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A. Odontoid fracture: Sagittal SE T1-weighted MR image shows an ill-defined area of hypointense signal at the
base of the odontoid peg.
B. Odontoid fracture: Sagittal FSE T2-weighted MR image shows a linear area of hyperintense fluid within the
fracture line. There is adjacent patchy moderately hyperintense marrow edema.

C. Odontoid fracture: Sagittal FSE proton density weighted MR image shows the nondisplaced transverse fracture of
the odontoid peg. This is a type II fracture.


A. Dens fracture (Type II): Coronal CT image demonstrates a fracture at the base of the dens at its junction with the
vertebral body.
Dens fracture (Type II): Sagittal CT image demonstrates a fracture at the base of the dens at its junction with the
vertebral body.



A. Calcific tendonitis of supraspinatus tendon: Sagittal T2-weighted fat-suppressed MR image shows a focal area
(arrow) of low signal intensity within the supraspinatus tendon.
lcific Tendinosis of
B. Calcific tendonitis of supraspinatus tendon: Coronal T1-weighted MR image shows a focal area (arrow) of low
signal intensity within the supraspinatus tendon.


C. Calcific tendonitis of supraspinatus tendon: Axial gradient echo MR image shows a focal area (arrow) of
low signal intensity within the supraspinatus tendon. pi
2. Chronic complete supraspinatus tear

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A. Chronic complete supraspinatus tear: Coronal oblique T2- weighted image shows complete tear and
retraction of the supraspinatus tendon. Note loss of subacromial space.

B. Chronic complete supraspinatus tear: Coronal oblique T2-weighted FS image shows complete tear and retraction
of the supraspinatus tendon. Note loss of subacromial space and severe arthritis of acromioclavicular joint.
B. Chronic complete supraspinatus tear: Sagittal T2-weighted image shows loss of subacromial space. The
supraspinatus site is replaced by fluid.

D. Chronic complete supraspinatus tear: Oblique coronal fatsuppressed T2-weighted MRI in another patient showing
fullthickness supraspinatus tear with retraction. Note the fairly anterior slice location and cephalad migration of the
humeral head. Recognition of anatomic landmarks allows this to be distinguished from an infraspinatus tear.
3. Tendinosis of supra and infraspinatus tendon

A. Tendinosis of supra and infraspinatus tendon: Sagittal fat-saturated T1-weighted image shows
intermediate to increased signal noted in the supra and infraspinatus tendon.

B. Tendinosis of supraspinatus tendon: Coronal oblique fat-saturated T2-weighted image shows intermediate signal
in supraspinatus tendon.
B. Tendinosis of supra and infraspinatus tendon: Axial T1-weighted image shows intermediate to increased
signal in supra and infraspinatus tendon.

D. Tendinosis of supraspinatus tendon: Coronal oblique Proton density image in another patient shows intermediate
to increased signal in the supraspinatus tendon.
D. Tendinosis of supraspinatus tendon: Coronal oblique T2-weighted image (same patient as in image D)
shows intermediate signal in the supraspinatus tendon.

4. Teres minor tear

A. Teres minor tear: Coronal oblique fat-saturated T2 image shows disruption of the teres minor tendon (TM) at the
humeral insertion site. A small calcified body within the tendon is partially visualized
C. Teres minor tear: Sagittal oblique fat-saturated T2 image re-demonstrates the tear (TM), with associated fluid
within the subdeltoid bursa (black arrow). The adjacent infraspinatus tendon is intact (white arrow).

C. Teres minor tear: Coronal oblique fat-saturated T2 image shows acute edematous change of the teres minor
muscle (TM) throughout. The overlying infraspinatus muscle and tendon (IS) are intact. Abnormal subdeltoid fluid is
again noted (arrow).
D. Teres minor tear: Axial fatsaturated proton density image demonstrates tear of the teres minor tendon (white arrow).
Overlying infraspinatus tendon is intact (black arrow). Anterior labral tear is incidentally noted.
ific Tendinosis of Supraspinatus Tendon

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