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There does exist..........

The Guardians of the Seed of Creation - DNA - Knowledge Encoded within the

The Teachers and Healers

The Protectors of the Bloodline

The Record Keepers - The Watchers

The Conspirators

Illuminatti - EYE

Illuminati is a Greek word meaning Illumination a name given to those who

submitted to Christian baptism. Those who were baptized were called
Illuminati or Illuminated / Enlightened Ones by the Ante-Nicene clergy, on
the assumption that those who were instructed for baptism in the Apostolic
faith had an enlightened understanding.

The Alumbrados, a mystical 16th-century Spanish sect, were among the

societies that subsequently adopted the name Illuminati.

Later, the title of Illuminati was used by a secret society founded in 1776
by Adam Weishaupt, a former Jesuit and professor of canon law at the
University of Ingolstadt. It that aimed to combat religious thinking and
encourage rationalism.

Many people believe that the

Illuminati have been plotting to take over the world since the time of its
creation. To me Illuminati does exited - an may in some form still exist.
It is all part of the conspiracy games men play. The reality / program in
which we exist has always been based on those who have the power and
knowledge, those who say they do, and those who try to control it.

Knowledge is truly of the light - Illuminati - not meant to be control and

bring fear - not meant to be hidden and revealed by the timetable of
certain groups, but has always been there for humanity to see. It is about
humanity's understanding that we are spirits / soul sparks from a greater
source of light - Illuminated Ones - who are having a physical experience
in which they are seeking to find our spiritual essence.

Is it a game? All of our reality is a game of experience - created by a

grid program - or matrix - in which your consciousness forever moves and
you make choices as to what game it wants to play - experience

at any given moment in time. This depends or your soul's needs as well as
those you wish to experience. Everything is all about experience.

Most functional people will stay away from the conspiracy and cover-up
games as we are all on a path into spiritual awareness anyway as planetary
frequency is returning to higher levels of consciousness. Many of the
dysfunctional souls are here to experience the game of conspiracy - with
its little intrigues and perks - far more interesting than staying in
balance in 3D and leading a normal productive life.

Like a board game - the object is to win. How does one win? Play a good
game, out maneuver your opponent, and end up in control. Our reality has
always been a duality, those who want control vs. those who must fight for
freedom. (The warrior

Now along comes a man named Adam Weishaupt, who creates a game for world
domination. After his time, his philosophies would be passed down to other
who like this sort of game and it would

perpetuate. These are predominately men - lower frequency game - based on

lower frequency emotions of fear, hatred, power, domination. As your soul
evolves - you let go of lower frequency emotions - and move to more
productive emotions/ frequencies. You do this when your soul gets tired and
bored of the games.
About the Illuminati - specific knowledge is sketchy. Naturally it would
work its way into political arenas as those are the souls who came into our
reality to control and change destinies and be winners at their game.

The energies for the creation of secret societies goes back to the ancient
priesthoods of Egypt, when the sacred knowledge of humanity's creation was
hidden by those who sought control. They became the priesthoods.

These souls soon moved into Europe - again playing conspiracy games - the
knighthoods developing - brotherhoods and other clandestine groups. Curious
games. Yet the clues about who we are as a race - our inception and destiny
were always


It would take till the 21st century for the truths to be revealed as human
consciousness moves back into higher frequency and lower frequency emotions
/ game fail.

Europe has always been a place to play out the the games of royalty and
power. Germany of course being the strongest pulse in the 20th century as
Hitler made a bid for world power. He lost the game - at least in the
reality in which I am writing this! Who knows what may have occurred in
parallel realities?

Back to Germany...on its way into world domination..also with karmic ties
to Egypt - as the souls are the same - they just moved out of Egypt of
ancient timelines and into Germany in more modern lifetimes - same souls -
playing new games!

The Order of the Illuminati was established with some unspecified ties to
the Masonic lodges of Germany; as a secret society within a secret society,
the Illuminati have produced at least as many myths as verifiable facts.
The sympathies and beliefs of Weishaupt

himself, for instance, have been claimed by countless groups -- atheists,

Cabalists, rationalists, democrats, socialists, anarchists. Some trace the
Illuminati back to the Knights Templar, to Gnostic cults, to ancient Egypt,
and even to Atlantis. In the 1790s, some credited (or blamed) the society
with manipulating the American and French Revolutions. In the United
States, Federalists encouraged people to believe Thomas Jefferson and the
Democratic Republican Party were controlled by the Illuminati in Europe.

It is not strictly necessary to disentangle fact from fiction, since the

influence of the Order was greater in legend than in fact. But several
things can be stated about the Illuminati with some degree of certainty.
The two central figures in the organization were Weishaupt and Adolph Franz
Friedrich Ludwid Baron Von Knigge. The Order promoted a belief in deism and
a doctrine of spiritual perfection: the society was in fact first known as
the Order of Perfectibilists.


their height, the Illuminati claimed over two thousand members, not only
in Germany but in France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Poland,
Hungary, and Italy, including Goethe, Herder, and many other prominent
nobles and reformers. But the Bavarian government cracked down on the
Illuminati and other secret societies in 1784 for allegedly plotting a
massive overthrow of Europe's monarchies, although it was unable to squelch
them entirely.

By the end of the eighteenth century, however, the Illuminati had

effectively disbanded, although legends of their continued existence (and
influence) persist into the twentieth century (among, for instance, members
of the John Birch Society). Perhaps some of this confusion is owing to the
fact that over time, the word Illuminati came to be used more expansively
for many enthusiasts of Enlightenment, including the followers of Emmanuel

Does the Illuminati exist in the 21st century? I am sure there are remnants
of the

organization still around - just as there are Neo-Nazis. Those souls still
need to play their games. The organization of the 18th century would have
to be different in method and madness - in the 21st century. Old paradigms
always fall away while new ones take their place.

We live in a 3D reality created by electromagnetic energies - which means

polarity - North/South - Positive/Negative. Reality is ever-changing. The
games of humanity will always persist - the opposites doing battle - the
duality of it all - yet in the end that which separates the poles - the
north/south of the magnetics - merge - like looking at a tube with north
and south ends. The tube is clogged. That represents the games humanity
plays. The games/clog are clearing out- which means we are merging
north/south - our polarities - which is the pole shift people are waiting

As the games end - and most of us sense this change - humanity moves to
higher frequency - this means we move our consciousness

faster than the speed of light - and go beyond the duality. We now see the
truth. We understand the nature of our creation - we become enlightened -
for we are the Illuminati - the Enlightened Ones.

And so the games perpetuate with one group or another. Chose your game and
see how it plays out!
Golden Dawn Society

At the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century, of a

secret "initiatory" society of Rosicrucian inspiration formed and was
called the Golden Dawn. Its members included some of the most brilliant
minds in the country.
The Golden Dawn, founded in 1887, was an offshoot of the English
Rosicrucian Society created twenty years earlier by Robert Wentworth
Little, and consisted largely of leading Freemasons. The latter society had
about 144 members, including Bulwer Lytton, author of The Last Days of
The Golden Dawn, with a smaller
membership, was formed for the practice of ceremonial magic and the
acquisition of initiatory knowledge and powers. Its leaders were Woodman,
Mathers and Wynn Westcott (the "occultist" mentioned by Toulet in his
letter of 1900).
It was in contact with similar German societies, some of whose members were
later associated with Rudolf Steiner's famous anthroposophical movement and
other influential sects during the pre-Nazi period. Later on it came under
the leadership of Aleister Crowley, an altogether extraordinary man who was
certainly one of the greatest exponents of the neo-paganism whose
development in Germany we have noted.
S.L. Mathers, after the death of Woodman and the resignation of Westcott,
was the Grand Master of the Golden Dawn, which he directed for some time
from Paris, where he had just married Henri Bergson's daughter.

Black Feathered Sun Symbology

3 [third dimension] into 1 - a common triangular theme in crop
Blue and Gold
The Black Feathered Sun - the Black Sun is a Plains Indian symbol with
stylized feathers pointing both inwards and outwards; inward towards the
center and outward to the circumference; it combines the symbols of the sun
and the eagle and depicts the universe; the center; solar power; radiation
of power; majesty - the spiral movement of consciousness - Sacred Geometry.
- An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols -

Feathers symbolize wings, flying and ascension, rotation and spin - spirals
of consciousness to the center.
The Black Feathered Sun archetype...

Hoag's Galaxy

Milky Way Galaxy

Arms - Harmonics
Sagittarius, archer, heart center
The Eye - Bull's Eye - Taurus - Cow - Bull
Animal Prophecies and White Buffalo Calf Woman

Eclipse of light and consciousness - at the end of time.

The Eye
Creation by Sacred Geometry

12 Around 1- Alchemy Wheel of Time and Karma

Zero Point Merge Matter and Antimatter


Winged Beings Creation - Gods - Ascension

Dreams: Flying
Isis Mystery School

Isis is the primary feminine archetype, or energy representative of

nature's divine fertility. She is mysterious because she never completely
reveals herself to anyone. She is the focus of divine motherhood found in
the Ancient
Egyptian mystery schools.

The Temple of Isis

The Temple of Isis is one of the first a Light Traveler will find in the
search for inner truth. A powerful and focused desire to bring love into
this world opens the portal. You must connect your heart to the challenge
of bringing motherly love into the physical world.
Feminine power is focused on the energy of giving from the self to create
divine life. That's the key. The outer temples or marble are now gone, but
they aren't necessary. The inner Temple of Light remains. When the initiate
Aristides entered the temple of Isis he saw a Light and other unutterable
things conducing to salvation. Find the temple and you likely will too.
In popular Egyptian mythology, Isis is both sister and wife to Osiris the
king. Osiris is killed by his dark brother Set, who rips him into 13 pieces
scatters them across Egypt. Isis gathers up 12 of the pieces, creating a
new phallus from clay, and brings Osiris back to life in the child Horus.
Horus becomes the new king of Egypt, and the next age begins as the cycle
Isis is the Queen of all regeneration. She is tied to monthly lunar cycles
and the yearly growing seasons. Her dark side is often called Nephthys, but
she is also Hathor, Sekhmet and many other goddess forms.
Her absolute power over growth and destruction makes her comparable to the
Indian Goddess Kali - both beautiful and terrifying. But Isis is also the
tender mother we find in the Christian Mary, with the mother-power less
diluted. Her ability to master masculine energy remains intact. She can
undo any mess that her brothers, Set and Osiris, create. She works with
purpose and is not passive in her role.

Black Isis - The Black Virgin

As all things in our reality
have positive and negative polarities - so too does the feminine icon
Isis. All souls contain a side that is in the light and that which is dark.
This reflects the emotionals aspects of third dimension - love very fear
and hate.

Isis is a metaphor for the feminine aspect in all of us. Therefore Isis is
portrayed as having dual aspects of Light - the goddess - and Dark which
links with magic, illusion, time, and alchemy of consciousness, the
Trickster, Merlin, etc.
Coming from Egypt she would be portrayed as a dark skinned woman - though
in modern times she is fair.
All feminine archetypes in all mythologies - are linked to one soul - be
they goddesses, priestesses, Mary, aliens entities, etc. They are all the
same soul essence.

Isis was a magician, possibly the archetype for the high
priestess of the tarot. She learned her magic from Thoth,
although according to some legends she

obtainedher powers from Ra himself by tricking him into

revealing his name to her, thus acquiring his full magical

- Murray Hope Practical Egyptian Magic

The ankh [the looped cross of Egypt] which Isis carries as

supreme initiatrix may account for some of the oddly-shaped
scepters carried by the Black Virgins who, like Isis, often favor
the color green. Their greeness and blackness points to the
beginning of the opus whose secret, according to alchemists, is
to be found in 'the sex of Isis'.

The Templars, imprisoned and awaiting death in the Castle of

Chinon composed a prayer to Our Lady acknowledging Bernard to be
the founder of her religion. In addition to the numerous hymns
and sermons he addressed to her, he wrote about 280 sermons on
the theme of the Song of Songs, the epithalamion of Solomon and
the Queen of Sheba, whose versicle 'I am black, but I am
beautiful, O ye daughters of Jerusalem' is the recurring refrain
of the

Black Virgin cult.

- The Cult of the Black Virgin

Isis is the feminine archetype for creation - the goddess of fertility and
motherhood. She has gone by many names and played many roles in history and
mythology - as goddess and female creator.

In the duality of our reality - she represents our feminine aspects -
creation - rebirth - ascension - intuition - psychic abilties - higher
chakras - higher frequency virbations - love and compassion. She is the Yin
energies - the mother nurturer - the High Priestess - the Goddess of all
mythological tales - to other female icons in the mythos of creation. She
is the essence of the feminine energy which is part of us all.
Isis - the iris of the eye - the eye of Horus Isis linked with Sirius - eye
of Ra - the source of creation. Osiris - 'O'=completion of the work of Isis
of this level.

The Ennead - Pantheon of Egyptian Gods

Human and semihuman forms of some of the chief Egyptian deities: 1) Horus,
son of Osiris, a sky god closely connected with the king. 2) Set or Seth,
enemy of Horus and Osiris, god of storms and disorder. 3) Thoth, a moon
deity and god of writing, counting and wisdom. 4) Khnum, a ram god who
shapes men and their kas on his potter's wheel. 5) Hathor, goddess of love
birth and death. 6) Sobek, the crocodile god, Lord of the Faiyum. 7) Ra,
the sun god in his many forms. 8) Amon, a creator god
often linked with Ra. 9) Ptah, another creator god and the patron of
craftsmen. 1O) Anubis, god of mummification. 11) Osiris, god of agriculture
and ruler of the dead. 12) Isis, wife of Osiris, mother of Horus and
Mistress of Magic.
Isis was the daughter of the God Geb (Earth) and the Goddess Nut (Sky)
according to Heliopolitan genealogy.

The Osiris Legend

This myth is filled with metaphors based on the creational patterns of

Sacred Geometry. You must read beyond what is given to understand the true
The Legend of Osiris is one of the most ancient myths in Egypt, and it was
central to the ancient Egyptian state religion. The myth establishes
Osiris' position as god of the dead and lord of the underworld, and Horus'
(and thus all the pharaohs) right to kingship. It also demonstrates the
powers and duties of the other major

gods as well as setting up the Great Adversary, Set also known as Seth.
Yet oddly enough, we have yet to find a complete version of the story. What
we have has been cobbled together over many years from many different
documents and sources.
According to Niel Gaiman the legend is one of the Great Stories. The Great
Stories are part of the core human experience and never change except in
the most superficial ways. They defy any attempts to rewrite them with
drastic changes, always returning to their original forms. The setting
might be modified depending on who's telling it, the characters have
different names, but fundamentally, it's still the same story. A version of
the Osiris myth exists in every culture: the just king murdered by his
cruel brother, only to be avenged by the prince who follows in his father's
footsteps. Sometimes the dead king is rewarded for his upright ways and
gains great reward in the next life. We find its echoes in nearby
civilizations such as the Greeks
and Romans, in far-off Japan and China, in Christianity, even in
Shakespeare, where the avenging prince is named Hamlet.
In the beginning, there was the mighty god Ra and his wife Nut. Nut was in
love with the god Geb. When Ra found out about this union he was furious.
In his rage, he forbid Nut to have children on any of the 360 days that
currently made up the year. Nut was very sad.
She called on her friend, Thoth, to help her. He knew that Ra's curse must
be fulfilled, but he had an idea. Thoth engaged the moon goddess, Silene,
in a wager. At the time, Silene's light (the moon) rivaled the light of Ra
(the sun). Thoth was victorious, he was rewarded with one seventh of
Silene's light. This is why the moon now wanes each month. Thoth took this
light and added five days to the calender, bringing the year from 360 days
to 365. This gave Nut 5 days on which she could have children, while at the
same time obeying Ra's commandment. On the first of these days, Nut gave
birth to
Osiris. On the second day Horus was born, Seth on the third, Isis the
fourth, and Nephthys on the fifth day. At the time of Osiris' birth, a loud
voice was heard all over the world, saying, "The lord of all the Earth is
Osiris grew and became a mighty king. He went about the job of civilizing
his people. He taught them agriculture and animal husbandry. He gave them a
code of laws to live by and showed them the proper ways in which to worship
the gods. Egypt became a mighty land under his kind and gentle rule. His
subjects gladly worshiped the ground on which he walked. When Egypt was
civilized, Osiris left to bring his teachings to other lands. While Osiris
was away, he left his wife, Isis, in charge. She ruled the country in the
same fashion. But Osiris had an enemy, his bitter and jealous brother,
Seth began scheming against the great king. He aligned himself with Aso,
the queen of Ethiopia, and 72 other conspirators. But nothing could be done
while Isis ruled
the country, her authority was unquestionable.

Upon Osiris' return, an evil plot was put into motion. Seth secretly
acquired the measurements of Osiris and began having a wonderfully
decorated box built to fit those measurements. When the box was finished,
Seth had a great feast to which he invited Osiris and the 72 conspirators.
Having absolutely no evil in him, Osiris suspected nothing.

When the feasting was done, Seth had the box brought out. He offered it as
a gift to anyone whom the box fit. One at a time they tried to fit into the
box until it was Osiris' turn. He layed in the box suspecting nothing. The
conspirators slammed the lid, nailed it closed, and poured molten lead in
the seam to seal his fate. They threw the great chest into the Nile river.
Osiris was never seen again, walking in the land of the living.
Isis was not afraid of Seth. She searched all of the Nile for the box
containing her
beloved husband. Finally she found it, lodged in a tamarisk bush that had
turned into a mighty tree, for the power of Osiris still was in him, though
he lay dead. She tore open the box and wept over the lifeless body of
She carried the box back to Egypt and placed it in the house of the gods.
She changed herself into a bird and flew about his body, singing a song of
mourning. Then she perched upon him and cast a spell. The spirit of dead
Osiris entered her and she did conceive and bear a son whose destiny it
would be to avenge his father. She called the child Horus, and hid him on
an island far away from the gaze of his uncle Seth.
She then went to Thoth, wise Thoth, who knows all secrets, and implored his
help. She asked him for magic that could bring Osiris back to life. Thoth,
lord of knowledge, who brought himself into being by speaking his name,
searched through his magic. He knew that Osiris' spirit had departed
his body and was lost. To restore Osiris, Thoth had to remake him so that
his spirit would recognize him and rejoin. Thoth and Isis together created
the Ritual of Life, that which allows us to live forever when we die. But
before Thoth could work the magic, cruel Seth discovered them. He stole the
body of Osiris and tore it into 14 pieces, scattering them throughout
Egypt. He was sure that Osiris would never be reborn.
Yet Isis would not despair. She implored the help of her sister Nephthys,
kind Nephthys, to guide her and help her find the pieces of Osiris. Long
did they search, bringing each piece to Thoth that he might work magic upon
it. When all the pieces were together, Thoth went to Anubis, lord of the
dead. Anubis sewed the pieces back together, washed the entrails of Osiris,
embalmed him wrapped him in linen, and cast the Ritual of Life. When
Osiris' mouth was opened, his spirit reentered him and he lived again.

Yet nothing that has died, not even a god, may dwell in the land of the
living. Osiris went to Duat, the abode of the dead. Anubis yielded the
throne to him and he became the lord of the dead. There he stands in
judgment over the souls of the dead. He commends the just to the Blessed
Land, but the wicked he condemns to be devoured by Ammit.
When Seth heard that Osiris lived again he was wroth, but his anger waned,
for he knew that Osiris could never return to the land of the living.
Without Osiris, Set believed he would sit on the throne of the gods for all
time. Yet on his island, Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis, grew to manhood
and strength.
The depiction of the seated holding or suckling the child Horus

is reminiscent of the iconography of Mary and Jesus.
Many believe Mary, mother of Jesus, was an incarnation of Isis.
Set sent many
serpents and demons to kill Horus, but he defeated them. When he was
ready, his mother Isis gave him great magic to use against Seth, and Thoth
gave him a magic knife.
Horus sought out Seth and challenged him for the throne. Seth and Horus
fought for many days, but in the end Horus defeated Seth and castrated him.
But Horus, merciful Horus, would not kill Seth, for to spill the blood of
his uncle would make him no better than he. Seth maintained his claim to
the throne, and Horus lay claim himself as the son of Osiris. The gods
began to fight amongst another, those who supported Horus and those who
supported Set. Banebdjetet leaped into the middle and demanded that the
gods end this struggle peacefully or Maat would be imbalanced further. He
told the gods to seek the council of Neith. Neith, warlike though wise in
council, told them that Horus was the rightful heir to the throne. Horus
cast Seth into the darkness where he lives to this day.
And so it is that Horus watches over
us while we live, and gives guidance to the Pharaoh while he lives, and
his father Osiris watches over us in the next life. So it is that the gods
are at peace. So it is that Set, wicked Seth, eternally strives for
revenge, battling Horus at every turn.
When Horus wins, Maat is upheld and the world is at peace.
When Seth wins, the world is in turmoil. But we know that dark times do not
last forever, and the bright rays of Horus will shine over us again.
In the last days, Horus and Seth will fight one last time for the world.
Horus will defeat Seth forever, and Osiris will be able to return to this

On that day, the Day of Awakening, all the tombs shall open and the just
dead shall live again as we do, and all sorrow shall pass away forever.
It is said that this battle of good verses evil still rages, but some day,
Horus will be victorious and on that day, Osiris will return to rule the
Osiris Legend and Precession
The Osiris Legend and the Tree of Life

Isis is the mistress of words and the Goddess of Nature.

Her original headdress was an empty throne chair belonging to her murdered
husband, Osiris. As the personification of the throne, she was an important
source of the Pharaoh's power. Her cult was popular throughout Egypt, but
the most important sanctuaries were at Giza and at Behbeit El-Hagar in the
Nile delta.
Other symbols linked with her include the tat, knot or buckle, and the
sustrum (rattle).

Isis was a magician, possibly the archetype for the high priestess of the
tarot. She learned her magic from Thoth, although according to some legends

she obtained her powers from Ra himself by tricking him into revealing his
name to her, thus acquiring
his full magical knowledge.
Isis later had an important cult in the Greco-Roman world, with sanctuaries
at Delos and Pompeii. To the Greeks she was known as Demeter - to the
Romans as Ceres.
Her Latin epithet was Stella Maris, or Star of the Sea.
The symbol of Isis in the heavens was the star Sept (Sirius), which was
greatly beloved because its appearance marked not only the beginning of a
new year, but also announced the advance of the Inundation of the Nile,
which betokened renewed wealth and prosperity of the country.
Isis was regarded as the companion of Osiris, whose soul dwelt in the star
Sah - Orion.

She was the light-giver at this season of the year and was called Khut.
As the mighty earth-goddess her name was Usert.
As the Great Goddess of the Underworld she was Thenenet.
As the power which shot forth the Nile flood, she was Sati, and Sept.
As the embracer of the land and
producer of fertility by her waters she was Anqet.
As the producer and giver of life she was Ankhet.
As the goddess of cultivated lands and fields she was Sekhet.
As the goddess of the harvest she was Renenet.
As the goddess of food which was offered to the gods, she was Tcheft, and
lived in the Temple of Tchefau.
As the great lady of the Underworld, who assisted in transforming the
bodies of the blessed dead into those wherein they were to live in the
realm of Osiris, she was Ament - the "hidden" goddess. As Ament she was
declared to be the mother of Ra.
In this last capacity she shared with Osiris the attribute of 'giver of
life,' and she provided food for the dead as well as for the living.
At a comparatively early period in Egyptian history Isis had absorbed the
attributes of all the great primitive goddesses, and of all the local

goddesses such as Nekhebet, Uatchet, Net, Bast, Hathor, etc., and she was
even identified as the female counterpart of the
primeval abyss of water from which sprang all life.
It is manifestly impossible to limit the attributes of Isis, for we have
seen that she possesses the powers of a water goddess, an earth goddess, a
corn goddess, a star goddess, a queen of the Underworld, and a woman, and
that she united in herself one or more of the attributes of all the
goddesses of Egypt known to us.
Her cult spread from Alexandria to all the Mediterranean countries,
especially Greece and Rome, after the fourth century BC, and reached a peak
in the third century BC. The cult died out in Rome after the institution of
Christianity. The last Egyptian temples to Isis were closed around 550 AD.
Her godson Rameses II, later became one of the most glorious rulers of
Egypt. He was also Egypt's most famous builder, but it was his valor as a
young man in the battle of Kadesh which inspired one of the world's first
epic poems.


The Isis Temple on Philae - built in the 30th Dynasty on an island in the
Nile - originally faced a neighboring island, Biga, which was reserved for
the priesthood of Osiris and was believed to be the first land to have
emerged from the primordial chaos as well as supposedly being one of the
burial places of Osiris.

Looking out from the temple sanctuary, or Holy of Holies, where the goddess
resides. The sanctuary was thought to be the source of the waters of life
and was once separated from the rest of the temple by a curtain.

Looking out from the temple sanctuary, or Holy of Holies, where the goddess
resides. The sanctuary was thought to be the source of the waters of life
and was once separated from the rest of the temple
by a curtain.

The first pylon (the wall surrounding the entrance) is 18 metres high and
45 metres wide. The base stones represent the stones which appear as the
waters of life recede.The small door in the west section of the pylon leads
to the Birth House. At right angles to the pylon is the Gate of Ptolemy.
The main portal in the center dates from Nectanebo II.

The second pylon shows pharoah(Neos Dionysos) offering sacrifice to Horus

and Hathor; in the smaller scenes (above) he offers a wreath to Horus and
Nephthys and incense before Osiris, Isis and Horus.


Isis is often depicted with a throne on her head and with wings, meaning
linked with the Phoenix the female bird of resurrection.


The Legend of the Skull Of Sidon

The Skull and Cross bones have long been known to have Masonic connections.
It was commonly used as a symbol on Masonic Grave sites in the past. The
Skull and Crossbones, Masonic or not point out to us all, our own mortality
and eventual death. This image of mortality was believed to figure in
Templar ritual. Now while this claim in and of itself seems quite
believable, one of the legends of how it came to be is not.
It is well known that the order of the Templars were monastic in nature and
therefore forbidden to have involvement with women.


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