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“The Liberals 3 Card Playing Deck”

The very vocal American left-wing political entity consists mostly of the ultra-liberal Main Street Media, Far-left
Democrats, the archaic and self-patronizing NAACP, Black Lives Matter agitators, Radical Feminists, anarchistic
Occupy Wall Street fanatics along with various militant Socialist and Communist affiliates. These various “Grievance
Industry” factions are not playing the U.S. Game of Life with a full deck, their overly aggressive poker hands featuring
three major playing cards: the Race Card, the Victim Card and the Slavery Card. And any fair-minded conservative
traditionalist who challenges the validity of the repetitious 3 Liberal Playing Cards is automatically labeled a Racist,
a Bigot, a Fascist or a Neo-Nazi.
The misguided Liberals erroneously think and believe that the United States is a “Democracy”. But our colonial
Founding Fathers created “a Republic,” featuring a very just and reasonable Bill of Rights. Individual DEMOCRATIC
rights are specifically outlined in the U.S. Constitution’s First Ten Amendments, and these honorable covenants grant
individual citizens an array of privileges ranging from Freedom of Speech to Freedom to Worship; from Freedom of
the Press to Freedom to Bear Arms. The wisdom principle of “A Republic” (including the American Republic) is that
this enduring form of government is primarily based on “the Rule of Law,” and our American form of government
also heavily relies on the preservation and continuation of the nation’s culture and traditions for its survival. A
“Democracy” tends to foment defiance of established Law, enacts opposition to “Old Morality”, believes in the
dismantling of time-honored traditions and finally, the Far-Left desires a quixotic “Revision of America’s Culture and
Our very wise Founding Fathers aptly understood that historically, “Republics” last much longer than do
“Democracies”. For example, the Athenian Democracy lasted for only 186 years while the Roman Republic lasted for
over five centuries, finally falling because of the same debilitating conditions that our current American Republic is
detrimentally experiencing: Open Borders, Anarchy and Government Corruption. The Roman Empire had long been
besieged with invading Visigoths, Vandals and Huns (Open Borders), barbaric tribes who later fought among
themselves and then battled against the Roman Legions (Anarchy), while avaricious Roman Government Officials
and Politicians bought votes from citizens by accepting bribes and simultaneously raiding the Empire’s Treasury
(Corruption). Yes, History tends to repeat itself! The U.S. Republic is presently being negatively besieged and affected
by Illegal Aliens (Open Borders), clashing Left-Wing and Right-Wing coalitions (Anarchy) and most obviously,
modern-day avaricious Politicians (Corruption). These three present-day catalysts are the same malignant factors that
had led to the gradual fall of the once-mighty Roman Republic.
Concepts such as “Democracy” and “Equality” are excellent ideas when those two principles relate to Constitutional
Rights and to the implementation of U.S. Justice and Law, but “Democracy” and “Equality” are terrible practices
when the two abstractions pertain to the American Economy (everyone gets Equal Pay) and to American Education
(all students have Equal Academic Ability). Did you ever hear of a Civil War song titled “The Battle Hymn of the
Democracy”? Of course not! It’s “The Battle Hymn of the Republic!” And in the memorized Pledge of Allegiance,
do we say “and to the ‘Democracy’ for which it stands”? Obviously no! We recite, “and to the ‘Republic’ for which
it stands, One Nation under God with Liberty and Justice for all!” Astute observers must fully understand that the
main goals of the Radical Far-Left are to relegate Christianity, to weaken the Republic while interpreting our Founding
Documents as Democracy, and finally in the process, dangerously attempting to relegate and diminish most aspects
of Western Civilization in America.
Vociferous Far-Left liberals don’t really pragmatically practice the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of
Independence, which the latter document advocates the promotion of INDIVIDUAL “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of
Happiness”. Far-Left Liberals COLLECTIVELY believe in GROUP CAUSES rather than espousing the conviction
of each person being directly responsible for his or her actions, which is what the U.S. Constitution and our Founding
Fathers were all about: Citizen Responsibility balancing the deployment and enjoyment of abundant Citizen Rights!
In essence, each INDIVIDUAL is a free-thinking Sovereign Human Being, a small model of our Sovereign Nation.
As has been already indicated, the Liberals myopic 3 Card Playing Deck redundantly advances the Race Card, the
Victim Card and the Slavery Card. Liberals have a short-sighted perception of human history when they think that
only blacks had been slaves. Let’s journey back into the ugly past a thousand-years or so. Most anyone reading this
essay more-than-likely had ancestors in the year 1,000 A.D. who were slaves, serfs, servants, chattels, vassals,
peasants, indentured workers or poor sharecroppers. A millennium ago people (the masses) were stratified into virtual
caste systems without any chance for any upward social mobility or “individual accomplishment”. Humans were
classified either in the wealthy 2% noble class or into the 98% exploited fiefdom servitude class.
Then on June 15, 1215 a political miracle began taking shape in Runnymede, England. King John (brother and
successor to King Richard the Lion-heart) was compelled by the threat of bankruptcy to sign the Magna Carta (Great
Charter), which granted certain rights and privileges to Norman Barons, which over the next several centuries evolved
and led to lower-class Saxons eventually obtaining their own individual right to own property and to not be dependent
on wealthy Norman Nobles for security and protection in exchange for their grueling labor. Over the course of several-
centuries, the English economic/political progress (began by the Magna Carta) slowly led to the Age of Exploration
(Columbus, Magellan, etc.) and then the Age of Enlightenment (Voltaire, John Locke), the influential predecessors to
the Age of the American and French Revolutions.
Beginning in 1776, our Founding Fathers finally freed the suppressed inhabitants of the original 13 colonies from
the vile tyranny of King George III of England. The Revolutionary War along with the Declaration of Independence
and the U.S. Constitution wonderfully granted colonial men the civil rights that elevated the general population from
second-class subject-of-king status to citizens being able to have free enterprise, to participate in upward economic
mobility, and to basically enjoy the benefits of both reward and profit through INDIVIDUAL initiative, thus allowing
free members of the NEW REPUBLIC to engage in the unique experiment of American Capitalism.
What the Far-Left must fathom is that the White Man had to emancipate himself from British Monarchial Despotism
in 1776 before the White Man could ever LIBERATE the black slaves from their plantation masters 70 or so years
later. And yes, it was a Republican President named Abraham Lincoln who had authorized the Emancipation
Proclamation, and yes, it was Southern Democrats who (after the Civil War) created the KKK to deliberately
intimidate the recently freed slaves.
The Liberal Race/Victim/Slave Card peddlers don’t have a monopoly when it comes to being discriminated against.
For example, I never knew my Polish grandparents, descendants of Slavs (Slaves, Serfs and Peasants). My father’s
father had been a logger in upstate Michigan. A raging forest fire destroyed his camp, and not having any property
insurance, my paternal grandfather was devastated after going bankrupt, and died shortly thereafter. No welfare safety
net or food stamps existed in the early 1900s. My (also legal Ellis Island) Polish grandmother, who I had never known
had later died from the horrendous influenza epidemic that flourished in East Coast cities from 1917-1919.
After my paternal grandfather’s death, my father’s family had moved from Michigan to Baltimore to be near Polish
relatives. English and German people had settled in America decades before the Poles immigrated, so consequently,
Poles had trouble getting work from the already established British and German employers. A nearby Baltimore
business named the John F. Wiessner Brewery (later defunct in the 1920s because of Prohibition) affected the
opportunity for my family surname to be changed from the Polish Wiesniewski to the German Wiessner so that my
discriminated against father and his five sisters could more easily get factory jobs in Baltimore City.
My maternal Sicilian grandfather (who also legally came to America via Ellis Island) daily operated a fruit and
vegetable pushcart on Ninth Street in Philadelphia. My maternal grandmother’s family was so poor that she had to
wear her father’s old tattered and weatherworn shoes to school and was egregiously mocked and scorned by the other
more fortunate children whose families were of better means. After my grandparents married, Grandpop Antonio
diligently saved and finally had enough money to buy five acres of ground on Route 30 in Hammonton, New Jersey,
where he and Grandmom Annie built a small roadside farm market. An established British farm family owned the
adjacent property and proceeded to build a much larger farm market only 50 feet away from the one constructed by
my grandparents, obviously in a strong effort to run “the Sicilians” out of business and out of town. After 3 years of
intense competition, my maternal grandparents prevailed and were able to proudly buy the larger farm market from
the disgruntled English farm family.
And then there was my wife’s Sicilian father and uncle who in the early 1940s were shunned and ostracized from
playing baseball and football by other area Italian kids because the two brothers happened to have a darker complexion.
Like my maternal grandparents, my wife’s father and uncle prevailed in a hostile social environment and eventually
became very successful businessmen, not because of any COLLECTIVE POLITICAL CAUSE but because of their
own INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION to overcome discrimination. They refused to be “victims”!
In the early-to-mid 20th Century, America was a true “Melting Pot”. The immigration system worked because the
new ethnic arrivals were predominantly from Europe, were of the Christian/Catholic/Jewish faiths, possessed and
fervently practiced the Protestant Work Ethic, and were mostly Polish, Irish and Italian Caucasians who (overcoming
difficulty) gradually blended-in with the already entrenched English and German early settlers.
But then in 1965, Democrat President Lyndon Johnson implemented the Immigration and Nationality Act, which in
1968 soon morphed into the Hart-Celler Act, a law that changed the Immigration Quota System from being 90%
White European newcomers and 10% People of Color to a reversal of 10% European and mostly new people from
Africa, from the Middle East, from Central and South America and from Asia. That 1968 experimental “Melting Pot”
is not working too well in the year 2018, and its unintended consequences are burgeoning our very beleaguered
Welfare System, our schools, our hospital Emergency Rooms, and our prisons because many of these new clannish
arrivals are not assimilating swiftly and smoothly into our American culture, principally because they have DIVERSE
religions, languages, cultures and more relaxed “work ethics” carried-over from former dependency lifestyles in their
previous countries. The current “Diversity Movement” is actually CULTURAL DISUNITY and WESTERN
The Democrats appear to relish putting new U.S. arrivals on Welfare and Food Stamps, thus insuring the Liberal
Party of future votes in future elections. But honestly, Republicans also like having the new arrivals (especially from
Central and South America) for cheap labor, and the GOP too shares the blame in this illegal immigration matter
because these aforementioned migrant populations are a good source of higher company profits.
The Liberal Dems often criticize American Capitalism as being “Trickle-Down Economics”, but someone please
explain to me exactly how anti-economic-gravity “Trickle-Up Economics” is supposed to work? If the Democrats are
so concerned about “Income Inequality”, don’t they realize that “Income Equality” in code language means
“Socialism?” But Socialism (which had failed miserably in the now-extinct USSR) is the gospel of countless college
professor demagogues, many of whom could never survive in the highly competitive “free PRIVATE-SECTOR
markets of Wall Street and Main Street”. I can still hear my father lecturing, “Son, if you listen to and advocate the
indoctrinating words of your Liberal college professors, you’ll never make more money than they do lecturing from
their PUBLIC-SECTOR Ivory Towers!”
The major legitimate reasons for foreigners to secretly cross U.S. borders is defined in the need for them to escape
Religious Persecution and Political Persecution in their native land. Natural disasters are also legitimate reasons to
enter the U.S. without a VISA or PASSPORT. Economic Opportunity and Receiving Welfare are not bona-fide
justifications for encroaching into the United States illegally, for most of the world’s six billion “DREAMERS” would
prefer living in the United States than in their current country. But as already stated, Democrats gladly welcome “Open
Borders” because their existence almost guarantees more future Dem “DREAMER and CHAIN MIGRATION” voters
at the ballot box.
The Far-Left elitists sanctimoniously claim to have the High Moral Ground, when actually their conceited High
Morality is a bane of Immorality where the First Ten Amendments to the U.S. Constitution are being systematically
utilized to dismantle the Ten Commandments handed-down to Moses on Mt. Sinai. Consider these circumstances:

Old Morality: Thou Shall Not Kill New Left-Wing Morality: Have 2 million U.S. abortions annually.

Old Morality: Honor Thy Father & Mother New Left-Wing Morality: Get rid of sexist terms Father & Mother.

Old Morality: Thou Shall Not Covet Thy Neighbor’s Wife. New Morals: Your neighbor’s wife could be a male.

Old Morality: Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery. New Morality: Let’s have total sexual & homosexual liberation.

Old Morality: Thou Shall Not Steal. New Morality: Make Government Politicians steal for you by more taxation.

Finally, President Trump has been greatly criticized for saying that “Both Sides were equally to blame at
Charlottesville”. True, the Alt-Right consisted of White Supremacists, White Nationalists, KKK Members, Neo-Nazis
Ultra-Conservatives “and some good people”. But conversely, the acrimonious Alt-Left doing battle at Charlottesville
was composed of Antifa Anarchists, Black Lives Matter Insurgents, Occupation Wall Street Maniacs, Neo-Socialists,
Neo-Communists and “some good people”. Charlottesville was a classic 2017 version of WWII’s Adolph Hitler versus
Joseph Stalin, with both warring “Fascist” sides acting belligerently in an Anti-American fashion.
It’s been eight generations since the terrible Civil War and the abolishment of Slavery. And as far as U.S. Blacks
are concerned, I think that the aggregate minority incessantly calling themselves “Black Americans” and “Afro-
Americans” fundamentally alienates their CAUSE from the remainder of our great society. When Blacks simply begin
to call themselves “Americans”, I firmly believe that a better harmony could be attained between Caucasians and
Now imagine that your life is graphically represented as an isosceles triangle. At the apex is you; then immediately
below is your spouse; then below you or him/her are your children; then below your offspring are your relatives, your
community, your church and your charities; then below that level are the people around the world, and lastly at the
bottom of the triangle, are climate change and the people with AIDS around the globe. The Liberals want YOU and
ME to invert or reverse that “Traditional Triangle” and have us concerned mostly about CAUSES such as climate
change, the people around the world with AIDS, and at the bottom of the newly-established inverted triangle, the least
important elements are you and your spouse. Liberals want you (and me) to sacrifice your (my) entire existence for
everything else besides yourself (myself), for if you or I don’t, you and I are labeled “greedy capitalists”. Contrary to
Liberal Belief, the United States was founded on the idea of “Self-Reliance”.
In conclusion, the Great American Experiment so adequately described in the Declaration of Independence and in
the United States Constitution is primarily about the right of the INDIVIDUAL exploring his or her own potential in
a highly competitive, risk-oriented Free Enterprise economy. On the other hand, Democrats and Socialists believe in
SOCIAL CAUSES being the necessary agenda mechanisms to elevate various minority groups into more prosperous
life stations through incessant dependency on government handouts, food stamps, redistribution of wealth and “free
stuff welfare”. Most Democrat voters don’t fully realize that the free market/free enterprise PRIVATE SECTOR
creates wealth and prosperity in America and that the GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SECTOR consumes wealth through
excessive taxation and through inefficient redistribution of wealth. In the final analysis, it’s the longtime struggle of
OF WEALTH philosophy that are relentlessly engaged in chaotic, contemporary political warfare. In a nutshell,
Democrats and Socialists desire to artificially and COLLECTIVELY manufacture a Bureaucratic UTOPIA. The
LEFTIES don’t truly comprehend that “UTOPIA” can only be achieved on an INDIVIDUAL basis through personal
sacrifice and through determined perseverance, ultimately leading the pursuer to success.
In my lifetime, I had been an English teacher for 34 years, had been a field manager on the world’s largest cultivated
blueberry farm for 18 summers, had owned boardwalk businesses (after borrowing money from relatives and banks
and taking financial risks) on the Ocean City, Maryland Boardwalk for 16 summers and on the Rehoboth Beach,
Delaware Boardwalk for 8 summers and on the Atlantic City Boardwalk for 3 summers, and I have written and
published 54 hardcover/paperback/ebooks. If I was Black or if I had been a foreign-born “Person of Color” living in
America, I believe that I would have likewise accomplished my goal of authoring 54 books. The specific manuscripts
might not have been exactly the same content as the present ones, but with steadfast desire and INDIVIDUAL resolve,
the 54 books would still have been written, even if Hillary Clinton would falsely claim that the government had written
those particular 54 books for me.
And in summary, I profess that over the years I’ve been blessed by proudly exercising my own 3 Card Playing Deck,
“INDIVIDUAL Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness!”

Jay Dubya (John Wiessner)

Google: Jay Dubya books

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