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Comparative Balance sheet for the year ended 2012 and 2013

Increases or % of Increase
Particulars 2012 2013 Decrease in RS. or decrease
I. Equity and Liabilities
1.Share holder Funds
(A) Share Capital 3587153090 3587153090 0 0
(B) Reserves and Surplus 12374546022 (33036698503) (20662152481) (166.97)
Total A 15961699112 (29449545413) (13487846301) (84.5)

2.Non-Current Liabilities
(A) Long term Borrowings 18860008809 19303597798 443588989 2.35
(B) Other Long Term 8489120757 10072658532 1583537775 18.65
(C) Long term Provisions 4060391141 4017527039 (42864102) (1.05)
Total B 31409520707 204393783369 172984262662 550.7
3. Current Liabilities
(A) Short term Borrowings 36279455809 40008270510 3728814701 10.27
(B). Trade Payables 18572430240 28442370645 9869940405 53.14
(C) Other Current Liabilities 2005266262 4077661877 2072395615 103.34
(D) Short term Provisions 15811929 780128210 764316281 4833.79
Total C 56872964240 73308431242 16435467002 28.89
Total Liabilities(A+B+C) 104244184059 77252669197 (26991514868) (25.89)
II. Assets
1.Non- Current Assets
(A). Fixed Assets
(I). Tangible Assets 31313394594 31402683105 89288511 0.28
(II). Intangible Assets 8964120 4994559 (3969561) (44.28)
(III). Capital WIP 3921592862 7404980999 3483388137 88.82
(B). Non-Current Assets 873305000 1346405000 473100000 54.17
(C). Loans & Advances 1007010150 1759583929 752573779 74.13
(D). Other Non CA - - - -
Total A 37124266726 41918647592 4794380866 12.9
2. Current Assets
(I). Inventories 1206751684 1368874133 162122449 13.43
(II). Trade receivables 31302235584 29031453397 (2270782187) (7.25)
(III). Cash & Cash Equivalents 4132908489 3245944554 (886963935) (21.46)
(IV). Short term Loans & adv. 273352168 1020307051 746954883 273.25
(V). Other Current Assets 30204669407 667442468 (29537226939)
Total B 67119917332 35334021603 (31785895729) (47.35)
Total Assets(A+B) 104244184059 77252669197 (26991514868) 25.89
Comparative Balance sheet for the year ended 2013 and 2014
Increase or Increase or
Particulars 2013 2014 Decrease in Rs. Decrease in %
I. Equity and Liabilities
1.Share holder Funds
(E) Share Capital 3587153090 3587153090 0 0
(F) Reserves and Surplus (33036698503) (35856208907) (2819510404) (8.53)
Total A (29449545413) 32269055817 61718601230 209.57
2.Non-Current Liabilities
(D) Long term Borrowings 19303597798 60834937819 41531340021 215.15
(E) Other Long Term 10072658532 11180651780 1107993248 11
(F) Long term Provisions 4017527039 6492527403 2475000364 61.61
Total B 204393783369 78508117002 (12855878011) 6.28
3. Current Liabilities
(A) Short term Borrowings 40008270510 6121055950 (33887214560) (84.70)
(B). Trade Payables 28442370645 22318287369 (6124083276) (21.53)
(G) Other Current Liabilities 4077661877 4447156489 369494678 9.06
(H) Short term Provisions 780128210 903112552 122984342 15.76
Total C 73308431242 33789612360 (39518818882) (53.91)
Total Liabilities(A+B+C) 77252669197 80028673545 2776004348 3.59
II. Assets
1.Non- Current Assets
(A). Fixed Assets
(I). Tangible Assets 31402683105 32012541596 609858491 1.94
(II). Intangible Assets 4994559 1024998 (3969561) (79.47)
(III). Capital WIP 7404980999 13760768316 6355787317 85.83
(B). Non-Current Assets 1346405000 2060905000 714500000 53.06
(C). Loans & Advances 1759583929 1622194434 (13789495) (7.81)
(D). Other Non CA - - -
Total A 41918647592 49457434344 7538786752 17.98
2. Current Assets
(I). Inventories 1368874133 1589362628 220488495 16.11
(II). Trade receivables 29031453397 22185839983 (6845613414) (23.57)
(III). Cash & Cash Equivalents 3245944554 4104704409 858759855 264.56
(IV). Short term Loans & adv. 1020307051 195877822 (824429229) (80.80)
(V). Other Current Assets 667442468 2495454359 1828011891 273.88
Total B 35334021603 30571239201 (4762782402) (13.47)
Total Assets(A+B) 77252669197 80028673545 2776004348 3.59
Comparative Balance sheet for the year ended 2014 and 2015
Increase or Increase or
Particulars 2014 2015 Decrease in Rs Decrease in %
I. Equity and Liabilities
1.Share holder Funds
(I) Share Capital 3587153090 3587153090 0 0
(J) Reserves and Surplus (35856208907) (60768292740) (24912083563) (69.47)
Total A 32269055817 (57181139650) (24912083833) (77.02)
2.Non-Current Liabilities
(G) Long term Borrowings 60834937819 89334084490 28499146671 46.85
(H) Other Long Term 11180651780 13658496281 2477844501 22.16
(I) Long term Provisions 6492527403 12867025440 6374498037 98.18
Total B 78508117002 115859606211 37351489209 47.57
3. Current Liabilities
(A) Short term Borrowings 6121055950 9350108221 3229052271 52.75
(B). Trade Payables 22318287369 40321221584 18002934215 80.66
(K) Other Current 4447156489 9098935631 4651779142 104.62
(L) Short term Provisions 903112552 1831046713 927934161 102.74
Total C 33789612360 60601312149 26811699789 79.34
Total Liabilities(A+B+C) 80028673545 119279778711 39251105166 49.05
II. Assets
1.Non- Current Assets
(A). Fixed Assets
(I). Tangible Assets 32012541596 47121023692 15108482096 47.19
(II). Intangible Assets 1024998 812830 (212168) (20.69)
(III). Capital WIP 13760768316 18031493908 4270725592 31.03
(B). Non-Current Assets 2060905000 2867285834 806380834 39.12
(C). Loans & Advances 1622194434 8425362338 6803167904 419.38
(D). Other Non CA - -
Total A 49457434344 76445978602 26988544258 54.56
2. Current Assets
(I). Inventories 1589362628 1845296044 255933416 16.10
(II). Trade receivables 22185839983 27325558557 5139718574 23.16
(III). Cash & Cash 4104704409 4916701498 811997089 19.78
(IV). Short term Loans & 195877822 917506090 721628268 368.40
(V). Other Current Assets 2495454359 7828737919 5333283560 213.71
Total B 30571239201 42833800108 12262560907 40.11
Total Assets(A+B) 80028673545 119279778711 39251105166 49.05
Comparative Balance sheet for the year ended 2015 and 2016
Increase or Increase or
Particulars 2015 2016 Decrease in Rs Decrease in %
I. Equity and Liabilities
1.Share holder Funds
(M) Share Capital 3587153090 3587153090 0 0
(N) Reserves and Surplus (60768292740) (92975679492) (32207386752) 53
Total A (57181139650) (89388526402) (32207386752) (56.3)
2.Non-Current Liabilities
(J) Long term Borrowings 89334084490 7346690574 (81987393916) (91.77)
(K) Other Long Term 13658496281 18704552007 5046055726 36.94
(L) Long term Provisions 12867025440 1033877140 (11833148300) (91.96)
Total B 115859606211 27085119721 (88774486490) (76.62)
3. Current Liabilities
(A) Short term Borrowings 9350108221 8564955789 (785152432) (8.39)
(B). Trade Payables 40321221584 38031471064 (2289750520) (5.67)
(O) Other Current Liabilities 9098935631 48486527641 39387592010 432.88
(P) Short term Provisions 1831046713 1284896789 (546149924) (29.82)
Total C 60601312149 20304909155 (40296402994) (66.49)
Total Liabilities(A+B+C) 119279778711 136778555278 17498776567 14.67
II. Assets
1.Non- Current Assets
(A). Fixed Assets
(I). Tangible Assets 47121023692 58771293014 11650269322 24.72
(II). Intangible Assets 812830 912536 99706 12.26
(III). Capital WIP 18031493908 16168468483 (1863025445) (10.33)
(B). Non-Current Assets 2867285834 2867285834 0 0
(C). Loans & Advances 8425362338 15651586612 7226224274 8.57
(D). Other Non CA - -
Total A 76445978602 93459546481 17013567879 22.22
2. Current Assets
(I). Inventories 1845296044 581797522 (1263498522) (68.47)
(II). Trade receivables 27325558557 17546589987 (9778968570) (35.78)
(III). Cash & Cash Equivalents 4916701498 5433867499 517166001 10.5
(IV). Short term Loans & adv. 917506090 823409774 (94096316) (10.25)
(V). Other Current Assets 7828737919 18933344015 11104606096 141.84
Total B 42833800108 43319008797 485208689 1.13
Total Assets(A+B) 119279778711 136778555278 17498776567 14.67
Comparative Balance sheet for the year ended 2016 and 2017
Increase or Increase or
Particulars 2016(in crores) 2017(in crores) Decrease in Rs. Decrease in %
I. Equity and Liabilities
1.Share holder Funds
(Q) Share Capital 358.72 358.72 0 0
(R) Reserves and Surplus (9297.57) (5718.61) 3578.96) 38.49
Total A (8938.85) (4819.89) 4118.96 46.07
2.Non-Current Liabilities
(M) Long term Borrowings 7346.69 9143.54 1796.85 24.46
(N) Other Long Term 1870.46 2089.69 219.23 11.72
(O) Long term Provisions 1051.69 706.25 (345.44) (32.84)
Total B 10268.84 11939.48 1670.56 16.26
3. Current Liabilities
(A) Short term Borrowings 856.50 867.02 10.52 1.21
(B). Trade Payables 6532.05 8363.55 1831.5 28.03
(S) Other Current Liabilities 4848.65 2380.83 (2467.82) (50.89)
(T) Short term Provisions 128.49 130.28 1.79 1.39
Total C 12365.69 11741.68 (624.01) (5.05)
Total Liabilities(A+B+C) 13695.66 18320.47 4624.81 33.76
II. Assets
1.Non- Current Assets
(A). Fixed Assets
(I). Tangible Assets 5877.13 6304.22 427.09 7.23
(II). Intangible Assets 0.09 0.07 (0.02) (22.22)
(III). Capital WIP 1616.85 2348.60 731.75 45.25
(B). Non-Current Assets 286.73 286.73 0 0
(C). Loans & Advances 182.10 302.77 120.67 66.26
(D). Other Non CA - - -
Total A 7962.9 9242.39 1279.49 16.07
2. Current Assets
(I). Inventories 58.18 93.42 35.24 60.57
(II). Trade receivables 1754.66 2730.66 976 (35.74)
(III). Cash & Cash Equivalents 543.39 286.73 256.66 55.62
(IV). Short term Loans & adv. 1483.21 302.77 (1180.44) (79.58)
(V). Other Current Assets 1893.33 2174.68 281.35 14.860
Total B 5732.77 5588.26 (144.51) (2.52)
Total Assets(A+B) 13695.66 18320.47 4624.81 33.76
Comparative Income statement for the year ended 2012 and 2013

Particulars 2012 2013 Increase or % of increase

Decrease in or decrease
Revenue from operations 60391726215 65351233711 4959507496 8.21
Other Income 668097352 3192232342 (348874110) (52.21)
Revenue Subsidies and Grants 59723628863 13730000000 (45993628863) (77.01)
Total Revenue(A) 2148451166 82273466053 80125014887 3729.43

Net Cost of Power purchase 63390063580 78663553621 15273490041 24.09

Employee benefit Cost 534509943 5762186300 5227676357 978.03
Financial Costs 62855553637 6548609418 (56306944219) (89.52)
Depreciation and Amortization 5641301503 4010777716 (1630523787) (28.90)
Other Expenses 5357531317 34017440407 28659909090 534.94

Total Expenses(B) 1434010954 129002567462 11466245788 799.59

Profit before exceptional and
extraordinary items and tax
(A-B) 74978487 (46729101409) (46804080196) (62423.96)
(Exceptional Items) - -
Profit before extraordinary
items and tax 74978487 (46729101409) (46804080196) (62423.96)
Extraordinary items - -
Profit Before Tax 74978487 (46729101409) (46804080196) (62423.96)
Tax Expenses

Provision for Tax(H) 18284000 - (18284000) (100.00)

Profit(Loss) from the period
from continuing operations 56694487 (46729101409) (46672406922) (82322.6)
Transfer to Contingency Reserve 22205057 (23742765) (45947822) (20.69)
Profit/(Loss) for the period 34489430 (46752844174) (46787333604) (135657.02)
Comparative Income statement for the year ended 2013 and 2014

Particulars 2013 2014 Increase or % of

Decrease in increase or
Amount decrease
Revenue from operations 65351233711 73274489828 7923256117 12.12
Other Income 3192232342 3650897958 3618975616 113.36
Revenue Subsidies and Grants 13730000000 18679400000 4949400000 36.04
Total Revenue(A) 82273466053 95604787786 13331321733 16.20

Net Cost of Power purchase 78663553621 80537660390 1874106769 2.38

Employee benefit Cost 5762186300 8541103696 2778917296 48.22
Financial Costs 6548609418 4228373933 (2320235485) (35.43)
Depreciation and Amortization
cost 4010777716 4396093449 385315733 9.61
Other Expenses 34017440407 1909935264 (32107505143) (94.38)

Total Expenses(B) 129002567462 99613166733 (29389400729) (22.78)

Profit before exceptional
and extraordinary items and
tax (A-B) (46729101409) (4008378947) 42720722462 91.42
(Exceptional Items) - - - -
Profit before extraordinary
items and tax (46729101409) (4008378947) 42720722462 91.42
Extraordinary items - - - -
Profit Before Tax (46729101409) (4008378947) 42720722462 91.42
Tax Expenses

Provision for Tax - - - -

Profit(Loss) from the period
from continuing operations (46729101409) (4008378947) 42720722462 91.42
Transfer to Contingency
Reserve (23742765) (22774375) 968390 4.08
Profit/(Loss) for the period (46752844174) (4031153322) 42721690852 91.33
Comparative Income statement for the year ended 2014 and 2015

Particulars 2014 2015 Increase or % of

Decrease in increase or
Amount decrease
Revenue from operations 73274489828 109238807045 35964317217 49.08
Other Income 3650897958 14378078020 10727180062 29.38
Revenue Subsidies and Grants 18679400000 22497436631 3818036631 20.43
Total Revenue(A) 95604787786 146114321696 50509533910 52.83

Net Cost of Power purchase 80537660390 129950980136 49413319746 61.35

Employee benefit Cost 8541103696 18131697716 (6727933980) (78.77)
Financial Costs 4228373933 6024266964 1795893031 42.47
Depreciation and Amortization
cost 4396093449 5864026552 1467933103 33.39

Other Expenses 1909935264 2890402514 980467250 51.33

Total Expenses(B) 99613166733 162861373882 63248207149 63.49

Profit before exceptional
and extraordinary items and
tax (A-B) (4008378947) (16747052187) (12738673240) 31.78
(Exceptional Items) - - - -
Profit before extraordinary
items and tax (4008378947) (16747052187) (12738673240) 31.78

Extraordinary items - - - -
Profit Before Tax (4008378947) (16747052187) (12738673240) 31.78
Tax Expenses - - - -
Provision for Tax - - -
Profit(Loss) from the period
from continuing operations (4008378947) (16747052187) (12738673240) 31.78
Transfer to Contingency
Reserve (22774375) (27693699) (4919324) (21.60)
Profit/(Loss) for the period (4031153322) (16774745886) (12743592564) (31.61)
Comparative Income statement for the year ended 2015 and 2016

Particulars 2015 2016 Increase or % of

Decrease in increase or
Amount decrease
Revenue from operations 109238807045 119107567812 9868760767 9.03
Other Income 14378078020 6994664856 (7383413164) (51.35)
Revenue Subsidies and Grants 22497436631 23184500004 687063373 3.05
Total Revenue(A) 146114321696 149286732672 3172410976 2.17

Net Cost of Power purchase 129950980136 149204889676 19253909540 14.82

Employee benefit Cost 18131697716 15078469871 (3053227845) (16.84)
Financial Costs 6024266964 8247085425 2222818461 36.89
Depreciation and Amortization 5864026552 7161913208 1297886656 22.13
Other Expenses 2890402514 3867785752 977383238 33.81

Total Expenses(B) 162861373882 183560143932 20698770050 12.71

Profit before exceptional
and extraordinary items and
tax (A-B) (16747052187) (34273411260) (17526359073) 104.65
(Exceptional Items) - -
Profit before extraordinary
items and tax (16747052187) (34273411260) (17526359073) 104.65

Extraordinary items - -
Profit Before Tax (16747052187) (34273411260) (17526359073) 104.65
Tax Expenses

Provision for Tax - - - -

Profit(Loss) from the period
from continuing operations (16747052187) (34273411260) (17526359073) 104.65
Transfer to Contingency
Reserve (27693699) (25493319) 2200380 7.94

Profit/(Loss) for the period (16774745886) (34298904579) (17524158693) 104.46

Comparative Income statement for the year ended 2016 and 2017

Particulars 2016 2017 Increase or % of

Decrease in increase or
Amount decrease
Revenue from operations 11910.76 12731.28 820.52 6.89
Other Income 699.47 762.84 63.67 9.06
Revenue Subsidies and Grants 2318.45 3153.48 835.03 36.01
Total Revenue(A) 14928.67 16647.60 1718.93 11.51

Net Cost of Power purchase 14920.49 15076.12 155.63 1.04

Employee benefit Cost 1507.85 1346.66 (161.19) (10.69)
Financial Costs 824.71 899.79 75.08 9.10
Depreciation and Amortization 716.19 783.76 67.57 9.43

Other Expenses 386.78 428.95 42.17 10.90

Total Expenses(B) 18356.01 18535.28 179.27 0.97

Profit before exceptional
and extraordinary items and
tax (A-B) (3427.34) (1887.68) 1539.66 44.92
(Exceptional Items) - -
Profit before extraordinary
items and tax (3427.34) (1887.68) 1539.66 44.92
Extraordinary items - -
Profit Before Tax (3427.34) (1887.68) 1539.66 44.92
Tax Expenses

Provision for Tax - -

Profit(Loss) from the period
from continuing operations (3427.34) (1887.68) 1539.66 44.92
Transfer to Contingency (2.55) (2.42) 0.13 5.09
Profit/(Loss) for the period (3429.89) (1890.09) 1539.8 44.89

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