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Author : Joseph Cox
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Released: 25th May, 2010.
License : Freeware

Contents - List of sections in this help file
Purpose - The aim of YouChoob
Batch Downloading - How Batch downloading works
Upgrading - Upgrading to new versions
Removing - How to uninstall
StreamKeeper - YouChoob's bigger brother
Trouble-Shooting - Fixing common problems
History - Release history

YouChoob is an application that allows you to download videos
directly from the website and save them to a location
on your system. YC is the easiest way to download videos as all
it requires is the URL address to the page that contains the video.
YouChoob supports downloading from all language versions of YouTube
and will automatically download the highest quality version of all
videos, if available.
If there is a YouTube link in the clipboard when YouChoob starts,
it'll automatically being downloading the video after prompting you
for its filename; if you would like to stop it doing this at startup,
simply hold down the Shift key when it launches.
YouChoob will automatically download high-quality versions of videos,
if it detects they are available. Download priority is given to high-
definition, then high quality, and finally standard quality. YC will
notify you of the video quality of the downloading video in the Status
Once a video has downloaded, you can either left-click the video's thumbnail
image to play it, or right-click the thumbnail image for a context menu.
Statistics: v1.08 added application statistics. Opening the About window will
show - at random - one statistical item. You can view the statistics in a
more complete form by viewing the YouChoob-Stats.xml file within your
Windows user profile application directory.
YouChoob keeps track of the following informational statistics:
AppLaunched: The total number of times YouChoob has been launched.
AppRunningTime: The total duration of YouChoob's running time.
DownloadedVideos: The total number of complete video downloads.
DownloadedMB: The total size, in megabytes, of completed video downloads.
This information tracking can be disabled within the Settings window. YouChoob
has this statistical tracking ability as some users may find it interesting
(and it was an easter egg within the About window; but it was decided it
would be best to explain what these stats track and why they're being tracked).

Since v1.06, YouChoob has supported true multi-video downloading, although
it should be noted that parallel (that is, all at the same time) downloading
of videos isn't supported as YC wasn't originally designed with this in
To sequentially download multiple videos without having to run multiple
instances, click on the Batch Download icon (the right-most icon on the
"Copy video page URL into box below" section at the top of the window)
to open the Batch window. The Batch window is simply a textbox that allows
you to place a YouTube page link on their own line.
If Monitor Clipboard is enabled (bottom of Batch window), then right-clicking
a YT link from within your browser will have YC automatically insert that
link into its own line in the batch list. This can save considerable effort
if you need to download a large amount of videos.
When you have finished added links to the batch list, click on Save at the
bottom. If YC isn't already downloading, the first link in the batch list
will be placed into the URL textbox in the main window; clicking Download
will begin downloading that video, and sequentially, the rest of the videos
within the batch list.
Once the current video has finished downloading, the next video in the batch
list (at the top) will be placed into the URL textbox in the main window,
removed from the batch list, and downloading will commence. YouChoob will
continue to do this until the last video has been downloaded.
If "Save Batch entries across YouChoob sessions" (within Settings -> Batch)
is enabled, closing the application and re-opening it later will preserve
the batch list so it can be continued. If the video that was downloading
when YC was closed didn't complete, it will be automatically added back to
the batch list by YouChoob when YC is closed, so it doesn't "go missing" at
the next program startup.
You can click Stop during the download of videos at any time and it will not
interrupt the batch list.
If you restart YouChoob and would like to start downloading from the Batch
list (and it has batch entries), then click on the Batch button and then on
Save within the Batch window. Then click on Download in the main window.
Please note: To help with automation, YouChoob will not prompt you for video
filenames while downloading from the batch list. The names are automatically
taken from the video's title within their respective page.

To upgrade your current installation of YouChoob to a newer version, simply
delete the YouChoob directory and extract the new version's archive to a
location of your choice.
Work has begun on the successor of YouChoob that supports various video and
music sites, as well as true multi-download support. Further information can
be found on Stream Keeper at the following location:

To remove YouChoob from your system, just quit the application and
delete the YouChoob directory. YC does not store any data in the
Windows registry.

Stream Keeper is the more fully-featured version of YouChoob which was
designed from the start to support multiple parallel downloads. It also
supports plugins (and more) which give it the ability to download videos,
music, and files from various online serviceds and not just YouTube.

If you get an error when you start YC, you will
need to download the Microsoft .NET 2.0 runtimes package (22MB).
Please beware of wordwrap in the URL:
32-BIT -
64-BIT -
In the future, a significant portion of applications written
for Windows will use the .NET runtimes, so it is a good idea
to download it now to save hassle later.

Joseph Cox
(AKA BootBlock)

v1.14; 25th May, 2010.
- Added: "When All Downloads Complete..." drop-down to the main window.
- Other: Improved clipboard importing of YouTube video IDs.
v1.13; 15th May, 2010.
- Fixed: Now works correctly after a minor YouTube site change.
v1.12; 3rd April, 2010.
- Added: Now accepts raw video IDs.
- Fixed: Now works correctly after a major YouTube site change.
- Other: Downloaded video thumbnail is now of a mucher higher quality.
- Other: Faster start-up.
- Other: Updated BiQubic.Update.
v1.11; 3rd March, 2010.
- Added: More recognised video formats to the selection dialog.
Note that YouChoob could always download these formats;
it is merely added as a user-convenience.
v1.10; 5th February, 2010.
- Fixed: YouChoob couldn't work out a video's title.
- Fixed: Video Quality Selection window was displaying a taskbar entry. Remove
- Other: Minor interface fixes.
v1.09; 25th October, 2009.
- Added: Internally converts embedded URLs into the correct format.
- Other: Changed the way the "page parse failed" step works.
- Fixed: Now works correctly after a minor YouTube site change.
v1.08; 10th October, 2009.
- Added: Video Quality Selection option to Settings -> Downloads.
- Added: The correct extension is used for saving based on video quality.
- Added: Application and download statistics. See Readme.
- Other: Replaced the About dialog with a true About window.
v1.07; 19th September, 2009.
- Added: Do Not Prompt For Video Filename to Settings -> Downloads.
- Added: Optional video thumbnail saving to Settings -> Downloads.
- Other: Much better video quality detection; will download best available at
all times.
- Fixed: Now works correctly after the recent YouTube site changes.
v1.06; 19th February, 2009. (Beta)
- Added: Native batch downloading.
- Added: Settings window.
- Added: Context menu to the video thumbnail image.
- Added: Download transfer rate to the main window.
- Added: Windows 7 download progress indication to YouChoob's taskbar entry.
- Fixed: Minor GUI layout issue in pre-Vista versions of Windows.
- Other: Updated help file.
- Other: Minor tweaks.
v1.05; 29th January, 2009.
- Fixed: Sometimes the thumbnail for the video didn't appear. This may also fi
a rare "not a valid video" error prior to downloading.
- Other: Minor tweaks.
v1.04; 16th January, 2009.
- Added: Automatic support for downloading high quality versions of videos.
- Added: Links can be dragged and dropped onto the URL textbox.
v1.03; 22nd April, 2008.
- Added: Clicking the video thumbnail will view the video.
- Added: Update checker.
- Fixed: Location issue with the progress bar and thumbnail during sizing.
- Other: General application and interface improvements.
- Other: "Download Another Video" wasn't working 100%.
v1.02; 18th April, 2008.
- Added: The thumbnail image of the video being downloaded is now displayed.
- Added: YC will auto-download any YouTube links in the clipboard at startup.
- Added: Clicking Import Link From Clipboard will begin auto-downloading.
- Other: Slight interface modifications for when downloads start and finish.
v1.01; 15th April, 2008.
- Added: Stop button so a downloading video can be cancelled.
- Added: "Download Another Video" button that launches another YC instance.
- Fixed: Accepts URLs that start with "http://youtube.*".
- Fixed: The main window didn't size correctly.
- Other: Now suggests a filename for the video based on the video's title.
- Other: Executable is now signed with a strong key for security purposes.
- Other: Modifications based on code analysis by FxCop.
v1.00; 11th April, 2008.
- Initial public release.

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