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Theory Behind The Wave:160 FD Codes


January 22, 2001

This short do ument outlines the equations solved and the methods used
within the GP 160 1D Waves pa kage. Basi information on nite-di eren e
methods is available within many texts on numeri al analysis although my fa-
vorite des riptions are in two uid dynami s texts [2℄ [1℄. The odes detailed
are a o1dvv d and a o1dvvvd.
1 a o1dvv d.m

a o1dvv d solves the a ousti (s alar) wave equation for 1D media with spa-
tially varying velo ity but onstant density,
2p 2p

= 2 x2 (1)
where p is pressure, and is wave velo ity as a fun tion of x. A entral
di eren e operator is used to dis retize both the time and spa e derivatives in
equation (1) and we assume uniform sampling in spa e and time,
2p p +1 2p + p 1
x 2 = i

i i
The equivalent operator for the rst derivative is,
= p +12xp 1
i i
Substitution of operator (2) and solution for the pressure eld at time n + 1
yields a onditionally stable nite-di eren e s heme of 2nd order in spa e and
= xt2 p +1 2p + p 1 + 2p p 1
 2 2
n +1 n n n n n
i i i i i i

where subs ripts indi ate spatial nodes and supers ripts notate time steps.
Stability onstraints an be derived using Von Neuman analysis. a o1dvv d
uses paraxial absorbing boundary onditions (ABCs) at x = 0 and x = max(i)
ans uses a ri ker wavelet as a sour e.
2 a o1dvvvd.m

a o1dvvvd solves the a ousti (s alar) wave equation for 1D media with spa-
tially varying velo ity and density,
 1 p
2p 2
=  x  x
where the additional variable, , is density. By using entered di eren es to
evaluate the inner derivative at lo ations i + 21 and i 12 , we an then use these
values to solve for the outer spatial derivative at lo ation i. To determine values
for  at half-way points we use a simple average. The resulting s heme is again
2nd order in spa e and time,

= 2 x2 t
 2 2   p +1 p   p p 1 
n n n n
pni +1 i i i i
+ 2p p 1 (6)
n n
 +1 + 
i i  + 1
i i
i i

Boundary and initial onditions for a o1dvvvd are the same as a o1dvv d.
Referen es

[1℄ D.R. Durran. Numeri al Methods for Wave Equations in Geophysi al Fluid
Dynami s. Springer-Verlag, 1999.
[2℄ J.H. Ferziger and M. Peri . Computational Methods For Fluid Dynami s.
Springer Verlag, 1996.

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