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Parents and Student

Agreement Form

Students, please read the syllabus carefully and write your initials in the blank spaces and sign your
name at the end. When you sign this, you confirm with me that you will follow the class’s rules and
procedures and understand what you have to do to succeed in my class.

I __________ acknowledge that I have received, read, and understand the syllabus for Mr. T’s class.

Signature: _________________ Date: _________________

Parents or guardians, please read the syllabus carefully and write your initials in the blank spaces
and sign your name at the end. This form is for me to make sure that you have read the syllabus and
provide me with ways, through which I can contact you and work together with you to help your student
succeed in my class.

I __________ acknowledge that I have received, read, and went over the syllabus for Mr. T’s class with
my child.

The best way for you to reach me is through (circle one)

Phone call / Text / Email

You may contact me to make sure the communication method work (circle one)

Yes / No

I would like to enroll in the homework/project alert system (circle one)

Yes / No

I prefer for the reminder to be (circle one)

Phone call / Text / Email

Phone: _________________________

Email: __________________________

Signature: _________________ Date: _________________

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