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Health Science Institute of Mandala Waluya Kendari

Study Program of Nursing
Undergraduate Thesis, August 2017

Niluh Defy Astutyaningsih (P.2015.01.167)

“The Relationship of the Size of IV Catheter and the Type of Intravenous
Fluid With Phlebitis Occurrence in the Inpatient Room of the Regional Public
Hospital of Bombana District”

First Advisor : Sunarsih

Second Advisor : Mimi Yati

(xi + 56 pages + 9 Tables + 4 pictures + 11 appendices)

Based on data directly obtained from the medical record data of the
Regional Public Hospital of Bombana district, Phlebitis incidence rate in 2016
amounted to 286 inpatients (7.97%) of total 3856 inpatients. Based on
researcher’s preliminary survey since January until March 2017 from 267
hospitalized patients there were 19 patients (7.11%) who had phlebitis. This
shows the number of percentage of patients with phlebitis is still quite large
because it is still above the standard recommended by INS (Infusion Nurses
Society) that is equal to 5%.
This research type is quantitative research with cross sectional study
design. The sample in this study amounted to 53 samples, with traditional
sampling techniques and testing of research hypothesis is done by using chi
The results of this study indicate a weak relationship between the size of IV
infusion catheter with phlebitis case in the inpatient room of the Regional Public
Hospital of Bombana District in 2017 with the value of X2 (9.066) > X2 table
(2.760), and there is a weak relationship between the type of intravenous fluids
with phlebitis in the inpatient room of the Regional Public Hospital of Bombana
District in 2017 with the value of x2 count 9.938> x2 table (2.760)
Expected for service institutions and others could improve the knowledge of
hospital medical personnel about phlebitis. It is advisable to pay more attention to
patient care based on operational standards of infusion therapy treatment in order
to prevent phlebitis.

Key Words : Phlebitis, the Size of IV Catheter, the type of Intravenous Fluid
References : 22 (2002-2016)


Health Science Institute of Mandala Waluya Kendari

Study Program of Nursing
Minor Thesis, August 2017

Risnawati Lamana (P.2015.01.162)

“The Influence of Counseling by Using Leaflet Media to Knowledge of Hand
Washing and Oral Hygiene at Elementary School Student 5 Wiwirano”
First Advisor : Darlin Landide
Second Advisor : Dewi Sari Pratiwi

(xiii + 58 pages + 7 Tables + 1 pictures + 8 appendices)

Based on preliminary observation, obtained data that there was still a

child's behavior that was not in accordance with the pattern of clean living such as
not washing hands before eating. In addition to interviews with 5 children in
Elementary School 5 Wiwirano there has been no previous extension activities on
how to apply clean living behavior in daily life. The purpose of this study is to
determine the influence of media leaflet counseling on knowledge of hand
washing and oral hygiene at the students of Elementary School 5 Wiwirano.

The type of this research uses pre experimental method without control
group with one group pre-test approach – post-test design. Population 65 people
with sample size 52 respondents by using proportional random sampling
technique and data analysis using paired T-test

The results of this study indicate that there is influence media leaflet
counseling to the knowledge of hand washing and oral hygiene at elementary
school students 5 Wiwirano. With paired t-test value for oral hygiene knowledge is
20,380 with sig 0,000 <0,005, and knowledge of oral hygiene is 21,665 with sig
0,000 <0,05 so H0 is rejected and Ha accepted.

Thus, suggested to the community to provide support to family members

both in maintaining health and prevention efforts.

Key Words : Knowladge, Hand Washing, Oral Hygiene

References : 22 (2009-2017)


Health Science Institute of Mandala Waluya Kendari

Study Program of Nursing
Minor Thesis, August 2017

Veny Punicha (P.2015.01.286)

“The Relationship of Working Climate With Job Satisfaction Of Nurses In
The Inpatient Room of Benyamin Guluh Hospital of Kolaka District”
First Advisor : La Djabo Buton
Second Advisor : Mimi Yati

(xiv + 70 pages + 12 Tables + 2 pictures + 10 appendices)

Hospital as an Institution that provide health services has characteristics

that are different from other institution. These characteristics that cause the work
climate in the hospital are different from other institutions, especially for nurses
who are the majority of labor in a hospital. Poor working climate impacts on less
optimal nurses in implementing services so that the impact on patient safety and
will be difficult to obtain job satisfaction.

The type of this research is analytic with cross sectional study design. This
study was conducted on 23 June - 7 July 2017. Population and sample are civil
servant nurses in the inpatient room of Benyamin guluh hospital of Kolaka District
amounting to 55 people, and the technique of sampling used is proportional
random sampling technique. The statistical test used is a chi-square test with
interpretation if significance ρ < α (0.05)

The result of this research shows that there is no relationship of work

standard with job satisfaction of nurses, obtained X2 count < X2 table (0,000
<3,841). There is a relationship of responsibility with job satisfaction of executive
nurses, obtained value X2 count> X2 table (5,244 > 3.841), Phi test results
obtained value 0.345 indicating a moderate relationship. there is no relationship of
support with job satisfaction of nurses, obtained X2 count < X2 table (0.000<3.841).

Thus, suggested to create a good working climate by providing full support

to the nurses in carrying out their duties.

Key Words : Working Climate, Job Satisfaction

References : 24 (2008-2016)


Health Science Institute of Mandala Waluya Kendari

Study Program of Nursing
Undergreduate Thesis, August 2017

Mardiana (P.2015.01.328)
“The Relationship Between Family Support And Knowledge Of The Food
Management Way With Blood Glucose Levels In Patients With Diabetes
Mellitus In The General Polyclinic of Poasia Public Health Center of Kendari
First Advisor : Asbath Said
Second Advisor : Sjaifuddin

(xv + 101 pages + 20 Tables + 12 appendices )

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic and progressive disease that can not be
cured, but it’s blood sugar levels can be reduced or controlled. Diet is the main
treatment in the management of DM. It requires effective, gradual and long life
management, so it is important that support and knowledge Family of how to
manage food as a way to control blood glucose levels or near normal and prevent
complications. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between
family support and knowledge of the food management way with blood glucose
levels in general polyclinic of PHC Poasia Kendari city.
This research is an observational analytic research using cross sectional
approach. The population is all diabetics who visited from June - July 2017 to the
general polyclinic of poasia PHC which amounted to 142 people. The sampling
technique using accidental sampling that is all diabetics who by chance visited the
general polyclinic of poasia public health center of Kendari city. Analysis method
using Chi Square test anhjd Phi test.
The results shows a strong relationship between family support with blood
glucose levels in diabetic patients in the general polyclinic of Poasia Public Health
Center of Kendari city with X2 count (38.77) > X2 table (3.841) ᶲ = 0.542. And there
is a moderate relationship between the knowledge of the food management way
with blood glucose levels in diabetics in the general polyclinic of Poasia Public
Health Center of Kendari city with X2 count (9.386) > X2 table (3.841) ᶲ = 0.276.
Suggested to Poasia Public Health Center to frequently conduct health
counselings about diabetes mellitus treatment especially to the sufferer so that
society can know that DM treatment must be regular. other than that, health
workers should explain that DM patients greatly need the support and motivation
of family members to be regular and routine control of blood glucose levels and
their illness will be controlled.

Key Words : “Family Support, Knowledge Of The Food Management Way,

Blood Glucose Level, Patients With Diabetes Mellitus, Poasia
Public Health Center”
References : 27 (2000-2016)

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