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Unit 1 – The Online World

Learning Aim A

Name: Abdullah Ahmed


Lesson 1 – Online Services
(Student Book A – Pg 3, 4)

Starter What is an online service?

A service that can be accessed through the internet.

Fill in the gaps below

Service Types Examples Benefits

Communication Email, messaging, news Using social Instant responses to someone
social networks, networking who is remote from you, at
conferencing, blogs and applications like no additional cost to your
vlogs. Facebook or Google+ broadband fees.
to exchange Socialising.

Real-time News, travel logs, online Checking when the bus Provides up-to-date
information banking is coming or if its information when picking
going to rain through people up from an airport.
the internet. Companies can use real-time
information about customers’
reactions to an advertisement
to improve the effectiveness
of the advert.

Commerce Banking, auctions, online Checking your account You can see how much
and purchases, balance via the HSBC money you have on the go
publishing. banking app and you can purchase stuff
on your phone so you have it
delivered to your house within
that day
Government Applying for your first Allows users to carry out
provisional driving transactions seamlessly
license. (without the need to use
physical money) and globally.

Education Videos websites Using the Microsoft® Work is easier to upload and
training package for download
Windows® 7.

Virtual learning Quizzes booklet and Holly lodge moodle Cost effective for the
environment school/college and allows the
(VLE) school/college to track the
submission of learners’ work.

Business Business networks, A company that uses It saves money and time
(different types collaborative working, video conferencing to
of video conferencing communicate online

Entertainment Xbox ps4 Netflix facebook Playing a game with You can use it at any time on
twitter other people over the any device that supports the
internet or watching a program
movie on a online
streaming service

Download Music, films, new software, Apple music Makes purchasing easier and
services software upgrades, games more affordable.


Complete the table below to think about and record some of the services that you may use
on a daily basis and what you use them for?
Service Provider How do you use it? /
What do you use it for?

Email (E.g. Yahoo Mail) Sending documents or links/messages to

websites to a friend or college

Chat Facebook messenger Send texts to friends to meet up can have

group chats where you can talk to multiple
people at the same time

Forum Game forums A meeting to exchange ideas

Download apple Listen to music without streaming


Search engine Google Used to find videos and information online

Socal media facebook Post things and repost peoples things

Gaming xbox You play games with people from all over the

Find out what the following key terms mean in relation to the online world.
Profile Online identity

Network of friends A contact list

Online community Computer based community

Virtual World Type of Game played online amongst friends

Chat A place to privately talk about things

Chat room A place to talk with random strangers

Netiquette The correct or sensible way to act on the internet

Plenary – In pairs decide and write down which services are most important for:

Businesses? Schools and People wanting to
Netiquette Colleges? communicate with
profiles Chat room friends and family?
Profiles Network of friends
Virtual world

Lesson 2 – Online Advertising
(Student Book A – Pg 5,6)

Starter What is online advertising? Give some examples

Display advertising, email ads, video ads.

Explain 3 types of online advertising commonly used

Name Video ads
Explanation An ad that is before or during a video

Name Email ad
Explanation They send you an email promoting their product.

Name Pop up ad
Explanation A webpage that opens another webpage

What do companies need to do to ensure their online advertising is effective?

1.use many different types of online advertising

2.put it on many different websites

Use the space below to design a web page for your school. Include three types of advertisement:
 Pop up
 Web banner
 …
Show in your designs where you would include your advertisements and which type they should

Internet browser window – web page

Why did you choose those types of advertisement?

Advertisement Reason for choosing -

What is pay-per-click advertising?
When you click on an advertisement and the company that made the ad
has to pay the website it’s on.

What is another name for online data storage?

Hosted storage

Lesson 3 – Online Documents
(Student Book A – Pg 7 - 9)

What does upload mean?

When you put something up on a website for people to download and use

What does download mean?

To download something from a website to your computer

What is an algorithm?

A set of rules to be followed

What is the most common method used to compress a file? What is the most popular program
used to achieve this?
Changing an image from a gif to a jpg. Draw an image to represent the program

What are the advantages of using online software packages?


How does automatic backup work?

It backs everything of the
Device onto the cloud so
you can update the device.

Find out the meaning of these terms

Version Control
Used to manage different versions of the computer

Cant be accessed or edited

File Permissions
The editing permissions once a file has been opened

File Permission Draw a line to match Description

3This allows users to retrieve a
document, read it, edit it, add a
1Read-only Access
new document or delete or
archive an existing document.
1This allows a user to look at
and read a document but not
2Read/Write Access
change it.

2This allows the user to look at

and read a document but also to
3Full Control
make changes to it.

Write down what permissions each of these people should have.

Person Permission

Computer Administrator Full access

Teacher / Lecturer Read and write access

Pupil / Student using a shared drive Read only


What is a common format for compressing files?


What are the advantages of online documents?

You don’t have to save it to your computer saving space

What are the disadvantages of online documents?

If you don’t have internet your work can’t be accessed

Lesson 4 – Online Communication 1
(Student Book A – Pg 10 - 13)

What is an online community?

A group of people who like the same things online

Match the following information exchanges to their correct descriptions

2These are sites which allows users to create and

1Web logs
exchange really short text entries. A popular
example of this type of site is Twitter.
3These are websites that provide information that
visitors to the site can extend and edit. They allow
2Microblogging users to share information and are useful for
sites research. The best-known example of a wiki is
Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia that can be
updated by contributors.
1These are frequently updated online journals with
diary-like entries which allow people to express their
3Wikis thoughts and feelings and give details of their daily
activities. Typically, a blog includes text, photos and
sometimes video.
4Online communication within communities is
sometimes referred to as chat. Some of the large
4Chatrooms interactive communities where people take part in
the same conversation or type of chat at the same
time are known as chatrooms.

1. Research and write a short description for each of the following key terms:

Electronic mail (e-mail)

Electronic messaging from one computer user to another

A forum that discusses one topic

Social networking
Websites used to interact with other users

A formal meeting where people with shared interests talk

A regularly updated dairy like entry on peoples every day lives

A video blog or a place where people discus a topic

From discovering various online

communications that are used Social networking to talk to friends about meeting up or if
online, what do you use and im bored

Lesson 5 – Online Communication 2
(Student Book A – Pg 13 - 14)

What are the implications of online communication?

Think about the positive and negative aspects

Positive aspects Negative aspects

Its instant messaging Anything you send is there forever
You can chat with anyone in the world Complete strangers can get in touch with you
You can create a group chat to talk to multiple People can take screenshots and post your
friends with the same interest messages online for others to see
You can video call to talk to people and see You need an internet connection
there face
Its free

What are the three main benefits of instant messaging?

1 You can chat with anyone

2 Its free

3 You can contact anyone anywhere in the world

What are the main disadvantages of instant messaging?

1 You need internet connection

2 What you write is there forever

3 The other person can screenshot your messages and post them for everyone to see

What does VoIP stand for?
Video over voice portical

What does VoIP do?

Let’s you communicate with anyone

What are the limitations of VoIP?

Its not always free
You need internet
Both people need something that connects to the internet

What are the benefits of VoIP?

It can be cheaper for businesses than traveling to just use voip

Plenary – Give three examples of social media used online?


What does netiquette mean?

The proper way to act while using the internet

Lesson 6 –
Cloud & Ubiquitous computing systems
(Student Book A – Pg 15 - 17)

What is meant by the term cloud computing?

The cloud is a server where all your documents

are saved and can be accessed on any

Can you name four well known hosting companies?

1 google

2 Microsoft Cloud uses are able to

access software, data
3 amazon and storage on the host
4 citrix

What is cloud storage?

A server where your work is saved

Why software is considered a concern in relation to cloud computing?

It auto updates your software

What are the benefits of cloud computing and cloud storage?

It saves space on your hard drive

What is meant by the term ubiquitous computing? Try relating to the image
Everyday computering

What does RFID stand for?

Radio Frequency IDentification

What is an RFID? Give an example of an RFID chip in use

Rfid is the use of radio waves to read and capture information

stored on a tag attached to an object. Airlines use rfid tags to
tract bags

Example of RFID

Can you give 3 examples of applications of ubiquitous computing?

Social media
Phone calls
Smart tires


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