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With accurate
readings Electronics
Practical Experiments Paper-II

Prof. Dattaraj Vidyasagar

Vidyasagar Academy, Practical Booklet of XII Bifocal Electronics,



Vidyasagar Academy, Practical Booklet of XII Bifocal Electronics,


Experiment 1–(Set-II)

Name– Study of basic gates.

Aim – to study the working of basic gates like AND gate, OR gate and NOT gate.
Apparatus – IC 7404, IC 7408, IC 7432, circuit board, power supply +5V DC, LED, connecting wires,
soldering iron, cutter etc.

Circuit diagrams –

330 330 330

Circuit diagrams of AND gate, OR gate & NOT gate

r g
A B Y = A.B A B Y = A+B A Y= A

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 0 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

Truth tables of AND gate, OR gate & NOT gate

Pin configurations of the ICs –

s a
v Pin configurations of AND gate, OR gate & NOT gate ICs

Specifications of components –

Type of component Specifications

IC 7404 Hex inverter, NOT gate
IC 7408 Quad 2–input AND gate
IC 7432 Quad 2–input OR gate
Resistors 330, ¼W, carbon composition, 5% tolerance
LED Color: RED, VF = 1.65V
Diodes 1N4001 rectifier diode
Capacitor 1000F/25V electrolytic capacitor
Transformer 6V–0V–6V, 500mA secondary transformer
IC 7805 +5V, 3–terminal regulator IC

Vidyasagar Academy, Practical Booklet of XII Bifocal Electronics,

Procedure –
1) You are given IC 7404, IC 7408 and IC 7432. Identify the ICs by reading their numbers and details
from above given pin configurations and specifications.
2) Solder the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram.
3) Connect final output of the circuit to the anode of the LED.
4) Verify the truth table for each type of logic gate by giving different logic inputs.
5) Write the observed truth tables of each gate and hence, write logic equation of output of each gate.

Note – write observed truth tables on left page of practical record book with pencil only.

Conclusion – it is found that –

1) For an AND gate, when its both inputs = 1, then only its output = 1.
2) For an OR gate, when any one of its inputs = 1, then its output = 1.
3) For a NOT gate, when its input = 1, then its output = 0 and vice versa. Since it inverts the input

signal at output, it is also called as inverter.

. o r
a r
a g
v s

Vidyasagar Academy, Practical Booklet of XII Bifocal Electronics,


Experiment 2–(Set-II)

Name–study of De Morgan’s both theorems.

Aim – to study the De Morgan’s theorems and their working using logic circuits.
Apparatus –IC 7404, IC 7408, IC 7432, circuit board, power supply +5V DC, LED, connecting wires,
soldering iron, cutter etc.
Circuit diagrams –

Circuit diagrams for De Morgan’s both theorems

r g
A B LHS = A.B A B LHS = A  B RHS = A . B

RHS = A  B
0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0

1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0

Truth tables for both the theorems

Pin configurations of the ICs –

v s Pin configurations of AND gate, OR gate & NOT gate ICs

Specifications of components –

Type of component Specifications

IC 7404 Hex inverter, NOT gate
IC 7408 Quad 2–input AND gate
IC 7432 Quad 2–input OR gate
Resistors 330, ¼W, carbon composition, 5% tolerance
LED Color: RED, VF = 1.65V
Diodes 1N4001 rectifier diode
Capacitor 1000F/25V electrolytic capacitor
Transformer 6V–0V–6V, 500mA secondary transformer
IC 7805 +5V, 3–terminal regulator IC

Vidyasagar Academy, Practical Booklet of XII Bifocal Electronics,

Procedure –
1) You are given IC 7404, IC 7408 and IC 7432. Identify the ICs by reading their numbers and details
from above given pin configurations.
2) Connect the gates with their respective pin numbers to satisfy both De Morgan’s theorems as shown
in the circuit diagrams.
3) Connect final output of the circuit to the LED.
4) Verify the truth table for each theorem by giving different combinations of logic inputs as shown the
respective truth tables.
5) Write the observed truth table of each theorem and hence, write the logic equation.

Conclusion – in this way, we have studied the De Morgan’s both theorems and found that –

A.B  A  B and A  B  A . B

r g
r . o
g a
s a

Vidyasagar Academy, Practical Booklet of XII Bifocal Electronics,


Experiment 3–(Set-II)

Name– study of universal building blocks – NAND gate and NOR gate.
Aim – to study the construction of basic gates using NAND gates and NOR gates.
Apparatus – IC 7400, IC 7402, circuit board, power supply +5V DC, LED, connecting wires, soldering
iron, cutter etc.
Circuit diagrams –

r g
r . o
Circuit diagrams of AND gate, OR gate & NOT gate using NAND gates & NOR gates

Pin configurations of the ICs –

s a
v Pin configurations of NAND gate & NOR gate ICs

Specifications of components –

Type of component Specifications

IC 7400 Quad 2–input NAND gate
IC 7402 Quad 2–input NOR gate (it has different pin configuration)
Resistors 330, ¼W, carbon composition, 5% tolerance
LED Color: RED, VF = 1.65V
Diodes 1N4001 rectifier diode
Capacitor 1000F/25V electrolytic capacitor
Transformer 6V–0V–6V, 500mA secondary transformer
IC 7805 +5V, 3–terminal regulator IC

Vidyasagar Academy, Practical Booklet of XII Bifocal Electronics,

Procedure –
1) You are given IC 7400 and IC 7402. Identify the ICs by reading their numbers and details from
above given pin configurations.
2) Connect the gates with their respective pin numbers to construct the circuits of basic gates using
NAND gates & NOR gates as shown in the circuit diagrams.
3) Connect final output of the circuit to the LED.
4) Verify the truth table for each theorem by giving different combinations of logic inputs as shown the
respective truth tables.
5) Write the observed truth table of each theorem and hence, write the logic equation.

A B Y = A.B A B Y = A+B A Y= A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 0 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

Theoretical truth tables of AND gate, OR gate & NOT gate

Brief theory –

1) NOT gate using NAND/NOR gates –here both input terminals of NAND/NOR gate are shorted

together. So input signal at terminal A will be equally distributed to both inputs of the gate. Hence, the
output will be the same as NOT gate with a single input. Thus, we have –

Y = A

2) AND gate using NAND/NOR gates –when two NAND gates are cascaded we get one AND gate, as

shown in the above left figure. Similarly when three NOR gates are connected as shown in the above
right figure, we can obtain an AND gate.

Y = A.B

3) OR gate using NAND/NOR gates –when two NOR gates are cascaded we get one OR gate, as shown
in the above right figure. Similarly when three NAND gates are connected as shown in the above left

figure, we can obtain an OR gate.
Y = A + B

All the ICs used in this experiment, are TTL (Transistor Transistor Logic) ICs. When the
code number printed on the body of IC, starts with 74XX series, it is called TTL IC. The
circuits of these ICs strictly run on +5V DC power supply.

Observed truth tables –

Draw observed truth tables also on left page of practical record book.

Conclusion – in this way, we have studied that –

1) NAND gates can be used to produce any type of basic gate like AND gate, OR gate & NOT gate.
Hence, NAND gate is called universal building block.
2) NOR gates can be used to produce any type of basic gate like AND gate, OR gate & NOT gate.
Hence, NOR gate is also called universal building block.

Vidyasagar Academy, Practical Booklet of XII Bifocal Electronics,


Experiment 4–(Set-II)

Name– study of Ex-OR gate using basic gates.

Aim – to study working of Ex-OR gate using basic gates and testing of IC 7486.
Apparatus – IC 7404, IC 7408, IC 7432, circuit board, another circuit board of IC 7486, power supply +5V
DC, LED, connecting wires, soldering iron, cutter etc.

Circuit diagram –

Circuit diagram of Ex-OR gate using basic gates

r g
Pin configurations of the ICs –

r .
g a
s a
v Pin configurations of AND gate, OR gate, NOT gate& Ex-OR gate ICs

Specifications of components –

Type of component
IC 7404
Hex inverter, NOT gate
IC 7408 Quad 2–input AND gate
IC 7432 Quad 2–input OR gate
IC 7486 Quad 2–input Ex-OR gate
Resistors 330, ¼W, carbon composition, 5% tolerance
LED Color: RED, VF = 1.65V
Diodes 1N4001 rectifier diode
Capacitor 1000F/25V electrolytic capacitor
Transformer 6V–0V–6V, 500mA secondary transformer
IC 7805 +5V, 3–terminal regulator IC

Vidyasagar Academy, Practical Booklet of XII Bifocal Electronics,

Procedure –
1) Identify the given ICs.
2) Construct the circuit of Ex-OR gate using basic gates. Use pieces of wires for connections.
3) Connect final output of the circuit to the LED.
4) Verify the working of the circuit and write down the observed truth table.
5) Convert the circuit into Ex-NOR gate by connecting a NOT gate at output of Ex-OR gate.
6) Connect final output of the circuit to the LED.
7) Test the circuit again and verify the results.
8) Write down theoretical and practical truth tables.
9) Test IC 7486 given on another circuit board.

Theoretical& observed truth tables (for Ex-OR & Ex-NOR gates) –

A B Y = AB A B Y = AB A B Y=A B A B Y=A B

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0

1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0

. o
Brief theory – to construct the Ex-OR gate using basic gates above circuit is used. Here one of each inputs
of both AND gates are bubbled and other inputs are direct. Its output equation with step-by-step

mathematical treatment is given as follows. Let outputs (Y1) and (Y2) are the outputs of NOT gates, given
by –

g aY1  A and Y2  B
Similarly, outputs of both AND gates are given by –
Y3  Y1.B and Y4  Y2 .A

Y3  A.B and Y4  A.B

These outputs of AND gates are inputs of OR gate. Thus, we get –

Y  Y3  Y4

Putting the values of Y3 and Y4 in the above equation we get –

 Y  A.B  A.B

And finally the equation of Ex-NOR gate will be –

Y  A .B  A.B

Conclusion –
1) Ex-OR gate can be constructed using 2–NOT gates, 2–AND gates and 1–OR gate.
2) When one more NOT gate is connected at the output of Ex-OR gate, the circuit can be converted
into Ex-NOR gate. Its output equation is given by Y  A .B  A.B
3) The IC 7486 was tested and found that it is Quad 2–input Ex-OR gate TTL IC.

Vidyasagar Academy, Practical Booklet of XII Bifocal Electronics,


Experiment 5–(Set-II)

Name– study of Ex-OR logic using NAND gates as universal building blocks.
Aim – to study the working of Ex-OR gate using derived gates i.e. NAND gates.
Apparatus – IC 7400 and IC 7486, circuit board, power supply +5V DC, LED, connecting wires, soldering
iron, cutter etc.

Circuit diagram –

Logic diagram of Ex-OR gate using NAND gates

Pin configurations of the ICs –

r g
r . o
g a
Pin configurations of NAND gate& Ex-OR gate ICs

Theoretical & observed truth tables –

0 0 0

0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0

Specifications of components –

Type of component Specifications

IC 7400 Quad 2–input NAND gate
IC 7486 Quad 2–input Ex-OR gate
Resistors 330, ¼W, carbon composition, 5% tolerance
LED Color: RED, VF = 1.65V
Diodes 1N4001 rectifier diode
Capacitor 1000F/25V electrolytic capacitor
Transformer 6V–0V–6V, 500mA secondary transformer
IC 7805 +5V, 3–terminal regulator IC

Vidyasagar Academy, Practical Booklet of XII Bifocal Electronics,

Procedure –
1) Identify the given ICs.
2) Construct the circuit of Ex-OR gate using NAND gates. Use pieces of wires for connections.
3) Connect final output of the circuit to the LED.
4) Verify the working of the circuit and write down the observed truth table.
5) Write down theoretical and practical truth tables.
6) Test IC 7486 given on same circuit board by inserting the IC.
Brief theory –

Exclusive-OR gate – it is a very special type of gate in digital electronics. It is a logic circuit whose output
becomes high only when its both inputs are UNEQUAL. Its logic equation is –

Y=AB or Y  A.B  A.B

The Ex–OR addition rules for all possible combinations of inputs are –
a) When A = B = 0, Y = A.B  A.B = 0

b) When A = 0, B = 1, Y = A.B  A.B = 1
c) When A = 1, B = 0, Y = A.B  A.B = 1 A B Y=AB

d) When A = B = 1, Y = A.B  A.B = 0 0 0 0
0 1 1

1 0 1

1 1 0

Symbol & truth table of Ex–OR gate

Ex-OR gate using NAND gates –
The output of left NAND gate, Y1 is given by –

Y1  A.B

Now outputs of middle NAND gates, Y2 and Y3 are given by –
 
Y2  A.Y1  A. A.B and Y3  B.Y1  B. A.B  

Finally, the last output Y is given by –

  

Y  Y2 .Y3  A.( A.B) . B.(A.B)
To make the calculations simple, suppose –
 
C  A.( A.B) and D  B.(A.B)  
From above equation, we get –

Y  A.( A.B)  B.( A.B)  

 Y  A.( A.B)  B.( A.B)  
Now applying the De Morgan's theorem to the inner brackets, we get –
  
Y  A.( A  B)  B.(A  B) 
 Y  A.A  A.B B.A  B.B
 Y  A.B  A.B
Conclusion –
1) We constructed an Ex-OR gate using four NAND gates. Thus, we found that the NAND gate acts as
universal building block.
2) The IC 7486 was tested and found that it is Quad 2–input Ex-OR gate TTL IC.

Vidyasagar Academy, Practical Booklet of XII Bifocal Electronics,


Experiment 6–(Set-II)

Name– study of 4–bit controlled inverter using IC 7486.

Aim – to study working of controlled inverter.
Apparatus – IC 7486, circuit board, supply +5V DC, LEDs, connecting wires, soldering iron, cutter etc.

Circuit diagram –

Circuit diagram of controlled inverter using Ex-OR gates

r g
Pin configurations of the IC –

r . o
g a
Pin configurations of Ex-OR gate IC

Observation table –
Control Data input Data output

Specifications of components –
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

Type of component Specifications

IC 7486 Quad 2–input Ex-OR gate
Resistors 330, ¼W, carbon composition, 5% tolerance
LED Color: RED, VF = 1.65V
Diodes 1N4001 rectifier diode
Capacitor 1000F/25V electrolytic capacitor
Transformer 6V–0V–6V, 500mA secondary transformer
IC 7805 +5V, 3–terminal regulator IC

Vidyasagar Academy, Practical Booklet of XII Bifocal Electronics,

Procedure –
1) Identify the given IC.
2) Construct the circuit of 4–bit controlled inverter using given Ex-OR gate IC. Solder the pieces of
wires for connections.
3) The outputs of four gates are already connected to the four LEDs.
4) Now keep control input = 0 and connect input data such as PQRS = 1010.
5) Observe the output of the circuit.
6) Note down the output condition of ABCD in the observation table.
7) Repeat the steps 4 to 7 for at least two readings.
8) Now keep control input = 1 and connect another input data such as PQRS = 1110.
9) Observe the output ABCD of the circuit.
10) Note down the output condition in observation table.
11) Repeat the steps 8 to 10 for at least two readings.

Brief theory –

becomes high only when its both inputs are UNEQUAL. Its logic equation is –

r g
Exclusive-OR gate – it is a very special type of gate in digital electronics. It is a logic circuit whose output

Y=AB or Y  A.B  A.B

The Ex–OR addition rules for all possible combinations of inputs are –
a) When A = B = 0, Y = A.B  A.B = 0
b) When A = 0, B = 1, Y = A.B  A.B = 1
c) When A = 1, B = 0, Y = A.B  A.B = 1
d) When A = B = 1, Y = A.B  A.B = 0

a rA B Y=AB

1 0 1
1 1 0

s a Symbol & truth table of Ex–OR gate

Controlled inverter – the Ex-OR gate can be used as controlled inverter circuit. When input of single Ex-

OR gate is permanently connected to logic–1 level & other input–A is variable (either 1 or 0) then by the
basic property of Ex-OR gate, if A = 0 then Y = 1 & if A = 1, then Y = 0. This is possible only when one
input of Ex-OR gate is high. This result is equivalent to NOT gate. Hence, Ex-OR gate can be used as
controlled inverter i.e. controlled NOT gate.
Now as shown in above figure, a group of four Ex-OR gates are used as controlled inverter circuit. It
produces following results –
When DCBA = 1010 and control input = 0 then PQRS = 1010
When DCBA = 1010and control input = 1 then PQRS = 0101, which is the 1’s complement of 1010.
Hence, the circuit produces 1’s complement of binary number.
Thus, input condition at control input terminal decides the condition of data at output terminals of the
Conclusion –
1) When one input of Ex-OR gate is permanently kept HIGH, then the gate works as NOT gate.
2) A number of Ex-OR gates can be used as controlled inverter, to produce the 1’s complement of
input word (binary number).

Vidyasagar Academy, Practical Booklet of XII Bifocal Electronics,


Experiment 7–(Set-II)

Name–study of RS flip-flop using NAND gates and NOR gates.

Aim –to study the working of RS flip-flop using NAND gates and NOR gates and compare them.
Apparatus – IC 7400, IC 7402, circuit board, power supply +5V DC, LEDs, connecting wires, soldering
iron, cutter etc.

Circuit diagrams –

RS flip-flop using NOR gates

Truth tables –
RS flip-flop using NAND gates

r g

0 0 N/C 0 0 Forbidden

0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1

1 1 Forbidden 1 1 N/C

RS flip-flop using NOR gates RS flip-flop using NAND gates

Pin configurations –

a g
v s Pin configurations of NAND gate & NOR gate ICs

Specifications of components –

Type of component Specifications

IC 7400 Quad 2–input NAND gate
IC 7402 Quad 2–input NOR gate
Resistors 330, ¼W, carbon composition, 5% tolerance
LED Color: RED, VF = 1.65V
Diodes 1N4001 rectifier diode
Capacitor 1000F/25V electrolytic capacitor
Transformer 6V–0V–6V, 500mA secondary transformer
IC 7805 +5V, 3–terminal regulator IC

Vidyasagar Academy, Practical Booklet of XII Bifocal Electronics,

Procedure –
1) You are given IC 7400 and IC 7402. Identify the ICs by reading their numbers and details from
above given pin configurations.
2) Connect the gates with their respective pin numbers to construct the circuits of RS flip-flop using
NOR gates &NAND gates as shown in the circuit diagrams.
3) Connect final outputs of the circuit to the LEDs.
4) Verify the truth table for each combination of inputs R & S, by giving different combinations of
logic inputs as shown the respective truth tables.
5) Write the observed truth tables and compare them with theoretical truth tables.
6) Compare the truth tables of both flip-flops and write the difference.

Brief theory –

RS Flip-flop using NOR gate – consider the above left-side circuit. Here two NOR gates are used such that
the output of one is the input of other. Also, one input of each gate is taken out as SET and RESET. The two

outputs are Q and Q .

As per truth table, we have four possible conditions –
1) When R = S = 0, the flip-flop does NOT change its output state. It remains in last state. Hence, it is

called no change (N/C) condition.

2) When R = 0 and S = 1, gate–1 is enabled and gate–2 is disabled. Therefore, Q = 1 and Q = 0. The

flip-flop is now SET.
3) When R = 1 and S = 0, gate–1 is disabled and gate–2 is enabled. Therefore, Q = 0 and Q = 1. The

flip-flop is now RESET.
4) When R = S = 1, both NOR gates are disabled. But practically there is race between two NOR gates.

Now we cannot determine output conditions. Hence, it is called FORBIDDEN state. It is also called
as the RACE condition.

s a
RS Flip-flop using NAND gates – consider the above right-side circuit. Here two NAND gates are
connected such that the output of one is the input of other. And one input of each gate is taken out as SET
and RESET input. The two outputs are Q and Q .Using the truth table, we have four conditions, as follows –

1) When R = S = 0, one input of each gate is HIGH. So Q = Q = 1. This is contradictory. Hence, this
state is called forbidden state of flip-flop.
2) When R = 0, and S = 1, gate–1 is enabled and gate–2 is disabled. Hence, at output we get Q = 1 and
Q = 0. The flip-flop is now SET.
3) When R = 1, and S = 0, gate–2 is enabled and gate–1 is disabled. Hence, at output we get Q = 0 and
Q = 1. The flip-flop is now RESET.
4) When S = R = 1, the flip-flop will NOT change its state and will remain in LAST STATE. Hence, it
is called no change (N/C) condition.

Conclusion –
1) In above flip-flops, the first and last states of outputs are interchanged.
2) In RS flip-flop using NOR gates, the initial state of the circuit is called LAST STATE.
3) In RS flip-flop using NAND gates, the initial state of the circuit is called FORBIDDEN STATE.
4) In both types of flip-flops, the output Q follows the state of input S.

Vidyasagar Academy, Practical Booklet of XII Bifocal Electronics,


Experiment 8–(Set-II)

Name–study of decoder using IC 7447/7448.

Aim – to study the working decoder for conversion of BCD into 7–segment display code.
Apparatus – IC 7447/7448, 7–segment common anode LED display, circuit board, power supply +5V DC,
connecting wires, soldering iron, cutter etc.

Circuit diagram –

r g
. o
Circuit diagram of BCD to 7–seg decoder/driver

Theoretical observation table –


a 7–segment coded outputs

0001 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
0010 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2

0011 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 3
0100 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 4

0101 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 5
0110 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 6
0111 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 7
1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
1001 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 9

Specifications of components –

Type of component Specifications

IC 7447 14–pin, BCD to 7–segment decoder/driver TTL IC
FND 507 Color: RED , VF of each segment LED = 1.65V
Resistors 330, ¼W, carbon composition, 5% tolerance
Diodes 1N4001 rectifier diode
Capacitor 1000F/25V electrolytic capacitor
Transformer 6V–0V–6V, 500mA secondary transformer
IC 7805 +5V, 3–terminal regulator IC

Vidyasagar Academy, Practical Booklet of XII Bifocal Electronics,

Pin configuration –

Pin configuration of IC 7447 and FND 507

Procedure –
1) You are given IC 7447/7448 and the 7–segment common anode LED display. Identify them with
their proper pin configurations.
2) Switch on the power supply of the circuit.

r g
3) Connect different BCD inputs from 0000 to 1001 and note down the corresponding output on the


4) Tabulate the readings.

Note – the BCD inputs from 1010 to 1111 should not be applied
to the IC 7447. These are forbidden inputs.

Brief theory –to display the data, we have to convert it from BCD to 7-segment code. The IC makes this
process. It has four inputs called BCD inputs and seven outputs to drive the display.

For common anode LED display, the decoders used are IC 7446, IC 74246, IC 7447, IC 74247 etc.
They have active low, open collector outputs.

And for common cathode LED display, the ICs are IC 7448, IC 74248, IC 7449 etc. They have
active high, open collector outputs.

Working of the circuit –
1) When BCD inputs from 0000 to 1001 are applied at the input terminals, the IC produces equivalent
outputs at its output terminals from a–g. The 7–seg display is common anode type.
2) Suppose BCD input is DCBA = 0101. It is equivalent to decimal 5. This input is converted into
equivalent 7–seg code by the IC and its outputs abcdefg = 0100100. For the input DCBA = 1000, all
segments of the display will glow to show decimal 8 and outputs abcdefg = 0000000 and so on.

Conclusion –
1) When corresponding BCD inputs are applied from 0000 to 1001, we get decimal output on the
display from decimal 0 to decimal 9.
2) The tails of ‘6’ and ‘9’ are not displayed on the display.
3) To display the tails of ‘6’ and ‘9’ IC 74247 is required.
4) In common anode FND 507 type display, the anodes of all LEDs are connected to a common line
and connected to +5V regulated power supply. The cathode of each LED segment is used as input
from ‘a’ to ‘g’.

Vidyasagar Academy, Practical Booklet of XII Bifocal Electronics,


Experiment 9–(Set-II)

Name–study of half adder logic circuit.

Aim – to study the working of half adder for two binary digits addition.
Apparatus – IC 7408, IC 7486, circuit board, LEDs, power supply +5V DC, connecting wires, soldering
iron, cutter etc.

Circuit diagram –

Pin configurations of the IC –

Logic diagram of half adder

r g
r . o
g a
Pin configurations of AND gate IC &Ex-OR gate IC

Observation table –

v s A
Carry = A.B
Sum = A. B  A. B

Specifications of components –

Type of component Specifications

IC 7486 Quad 2–input Ex-OR gate
IC 7408 Quad 2–input AND gate
Resistors 330, ¼W, carbon composition, 5% tolerance
LEDs Color: RED, VF = 1.65V
Diodes 1N4001 rectifier diode
Capacitor 1000F/25V electrolytic capacitor
Transformer 6V–0V–6V, 500mA secondary transformer
IC 7805 +5V, 3–terminal regulator IC

Vidyasagar Academy, Practical Booklet of XII Bifocal Electronics,

Procedure –
1) Solder the circuit on the given board.
2) Connect respective pins of each gate to the corresponding pins of other gate.
3) Connect the outputs ‘sum’ and ‘carry’ to two LEDs.
4) Apply different combinations of inputs as per truth table and note down the corresponding change in
the outputs of the circuit.
5) Tabulate the readings.

Brief theory –half adder is logic circuit, which can add two binary digits at a time. In half adder, there are
two inputs A & B with two outputs SUM and CARRY. The SUM is the output of Ex-OR gate and CARRY
is the output of AND gate.

Possible input combinations –

1) When A = B = 0,
Sum = A. B  A. B = 0.0  0.0 = 1.0 + 0.1 = 0 + 0 = 0 & carry = A.B = 0.0 = 0, (addition = 00)

2) When A = 0 and B = 1,

Sum = A. B  A. B = 0.1  0.1 = 1.1 + 0.0 = 1 + 0 = 1 & carry = A.B = 0.1 = 0, (addition = 01)
3) When A = 1 and B = 0,

Sum = A. B  A. B = 1.0  1.0 = 0.0 + 1.1 = 0 + 1 = 1 & carry = A.B = 1.0 = 0, (addition = 01)

4) When A = B = 1,

Sum = A. B  A. B = 1.1  1.1 = 0.1 + 1.0 = 0 + 0 = 0 & carry = A.B = 1.1 = 1, (addition = 10)

Conclusion –

1) The circuit can add any two binary digits.
2) The circuit follows the basic rules of Boolean algebra and produces following results –

a) 0 + 0 = 00
b) 0 + 1 = 01

c) 1 + 0 = 01
d) 1 + 1 = 10

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Vidyasagar Academy, Practical Booklet of XII Bifocal Electronics,


Experiment 10–(Set-II)

Name– study of full adder logic circuit.

Aim – to study the working of full adder for three binary digits addition.
Apparatus – IC 7408, IC 7486, IC 7432, circuit board, LEDs, power supply +5V DC, connecting wires,
soldering iron, cutter etc.

Circuit diagram –

Logic diagram of full adder

Pin configurations of the IC –

Pin configurations of AND gate IC, Ex-OR gate & OR gate ICs

Observation table –

A B C carry  A.B  A  B.C sum  A  B  C

0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 1
0 1 0 0 1
0 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 1

Procedure –
1) Solder the circuit of full adder, on the given board.
2) Connect respective pins of each gate to the corresponding pins of other gate.
3) Connect the outputs ‘sum’ and ‘carry’ to two LEDs.
4) Apply different combinations of inputs as per truth table and note down the corresponding change in
the outputs of the circuit.
5) Tabulate the readings.

Vidyasagar Academy, Practical Booklet of XII Bifocal Electronics,

Specifications of components –

Type of component Specifications

IC 7486 Quad 2–input Ex-OR gate
IC 7408 Quad 2–input AND gate
IC 7432 Quad 2–input OR gate
Resistors 330, ¼W, carbon composition, 5% tolerance
LEDs Color: RED, VF = 1.65V
Diodes 1N4001 rectifier diode
Capacitor 1000F/25V electrolytic capacitor
Transformer 6V–0V–6V, 500mA secondary transformer
IC 7805 +5V, 3–terminal regulator IC

Brief theory –

Possible input combinations –full adder can add three binary digits at a time. It is actually the extension of
half adder circuit. It has three inputs A, B, C with two outputs CARRY and SUM. Note that when two half
adders are cascaded along with an OR gate, we get full adder.
The logic equations of carry and sum outputs are given below –
a) carry  A.B  A  B.C
b) sum  A  B  C
For example, if A = 1, B = 0, C = 1, then –
carry  1.0  1 0.1  1
and sum  1 0 1  0 addition = 10

For example, if A = 1, B = 1, C = 1, then –

carry  1.1  1 1.1  1
and sum  1 1 1  1 addition = 11

Conclusion –
1) The circuit can add any three binary digits.
2) It follows the basic rules of Boolean algebra and produces following outputs –
a) 0 + 0 + 0 = 00
b) 0 + 0 + 1 = 01
c) 0 + 1 + 1 = 10
d) 1 + 1 + 1 = 11

Vidyasagar Academy, Practical Booklet of XII Bifocal Electronics,

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