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NAMA : Pahriatul Rojiah

NIM : 34403516087


MATA KULIAH : Bahasa Inggris

DOSEN : Frisyi Fitriyani Fauziah, S.Pd

TANGGAL : 28 Desember 2016


“Modern English” menurut Marcella Frank (1972: 22) pada bukunya bahwa Reflexive Pronoun

pronoun is a combination of –self with one of the personal pronoun or with the impersonal

pronoun one. The most common use of the reflexive pronoun is as an object that “ reflects

back” to the subject in other words, it has same identity as the subject.

Contoh penggunaan Reflexive Pronoun dalam kalimat :

1. Singular :

Personal Resflexsive

pronoun Pronoun Contoh

I Myself Myselft will do it myself

You Yourself You mustn”t blame yourself

He Himself He cut himself when he was shaving this moming

She Herself My mother burned herself when she was cooking

It Itself The door opens itself

2. Plural :


Pronoun Reflexive

Pronoun Contoh

You Yourselves All right friends. Don’t be shy, just help yourselves.

We Ourselves His birhday party was great. We enjoyed ourselves.

They Themselves They introduced themselves before the presentation begun.

Penggunaan Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexife Pronoun mempunyai fungsi, diantaranya:

Reflexive pronouns mencerminkan kembali subjek.


 Toni cooks fried rice himself.

 He cut himself while shaving.

Reflexive pronouns juga bisa merujuk pada possesives (kepemilikan) dan objek.


 His letters are all about himself.

 I'm going to tell her a few facts about herself.

Reflexive pronouns menggantikan makna “alone”.


 Rini goes to Jakarta alone.

 Rini goes to Jakarta by herself.

Reflexive pronouns menjadi object, jika subject dan object adalah hal yang sama.


 I love myself.
 She encourage herself to do this.
Reflexive pronouns menegaskan orang yang dicerminkan.


 It's quicker if you do it yourself.

 I'll go and see the president himself If I have to.


Hettinger, Ned; Throop, Bill

Environmental Ethics Vol. 21/1 (1999), pages 3-21

Traditional ecocentric ethics relies on an ecology that emphasizes the stability and integrity of
ecosystems. Numerous ecologists now focus on natural systems that are less clearly
characterized by these properties. We use the elimination and restoration of wolves in
Yellowstone to illustrate troubles for traditional ecocentric ethics caused by ecological models
emphasizing instability in natural systems. We identify several other problems for a stability-
integrity based ecocentrism as well. We show how an ecocentric ethic can avoid these
difficulties by emphasizing the value of the wildness of natural systems and we defend wildness
value from a rising tide of criticisms.

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