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Carter, Savannah, Galina, Vivian

Solving Acceleration Word Problem

Article Title: ​No Selfies On The Gravitron

by: ​Jack and Noor

1. What is another term for acceleration when it’s negative, ​and​ provide and example of this from the

The term for negative acceleration is deceleration. An example of this is when Jimmy slows, and
comes to a stop before joining the line at the Gravitron.

2.Which (object) in the article has a greater rate of acceleration as compared to the other (object)? Provide
the evidence to support this.


Felicia: ¾ meters/second - 0 meters/seconds / 4 seconds = 3/16 m/s​2

Jimmy boarding ride: ⅖ meters/seconds - 0 meters/seconds / 5 seconds = 2/25 m/s​2

3.What term and/or phrase does the writer use in the article to imply that (an object) is at rest, as in it is
not moving?

An example of “at rest” is when Jimmy waits in a line.

4.What two pieces of information does the writer include in the article that irrelevant, as in they do not
provide information to solve for speed or acceleration.

They include the name of the ride-The Gravitron. They also mentioned Jimmy and Felicia being
away the year before. They also include that Felica doesn’t like rides and that she fears them.
Article Title​: Bob Dominates Friend George in a Logging Competition

by:​ ​Sasha F, Michael, Cassandra, Daniel

1. What is another term for acceleration when it’s negative, ​and​ provide and example of this from the

Another term for acceleration when it is negative is deceleration. An example of this is when Bob
swings his ax up above his head. Bob starts off fast then slows as the ax reaches an angle
perpendicular to the ground.

2.Which (object) in the article has a greater rate of acceleration as compared to the other (object)? Provide
the evidence to support this.

Bob’s Axe through the tree

George’s Axe through the tree: 2/120 m/s - 0 m/s / 120 seconds = 1/7200 m/s​2

Bob’s Axe through the first tree: 1/30 m/s - 0 m/s / 30 seconds = 1/900 m/s​s

3.What term and/or phrase does the writer use in the article to imply that (an object) is at rest, as in it is
not moving?

The author says Bob and George take a nap to imply that they are not moving.

4.What two pieces of information does the writer include in the article that irrelevant, as in they do not
provide information to solve for speed or acceleration.

They include George and Bob taking a 10 minute nap, and they also include the fact that it was a
semi-final round towards the end. Also, they mentioned that Bob took 20 chops to take down the 2
meter tree.

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