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International Specialty Conference on Cold- (2004) - 17th International Specialty Conference
Formed Steel Structures on Cold-Formed Steel Structures

Oct 26th

Mechanical Properties of Cold-formed Steel At

Elevated Temperatures
Ju Chen

Ben Young

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Recommended Citation
Ju Chen and Ben Young, "Mechanical Properties of Cold-formed Steel At Elevated Temperatures" (October 26, 2006). International
Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures. Paper 2.

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Seventeenth International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A, November 4-5, 2004

Mechanical Properties of Cold-Formed Steel

at Elevated Temperatures

Ju Chen 1 and Ben Young 2


This paper presents the mechanical properties data for cold-formed steel at
elevated temperatures. The deterioration of the mechanical properties of yield
strength (0.2% proof stress) and Young's modulus of elasticity are the primary
properties in the design and analysis of cold-formed steel structures under fire.
However, values of these properties at different temperatures are not well
reported. Therefore, both steady and transient tensile coupon tests were
conducted at different temperatures ranged approximately from 20 to 1000°C to
obtain the mechanical properties of cold-formed steel structural material. This
study included cold-formed steel of grade G550 and G500 with plate thickness
of 1.0 and 1.9mm, respectively. Stress-strain curves at different temperatures are
plotted. In addition, curves of elasticity modulus, yield strength obtained at
different strain levels, ultimate strength and thermal elongation versus different
temperatures are also plotted and compared with the results obtained from the
Australian, British and European standards. The test results obtained from this
study are also compared with the test results predicted by other researchers. A
unified equation for yield strength and Young's modulus of cold-formed steel at
elevated temperatures is proposed in this paper. It is shown that the proposed
equation accurately predicted the yield strength and Young's modulus compared
with the test results.

I Research Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science

and Technology, Hong Kong.
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology, Hong Kong.



Material properties play an important role in the performance of steel structural

members, hence, it is important to find out the mechanical properties of steel
structural member for the purpose of design. In addition, mechanical properties
are greatly affected by temperature, special attention must be given by the
designer for extreme conditions below -30°F (-34°C) and above 200°F (93°C)
(Yu 2000). However, previous research on the material behaviour has been
mainly focused on hot-rolled steel, and hence limited data is available for the
mechanical properties of cold-formed light gauge steels at elevated temperatures
(Lee et al. 2003). The reduction factors for mechanical properties at elevated
temperatures recommended by the Australian Standard AS 4100 (1998), British
Standard BS 5950 (1998) Part 8 and European Code 3 (EC3 2001) Part 1.2 are
based on investigation of hot-rolled steel.

Both steady and transient state test methods are commonly used in the
small-scale tensile test of steel at elevated temperatures. In steady state tests the
test specimen is heated up to a specified temperature then a tensile test is carried
out, whereas in transient state tests the load remains constant and the
temperature rises until the test specimen fails. Temperature would rise in a real
fire, therefore, the transient state test method is more realistic in predicting the
behaviour of a material under fire than the steady state test method.

This paper presents the details of an experimental study of cold-formed steel at

elevated temperatures approximately up to 1000°C. The purpose of this study is
to investigate the behaviour of cold-formed steel material at different
temperatures using both steady and transient test methods. Steady state tests
were carried out on cold-formed steel grade G550 and G500 with plate thickness
of 1.0 and 1.9mm coupon specimens, respectively. Transient state tests were
carried out on cold-formed steel grade G500 with plate thickness of 1.9mm
coupon specimens. The mechanical properties were determined from the test
results of both transient and steady state test methods. A unified equation for
yield strength and Young's modulus of cold-formed steel at elevated
temperatures is proposed.


Testing Device

The tensile testing machine used in this study was a MTS 810 Universal testing

machine of lOOkN capacity. Testing machine was calibrated before testing. The
installation of the coupon specimen and the testing device used are shown in Fig.
1. The heating device of MTS Model 653 high temperature furnace with a
maximum temperature of 1400°C was used. The furnace composed of upper and
lower heating elements, as shown in Fig. 2. Heat was generated by the heating
elements for each heating zone. A MTS model 409.83 temperature controller
was used. Two internal thermal couples are located inside the furnace to measure
the air temperature. Since there is a distance from the internal thermal couples to
the specimen, as shown in Fig. 2, the temperature detected by the internal
thermal couples is higher than the surface temperature of the specimen.
Therefore, an external thermal couple was used to measure the surface
temperature of the specimen, and the measured temperature was considered as
the real temperature of the specimen in this paper. The differences between the
temperatures detected by the internal and external thermal couples were ranged
from 3 to 28%. The temperature accuracy of the internal and the external
thermal couples was 1.0°C and ±O.I°C. The heating rate of the furnace is
lOO°C/min. The fast heating rate resulted of the temperatures overshoot slightly,
but the overshoot stabilizes within a minute. The maximum overshoot was
approximately 40°C at low temperatures and decreases at higher temperatures.
When the temperature beyond 700°C, the overshoot was less than 20°C.

A MTS Model 632.53F-ll of axial extensometer was used to measure the strain
of the middle part of the coupon specimen. Gauge length of the extensometer
was 25mm with range limitation of ±2.5mm. The extensometer was also
calibrated before testing. The extenso meter was reset when it approaches the
range limit during testing, hence a complete strain of coupon specimen can be

Test Specimen

The coupon test specimens were taken from cold-formed steel sections
brake-pressed from structural steel sheets, as shown in Fig. 3(a). The test
specimens were prepared in accordance with the ASTM Standard E 21 (1997)
and Australia Standard AS 2291 (1979), as shown in Fig. 3(b). The specimens
consisted of two different steel grades and thicknesses. Steel grade of G550 with
plate thickness of 1.0mm (G550 1.0mm) and steel grade of G500 with plate
thickness of 1.9mm (G500 1.9mm) were used. A total of 63 tests (46 steady state
tests and 17 transient state tests) was conducted in this study. The chemical
compositions of the test specimens are presented in Table 1. The total metal

thickness and the base metal thickness without zinc coating were measured
using a micrometer and the zinc coating was removed by 1: 1 hydrochloric acid
before testing. The base metal thickness was used to determine the cross
sectional area of each coupon.

Testing Procedure

Steady state test

In the steady state tests, the specimen was heated up to a specified temperature
then loaded until it failed while maintaining the same temperature. In this study,
thermal expansion of specimen was allowed by maintaining zero tension load
during the heating process. After reaching the pre-selected elevated temperature,
it needs approximately 2 minutes for the temperature to be constant and. the
tensile load applied to the specimen after 7 minutes. This would allow the heat
to transfer to the specimen. The external thermal couple indicated that the
variation of the specimen temperature was less than 6°e (±3°C) during the tests.
A constant tensile loading rate of 0.2mmlmin was used and the strain rate
obtained from the extensometer was approximately 0.006/min, which is within
the range 0.005±O.002/min as specified by the ASTM Standard E21-92 (1997).

Transient state test

In the transient state tests, the specimen was under constant tensile load while
the temperature rises. The stress levels selected in the test were 2, 30, 60, 90,
120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330, 360, 390, 420, 450, 480 MPa. The
temperatures specified in the temperature controller ranged from lOOoe to
900 De at the interval of lOoDe. The strain of the specimen at a given
temperature was recorded from the extenso meter 6 minutes after the temperature
reached the specified value. The ultimate strength of the specimen is defined
when the strain keeps increasing at a given value of temperature. In the tests,
there are two reasons for the temperature to rise step by step. Firstly, there is a
rapid loss of strength for the loaded specimen and the loading machine could not
follow the sudden load drop under load control. Secondly, the strain data for
different specified temperatures should be obtained, because the results of the
transient state tests need to be converted to stress-strain curves.


Differential Thermal Analysis

A differential thermal analysis (DTA) was conducted to investigate the chemical

reaction of the tested steel materials during the heating process. A DTA 7 Perkin
Elmer machine was used for the DTA tests. The DTA test results are shown in
Fig. 4. Since the material gives out or absorb heat in chemical reaction process,
chemical reaction can be determined from the heat flow-temperature curves. The
heat flow is measured in milliwatt (mW). Chemical reaction takes place when
the temperature beyond approximately 320°C for both materials. When the
temperature reached approximately 800°C, a major chemical reaction took place
and the materials were also changed, as shown in Fig. 4. Comparison of the heat
flow-temperature curves of the two test materials indicated that there was not a
significant difference between these materials.

Steady State Test

Determination of strength and elasticity modulus

In this study, the yield strengths at strain levels of 0.2%, 0.5%, 1.5% and 2.0%
were obtained for the purpose of comparison since these strain levels are widely
accepted. The 0.2% yield strength (fo.2) is the intersected point of the
stress-strain curve and the proportional line off-set by 0.2% strain. Meanwhile,
the yield strengths of fo.5, fu and f2.o at the strain levels of 0.5%, 1.5% and 2.0%,
respectively, are those values corresponding to the intersected points of the
stress-strain curve and the non-proportional vertical line specified at a given
strain level, as shown in Fig. 5. Serration of the stress-strain curve was observed
at high temperatures and the intersection point was the mean value determined
from the serration. The modulus of elasticity (Young's modulus) was determined
from the stress-strain curve based on the tangent modulus of the initial elastic
linear curve.

Static drop

In the tensile test at the normal room temperature (22°C), a static drop of the
stress-strain curve is obtained by pausing the applied strain for one minute. This
allowed the stress relaxation associated with plastic strain to take place; hence,
the effect of loading rate can be eliminated. A series of tests has been conducted
to investigate the static drop for different temperatures. The ratio of the static

drop to the ultimate strength obtained from the steady state tests for G550
I.Omm and G500 I.9mm specimens are presented in Table 2. When the
temperature reached 760°C, the drop caused the static ultimate strength fall to
zero stress. Therefore, those values are not reported. The ratio of static drop to
the ultimate strength obtained from the steady state tests increase as the
temperature increases. It should be mentioned that all test results did not include
the static drop, except for the investigation of the static drop as described in this

Yield strength

The reduction factors (fo.2,T/fo.2,nonnah fO.5,T/fO.5,normah f1. 5,T/fJ.5,nonnah f2.O,T/f2.O,normal)

determined from the ratio of different yield strengths at elevated temperatures to
that at normal room temperature (22°C) for the four strain levels of 0.2%,0.5%,
1.5% and 2.0%, respectively, are presented in Tables 3. The test results of G550
I.Omm and G500 I.9mm materials are plotted in Fig. 6. The vertical axis of the
graph plotted the reduction factor fO.2,T/fo.2,nonnal and the horizontal axis plotted
against different temperatures. It is shown that the test results of G550 I.Omm
and G500 I.9mm materials are different. However, a unified equation is
proposed for the reduction factor of 0.2% yield strength for G550 I.Omm and
G500 1.9mm cold-formed steel at elevated temperatures, as shown in Eq. (1).
The coefficients a, b, c and n of the equation are presented in Table 4, and T is
the temperature in degree Celsius (0C). It is demonstrated that the values of
reduction factor fo.2,T/fo.2,normal predicted by the equation compared well with the
test results of G550 1.0mm and G500 1.9mm, as shown in Fig. 6.

Proposed equation for yield strength:

f O.2,T a _ ,..:....(T_---'b),-n
f O.2,normai c

The reduction factor of 0.2% yield strength obtained from the tests were
compared with the Australia Standard AS 4100 (1998) prediction and also
compared with the test results conducted by Lee et al. (2003), as shown in Fig. 7.
The comparison shown that the AS 4100 provides conservative prediction for
G500 I.9mm from 220°C to 550°C and for G550 I.Omm from 220°C to 400°C.
The test results obtained from this study are far below than the AS 4100
prediction for G500 1.9mm at 660°C and G550 1.0mm from 450°C to 800°e.

The unconservatism will be discussed in the Section of stress-strain curve of this

paper. It is interesting to note that the test results obtained from this study are
significant different from the test results conducted by Lee et al. (2003) for
temperatures ranged from 450°C to 800°e.

The reduction factors for the strain levels of 0.5%, 1.5% and 2.0% are compared
with the EC3-1.2 (2001) and BS 5950-8 (1998) for hot-finished steel and
cold-formed steel prediction. The reduction factors are also compared with the
test results conducted by Lee et al. (2003), as shown in Figs 8, 9 and 10. The
reduction factor of 0.5% yield strength predicted by the BS 5950-8 for
hot-finished steel and cold-formed steel are both conservative for 0550 1.0mm
for temperatures lower than 450°C and 0500 1.9mm for temperatures lower
than 660°e. However, the reduction factors of 1.5% and 2.0% yield strength
predicted by the BS 5950-8 for hot-finished steel and cold-formed steel are
generally unconservative, except for temperatures lower than 320°C. EC3-1.2
only provides reduction factor of 2.0% yield strength and the prediction are
similar to the BS 5950-8 for hot-finished steel. The reduction factors of 0.5%,
1.5% 2.0% yield strength for 0550 1.0mm from 450°C to 800°C and 0500
1.9mm at 660°C are far lower than the BS 5950-8 prediction and the test results
conducted by Lee et al. (2003).

Elasticity modulus

The modulus of elasticity is an important factor determining the buckling stress

for thin-walled structures. The reduction factor (ETlEnormal) of Young's modulus
of elasticity at elevated temperatures determined from the steady state tests for
0500 1.9mm and 0550 1.0mm materials are presented in Tables 3. The
reduction factor was determined from the ratio of elasticity modulus at elevated
temperatures to that at normal room temperature (22°C). The test results
obtained from this study for the reduction factor of the elasticity modulus are
compared with the AS 4100 and EC3-1.2 prediction and compared with the test
results conducted by Lee et al. (2003) in Fig. 11. The reduction factors predicted
by the AS 4100 and EC3-1.2 are conservative. The test results obtained from this
study for the reduction factor of elasticity modulus are comparatively higher
than the test results conducted by Lee et al. (2003).

Stress-strain curve

The stress-strain curves obtained from the tests can be categorized into three

types, as shown in Fig. 12. The stress-strain curve changes from "a" type to "b"
type and finally to "c" type when the temperature increases. For both G500
1.9mm and G550 1.0mtn specimens, curve of "a" type represents the
stress-strain curve model for low temperatures (22°e :::; Toe:::; 320°C). However,
G500 1.9mm and G550 1.0mm specimens have different temperature range for
"b" type stress-strain curve. Typically, the range for "b" type curve are 320 0 e <
Toe:::; 550 0 e for G500 1.9mm specimens and 320 0 e < Toe:::; 400 0 e for G550
I.Omm specimens. For even higher temperatures of "c" type stress-strain curve,
the range are 550 0 e < r e :::; 970 0 e for G500 1.9mm specimens and 400 0 e <
Toe:::; 970 0 e for G550 1.0mm specimens. A sudden drop of yield strength for
the tests of G550 I.Omm and G500 1.9mm is shown in Fig. 7. This sudden drop
may be due to the change of stress-strain curve from "b" type to "c" type. An
obvious feature of "c" type curve is the serrations in the stress-strain curve. The
serrations in the stress-strain curve may occur under certain combination of
strain rate and temperature that the interstitial atoms can be dragged along with
dislocations or dislocations can alternately break away and be re-pinned (ASM

Ultimate strength and total elongation

The reduction factor of ultimate strength to normal room temperature

determined from the steady state tests at different temperatures are plotted in Fig.
13. The vertical axis of the graph plotted the reduction factor fu,T/fu,normai and the
horizontal axis plotted against different temperatures. The reduction factor of
ultimate strength of G550 1.0mm are far below than the factor of G500 1.9mm
for the temperatures ranged from 400 0 e to 550 oe,

The total elongation (I:) of the specimens is defined as the elongation after
fracture based on a gauge length of 25mm. Table 5 shows the values of total
elongation at different temperatures for test specimens G550 1.0mm and G500
1.9mm. The differential thermal analysis results showed that a chemical reaction
took place at high temperatures and the material may be changed. The change of
material may contribute to the low ductility at temperatures higher than 800 oe,
as shown in Table 5.

Transient State Test


Thermal elongation of the specimens was determined at a tensile stress level of


2MPa that is close to free thermal expansion and compared with the thermal
elongation calculated according to BS 5950-8 and EC3-1.2 in Fig. 14. The
thermal elongation of the strain in percentage (%) is plotted in the vertical axis
of the graph and the horizontal axis is plotted against different temperatures. The
comparison indicates that the thermal elongation of G500 1.9mm steel are
generally less than the values predicted by the BS 5950-8 and EC3-1.2.
Although the 2 MPa tensile stress was almost negligible at normal room
temperature for determining the thermal elongation, but it slightly affected the
elongation when the temperature increases. When the temperature reached
870°C, the specimen would undergo continuous deformation at a tensile stress
of 2 MPa. Since the thermal elongation was determined for specimens loaded at
a stress level of 2 MPa, the elasticity modulus obtained from the transient state
tests were slightly underestimated.

In the transient state test, the specimen was loaded to a given stress level, and
the elasticity modulus of each specimen can be determined from the stress-strain
curve of the loading process. The strain of the specimen at each temperature was
then divided by its elasticity modulus so that the effluence of elasticity modulus
variation among specimens can be eliminated. Some repeat tests were conducted
and deviations between these tests results were quite small with a maximum
difference of 3%.

Elasticity modulus

The transient state test results were firstly converted into stress-stain curves, and
the reduction factor of elasticity modulus (ETiEnormal)· for different temperatures
was determined. The reduction factor of elasticity modulus determined from the
transient state tests was compared with the steady state test results for G500
1.9mm specimens, as shown in Fig. 15. The transient state test results are also
compared with the AS 4100 and EC3-1.2 prediction as well as compared with
the transient state tests conducted by Outinen et al. (2001), as shown in Fig. 15.
It can been seen that the reduction factor of elasticity modulus obtained from the
transient state tests in this study agree well with the EC3-1.2 prediction and the
test results obtained by Outinen et al. (2001) for temperatures ranged from
320°C to 450°C. For the temperatures ranged from 80°C to 320°C and from
550°C to 660°C, the values of the reduction factor of elasticity modulus
obtained from the transient state tests are smaller than those predicted by the
EC3-1.2 and the tests conducted by Outinen et al. (2001). The AS 4100
prediction of elasticity modulus are unconservative compared with the transient

state test results. It should be noted that the reduction factor of elasticity
modulus obtained from the transient state tests is quite different from the steady
state tests. A unified equation is proposed for 0500 1.9mm cold-formed steel at
elevated temperatures, as shown in Eq. (2). The coefficients a, b, c and n of the
equation are presented in Table 6, and T is the temperature in degree Celsius
(QC). Equation (2) for elasticity modulus prediction is identical to equation (1)
for yield strength prediction, except for different values of coefficients.

Proposed equation for elasticity modulus:

Enorm"al c

It is shown that the test results obtained from the transient state tests compared
well with the values of elasticity modulus predicted by the proposed equation for
0500 1.9mm, as shown in Fig. 16.

Ultimate strength

The ultimate strength of the specimen is defined at a specified load when the
temperature reached a certain value and the specimen undergoes a continuous
elongation at an appreciate rate. This specified load was considered as the
ultimate strength of the specimen at that particular temperature in the transient
state tests. In Table 7, the ultimate strength obtained from the transient state tests
(ft,lI,T) is compared with the ultimate strength obtained from the steady state tests
(fu,T) with and without consideration of the static drop. The ultimate strength
obtained from steady state tests with consideration of the static drop are closer to
the results obtained from the transient state tests than the results obtained from
the steady state tests without consideration of the static drop, as shown in Table


An experimental investigation on the mechanical properties of cold-formed steel

at elevated temperatures has been presented. The test program included two steel
grades of 0550 and 0500 with nominal yield strengths of 550 and 500 MPa,
respectively. The plate thicknesses of the coupon test specimens were 1.0 and
1.9mm. Both steady and transient state tests were conducted at different
temperatures. A differential thermal analysis was also performed in order to

determine the chemical reaction of the tested materials during the heating

The yield strengths, elasticity modulus and thermal elongation obtained from the
tests were compared with the Australian, Britain and European prediction. The
test results obtained from this study were also compared with the test results
obtained by other researchers. Generally, it is shown that the yield strengths
predicted by the Australian, Britain and European standards are conservative,
except for G550 1.0mm steel from 450°C to 970°C and G500 1.9mm steel at
660°C. Hence, the standards provide unconservative prediction for high
temperatures. It is also shown that the elasticity modulus predicted by the
Australian and European standards are conservative for the steady state tests, but
generally unconservative for the transient state tests. A unified equation to
determine the yield strength of G550 l.Omm and G500 1.9mm cold-formed steel
for temperatures ranged from 22°C to 1000°C has been proposed in this paper.
In addition, the unified equation to determine the elasticity modulus of G500
1.9mm cold-formed steel for temperatures ranged from 22°C to 650°C based on
the transient state tests has been also proposed in this paper. The yield strength
and elasticity modulus calculated from the proposed equation were compared
with the test results. It is shown that the proposed equation accurately predicted
the yield strength and elasticity modulus of cold-formed steel at elevated


The authors are grateful to BHP Steel Lysaght Singapore for supplying the test


AS. (1979). Methods for the tensile testing of metals at elevated temperatures,
AS 2291: 1979, Standards Australia, Sydney, Australia.
AS. (1998). Steel structures, AS 4100:1998, Standards Australia, Sydney,
ASM. (1997). Heat-resistant materials. Ed. Davis J.R, ASM specialty handbook,
ASM international. Handbook committee.
ASTM. (1997). E21-92: Standard test methods for elevated temperature tension
tests of metallic materials, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 03.01:

Metals-Mechanical Testing; Elevated and Low-Temperature Tests;

Metallography, American Society for Testing and Materials, West
Conshohochken, PA.
BS 5950-8. (1998). Structural use of steelwork in building - Part 8: Code of
practice for fire resistance design, British Standards Institution (BSI),
British Standard BS 5950-8:1990.
EC3. (2001). Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1.2: General rules
-Structural fire design, European Committee for Standardization, DD
ENV 1993-1-2:2001, CEN.
Outinen, I., Kaitila, 0., and Makelainen, P. (2001). "High-temperature testing of
structural steel and modelling of structures at fire temperatures." Research
report TKK-TER-23, Helsinki University of Technology Laboratory of
Steel Structures, Helsinki, Finland.
Lee, I.H., Mahendran, M., and Makelainen, P. (2003). "Prediction of mechanical
properties of light gauge steels at elevated temperatures." Journal of
Constructional Steel Research, 59(12),1517-1532.
Yu, w.w. (2000). Cold-formed steel design, 3rd Edition, John Wiley and Sons,
Inc., New York.


The following symbols are used in this paper:

a, b,c = coefficients for proposed equation;

E = elasticity modulus;
Enormal = elasticity modulus at normal room temperature;
ET -. elasticity modulus at temperature TOC;
fp = proportional limit;

f O.2 = 0.2% yield strength;

f 0.2, normal = 0.2% yield strength at normal room temperature;

f 0.2,T = 0.2% yield strength at temperature TOC;

f 0.5 = 0.5% yield strength;

f 0.5,normal = yield strength corresponding to 0.5% strain level at normal room

f O.5,T = yield strength corresponding to 0.5% strain level at temperature

f1.5 = 1.5% yield strength;
f 1.5,00rmal yield strength corresponding to 1.5% strain level at normal room
f 1.5,T = yield strength corresponding to 1.5% strain level at temperature
f 2.0 = 2.0% yield strength;
f 2.0,00rmal = yield strength corresponding to 2.0% strain level at normal room
f 2.0,T = yield strength corresponding to 2.0% strain level at temperature
f t,u,T = ultimate strength at temperature TOC obtained from transient state
f u,oonnal = ultimate strength at normal room temperature obtained from
steady state test;
fU,T = ultimate strength at temperature rc obtained from steady state
n = coefficient for proposed equation;
T = value of temperature; and
E = elongation (tensile strain) at the point of fracture based on gauge
length of 25mm.
C P Mn Si S Ni Cr Mo Cu Al Ti Nb Sn N V
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
G550 0.055 0.007 0.20 <0.005 0.Dl5 0.026 0.013 0.002 0.009 0.037 <0.003 0.001 0.002 0.0038 <0.003
G500 0.055 0.008 0.21 0.005 0.014 0.027 0.011 0.002 0.009 0.D38 <0.003 0.001 0.003 0.0028 <0.003 o
Note: Percentage of element by mass.

Table 1. Chemical Properties

Drop/fu,T (%) Drop/fu,T (%)
Temperature (0C)
(G500 1.9mm) (G550 1.0mm)
22 2.00 2.80
80 2.94 1.66
140 3.16 1.32
220 5.19 3.00 +:-
320 4.77 .10.65
400 11.15 11.15
450 14.73 14.13
500 13.16 21.50
550 21.04 23.00
660 22.28

Table 2. Ratio of Static Drop to Ultimate Strength obtained from Steady State Tests
Temperature ('C) 22 80 140 180 220 320 400 450 500 550 660 800 970
[ool.T/fo.l.nannal 1.000 0.985 0.987 1.003,0.962 0.968 0.905, 0.943 0.722 0.204 0.176, 0.211 . 0.122,0.135 0.065 0.033 0.022
fO.S.T/fo.5.nonnal 1.000 0.992 1.017 1.002,1.008 1.008 0.908,1.054 0.784 0.232 0.196,0.367 0.138,0.238 0.070 0.037 0.023
f,.5.T/f,.s.nomllt[ 1.000 0.997 0.993 1.023,0.963 0.972 0.978,0.951 0.727 0.293 0.251,0.233 0.162,0.152 0.080 0.037 0.025
1.0mm f2.0.T/f2.0.nonnal 1.000 0.987 0.992 1.038,0.972 0.970 0.987,1.023 0.777 0.316 0.265, 0.295 0.170,0.176 0.082 0.037 0.027
ErIE.~., 1.000 1.036 1.053 0.951,0.961 0.969 0.929,0.989 0.827 0.798 0.762,0.750 0.721,0.674 0.551 0.517 0.326
Temperature ('C) 22 80 180 320 400 450 500 550 660 970 .j:o.
[ool.T/fo.2.nannal 1.000 0.987 0.971 0.969, 0.987 0.933 0.851,0.823 0.727 0.532, 0.607 0.107,0.111 0.040 tv
fO.5.T/fO.:5.nonnal 1.000 0.990 0.975 0.977,0.990 0.933 0.870, 0.905 0.754 0.553, 0.637 0.115,0.116 0.042
f,.5.T/f,.s.nannal 1.000 1.000 1.003 1.011, 1.032 1.047 0.943, 0.844 0.786 0.571,0.653 0.142,0.144 0.046
1.9mm fl.O:rlf2.0.nonnal 1.000 0.998 0.994 1.015,1.054 1.050 0.936,0.877 0.774 0.557,0.647 0.148,0.148 0.045
ErIE.~., 1.000 1.042 1.079 0.916,0.907 0.854 0.887,0.901 0.925 0.816,0.759 0.642,0.675 0.182
Note:" Second test.

Table 3. Reduction Factors of Yield Strength and Elasticity Modulus of Cold-formed Steel G 550 1.0mm and G500 1.9mm
Temperature (0C) 22::;T< 300 300::;T < 450 450::;T< 1000
a 1.0 0.9 0.02
G5501.0mm b 22 300 1000
C 2.78x10 3 4.8x106 9xl08
n 1 3 3
Temperature COC) 22::;T < 300 300 ::;T< 650 650::;T < 1000 Ul
a 1.0 0.95 0.105
G5001.9mm b 22 300 650
c 5.56x103 1.45xl05 5x103
n 1 2 1

Table 4. Coefficients of Proposed Equation for Yield Strength


Temperature OSSO 1.0mm OSOO 1.9mm

(0C) s (%) s (%)
22 9.8 11.3
80 7.9 11.3
140 3.1 11.5
180 9.0,7.9* 3.4
220 2.6 4.1
320 9.7,4.2* ··3.8,6.6*
400 9.0 12.0
4S0 20.7 13.8,12.7*
SOO 27.1,24.5* 13.3
SSO 26.6,34.5' 11.3,16.0'
660 37.7 26.1,32.S*
800 S.2 ----
970 S.2 6.8
Note: *Second test.

Table 5. Total Elongation at Different Temperatures

Temperature COC) 22 ST< 4S0 4S0 S T S 6S0

a 1.0 -0.11
OSOO 1.9mm b 22 860
c 1.2Sx103 -2.2x105
n 1 2

Table 6. Coefficients of Proposed Equation for Elasticity Modulus


Temperature ft,D,T fD,T fD,T-Drop

(0C) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
22 >480 551 540
80 >480 545 529
140 >480 538 521
220 >480 540 512
320 >480 566 539
450 420-450 509 440
550 180-210 347 274
660 30-60 92 71.5
760 2-30 ---- ----
870 <2 ---- ----

Table 7. Comparison ofUItimate Strength obtained from

Transient and Steady State Tests

Fig. 1. Testing device

Eerrents Internal


Fig. 2. High temperature furnace (MTS Model 653)


(a) Cold-formed steel section

(b) Coupon test specimen

Fig. 3. Test specimen



IT: -2
Q) -4

0 250 500 750 1000 1250
Temperature tC)

(a) G550 l.Omm


0 0
Q) -2

0 250 500 750 1000 1250

Temperature tC)

(b) G500 1.9mm

Fig. 4. Differential Thermal Analysis results



Strain, E (%)

(a) Stress-strain curve

f t -}
:-:-:-:-~:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-~~:-:-:-:-:-:-:~:~-~-:-:-:-~~~ ~ 1 .~ f 2.0
g tp II
Strain,E (%)

(b) Initial part of stress-strain curve

Fig. 5. Definition of symbols


0.6 '~
0.4 .,.
- o • G5501.0mm
0.2 • G5001.9mm
- Eq(1) for G550 1.0mm
0.0 ----·Eq(1)forG5001.9mm
o 200 400 600 800 1000
Temperature (oC)

Fig. 6. Comparison of reduction factor of 0.2 % yield strength

obtained from the proposed equation with test results


c:. 0.6

- C\l

° lee et 01.(2003) G550 O.42mm
0.4 t;* lee et 01.(2003) G550 O.6mm

.: •
lee et 01.(2003) G550 O.95mm

- C\l

0.2 •.10
lee et 01.(2003) GSOO 1.2mm
AS 4100 .10

a 200 400 600 800 1000
Temperature (C)

Fig. 7. Comparison of reduction factor of 0.2 % yield strength

predicted by AS 4100 with test results


~ 0.8
~ 0.6
o • G550 1.0mm
=:!:::: A G5001.9mm
I-:. 0.4
LC:! -BS 5950-B Cold-formed steel
_0 0 Lee et al.(2003) G5500.42mm ,
l!. Lee et al.(2003) G550 0.60mm
~ Lee et al.(2003) G550 0.95mm
o Lee et al.(2003) G500 t.20mm
A • ,
o 200 400 600 800 1000
Temperature (C)

Fig. S. Comparison of rednction factor of 0.5 % strength predicted

by BS5950-S with test results

§ 0.8

0' 0.6 • G550 t.Omm

_ A GSOOt.9mm
;:: 4- BS 5950-8 Hot-finished steel
0.0 O. -BS5950-BCoid-fonnedsteel
- 0 Lee ef al.(2003) G550 0.42mm,
'+- 02 l!. Lee el 01.(2003) G550 0.6Omm
• ~ Lee el al.(2003) G550 0.95mm
o Lee et al.(2003) G500 t.20mm

200 400 600 800 1000

Temperature (0C)

Fig. 9. Comparison of reduction factor of 1.5 % strength predicted

by BS5950-S with test results

... ...
E 0.8
<:) • G5501.0mm
c-.i 0.6 'G500 1.9mm
!:!::. - 8S 5950·8 Hot.fln~hed steel
1-- 04 -BS 5950-8 cokl4ormed steel
<:) • -·-EC3-1.2
_ c-.i 0 Lee et al. G550 O.42mm • I
O•2 IJ. Lee et al. G550 O.60mm
fr Lee et al. G550 O.95mm
C Lee et al. GSOO l.2Omm •

200 400 600 800 1000

Temperature (0C)

Fig. 10. Comparison of reduction factor of 2.0% strength predicted

by BS5950-8 and EC3-1.2 with test results

1.0 .'
' ..
"&.... ' '
. ~. . . . . .~'.·i t
g 0.6 3 \,
• G550 1.0mm
, G500 1.9mm Q ... • •
~ 04 ...... EC3-1.2 0 \"
W . -AS 4100
a Lee et al.(2003) G550 O.42mm fr•... •
0.2 I!. Lee et al.(2003) G550 O.60mm t!
-6- Lee et al.(2003) G550 O.95mm '$......
o lee et al.(2003) G500 1.20mm
o 200 400 600 800 1000
Temperature (0C)

Fig. 11. Comparison of elasticity modulus predicted by

AS 4100 and EC3-1.2 with test results

Strain, £

(a) Complete stress-strain curves

Strain, £

(b) Initial part of stress-strain curves

Fig. 12. Stress-strain curves at different temperatures of

steady state tests for G500 1.9mm

1.0 • •• &. 't" '"

E 0.8
0 '"

--- ~0.6
0.2 •
G5501.0mm ••



o 200 400 600 800 1000
Temperature (C)

Fig. 13. Reduction factor of ultimate strength obtained from steady

state tests for G550 1.0mm and G500 1.9mm

1.0 -----.... EC3-1.2
~ 0.8 - BS 5950-8
~ 0.6
G550 1.9mm
U) ~:: *. . . ~./ *

o 400 600 800 1000
Temperature (oC)

Fig. 14. Comparison of thermal elongation predicted by BS 5950-8

and EC3-1.2 with test results of G500 1.9mm

*"'6 I.
~ 0.8 i"-",\ I.

~ ::: -"4100

------- EC3·1.2

* '8,
0.2 * G500 1.9mm Transient State Test """
I. G500 1.9mm Steady State Test o.'-e--0-__
0.0 0 Outinenetal.(2001) * 0-- - ---0

o. 200 400 600 800 1000

Tempertaure (0C)

Fig. 15. Comparison of elasticity modulus predicted by AS 4100

and EC3-1.2 with test results for transient and steady state tests

<ii 0.8
c: 0.6
I- 0.4
0.2 * G500 1.9mm Transient State Test
Eq (2)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Temperature CC)

Fig. 16. Comparison of elasticity modulus obtained from the

proposed equation with test results

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