereof.
take away from petitioners the "right to assent to an important
modification in their agreement" a nd would also negate the element A&C MINIMART V. VILLAREAL
of mutuality in their contracts. The clause ci ted ea rlier made the A contra ct cannot be binding upon and cannot be enforced by one
fulfillment of the contra cts "dependent exclusi vel y upon the who is not pa rty to i t.—Contra cts produce a n effect as between the
uncontrolled will" of respondent a nd was therefore voi d. Besides, the pa rties who execute them. A contra ct cannot be binding upon and
pro forma promissory notes ha ve the cha ra cter of a contra ct of cannot be enforced by one who is not pa rty to i t. Although the
adhesion, "where the pa rties do not ba rgain on equal footing, the respondents were adjudged to be entitled to rentals a ccrui ng from 2
weaker pa rty's [the debtor's] pa rtici pation being reduced to the Ma rch 1999, until the ti me the peti tioner va ca ted the premises, the
al terna ti ve 'to ta ke i t or lea ve it."' obliga tion to pa y rent was not deri ved from the Lease Contra ct dated
22 Ja nua ry 1998, but from a quasi-contra ct.
BORROMEO V. CA by thei r nature, by s tipula tion or by provision of law. A contra ct of
Foreclosure of Mortga ge; Pa rties ; The ri ght of foreclosure ca nnot be lease is , therefore, generall y transmissible to the hei rs of the lessor or
exercised agains t the mortgagor by any person other than the lessee. It invol ves a property ri ght and, as such, the dea th of a pa rty
creditor-mortga gee or i ts assigns .—In this case, peti tioners’ rights to does not excuse non-performance of the contra ct. The ri ghts and
thei r property is res tri cted by the REM they executed over i t. Upon obliga tions pass to the hei rs of the deceased and the hei r of the
thei r defaul t on the mortgage debt, the right to foreclose the property deceased lessor is bound to respect the peri od of the lease. The same
would be ves ted upon the credi tor-mortga gee. Nevertheless, the right pri nciple applies to the option to renew the lease. As a general rule,
of foreclosure cannot be exercised agains t the peti tioners by any covenants to renew a lease a re not personal but will run with the land.
person other than the creditor-mortga gee or i ts assigns . Consequentl y, the successors -in-i nterest of the lessee a re enti tled to
the benefi ts , while that of the lessor a re burdened wi th the duties and
Sa me; Same; Contra cts ; Pri nciple of Rela ti vi ty of Contra cts ; Words and obliga tions , whi ch said covenants conferred a nd imposed on the
Phrases ; The ci vil law pri nciple of rela ti vi ty of contra cts provides tha t ori ginal parties .
contra cts can onl y bind the pa rties who entered i nto i t, and it cannot
fa vor or prejudi ce a thi rd pers on, even i f he is awa re of such contra ct Sa me; Sa me; Options to Renew; While the option to renew is an
and has a cted wi th knowledge thereof—since a contra ct ma y be enforceable ri ght, i t mus t necessaril y be fi rs t exercised to be gi ven
vi olated onl y by the parties thereto as a gainst ea ch other, a pa rty who effect.—It does not follow, however, tha t the lease subsis ted a t the
has not taken pa rt in it cannot sue for performance, unless he shows time of the sale of the subject lot on Janua ry 29, 1987. When Orlando
tha t he has a real interes t a ffected thereby.—It is clea r tha t under died on November 7, 1983, the lease contra ct was set to expi re 26
Arti cle 1311 of the Ci vil Code, contra cts ta ke effect onl y between the da ys la ter or on December 3, 1983, unless renewed by Orlando’s hei rs
pa rties who execute them. Where there is no pri vi ty of contra ct, there for a nother four yea rs. While the option to renew is an enforceable
is likewise no obliga tion or liability to speak a bout. The ci vil law ri ght, it mus t necessaril y be fi rs t exercised to be gi ven effect.
pri nciple of rela ti vi ty of contra cts provides tha t contra cts can onl y bind
the pa rties who entered into i t, and i t cannot fa vor or prejudi ce a third Sa me; Sa me; Ri ght of Fi rs t Refusal ; Evidence; Pa rol Evi dence; A ri ght of
person, even i f he is awa re of such contra ct and has a cted with fi rs t refusal ma y be proved by pa rol evidence.—The ques tion as to
knowledge thereof. Since a contra ct ma y be viola ted onl y by the whether a ri ght of fi rs t refusal ma y be proved by pa role evidence has
pa rties thereto as agains t ea ch other, a pa rty who has not ta ken pa rt been answered in the a ffi rma ti ve by this Court in Rosencor
in i t cannot sue for performance, unless he shows that he has a real Development Corpora tion v. Inquing (354 SCRA 119 [2001]): We ha ve
interes t affected thereby. previousl y held tha t not all agreements “affecting land” mus t be put
into wri ting to a ttain enforceability. Thus , we ha ve held that the
Sa me; Same; Same; Same; Corpora tion La w; The fa ct tha t a setting up of bounda ries, the oral pa rti tion of real property, and a n
corpora tion owns all of the stocks of a nother corpora tion, ta ken alone, agreement creating a right of wa y a re not covered by the provisions of
is not suffi cient to justi fy thei r being trea ted as one enti ty—any claim the s tatute of fra uds . The reason simpl y is tha t these a greements a re
or sui t of the pa rent corpora ti on cannot be pursued by the s ubsidiary not among those enumerated in Arti cle 1403 of the New Ci vil Code. A
based solel y on the reason that the former owns the majori ty or even ri ght of fi rs t refusal is not a mong those lis ted as unenforceable under
the enti re s tock of the la tter.—Respondent, al though a wholl y-owned the s ta tute of frauds. Furthermore, the applica tion of Arti cle 1403,
subsidia ry of EPCIB, has an independent and sepa ra te juridi cal pa r. 2(e) of the New Ci vil Code presupposes the existence of a
personality from i ts pa rent compa ny. The fa ct tha t a corporati on owns perfected, albei t unwri tten, contra ct of sale. A right of fi rs t refusal,
all of the s tocks of another corpora tion, taken alone, is not suffi cient such as the one invol ved in the ins tant case, is not by any means a
to justi fy thei r being trea ted as one entity. If used to perform perfected contra ct of sale of real property. At bes t, i t is a contra ctual
legi ti mate functi ons , a subsidia ry’s sepa ra te exis tence shall be grant, not of the sale of the real property invol ved, but of the ri ght of
respected, and the liability of the pa rent corpora tion, as well as the fi rs t refusal over the property sought to be sold.
subsidia ry, s hall be confi ned to those a rising from thei r respecti ve
businesses. A corpora tion has a sepa ra te personali ty dis tinct from i ts PNB V. DEE
s tockholders and other corpora tions to whi ch i t ma y be conducted. Contracts; Principle of Relativity of Contracts; The basic principle of
Any claim or suit of the pa rent corpora tion ca nnot be pursued by the relativity of contracts is that contracts can only bind the parties who
subsidia ry based solel y on the reason that the former owns the entered into it, and cannot favor or prejudice a third person, even if
ma jori ty or even the enti re s tock of the la tter. From a perusal of the he is aware of such contract and has acted with knowledge
records , peti tioners did not enter i nto a Loan Agreement and REM thereof.—The petitioner is correct in a rguing tha t i t is not obliged to
wi th respondent. Respondent, therefore, has no ri ght to forecl ose the perform any of the underta king of respondent PEPI and AFP-RSBS in
subject property even after defaul t, since this right can onl y be i ts transacti ons wi th Dee because i t is not a pri vy thereto. The basi c
claimed by the credi tor-mortgagor, EPCIB; and, consequentl y, the pri nciple of relati vi ty of contra cts is tha t contra cts can onl y bind the
extra judicial foreclosure of the REM by respondent would be in pa rties who entered into i t, and cannot fa vor or prejudi ce a third
vi olation of peti tioners ’ property ri ghts . person, even i f he is awa re of such contra ct and has a cted with
knowledge thereof. “Where there is no pri vi ty of contra ct, there is
HEIRS OF LLENADO V. LLENADO likewise no obliga tion or liability to speak about.”
Contra cts ; Lease; Hei rs a re bound by the contra cts entered into by
thei r predecessors-in-interes t except when the ri ghts and obliga tions Sa me; Mortgages ; A mortgage is an a ccessory undertaking to secure
therei n a re not trans missible by thei r na ture, by s tipula tion or by the fulfillment of a principal obli gation, and i t does not affect the
provision of law; A contra ct of lease is generall y transmissible to the ownership of the property as it is nothing more than a lien thereon
hei rs of the lessor or lessee—i t invol ves a property ri ght and, as such, serving as securi ty for a debt.—It must be s tressed tha t the mortga ge
the dea th of a pa rty does not excuse non-performance of the contra ct; contra ct between PEPI and the petitioner is merel y an a ccessory
As a general rule, covenants to renew a lease a re not personal but will contra ct to the principal three-yea r loan takeout from the peti tioner
run with the land.—Under Arti cle 1311 of the Ci vil Code, the hei rs a re by PEPI for i ts expansion project. It need not be belabored that “*a +
bound by the contra cts entered into by their predecessors-in-interes t mortgage is an a ccessory undertaking to secure the fulfillment of a
except when the ri ghts and obli gati ons therein a re not transmissible pri ncipal obliga tion,” and i t does not affect the owners hip of the
property as i t is nothing more than a lien thereon servi ng as securi ty such contract and has acted with knowledge thereof.—We ha ve
for a debt. consistentl y held tha t the pa rties to a contra ct a re the real pa rties-in-
interes t in an a ction upon i t. The basi c principle of rela ti vi ty of
Same; Contracts; Contract to Sell; Ownership; In a contra ct to sell , contra cts is tha t contra cts ca n onl y bind the pa rties who entered into
ownership is retained by the seller and is not to pass until full pa yment i t, and cannot fa vor or prejudi ce a thi rd pers on, even i f he is a wa re of
of the purchase pri ce.—Note that at the time PEPI mortgaged the such contra ct a nd has a cted wi th knowledge thereof. Hence, one who
property to the petitioner, the prevailing contract between is not a pa rty to a contra ct, and for whose benefi t i t was not expressl y
respondents PEPI and Dee was still the Contract to Sell, as Dee was ma de, cannot maintain an a ction on i t. One cannot do so, even i f the
yet to full y pa y the purchase pri ce of the property. On this point, PEPI contra ct performed by the contra cting pa rties would incidentally inure
was a cting full y well within its right when it mortga ged the property to to one’s benefi t.
the peti tioner, for i n a contra ct to sell , ownership is retained by the Unjust Enrichment; Unjus t enri chment exis ts when a person unjus tl y
seller a nd is not to pass until full pa yment of the purchase pri ce. In retains a benefi t a t the loss of another, or when a person retains
other words, a t the ti me of the mortga ge, PEPI was still the owner of money or property of another a gainst the fundamental principles of
the property. Thus , in China Banking Corporati on v. Spouses Lozada , jus ti ce, equi ty and good conscience.—Unjust enri chment exis ts when
557 SCRA 177 (2008), the Court affi rmed the right of the a person unjustl y retains a benefi t a t the l oss of another, or when a
owner/developer to mortga ge the property s ubject of devel opment, person retains money or property of another a gainst the fundamental
to wi t: “*P.D.+ No. 957 cannot totally prevent the owner or developer pri nciples of justi ce, equi ty and good cons cience. The preve ntion of
from mortga ging the subdi vision lot or condominium uni t when the unjus t enri chment is a recogni zed publi c poli cy of the State, as
ti tle thereto s till resides in the owner or developer a wai ting the full embodied in Arti cle 22 of the Ci vil Code whi ch provides tha t “*e+very
pa yment of the purchase pri ce by the ins tallment buyer.” Moreover, person who through an a ct of performance by another, or a ny other
the mortgage bore the clea rance of the HLURB, in compliance with means, a cqui res or comes i nto possession of so mething a t the
Secti on 18 of P.D. No. 957, whi ch provi des that “*n+o mortga ge on any expense of the latter wi thout jus t or legal ground, shall return the
unit or lot shall be made by the owner or developer wi thout pri or same to him.”
wri tten approval of the [HLURB+.”
Sa me; Same; Same; A bank dealing wi th a property tha t is already REQUISITES OF CONTRACTS
subject of a contra ct to sell and is protected by the provisions of P.D.
No. 957, is bound by the contra ct to sell .—Despi te the apparent JARDINE DAVIES V. CA
validi ty of the mortga ge between the peti tioner and PEPI, the former A contract is defined as "a juridi cal convention mani fested in legal
is s till bound to respect the transactions between respondents PEPI form, by vi rtue of which one or more persons bind themsel ves i n fa vor
and Dee. The petiti oner was well awa re tha t the properties mortgaged of a nother or others, or reciprocally, to the fulfillment of a pres tation
by PEPI were also the subject of exis ting contra cts to sell wi th other to gi ve, to do, or not to do." There can be no contra ct unless the
buyers . While i t ma y be tha t the petitioner is protected by Act No. following requisites concur:
3135, as amended, i t cannot claim a ny superior right as agains t the (a ) consent of the contra cting pa rties ;
ins tallment buyers . This is because the contra ct between the (b) object certain whi ch is the subject ma tter of the
respondents is protected by P.D. No. 957, a social justi ce measure contra ct; and,
ena cted pri ma ril y to protect innocent lot buyers . Thus , in Luzon (c) cause of the obliga tion whi ch is es tablished.
Development Bank v. Enri quez, 639 SCRA 332 (2011), the Court A contra ct binds both contra cting pa rties and has the force of law
rei tera ted the rule that a bank dealing wi th a property tha t is already between them.
subject of a contra ct to sell and is protected by the provisions of P.D. Contra cts a re perfected by mere consent, upon the a cceptance by the
No. 957, is bound by the contra ct to sell. offeree of the offer made by the offeror. From tha t moment, the
pa rties a re bound not onl y to the ful fillment of wha t has been
Sa me; Credi t Tra nsactions ; Extinguishment of Obligati ons ; expressly s tipulated but also to all the consequences whi ch, a ccording
Transa ctions ; Da cion en Pa go; Da tion in pa yment extinguishes the to thei r na ture, ma y be in keeping wi th good faith, usage and law. To
obliga tion to the extent of the value of the thing deli vered, ei ther as produce a contra ct, the a cceptance mus t not qualify the terms of the
agreed upon by the pa rties or as ma y be proved, unless the pa rties by offer. However, the a cceptance ma y be express or i mplied. For a
agreement — express or implied, or by their silence — consider the contra ct to a rise, the a cceptance mus t be made known to the offeror.
thing as equi valent to the obliga tion, i n whi ch case the obliga tion is Accordingl y, the a cceptance can be wi thdra wn or revoked before i t is
totall y extinguished.—Da cion en pa go or da tion in pa yment is the ma de known to the offeror.
deli very and tra nsmission of ownership of a thing by the debtor to the In the instant case, there is no issue as rega rds the subject ma tter of
creditor as an a ccepted equi valent of the performance of the the contra ct and the cause of the obli gation . The controversy lies in
obliga tion. It is a mode of extinguishing an exis ting obliga tion and the consent - whether there was an a cceptance of the offer, and i f so,
pa rtakes the na ture of sale as the creditor is reall y buyi ng the thing or if i t was communica ted, thereby perfecting the contra ct.
property of the debtor, the pa yment for whi ch is to be cha rged agains t There was a perfected contra ct in this case and the a cceptance of the
the debtor’s debt. Da tion in pa yment extinguishes the obli gation to offer was communi ca ted.
the extent of the value of the thing deli vered, ei ther as agreed upon
by the pa rties or as ma y be proved, unless the pa rties by agreement — SOLER V. CA
express or i mplied, or by thei r silence — consider the thing as A contra ct undergoes three stages:
equi valent to the obligati on, in whi ch case the obli gati on is totall y (a ) Prepa ration, conception, or genera tion, whi ch is the peri od of
extinguished. negotia tion and ba rgaining, ending a t the moment of agreement of
the pa rties ;
ROJALES V. DIME (b) Perfection or bi rth of the contra ct, whi ch is the moment when the
Contracts; Relativity of Contracts; The basic principle of relativity of pa rties come to a gree on the terms of the contra ct; and
contracts is that contracts can only bind the parties who entered into (c) Consummation or death, whi ch is the ful fillment or performance of
it, and cannot favor or prejudice a third person, even if he is aware of the terms a greed upon in the contra ct.
In the case a t ba r, there was a perfected oral contra ct. When Ms . The Ci ty of Cebu was no longer the owner of Lot 646-A-3 when i t
Lopez and peti tioner met in November 1986, and discussed the details ceded the same to peti tioner under the compromise a greement in
of the work, the fi rst s ta ge of the contra ct commenced. When they Ci vil Case No. 238-BC. At tha t ti me, the ci ty merel y retained ri ghts as
agreed to the pa yment of the ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) as an unpaid seller but had effecti vel y trans ferred owners hip of the l ot to
professional fees of peti tioner and that she should gi ve the designs Morales. As successor-in-interes t of the ci ty, peti tioner could onl y
before the December 1986 boa rd meeti ng of the ba nk, the second a cqui re ri ghts that i ts predecessor had over the lot. These ri ghts
s tage of the contra ct proceeded, and when finall y peti tioner ga ve the include the ri ght to seek res cission or fulfillment of the terms of the
designs to Ms . Lopez, the contra ct was consummated. Peti tioner contra ct a nd the right to damages in ei ther case.
believed tha t once she submi tted the designs she would be paid her
professional fees . Ms . Lopez assured peti tioner tha t she would be paid GARCIA V. THIO
It is fa miliar doctri ne tha t if a corpora tion knowingl y permi ts one of i ts A loan is a real contract, not consensual, and as such is perfected onl y
officers , or any other agent, to a ct wi thin the s cope of a n apparent upon the deli very of the object of the contra ct. Upon deli very of the
authori ty, i t holds him out to the public as possessing the power to do object of the contra ct of loan (in this case the money recei ved by the
those a cts ; and thus , the corpora tion will, as agains t a nyone who has debtor when the checks were encashed) the debtor a cqui res
in good faith deal t wi th i t through such a gent, be es topped from ownership of such money or loan proceeds and is bound to pa y the
denying the agents authori ty. Also, peti tioner ma y be paid on the basis creditor an equal amount. It is undispu ted that the checks were
of quantum meruit. It is essential for the proper opera tion of the deli vered to respondent. However, these checks were crossed and
pri nciple tha t there is an a cceptance of the benefi ts (the designs were pa ya ble not to the order of respondent but to the order of a certain
used and were not returned) by one sought to be cha rged for the Ma rilou Santiago. Thus the main question to be ans wered is : who
servi ces rendered under ci rcumstances as reasonabl y to notify hi m borrowed money from peti tioner — respondent or Sa ntiago? Deli very
tha t the la wyer performing the task was expecting to be paid is the a ct by whi ch the res or substance thereof is placed wi thin the
compensation therefor. The doctri ne of quantum meruit is a devi ce to a ctual or constructi ve possession or control of another. Al though
prevent undue enri chment based on the equitable pos tula te that i t is respondent di d not physi call y recei ve the proceeds of the checks ,
unjus t for a person to retain benefi t wi thout pa ying for i t. these ins truments were pla ced in her control and possession under an
a rrangement whereby she actually re -lent the amounts to Santiago.
A contra ct of sale is a consensual contra ct tha t is perfected upon a PANGAN V. PERRERAS
meeting of minds as to the object of the contra ct and i ts pri ce. Subject There was a perfected contra ct between the pa rties since all the
to the provisions of the Sta tute of Frauds , a formal document is not essential requisi tes of a contra ct were present.
necessa ry for the sale transa ction to a cqui re binding effect. 24 For as Arti cle 1318 of the Ci vil Code decla res tha t no contra ct exis ts unless
long as the essential elements of a contra ct of sale a re proved to exis t the following requisites concur:
in a gi ven transa ction, the contra ct is deemed perfected rega rdless of (1) consent of the contra cting pa rties ;
the absence of a formal deed evi dencing the same. (2) object certain whi ch is the subject matter of the contra ct; and
Failure to pa y the balance of the purchase pri ce did not render the (3) cause of the obliga tion es tablished.
sale inexis tent or invalid, but merel y ga ve rise to a ri ght in fa vor of the Si nce the object of the pa rties agreement invol ves properties co -
vendor to ei ther demand speci fi c performance or rescission of the owned by Consuelo and her children, the peti tioners -hei rs insist tha t
contra ct of sale.25 It did not abolish the contra ct of sale or result in i ts thei r a pproval of the sale initia ted by thei r mother, Consuel o, was
automa ti c invalida tion. The s tages of a contra ct of sale a re as follows : essential to i ts perfection. Accordingl y, thei r refusal amounted to the
(1) negotiati on, covering the period from the ti me the prospecti ve absence of the requi red element of consent.
contra cting pa rties indi ca te interes t in the contra ct to the ti me the Tha t a thing is sold without the consent of all the co -owners does not
contra ct is perfected; (2) perfection, whi ch takes place upon the invalida te the sale or render it void. Arti cle 493 of the Ci vil Code
concurrence of the essential elements of the sale whi ch a re the recognizes the absolute right of a co-owner to freel y dispose of his pro
meeting of the minds of the pa rties as to the object of the contra ct indi viso sha re as well as the fruits and other benefi ts a rising from tha t
and upon the pri ce ; and (3) consumma tion, which begins when the sha re, independentl y of the other co-owners . Thus , when Consuelo
pa rties perform thei r respecti ve undertakings under the contra ct of agreed to sell to the respondents the subject properties , wha t she in
sale, cul minati ng in the extinguishment thereof.27 In this case, fa ct sold was her undi vided interes t tha t, as quanti fied by the RTC,
respondents ’ predecessor had undoubtedl y commenced performing consisted of one-half interes t, representing her conjugal share, and
her obliga tion by ma king a down pa yment on the purchase pri ce. one-si xth interes t, representing her heredi ta ry sha re. The peti tioners -
Unfortuna tel y, however, she was not able to complete the pa yments hei rs nevertheless a rgue tha t Consuelo’s consent was predi cated on
due to legal compli ca tions between petitioner and the ci ty. thei r consent to the sale, and tha t thei r disapproval resul ted in the
Thus , the Ci ty of Cebu could no longer dispose of the lot in question wi thdrawal of Consuelo’s consent. Yet, we find nothing in the pa rties ’
when i t was included as among those returned to peti tioner purs uant agreement or even conduct sa ve Consuelo’s self-serving testi mony
to the compromise a greement in Ci vil Case No. 238-BC. The Ci ty of tha t would indi cate or from whi ch we can infer that Consuelo’s
Cebu had sold the property to Morales even though there remained a consent depended on her children’s approval of the sale. The expli ci t
balance on the purchase pri ce and a formal contra ct of sale had yet to terms of the June 8, 1989 receipt provi de no occasion for any reading
be executed. Incidentall y, the failure of respondents to pa y the tha t the a greement is subject to the petitioners-heirs fa vorable
balance on the purchase pri ce and the non -execution of a formal consent to the sale.
agreement was sufficientl y explained by the fa ct that the trial court, in The presence of Consuelo’s consent and, corollarily, the existence of
Ci vil Case No. 238-BC, issued a wri t of prelimina ry injunction enjoining a perfected contract between the parties are further evidenced by
the ci ty from further disposing the dona ted lots . According to the payment and receipt of P20,000.00, a n ea rnes t money by the
respondents , there was confusion as to the ci rcumstances of pa yment contra cting pa rties common usage. The law on sales, specifi call y
considering tha t both the ci ty and peti tioner had refused to accept Arti cle 1482 of the Ci vil Code, provides that whenever ea rnes t money
pa yment by vi rtue of the injunction.28 It appea rs tha t the pa rties is gi ven in a contra ct of sale, i t s hall be considered as pa rt of the pri ce
simpl y mistook Lot 646-A-3 as among those not yet sold by the ci ty. and proof of the perfection of the contra ct. Al though the presumption
is not conclusi ve, as the pa rties ma y trea t the ea rnes t money
di fferentl y, there is nothing alleged in the present case tha t would gi ve "can be i nferred from the contemporaneous and subsequent a cts of
rise to a contra ry presumption. In cases where the Court rea ched a the contra cting parties ." Thus , we held:
conclusion contra ry to the presumption decla red in Arti cle 1482, we x x x The rule is tha t except where a formal acceptance is
found that the money i nitiall y paid was gi ven to gua rantee tha t the so requi red, although the a cceptance mus t be affi rmati vel y and clea rl y
buyer would not ba ck out from the sale, considering tha t the pa rties ma de and mus t be evidenced by some a cts or conduct communi cated
to the sale ha ve yet to a rri ve a t a defini te agreement as to i ts terms to the offeror, i t ma y be made ei ther in a formal or an informal
tha t is , a si tua tion where the contra ct has not yet been perfected. ma nner, and ma y be shown by a cts , conduct, or words of the
These situati ons do not obtain in the present case, as nei ther of the a ccepting pa rty tha t clearl y mani fest a present i ntention or
pa rties claimed that the P20,000.00 was gi ven merel y as gua rantee by determina tion to accept the offer to buy or sell . Thus , a cceptance ma y
the respondents, as vendees, that they would not ba ck out from the be shown by the acts , conduct, or words of a pa rty recognizing the
sale. As we ha ve pointed out, the terms of the parties ’ a greement a re exis tence of the contra ct of sale. There is no perfected contra ct of sale
clea r and explici t; indeed, all the essential elements of a perfected between PELA and Al-Amanah for wa nt of consent a nd a greement on
contract are present in this case. While the respondents required tha t the pri ce.When PELA Secreta ry Fl orida Ramos (Ramos ) tes tified, s he
the occupants va ca te the subject properties prior to the pa yment of referred to the Ma rch 18, 1993 letter whi ch PELA sent to Al-Amanah
the second i nstallment, the s tipula tion does not a ffect the perfection as the document supposedl y embodying the perfected contra ct of
of the contra ct, but onl y i ts execution. In sum, the case contains no sale. However, we find tha t the Ma rch 18, 1993 letter referred to was
element, fa ctual or legal , tha t negates the exis tence of a perfected merel y an offer to buy.Neither ca n the note wri tten by the bank tha t
contra ct between the pa rties. "subject offer has been a cknowledged/recei ved but processing to take
effect upon putting up of the pa rtial amount of P150,000.00 on or
DUARTE V. DURAN before April 15, 1993" be cons trued as a cceptance of PELA’s offer to
Mi guel Duran offered to sell his laptop to Elena Dua rte for p15,000. buy. Taken a t fa ce value, the annotation simpl y means tha t the bank
Si nce the la tter wasstill undecided when he made the offer, he left i t merel y a cknowledged receipt of PELA’s letter-offer. Furthermore, by
wi th her and after two da ys , she agreed to the sale and ga ve 5, 000 as ‘processing,’ Al-Amanah onl y meant tha t i t will ‘a ct on the offer’, i .e., i t
down pa yment. s till has to eval uate whether PELA’s offer is a cceptable. Until and
Issue in this case is W/N there was a perfected contra ct. unless Al-Amanah a ccepts , there is as yet no perfected contra ct of
SC said yes . The absence of a wri tten contra ct of sale does not mean sale. Notabl y here, the bank never si gnified i ts ‘approval’ or
otherwise. The parties are bound by it whether the contra ct is verbal ‘a cceptance’ of the offer.
or i n wri ting because there is no form required. Respondent need onl y OPTION CONTRACT
show a preponderance of evidence whi ch he did by s ubmi tting his
affida vi t and that of his witness as well as the demand letter. Evidence VILLAMOR V. CA
submi tted by respondent weighs more than petiti oner’s ba re denials. The Deed of Option was a valid written a greement between the
The Sta tute of Frauds applies to executory and not completed, pa rties . The law provides tha t when the terms of an a greement ha ve
executed or pa rtiall y executed contra cts. In this case, the contract of been reduced to wri ting i t is to be considered as containing all such
sale has already been partially executed beca use the possession of terms, a nd therefore, there can be, between the pa rties and thei r
the laptop was already transferred to peti tioner and the partial successors in interes t no evidence of thei r terms of the a greement,
pa yments had been made by her. other than the contents of the wri ting. (Section 7 Rule 130 Revised
Rules of Court)
A sale mus t be for a pri ce certain (Art. 1458). The respondent
ROBERN DEVELOPMENT V. PEOPLE’S LANDLESS appella te court failed to gi ve due considera tion to the evidence which
The issue in this case is whether there was a perfected contra ct of sale shows tha t the Villamor spouses bough an adja cent l ot from the
between PELA and Al-Amanah, the resolution of which will decide brother of Ma ca ria Reyes for onl y P18.00 per squa re me ter whi ch the
whether the sale of the lot to Robern should be sus tained or not. respondents Reyes did not rebut. Thus , expressed in terms of money,
the considera tion for the deed of option is the difference between the
The court held that no, there was no perfected contra ct of sale purchase pri ce of the portion of the lot in 1971 (P70.00 per sq.m.) and
between PELA and Al-Amanah. the prevailing reasonable pri ce of the same lot in 1971. Wha tever i t is ,
A contra ct of sale is perfected a t the moment there is a meeting of (P25.00 or P18.00) though not speci fi cally s ta ted in the deed of option,
mi nds upon the thing whi ch is the object of the contra ct and upon the was as certainable. Villamors allegedl y pa ying P52.00 per squa re meter
pri ce. Thus, for a contract of sale to be valid, all of the following for the option ma y, as opined by the appellate court, be improbable
essential elements must concur: "a) consent or meeting of the minds; but improbabilities do not invalida te a contra ct freel y entered into by
b) determinate subject matter; and c) price certain in m oney or its the pa rties .
equivalent." In the case a t bench, there is no controvers y anent the The "deed of option" entered into by the parties in this case had
determina te subject ma tter, i .e., the 2,000-s qua re meter lot. This unique features. Ordina ril y, a n opti onal contra ct is a pri vilege exis ting
lea ves us to resol ve whether there was a concurrence of the in one person, for which he had paid a considera tion and which gi ves
remaining elements. hi m the ri ght to buy, for exa mple, certain merchandise or certain
As for the pri ce, fi xing it can never be left to the decision of onl y one specified property, from another person, if he chooses, a t any ti me
of the contra cting pa rties.50 "But a pri ce fi xed by one of the wi thin the agreed peri od a t a fi xed pri ce. The fi rs t pa rt of the deed
contra cting pa rties , i f a ccepted by the other, gi ves rise to a perfected covered the s tate ment on the sale of the 300 squa re meter portion of
sale." the l ot to Spouses Villamor a t the pri ce of P70.00 per squa re meter
As rega rds consent, "when there is merel y an offer by one pa rty "whi ch was higher than the a ctual reasonable prevailing value of the
wi thout a cceptance of the other, there is no contra ct." 52 The decision lands in tha t place a t tha t ti me (of sale)." The second pa rt s ta ted tha t
to a ccept a bidder’s proposal mus t be communica ted to the bidder. 53 the onl y reason why the Villamor spouses a greed to buy the said lot a t
However, a binding contra ct ma y exis t between the pa rties whose a much higher pri ce is because the vendor (Reyes) also a greed to sell
mi nds ha ve met, al though they did not affi x thei r si gna tures to any to the Villamors the other hal f-portion of 300 square meters of the
wri tten document,54 as a cceptance ma y be e xpressed or i mplied.55 It land. Had the deed s topped there, there woul d be no dispute that the
deed is reall y an ordina ry deed of option gra nting the Villamors the
option to buy the remaining 300 s qua re meter-half portion of the lot whi ch the owner of property a grees wi th a nother person tha t he shall
in considera tion for thei r ha vi ng a greed to buy the other half of the ha ve the ri ght to buy his property a t a fi xed pri ce wi thin a certain ti me.
land for a much hi gher pri ce. But, the "deed of option" went on and He does not sell his land; he does not then agree to sell i t; but he does
s tated tha t the sale of the other half would be made "whenever the sell something, i .e., the ri ght or pri vilege to buy a t the election or
need of such sale a rises, ei ther on our (Reyes ) pa rt or on the pa rt of option of the other pa rty. Its distinguishing cha ra cteris ti c is tha t i t
the Spouses Villamor. It appea rs that while the option to buy was imposes no binding obli gation on the pers on holding the option, aside
granted to the Villamors , the Reyes were likewise gra nted an option to from the considera tion for the offer. Until a cceptance, it is not,
sell. In other words , it was not onl y the Villamors who were gra nted an properl y speaking, a contra ct, and does not ves t, tra nsfer, or a gree to
option to buy for whi ch they paid a considera tion. The Reyes as well trans fer, any ti tle to, or any interes t or ri ght i n the subject ma tter, but
were granted an opti on to sell should the need for such sale on thei r is merel y a contra ct by whi ch the owner of the property gi ves the
pa rt a rise. optionee the right or pri vilege of a ccepting the offer and buyi ng the
The option offered by Reyes had been accepted by the Villamors, the property on certain terms .
promise, in the same document. The a cceptance of an offer to sell for On the other hand, a contra ct, li ke a contra ct to sell, i nvol ves the
a pri ce certain crea ted a bilateral contra ct to sell and buy and upon meeting of mi nds between two persons whereby one binds hi mself,
a cceptance, the offer, ipso facto assumes obligati ons of a vendee. wi th respect to the other, to gi ve s omethi ng or to render some
Demandabili ti y ma y be exercised a t a ny ti me a fter the execution of servi ce. Contra cts , in general , a re perfected by mere consent, whi ch is
the deed. ma nifes ted by the meeting of the offer and the a cceptance upon the
Si nce there ma y be no valid contra ct wi thout a cause of consideration, thing and the ca use whi ch are to consti tute the contra ct. The offer
the promissory is not bound by his promise and ma y, a ccordingl y must be certain and the acceptance absolute. Receipt readil y shows
wi thdraw i t. Pending notice of its withdrawal, his accepted promise tha t respondent spouses and peti tioner onl y entered into a contra ct of
partakes, however, of the nature of an offer to sell which, if accepted, option; a contra ct by which respondent spouses a greed with
results in a perfected contract of sale. peti tioner tha t the latter s hall ha ve the right to buy the formers
A contra ct of sale is , under Arti cle 1475 of the Ci vil Code, "perfected a t property a t a fi xed pri ce of P34.00 per s qua re meter within ten (10)
the moment there is a meeting of minds upon the thing whi ch is the da ys from 31 Jul y 1978. The considera tion of P20,000.00 paid by
object of the contra ct and upon the pri ce. From tha t moment, the peti tioner to respondent spouses was referred to as "ea rnes t money."
pa rties ma y reciprocall y dema nd perform of contra cts ." Since there
was , between the parties , a meeting of minds upon the object and the EARNEST MONEY V. OPTION MONEY However, a ca reful exa mination
pri ce, there was al ready a perfected contra ct of sale. Wha t was , of the words used indi cates tha t the money is not ea rnes t money but
however, left to be done was for ei ther pa rty to demand from the option money."Ea rnest money" and "option money" a re not the same
other thei r respecti ve undertakings under the contra ct. It ma y be but distinguished thus : (a) ea rnes t money is pa rt of the purchase pri ce,
demanded a t a ny time ei ther by the pri va te respondents , who ma y while option money is the money gi ven as a dis tinct considera tion for
compel the peti tioners to pa y for the property or the peti tioners, who an option contra ct; (b) ea rnest money is gi ven onl y where there is
ma y compel the pri va te respondents to deliver the property. al ready a sale, while opti on money a pplies to a sale not yet perfected;
However, the Deed of Option did not provide for the period within and, (c) when ea rnest money is gi ven, the buyer is bound to pa y the
whi ch the pa rties ma y demand the performance of thei r respecti ve balance, while when the would-be buyer gi ves option money, he is not
undertakings in the ins trument. The pa rties could not ha ve requi red to buy, but ma y even forfei t it depending on the terms of the
contemplated tha t the deli very of the property a nd the pa yment option. Tha t the contra ct between the pa rties is one of option is
thereof could be made i ndefini tel y and render uncertain the s tatus of buttressed by the provision therein tha t s hould the tra nsaction of the
the land. The failure of ei ther pa rties to demand performance of the property not ma terialize wi thout faul t of peti tioner as buyer,
obliga tion of the other for a n unreasona ble length of ti me renders the respondent Lorenzo de Vera obliga tes himself to return the full
contra ct i neffecti ve. amount of P20,000.00 "ea rnes t money" wi th option to buy or forfei t
Under Arti cle 1144 (1) of the Ci vil Code, a ctions upon wri tten contra ct the same on the faul t of peti tioner. It is further bolstered by the
mus t be brought wi thin ten (10) yea rs . The Deed of Option was provision therein tha t gua rantees petitioner tha t she or her
executed on November 11, 1971. The a cceptance, as already representati ve would be notified in case the subject property was sold
mentioned, was also a ccepted in the same ins trument. The complaint or encumbered to a thi rd pers on. Finally, the Receipt provided for a
in this case was filed by the peti tioners17 yea rs from the time of the peri od wi thin whi ch the option to buy was to be exercised, i.e., "within
execution of the contra ct. Hence, the ri ght of a ction had pres cribed. ten (10) da ys " from 31 Jul y 1978. During the option peri od the
It is of judi cial notice that the pri ce of real esta te in Metro Manila is agreement was not converted i nto a bilateral promise to sell and to
continuousl y on the rise. To allow the Villamors to dema nd the buy where both respondent spouses a nd peti tioner were then
deli very of the property 17 yea rs after the execution of the deed a t reciprocall y bound to compl y wi th thei r respecti ve underta kings as
the pri ce of onl y P70.00 per squa re meter is inequi tous . For reasons peti tioner did not timel y, affi rmati vel y and clearl y a ccept the offer of
also of equi ty and i n considera tion of the fa ct tha t the Reyes ha ve no respondent spouses.
other decent place to li ve, the Court, in the exercise of i ts equity
jurisdi ction is not inclined to gra nt petitioners' pra yer. TAYAG V. LACSON
Option contract defined
LIMSON V. CA An option is a contra ct by whi ch the owner of the property a grees
A mere CONTRACT OF OPTION, not of contra ct to sell. An option, as wi th another person tha t he shall ha ve the ri ght to buy his property a t
used i n the la w of sales, is a continuing offer or contra ct by whi ch the a fi xed pri ce wi thin a certain time or under, or in compliance with
owner s ti pulates wi th a nother tha t the latter shall ha ve the ri ght to certain terms and condi tions , or which gi ves to the owner of the
buy the property a t a fi xed pri ce wi thin a ti me certain, or under, or i n property the ri ght to sell or demand a sale. It imposes no binding
compliance wi th, certain terms and condi tions, or which gi ves to the obliga tion on the person holding the option, aside from the
owner of the property the right to sell or demand a sale. It is also consideration for the offer. Until a ccepted, i t is not, properl y speaking,
sometimes called an "unaccepted offer." An opti on is not of i tself a trea ted as a contra ct. An option contract is a separate and distinct
purchase, but merel y secures the pri vilege to buy. It is not a sale of contract from which the parties may enter into upon the conjunction
property but a sale of the ri ght to purchase. It is simpl y a contra ct by of the option.
a t the election or option of the other pa rty. Its distinguishing
Farmers had no right to grant Tayag the option/rig ht to buy the cha ra cteris ti c is tha t i t imposes no bindi ng obliga tion on the person
property as they were merely tenants-In this case, the defendants - holding the option, aside from the considera tion for the offer. For an
tenants -subtenants , under the deeds of assignment, granted to the option contra ct to be valid and enforceable agains t the promissor,
peti tioner not onl y an option but the excl usive right to buy the there mus t be a sepa ra te and distinct considerati on tha t supports i t.
landholding. But the grantors were merel y the defendants -tenants , Wi thout considera tion tha t is sepa ra te and distinct from the purchase
and not the respondents , the registered owners of the property. Not pri ce, an option contra ct cannot be enforced; tha t holds true even i f
being the regis tered owners of the property, the defendants -tenants the unilateral promise is al ready a ccepted by the optionee.
could not legall y grant to the peti tioner the option, much less the CONSIDERATION. The consideration is the why of the contracts , the
"exclusi ve right" to buy the property. essential reason whi ch moves the contra cting pa rties to enter into the
Deeds of Assignment not valid; conditions stipulated did not arise- contra ct. This defini tion illustra tes tha t the consideration
The full pa yment of 50/sqm under Ta ya g and the fa rmers ’ ‘’option contemplated to s upport an option contra ct need not be moneta ry.
contra cts’ were on the following condi tions : Actual cash need not be exchanged for the option. However, by the
- that the La csons would agree to sell thei r property very na ture of an option contra ct, as defined in Arti cle 1479, the same
- that the deeds of assignment were subject to the approval of DAR is an onerous contra ct for whi ch the considera tion mus t be something
- tha t there was a prohi biti ve period wi thin whi ch the fa rmers were of value, although its kind ma y va ry. The onl y considera tion agreed
able to sell thei r interest in the land upon by the pa rties in the said Contra ct is the supposed purchase
pri ce for the subject property in the a mount not e xceedi ng P1.5
There is no showing in Ta ya g’s complaint tha t the fa rmers had agreed Million, whi ch could not be deemed to be the same considera tion for
to sell thei r property, and tha t the legal impedi ments to the the option contra ct since the law and jurisprudence expli ci tl y di cta te
agreement no longer existed. They had yet to submi t the Deeds of tha t for the option contra ct to be valid, i t must be supported by a
Assignment to the Depa rtment of Agra rian Reform whi ch, in turn, had consideration separa te and dis tinct from the pri ce.
to a ct on and a pprove or disapprove the same. Unless the DAR
approves the deeds , Ta ya g has no right to enforce the same by asking PHILIPPINE NATIONAL OIL V. KEPPEL HOLDINGS
the trial court to fi x a period wi thin which to pa y. (case digest ito kasi palagi gina mention ni Mam)
Keppel entered into a lease agreement wi th Luzon Stevedoring
ABALOS V. MACATANGAY Corpora tion s ta ting tha t the eleven hecta res of land loca ted in Bauan,
The a greement between Arturo and Gali cano is a mere grant of Ba tangas will be leased for the period of 25 yea rs for Php 2.1 million.
pri vilege to purchase to Gali cano. The promise to sell is not binding to Tha t, at the option of Luzon Stevedori ng, the rental fee could be
Arturo for there was a ctuall y no considera tion distinct from the pri ce. converted to equi ty s ha res in Keppel . After the lapse of the lease
Be i t noted tha t the pa rties considered the P5k as a n ea rnest money to contra ct, Keppel was gi ven an option to purchase, with the pro vision
be deducted from the purchase pri ce. tha t the qualifi ca tion of a forei gn corpora tion to own properties in the
Assuming a rguendo tha t i t was a bila teral promise to buy a nd sell, the Philippines as provided for by law is a chieved. Unfortuna tel y, Keppel ’s
same is s till not binding for Gali cano failed to render a pa yment of percentage of Filipino ownership was less than wha t the law provided
legal tender. A check is not a legal tender. for. Therefore, the lease would not be renewed for another twenty
Still assuming a rguendo, tha t the P5k was an ea rnes t money which fi ve yea rs and there will be no option to purchase. Nevertheless, the
supposedl y perfected a contra ct of sale, the RMOA is s till not valid for PNOC purchased the land from Luzon Stevedoring. When Keppel was
Es ther’s signa ture was not affi xed. The property is conjugal and under ready to purchase the land, however, PNOC refused hence the case
the Famil y Code, the spouses’ consents a re requi red. Further, the was filed.
ea rnes t money here is not a ctuall y the ea rnes t money contemplated
under Arti cle 1482 under the Ci vil Code. ISSUE: Whether or not the option to purchase the land gi ven to Keppel
The subsequent agreement between Es ther and Galicano did not ra tify is valid and supported by a valuable considera tion?
the ea rlier transa ction between Arturo and Galicano. A void contra ct
can never be ra ti fied. HELD: An option contract is a contract where one person (the
offeror/promissor) grants to another person (the offeree/promisee)
EULOGIO V. APELES the right or privilege to buy (or to sell) a determinate thing at a fixed
There is no dispute tha t wha t Enri co sought to enforce i n Ci vil Case No. price, if he or she chooses to do so within an agreed period. As a
Q-99-36834 was his purported ri ght to a cqui re owners hip of the contra ct, it mus t necessaril y ha ve the essential elements of subject
subject property in the exercise of his option to purchase the sa me ma tter, consent, and considera tion. Al though a n option contra ct is
under the Contra ct of Lease wi th Option to Purchase. He ulti ma tel y deemed a prepa ratory contra ct to the pri ncipal contra ct of sale, i t is
wa nts to compel the spouses Apeles to already execute the Deed of sepa ra te and dis tinct therefrom, thus , i ts essential elements should
Sale over the subject property in his fa vor. An option is a contra ct by be dis tinguished from those of a sale. An opti on contra ct, the subject
whi ch the owner of the property agrees wi th a nother person tha t the ma tter is the right or pri vilege to bu y (or to sell) a determina te thing
la tter shall ha ve the ri ght to buy the formers property a t a fi xed pri ce for a pri ce certain, while in a sales contra ct, the subject ma tter is the
wi thin a certain time. It is a condi tion offered or contra ct by whi ch the determina te thing i tself. The consent i n an option contra ct is the
owner s ti pulates wi th a nother tha t the latter shall ha ve the ri ght to a cceptance by the offeree of the offeror’s promise to sell (or to buy)
buy the property a t a fi xed pri ce wi thin a certai n time, or under, or i n the determinate thing, i.e., the offeree agrees to hold the ri ght or
compliance wi th certain terms and condi tions ; or whi ch gi ves to the pri vilege to buy (or to sell) wi thin a s pecified period. This a cceptance
owner of the property the ri ght to sell or dema nd a sale. An option is is different from the a cceptance of the offer itself whereby the offeree
not of itself a purchase, but merel y secures the pri vilege to buy. It is asserts his or her right or pri vilege to buy (or to sell), whi ch consti tutes
not a sale of property but a sale of the ri ght to purchase. It is simpl y a as his or her consent to the sales contra ct. The considera tion in a n
contra ct by whi ch the owner of the property agrees wi th another option contra ct ma y be anythi ng of value, unlike in a sale where the
person tha t he shall ha ve the ri ght to buy his property a t a fi xed pri ce purchase pri ce mus t be in money or i ts equi valent. There is suffi cient
wi thin a certain time. He does not sell his land; he does not then a gree consideration for a promise if there is any benefi t to the offeree or any
to sell i t; but he does sell something, i .e., the ri ght or pri vilege to buy detri ment to the offeror. For uni formi ty a nd consistency i n contra ct
interpreta tion, the better rule to follow is tha t the considera tion for FELICIANO V. ZALDIVAR
the option contra ct s hould be clea rl y speci fied as such in the option On this point, Arti cle 1332 of the Ci vil Code is relevant: ART.1332.
contra ct or clause. Otherwise, the offeree mus t bea r the burden of When one of the parties is unable to read, or if the contract is in a
proving that a sepa ra te considera tion for the option contra ct exis ts . language not understood by him, and mistake or fraud is alleged, the
Gi ven our finding tha t person enforcing the contract must show that the terms thereof
the Agreement did not ca tegori call y refer to a ny considera tion to have been fully explained to the former.
support Keppel ’s option to buy and for Keppel ’s failure to present The principle tha t a pa rty is presumed to know the i mport of a
evidence in this rega rd, we cannot uphold the exis tence of an option document to whi ch he a ffi xes his signa ture is modi fied by the
contra ct in this case. The a bsence of a considera tion supporti ng the foregoing a rticle. Where a pa rty is unable to read or when the contra ct
option contra ct, however, does not invalida te an offer to buy (or is in a language not unders tood by the pa rty and mis take or fraud is
to sell ). An option unsupported by a separa te considera tion s tands as alleged, the obliga tion to show tha t the terms of the contra ct had
an unaccepted offer to buy (or to sell) whi ch, when properl y a ccepted, been fully explained to said pa rty who is unable to read or understand
ripens into a contra ct to sell. Accordingl y, when an option to buy or to the langua ge of the contra ct devol ves on the pa rty seeking to enforce
sell is not supported by a considera tion sepa ra te from the purchase the contra ct to show tha t the other party full y unders tood the
pri ce, the option consti tutes as an offer to buy or to sell, whi ch ma y be contents of the document. If he fails to discharge this burden, the
wi thdrawn by the offeror a t any ti me pri or to the communi cation of presumption of mista ke, i f not, fraud, s tands unrebutted and
the offeree’s a cceptance. When the offer is dul y a ccepted, a mutual controlling.
promise to buy and to sell under the fi rst pa ra graph of Arti cle 1479 Appl ying the foregoi ng princi ples, the presumption is tha t Remegia ,
of the Ci vil Code ensues and the pa rties’ respecti ve obliga tions considering her limi ted educa tional a ttainment, did not understand
become reciprocall y demandable. Applied to the present case, we find the full i mport of the joint affida vi t of confi rma tion of sale and,
tha t the offer to buy the land was timel y a ccepted by Keppel. consequentl y, fraud or mis take attended i ts execution. The burden is
on respondents , the spouses Zaldi va r, to rebut this presumption. They
DEFECTS OF THE WILL tried to discha rge this onus by presenting Atty. Fra ncisco Velez (la ter
RTC Judge) who nota rized the said document. Atty. Velez testi fied tha t
FONTANA RESORT V. TAN he "read and interpreted" the document to the affiants and he asked
Whether or not peti tioners commi tted fraud or defaul ted on thei r them whether the contents were correct before requi ring them to
promises as would jus tify the annulment or rescission of thei r contra ct affi x thei r signa tures thereon. The ba re s ta tement of Atty. Velez tha t
of sale? There is fra ud when one pa rty is induced by the other to enter he "read and i nterpreted" the document to the a ffiants a nd tha t he
into a contra ct, through and solel y because of the la tters insidious asked them as to the correctness of i ts contents does not necessa ril y
words or ma china tions . But not all forms of fra ud ca n vi tia te consent. es tablish tha t Remegia a ctually comprehended or unders tood the
Under Arti cle 1330, fraud refers to dolo causante or causal fraud, in import of the joint a ffida vi t of confi rma tion of sale. Nowhere is i t
whi ch, prior to or simul taneous wi th the execution of a contra ct, one s tated in the a ffida vi t i tsel f tha t i ts contents were full y explained to
pa rty secures the consent of the other by using deception, wi thout Remegia i n the langua ge tha t she unders tood before she si gned the
whi ch such consent would not ha ve been gi ven. Simpl y s tated, the same. Thus , to the mind of the Court, the presumpti on of fraud or
fraud must be the determining cause of the contra ct, or mus t ha ve mis take a ttendi ng the execution of the joint affida vi t of confi rmation
caused the consent to be gi ven. of sale was not suffi cientl y overcome.
T]he general rule is tha t he who alleges fraud or mis take in a Moreover, the purported joint a ffida vi t of confi rma tion of sale failed
transa ction mus t subs tantiate his allega tion as the presumption is tha t to s tate certain i mporta nt informa tion. For exa mple, i t did not
a person takes ordina ry ca re for his concerns and tha t pri va te dealings mention the considera tion or pri ce for the alleged sale by Remegia of
ha ve been entered into fai rl y and regula rl y. One who alleges defect or the subject lot to Ignacio Gil. Also, while i t sta ted tha t the subject lot
la ck of valid consent to a contra ct by reason of fraud or undue was conveyed by Igna cio Gil to Pio Dalman, i t did not sa y whether the
influence must es tablish by full, clear and convinci ng evidence such conveya nce was by sale, dona tion or any other mode of trans fer.
specifi c a cts tha t vi tiated a pa rtys consent, otherwise, the la tters Fi nally, i t di d not also s ta te how the ownership of the subject lot was
presumed consent to the contra ct prevails. trans ferred from Pi o Dalman to respondent Aurelio or respondents .
In this case, respondents ha ve miserabl y failed to prove how
peti tioners employed fraud to induce respondents to buy FRCCI GEORG V. HOLY TRINITY COLLEGE
sha res . It can onl y be expected tha t peti tioners presented the FLP and
the country cl ub in the mos t positi ve li ght in order to a ttra ct inves tor- SIMULATION OF CONTRACTS
members . There is no showing tha t in thei r sales talk to respondents ,
peti tioners a ctuall y used insidious words or machina tions , wi thout VILLEGAS V. RURAL BANK OF TANJAY
whi ch, respondents would not ha ve bought the FRCCI sha res Peti tioners admi t tha t the loan (and mortgage) contra cts were made
to appea r as several suga r crop loans not exceeding P50,000.00 each
DELA CRUZ V. DELA CRUZ even if they were not just s o the respondent rural bank could grant
For Arti cle 1332 to appl y, i t must fi rs t be convi ncingl y es tablished tha t and approve the same pursuant to Republi c Act (R.A.) No. 720, the
the illi tera te or disadvantaged pa rty could not read or unders tand the Rural Banks Act. Peti tioners a ver tha t the suga r crop loans were
language in whi ch the contra ct was wri tten or that the contra ct was merel y simula ted contra cts a nd, therefore, wi thout any force and
left unexplained to said pa rty. Peti tioners failed to dis cha rge this effect.
burden. Gi ven the fa ctual antecedents of this case, i t is obvi ous tha t the suga r
The DAS da ted September 25, 1980 was dul y acknowledged before a crop loa ns were RELATIVELY SI MULATED contra cts and that both
nota ry publi c. As a nota ri zed document, i t has in i ts fa vor the pa rties intended to be bound thereby. There a re two juridi cal a cts
presumption of regula rity a nd i t ca rries the evidentia ry weight invol ved in rela ti ve simula tion the os tensible a ct and the hidden a ct.
conferred upon i t wi th respect to i ts due executi on. It is admissible in The ostensible a ct is the contra ct tha t the pa rties pretend to ha ve
evidence wi thout further proof of i ts authenti ci ty and is enti tled to full executed while the hidden a ct is the true a greement between the
fai th and credi t upon i ts fa ce. pa rties . To determine the enforceabili ty of the a ctual a greement
between the parties , we mus t discern whether the concealed or
hidden a ct is lawful and the essential requisites of a valid contra ct a re Even on the assumption that the Ma rch 5, 1975 deed was not
present. In this case, the juridical acts which bind the parties are the simula ted, s till the sale cannot be deemed valid because, a t that ti me,
loan and mortgage contracts, i .e., peti tioners procurement of a loan Domingo was not yet the owner of the property. There is no dispute
from respondent. Al though these loan and mortgage contra cts were tha t the original and registered owner of the subject property covered
concealed and made to appear as suga r crop loans to make them fall by TCT No. 16776, from whi ch the subject 9,000 square meter l ot
wi thin the purview of the Rural Banks Act, all the essential requisites came from, was Faus tina , who during her lifeti me had executed a will,
of a contra ct were present. However, the purpose thereof is illici t, da ted Jul y 27, 1939. In the said will, the name of Benjamin, fa ther of
intended to ci rcumvent the Rural Ba nks Act requirement in the Domingo, appea red as one of the hei rs. Thus, and as correctl y found
procurement of loans . Consequentl y, while the pa rties intended to be by the RTC, even i f Benja min died sometime in 1960, Domingo in 1975
bound thereby, the agreement is void a nd inexis tent under Arti cle could not yet validl y dispose of the whole or even a portion thereof for
1409 of the Ci vil Code. the reason tha t he was not the s ole hei r of Benja min, as his mother
In this case, clea rl y, both peti tioners and respondent a re in pa ri onl y died someti me in 1980.
deli cto, and nei ther should be a ccorded affi rma ti ve relief as agains t Besides, under Arti cle 1347 of the Ci vil Code, "No contra ct ma y be
the other. entered into upon future inheri tance except in cases expressl y
authorized by law." Pa ragraph 2 of Arti cle 1347, cha ra cteri zes a
contra ct entered into upon future i nheri tance as void. The law applies
VILACERAN V. DE GUZMAN when the following requisites concur:
Article 1345 of the Civil Code provides that the simulation of a (1) the succession has not yet been opened;
contract may either be absolute or relative. In absolute si mulation, (2) the object of the contra ct forms pa rt of the i nheri tance; &
there is a col orable contra ct but i t has no subs tance as the pa rties (3) the promissor has, wi th respect to the object, an expectancy of a
ha ve no intention to be bound by i t. The main cha racteris ti c of an ri ght which is purel y heredi ta ry in na ture. Rega rding the deed of sale
absolute simula tion is tha t the appa rent contra ct is not reall y desired covering the remaining 4,500 squa re meters of the subject property
or intended to produce legal effect or in any wa y alter the juridi cal executed in fa vor of Rena to Tabu, i t is evidentl y null and void. The
situa tion of the pa rties. As a resul t, an absolutel y simula ted or document itself, the Deed of Absolute Sale, dated October 8, 1996,
fi cti tious contra ct is void, and the parties ma y recover from ea ch other readil y shows tha t i t was executed on Augus t 4, 1996 more than two
wha t they ma y ha ve gi ven under the contra ct. However, i f the pa rties months a fter the dea th of Domingo. Contra cting pa rties must be
s tate a false cause in the contra ct to conceal thei r real agreement, the juris ti c enti ties a t the time of the consumma tion of the contra ct.
contra ct is onl y relati vel y simulated and the pa rties a re s till bound by Sta ted otherwise, to form a valid a nd legal a greement it is necessary
thei r real a greement. Hence, where the essential requisites of a tha t there be a pa rty capable of contra cting and a pa rty capa ble of
contra ct a re present and the simulation refers onl y to the content or being contra cted wi th. Hence, if any one pa rty to a supposed build a
terms of the contra ct, the agreement is absolutel y bindi ng and hospital , could they s till afford to lend money to Ireneo? And i f Ireneo
enforceable between the pa rties and thei r successors in interest. needed money, why would he lend the ti tle to Spouses Inta c when he
hi mself could use i t to borrow money for his needs ? If Spouses Inta c
CABALU V. TABU took ca re of him when he was terminall y ill, i t was not surprising for
Not in conformi ty, both parties appealed to the CA. Peti tioners Angelina to reciproca te as he took ca re of her since s he was three (3)
contended that the RTC erred in decla ring void the Deed of Absolute yea rs ol d until she got ma rried. Thei r ca ring a cts for him, while they
Sale, da ted Ma rch 5, 1975. They claimed tha t Domingo owned the a re deemed servi ces of value, cannot be considered as consideration
property, when it was sold to Laureano Cabalu, because he inheri ted i t for the subject property for lack of quanti fi cati on a nd the Filipino
from his fa ther, Benjamin, who was one of the hei rs of Faus tina . Being cul ture of taking ca re of thei r elders .
a co-owner of the property left by Benja min, Domingo could dispose Thus , the Court agrees wi th the courts below tha t the ques tioned
of the portion he owned, notwi ths tanding the will of Faus tina not contra ct of sale was onl y for the purpose of lending the ti tle of the
being proba ted. property to Spouses Inta c to enable them to secure a loan. Thei r
Respondent spouses , on the other hand, asserted that the Deed of a rrangement was onl y tempora ry and could not gi ve rise to a valid
Sale, dated Ma rch 5, 1975, was spurious and simulated as the sale. Where there is no considera tion, the sale is null and voi d ab
signa ture, PTR a nd the document number of the Nota ry Publi c were ini tio.
di fferent from the la tter’s nota rized documents . They added tha t the As heretofore shown, the contemporaneous and subsequent a cts of
deed was without consent, Domingo being of unsound mind a t the both pa rties in this case, point to the fa ct that the i ntention of Ireneo
time of i ts execution. Further, they claimed tha t the RTC erred in was just to lend the ti tle to the Spouses Inta c to enable them to
canceling TCT No. 266583 and insis ted that the same should be borrow money a nd put up a hospi tal in Sta . Cruz, La guna. Clea rl y, the
res tored to i ts validi ty because Benjamin a nd Domingo were declared subject contra ct was absolutel y simulated and, therefore, void.
hei rs of Faus tina.
It is well to note tha t both the RTC a nd the CA found tha t the evidence HEIRS OF INTAC V. CA
es tablished that the Ma rch 5, 1975 Deed of Sale of Undi vided Pa rcel of
Land executed by Domingo in fa vor of La ureano Cabalu was a fi cti tious PHIL. BANKING CORP. V. DY
and simula ted document. The peti tion is meri tori ous . At the outset, the Court ta kes note of the
As expounded by the CA, viz: Nevertheless, since there are fa ct tha t the CA Decision nullifying the ques tioned contra cts of sale
discrepancies in the signature of the notary public, his PTR and the between Sps . Del gado a nd the Dys had become final and executory.
document number on the lower-most portion of the document, as well Accordingl y, the Peti tion-inIntervention filed by Arturo Dy, which
as the said deed of sale being found only after the plaintiffs-appellants seeks to maintain the subject contra cts' validity, can no longer be
were ejected by the defendants-appellants; that they were allegedly entertained. The cancellation of the Dys ' certi fi cates of ti tle over the
not aware that the said property was bought by their father, and that disputed properties and the issuance of new TCTs in fa vor of Cipriana
they never questioned the other half of the property not occupied by mus t therefore be upheld.
them, it is apparent that the sale dated March 5, 1975 had the However, Philbank's mortgage ri ghts over the subject properties shall
earmarks of a simulated deed written all over it. The lower court did be maintained. While i t is settled tha t a simula ted deed of sale is null
not err in pronouncing that it be declared null and void. and void and therefore, does not convey any ri ght tha t could ripen
into a valid ti tle, it has been equall y ruled that, for reasons of publi c lien to the securi ties posted mus t be respected and protected. In this
policy, the subsequent nullifi ca tion of ti tle to a property is not a rega rd, Philbank is enti tled to ha ve i ts mortga ge ca rried over or
ground to annul the contra ctual ri ght whi ch ma y ha ve been deri ved by annotated on the ti tles of Cipriana Delgado over the said properties .
a purchaser, mortgagee or other transferee who a cted in good faith.
The as certainment of good faith or la ck of i t, and the determination of CLEMENTE V. CA
whether due diligence and prudence were exercised or not, a re Civil Law; Contracts; Contract of Sale; A contract of sale is perfected
questions of fa ct whi ch a re generall y i mproper in a peti tion for review at the moment there is a meeting of the minds upon the thing that is
on certiora ri under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court (Rules) where onl y the object of the contract, and upon the price.—The Ci vil Code
questions of law ma y be raised. A recogni zed exception to the rule is
defines a contra ct as a meeting of minds between two persons
when there are conflicting findings of fa ct by the CA and the RTC, as in
this case. whereby one binds hi mself, wi th respect to the other, to gi ve
Pri ma ril y, i t bea rs noti ng tha t the doctrine of "mortgagee in good something or to render some servi ce. Arti cle 1318 provides tha t there
fai th" is based on the rule tha t all persons dealing wi th property is no contra ct unless the following requisites concur: (1) Consent of
covered by a Torrens Certifi ca te of Title a re not required to go beyond the contra cting pa rties ; (2) Object certain whi ch is the subject ma tter
wha t appea rs on the fa ce of the ti tle. This is in deference to the publi c
of the contra ct; and (3) Ca use of the obliga tion which is es tablished.
interes t in upholding the indefeasibility of a certifi ca te of ti tle as
evidence of la wful owners hip of the land or of any encumbra nce All these elements mus t be present to cons ti tute a valid contra ct; the
thereon. In the case of banks and other financial ins ti tutions, however, absence of one renders the contra ct void. As one of the essential
grea ter ca re and due diligence a re requi red since they a re i mbued elements, consent when wanting makes the contra ct nonexistent.
wi th public interes t, failing whi ch renders the mortgagees in bad faith. Consent is mani fes ted by the meeting of the offer a nd the a cceptance
Thus , before approvi ng a loan applica tion, i t is a s tanda rd opera ting
of the thing and the cause, whi ch a re to consti tute the contra ct. A
pra cti ce for these ins titutions to conduct an ocula r inspection of the
property offered for mortgage and to verify the genuineness of the contra ct of sale is perfected a t the moment there is a meeting of the
ti tle to determine the real owner(s) thereof. The appa rent purpose of mi nds upon the thing tha t is the object of the contra ct, and upon the
an ocula r inspecti on is to protect the "true owner" of the property as pri ce.
well as innocent thi rd pa rties wi th a right, interes t or claim thereon
from a usurper who ma y ha ve a cqui red a fraudulent certifi ca te of ti tle
Same; Same; Simulation of Contracts; Simulation takes place when
In this case, while Philbank failed to exercise grea ter ca re i n the parties do not really want the contract they have executed to
conducting the ocula r inspection of the properties offered for produce the legal effects expressed by its wordings.—Si mulation
mortgage, i ts omission did not prejudi ce a ny innocent thi rd pa rties. In takes pla ce when the pa rties do not reall y want the contra ct they ha ve
pa rti cula r, the buyer did not pursue her ca use and abandoned her executed to produce the legal effects expressed by i ts wordings .
claim on the property. On the other hand, Sps . Delgado were pa rties
to the simulated sale in fa vor of the Dys whi ch was intended to Arti cle 1345 of the Ci vil Code provi des tha t the si mulation of a
mislead Philbank into granti ng the loan appli ca tion. Thus , no a mount contra ct ma y ei ther be absolute or relati ve. The former ta kes pla ce
of diligence in the conduct of the ocula r inspection could ha ve led to when the pa rties do not intend to be bound a t all ; the latter, when the
the discovery of the complici ty between the ostensible mortga gors pa rties conceal thei r true agreement. The case of Hei rs of Poli cronio
(the Dys ) and the true owners (Sps . Delgado).1â wphi 1 In fine, Philbank M. Ureta , Sr. v. Hei rs of Li bera to M. Ureta , 657 SCRA 555 (2011), is
can ha rdl y be deemed negligent under the premises since the ul tima te
ins tructi ve on the ma tter of absolute simula tion of contra cts , vi z.: In
cause of the mortgagors' (the Dys ') defecti ve ti tle was the simulated
sale to whi ch Sps. Del gado were pri vies. absolute simulation, there is a colorable contra ct but i t has no
Indeed, a finding of negligence mus t alwa ys be contextualized in line subs tance as the pa rties ha ve no intention to be bound by i t. The main
wi th the a ttendant ci rcums tances of a pa rticular case. As a ptl y held i n cha ra cteris ti c of an absolute simula tion is that the appa rent contra ct is
Philippine Na tional Bank v. Hei rs of Es tanislao Milita r, "the diligence not reall y desired or intended to produce legal effect or i n any wa y
wi th which the law requi res the indi vidual or a corpora tion a t all times
al ter the juridi cal situation of the pa rties . As a resul t, an abs olutel y
to govern a pa rti cula r conduct va ries wi th the na ture of the situation
in whi ch one is pla ced, and the importance of the a ct whi ch is to be simula ted or ficti tious contra ct is void, and the pa rties ma y recover
performed." from ea ch other wha t they ma y ha ve gi ven under the contra ct.
Thus , without di minishing the ti me-honored princi ple tha t nothing
short of extraordina ry diligence is requi red of banks whose business is Same; Same; Same; Article 1471 of the Civil Code provides that “if
impressed wi th publi c interes t, Philbank's inconsequential oversight
the price is simulated, the sale is void.”—Arti cle 1471 of the Ci vil
should not and cannot serve as a bastion for fraud and decei t. To be
sure, fraud comprises "anythi ng cal cula ted to decei ve, including all Code provides tha t “if the pri ce is simula ted, the sale is void.” Where a
a cts , omissions, and conceal ment invol ving a brea ch of legal duty or deed of sale s ta tes tha t the purchase pri ce has been paid bu t in fa ct
equitable duty, trus t, or confidence jus tl y reposed, resul ting in dama ge has never been paid, the deed of sale is null and voi d for la ck of
to a nother, or by which an undue and uncons cientious adva ntage is consideration. Thus , although the contra cts sta te tha t the purchase
taken of another."
pri ce of P250,000.00 and P60,000.00 were paid by peti tioner to Adela
In this light, the Dys' and Sps. Delgado's delibera te simula tion of the
sale intended to obtain loan proceeds from and to prejudice Philbank for the Properties , the evi dence shows that the contra ry is true,
clea rl y cons ti tutes fraudulent conduct. As s uch, Sps . Delgado cannot because no money cha nged hands . Apa rt from her testi mony,
now be allowed to deny the validity of the mortga ge executed by the peti tioner did not present proof tha t she paid for the Properties.
Dys i n fa vor of Philbank as to hold otherwise would effecti vel y
sanction thei r bla tant bad faith to Philbank's detriment Accordingl y, i n REYES V. ASUNCION
the interes t of public poli cy, fai r dealing, good fai th a nd jus ti ce, the Void Contracts, simulated contracts
Court a ccords Philbank the rights of a mortga gee in good fai th whose
Civil Law; Contracts; Si mula ted Contra cts ; Where a person, in order to or rela ti ve.” Arti cle 1345 of the Ci vil Code distinguishes an absolute
pla ce his property beyond the rea ch of his credi tors , simulates a simula tion from a rela ti ve one; while Arti cle 1346 dis cusses thei r
trans fer of i t to another, he does not reall y intend to di ves t himsel f of effects , as follows : Art. 1345. Si mulati on of a contra ct ma y be absolute
his ti tle and control of the property; hence, the deed of transfer is but
or rela ti ve. The former takes place when the pa rties do not intend to
a sha m.—La cking, therefore, in an absolutel y si mulated contra ct is
be bound a t all ; the la tter when the parties conceal thei r true
consent whi ch is essential to a valid and enforceable contra ct. Thus ,
where a person, in order to pla ce his property beyond the rea ch of his agreement. Art. 1346. An a bsolutel y si mula ted or fi cti tious contra ct is
creditors , simula tes a trans fer of i t to another, he does not reall y void. A rela ti ve simula tion, when i t does not prejudice a thi rd person
intend to di vest himself of his ti tle and control of the property; hence, and is not i ntended for a ny purpose contra ry to law, morals, good
the deed of transfer is but a sham. The pri ma ry considerati on in cus toms , publi c order or publi c poli cy binds the pa rties to thei r
determining the true nature of a contra ct is the intention of the
pa rties . If the words of a contra ct appea r to contra vene the evident
intention of the pa rties, the latter shall prevail . Such intention is Same; Same; Same; The main characteristic of an absolute
determined not onl y from the express terms of thei r agreement, but
simulation is that the apparent contract is not really desired or
also from the contemporaneous and subsequent acts of the pa rties.
Peti tioner insists tha t the s ubject contra ct is i n the na ture of a si mple intended to produce legal effect or in any way alter the juridical
dona tion, and even assuming a rguendo tha t the same was meant to situation of the parties.—In Heirs of Policronio M. Ureta, Sr. v. Heirs of
be a remunera tory dona tion, i t is s till invalid because the donation Liberato M. Ureta, 657 SCRA 555 (2011), the Court explained that “*i+n
was not nota rized. absolute simulation, there is a colorable contra ct but i t has no
The subject contra ct in this case is seemingl y a remunera tory donation subs tance as the parties ha ve no intention to be bound by i t. The main
as all the elements for such a re present. The CA explained:
characteristic of an absolute simulation is that the apparent c ontract
A painsta king review of the contra ct reveals tha t it is a remunera tory is not really desired or intended to produce legal effect or in any way
dona tion. Fi rs t, appellant expressed in the contra ct tha t "sa loob ng alter the juridical situation of the parties. As a resul t, an abs olutel y
sampling taon namin[g] pagsasama[,] naki ta na min na na ging ma tapa t simula ted or ficti tious contra ct is void, and the pa rties ma y recover
si ya sa kanyang obliga tions bilang ta ga pamahala [sic] ng aming from each other wha t they ma y ha ve gi ven under the contra ct.” In this
tubuhan a t sa mga [k]ontra tis ta at higi t sa lahat a y ma runong si ya case, the Court agrees with the RTC tha t the subject deed was
ma kisama sa aming mga kasama a t si ya [a y] mapagkakati walaan lalo absolutel y simula ted. The pa rties never intended to be bound by any
na sa pera . Clearl y, s he ga ve the subject land to appellee to
sale a greement. Ins tead, the subject deed was executed merel y as a
remunera te his ten (10) yea rs of fai thful servi ce to her. More
importantl y, appellant s ta ted tha t "napa gkasunduan namin na kami front to show the publi c tha t Sps . Tanchuling were the owners of the
ang bahala sa fi nances, sa kasunduan na kami ang magpapakabya w ng properties in order to deter the group of John Merca do from illegall y
tubo sa pangalan ko, hanggang gus to ko. This is a profi t sha ring selling the same.
agreement where appellant finances the planting, ha rves ting and
milling of suga rcane on the subject land donated to appellee under Same; Same; Same; Fraud; It is well-settled that fraud is never
appellant's name. Unmis takabl y, i t is a charge or burden on the presumed but must be proven by clear and convincing evidence by the
dona tion. same party who alleges it.—The unda ted deed, whi ch serves as a
counter-agreement to, and whi ch was simul taneously executed with,
However, as pointed out by the CA, the contra ct, as well as the
the subject deed, unmistakabl y evi nces absolute simulation. While
evidence presented duri ng the trial, a re silent as to the value of the
Cantela posi ts tha t he was tri cked into signing the unda ted deed as i t
burden, hence, ins tead of the law on donati ons , the rules on contra ct
was supposedl y surrepti tiousl y inserted by Sps . Tanchuling into the
should govern the subject contra ct because the dona tion is onerous as
copies of the subject deed a t the time of thei r signing, nothing, aside
the burden is imposed upon the donee of a thing wi th an
from his self-serving assertions , support his a ccount. It is well-settled
undetermined value. Furthermore, the CA is also ri ght i n ruling tha t i t
tha t fra ud is never presumed but mus t be proven by clea r and
is not necessary that the contra ct be in a public ins trument i f i t
convincing evi dence by the same pa rty who alleges i t. Besides ,
invol ves immova ble property, properl y ci ting Pada -Kilario v. Court of
Na va rro and Botero, who equall y wi tnessed the signing of the undated
Appeals whi ch s ta tes tha t the requi rement of Arti cle 1358 of the Ci vil
deed, never testi fied on any i rregula rity. Notabl y, the fa ct that the
Code tha t a cts whi ch ha ve for thei r object the crea tion, transmission,
unda ted deed was not nota ri zed is rendered i rrelevant by Ca ntela’s
modi fica tion or extinguishment of real ri ghts over i mmovable
own admission of the document’s execution, whi ch, unless proven to
property, mus t appea r in a public document, is onl y for convenience,
be fraudulent, mus t be presumed to be fai r and regular, as in all
non-compliance wi th whi ch does not a ffect the validi ty or
pri va te transa ctions .
enforceability of the a cts of the pa rties as a mong themselves
The peti tioners a rgue tha t the deed of dona tion was simula ted and
tha t the pa rties entered i nto an equi table mortga ge. On the other
Civil Law; Contracts; Simulated Contracts; Simulation takes
hand, the respondents deny the claim of equi table mortga ge and
place when the parties do not really want the contract they have a rgue tha t they validl y a cquired the property via sale. The RTC ruled
executed to produce the legal effects expressed by its wordings. tha t there was dona tion but onl y as to half of the property. The CA
Simulation or vices of declaration may be either absolute or relative.— agreed with the respondents tha t the deed of dona tion was not
“Si mula tion ta kes place when the pa rties do not really want the simula ted, rel yi ng on the presumption of regula ri ty of publi c
contra ct they ha ve executed to produce the legal effects expressed by documents .
i ts wordings. Simulation or vi ces of decla ra tion ma y be ei ther a bsolute
On the na ture of the tra nsaction between Elma and Normi ta , the Issue: Whether the deed of absolute sale by and between SFRI and
Court found tha t the deed of dona tion was simula ted and the pa rties' Fa bregas , as well as the deed of absol ute sale between Fabregas and
real intent was to enter i nto a sale. Sison a re valid and enforceable, thus enti tling Sison to reconveyance?
We fi rst dwell on the genuineness of the deed of dona tion. There a re
two types of simulated documents — absolute and rela ti ve. A Held: Yes. The deeds a re valid and enforceable and Sison is entitled to
document is absolutel y simula ted when the pa rties ha ve no intent to reconveya nce. Sison anchors his cause of a ction upon the two deeds
bind themselves a t all, while i t is rela ti vel y simulated when the pa rties of sale and his possession and occupation of the s ubject property.
concealed thei r true a greement. The true na ture of a contra ct is Peti tioners however counter that (1) the deeds of sale were simulated;
determined by the pa rties' intention, whi ch ca n be as certained from (2) Fa bregas had unilaterall y res cinded the sale; and (3) the subject
thei r contemporaneous and subsequent a cts. In the present case, property is now registered in the hands of an innocent purchaser for
Elma and Normita 's contemporaneous and subsequent a cts show tha t value. Peti tioners argue tha t the deeds were simulated beca use of i ts
they were about to ha ve the contra ct of sale nota ri zed but the nota ry alleged failure to reflect the true purchase pri ce of the sale whi ch is
publi c ill-advised them to execute a deed of dona tion ins tead. P700,000.
Following this a dvi ce, they returned the next da y to ha ve a deed of They contend tha t there is an appa rent gross 56 disproportion
dona tion nota ri zed. Clea rl y, Elma and Normita intended to enter into a between the s tipula ted pri ce and the value of the subject property
sale tha t would transfer the ownership of the subject ma tter of thei r whi ch demons tra tes that the deeds s ta ted false considera tion.
contra ct but disguised i t as a dona tion. Thus , the deed of donation The Court finds that the deeds of sale were executed freely and
subsequentl y executed by them was onl y relati vel y simulated. voluntarily. All the elements for a contract to be valid are present. A
Considering that the deed of donati on was rela ti vel y simula ted, the perfected contra ct of absolute sale exis ts between SFRI and Fa bregas
pa rties a re bound to thei r real agreement. The records show tha t the and then Fabregas and Sison. There was meeting of the minds
pa rties intended to tra nsfer the owne rship of the property to Normi ta between the pa rties when they a greed on the sale of a determina te
by absolute sale. This intention is reflected in the un-nota rized subject ma tter and the pri ce is certain. Gross inadequa cy of pri ce does
document enti tled "Panananto ng Pa gka tanggap ng not affect the validi ty of a contra ct of sale unless i t signi fies a defect in
KahustuhangBa yad." the consent or tha t the pa rties a ctuall y intended a dona tion or some
other contra ct. Inadequa cy of cause will not invalidate a contra ct
STA.FE REALTY V. SISON unless there has been fra ud, mis take, or undue influence. Fa bregas
Fa cts : Sta. Fe Realty Inc. (SFRI) a greed to sell to Jesus Sison a porti on of failed to judi cially res cind the contra ct. The Court had al ready ruled
land. SFRI executed a Deed of Sale over the subject property to tha t in the absence of a s tipula tion, a party ca nnot unilaterall y and
Vi ctoria Fabregas . Fabregas then executed a nother deed of sale in extra judiciall y res cind a contra ct. A judicial or nota rial a ct is necessary
fa vor of Sison for the same a mount. Sison caused the segregation of before a valid res cission can take pla ce. The pa rty entitled to rescind
the corresponding lot from the whole land a nd this was designa ted as should a ppl y to the court for a decree of res cission. The ri ght cannot
Lot 1-B-1 in the s ubdi vision plan. Sison took possession of the s ubject be exercised solel y on a pa rty’s own judgment that the other
property and introduced i mprovements thereon such as fencing the committed a brea ch of the obli gation. The opera ti ve a ct which
property, putting a no trespassing sign, ba rbed wi res , and hedges of produces the resolution of the contra ct is the decree of the court and
bi g trees. not the mere a ct of the vendor. The alleged notice of res cission tha t
He also cons tructed a fishpond and a resort on the subject property. Fa bregas sent to Sison declaring her intention to res cind the sale did
Sison however was not able to register the sale and secure a ti tle in his not operate to validl y res cind the contra ct because there is abs olutel y
na me because peti tioners herein refused to pa y real ty ta xes and no stipulation gi ving Fabregas the right to unila terally res cind the
capi tal gains ta x, as well as to turn over the owner’s copy of trans fer contra ct in case of non-pa yment. Orosa cannot be considered a buyer
certi fi cate of ti tle and the subdi vision plan. Sison was cons trained to in good faith considering tha t Sison introduced improvements on the
pa y the said ta xes to protect his interes t. Nevertheless, peti tioners property s uch as fencing i t, putting a no trespassing sign, ba rbed
herei n s till refused to s urrender the mother ti tle a nd all pertinent wi res , and hedges of bi g trees . He also cons tructed a fishpond and a
documents necessary for the transfer o f ti tle in Sison’s na me. resort on the subject property. Presence of these s tructures should
Meanwhile, SFRI caused the subdi vision of the enti re property. SFRI ha ve alerted Orosa to the possible flaw in the ti tle of SFRI
sold Lot 1-B-3-C to Orosa .
Orosa was able to transfer the property i n his na me. Sison claimed FORMS OF CONTRACTS
tha t this Lot 1-B-3-C is pra cti call y the same as his Lot 1- B-1 except for
the excess of 402 sq. m. Sison tried to settle a mi cabl y wi th the other MARTINEZ V. CA
concerned parties but no a greement was rea ched. He then insti tuted Fa cts :
an a ction for reconveyance of property. Peti tioners herein denied tha t Pri va te respondents Godofredo De la Pa z and his sister Ma nuela De la
they agreed to sell the property to Sison. They a verred tha t Sison Pa z entered into an oral contra ct with petitioner Rev. Fr. Dante
persua ded Fabregas to sell to hi m a portion of Lot 1-B i n exchange of Ma rtinez, then Assistant pa rish priest of Ca banatuan Ci ty, for the sale
P700,000.00 and Sison will be the one to shoulder the capi tal gains of Lot No. 1337-A-3 a t the Villa Fe Subdi vision in Cabana tuan Ci ty for
ta x. They contended tha t they merel y accommodated Sison’s reques t the sum of P15,000.00. At the time of the sale, the lot was still
to si gn another set of deeds over the subject property wi th a reduced registered in the name of Claudia De la Pa z, mother of pri va te
pri ce of P10,918.00 so tha t the capi tal gains ta x would be reduced. respondents , although the latter had al ready sold i t to pri va te
They also asserted that Sison did not pa y the considera tion agreed respondent Manuela de la Pa z by vi rtue of a Deed of Absolute Sale
upon thus Fabregas res cinded the sale by sending a noti ce to Sison da ted. He was assured by them tha t the lot belonged to Manuela De
who did not contes t the res cission of the sale. Orosa claimed that he is la Pa z. It was a greed tha t peti tioner would gi ve a downpa yment of
a buyer in good faith as there was nothing annota ted in the ti tle which P3,000.00 to pri va te respondents De la Pa z and tha t the balance
would wa rn him of any lien or encumbrance or adverse claim on the would be pa yable by ins tallment. After gi ving the
property. The RTC ruled in fa vor of Sison. On appeal , the CA affi rmed P3,000.00 downpa yment, peti tioner s ta rted the cons truction of a
the findings of the RTC but reduced the a wa rd of moral damages and house on the lot and began pa ying the real es tate ta xes on said
a ttorney’s fees . property.

In the meanti me, in a Deed of Absolute Sale wi th Right to Repurchase, fai th. Pri va te respondent Reynaldo himself a dmi tted during
pri va te respondents De la Pa z sold three l ots wi th right to repurchase the pre-trial conference in the MTC in Ci vil Case tha t
the same wi thin one yea r to pri va te respondents spouses Reynaldo peti tioner was al ready in possession of the property i n
and Susan Venera cion for the sum of P150,000.00. One of the lots sold dispute a t the ti me the second Deed of Sale was executed
was the lot previousl y sold to peti tioner. Petiti oner dis covered tha t on June 1, 1983 a nd registered on Ma rch 4, 1984. He,
the l ot he was occupying with his famil y had been sold to the spouses therefore, knew tha t there were al ready occupants on the
Venera cion a fter recei ving a letter from pri va te respondent Reynaldo property as ea rl y as 1981. The fa ct that there a re persons ,
Venera cion claiming ownership of the land and demanding tha t they other than the vendors , in a ctual possession of the disputed
va ca te the property and remove thei r i mprovements lot should ha ve put pri va te respondents on inquiry as to the
thereon.16 Peti tioner, in turn, demanded through counsel the na ture of petiti oner's ri ght over the property. But he never
execution of the deed of sale from pri va te respondents De la Pa z and talked to petiti oner to veri fy the na ture of his ri ght. He
informed Reynaldo Venera cion tha t he was the owner of the property merel y relied on the assurance of pri va te respondent
as he had previ ousl y purchased the same from pri va te respondents De Godofredo De la Paz, who was not even the owner of the lot
la Pa z. in question, tha t he would take ca re of the ma tter. This does
not meet the standa rd of good fai th.
ISSUE: 3. The fi rst contra ct of sale between the pri va te respondents
Whether or not pri va te respondents Venera cion a re buyers i n good shows tha t i t is in fa ct an equi table mortga ge. The requisites
fai th of the lot in dispute as to make them the absolute owners for consideri ng a contra ct of sale with a right of repurchase
thereof in a ccordance with Art. 1544 of the Ci vil Code on double sale as an equi table mortgage a re (1) that the pa rties entered
of immovable property. into a contra ct denomina ted as a contra ct of sale and (2)
tha t their i ntention was to secure a n existing debt by wa y of
HELD: mortgage.A contra ct of sale wi th right to repurchase gi ves
No. The deed of sale executed by private respondents Godofredo rise to the presumption tha t i t is an equitable mortga ge in
and Manuela De la Paz in favor of private respondents spouses any of the following cases: (1) when the pri ce of a sale wi th a
Reynaldo and Susan Veneracion is null and void. ri ght to repurchase is unusuall y inadequa te; (2) when the
In this case, the Court of Appeals based i ts ruling tha t pri va te vendor remains in possession as lessee or otherwise; (3)
respondents Venera ci on a re the owners of the disputed lot on thei r when, upon or a fter the expi ra tion of the ri ght to
reliance on pri va te respondent Godofredo De la Pa z's assurance tha t repurchase, a nother ins trument extending the peri od of
he woul d ta ke ca re of the ma tter concerning petitioner's occupancy of redemption or granting a new period is executed; (4) when
the disputed l ot as cons ti tuting good fai th. This case, however, the purchaser retains for hi mself a part of the purchase
invol ves double sale a nd, on this matter, Art. 1544 of the Ci vil Code pri ce; (5) when the vendor binds hi mself to pa y the ta xes on
provides tha t where immovable property is the subject of a double the thing s old; (6) i n any other case where i t ma y be fai rl y
sale, ownership shall be trans ferred (1) to the person a cqui ring i t who inferred tha t the real intention of the pa rties is tha t the
in good faith fi rs t recorded i t to the Regis try of Property; (2) in defaul t transa ction shall secure the pa yment of a debt or the
thereof, to the person who in good faith was fi rs t in possession; and performance of a ny other obliga tion.In case of doubt, a
(3) in defaul t thereof, to the person who presents the oldes t contra ct purporti ng to be a sale wi th ri ght to repurchase
ti tle.26 The requi rement of the law, where ti tle to the property is shall be cons trued as a n equi table mortgage. In this case, the
recorded in the Regis ter of Deeds , is two-fold: a cquisi tion in good faith following ci rcums tances indi ca te tha t the pri va te
and recording in good faith. To be enti tled to pri ori ty, the second respondents intended the transacti on to be an equi table
purchaser mus t not onl y prove prior recording of his ti tle but tha t he mortgage and not a contra ct of sale: (1) Pri va te respondents
a cted in good faith, i.e., wi thout knowledge or noti ce of a pri or sale to Venera cion never took a ctual possession of the three lots ;
another. The presence of good faith should be as certained from the (2) Pri va te respondents De la Pa z remained in possession of
ci rcums tances surrounding the purchase of the land. the Melencio l ot whi ch was co-owned by them and where
1. Wi th rega rd to the fi rst sale to pri va te respondents they resided; (3) During the peri od between the fi rs t sale
Venera cion, pri va te respondent Reynaldo Venera cion and the second sale to pri va te respondents Venera cion, they
tes tified tha t on October 10, 1981, 18 da ys before the never made any effort to take possession of the properties ;
execution of the fi rs t Deed of Sale with Ri ght to Repurchase, and (4) when the period of redempti on had expi red and
he i nspected the premises and found i t va cant. 28 However, pri va te respondents Venera cion were informed by the De la
this is belied by the testi mony of Engr. Felix D. Mi nor, then Pa zes tha t they a re offering the lots for sale to another
building inspector of the Depa rtment of Publi c Works and person for P200,000.00, they never objected. To the
Hi ghwa ys , tha t he conducted on October 6, 1981 an ocula r contra ry, they offered to purchase the two l ots for
inspection of the lot in dispute in the performance of his P180,000.00 when they found that a certain Mr. Tecson was
duties as a building inspector to moni tor the progress of the prepa red to purchase i t for the same a mount. Thus , i t is
construction of the building subject of the building permi t clea r from these ci rcumstances tha t both pri va te
issued in fa vor of peti tioner on April 23, 1981, and that he respondents never intended the fi rs t sale to be a contra ct of
found i t 100 % completed. In the absence of contra ry sale, but merel y tha t of mortgage to secure a debt of
evidence, he is to be presumed to ha ve regula rl y performed P150,000.00.
his offi cial duty.Thus, as ea rl y as October, 1981, pri va te
respondents Venera cion al ready knew tha t there was
construction being made on the property they purchased. TEOCO V. METROBANK
2. Wi th rega rd to the second sale, whi ch is the true contra ct of The la w ma y requi re tha t certain transacti ons appea r i n publi c
sale between the pa rties, i t should be noted that this Court ins truments , such as Arti cles 1358 a nd 1625 of the Ci vil Code, which
in several cases , has ruled that a purchaser who is awa re of respecti vel y provi de:
fa cts whi ch shoul d put a reasonable man upon his guard Art. 1358. The following mus t appea r in a publi c document:
cannot turn a blind eye and la ter claim tha t he a cted in good
(1) Acts and contra cts whi ch ha ve for thei r object the creation, anew, provided i t proves tha t the s ubsequent loans entered into by
trans mission, modi fica tion or extinguishment of real ri ghts over the spouses Co a re covered by the mortgage contra ct.
immova ble property; sales of real property or of a n interes t therein
governed by Arti cles 1403, No. 2, and 1405; SPILLE V. NICORP
(2) The cession, repudia tion or renunciation of heredi ta ry rights o r of SPA necessary if principal authorizes agent to sell real property.
those of the conjugal pa rtnership of gains ;
(3) The power to adminis ter property, or any other power whi ch has The only evidence adduced to prove that the agent had authority to
for i ts object an a ct appea ring or whi ch s hould a ppea r in a publi c sell the principal’s property was a General Power of Attorney which
document, or should prejudi ce a third person; merely authorized the agent to exercise administration and
(4) The cession of a ctions or ri ghts proceeding from a n a ct appea ring
supervision over the properties of the principal. It was contended
in a publi c document.
All other contra cts where the amount invol ved exceeds fi ve hundred tha t there was no perfected contra ct to sell. Is the contention correct?
pesos must appea r in wri ting, even a pri va te one. But sales of goods , Why?
cha ttels or things in a ction a re governed by Arti cles 1403, No. 2, and
1405. Held: Yes. The well-established rule is when a sale of a parcel of land
Art. 1625. An assignment of a credi t, ri ght or a ction shall produce no or any interest therein is through an agent, the authority of the latter
effect as agains t thi rd person, unless i t appea rs in a publi c instrument, shall be in writing, otherwise the sale shall be void.
or the ins trument is recorded in the Registry of Property in case the
assignment invol ves real property. Would the exercise by the brothers The authori ty of an a gent to execute a contra ct for the sale of real
Teoco of the ri ght to redeem the properties in ques tion be precluded es tate mus t be conferred in wri ting and mus t gi ve hi m speci fi c
by the fa ct tha t the assignment of right of redemption was not
authori ty, ei ther to conduct the general business of the principal or to
contained i n a publi c document? We rule in the negati ve. Metrobank
never challenged the content, the due execution, or the genuineness execute a binding contra ct containing terms and condi tions whi ch a re
of the assignment of the ri ght of redemption. Consequentl y, in the contra ct he di d execute. A special power of attorney is
Metrobank is deemed to ha ve admi tted the same. Ha ving impliedl y necessa ry to enter into a ny contra ct by whi ch the ownership of an
admitted the content of the assignment of the ri ght of redemption, immova ble is trans mi tted or a cqui red ei ther gra tuitousl y or for a
there is no necessity for a pri ma fa cie evi dence of the facts there valuable consideration. The express manda te requi red by la w to
s tated. enable an appointee of an a gency (couched) i n general terms to sell
In the same manner, si nce Metrobank has impliedl y a dmi tted the due
mus t be one tha t expressl y mentions a sale or that incl udes a sale as a
execution and genuineness of the assignment of the ri ght of
redemption, a pri va te document evi dencing the same is admissible in necessa ry ingredient of the a ct mentioned. For the pri ncipal to confer
evidence. True i t is tha t the Ci vil Code requi res certain transa ctions to the ri ght upon an a gent to sell real es ta te, a power of attorney mus t so
appea r i n publi c documents . However, the necessity of a public express the powers of the a gent in clea r and unmis takable langua ge.
document for contracts which transmit or extinguish real rights over
immovable property, as mandated by Article 1358 of the Civil Code,
is only for convenience; i t is not essential for validi ty or enforceability. BITTE V. JONAS
Thus , in Cenido v. Apacionado, this Court ruled that the onl y effect of
noncompliance wi th the provisions of Arti cle 1358 of the Ci vil Code is
tha t a pa rty to such a contra ct embodied in a pri va te document ma y REFORMATION OF INSTRUMENTS
be compelled to execute a publi c document:
Article 1358 does not requi re the a ccomplishment of the a cts or BENTIR V. LEANDA
contra cts in a public ins trument in order to valida te the a ct or contra ct
but onl y to insure i ts effi cacy, s o that a fter the existence of said It is claimed by plainti ff tha t he and defendant Benti r entered into a
contra ct has been a dmi tted, the pa rty bound ma y be compelled to contra ct of lease of a pa rcel of land on Ma y 5, 1968 for a period of 20
execute the proper document. This is clea r from Arti cle 1357: yea rs (and renewed for an additional 4 yea rs therea fter) wi th the
Art. 1357. If the law requi res a document or other special form, as in
verbal a greement tha t in case the lessor decides to sell the property
the a cts and contra cts enumera ted i n the following a rti cle (Arti cle
1358), the contra cting pa rties ma y compel ea ch other to observe tha t after the lease, she shall gi ve the plainti ff the ri ght to equal the offers
form, once the contra ct has been perfected. This right ma y be of other prospecti ve buyers . It was claimed that the lessor violated
exercised simul taneousl y wi th the acti on upon the contra ct. this ri ght of fi rs t refusal of the plaintiff when she sureptiti ousl y (sic)
On the other hand, Arti cle 1625 of the Ci vil Code provi des tha t an sold the land to co-defendant Pormida on Ma y 5, 1989 under a Deed
assignment of a credi t, ri ght or a ction shall produce no effect as of Conditional Sale. Plaintiffs right was further vi olated when a fter
agains t thi rd person, unless it a ppea rs in a public i nstrument, or the
dis covery of the final sale, plainti ff ordered to equal the pri ce of co -
ins trument is recorded in the Regis try of Pro perty in case the
assignment i nvol ves real property. defendant Pormida was refused a nd a gain defenda nt Benti r
In the case at bar, Metrobank would not be prejudi ced by the surreptiti ousl y executed a final deed of sale in fa vor of co -defendant
assignment by the spouses Co of thei r ri ght of redempti on in fa vor of Pormida in December 11, 1991.
the brothers Teoco. As conceded by Metrobank, the assignees , the
brothers Teoco, would merel y s tep into the shoes of the assignors , the The defendant Benti r denies tha t she bound herself to gi ve the
spouses Co. The brothers Teoco would ha ve to compl y with all the plaintiff the ri ght of fi rs t refusal in case she sells the property. But
requi rements imposed by law on the s pouses Co. Metrobank would assuming for the sake of a rgument that such ri ght of fi rst refusal was
not lose any securi ty for the satis faction of any loan obtained from i t ma de, it is now contended tha t plaintiffs cause of a ction to reform the
by the spouses Co. In fa ct, the assignment would even prove to be
contra ct to reflect such ri ght of fi rs t refusal, has al ready pres cribed
benefi cial to Metrobank, as i t can foreclose on the subject properties
after 10 yea rs , counted from Ma y 5, 1988 when the contra ct of lease
incepted. Counsel for defendant ci ted Conde vs. Malaga, L-9405 Jul y Respondents appealed to the Court of Appeals, whi ch reversed the
31, 1956 a nd Ramos vs. Court of Appeals, 180 SCRA 635, where the decision of the Regional Trial Court a nd rei nsta ted the decision of the
Supreme Court held tha t the prescri pti ve period for reforma tion of a Muni cipal Ci rcuit Trial Court.
wri tten contra ct is ten (10) yea rs under Arti cle 1144 of the Ci vil Code.
Issue: The pi votal issue is the validi ty and enforceability of the
Issue: The core issue tha t meri ts our considera tion is whether the ami cable settlement between the pa rties and corollary to this ,
complaint for reforma tion of ins trument has pres cribed. whether a wri t of execution ma y issue on the basis thereof. It is to
determine whether or not the Paknaan co nsti tutes a valid contra ct to
Ruling: be enforced despi te the error in determining the subject property.

The peti tion has meri t. Ruling:

The right of reforma tion is necessa ril y an i nvasion or li mita tion of the Peti tion is granted.
pa rol evi dence rule since, when a wri ting is reformed, the resul t is tha t
an oral agreement is by court decree made legall y In denyi ng the issuance of the wri t of execution, the appellate court
effecti ve. Consequentl y, the courts , as the a gencies authori zed by ruled that the contra ct is null and void for i ts failure to des cribe with
law to exercise the power to reform an instrument, must necessa ril y certainty the object thereof. While we agree tha t no wri t of execution
exercise tha t power spa ringl y and wi th great ca ution and zealous ca re. ma y issue, we take exception to the appellate court’s reason for i ts
Moreover, the remedy, being an extraordina ry one, mus t be subject to denial.
limi ta tions as ma y be provided by law. Our law and jurisprudence set
such li mita tions, a mong whi ch is laches. A sui t for reforma tion of an Si nce an ami cable settlement, whi ch pa rtakes of the na ture of a
contra ct, is subject to the same legal provisions providing for the
ins trument ma y be ba rred by lapse of ti me. The pres cripti ve period for
validi ty, enforcement, res cission or annul ment of ordina ry contra cts ,
a ctions based upon a wri tten contra ct and for reforma tion of an there is a need to as certain whether the Paknaan i n question has
ins trument is ten (10) yea rs under Arti cle 1144 of the Ci vil suffi cientl y complied wi th the requisites of validi ty i n a ccordance with
Code. 12 Pres cription is intended to suppress s tale and fraudulent Arti cle 1318 of the Ci vil Code.
claims a rising from tra nsactions like the one at ba r whi ch fa cts had
become so obs cure from the lapse of ti me or defecti ve memory. 13 In There is no ques tion that there was meeting of the minds between the
the case at bar, respondent corporation had ten (10) years from contra cting pa rties. In executing the Pa knaan, the respondent
1968, the time when the contract of lease was executed, to file an undertook to convey 1 hecta re of land to peti tioners who a ccepted. It
appea rs tha t while the Paknaan was prepa red and signed by
action f or reformation. Sadly, it did so only on May 15, 1992 or
respondent Arjona, peti tioners a cceded to the terms thereof by not
twenty-four (24) years after the cause of action accrued, hence, its
disputing i ts contents and a re i n fa ct now seeking i ts enforcement. The
cause of action has become stale, hence, time-barred. object is a 1-hecta re pa rcel of land representing peti tioners ’
inheri tance from thei r deceased grandmother. The cause of the
QUIROS, VILLEGAS VS ARJONA contra ct is the deli very of peti tioners ’ sha re in the i nheri tance. The
inability of the muni cipal court to identi fy the exa ct loca tion of the
On December 19, 1996, peti tioners ProcesoQui ros and Leona rda inheri ted property did not negate the principal object of the contra ct.
Villegas filed wi th the offi ce of the ba ranga y captain of Labney, Sa n This is an error occasioned by the failure of the pa rties to des cribe the
Ja cinto, Pa ngasinan, a complaint for reco very of ownership and subject property, whi ch is correctible by reformation and does not
possession of a pa rcel of land loca ted a t Labney, San Jacinto, indicate the absence of the principal object as to render the contract
void. It ca nnot be disputed that the object is dete rmi nable as to i ts
Pangasinan. Petiti oners sought to recover from thei r uncle Ma rcelo
ki nd, i.e.1 hecta re of land as inheri tance, and can be determined
Arjona, one of the respondents herein, thei r la wful sha re of the 6
wi thout need of a new contra ct or agreement. Clea rl y, the Pa knaan
inheri tance from thei r late gra ndmother Rosa Arjona Qui ros alias Doza . has all the ea rma rks of a valid contra ct.

On Janua ry 5, 1997, an a mi cable settlement was rea ched between the

In order tha t an a ction for reforma tion of ins trument as provided i n
pa rties . By reason thereof, respondent Arjona executed a document Arti cle 1359 of the Ci vil Code ma y prosper, the following requisites
denominated as "PAKNAAN". mus t concur: (1) there mus t ha ve been a meeting of the minds of the
pa rties to the contra ct; (2) the ins trument does not express the true
On the same da te, a nother "PAKNAAN" was executed by Jose Banda . intention of the pa rties; a nd (3) the failure of the ins trument to
express the true intention of the pa rties is due to mis take, fraud,
Peti tioners filed a complaint wi th the Muni cipal Ci rcui t Trial Court with inequitable conduct or a ccident.8
pra yer for the issuance of a wri t of executi on of the compromise
agreement whi ch was denied because the s ubject property cannot be When the terms of a n a greement ha ve been reduced to wri ting, it is
determined with certainty. considered as containing all the terms a greed upon and there can be,
between the pa rties and thei r successors in i nterest, no evidence of
The Regional Trial Court reversed the decision of the munici pal court such terms other than the contents of the wri tten a greement, except
on appeal and ordered the issuance of the wri t of executi on. when i t fails to express the true intent and agreement of the pa rties
thereto, in whi ch case, one of the pa rties ma y bring an a ction for the
reforma tion of the ins trument to the end tha t such true intention ma y
be expressed.

MARTIRES VS CHUA Hence, this peti tion.

Subject of the ins tant controvers y a re twenty-four memorial lots Issue: Wha t was the na ture of the a greement between the two
loca ted a t the Hol y Cross Memorial Pa rk i n Ba ranga y Bagba g, pa rties?
Novali ches , Quezon Ci ty. The property, more pa rti cula rl y descri bed as
"Lot: 24 lots , Block 213, Section: Plaza of Heri tage -Reg.," is covered by Ruling:
Transfer Certifi ca te of Ti tle (TCT) No. 342914. Respondent, together
wi th her mother, Florencia R. Cala gos , own the disputed property. Peti tion is denied.
Thei r co-owners hip is evi denced by a Deed of Sale and Certifi ca te of
Perpetual Ca re, denomina ted as Contra ct No. 31760, which was
executed on June 4, 1992.3 An equi table mortgage has been defined as one whi ch, al though
la cking in some formality, or form or words , or other requisites
demanded by a s tatute, nevertheless reveals the in tention of the
On December 18, 1995, respondent borrowed from petitioner spouses pa rties to cha rge real property as securi ty for a debt, there being no
the amount of ₱150,000.00. The l oan was secured by a real es ta te
impossibility nor anything contra ry to law in this intent.
mortgage over the abovementi oned property. Respondent committed
to pa y a monthl y interes t of 8% and a n addi tional 10% monthl y
interes t in case of defaul t.4 One of the ci rcumstances provided for under Arti cle 1602 of the Ci vil
Code, where a contra ct shall be presumed to be an equi table
mortgage, is "where i t ma y be fai rl y inferred tha t the real intention of
Respondent failed to full y settle her obliga tion. the pa rties is tha t the tra nsaction shall secure the pa yment of a debt
or the performance of a ny other obliga tion." In the instant case, i t has
Subsequentl y, wi thout foreclosure of the mortgage, ownership of the been established that the intent of both peti tioners and respondent is
subject l ots were trans ferred i n the na me of petiti oners via a Deed of tha t the subject property shall serve as securi ty for the latter's
Transfer.5 obliga tion to the former. As correctl y pointed out by the CA, the
ci rcums tances surrounding the execution of the disputed Deed of
On June 23, 1997, respondent filed wi th the Regional Trial Court (RTC) Transfer woul d show tha t the said document was executed to
of Quezon Ci ty a Complaint a gains t peti tioners , Ma nila Memorial Pa rk ci rcumvent the terms of the origi nal a greement and depri ve
Inc., the company whi ch owns the Hol y Cross Memorial Pa rk, a nd the respondent of her mortga ged property wi thout the requisite
Regis ter of Deeds of Quezon Ci ty, pra ying for the annulment of the foreclosure.
contra ct of mortgage between her a nd petiti oners on the ground tha t
the interest ra tes i mposed a re unjus t and exorbi tant. Respondent also Since the original transaction between the parties was a mortgage,
sought a ccounting to determine her liability under the law. She the subsequent assignment of ownership of the subject lots to
likewise pra yed tha t the Regis ter of Deeds of Quezon Ci ty and Manila petitioners without the benefit of foreclosure proceedings, partakes
Memorial Pa rk, Inc. be di rected to reconvey the disputed p roperty to of the nature of a pactumcommissorium, a s provided for under
her.6 Arti cle 2088 of the Ci vil Code.

On November 20, 1998, respondent moved for the a mendment of her In the insta nt case, evi dence points to the fa ct that the sale of the
complaint to include the allega tion tha t she la ter discovered tha t subject property, as proven by the disputed Deed of Transfer, was
ownership of the subject lots was tra nsferred i n the name of simulated to cover up the automatic transfer of ownership in
peti tioners by vi rtue of a forged Deed of Tra nsfer a nd Affi da vit of petitioners' favor. While there was no stipulation in the mortgage
Wa rranty. Respondent pra yed tha t the Deed of Tra nsfer a nd Affida vi t contract which provides for petitioners' automatic appropriation of
of Wa rranty be a nnulled.7 In thei r Mani fes tation da ted Ja nua ry 25, the subject mortgaged property in the event that respondent fails to
1999, peti tioners did not oppose respondent's motion. Trial ensued. pay her obligation, the s ubsequent a cts of the pa rties and the
ci rcums tances surrounding such acts point to no other concl usion than
After trial, the RTC of Quezon Ci ty rendered a Decision in fa vor of tha t peti tioners were empowered to a cqui re ownership of the
peti tioners . disputed property wi thout need of any foreclosure.

On appeal , the CA affi rmed, wi th modifi ca tion. Hence, courts a re duty-bound to exercise caution i n the interpretation
and resolution of contra cts lest the lenders devour the borrowers like
vul tures do wi th thei r prey.34 Aside from this a forementioned reason,
The CA ruled tha t respondent volunta ril y entered into a contra ct of
the Court ca nnot fa thom why respondent would a gree to trans fer
loan and tha t the execution of the Deed of Trans fer is suffi cient
ownership of the subject property, whose value is much hi gher than
evidence of peti tioners ' a cquisition of ownership of the s ubject
her outs tanding obliga tion to peti tioners . Considering tha t the
disputed property was mortgaged to secure the pa yment of her
obliga tion, the mos t logi cal and pra cti cal thing tha t she could ha ve
Respondent filed a Motion for Reconsidera tion. done, if she is unable to pa y her debt, is to wait for i t to be foreclosed.
She s tands to lose less of the val ue of the subject property if the same
The CA reconsidered i ts fi ndings and concluded tha t the Deed of is forecl osed, ra ther than if the title thereto is di rectl y tra nsferred to
Transfer whi ch, on i ts fa ce, transfers ownership of the subject peti tioners . This is so because in foreclosure, unlike in the present
property to petitioners , is, in fa ct, an equi table mortga ge. The CA held case where ownership of the property was assigned to peti tioners ,
tha t the true i ntention of respondent was merel y to provide securi ty respondent can s till claim the balance from the proceeds of the
for her loan and not to tra nsfer owners hip of the property to foreclosure sale, i f there be any. In s uch a case, she could s till recover
peti tioners .

a porti on of the value of the subject property ra ther than losing i t (e) The parties hereto further agree tha t this
completel y by assigning its ownership to peti tioners. agreement and/or payment of the whole amount
of P3,027,728.01, shall not affect or prejudice,
INTERPRETATION OF CONTRACTS directly or indirectly, whatever cause of action SBC
may have against PISA and whatever claim or
SECURITY BANK VS CA defense the latter may have against SBC, if the
maximum recoverable proceeds of the insurance
On October 23, 1991, SBC a nd PISA entered into a Contra ct covering the loss suffered by SBC could not be
of Securi ty Servi ces (CSS) [3] wherein PISA undertook to secure, guard, recovered from the insurer.
and protect the personnel and property of SBC through the
deployment of qualified and properl y equipped gua rds in SBCs SBC filed a claim with LIC based on i ts exis ting i nsurance
premises and bra nches . Pa ra graph 9 of the CSS provides : policy. LIC denied the claim for indemni fica tion on August 5, 1992, on
the ground that the loss suffered by SBC fell under the general
[PISA] shall be liable for any loss , dama ge or injury exceptions to the poli cy, i n view of the alleged i nvol vement of PISAs
suffered by [SBC], i ts offi cers , employees , clients , two securi ty gua rds .
gues ts, visitors and other persons allowed entry In i ts letter da ted Augus t 28, 1992, SBC informed PISA of the
into [SBCs ] premises where such l oss, damage or denial of the formers insurance claim with LIC and thereafter sought
injury is due to the negligence or willful a ct of the indemni fica tion of the unrecovered amount of
gua rds or representa ti ves of [PISA]. If such l oss, PHP9,900,000.00.[13] PISA denied the claim.
da mage or injury is caused by a pa rty other than the
gua rds or representati ves of [PISA], [PISA] shall be
jointl y and severally liable wi th said party i f [PISA] Issue: Whether or not Pa ra graph 5 (e) is interpreted as requi ring final
failed to exercise due [diligence] in preventing s uch judgment before i t ca n be enforced.
loss, da mage or injury. [4] Ruling:
Pa ra graph 12 of the CSS also provides : We grant the peti tion.
12. [SBC] obliges i tself to inform [PISA] in wri ting At the outset, i t should be noted tha t a t the hea rt of this controvers y
through [the] Gua rd-in-Cha rge assigned to the is the proper i nterpreta tion of pa ra graph 5(e) of the PRA, which
former, the existence of any loss or damage to provides :
[SBCs ] properties wi thin Forty-Ei ght (48) hours a fter The pa rties hereto further a gree tha t this
i ts dis covery by [SBC]; otherwise, [SBC] shall be agreement and/or pa yment of the whole amount of
considered to ha ve wai ved i ts ri ght to proceed P3,027,728.01, s hall not a ffect or prejudice, di re ctl y
agains t [PISA] by reason of such loss or or i ndi rectl y, wha tever ca use of a ction SBC ma y
da mage. Such written notice is not required i f ha ve a gainst PISA and wha tever claim or defense
[PISA] took pa rt in the investi ga tion of the l oss or the la tter ma y ha ve a gainst SBC, i f the ma ximum
da mage or in case the loss or damage is caused by recoverable proceeds of the insurance coveri ng the
[PISAs] guard/s or representative/s, in which case loss suffered by SBC could not be recovered from
[SBC] may assert the claim for reimbursement at the insurer.
any time. We hol d tha t reading the clause as requi ring a final
judgment is a s trained interpretation and contra ry to settled rules of
interpreta tion of contra cts . Pa ra graph 5(e) onl y requi res tha t the
On Ma rch 12, 1992, the Ta yta y Branch Office of SBC was proceeds could not be recovered from the insurer, and does not s ta te
robbed PHP12,927,628.01. Among the suspects i n the robbery were tha t i t should be so decla red by a court, or even wi th finality. In
two regular securi ty gua rds of PISA. [6] determining the signi fi cati on of terms, words a re presumed to ha ve
At the time, SBC Ta yta y Branch was covered by a Money, been used i n their pri ma ry a nd general a ccepta nce, and there was no
Securi ties and Pa yroll Robbery Poli cy wi th Liberty Insura nce evidence presented to show tha t the words used si gnified a judicial
Corpora tion (LIC), wherein the la tter endea vored to indemnify the adjudica tion. Indeed, i f the pa rties had intended the non-recovery
former a gainst loss of money, pa yroll and securi ties tha t ma y resul t to be through a judicial and fi nal adjudica tion, they should ha ve s tated
from robbery or a ny a ttempt thereof wi thin the premises of SBCs so. In its prima ry and general meaning, pa ragraph 5(e) would cover
Ta yta y Branch Offi ce, up to the maxi mum amount of LICs extra judicial denial of SBCs claim.
PHP9,900,000.00. [7] The insurance policy provided, however, tha t LIC In sus taining PISA, the Court of Appeals relied on the
would not be liable i f the loss was caused by a ny dishonest, fraudulent a rgument tha t pa ragra ph 5(e) of the PRA was intended to
or cri minal a ct of SBC officers , employees or by i ts authorized benefi t PISA. The appella te court held tha t the phrase could not be
representati ve.
[8] recovered from the insurer gi ves rise to doubt as to the intention of
On June 23, 1992, SBC a nd PISA entered into a Pos t-Robbery the pa rties, as i t is ca pable of two interpreta tions : ei ther (1) the
Agreement (PRA) whereby PISA paid PHP3,027,728.01, whi ch was the insurer rejects the wri tten dema nd for indemni fi cation by the insured;
di fference between the total amount los t and the ma xi mum a mount or (2) a court adjudges tha t the insurer is not liable under the policy.
insured.[9] PISA made the pa yment in the interes t of maintaining good The Court of Appeals then interpreted the antecedent ci rcums tances
rela tions , without necessaril y admi tting i ts liability for the loss pri or to the ins ti tution of Ci vil Case No. 92-3337 as manifes ting SBCs
suffered by SBC by reason of the Ta yta y robbery. [10] agreement to suspend the filing of the sui t agains t PISA until after the
Pa ra graph 5 of the PRA specifi call y s ta tes that PISAs pa yment case a gainst LIC has been decisi vel y termina ted.
was subject to express terms and condi tions , one of whi ch was the SBC exercised its ri ght of a ction a gainst PISA pursuant to pa ragraph
following: 5(e) of the PRA. This interpretion is consistent with settled canons of
contract interpretation, has the import t hat would make SBCs right
of action effectual, and would yield the greatest reciprocity of
interests. Indeed, we a gree wi th SBC tha t PISAs interpreta tion of the
clause would lead to an effecti ve wai ver of SBCs ri ght of a ction, For i ts pa rt, Fortune Ca re a rgued that the Health Ca re Contra ct did not
because to await the judi cial determinati on of the LIC sui t ma y lead to cover hospi taliza tion costs and professional fees incurred in foreign
the pres cri ption of SBCs ri ght of action against PISA. countries , as the contra ct’s opera tion was confined to Philippine
terri tory.8 Further, i t a rgued tha t i ts liability to Amorin was
If some stipulations of any contract should admit of several extinguished upon the latter’s a cceptance from the company of the
meanings, it shall be understood as bearing that import which is amount of ₱12,151.36.
most adequate to render it effectual.[34] The various stipulations of a Issue: Whether or not the phrase “approved standa rd cha rges” is
contract shall be interpreted together, attributing to the doubtful interpreted as similar to those in the Philippines.
ones that sense which may result from all of them taken
jointly. [35] When it is impossible to settle doubts by the rules Ruling:
established in the preceding articles, and the doubts refer to The peti tion is bereft of meri t.
incidental circumstances of an onerous contract, the doubt shall be The Court finds no cogent reason to disturb the CA’s finding tha t
settled in favor of the greatest reciprocity of interests. Fortune Ca re’s liability to Amorin under the subject Health Ca re
Art. 1373, Art.1374, Art.1378 of the Ci vil Code. Contra ct should be based on the expenses for hospi tal an d
professional fees which he a ctuall y incurred, and should not be limited
FORTUNE MEDICARE VS AMORIN by the a mount tha t he would ha ve incurred had his emergency
Da vi d Robert U. Amorin (Amori n) was a ca rdholder/member of trea tment been performed in an accredi ted hospi tal in the Philippines.
Fortune Medi ca re, Inc. (Fortune Ca re), a corpora tion enga ged in We emphasize tha t for purposes of determining the liability of a
providing health maintenance servi ces to i ts members. The terms of heal th ca re provi der to i ts members , jurisprudence holds tha t a health
Amorin's medi cal covera ge were provided in a Corpora te Health ca re a greement is in the na ture of non-li fe insurance, whi ch is
Progra m Contra ct4 (Heal th Ca re Contra ct) which was executed on pri ma ril y a contra ct of indemnity. Once the member incurs hospi tal ,
Janua ry 6, 2000 by Fortune Ca re and the House of Representa ti ves , medi cal or any other expense a rising from si ckness, injury or other
where Amorin was a permanent employee. s tipula ted contingent, the heal th ca re provi der mus t pa y for the same
While on va ca tion i n Honol ulu, Ha waii, Uni ted Sta tes of Ameri ca to the extent a greed upon under the contra ct.
(U.S.A.) i n Ma y 1999, Amorin underwent an emergency surgery, Consistent wi th the foregoing, we rei tera ted in Blue Cross Health Ca re,
specifi call y appendectomy, a t the St. Francis Medi cal Center, causing Inc. v. Spouses Oli va res 21:
hi m to incur professional and hospi taliza tion expenses of US$7,242.35 In Philamca re Health Sys tems , Inc. v. CA, we ruled tha t a heal th ca re
and US$1,777.79, respecti vel y. He a ttempted to recover from Fortune agreement is in the na ture of a non-life insurance. It is an established
Ca re the full a mount thereof upon his return to Manila , but the rule in insurance contracts that when their terms contain limitations
company merel y approved a reimbursement of ₱12,151.36, a n on liability, they should be construed strictly against the insurer.
amount tha t was based on the a verage cos t of appendectomy, net of These are contracts of adhesion the terms of which must be
medi ca re deduction, i f the procedure were performed in an a ccredited interpreted and enforced stringently against the insurer which
hospital in Metro Manila. 5 Amorin recei ved under protes t the prepared the contract. This doctrine is equally applicable to health
approved amount, but asked for i ts adjustment to cover the total care agreements.
amount of professional fees whi ch he had paid, and eighty percent The word "s tanda rd" as used in the ci ted s tipula tion was va gue and
(80%) of the approved s tanda rd cha rges based on "Ameri can ambiguous , as it could be susceptible of di fferent meanings.
s tanda rd", considering tha t the emergency procedure occurred in the All told, i n the a bsence of any qualifying word tha t clea rl y li mi ted
U.S.A. To support his claim, Amorin ci ted Section 3, Arti cle V on Fortune Ca re's liability to cos ts tha t a re appli cable in the Philippines ,
Benefi ts and Coverages of the Heal th Ca re Contra ct, to wi t: the a mount pa yable by Fortune Ca re should not be li mited to the cos t
A. EMERGENCY CARE IN ACCREDITED HOSPITAL. Whether as of trea tment in the Philippines , as to do so woul d resul t in the clea r
an in-pa tient or out-pa tient, the member shall be enti tled to disadvanta ge of i ts member. If, as Fortune Ca re a rgued, the premium
full covera ge under the benefits provisions of the Contra ct a t and other cha rges in the Health Ca re Contra ct were merel y computed
any FortuneCa re a ccredited hospi tals subject onl y to the on assumption and ris k under Philippine cos t and, tha t the Ameri can
perti nent provision of Arti cle VII (Excl usions/Limi ta tions ) cos t s tanda rd or any foreign country's cost was never considered, such
hereof. For emergency ca re a ttended by non a ffiliated limi ta tions should ha ve been dis tinctl y speci fied and clea rl y reflected
physi cian (MSU), the member shall be reimbursed 80% of in the extent of coverage whi ch the company volunta ril y assumed.
the professional fee whi ch should ha ve been paid, had the Settled is the rule that ambiguities in a contract are interpreted
member been trea ted by an a ffiliated physi cian. The against the party that caused the ambiguity. "Any ambiguity in a
a vailment of emergency ca re from an una ffiliated physi cian contract whose terms are susceptible of different interpretations
shall not invalidate or diminish any clai m if i t shall be s hown must be read against the party who drafted it.
to ha ve been reasonabl y i mpossible to obtain such
emergency ca re from an affiliated physi cian. ST. RAPHAEL MONTESSORI SCHOOL, INC. VS BPI
1. Whether as a n in-pa tient or out-pa tient, FortuneCa re shall Spouses Rolando a nd Josefina Anda ya (Sps. Andaya) a re the President
rei mburse the total hospitaliza tion cost including the professional fee and Vi ce-President, respecti vel y, of St. Raphael Montessori , Inc. (St.
(based on the total approved cha rges ) to a member who recei ves Raphael). From 1994 to 1998, the Spouses Anda ya obtained a loan for
emergency ca re in a non-a ccredi ted hospi tal . The above coverage themsel ves and on behal f of St. Raphael , from the Fa r Eas t Bank and
applies only to Emergency confinement within Philippine Territory. Trus t company, now Bank of Philippine Islands (BPI). As securi ty for
However, if the emergency confinement occurs in a foreign territory, the l oan, they executed real esta te mortga ges 3 over a pa rcel of land
Fortune Care will be obligated to reimburse or pay eighty (80%) covered by Trans fer Certi fi cate of Title (TCT) No. T-45006.4 They,
percent of the approved standard charges which shall cover the however, defaul ted on thei r obliga tion and thus , BPI extra judi ciall y
hospitalization costs and professional fees. x x x6 foreclosed the mortgaged property.
Still , Fortune Ca re denied Amorin’s reques t, p rompting the la tter to
file a complaint7 for breach of contra ct wi th da mages wi th the A Certi fi cate of Sale 5 was then issued and annota ted a t the ba ck of TCT
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Ma kati Ci ty. No. 45006. When the mortga gors failed to redeem the s ubject
property, BPI executed an Affida vi t of Consolidati on 6 and TCT No. T- contained a "Confidentiality of Documents and Non -Compete
1757407 was issued in i ts name. On Ma rch 15, 2005, upon peti tion by Clause"8 whi ch, a mong others , ba rred him from disclosing confidential
BPI, the court a quo issued a Wri t of Possession ordering the sheri ff to informa tion, and from working in any business enterprise tha t is in
pla ce the subject property and all i ts improvements thereon, in di rect competi tion wi th CPI "while [he is] employed and for a peri od of
possession of the same. one yea r from date of resignati on or termina tion from [CPI]." Should
The Spouses Anda ya asked for deferment of the implementa tion of Ba biano brea ch a ny of the terms thereof, his "forms of compensation,
the wri t of possession and executed for themsel ves and on behalf of including commissions a nd incenti ves will be forfei ted."
St. Raphael an Undertaki ng wherein they: (i) acknowledged BPI's After recei ving reports tha t Babiano provi ded a competi tor with
ownership of the property; (ii) promised to va cate the premises and informa tion rega rding CPFs ma rketing s tra tegies, spread false
remove all movables from the same on or before September 23, 2005; informa tion rega rding CPI and i ts projects , recrui ted CPI's personnel to
(iii ) promised to voluntaril y a nd pea ce full y surrender the property i n join the competi tor, a nd for being absent wi thout offi cial lea ve
fa vor of the rightful owner BPI wi thout the necessi ty of any demand (AWOL) for fi ve (5) da ys , CPI, through i ts Executi ve Vi ce President for
on or before September 23, 2005; a nd (i v) pledged not to take Ma rketing and Development, Jose Ma rco R. Antonio (Antoni o), sent
adva ntage of the a ccommoda tion extended to them to secure any Ba biano a Noti ce to Explain 16 on Februa ry 23, 2009 di recting him to
remedy from the courts . BPI, thus , deferred the implementa tion of explain why he should not be cha rged wi th disloyalty, confli ct of
the wri t to September 23, 2005 and upon the lapse thereof even interes t, and breach of trus t and confidence for his
extended for a nother 60 da ys or until November 23, 2005 the a ctua tions .17chanrobleslaw
implementa tion of the wri t.
The Spouses Anda ya , however, failed to va ca te the subject property. On February 25, 2009, Babiano tendered 18 his resigna tion and
They claimed that BPI no longer had a ri ght to possess the property revealed that he had been a ccepted as Vi ce President of Fi rst Global
because the wri t of possession had al ready been i mplemented. St. BYO Development Corpora tion (Fi rs t Global), a competi tor of CPI. 19 On
Ra phael further filed a Motion to Quash Wri t of Possession alleging Ma rch 3, 2009, Babiano was served a Noti ce of Termina tion 20 for: (a)
tha t i t was not a pa rty to the real es tate mortgages executed by incurring AWOL; (b) viola ting the "Confidentiality of Documents and
Spouses Anda ya. An Affida vi t of Thi rd -Pa rty Claim 10 was also filed Non-Compete Clause" when he joined a competi tor enterprise while
wherein St. Raphael claimed tha t the latter's building, while s tanding s till working for CPI and provi ded such competi tor enterprise
on the s ubject property, was not included in the real es ta te informa tion rega rding CPFs ma rketing s tra tegies; and (c) recruiting CPI
mortgages . personnel to join a competi tor.
RTC ruled in fa vor of Montessori . On August 8, 2011, respondents filed a complaint 23 for non-pa yment
CA ruled in fa vor of BPI. of commissions and damages agains t CPI and Antonio before the
Issue: Whether a writ of possession that was issued ex-parte as a result NLRC, docketed as NLRC Case No. NCR-08-12029-11, claiming tha t
ofthe foreclosure of the mortgages executed by the Spouses Andaya on thei r repeated demands for the pa yment and release of thei r
the subject property can be enforced and utilized by BPI to oust St. commissions remained unheeded.
Raphael from the physical possession of its school buildings built on Labor Arbi ter ruled in fa vor of CPI.
the same subject property. The NLRC reversed the Labor Arbiter’s Ruling.
The CA affi rmed the NLRC Ruling with modifi ca tion.
Ruling: The CA held tha t Babiano properl y ins ti tuted his claim for unpaid
We rule in the a ffi rmati ve. Petition is denied. commissions before the labor tribunals as i t is a money claim a rising
The real estate mortgage agreement entered into by BPI and the from an employer-employee rela tionship wi th CPI. In this rela tion, the
Spouses Andaya is the law between them. Suffice it to say that in all CA opined tha t CPI cannot wi thhold such unpaid commissions on the
of the real mortgage agreements 27 executed by BPI and the Spouses ground of Babiano's alleged brea ch of the "Confidentiality of
Andaya in favor of St. Raphael, it was clearly and commonly Documents and Non-Compete Clause" integra ted in the latter's
stipulated that the parties intend to include the im provements or employment contra ct, considering that such clause referred to a cts
buildings erected or to be erected in the subject lot, to wit: done a fter the cessa tion of the employer-employee relati onship or to
x xx the MORTGAGOR does hereby trans fer and convey by wa y of the "pos t-employment" relations of the parties . Thus , any such
mortgage unto to MORTGAGEE, i ts successors or assigns, the pa rcel of supposed brea ch thereof is a ci vil la w dispute tha t is best resol ved by
land whi ch a re descri bed in the lis t inserted on the back of this the regula r courts and not by labor tribunals.
document and/or appended hereto, together with all the buildings
and improvements now existing or which may hereafter be erected Issue: Whether or not the CA erred in limi ting the "Confidentiality of
or constructed thereon, of whi ch the MORTGAGOR decla res tha t he/i t Documents and Non-Compete Clause" onl y to a cts done a fter the
is the absolute owner free from lien and encumbra nces. x x x 28 cessation of the employer-employee relationship or to the "pos t-
employment" relations of the pa rties thereby jus ti fying or not the
It is a cardinal rule in the interpretation of a contract that if its terms non-pa yment of commission to Babiano.
are clear and leave no doubt on the intention of the contracting
parties, the literal meaning of its stipulation shall control. 29 In the Ruling:
absence of proof that the parties intended otherwise, we will not The petiti on is pa rtl y meri tori ous .
delve to interpret the terms of the contract which are unequivocal as
to the intention of the parties.

On October 2, 2002, Ba biano was hi red by CPI as Di rector of Sales , and Arti cle 1370 of the Ci vil Code provi des tha t "[i ]f the terms of a contra ct
was eventually6 appointed as Vi ce President for Sales effecti ve a re clear and lea ve no doubt upon the intenti on of the contra cting
September 1, 2007. As CPFs Vi ce President for Sales, Babiano was pa rties , the literal meaning of i ts s tipula tions shall
remunera ted wi th, inter alia, the following benefits : (a) monthl y salary control ." In Norton Resources and Development Corporation v. All
of P70,000.00; (b) allowance of P50,000.00; and (c) 0.5% overri de Asia Bank Corporation,52 the Court had the opportunity to thoroughl y
commission for completed sales . His employment contra ct also
dis cuss the said rule as follows :ChanRoblesVi rtualawlibra ry resources by conducting recrui tment a cti vi ties, traini ng sessions , sales
rallies, moti va tional acti vi ties , and evalua tion progra ms ." 57 Hence, to
The rule is that where the language of a contract is plain and allow Babiano to freel y move to di rect competi tors duri ng a nd soon
unambiguous, its meaning should be determined without reference after his employment wi th CPI would make the latter's trade secrets
to extrinsic facts or aids. The i ntention of the pa rties mus t be vul nerable to exposure, especially in a highl y competiti ve ma rketing
ga thered from tha t langua ge, and from tha t langua ge alone. Stated envi ronment. As such, i t is onl y reasonable tha t CPI and Babiano a gree
differently, where the language of a written contract is clear and on such s tipula tion in the la tter's employment contra ct in order to
unambiguous, the contract must be taken to mean that which, on its afford a fai r and reasonable protection to CPI. Indubitably,
face, it purports to mean, unless some good reason can be assigned obligations arising from contracts, including em ployment contracts,
to show that the words should be understood in a different have the force of law between the contracting parties and should be
sense. Courts cannot make for the pa rties better or more equi table complied with in good faith.59 Corollary thereto, parties are bound
agreements than they themsel ves ha ve been sa tisfied to make, or by the stipulations, clauses, terms, and conditions they have agreed
rewri te contra cts because they opera te ha rshl y or inequi tabl y as to to, provided that these stipulations, clauses, terms, and conditions
one of the pa rties , or al ter them for the benefi t of one pa rty and to are not contrary to law, morals, public order or public policy, 60 as in
the detri ment of the other, or by cons truction, relieve one of the this case.
pa rties from the terms whi ch he volunta ril y consented to, or impose
on him those whi ch he did not. 53 (Emphases and unders coring Therefore, the CA erred in limiting the "Confidentiality of Documents
supplied) and Non-Compete Clause" only to acts done after the cessation of
Thus , in the interpreta tion of contra cts , the Court mus t fi rs t determine the employer-employee relationship or to the "post-employment"
whether a provision or s tipula tion therein is a mbi guous . Absent any relations of the parties. As clearly stipulated, the parties wanted to
ambigui ty, the provision on i ts fa ce will be read as i t is wri tten and apply said clause during the pendency of Babiano's employment, and
trea ted as the binding law of the pa rties to the contra ct. 54 CPI correctly invoked the same before the labor tribunals to resist
the former's claim for unpaid commissions on account of his breach
In the case a t ba r, CPI prima ril y invoked the "Confidentiality of of the said clause while the employer-employee relationship
Documents and Non-Compete Clause" found in Babiano's employment between them still subsisted. Hence, there is now a need to
contra ct55 to jus tify the forfeiture of his commissions, viz.: determine whether or not Babiano brea ched said clause while
employed by CPI, whi ch would then resol ve the issue of his
Confidentiality of Documents and Non-Compete Clause enti tlement to his unpaid commissions.
A judi cious review of the records reveals tha t in his resignation
All records and documents of the company a nd all information letter61 da ted Februa ry 25, 2009, Babiano ca tegori call y admi tted to
pertaining to i ts business or affairs or tha t of i ts affiliated companies CPI Chai rma n Jose Antonio tha t on Februa ry 12, 2009, he sought
a re confidential a nd no unauthori zed dis closure or reproduction or the employment from Fi rs t Global , and fi ve (5) da ys later, was admitted
same will be made by you a ny ti me during or after your employment. thereto as vi ce president. From the foregoing, i t is evidentl y clear tha t
when he sought and eventually a ccepted the said position wi th Fi rs t
And in order to ensure strict compliance herewith, you shall not Gl obal, he was still employed by CPI as he has not formall y resigned a t
work for whats oever capacity, either as an em ployee, agent or tha t ti me. Irrefragabl y, this is a glari ng vi olation of the "Confidentiality
consultant with any person whose business is in direct com petition of Documents and Non-Compete Clause" i n his employment contra ct
with the company while you are employed and for a period of one wi th CPI, thus , jus tifyi ng the forfei ture of his unpaid commissions.
year from date of resignation or termination from the com pany.

Someti me in 1997, the Muni cipality of Orani , Ba taan (Municipali ty)

Finally, if undersigned breaches any terms of this contract, forms of purchased from Neri an a rea of about 1.7 hecta re of Lot 398, to be
compensation including commissions and incentives will be used for the extension of the Muni cipali ty's public ma rket. Among
forfeited.56 (Emphases and underscoring supplied) other things, i t was agreed tha t upon full pa yment of the purchase
pri ce, Neri will surrender the mother ti tle to the Muni cipality for
Verily, the foregoing clause is not only clear and unambig uous in subdi vision of the property on the condi tion tha t Neri will equi tabl y
stating that Babiano is barred to "work f or whatsoever capacity x xx sha re in the expense thereof.
with any person whose business is in direct competition with [CPI] Lot 398 was subsequentl y subdi vided i nto 5 lots : Lot 398-A, Lot 398-B,
while [he is] employed and for a period of one year from date of [his] Lot 398-C, Lot 398-D, and Lot 398-E. Consequentl y, onl y Lots 398-A
resignation or termination from the com pany," it also expressly and 398-B were left as the remaining portions over whi ch Neri
provided in no uncertain terms that should Babiano "[breach] any retained absolute ti tle. TCT Nos . T-209894 and T-209895 were then
term of [the employment contract], forms of compensation including respecti vel y issued over Lots 398-A and 398-B a nd were both
commissions and incentives will be forfeited." Here, the contra cting registered in the name of "Neridelos Reyes, married to
pa rties - na mel y Babiano on one side, and CPI as represented by i ts VioletaLacuata." The owner's dupli cate copies of TCT Nos . T-209894
COO-Verti cal, John Vi ctor R. Antonio, and Di rector for Planning and and T-209895, however, were retained by the Muni cipality pending
Controls, Jose Ca rl o R. Antonio, on the other -indisputabl y wanted the Neri's pa yment of his sha re in the expenses incurred for the
said clause to be effecti ve even duri ng the exis tence of the employer- subdi vision of Lot 398. These were placed under the cus tody of the
employee rela tionship between Babiano and CPI, thereby indi ca ting Muni cipal Treasurer, where they continue to remain. 7chanrobleslaw
thei r i ntention to be bound by s uch clause by a ffi xing thei r respecti ve
signa tures to the employment contra ct. More signifi cantl y, as CPFs Neri , however, alleged tha t then Municipal Ma yor Ma rio Zuñiga
Vi ce President for Sales , Babiano held a hi ghl y sensiti ve and sugges ted that he sell Lot 398-A to his aunt, peti tioner Thelma
confidential mana gerial position as he "was tasked, among others , to Rodri guez (Thelma ). The Muni cipality would then expropria te the
gua rantee the a chievement of agreed sales ta rgets for a project and to same from Thel ma. Neri agreed to the suggestion.
ensure tha t his tea m has a qualified and competent manpower
After agreeing to the a mount of P1,243,000.00 as the selling pri ce, residential lot si tua ted i n Ulas, Da vao Ci ty regis tered under Trans fer
Thelma , on Ma rch 20, 1997, issued a check for said amount pa yable to Certi fi ca te of Ti tle (TCT) No. T-66139 of the Regis try of Deeds of Da vao
Neri . When i t fell due, no suffi cient funds were a vailable to cover the Ci ty.
check. Consequentl y, i t was a greed tha t Thelma woul d pa y the The Spouses Alonda y ma de pa rtial pa yments on the commercial loan,
purchase pri ce in ins tallments from Ma rch 20, 1997 to September 4, whi ch they renewed on December 23, 1983 for the balance of
1997. Thel ma, however, was onl y able to pa y P442,293.50. P15,950.00. The renewed commercial loan, although due on
In 2002, Neri executed an affida vi t claiming tha t the owner's copies of December 25, 1984, was full y paid on Jul y 5, 1984. 3chanrobleslaw
TCT No. T-209894 (covering Lot 398-A) and TCT No. T-209895
(coveri ng Lot 398-B) were los t, whi ch was annota ted on the original On August 6, 1984, respondents Mercy and Alberto Al onda y, the
copy of TCT No. T-209894 on Ma y 8, 2002.13 Two da ys a fter, or on Ma y children of the Spouses Alonda y, demanded the release of the
10, 2002, Neri caused the ca ncellation of Thelma 's a dverse mortgage over the property covered by TCT No. T-66139. The
claim.14 Neri also caused the recons ti tution of new owner's copies of peti tioner informed them, however, that the mortgage could not be
TCT Nos . T-209894 and T-209895.15 Thereafter, new copies of TCT Nos . released because the agri cultural loa n had not yet been full y paid, and
T-209894 a nd T-209895 were issued, and Neri then sold Lot 398-A to tha t as the consequence of the failure to pa y, i t had foreclosed the
Spouses Jaime and ArmiSioson, Spouses Joan and Joseph Cama cho, mortgage over the property covered by OCT No. P-3599 on Augus t 17,
and Agnes Samonte (respondents) - in a deed of sale da ted November 1984.
27, 2002. A s pecial power of a ttorney was executed by Violetadelos
Reyes (Violeta) in fa vor of Neri for the purpose. Consequentl y, TCT No. It appea red tha t notwi ths tanding such forecl osure, a defi ciency
T-209894 was cancelled, and TCT No. T-226775 was thus issued in the balance of P91,525.22 remained. 4 Hence, the peti tioner applied for
respondents ' names . the extrajudi cial foreclosure of the mortga ge on the property covered
After Thelma lea rned of the second sale of Lot 398-A, she filed agains t by TCT No. T-66139. A noti ce of extra -judi cial sale was issued on
the respondents a complaint for the Decla ra tion of Nullity of the Augus t 20, 1984, and the property covered by TCT No. T-66139 was
Second Sale and TCT No. T-226775 on February 11, 2003, docketed sold on September 28, 1984 to the peti tioner in the amount of
as Civil Case No. 7664. In support of her claim, Thelma once again P29,900.00. Since the Alonda ys were unable to redeem the property,
presented a deed of absolute sale executed by Neri in her fa vor. This the peti tioner consolida ted i ts ownership. La ter on, the property was
time, the deed of sale she presented was duly signed by her and Neri, sold for P48,000.00 to one Felix Malmis on November 10,
witnessed, notarized and dated April 10, 1997. 1989. chanrobleslaw
Issue: Whether or not the transacti on between Neri and Thelma was a
contra ct to sell or a contra ct of sale. According to the petitioner, the deed of mortga ge relating to the
Ruling: property covered by TCT No. T-66139 i ncluded an "all-embra cing
The contract between Thelma and Neri was a mere contract to sell. clause" whereby the mortga ge secured not onl y the commercial loan
"The real character of the contract is not the title given, but the contra cted wi th i ts Da vao Ci ty Bra nch but also the ea rlier a gri cul tural
intention of the parties."34 In this case, there exis t two deeds of loan contra cted wi th i ts Digos Bra nch.
absolute sale. Though identi call y worded, the fi rst contra ct was
unda ted, not nota rized, signed onl y by Neri , and was presented in Ci vil Issues : Whether or not the mortga ge secured not onl y the commercial
Case No. 7394 for Injunction, 35 while the second deed was dated April loan contra cted wi th i ts Da vao Ci ty Branch but also the ea rlier
10, 1997, nota rized on September 5, 1997, si gned by both Neri and agri cul tural loan contra cted wi th i ts Digos Bra nch.
Thelma , and was presented in Ci vil Case No. 7664 for Declara tion of
Nullity of Deed of Sale and Ti tle. Ruling:
Despi te the denomina tion of thei r agreement as one of sale, the The appeal la cks meri t.
circumstances tend to show that Neri agreed to sell the subject The mortgage provision relied upon by appellant is known in Ameri can
property to Thelma on the condition that title and ownership would jurisprudence as a "dra gnet" clause, whi ch is specifi call y phrased to
pass or be transferred upon the full payment of the purchase price. subsume all debts of pas t or future ori gin. Such clauses pursuant to
This is the very nature of a contract to sell, which isa "bilateral the pronouncement of the Supreme Court in DBP vs. Mirang mus t be
contract whereby the pros pective seller, while expressly reserving "ca refull y s crutinized and s tri ctl y construed." 12chanrobleslaw
the ownership of the property des pite delivery thereof to the
prospective buyer, binds himself to sell the property exclusively to The petitioner wrongl y insis ts that the CA, through the foregoing
the prospective buyer upon fulfillment of the condition agreed ra tiocina tion, held tha t the all-embra cing or dra gnet clauses were
upon, i.e., the full payment of the purchase price."38 As s ta ted by the al together i nvalid as to prior obliga tions . Wha t the CA, al though
Court, the agreement to execute a deed of sale upon full pa yment of rei tera ting tha t the Court upheld the validity of using real es ta te
the purchase pri ce "shows tha t the vendors reserved ti tle to the mortgages to secure future advancements , onl y thereby pointed out
subject property until full pa yment of the purchase pri ce. tha t i t could not find simila r rulings as to mortgages executed to

On September 26, 1974, the Spouses Benedicto and Azucena Alonda y There is no ques tion, indeed, tha t all-embra cing or dragnet clauses
(Spouses Alonda y) obtained an agri cul tural loan of P28,000.00 from ha ve been recognized as valid means to secure debts of both future
the peti tioner a t i ts Digos , Da vao del Sur Branch, and secured the and past ori gins .13 Even so, we have likewise emphasized that such
obliga tion by cons ti tuting a real es tate mortgage on thei r pa rcel of clauses were an exceptional mode of securing obligations, and have
land si tua ted in Sta . Cruz, Da va o del Sur registered under Original held that obligations could only be deemed secured by the mortgage
Certi fi ca te of Ti tle (OCT) No. P-3599 of the Registry of Deeds of Da vao if they came fairly within the terms of the mortgage contract. 14 For
del Sur.1chanrobleslaw the all-embracing or dragnet clauses to secure future loans,
therefore, such loans must be sufficiently described in the mortgage
On June 11, 1980, the Spouses Alonda y obtained a commercial loan contract. If the requi rement could be i mposed on a future loan tha t
for P16,700.00 from the peti tioner's Da vao Ci ty Bra nch, and was uncertain to materialize, there is a grea ter reason tha t i t should
consti tuted a real esta te mortgage over thei r 598 squa re meter
be a ppli cable to a past l oan, whi ch is al ready subsisting and known to
the pa rties .
The mere fact that the mortgage constituted on the property
covered by TCT No. T-66139 made no mention of the pre-existing
loan could only strongly indicate that each of the loans of the
Spouses Alonday had been treated separately by the parties
themselves, and this s ufficiently explained why the loans had been
secured by different mortgages.
To reiterate, in order for the all-embracing or dragnet clauses to
secure future and other loans, the loans thereby secured must be
sufficiently described in the mortgage contract. Considering tha t the
agri cul tural loan had been pre-exis ting when the mortgage was
consti tuted on the property covered by TCT No. T-66139, i t would
ha ve been easy for the petitioner to ha ve expressly incorpora ted the
reference to such a gri cul tural loan in the mortga ge contra ct covering
the commercial loan. But the peti tioner did not. Being the party that
had prepared the contract of m ortgage, its failure to do s o should be
construed that it did not at all contem plate the earlier loan when it
entered into the subsequent mortgage.


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