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According to statistics of International Diabetes Federation (IDF), two individuals develop

diabetes every 10 sec worldwide, and two individuals die of diabetes-related conditions every
10 sec worldwide (International Diabetes Federation, 2004). Some studies suggest that refined
or high– glycemic index (GI) cereal products may increase the risk of diabetes, and benefits
from cereal products may relate only to whole grains or cereal fiber and benefits from cereal
products may relate only to whole grains or cereal fiber (Salmero, Manson, & Stampfer,
1997). Recent studies have indicated that diets rich in digestible carbohydrates and dietary
fibre might be beneficial in the regulation of type II non insulin dependent diabetes (NIDD).
Addition of the gel forming type of dietary fibre such as pectin and guar gum to meals or
glucose solutions reduces postprandial glucose and insulin response. Addition of cereal fibres
in the form of bran seems to have long term beneficial effect improving glucose tolerance
(Agardh et al, 2009). The current study aims at assessing the impact of modifying dietary
load and dietary fiber intake on blood sugar level of the selected diabetics.


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