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Uam Iztapalpa 17 to 19 February, 2016.

Book of abstracts

1.1 Wednesday

Phase and Interface Behaviour of Discotic Liquid Crystals and Binary


Enrique Díaz-Herrera
Department of Physics, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Iztapalapa

KEY WORDS: Molecular simulation, discotic liquid crystals.

We report structural and thermodynamics properties of phases and interfaces of discotic liquid
crystals, using molecular simulation. We study the stable phases and interfaces of one component
systems of oblate particles and binary mixtures as a function of thickness and without considering
polar interactions. Structural and thermodynamics properties such as: phase diagram, density of
coexistence and demixing transition are discussed. Structural properties of stable phases of pure
and binary systems are investigated via: behaviour of order parameter, pair correlation functions
and mean square displacement.
Significant results in this research are: In the case of pure systems, two columnar phases
with complex diffusivity behaviour, and for the case of the binary systems, the stabilisation of
columnar phases in temperature regions where a pure liquid crystal present isotropic phase as a
thermodynamic most stable phase.

SPINTRONICS: Detection of Flip-flop in GaAsN alloys at room temeperature

J.C. Sandoval Santana1, V.G. Ibarra-Sierra1, A. Kunold2

Departamento de Física, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, Av. San Rafael
Atlixco 186, col. Vicentina, 09340 México D.F.,
Área de Física Teórica y Materia Condensada, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco Av. San Pablo 180
col. Reynosa-Tamaulipas, Azcapotzalco, 02200 México D.F.

KEY WORDS: Spintronics, optical spin polarization, hyperfine interaction

In the past 3 decades spintronics has dramatically revolutionized data storage. Spintronics
or spin electronics , involves the manipulation of the spin degree of freedom of physical systems
such as solid state devices1. The control of the electronic and nuclear spin of the impurities in a
semiconductor has attracted considerable interest because the spin relaxation time is very large
and spin states are well defined2. These properties are desirable for applications in quantum
computing. In this work, we propose a model using the master equation approach to describe the
behaviour of electronic and nuclear spin polarization in GaAsN dilute alloys . This model
suggests that the hyperfine interaction plays a key role in the spin polarization of conduction
band electrons. To confirm the relevance of the hyperfine interaction we have devised an
experimental setup based on a pump-probe scheme that would allow to detect the electron-
nulceus flip-flops. Our results suggests that the nuclear spin polarization of the gallium defect can
be tuned through the optically induced spin polarization of conduction band electrons3.

Hyperfine interaction between electronic and nuclear spin in unpaired traps.

[1] Igor Žutić, Jaroslav Fabian, and S. Das Sarma, Rev. Mod. Phys. 76, 323 (2004)
[2] E. L. Ivchenko, L. A. Bakaleinikov, and V. K. Kalevich, Phys. Rev. B 91, 205202 ( 2015)
[3]C. Sandoval-Santana, A. Balocchi, T. Amand, J. C. Hamand, A. Kunold and X. Marie Phys. Rev. B 90
115205 (2014)

What is (not) dark matter?

B. Carvente1, S. Gutiérrez2, A. Camacho3

Departamento de Física, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Iztapalapa
Apartado Postal 55-534, C. P. 09340, Ciudad de México, México

KEY WORDS: Dark matter, BEC, gravitation.

Dark energy and dark matter are two of the most important unsolving puzzles of Modern Physics
and Cosmology. When we deal with unknown things, a lot of hypothesis arise trying to describe
its properties and in the way, at least, we can determine which ones are apparently incorrect.
So, what can we say about dark matter? Is a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) a good theory to
explain it?
In the present work we model dark matter as a BEC and the main goal is the deduction of
properties, namely, mass, number of particles and a scattering length, related to the particles
comprised in the corresponding condensate. The model is contrasted against observational data
and the deduced results are compared with previous results in wich dark matter has not been
considered as a condensate [1]. The main conclusion is that they do not coincide.

The evidence of the presence of the dark matter emerges mainly from the rotation curves of spiral

[1] S. W. Randall et al, Ap. J. 679, 1173 (2008)


Two-Dimensional Motion of Brownian Swimmers in Linear Flows

Alonso Jimenez, M. Sandoval

Departament of Physics, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, 09340, México


The motion of viruses and bacteria and even synthetic microswimmers can be affected by
thermal fluctuations and by external flows. In this work, we study the effect of linear
external flows and thermal fluctuations on the diffusion of those swimmers modeled as
spherical active (self-propelled) particles moving in two dimensions. General formulae
for their mean-square displacement under a general linear flow are presented. We also
provide, at short and long times, explicit expressions for the mean-square displacement
of a swimmer immersed in three canonical flows, namely, solid-body rotation, shear and
extensional flows. These expressions can now be used to estimate the effect of external
flows on the displacement of Brownian microswimmers. Finally, our theoretical results
are validated by using Brownian dynamics simulations.

About selfadjoint extensions of a loop quantum cosmology Hamiltonian in the

path integral formalism

Juan C. Ruelas Vázquez1, Hugo A. Morales Técotl2.

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Physics Department.
San Rafael Atlixco No. 186, Iztapalapa, 09340, Mexico. 1,2 1 2

KEY WORDS: Path integral, loop quantum cosmology, effective equations.

In loop quantum cosmology, the path integral formalism has been used to get effective
equations for some models1,2. These equations have corrections related to the discreteness of
space and lead to avoid the initial singularity. When we consider a model with a positive
cosmological constant we find that the Hamiltonian have a family of selfadjoint extensions and
each of these extensions can be identified with a different physical system.
In this talk, we will show some ideas that we propose to study the path integral formalism
for a cosmic model with a positive cosmological constant.

One of the main results in loop quantum cosmology is the avoidance of the initial singularity. [3]

[1] A. Ashtekar, M. Campiglia A.Henderson, Path Integrals and the WKB approximation in Loop
Quantum Cosmology, Phys. Rev. D82, 2010.
[2] Zhang, Xiang-Dong and Ma, Yong-Ge, Loop quantum modified gravity and its cosmological
Application, Front. Phys. China 8, 2013
[3] A. Ashtekar , T. Pawlowski and P. Singh, Quantum Nature of the Big Bang: Improved dynamics, Phys.
Rev. D74, 2006.

An Invitation to Yang-Mills SU(2) Gauge Theories.

Manuel de la Cruz López.
Departamento de Física, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, San Rafael Atlixco 186, C.P. 09340, México D.F.,

KEY WORDS: Local transformation, gauge symmetry, fiber bundle, Aharonov-Bohm effect.

Guided by the concept of global and local transformation in General Relativity, Hermann Weyl
introduced the concept of gauge symmetry for the first time1,2 . Using their original ideas to
quantum fields causes inconsistences in Especial Relativity principles. However, the central idea
preserved in time until the development of modern quantum theories of particles. This talk
explore the history of the concept of local gauge transformation from Weyl ideas to the
implementation on quantum SU(2) Yang-Mills theories3. Also we review basic facts of the
modern development of gauge theories that involve some mathematical formalism known as a
fiber bundles3.

Elementary Primer For Gauge Theory. K. Moriyasu. World Scientific (1983).
An Invitation to Quantum Field Theory. Alvarez-Gaumé, Vázquez-Mozo. Springer (2012).
Introduction to Elementary Particles. J. Griffiths. Wiley Vch, 2nd edition (2008).

Band Structure of a locally periodic elastic system with two impurities

F. Ramirez, 1 G. Baez. 1, R. Mendez-Sanchez2, J. Flores,3 A. Morales2

Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco, Avenida San Pablo 180. Col. Reynosa Tamaulipas, CP. 02200,
Azcapotzalco D. F.
Centro de Ciencias Fisicas UNAM, A.P. 48-3, 62251 Cuernavaca, Morelos, México
Instituto de Fisica UNAM, A.P. 20-364, 01000 Mexico, D.F., Mexico

The torsional modes of a structure elastic rod with free ends are studied using the transfer matrix
method1. The structure consists of a bar with several identical cells; each cell contains a bar and a
notch. In this system two cells are exchanged for defective cells. It is observed that two
frequencies of the allowed band go to the gap; these levels correspond to the defects and have a
localized wave amplitude. Some wave functions obtained numerically using the same method are

Figure 1. Band structure. Normal modes of a locally periodic system with two impurities are

[1] A. Morales, J. Flores, L. Gutierrez, and R. A. Mendez-Sanchez, Compresional and torsional

wave amplitudes in rods with periodic structures, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 112, (2012)

1.2 Thursday

Stability of traveling waves in Traffic Flow

Patricia Saavedra-Barrera
Department of Mathematics, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Iztapalapa

KEY WORDS: Traveling waves.

We will present how the stability of traveling waves solutions of a system of non linear partial
differential equation can be study transforming the original problem to a system of first order non
linear differential equations. The existence of Takens-Bogdanov and Hopf bifurcation points let
us assure the existence of limit points whose stability gives us insight about the stability of the
PDE solutions.



Ernesto Flores-González and Hugo A. Morales-Técotl

Departamento de Física, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, San Rafael Atlixco 186, México D.F. 09340, México.
Corresponding Author’s e-mail address: (Ernesto Flores-González) and (Hugo A

KEY WORDS: Field Theory, Polymer Quantization, Loop Quantization.

Currently, some of the biggest challenges in theoretical physics are related with knowing what
happened at the beginning of the universe, what happens inside of a black hole, as well to
understand the behavior of field theories at very high energy. These issues might be answered
with a quantum gravity theory, providing a possible underlying spacetime structure. One
candidate theory of quantum gravity among others is Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG), which main
characteristic is to be a background independent quantization. However, because of the difficulty
to define a quantum gravity theory, it is useful to explore more simple models which implement
some of the required features, for example, mechanical systems. Polymer Quantum Mechanics
(PQM) is a toy model that is obtained by quantizing a mechanical system adapting the techniques
used in LQG. As a result of this, one gets a quantum theory in agreement with the idea of the
spacetime structure through a free parameter which usually is associated with the Planck scale.
Furthermore, PQM has been applied to a scalar field to analyze high energy implications in its
dynamics, specifically by studying its propagator within a Hamiltonian framework1. To do that,
one quantizes each of the Fourier modes of the field with the polymer recipe, this yields a
quantum field that is compounded of quantum pendula. On the other hand, the path integral
version of the PQM has been proposed to study the spin foam models in a simpler situation2.
Certainly, it is interesting to calculate the propagator of the scalar field using polymer path
integral. In this talk, we will present our progress in this problem.

G. M. Hossain, V. Husian, and S.S. Seahra, Phys. Rev. D., 82 (2010).
A. Ashtekar, M. Campiglia, and A. Henderson, Phys. Rev. D., 82 (2010).

Deformability of Red Blood Cell using Optical Tweezers

Méndez-Alba. Nahum1, Hernández-Pozos. José Luis2

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Iztapalapa, San Rafael Atlixco No. 86, Col. Vicentina, C.P. 09340, Del. Iztapalapa,
D. F. México

KEY WORDS: RBC's optical trapping, digital image analysis, deformability of RBC’s.

In the applications associated with optical tweezers (OT) is common to find experiments in
which applying a force to a biological entity, this object is deformed. Of this type of
experiments biomechanical properties of the object in question are obtained. Normally, the
information about the deformation is obtained directly of images acquired through the optical
tweezers system itself.
Because optical tweezers can apply forces at the pN level, it can be used to deform the
cell membrane. Using an OT system supplied by a 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser, we have been
exploring the use of a method based on digital image analysis to measure such deformation,
specifically in red blood cells (RBC’s).

We present two set of images, the first shows one RBC deformed while is attached to a silica bead
(2.38 µm in diameter) trapped and manipulated by OT. The second one, shows one RBC trapped
and manipulated only by the trap created by the optical trap.

By the relative simplicity of the image analysis technique, we believe we can apply it
to perform quick characterizations correspond to the deformation measurements of our red
blood cells, thus it is possible to calculate, in a relatively simple way, the elastic properties of
erythrocytes such as the shear modulus µ.



J. C. Hidalgo-Gonzalez1, J. I. Jiménez-Aquino1
Department of Physics, Metropolitan Autonomous University – Iztapalapa, 09340, México
E-mail address:

KEY WORDS: Brownian charged particle, non-Markovian, generalized Langevin equation.

In this work we present the main ideas in the study of non-Markovian Brownian motion of a
harmonic oscillator across a magnetic field. Our theoretical study is based on the Gaussian but
non Markovian generalized Langevin equation (GLE) with an arbitrary friction memory kernel.

Slit diffraction patterning of silicon surfaces by ns-laser

irradiation: theory and experiment.
C. Acosta-Zepeda1, P. Saavedra2, G. Mecalco1, N. Batina3, I. Morales-Reyes3, J. Bonse4,
E. Haro-Poniatowski1
Departamento de Física, 2Departamento de Matemáticas, 3Departamento de Química, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa,
Av. San Rafael Atlixco No. 186, Col. Vicentina, C.P. 09340 México D. F., México.
BAM Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, Unter den Eichen 87, D-12205 Berlin, Germany.

Pulse laser irradiation of surfaces can have very different effects depending on several processing parameters
such as pulse duration, wavelength, and energy density among others [1]. In this work we take benefit from
laser irradiation and the optical diffraction effect to realize complex surface structures, reaching micrometer
precision on the lateral scale, and nanometer accuracy in the vertical direction. Using the diffraction assisted
method (DAM) technique, the morphology of Si wafer surfaces is modified with a single laser pulse, passing
through a diffraction mask, chosen as slit of 75 µm width here. Subsequently, the surface topographyis
characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Fig. 1(a) shows the experimental set-up for the laser
irradiation experiments of a single-crystalline silicon wafer.

Fig. 1. Experimental set-up for diffraction-assisted micropatterning of the silicon wafer. Typical distances: Z (from lens to mask 60 mm), a
(slit width 75 µm), d (sample to mask distance 100-200 µm), and f (focal length of the lens 70 mm) (a). AFM topography image (b) of a
DAM-micropatterned region on a silicon wafer surface.A cross-sectional height profiles is shown in (c) and the corresponding calculated
diffracted intensity profile in (d).

The diffraction pattern is generated by a single pulse (532 nm, 10 ns, beam diameter 3 mm), generated from
frequency-doubled Nd-YAG laser, at a distance d typically a few hundreds of micrometers behind the
diffracting slit, which is illuminated at a distance of Z∼60 mm through a f=70 mm focal length lens. The
structured light illumination field resulting from the diffraction, locally modifies the material (Fig. 1(b)) via
melting and displacing fluid flows (Marangoni effect), giving rise to parallel groove-shaped features, with
depths up to 10 nm (Fig. 1(c)). That grooves are produced in the regions where the intensity of diffraction
pattern is maximum, as seen in the intensity profile calculated with Fresnel diffraction theory (Fig. 1(d)). In
order to have a quantitative comparison with experiments we calculate the materials response as approximated
analytical solution of a fluid-flow at the surface. In a first step, this includes the calculation of the temperature
distribution and the location of the liquid-solid interface, both as a function of time. The equations to be solved
are the heat conduction equation in liquid and solid with appropriate spatio-temporal boundary conditions.

𝜕𝑇(𝑧, 𝑡) 𝜕 𝜕𝑇 𝑧, 𝑡
− 𝐷 = 𝑃(𝑧, 𝑡) (1)
𝜕𝑡 𝜕𝑧 𝜕𝑧

In a second step, we use the numerical solution of Eq. (1), to predict a two-dimensional fluid flow, solving
numerically the continuity equation and Navier-Stokes Eqs. (2), as described in reference [2].
𝛁 ∙ 𝒖 = 0,    ∇! 𝒖 = 0 (2)
The results of the calculated melt displacements will be compared with experimental topography patterns.

[1] E. Haro-Poniatowski, C. Acosta-Zepeda, G. Mecalco, J. L. Hernández-Pozos, N. Batina, I. Morales-Reyes, J. Bonse, "Diffraction-
assisted micropatterning of silicon surfaces by ns-laser irradiation," J. Appl. Phys. 115, 224309 (2014).
[2] T. Schwarz-Selinger, D. G. Cahill, S. -C. Chen, S.-J. Moon, C. P. Grigoropoulos, "Micron-scale modifications of Si surface morphology
by pulsed-laser texturing," Phys. Rev. B. 64, 155323 (2001).

Spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Higgs mechanism

Daniel Martínez-Carbajal and Marco A. Maceda-Santamaría

Departamento de Física, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, San Rafael Atlixco 186, México D.F. 09340, México. (Daniel Martínez-Carbajal) and (Marco A. Maceda-Santamaría).

KEY WORDS: Standard Model, elementary particles, Higgs boson.

The Standard Model of particle physics is a theory unifying the electromagnetic, weak and strong
nuclear interactions, as well as classifying all the known subatomic particles. It was developed
throughout the latter half of the 20th century, as a collaborative effort of scientists around the
world. The current formulation was finalized in the mid 70’s upon experimental confirmation of
the existence of quarks. Since then, the top quark (1995) and the tau neutrino (2000) have been
discovered and more recently a new particle in 2012 that has been identified with the Higgs

However, the study of the properties and characteristics of the new particle needs more time to
really confirm whether this is the Higgs boson of the Standard Model, a Higgs boson predicted
by supersymmetric theories or whether it is a new unknown particle. It is hoped that the data
collected in the Large Hadron Collider of CERN can clarify the nature of this new boson.


K. L. Juayerk1, J. L. del Río-Correa1, J. R. Godínez2

1. Physics Department, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, 09340 Mexico City, Mexico.
2. Electrical Engineering Department, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, 09340 Mexico City, Mexico.

KEY WORDS: Cell membrane electrical properties, ion transport, nonlinear dynamics.

Ion channels are complex protein structures embedded in the biological cell membranes of every
cell and control the flow of ions into and out of the cell. Ion channels form ion-conducting
nanopores across membranes that open and close in response to specific environmental stimuli
and they are gated, i. e. can switch conformation between a closed and an open state1. The need
for phenomenological models of gating has evolved according with the sophistication of
experimental technique, such as the patch-clamp recording. This technique has provided
enormous insight into the molecular basis of ion-channel behavior. The goal of modeling is to
develop realistic schemes that not only describe data, but also accurately reflect mechanisms of
action. The gating dynamics of an ion channel can be characterized by the probability densities of
closed and open, dwelling time-intervals2. The traditional approaches have analyzed channel
proteins as if they existed in a few stable conformations and switched rapidly between them3. In
this work, a deterministic chaotic model is considered as an alternative to the discrete-state
Markov model in describing ion channel gating current kinetics. This model is based on the
Liebovitch and Toth linear iterate map and consists of two regions representing the channel in its
open or closed state, and a third one called "switching region" that allows the transition between
the two previous states4. To describe the temporal evolution of an ensemble of ion channels,
techniques developed in statistical mechanics of non-equilibrium are used5. Finally, we show the
invariant distribution of the chaotic dynamic system and the distributions of dwell time in closed
and open states of the ion channels and we can obtain the chaotic behavior of the switching
between the open and closed states of an ion channel.

B. Hille, Ionic Channels of Excitable Membranes, 3rd. ed., (Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, 2001).
B. Sakman, N. Neher, Single-Channel Recording, 2nd. ed., (Plenum Press, New York, 1995).
L. S. Liebovitch and T. I. Toth, J. Theor. Biol., 148, (1991).
L. S. Liebovitch, Fractals and Chaos: Simplified for the life sciences, (Oxford University Press, USA, 1998).
J. L. del Río-Correa and L. S. García-Colín, Phys. Rev. A, 43, 6657-6663 (1991).

Experimental elastic resonances: analysis in frequency and in the time domain

A. Arreola-Lucas1, G. Báez2, R. A. Méndez-Sánchez3.

Posgrado en Ciencias e Ingeniería, División de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería, Universidad Autónoma
Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco, Av. San Pablo 180, Col. Reynosa Tamaulipas, 02200 México Distrito Federal, México.
Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco, Av. San Pablo 180, Col. Reynosa Tamaulipas,
02200 México Distrito Federal, México.
Instituto de Ciencias Físicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apartado Postal 48-3, 62210, Cuernavaca Mor., México

The concept of the resonance phenomenon is shown experimentally using elastic waves. The
experiment consists in exciting an aluminum beam with a train of harmonic compressional waves with
frequency "efe". An electromagnet-acoustic sensor detects the amplitude of vibration in the beam, as a
result of excitation, also called response function. This one is compared with the reference signal and
the behavior of both signals are shown as time function, distinguishing the resonant and off-resonant
behaviours. These results are fitted to a typical Lorentz's curve. The effects of passive absorption
mechanism are also shown.

The relevance of experiments in control elastic waves lies in the many challenges that must be
resolved in the laboratory, to reduce couplings between the different elastic waves. This is reflected in
the limited number of experimental researches in this area of opportunity for the future manufacture of
new elastic materials.

The control of the travel of the waves through materials is a goal pursued by scientist and
engineers since centuries ago. In other areas such as acoustics, optics and microwave, this control is a
success. As a consequence new materials and technological developments are being carried out in these
fields, but for mechanical waves in elastic media, progress is scarce and both numerical and
experimental studies are beginning.

Figure 1: The figure on the left is the resonant response (orange) to the train harmonic waves, while on the right side pulse
is sent and no resonant response.

1.3 Friday

Duality Symmetries Behind Solutions of the Classical Simple Pendulum

Román Linares-Romero
Departamento de Física, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa,
San Rafael Atlixco 186, México D.F. 09340, México. (Román Linares-Romero)

KEY WORDS: Duality Symmetries, Simple Pendulum.

The solutions that describe the motion of the classical simple pendulum have been known for very
long time and are given in terms of elliptic functions, which are doubly periodic functions in the
complex plane. The independent variable of the solutions is time and it can be considered either as
a real variable or as a purely imaginary one, which introduces a rich symmetry structure in the
space of solutions. When solutions are written in terms of the Jacobi elliptic functions the symmetry
is codified in the functional form of its modulus, and is described mathematically by the six
dimensional coset group Γ/Γ(2) where Γ is the modular group and Γ(2) is its congruence subgroup
of second level. In this paper we discuss the physical consequences this symmetry has on the
pendulum motions and it is argued they have similar properties to the ones termed as duality
symmetries in other areas of physics, such as field theory and string theory. In particular a single
solution of pure imaginary time for all allowed value of the total mechanical energy is given and
obtained as the S-dual of a single solution of real time, where S stands for the S generator of the
modular group.

Implantation of composed scaffold of PLA/HA coated with Polypyrrole for

generating neotissue-bone in rabbit

F. Guadalupe1, O. Roberto2, R. Atlántida3, E. Diego3, M. Juan2,,,,

KEY WORDS: Polylactic acid, hydroxyapatite, electrospinning, pyrrole, plasma, polymerization,

in vitro culture, in vivo culture.

Generally a graft or bone substitute to help repair a skeletal deficiency due to a kind of disease and
traumatisms is required. Tissue Engineering is an alternative to generate synthetic bone tissue,
using the combination of biomaterials, cells and biological factors, in order to give the patient
preservation in gait, functional recovery and mobilization1.

Biomaterials which can be used as bone substitutes should possess biocompatibility,

biodegradability, osteoinductivity, and osteoconductivity; the combination of polymers with
ceramic materials meets almost all the properties of bone. In this paper the electrospinning
technique is used to produce porous matrices of polylactic acid (PLA)2 and hydroxyapatite (HA)3,
which serve as support for the growth of bone cells. To induce cell adhesion and stimulation to
scaffolds, is deposited a thin film of polypyrrole (PPy) doped with iodine, by means plasma
polymerization4. The scaffold made of PLA-HA-PPy/I underwent in vitro cell culture for 7, 14, 21
and 28 days; the newly formed tissue is characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM),
and viability cell studies.

a) SEM of scaffolds at 7 day of culture in vitro of osteoblasts. a) PLA/HA(18.2%) , b) PLA/HA(18.2%)/PPy, c)

PLA/HA(35.7%), d) PLA/HA(35.7%) PPy

[1] Saiz E., Zimmermann, Lee JS., Perspectives on the role of nanotechnology in bone tissue engineering. Dent Mater,
29:103-115 12, 3456 (2013)
[2] Carmangnolaa Irene., Nardoa Tiziana., Gentile Piergiorgio., Poly(Lactic Acid)-Based Blends With Tailored
Physicochemical Properties for Tissue Engineering Applications: A Case Study, International Journal of Polymeric
Materials 12, Vols. 64, Issue 2 (2015)
[3] Cox SC., Gibbons GJ., Thornby JA., Author, A. Nother, and C.O. Author, 3D printing of porous hydroxyapatite
scaffolds intended for use in bone tissue engineering applications, Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl 12, Vols. 47:237-
247. (2015)
[4] Olayo R., Mondragón R., Plasma polypyrrole implants recover motor function in rats after spinal cord transection,
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 12, Vols. Volume 23, Issue 10, pp 2583-2592 (2012)

Understanding flock behavior

A. E. Zamudio, M. Sandoval
Department of Physics, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, 09340, México
E-mail address:

KEY WORDS: Flock, collective motion.

Flock behavior shows amazing structures that captivate our eyes. Many scientists have
been intrigued by the formation of flocks for a long time but until now, there is no a
concise theory able to explain such collective motion. In this talk we present a model
which is able to spontaneously generate dynamic emergence thus imitating some
characteristics of real flocks. Our model is based on two simple rules namely, consensus
and frustration that we will describe. Some interesting movies will be shown in this talk.

Swimming sawtooth sheet in a Stokes Flow

Oscar Gutiérrez, Mario Sandoval,

Department of Physics, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Iztapalapa, Mexico City 09340,

KEY WORDS: Swimming, low Reynolds number, Stokes, flagellum, cilium,

Swimming microorganisms often move their flagellum in order to propel themselves in a

fluid. The system flagellum-fluid has a very low Reynolds number hence the equations modeling
the microorganism’s motion are dictated by the Stokes equations. We model the flagellum of
those microorganisms as a sawtooth shape and solve the Stokes equations subject to this
boundary (flagellum). With the explicit solution of the velocity field, we are able to calculate
analytically the swimming velocity of a flagellum with a sawtooth shape.

❙P ✁ ✂❨✁✄☎ ✆❙ ✁ ■✝✄✞✁

❱✳ ●✳ ✟✠✡rr✡✲☛☞✌rr✡✶✱ ❏✳ ❈✳ ☛✡✥❞✍✈✡❧✲☛✡✥♥✡✥✡✶✱ ❆✳ ✎✉✥✍❧❞✷

✶ ❉✏✑✒✓✔✒✕✏❡✔✖ ✗✏ ✘✙✚✛❝✒✜ ✢❡✛✣✏✓✚✛✗✒✗ ✤✦✔✧❡✖✕✒ ❛✏✔✓✖✑✖♣✛✔✒❡✒ ★✩✔✒✑✒♣✒✑✒
✤✣✪ ✫✒❡ ❘✒✬✒✏♣ ✤✔♣✛①❝✖ ✭✮✻✜ ❝✖♣✪ ✯✛❝✏❡✔✛❡✒✜ ✵✰✴✹✵✜ ✸✛✦✗✒✗ ✗✏ ❛✺①✛❝✖✜ ❛✺①✛❝✖
✣✛✼✒✓✓✒✽①✒❡✦✕✪✦✒✕✪✕①✜ ❥❝✚✚✽①✒❡✦✕✪✦✒✕✪✕①
✷ ➪✓✏✒ ✗✏ ✘✙✚✛❝✒ ❚✏✧✓✛❝✒ ② ❛✒✔✏✓✛✒ ✸✖❡✗✏❡✚✒✗✒✜ ✢❡✛✣✏✓✚✛✗✒✗ ✤✦✔✧❡✖✕✒ ❛✏✔✓✖✑✖♣✛✔✒❡✒ ✤✩❝✒✑✖✔✩✒♣❝✖
✤✣✪ ✫✒❡ ✾✒✼♣✖ ✭✮✵✜ ❝✖♣✪ ❘✏②❡✖✚✒♦❚✒✕✒✦♣✛✑✒✚✜ ✵✿✿✵✵✜ ✸✛✦✗✒✗ ✗✏ ❛✺①✛❝✖✜ ❛✺①✛❝✖

❑❁❂ ❲❖❃❄❅❇ ❊❋✐❍ ❋▲▼◆◗✐❯◆❳✐▲❍❩ ❬❭❋❪◗❫✐❍❪ ✐❍❳❪◗◆❴❳✐▲❍❩ ❵◆❜❳❪◗ ❪❢❣◆❳✐▲❍

❤❪❴❪❍❳▼❭ ❳❦❪ ❜❋✐❍ ❋◗▲❋❪◗❳✐❪❜ ✐❍ ♠◆q❜ ❜◆s❋▼❪❜ t▲❋❪t ✇✐❳❦ ❜s◆▼▼ ◆s▲❣❍❳❜ ▲❫ ③✐❳◗▲④❪❍ ❦◆⑤❪
◗❪❴❪✐⑤❪t ④◗❪◆❳ ✐❍❳❪◗❪❜❳ ⑥❪❴◆❣❜❪ ▲❫ ❳❦❪ ▼◆◗④❪ ❜❋✐❍ ❋▲▼◆◗✐❯◆❳✐▲❍ ◆❴❦✐❪⑤❪t ⑥❭ ❳❦❪ ❪▼❪❴❳◗▲❍❜ ✐❍ ❳❦❪
❴▲❍t❣❴❳✐▲❍ ⑥◆❍t ⑦⑧⑨⑩ ◆❳ ◗▲▲s ❳❪s❋❪◗◆❳❣◗❪❶❷ ❸❦❪ ✐❍❴▲◗❋▲◗◆❳✐▲❍ ▲❫ ③✐❳◗▲④❪❍ ◆❳▲s❜ t✐❜❋▼◆❴❪❜ ❳❦❪
♠◆▼▼✐❣s ▲❍❪❜ ❳▲ ✐❍❳❪◗❜❳✐❴✐◆▼ ❋▼◆❴❪❜ ▲❫ ❳❦❪ ▼◆❳❳✐❴❪ ❴◗❪◆❳✐❍④ ▼▲❴◆▼✐❯❪t ❜❳◆❳❪❜ ✐❍ ❳❦❪ ⑥◆❍t ④◆❋❷ ❸❦❪❜❪
❜❳◆❳❪❜ ◆◗❪ ❹❍▲✇❍ ◆❜ ◗❪❴▲s⑥✐❍◆❳✐▲❍ ❴❪❍❳❪◗❜ ▲◗ ❋◆◗◆s◆④❍❪❳✐❴ ❳◗◆❋❜ ⑦❺❸⑩❷ ❻❣❪ ❳▲ ❳❦❪ ❋◗▲❋❪◗❳✐❪❜ ▲❫
❳❦❪❜❪ ◗❪❴▲s⑥✐❍◆❳✐▲❍ ❴❪❍❳❪◗❜❩ ❳❦❪❭ ❜❪▼❪❴❳✐⑤❪▼❭ ❴◆❋❳❣◗❪ ❪▼❪❴❳◗▲❍❜ ❫◗▲s ❳❦❪ ⑧⑨ t❪❋❪❍t✐❍④ ▲❍ ❳❦❪✐◗
❜❋✐❍ ▲◗✐❪❍❳◆❳✐▲❍❷ ❸❦✐❜ s❪❴❦◆❍✐❜s ▲◗✐④✐❍◆❳❪❜ ❢❣✐❳❪ ▼◆◗④❪ ⑧⑨ ❪▼❪❴❳◗▲❍ ◆❍t ❍❣❴▼❪◆◗ ❜❋✐❍
❋▲▼◆◗✐❯◆❳✐▲❍❜ ✇❦❪❍ ❳❦❪ ❜◆s❋▼❪ ✐❜ ❜❣⑥❼❪❴❳ ❳▲ ❴✐◗❴❣▼◆◗▼❭ ❋▲▼◆◗✐❯❪t ▲❋❳✐❴◆▼ ❋❣s❋✐❍④❷
❽❍ ❳❦✐❜ ✇▲◗❹ ✇❪ ❳❦❪▲◗❪❳✐❴◆▼▼❭ ❜❳❣t❭ ❳❦❪ s❪❴❦◆❍✐❜s ▲❫ t❭❍◆s✐❴ ❪▼❪❴❳◗▲❍✐❴ ◆❍t ❍❣❴▼❪◆◗ ❜❋✐❍
❋▲▼◆◗✐❯◆❳✐▲❍ ◆❜ ✇❪▼▼ ◆❜ ❳❦❪ ◗▲▼❪ ❋▼◆❭❪t ⑥❭ ❳❦❪ ❦❭❋❪◗❫✐❍❪ ✐❍❳❪◗◆❴❳✐▲❍❾ ⑥❪❳✇❪❪❍ ❪▼❪❴❳◗▲❍❜ ◆❍t ❍❣❴▼❪✐
✐❍ ❳❦❪ ❺❸❷ ❸▲ ❳❦✐❜ ❪❍t ✇❪ t❪⑤❪▼▲❋ ◆ s◆❜❳❪◗ ❪❢❣◆❳✐▲❍ s▲t❪▼ ❫▲◗ ❳❦❪ t❪❍❜✐❳❭ s◆❳◗✐❿ ⑥◆❜❪t ▲❍ ❳❦❪
❳❦❪▲◗❭ ▲❫ ▲❋❪❍ ❢❣◆❍❳❣s ❜❭❜❳❪s❜➀❷ ❽❳ ◆❴❴▲❣❍❳❜ ❫▲◗ ❳❦❪ ❦❭❋❪◗❫✐❍❪ ◆❍t ➁❪❪s◆❍ ✐❍❳❪◗◆❴❳✐▲❍ ⑥❪❳✇❪❪❍
❪▼❪❴❳◗▲❍✐❴ ◆❍t ❍❣❴▼❪◆◗ ❜❋✐❍ ▲❫ ❳❦❪ ♠◆ ✐❍❳❪◗❜❳✐❳✐◆▼ ❜❋✐❍ ❫✐▼❳❪◗✐❍④ t❪❫❪❴❳❜❷ ❸❦❪ s▲t❪▼ ✐❜ ⑥◆❜❪t ▲❍ ◆❍
❪❿❋◆❍❜✐▲❍ ▲❫ ❳❦❪ t❪❍❜✐❳❭ s◆❳◗✐❿ ✐❍ ❳❪◗s❜ ▲❫ ❳❦❪ ✐❍❍❪◗ ❋◗▲t❣❴❳ ❜❋◆❴❪ ❫▲◗s❪t ⑥❭ ❳❦❪ ➂⑦➃⑩❩ ➂⑦➄⑩ ◆❍t
➂⑦➅⑩ ④❪❍❪◗◆❳▲◗❜❷ ❸❦❪ s▲t❪▼ ◗❪❋◗▲t❣❴❪❜ ❴▲◗◗❪❴❳▼❭ ❳❦❪ s◆✐❍ ❫❪◆❳❣◗❪❜ ▲❫ ❳❦❪ ❪❿❋❪◗✐s❪❍❳◆▼ ◗❪❜❣▼❳❜
❜❣❴❦ ◆❜ ❺➆ ✐❍❳❪❍❜✐❳❭ ◆❍t t❪④◗❪❪ ▲❫ ❋▲▼◆◗✐❯◆❳✐▲❍ ◆❜ ❫❣❍❴❳✐▲❍❜ ▲❫ ❳❦❪ s◆④❍❪❳✐❴ ❫✐❪▼t ◆❍t ❪❿❴✐❳◆❳✐▲❍

➈➉➊➋➌➍➎➏➉ ➐➏➍➑➒➍➌➓ ➔➍→➋➣➉➋ ↔➍➣➐ ↕➔↔➙➛ ➜➝➣➐➞➉➎➏➝➣ ↔➍➣➐ ↕➜↔➙ ➍➣➐ ➟➍➒➍➌➍➑➣➋➎➏➉ ➎➒➍➠➡ ↕➟➢➙ ➏➣ ➤➍➥➡➦

➧➨➩ ➥➫ ➭➞➣➝→➐➛ ➥➫ ↔➍→➝➉➉➊➏➛ ➯➫ ➲➊➍➝➛ ➢➫ ➥➌➍➣➐➛ ➦➫ ↔➫ ➥➳➐➍→→➍➊➛ ➵➫ ➜➫ ➸➍➒➌➍➣➐➛ ➍➣➐ ➺➫ ➻➍➒➏➋➛

➟➊➼➡➫ ➽➋➾➫ ↔➛ ➚➶➛ ➨➹➘➴➷➴ ↕➴➷➨➨➙
➧➴➩ ➬➫ ➟➞➎➎➏➡➝➣➑➛ ➺➫ ➵➫ ➮➍➣➑➛ ➱➫ ➥➫ ↔➞➼➍➣➝➾➍➛ ✃➫ ➤➋➋→➊➍➍➒➛ ➸➫ ➽➏➋➉➊➋➒➎➛ ➥➫ ➵➫ ➟➎➍❐➛ ➜➫ ➮➫ ➢➞➛ ➍➣➐ ➮➫ ➻➫ ➜➊➋➣➛
➦➍➎➫ ➜➝➌➌➞➣➫➛ ➨❒➘➨ ↕➴➷➨➶➙
➧➶➩ ➸➫ ↔➒➋➞➋➒ ➍➣➐ ➯➫ ➟➋➎➒➞➉➉➏➝➣➋➛ ❮❰Ï Ð❰ÏÑÒÓ ÑÔ ÑÕÏÖ ×ØÙÖÐØÚ ÛÓÛÐÏÚÛ➛ ➉➊➫ ➶➫
➦➋Ü ➬➝➒❐➓ ÝÞß➝➒➐ à➣➏➾➋➒➡➏➎➼ ➟➒➋➡➡ ↕➴➷➷➹➙➫

Holographic Hawking-Page transition

Néstor Gaspar R.
Departamento de Física, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, San Rafael
Atlixco 186, C.P. 09340, Ciudad de México, México.

KEY WORDS: AdS/CFT duality, Hawking-Page phase transition, color confinement, black
Originally proposed by Maldacena1, holographic duality, or AdS/CFT duality is a
conjectured relationship between two kinds of physical theories. On one side are anti-de
Sitter spaces (AdS) which are used in theories of quantum gravity, formulated in terms
of string theory or M-theory. On the other side of the correspondence are conformal field
theories (CFT) which are quantum field theories, including theories similar to the Yang–
Mills theories that describe elementary particles.
Hawking-Page transition appears when introducing a termic bath in AdS spacetime;
a black hole is formed from a critical temperature Tc onwards. Since the first derivative of
free energy, 𝑆 = 𝜕 T F, is discontinuous there, this is a first-order phase transition.
In the context of AdS/CFT duality, this is a holographic phase transition in the
following sense: SAdS black hole describes the plasma phase in the boundary field theory
whereas termic AdS spacetime describes the confining phase. At high temperature the TAdS
spacetime undergoes a first-order phase transition to the SAdS black hole. Then, the phase
transition describes a confinement/deconfinement transition in the dual gauge theory.

Field theory in the boundary of AdS

J. Maldacena, “The Large N limit of superconformal field theories and supergravity,” Adv. Theor. Math.
Phys. 2 (1998) 231, hep-th/9711200

2 Full Program

Full Program
Wednesday 17 Thursday 18 Friday 19
10:00 – 11:00 Registration &
11:00 – 11:30 Open Ceremony Chair: Plenary Lecture Chair: Plenary Lecture
Carlos Patricia Saavedra Mario Román Linares
Acosta Sandoval
11:30 – 11:45 Chair: Plenary Lecture
Nahúm Enrique Díaz
11:45 – 12:00 Méndez Lecture 1T Lecture 1F
Ernesto Flores María Flores
12:00 – 12:15 Lecture 1W Lecture 2T Chair: Lecture 2F
Juan C. Sandoval Nahum Méndez Kenia Ana Zamudio
12:15 – 12:30 Lecture 2W Lecture 3T Juayerk Lecture 3F
Belén Carvente J. C. Hidalgo Oscar Gutierrez

12:30 – 12:45 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break

12:45 – 13:00 Chair: Lecture 3W Chair: Lecture 4T Chair: Lecture 4F

Belén Alonso Jiménez Néstor Carlos Acosta Daniel Víctor Ibarra
13:00 – 13:15 Carvente Lecture 4W Gaspar Lecture 5T Martínez Lecture 5F
A. Arreola-Lucas Daniel Martínez Nestor Gaspar
13:15 – 13:30 Lecture 5W Lecture 6T Discussion
Manuel de la Cruz Kenia Juayerk
13:30 – 13:45 Lecture 6W Lecture 7T Closure & Lunch
Filiberto Ramírez Juan C. Ruelas
 Plenary Lectures 30 min
 Secondary Lectures 15 min
 All the lectures will be presented at the terrace of postgraduate building

3 List of Participants

Wednesday 17

 Prof. Enrique Díaz-Herrera

Phase and Interface Behaviour of Discotic Liquid Crystals and Binary Mixture
 Juan C. Sandoval Santana
SPINTRONICS: Detection of Flip-flop in GaAsN Alloys at Room Temperature

 Belén Carvente Mendoza

What is (not) Dark Matter?
 Alonso Jiménez
Two-Dimensional Motion of Brownian Swimmers in Linear Flows
 Juan C. Ruelas Vázquez
About Selfadjoint Extensions of a Loop Quantum Cosmology Hamiltonian in the Path Integral Formalism
 Manuel de la Cruz
A First Approach to Young-Mills SU(2) Gauge Theories
 Filiberto Ramírez
Band Structure of a Locally Periodic Elastic System with Two Impurities

 Plenary Lectures 30 min

 Secondary Lectures 15 min
 All the lectures will be presented at the terrace of postgraduate building

Thursday 18

 Prof. Patricia Saavedra-Barrera

Stability of traveling waves in Traffic Flow
 Ernesto Flores-González
Towards the Propagator of a Polymer Scalar Field Through the Path Integral Formalism
 Nahúm Méndez-Alba
Deformability of Red Blood Cells using Optical Tweezers
 Julio C. Hidalgo Gonzalez
Non-Markovian Brownian Motion of a Harmonic Oscillator Across a Magnetic Field
 Carlos Acosta Zepeda
Slit diffraction patterning of silicon surfaces by ns-laser irradiation: theory and experiment

 Daniel Martínez-Carbajal
Spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Higgs mechanism
 Kenia L. Juayerk
A Deterministic Model of Ion Channel Kinetics
 A. Arreola-Lucas
Experimental Elastic Resonances: Analysis in Frequency and in the time Domain

 Plenary Lectures 30 min

 Secondary Lectures 15 min
 All the lectures will be presented at the terrace of postgraduate building

Friday 19

 Prof. Román Linares

Duality Symmetries Behind Solutions of the Classical Simple Pendulum

 María G. Flores Sánchez

Implantation of Composed Scaffold of PLA/HA Coated with Polypyrrole for Generating Neotissue-bone in Rabbit
 Ana Zamudio
Understanding Flock Behavior
 Oscar Gutierrez
Swimming Sawtooth Sheet in a Stokes Flow
 V. G. Ibarra-Sierra
Spin Dynamics in GaAsN
 Nestor Gaspar
Holographic Hawking-Page Transition

 Plenary Lectures 30 min

 Secondary Lectures 15 min
 All the lectures will be presented at the terrace of postgraduate building

This conference would not have been possible without nancial support. We thank the Physics Department
for supporting the First Physics Postgraduate Meeting.

Organizing committee

Organizing committee

 MSc. Carlos Acosta Zepeda

Operation and planning

 MSc. Nahúm Méndez Alba

Communication and registration

 MSc. Daniel Martínez Carbajal


 Ph.D. Octavio Cienega Cacerez


Physics Department Direction

 Ph. D. José Luis Hernández Pozos

Physics Department Head

 Ph. D. Abel Camacho Quintana

Physics Postgraduate Coordinator

 Plenary Lectures 30 min

 Secondary Lectures 15 min
 All the lectures will be presented at the terrace of postgraduate building

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