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Subject: MG 1351- Principles of Management

Test – 1 Date:
1. Define Management.
2. Difference between Management and Administration.
3. What is Productivity?
4. What is Effectiveness?
5. What is Efficiency?
6. Justify management as an art.
7. What do you mean by time study?
8. What do you mean by motion study?
9. What are the various approaches to management?
10. Difference between open system and closed system.

1. Explain in detail about Human Relations Approach.
2. Discuss about the Contigency Approach.
3. Explain in detail about the Systems Approach.
4. Management is a science or art – Discuss.

Test - 2 Date:
Part A
1. What are the features of scientific management?
2. What is POSDCORB?
3. List out the industrial activities according to Fayol.
4. What are the roles of Manager?
5. What are the skills required by the manager?
6. List out the importance of Management.
7. What is Sole Trading? List its advantages.
8. What is Partnership Firm?
9. What is a Joint Stock Company?
10. Write the features of a Private Limited Company.

1. Explain the principles of Scientific Management.
2. Explain about Fayol’s Administrative Management.
3. Explain in detail about different types of business organization.
4. Explain the contributions of Max Weber, Parker Folliot, Elton Mayo, Barnard,
McGregor to management.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 1


Test - 3 Date:
Part A
1. What is Social Responsibility?
2. Define Planning.
3. What are the objectives of planning?
4. List out the different types of plans.
5. What is Mission?
6. Define Objectives.
7. What are the advantages of planning?
8. List out the advantages of objectives.
9. What are the benefits and weakness of MBO?
10. Write notes on SMART objectives.

Part B
1. Explain the process of MBO.
2. Discuss about the nature and importance of planning in Indian context.
3. Explain the steps in planning process.
4. Explain the nature and purpose of planning. Also explain the types of plans.

Test- 4 Date:
Part A
1. What do you mean by a strategy?
2. What is decision making?
3. Define Policy.
4. Difference between planning and forecasting.
5. List out the techniques of forecasting.
6. What are the major kinds of strategies and policies?
7. Write the classification of planning premises.
8. Difference between programmed and non-programmed decisions.
9. What is Delphi technique?
10. What is decision making under risk?

Part B
1. Explain the strategic planning process in detail.
2. Explain the types of policies and the policy formulation process.
3. Explain in detail about the steps in decision making.
4. Discuss about decision making in certainty, uncertainty, and risk. Explain the
models of decision making behaviour.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 2


Test- 5 Date:
Part A
1. Define Organizing.
2. What is span of control?
3. Difference between formal and informal organization.
4. What is organization chart? List out its contents.
5. What is departmentation?
6. What is matrix organization?
7. Difference between line and staff authority.
8. What is line and functional organization?
9. What is meant by departmentation by enterprise function?
10. Difference between decentralization and delegation of authority.

Part B
1. Explain the departmentation by different strategies with advantages and
2. What are the advantages of organization charts? Explain its kinds.
3. Explain the various types of organization. Also discuss the factors determining the
degree of decentralization of authority.
4. Explain the line, staff and functional authority with advantages and disadvantages.

Test - 6
Part A
1. What do you mean by job analysis?
2. What are the techniques of designing jobs?
3. What is recruitment? List out its internal sources and external sources.
4. What is meant by induction? List its objectives.
5. What are the objectives of performance appraisal?
6. What is BARS?
7. What is the need for training?
8. Define Organizational Development,
9. What are the steps involved in manpower planning?
10. List out the on the job training methods.
Part B
1. Explain the process of job analysis and the techniques of job design.
2. Explain in detail about the performance appraisal techniques and the problems in
the appraisal process.
3. What is the need for training? Explain the various training methods.
4. Discuss about the organizational change. Explain the factors influencing
organizational change.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 3


Test - 7 Date:
Part A
1. What is creativity and innovation?
2. What is directing? Give its scope.
3. What do you mean by brainstorming?
4. What is leadership? Give its importance.
5. What are the advantages of democratic leadership?
6. How harmonizing objectives can be achieved?
7. What are the disadvantages of autocratic leadership?
8. List out the Linker’s four management system.
9. What is managerial grid?
10. Difference between transactional and transformational leader.

Part B
1. Explain the trait approaches to leadership in detail.
2. Explain the qualities of a good leader. Explain the behavioural theory of
3. Discuss in detail about the contingency approach to leadership.
4. Explain the types of leadership styles with its advantages and disadvantages.

Test - 8
Part A
1. State Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
2. What is meant by job enrichment?
3. What is communication? Give its importance.
4. What do you mean by grapevine?
5. What is Theory Z motivation?
6. What is morale?
7. List out the types of motivation. Give the merits of Equity theory.
8. What are the advantages of written communication?
9. Difference between motivation and satisfaction.
10. Compare Theory X and Theory Y.

Part B
1. Explain the barriers to effective communication and suggest measures how
communication be made effective?
2. Explain and compare: Maslow’s Theory and Herzberg’s Theory.
3. Explain McGregor’s X & Y Theory, Vroom’s Expectancy theory, McClelland’s
need’s theory with its critical appraisal.
4. What is motivation? What are the factors that affect individual performance? How
motivation is important in this context.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 4


Test - 9
Part A
1. What is the importance of controlling?
2. List out the types of control.
3. Define Budget & its types
4. What are the limitations of budgeting?
5. What is meant by zero based budgeting?
6. What is HRA?
7. What do you mean by CPM?
8. What is MIS? Give its application.
9. Write down the factors affecting productivity.
10. What is Operation Research?

Part B
1. Explain the characteristics, importance and process of controlling?
2. Explain in details about the applications of IT in controlling.
3. Explain the techniques of OR to improve productivity.
4. Explain the various measures of productivity and the ways to improve

Test – 10
Part A
1. What is meant by direct control and preventive control?
2. What is overall control?
3. Define Reporting.
4. What is ROI? List its advantages.
5. What is Globalization?
6. What is Liberalization?
7. What is MNC? Give Examples.
8. What are the global theories of management?
9. Difference between Domestic and International Enterprise.
10. What is the need for privatization in India?

Part B
1. Explain in detail the preventive control mechanism toward achieving a unified
Global Management Theory.
2. Compare Japanese Management with US Management.
3. Explain International Management in detail.
4. What are the factors that affect the operations of MNEs? Explain.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 5

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