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7/10/2017 Remote Access Home

You are no longer able to connect to the VA through the Citrix Access Gateway
(CAG) with your VA domain creden als!
Please use your VA PIV card, OTP token, or DoD CAC to logon to CAG.

In accordance with federal requirements to improve cyber security, the VA is implemen ng Two-Factor
Authen ca on (2FA) for all CAG users.

The preferred method to access the VA network is with a Personal Iden ty Verifica on (PIV) card. However,
for CAG users with non-PIV enabled or compa ble devices (such as an iPad or smartphone), VA offers the
MobilePASS applica on.
To successfully enroll your MobilePASS, you must have a valid PIV card and PIN, access to CAG, and a
Windows laptop or desktop computer (with Windows 7 or 8). To successfully login to CAG using 2FA by way
of OTP Token, you must provide valid VA Username and Password creden als in addi on to the MobilePASS
OTP code. Therefore, users that are POA Enforced on their VA user account will not be able to successfully
login to CAG with 2FA using the OTP Token method.

For more informa on about how to verify your PIV card’s PIN, visit How to Test your PIV PIN. If you test
your PIN and it does not work, please contact your local PIV office to schedule a me to reset your PIN,
which must be done in person.

Known Issues

Remote Access Media Site

End-users can review current FAQs and User Guides for all Remote Access solu ons by visi ng the following
h ps://

CAG Overview
Citrix Access Gateway (CAG) – CAG is the recommended remote access solu on for Personally Owned
Equipment (POE) users. This is the most secure method for the VA to provide access to POE devices. CAG is
a method of providing access to applica ons within the VA trusted network without having to install the
applica on on the POE. The POE device is never actually on the VA trusted network. CAG requires the
installa on of a thin client on the end user’s device. CAG offers support for sta onary and mobile devices.
There are numerous supported opera ng systems to include Windows, MAC OS X, iOS, Android and Linux.
CAG presents users with applica ons with a desktop look. CAG can also provide a virtual desktop. Virtual
desktops are a simula on of a PC se ng inside of the VA trusted network. Support for copy and paste or
prin ng is available with sufficient business jus fica on made to the user’s ISO. These features are disabled
by default un l explicitly requested and keeps VA data from being easily captured outside of the VA.

Technical Assistance
If you have any further ques ons please contact the Enterprise Service Desk:
Toll Free Phone Number: 1-855-673-HELP (1-855-673-4357)
NOTE: The ESD cannot reset your PIN 1/2
7/10/2017 Remote Access Home

Last Updated: Saturday, June 10, 2017 2/2

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