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US 20130160808A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. N0.: US 2013/0160808 A1
Hsu et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jun. 27, 2013


APPARATUS AND MODULE USPC ........................................................ .. 136/224

(75) Inventors: Chung-Yen Hsu, Taoyuan County (TW); (57) ABSTRACT

shag-Lung Ll’ Talpel Clty (TW) A thermoelectric generating apparatus is provided Which
- _ . includes a ?rst and a second thermoelectric (TE) devices. The
(73) Asslgnee' esearch ?rst TE device and the second TE device have an electrical
’ junction surface that is an interdigitated junction interface.
(21) APPL No. 13/430,660 The Seebeck coe?icient of the ?rst TE device is more than
that of the second TE device. The ?rst TE device includes a
(22) Filed. Man 26, 2012 ?rst extended portion, and the second TE device includes a
second extended portion. The ?rst extended portion is elec
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data trically connected With a ?rst poWer output end With a ?rst
contact surface formed therebetWeen, and the area of the
Dec. 26, 2011 (TW) ............................... .. 100148648 electrical junction surface is larger than that 0f the ?rst con
tact surface. The second extended portion is electrically con
Publication Classi?cation nected With a second poWer output end With a second contact
surface formed therebetWeen, and the area of the electrical
(51) Int. Cl. junction surface is larger than that of the second contact
H01L 35/32 (2006.01) surface.

510 514
SUZamI 51512 516

502 504
> 500


Patent Application Publication Jun. 27, 2013 Sheet 1 0f 16 US 2013/0160808 A1

Hi i @192 Heat source

Patent Application Publication Jun. 27, 2013 Sheet 2 0f 16 US 2013/0160808 A1

J1 J2
52> 7:5
Heat ?ow

T1 :


Patent Application Publication Jun. 27, 2013 Sheet 3 0f 16 US 2013/0160808 A1

11 13
+10 +100 +10

J2 13
10 100 100 100 100 10
Patent Application Publication Jun. 27, 2013 Sheet 4 0f 16 US 2013/0160808 A1

51E)L _ 520 514

502a ail 512 516 5048 -

502 504
> 500


1111111 506
Patent Application Publication Jun. 27, 2013 Sheet 5 0f 16 US 2013/0160808 A1

600 600


Patent Application Publication Jun. 27, 2013 Sheet 6 0f 16 US 2013/0160808 A1

Patent Application Publication Jun. 27, 2013 Sheet 7 0f 16 US 2013/0160808 A1


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Patent Application Publication Jun. 27, 2013 Sheet 8 0f 16 US 2013/0160808 A1


Patent Application Publication Jun. 27, 2013 Sheet 9 0f 16 US 2013/0160808 A1

/908 918i?


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Patent Application Publication Jun. 27, 2013 Sheet 10 0f 16 US 2013/0160808 A1

Patent Application Publication Jun. 27, 2013 Sheet 11 0f 16 US 2013/0160808 A1

1 12{ \\\\L\ \‘7x



Patent Application Publication Jun. 27, 2013 Sheet 12 0f 16 US 2013/0160808 A1


Patent Application Publication Jun. 27, 2013 Sheet 13 0f 16 US 2013/0160808 A1


Patent Application Publication Jun. 27, 2013 Sheet 14 0f 16 US 2013/0160808 A1

r77 ;_
g g 1108
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1102 % ‘II



1110 110
Patent Application Publication Jun. 27, 2013 Sheet 15 0f 16 US 2013/0160808 A1

1204 1204



63E0m5 A53861.5 46

4U 60
Current (mA)
Patent Application Publication Jun. 27, 2013 Sheet 16 0f 16 US 2013/0160808 A1

083508mv 52963 _

1375 27".5 36.25 45 62.5

Input Power (mW)

US 2013/0160808 A1 Jun. 27, 2013

THERMOELECTRIC GENERATING respectively. The thermal conductive characteristics of the

APPARATUS AND MODULE cold end and the hot end may affect each other because the
path of thermal conduction is short. When a conventional
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED thermoelectric generating apparatus is used, this problem
APPLICATION gives rise to a need of a heat dissipating device (not shoWn)
such as a heat sink, fans, or a Water-cooling system for cooling
[0001] This application claims the priority bene?t of Tai the cold end so as to maintain the temperature difference
Wan application serial no. 100148648, ?led on Dec. 26, 2011.
betWeen the cold end and the hot end. This operating manner
The entirety of the above-mentioned patent application is
is complex and may limit the application scope. A further
hereby incorporated by reference herein and made a part of
issue of this operating manner is that the heat dissipating
this speci?cation. device at the cold end may accelerate the heat dissipation of
the hot end. To maintain the temperature difference, the hot
end has to be replenished With corresponding amount of heat
[0002] The disclosure relates to a thermoelectric generating as heat is dissipated at the cold end. In case of the thermal
apparatus and a thermoelectric generating module Which are conductivity coe?icient of a material is not suf?ciently loW in
Widely applicable in various ?elds. comparison to the poWer factor thereof, Which is a common
situation before the discovery of a high ZT material, the
BACKGROUND device performance may be unsatisfactory because heat from
a heat source may comparatively loss.
[0003] In the conventional application of thermoelectricity,
Whether a substance is a good thermoelectric material may be [0008] It is knoWn from US. Pat. No. 6,060,657 that a
basically judged by its ?gure of merit (ZT value), Which is super-lattice ?lm With multi-quantum Well can be fabricated
essentially related to the Seebeck coef?cient, the electrical by nanotechnology to reduce the thermal conductivity.
conductivity, and the thermal conductivity of the substance. [0009] Also, a bulk thermoelectric material is shaped into a
These three parameters also affect the thermoelectric prop cone in US. Pat. No. 6,384,312 so as to form a minute contact
er‘ty of a material and determine Whether the material can be point at the contact interface With the electrode to limit the
used in thermoelectric application. The higher the ZT value, amount of re?oWed heat at the contact interface.
the more signi?cant the thermoelectric effect. The ZT value is
given by folloWing equation. SUMMARY

[0010] The disclosure introduces a thermoelectric generat

ing apparatus including a ?rst thermoelectric device and a
second thermoelectric device. The second thermoelectric
device has an electrical junction interface With the ?rst ther
[0004] In this equation, 0t, 0, k and T are the Seebeck moelectric device, Wherein the electrical junction surface is
coe?icient, the electrical conductivity, the thermal conduc an interdigitated junction interface, and the Seebeck coef?
tivity coef?cient, and the absolute temperature, respectively. cient of the ?rst thermoelectric device is larger than the See
In light of above equation, it may be seen that, in addition to beck coe?icient of the second thermoelectric device. The ?rst
a desirable Seebeck coef?cient, a good thermoelectric mate thermoelectric device includes a ?rst extended portion. The
rial fur‘ther requires a high electrical conductivity and a loW second thermoelectric device includes a second extended por
thermal conductivity coef?cient. tion. The ?rst extended portion is electrically connected to a
[0005] In general, the electrical conductivity and thermal ?rst poWer output end With a ?rst contact interface formed
conductivity of a material are in positive correlation. Thus, it therebetWeen, and the area of the electrical junction interface
maybe dif?cult to ?nd an ordinary material exhibiting both a is larger than the area of the ?rst contact interface. The second
high electrical conductivity and a loW thermal conductivity extended portion is electrically connected to a second poWer
coe?icient. As a result, the ZT value can hardly be effectively output end With a second contact interface formed therebe
promoted. Accordingly, the control to the electrical conduc tWeen, and the area of the electrical junction interface is larger
tivity and thermal conductivity of a material has become a than the area of the second contact interface.
critical point of improving the thermoelectric performance. [0011] The disclosure further introduces a thermoelectric
For example, the Seebeck coe?icient of p-type silicon is 2.8 generating apparatus including a ?rst thermoelectric device, a
times higher than that of the commonly used Bi2TE3, but the second thermoelectric device, a ?rst output circuit, a second
thermal conductivity of p-type silicon is 74 times higher than output circuit, and at least one compensating thermoelectric
that of Bi2TE3. This explains the reason Why silicon With a structure. The second thermoelectric device has a ?rst elec
high Seebeck coe?icient is rarely used as thermoelectric trical junction interface With the ?rst thermoelectric device,
material. Wherein the Seebeck coef?cient of the ?rst thermoelectric
[0006] To sum up, it is knoWn that the primary object of device is larger than the Seebeck coef?cient of the second
development in thermoelectric materials is to loWer the ther thermoelectric device. The ?rst output circuit is connected to
mal conductivity coef?cient of a material While maintaining the ?rst thermoelectric device With a ?rst contact interface
the electrical conductivity thereof above a certain limit, or to formed therebetWeen, Wherein the area of the ?rst electrical
establish equivalent design factors to ful?l these require junction interface is larger than the area of the ?rst contact
ments. interface. The second output circuit is connected to the sec
[0007] A conventional thermoelectric generating apparatus ond thermoelectric device With a second contact interface
is shoWn in FIG. 1. The cold end and hot end are the upper end formed therebetWeen, Wherein the area of the ?rst electrical
and the loWer end of the thin thermoelectric device 100, junction interface is larger than the area of the second contact
US 2013/0160808 A1 Jun. 27, 2013

interface. The compensating thermoelectric structure is dis [0034] FIG. 12 is a simpli?ed diagram of the thermoelectric
posed betWeen the ?rst output circuit and the second output generating apparatus of a simulation result.
circuit. [0035] FIG. 13 is the electrical characteristic curves of a
[0012] Still further, the disclosure introduces a thermoelec simulation result.
tric generating module including a plurality of the thermo [0036] FIG. 14 is the electrical characteristic curves of a
electric generating apparatuses described above. simulation result With different input poWer of the heat
[0013] Several exemplary embodiments accompanied With source.
?gures are described in detail beloW to further describe the
[0037] The concept of the disclosure is different from that
[0014] The accompanying draWings are comprised to pro of some conventional thermoelectric devices and Will be
vide further understanding, and are incorporated in and con described in detail as folloWs.
stitute a part of this speci?cation. The draWings illustrate [0038] Based on the Working principle of thermoelectric
exemplary embodiments and, together With the description, devices, tWo different types of materials (200 and 202) are
serve to explain the principles of the disclosure. connected in series as shoWn in FIG. 2. The temperatures of
[0015] FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of a conventional the junction interfaces J1 and J2 are locally controlled and
thermoelectric generating apparatus. measured. The material 200 has a larger Seebeck coef?cient
[0016] FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram illustrating the prin While material 202 has a smaller one. When the junction
ciple of the disclosure. interface I1 is supplied With heat by a heat source, the junction
[0017] FIGS. 3A to 3C illustrate the temperature pro?les interfaces J1 and J2 have tWo different temperatures T 1 and T2,
With different heating conditions respectively. respectively.
[0018] FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram illustrating the rela [0039] In an experiment, parameters such as heating meth
tionship betWeen the thermoelectric voltage and the junction ods, the amount of heat, and the direction of thermal conduc
interface according to the disclosure. tion are varied, and the corresponding results are measured.
[0019] FIG. 5 is a sectional vieW of a thermoelectric gen For example, the temperature variance shoWn in FIG. 3A is
erating apparatus according to the ?rst embodiment of the linear; the heating method of FIG. 3B results in a uniform
disclosure. temperature distribution near the junction interfaces J1 and J2,
[0020] FIG. 6A is a sectional vieW of a modi?ed example of but the temperature of regions aWay from the junction inter
the heat source of the ?rst embodiment. faces J1 and J1 drops abruptly; the heating method of FIG. 3C
[0021] FIG. 6B is a sectional vieW ofa modi?ed example of renders a nonlinear temperature variance. It is found that
the electrical junction interface of the ?rst embodiment. regardless of the heating conditions, the output voltage and
[0022] FIG. 6C is a sectional vieW ofa modi?ed example of current are ?xed if the resulting temperatures of the junction
the poWer output end of the ?rst embodiment. interfaces J1 and J2 are kept at T l and T2.
[0023] FIG. 6D is a sectional vieW of a modi?ed example of [0040] From these experiments, it is knoWn that the ther
the extended portion of the ?rst embodiment. moelectric generation occurs primarily at the junction inter
[0024] FIG. 7 is a schematic diagram of a thermoelectric face of materials and depends upon the local temperature of
generating module according to the second embodiment of the junction interface. This is different from the traditional
the disclosure. theory Which indicates the diffusion or drift of the carrier is
[0025] FIG. 8A is a top vieW of a thermoelectric generating caused by the temperature gradient inside the materials.
apparatus according to the third embodiment of the disclo [0041] In other Words, the thermoelectric effect actually
sure. occurs at the junction interface. The thermoelectric effect
[0026] FIG. 8B is a sectional vieW along the line B-B' in Would not occur if the heat is supplied to the materials but the
FIG. 8A. junction interface thereof is not affected by heat. When the
[0027] FIG. 9A is a top vieW of a thermoelectric generating junction interface is heated, an output voltage is generated as
apparatus according to the fourth embodiment of the disclo a function of temperature, and the generated current is a
sure. function of both the temperature and the area of the junction
[0028] FIG. 9B is a sectional vieW along the line B-B' in interface.
FIG. 9A. [0042] The process and principle of thermoelectric genera
[0029] FIG. 10 is a circuit diagram of a thermoelectric tion is further explained by Way of example in FIG. 4. In the
generating apparatus equipped With a compensating thermo upper part of FIG. 4, the material marked With +10 is a metal
electric structure according to the disclosure. conductor connected to the thermoelectric material, and the
[0030] FIG. 11A is a sectional vieW of the ?rst type of the value of the Seebeck effect thereof is +10. Similarly, the
thermoelectric generating apparatus according to the ?fth material marked With —100 is a thermoelectric material of
embodiment of the disclosure. Which the value of the Seebeck effect is —100; the material
[0031] FIG. 11B is a sectional vieW of the second type of marked With +100 is a thermoelectric material of Which the
the thermoelectric generating apparatus according to the ?fth value of the Seebeck effect is +100. The junction interfaces J1,
embodiment of the disclosure. J2, and J3 betWeen each materials are the reference points
[0032] FIG. 11C is a sectional vieW ofthe third type ofthe (planes) of Which the values of Seebeck effect are Zero.
thermoelectric generating apparatus according to the ?fth [0043] If J1, J2, and J3 are in an environment With uniform
embodiment of the disclosure. temperature, electrical generation occurs Within each mate
[0033] FIG. 11D is a sectional vieW ofthe fourth type ofthe rials and junction interfaces, as shoWn in the middle of the
thermoelectric generating apparatus according to the ?fth FIG. 4. That is, With respect to I1, 10 units of rightWard
embodiment of the disclosure. voltage are produced by the material marked With +10, and
US 2013/0160808 A1 Jun. 27, 2013

100 units of rightward voltage are produced by the material may have a non-linear heat distribution. It is not necessary to
marked with —100; with respect to J 2, 100 units of leftward precisely control the temperature of the cold and hot ends as
voltage are produced by the material marked with —100, and the conventional thermoelectric generating apparatuses do.
100 units of leftward voltage are produced by the material Of course the heat distribution of the electrical junction inter
marked with +100; with respect to J3, 100 units of rightward face 518 may also be linear. Heating by the heat source 506
voltage are produced by the material marked with +100, and may be carried out by attaching a heater to the electrical
10 units of leftward voltage are produced by the material junction interface 518 and raising the temperature thereof by
marked with +10. thermal conduction. Also, heating by the heat source 506 may
[0044] The overall effect of the electrical generation at be carried out by immersing the ?rst and second thermoelec
these junction interfaces is shown in the lower part of FIG. 4, tric devices 502 and 504 into a heat source system, eg a heat
i.e. there are 1 10 units of rightward voltage at J1, 200 units of bath, to absorb heat under the condition that the ?rst and
leftward voltage at J2, and 90 units of rightward voltage at J3. second contact interfaces 512 and 516 are in no contact with
Therefore, if J2 is regarded as a positive junction with 200 the heat source system. A heat spreader 600 as shown in FIG.
units of voltage, J l is a negative junction with —1 10 units of 6A may be attached to or embedded in the periphery of the
voltage, and J 3 a negative junction with —90 units of voltage. ?rst and second contact interfaces 512 and 516 to facilitate the
At the same temperature, voltages produce at these three thermal conduction without changing the electric circuit. The
junction interfaces cancel out each other, and the output volt heat source 506 may also be geotherm, solar energy, indus
age is Zero. trial waste heat, waste heat from home appliances, or waste
[0045] Accordingly, in the design of power generation, it is heat from vehicles, etc. In present embodiment, the ?rst and
desirable to arrange J2 with large area and in high temperature second thermoelectric devices 502 and 504 may include
environment to maximize the positive power output, and materials listed in Table 1.
arrange J3 and J 1 with less area and lower temperature to
minimize the counteracting negative power output. TABLE 1
[0046] According to the principle of thermoelectric genera Seebeck coef?cient
tion disclosed above, i.e. the power generation occurs mainly Material (uV/K)
at the junction interface, the ?rst embodiment of the disclo
sure provides a thermoelectric generating apparatus, of which antimony 47
Nichrome 25
a sectional view is shown in FIG. 5. molybdenum 10
[0047] In FIG. 5, a thermoelectric generating apparatus 500 cadmium 7.5
includes a ?rst thermoelectric device 502 and a second ther tungsten 7.5
golf 6.5
moelectric device 504, wherein the Seebeck coef?cient of the silver 6.5
?rst thermoelectric device 502 is larger than that of the second copper 6.5
thermoelectric device 504. The ?rst thermoelectric device rhodium 6.0
502 includes a ?rst extended portion 502a, and the second tantalum 4.5
lead 4.0
thermoelectric device 504 includes a second extendedportion aluminum 3 .5
50411. The ?rst thermoelectric device 502 and the second carbon 3 .0
thermoelectric device 504 are settled in a heating region 508 mercury 0.6
while being heated by a heat source 506. Outside of the platinum 0
sodium —2.0
heating region 508, the ?rst extended portion 50211 is electri potassium —9.0
cally connected to a ?rst power output end 510 such that a ?rst nickel — 15
contact interface 512 is formed therebetween, and the second Constantan —35
extended portion 50411 is electrically connected to a second bismuth —72
power output end 514 so as to form a second contact interface CeFe4Sb12 154
CoSb3 —153
516. The ?rst thermoelectric device 502 forms an electrical selenium 900
junction interface 518 with the second thermoelectric device tellurium 500
504, wherein the electrical junction interface 518 is an inter silicon 440
germanium 300
digitated junction interface. The area of the electrical junction n-type BiZTe3 —230
interface 518 is larger than that of the ?rst contact interface p-type Bi2iXSbXTe3 300
512 and larger than that of the second contact interface 516 as p-type Sb2Te3 185
well. The amount of current generation and the overall power PbTe —180
generation are enhanced by the increase of the area of the Pb03Ge39Se58 1670
PbO6Ge36Se58 1410
electrical junction interface 518. The area of the electrical PbO9Ge33Se58 —1360
junction interface 518 may be increased by the micro electro Pb13Ge29Se58 —1710
mechanical process, microstructure process, or nano-pro Pb15Ge37Se58 —1990
cessing. SnSb4Te7 25
SnBi4Te7 120
[0048] When heat is supplied to the electrical junction SnBi3SblTe7 151
interface 518 by the heat source, electrical power is generated SnBi2_5Sb1_5Te7 110
by the thermoelectric generating apparatus 500, provided that SnBi2Sb2Te7 90
PbBi4Te7 —53
the temperature of the electrical junction interface 518 is iron 19
higher than that of the ?rst and second contact interfaces 512 Zn4Sb3 165
and 516. The electrical power is output by the ?rst power
output end 510 and the second power output end 514, which
are connected to an external circuit 520. Further, when heated [0049] Furthermore, the ?rst and second thermoelectric
by the heat source 506, the electrical junction interface 518 devices 502 and 504 are shown as grating structures in FIG. 5,

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