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Compurers & Srrucrures Vol. 66. No. I, pp.

79-92, 1998

Pergamon 0 1997 Ekvier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

Printed in Great Britain
PII: soo45-7949(97)ooo45-x 004s7949/98 $19.00 + 0.00



C.P. Pantelides? and X. Mat

TDepartment of Civil Engineering, University of Utah, 104 Energy and Minerals Research office
Building, Salt Lake City, UT, U.S.A.
SSkilling Ward Magnusson Barkshire Inc., Seattle, WA, U.S.A.

(Received 19 December 1996; accepted 18 April 1997)

Abstract-Structural pounding occurs frequently during strong earthquakes between two buildings or
different parts of the same building. Structural pounding can also occur in bridges in the longitudinal
direction at the abutments or at expansion hinges, and laterally between narrowly separated superstruc-
tures. The dynamic behavior of a damped single-degree-of-freedom (SDF) structural system with one-
sided pounding during an earthquake is examined. The structural response of the SDF structure with
either elastic or inelastic structural behavior is analyzed. The pounding phenomenon is modeled as a
Hertz impact force, which represents the behavior of two colliding bodies during a completely elastic
impact. Artificial, as well as actual earthquake excitations, and realistic parameters for the pounding
model are used in numerical evaluations of the seismic response. The effects of separation distance and
inelastic structural behavior on the magnitude of the pounding force are examined. An increase in the
damping energy absorption capacity of the pounding structure results in the reduction of the pounding
forces. The present model and method of analysis can be used in investigations of pounding between
buildings or pounding which occurs in bridges during strong earthquakes. 0 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd

Key words-Elridges, Buildings, Earthquakes, Nonlinear pounding, Pounding force, Seismic gap

IVTRODUCTION more bridges; and (3) when adjacent buildings with

Structural pounding of buildings during earth- different structural characteristics are separated by
quakes is a well-documentedphenomenon. In the a small enough distance so that pounding can
Alaska earthquake of 1964, the tower of the occur. The resulting damage from structural pound-
Anchorage Westward hotel was damaged by pound- ing can be divided into four categories: (1) major
ing with an adjoining three-story ballroom portion structural damage; (2) failure and falling of building
of the hotel [ 11. Pounding damage was also observed appurtenances creating a life-safety hazard; (3) loss
in Caracas during the Venezuela earthquake of of building function due to failure of mechanical,
1967 [2]. In the San Fernando earthquake of 1971, electrical, or fire protection systems; and (4) archi-
the second story of the Olive View hospital struck tectural, nonstructural, and/or minor structural
the outside stairtower; in addition, the first floor of damage.
the hospital hit against a neighboring warehouse [3]. In bridges, impact between decks and abutments
In the 1972 Managua earthquake [4], the 1977 had been observed in the 1971 San Fernando earth-
Romania earthquake [5], the 1977 Thessaloniki quake. In the 1994 Northridge earthquake at the
earthquake [6], and the 1981 Central Greece earth- Interstate 5 and State Road 14 interchange, which
quakes [7], many b’uildings were damaged because was located approximately 12 km from the epicen-
of structural pounding. In the 1985 Mexico City ter, significant pounding damage was observed at
earthquake, in at least 15% of the 330 collapsed or expansion hinges and abutments of standing por-
severely damaged buildings, collapse and damage tions of a number of bridges [lo]. In the 1995
were directly caused by pounding [8]. In the 1989 Hyogo-Ken Nanbu earthquake in Kobe, Japan,
Loma Prieta earthquake, extensive building damage longitudinal movements of the elements of the
and collapse due to structural pounding were Hanshin Expressway superstructure reached 0.30 m
observed [9]. and caused considerable pounding damage at
Structural pounding damage in buildings can expansion joints [ 111.
arise from at least three situations: (1) when adja- Structural pounding is a serious seismic hazard
cent units of the same building are separated and deserves further study of its characteristics and
through expansion or construction joints; (2) when consequences. Most studies on structural pounding,
units of the same building, or adjacent different model the pounding phenomenon using a linear
buildings, are far apart but are connected by one or elastic spring which is placed at the contact point
80 C. P. Pantelides and X. Ma

between the colliding structures [12,13]. In bridges, 00

the effect of pounding between the deck and abut-
ment on the bridge design was presented in Ref.
[14]. The effects of impact energy losses occurring
between the abutment and deck have also been stu-
died [15]. A new model of the impact between two
structural systems was used by Davis, who
employed a nonlinear spring in an impact oscillator
that was subjected to a harmonic excitation[l6].
In the present paper, the model proposed by
Davis is utilized to examine the behavior of a
damped SDF structural system with one-sided
impact during earthquakes. Both elastic and inelas-
tic material behavior of the SDF structure are con-
sidered. Realistic structural parameters, I--------1 &-I
representative values of the nonlinear stiffness for
colliding concrete bodies, and ground accelerations
from both historical and artificial earthquakes are
used to study the structural pounding phenomenon.


Physical models for pounding in buildings and

bridges which are subjected to a horizontal earth-
quake are shown in Fig. 1. In all three cases, a sim- (cl
plified SDF idealization of the damped inelastic
structural system undergoing one-sided structural
pounding is made. It should be noted that the one-
sided pounding model produces more severe effects
than two-sided pounding. In the present paper,
attention is focused on the effects of pounding as
they relate to the flexible structure in Figs 1 and 2.
The rigid structure in Figs 1 and2 is assumed to
remain stationary: x(t) is the lateral displacement of
the flexible structure relative to the ground, a is the Fig. 1. Structural pounding: (a) adjacent buildings; (b)
separation distance between the flexible and rigid horizontal pounding at expansion joints in bridges; (c) lat-
structure, and R,(t) is the earthquake ground accel- eral pounding at bridge piers.
eration. The inelastic behavior of the SDF system is
modeled using an elastoplastic force-displacement renders Equation (1) as nonlinear and makes poss-
relationship for the structural stiffness. The ible the evolution of chaotic response. The chaotic
equation of motion for the flexible structure in behavior of the linear SDF system has been studied
Fig. 2 is extensively by Davis [16]. In the present paper, the
effects of using Equations (2aHb) to represent the
mji(t) + cli(t) + /@)x(t) + F(t) = --m&(t), (1) pounding model are investigated for both elastic
and inelastic structures.
where an overdot denotes time derivative; m, c, k(t)
denote the mass, damping, and inelastic stiffness of
the SDF model of the structure; F(t) is the impact
force between the SDF system and the neighboring
rigid structure modeled through a Hertz nonlinear The effect of the earthquake excitation’s fre-
spring [16]. In this model, the impact force can be quency on the response of pounding elastic struc-
expressed as tural systems is examined in this section. In
F(t) = R[x(t) - u]3’2, x(t)>a addition the effects of the separation distance and
damping of the flexible elastic structure on the mag-
F(f) = 0, x(t)<a, nitude of the pounding force are investigated.
where R is the impact stiffness parameter, which Pounding of elastic structure during artificial sinusoi-
depends on the material of the two structures that dal earthquake
come in contact, as well as the contact surface geo- This example examines the possibility that
metry [17]. The presence of the Hertz coefficient 3/2 pounding may or may not occur depending on the
Linear and nonlinear pounding of structural systems 81

(a) sidered in this example [18]. The record has a

duration of 53.73 s and a peak acceleration of
0.3488. A SDF structural system is used in one-
x(t) Z-a-1 Rigid sided pounding with a period T = 1 s, damping
ratio of 2% critical, a = 25 mm, and impact stiff-
ness parameter R = 80 kN mmP3j2.
Effect of natural period. The response of the elas-
tic structure with period T = 1 s defined above is
compared to that of another SDF structural system
with period To= 3 s, damping = 2% critical,
a = 25 mm and R = 80 kN rnrne312 for the 1940 El-
Centro earthquake. Whereas pounding occurs for
the structure with period T as well as the structure
with period To, some differences exist as shown in
Fig. 5. The peak displacement of the more flexible
structure with period To is approximately 2.3 times
Flexible that of the structure with period T [Fig. 5(a)]. How-
ever, the peak acceleration, and peak pounding
force of the structure with period r, are approxi-
mately 79% of the structure with period T
[Fig. 5(b)]. These results indicate that structures
with different periods of vibration may sustain
different levels of damage under identical pounding
conditions during the same earthquake.
Fig. 2. One-sided pounding in a building: (a) before EfSect of damping. An elastic structural system
pounding [x(t) < Q]; (b) during pounding [x(t) 2 a].
with period T = 1 s is considered in this example.
The separation distance is assumed as a = 25 mm,
excitation frequency. The properties of the SDF
and the impact stiffness parameter
elastic structure are as follows: mass m = 350 Mg,
R = 80 kN mmP312. Two damping ratios are con-
elastic stiffness k = 10.5 kNmm-‘, damping
sidered: 5, = 2 and t2= 8% of critical. The latter is
5 = 2% of critical; the period of the structural sys-
chosen to represent the damping capacity of a
tem is 1.15 s. The separation distance is assumed to
structure which is equipped with some form of pas-
be a = 25 mm and the value of the impact stiffness
sive control device such as a friction damper, met-
parameter is defined as R = 80 kN mmP3”. An arti-
allic damper, fluid damper or viscoelastic damper
ficial earthquake in the form of a sinusoidal exci-
[19], or with an active control system such as the
tation with a magnitude of O.lg is used as the
active bracing system or an active mass damper [20].
ground acceleration, and two cases of excitation fre-
Figure 6 shows the structural response comparison
quency are considered: fi = 2 Hz and fi = 0.67 Hz.
between the two damping cases for the 1940 El-
As shown in Fig. 3(a), when the excitation has a
Centro earthquake. For the case of increased damp-
frequency equal to fi the displacement never
ing, the peak displacement is reduced by 50%
exceeds 25 mm and no pounding develops.
[Fig. 6(a)], and the peak acceleration and pounding
However, when the excitation has a frequency equal
force are reduced by 65% [Fig. 6(b)]. In addition,
to f2, pounding is present. Figure 3(a) shows the
the number of pounding occurrences is reduced by
displacement of the SDF structure for the two exci-
Fig. 3(b) shows the acceleration, and 70%.
In order to examine the effect of damping on the
Fig. 3(c) shows tha pounding force in the case of
separation distance required to prevent pounding,
excitation f2. The peak acceleration when pounding
known as the seismic gap, a series of separation dis-
occurs (frequency js), is approximately seven times
tances were studied from a = 25 mm to where
that of the nonpounding case (frequency fi). The
pounding does not occur, at an interval of
value of the pounding force is approximately equal
12.5 mm. Three damping ratios were considered:
to 4.5 MN. This example shows the importance of
5,=2%, t2=8% and t3=20%. The results are
the excitation frequency as to the occurrence of
shown in Fig. 7: the horizontal axis is the separ-
structural pounding; in addition, it demonstrates
ation distance and the vertical axis is the maximum
that the pounding forces that can be developed are
significant. pounding force during the 1940 El-Centro earth-
quake. With the increase in damping, the peak
structural response is reduced. For ti=2%, no
Pounding of elastic structure during the Imperial Val-
pounding takes place when the separation distance
ley SOOE El-Centro earthquake of 18 May 1940
is greater than ait,,,= 175 mm; for t2 = 8% the seis-
The SOOE component of the El-Centro earth- mic gap is ali,,, = 100 mm, and for 53 = 20% the seis-
quake of 18 May 1940, shown in Fig. 4(a), is con- mic gap is aiim = 75 mm. These results are in general
82 C. P. Pantelides and X. Ma



z 20
.z -20


0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (set)

c -0.2
rj -0.4
2 -0.6

0 5 10 15 20 25

Time (set)



z‘ 3.5
E 3.0

8 2.5
s 2.0
0 1.5
1 .o


0 r

Time (set)

Fig. 3. Response of SDF elastic structure during artificial sinusodial earthquake: (a) displacement, (b)
acceleration, (c) pounding force; __- f, = 2 Hz, ---&=0.67 Hz.
Linear and nonlinear pounding of structural systems 83


-0.40 ,,......,,,.........,.........,.........,.........,
0 IO 20 30 40 50
Time (set)

._8 0.60
e 0
: -0.60

0 10 20 30 40 SO

Time (xc)



s a
0 -0.;15

-0.30 , . I.. . . . a.I.. I,, ., , , , ., , , , , ., , , , ., ,

10 20 30 )
Time (set)
I .oo ,

e 0
z -O.!iO
-I .oo
0 20 30 40 50

Time (set)
Fig. 4. Historical earthquakes: (a) Imperial Valley SOOEcomponent of 1940 El-Centro; (b) S16E com-
ponent of 1971 San Fernando; (c) Channel 8 of 1989 Loma Prieta; (d) 90” component of the Santa
Monica record of 1994 Northridge.
C. P. Pantelides and X. Ma

Time (set)


‘L -1
15 20 25 30
Time (set)

Fig. 5. Effect of the natural period on pounding of elastic structure: (a) displacement, (b) pounding
force; --- T = 1s, - TO=3 s.

agreement with more detailed studies using analyti- the maximum velocity over a separation distance
cal models of viscoelastic dampers [21]. ranging from 12.5 mm to the particular seismic sep-
A response spectrum for a SDF elastic structure aration distance, atim, for that structure’s period
with periods ranging from 0.1 to 3.0 s, at an inter- beyond which no pounding occurs. For stiff struc-
val of 0.1 s, was constructed using three damping tures with a period less than 0.3 s the response is
ratios of 2, 8 and 20% of critical for the 1940 El- affected only slightly with the increase in damping.
Centro earthquake. The impact stiffness parameter For flexible structures with a period longer than
was assumed as R = 80 kN rnrne3”. The results are 0.3 s the response is reduced significantly with the
shown in Fig. 8, where the horizontal axis indicates increase in damping. In addition, the increase from
the structure’s period and the vertical axis denotes 2 to 8% of critical damping seems to be more effec-
Linear and nonlinear pounding of structural systems 85




& 0
m -50


0 15 20 25 30
Time (set)


15 20 25
Time (set)

Fig. 6. Effect of damping on pounding of elastic structure: (a) displacement, (b) acceleration; ~
r = 2%, - 5 = 8%.

tive than the increase from 8 to 20% in reducing least (0.375 x R,) times the displacement due to
the structure’s response. seismic forces, where R, is a factor which defines
the lateral force resisting system. For bridges, the
Parametric study oJ separation distance
AASHTO 1995 Interim Provisions specify minimum
The value of the separation distance, a, between support length requirements at the expansion ends
two structures whilch is st&iciently large to prevent
of all girders [23]. However, even though the pro-
pounding in an earthquake is known as the seismic
visions encourage consideration of relative displace-
gap. Building Codes have recognized the existence
of a safe seismic separation distance. The Uniform ments between different segments of the bridge,
Building Code-UBC [22]-specifies that the separ- they do not provide specific guidelines for separ-
ation distance between two buildings shall be at ation distances to prevent pounding. Similarly, no

CAS 66/l-D
86 C. P. Pantelides and X. Ma

15 100 125

Separation distance (mm)

Fig. 7. Effect of damping on seperation distance and maximum level of pounding force: W 5 = 2%, 0
5 = 8%, A 5 = 20%.

provisions are given for prevention of lateral is the maximum pounding force during the earth-
pounding of the type shown in Fig. l(c). quake, and the horizontal axis is the separation dis-
A parametric study was undertaken to examine tance, a. Four earthquakes were examined as shown
the UBC code requirements for a structure modeled in Fig. 4: (1) the Imperial Valley SOOE component
as a SDF elastic structural system with period of the 1940 El-Centro; (2) the S16E component of
T = 1 s, damping ratio 4 = 2% of critical, and the 1971 San Fernando; (3) the Channel 8 of the
impact stiffness parameter R = 80 kN mmp3’*. A 1989 Loma Prieta; and (4) the 90” component of
series of separation distances were studied from the Santa Monica record of the 1994 Northridge
a = 25 mm up to where a was sufficiently large to earthquake [18]. As shown in Fig. 9, no pounding
prevent pounding, at an interval of 12.5 mm. The occurs when the separation distance is greater than
results are shown in Fig. 9 in which the vertical axis 175 mm for the El-Centro earthquake, 238 mm for


I.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

Period (set)

Fig. 8. Effect of damping on velocity response spectrum for SDF elastic structure: + 5 = 2%, n
5 = 8%, A < = 20%.
Linear and nonlinear pounding of structural systems 87


100 , 125 . 150

. 175 200 2i5 - 250
- 2;5 3do 3;s -
Separation distance (mm)

Fig. 9. Maximum pounding force as a function of seperation distance: + = 1940 El-Centro, n = 1971
San Fernando, A = 1989 Loma Prieta, l = 1994 Northridge.

the Northridge earthquake, 250 mm for the Loma A fourth-order Runge-Kutta integration algorithm
Prieta earthquaki: and 338 mm for the San is used to solve Equation (1). Comparisons are
Fernando earthquake. Thus, assuming that the de- made between the response of a SDF structural sys-
sign earthquake was the 1940 El-Centro earth- tem with elastic or inelastic structural behavior
quake, and the basic structural system was a under the condition of one-sided pounding in terms
bearing wall system with a concrete shearwall lat- of the separation distance.
eral force resisting system (R,= 6), the separation
distance required by the UBC would be equal to
Pounding of inelastic structure during the Imperial
0.375 x (6) x (175) = 394 mm; this separation dis-
Valley SOOE El-Centro earthquake of 18 May 1940
tance would be sufficient to prevent pounding from
occurring for any of the other three earthquakes. It In this section, the one-sided pounding of a SDF
should be noted that the above results are not very structural system simulating a reinforced concrete
sensitive with respect to the value of the impact building with inelastic behavior is studied for the
stiffness parameter, R. The UBC code values for 1940 El-Centro earthquake. The properties of the
the seismic separation distance to avoid pounding structure considered in this section are as follows:
are seen to be conservative, which is in agreement mass = 87.55 Mg, elastic stiffness = 3.5 kN mm-‘,
with previous studies [24,25]. plastic stiffness = 0, ductility = 4, damping = 2%
of critical; the period of the structure for elastic vi-
brations is T = 1 s. The value of the impact stiff-
ness parameter is assumed as R = 80 kN rnrne3’*.
Two cases are considered for the structure
For an economical seismic design, the inelastic described above. In the first case, the separation dis-
behavior of the structure must be considered. In tance is sufficiently large so that pounding does not
this paper, the elastoplastic shear-displacement re- occur; in the second case, the separation distance
lationship [26] is used to model the inelastic beha- a = 25 mm for which one-sided pounding does
vior of a SDF structural system with one-sided occur. Figure 10 shows a comparison of the two
pounding during a strong earthquake. Equation (1) cases during the SOOE component of the 1940 El-
is used as the equation of motion and the inelastic Centro earthquake. The peak displacement in the
behavior of the structure is modeled by k(t) with no-pounding case is 127 mm, whereas for the one-
the elastic portion of the stiffness k, = 3.5 kN mm-‘, sided pounding case it is equal to -147 mm. The
and k,= 0 for the plastic portion. The behavior of one-sided nature of the pounding for the inelastic
the SDF inelastic structure with or without pound- SDF structure is evident. However, as Fig. 10(b)
ing is examined for appropriate levels of ductility. demonstrates, the peak acceleration when pounding
88 C. P. Pantelides and X. Ma



Time (s&c)


e -0.5


5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (set)

15 20 25 30
Time (see)

Fig. 10. Response of SDF inelastic structure during the 1940 El-Centro earthquake: (a) displacement,
(b) acceleration, (c) pounding force; --- with pounding, -- without pounding.
Linear and nonlinear pounding of structural systems 89

occurs is 1.6g, which is approximately four times tic structure with the same mass, an elastic
the peak acceleration of the no-pounding case. This stiffness = 3.5 kN mm-’ and a damping level of
result shows that pounding must be considered in 5 = 2% of critical. In both cases a separation dis-
seismic design. The pounding force is given in tance of = 25 mm is used. The time-histories of the
Fig. IO(c); pounding occurs only twice in the responses of the elastic and inelastic structures for
pounding case with a peak value of pounding force the four earthquakes used above are investigated.
equal to 1245 kN. The acceleration response for the elastic and inelas-
tic structure for the four earthquakes of Fig. 4 is
Comparison of pounding response for elastic and shown in Fig. 11. The inelastic structure has con-
inelastic structure siderably smaller accelerations as compared to the
The response of the inelastic structural system elastic structure. The peak responses of the elastic
described above 4.1, is compared to that of an elas- and inelastic structure for displacement, accelera-

’ ,







-6 -I-
0 15

Time (set)

_ (b)

5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (set)
Fig. ll(a, b).
90 C. P. Pantelides and X. Ma



a -2
2 -3



0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Time (set)





15 20 25 30

Time (set)

Fig. 11. Comparison of accceleration response of SDF elastic and inelastic structure: (a) 1940 El-
Centro, (b) 1971 San Fernando, (c) 1989 Loma Prieta, (d) 1994 Northridge; --- elastic, -

tion, pounding force and number of pounding pounding occurrences are considerably less in the
occurrences are shown in Table 1. Even though the inelastic case as compared to the elastic case.
maximum displacement of the inelastic structure is These results indicate that the inelastic behavior
larger than that of the elastic structure, the maxi- of structures under pounding is less conservative
mum acceleration is considerably less. Moreover, than the elastic behavior assumption. This may help
the maximum pounding force and number of explain why adjoining buildings that have different
Linear and nonlinear pounding of structural systems 91

Table 1. Maximum elastic and inelastic response of SDF Structure with pounding
Earthquake Displacement (mm) Acceleration (g) Pounding force (kN) Number of poundings
Elastic Inelastic Elastic Inelastic Elastic Inelastic Elastic Inelastic
1940 El-Centro 145 145 5.8 1.8 4670 1120 35 2
1971 San Fernando 248 598 10.1 1.4 8500 1080 21 1
1989Loma Prieta 192 198 5.5 1.5 4680 1240 25 1
1994 Northridge 206 456 11.3 5.0 9060 4020 24 1

periods and are not separated by a distance less pounding, respond in a satisfactory manner during
than the seismic <gap, and thus would be expected earthquakes.
to experience damage due to pounding, have shown The seismic gap required to prevent pounding
satisfactory response in past earthquakes [8]. The was compared to the requirements of the Uniform
behavior of inelastic structures during pounding is Building Code using four earthquakes. It was found
an encouraging observation for efforts to consider that the code values for moderate damping are con-
an alternative to the seismic separation gap pro- servative as compared to the actual seismic separ-
vision in the design of structures to minimize the ation distance found through analysis of SDF
effect of pounding. Many investigators have pro- structural systems. The value of the seismic gap is
posed that building codes should consider alterna- reduced significantly as the damping capacity of the
tive regulations other than the seismic gap, such as pounding structure is increased. For flexible struc-
including in the design and detailing of adjacent tures, for which providing the appropriate separ-
buildings the possibility that pounding will occur ation distance is not possible, such as existing
[9,24,27], or by linking the adjacent structures buildings, an increase in the damping capacity of
through a link and beam system[28]. the pounding structure by means of passive or
active structural control and proper structural
detailing is an effective alternative for reducing
damage due to pounding. Building codes should
CONCLUSIONS consider specifying a less conservative seismic gap
in such cases.
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92 C. P. Pantelides and X. Ma

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