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Environmental Engineering

Part – A (20 X 2 = 40 Marks)

1. Define Environmental Engineering

2. Define B.O.D5
3. How heat causes pollution?
4. What is EPA?
5. Which of the following causes more concern today in water pollution? and why?
(a)Biological pollution
(b)Chemical pollution
6. What is water pollution control legislation?
7. What are the unit processes involved in Primary treatment of wastewater?
8. What is the function of screen chamber?
9. What is the limit for B.O.D5 and suspended solids in the effluent?
10. Give the Pollutant standard index to warn the people to keep indoor.
11. What is Inversion condition?
12. What are the factors essential for the production of photochemical smog?
13. Compare sanitary landfill to open dumping in respect of solid waste
14. Distinguish between Aerobic and Anaerobic composting
15. How are you sure that the microbial action is still going on in a sanitary land filling?
16. Name two diseases (vector borne) which are controlled by proper sanitary disposal of
solid wastes.
17. List the Radiation effects on adults.
18. ‘It is not possible to dispose off radioactive wastes safely’ Explain why?
19. What is Noise pollution?
20. How noise pollution can be abated by Building construction?

Part – B (5 X 12 = 60 Marks)

21. Give the significance of B.O.D5 and C.O.D tests. Why C.O.D test is prefered?


22. How Environmental Engineering is helpful to control

(a) Malaria (b)Filaria (c)Plague (d)Cholera
23. Compare a secondary treatment for Tannery and Brewery wastes with flow diagram.


24. (a) What is the B.O.D5 content in Domestic wastewater and Brewery wastewater?(6)
(b) Draw a layout of Activated sludge process for Domestic sewage and Brewery
waste treatment, to reduce the B.O.D5 content to 20 mg/l.(6)
25. What is Air pollution? How does it affect man and vegetation? Give the Primary and
Secondary ambient air quality standards.


26. Discuss the prevention and control measures for Air pollution.
27. (a)What is solid waste? List the various elements in the solid waste, and their
(b)What are the factors needed for speedy Aerobic composting? Describe a
mechanical composting.


28. (a)Discuss the Sanitary precautions taken care of in a sanitary land filling?(6)
(b)How methane gas is produced by microbes from sanitary land filling?(6)

29. (a)Discuss the effects of radiation on man.(6)

(b)List the sources of radiation and the limits in effluents passed as to rivers. (6)


30. (a)What are the devil effects of noise pollution?(6)

(b)Describe Engineering and Administrative measures and adaptive materials to
control noise pollution (6)


Part A (20 x 2 = 40 Marks)

1. What is Environment degradation?

2. What is ‘Bio-degradation’?
3. State the importance of Environmental Engineering
4. State the significance of COD
5. State the general characteristics of waste water from a chemical industry
6. Differentiate between neutralization and equalization
7. What is sludge? Why should it be treated?
8. Enlist the disposal methods of sludge
9. What are the characteristics of the aerosols?
10. What is ‘acid soot’? How can you avoid it?
11. "Uncontrolled industrialization leads to possible acid rain" – what is an acid rain and
write the reasons for it?
12. Name the gaseous pollutants
13. Enumerate the characteristics of a solid waste
14. How do the microorganisms help in solid waste treatment?
15. What is the advantage of composting?
16. Distinguish between pyrolysis and incineration
17. Define ‘noise’
18. Enlist the toxic wastes
19. Distinguish between ‘toxic’ and radioactive wastes
20. Name the adaptive materials used in noise abatement

Part B (5 x 12 = 60 Marks)

21. "Pollution control boards are formed to safeguard environmental health". - Discuss
their functions and effectiveness in safeguarding the environmental health

22. "A cement factory is situated on one side of a city. A fertilizer factory is situated on
the other side of the same city. There is a court case accusing that both of them are
degrading the health of the city dwellers". You are asked to analyze and help the
court to indicate the polluting industry. Explain how will you function.

23. Explain with neat sketches the functioning of a bio-filter in treating an industrial
waste water


24. Explain in detail the ‘Activated sludge process’ in treating an industrial waste water

25. Write notes on:

a. Fabric filters

b. Cyclone separator

c. Electrostatic precipitators and

d. Absorption tower


26. Explain in detail the harmful effects of polluted air on human beings

27. "Solid waste can be disposed without difficulty by dumping into sea". - Discuss the
implications of this statement


28. "Expenditure involved in treating and disposing a solid waste can always be repaid
by the same waste" – Discuss

29. (a) Enlist the characteristics of solid, liquid and gaseous pollutants generated from a
radioactive source
(b) Explain how a solid radioactive waste is disposed


30. What is the need to control noise? Explain in detail the administrative and
engineering control in noise abatement.


Part A (20 x 2 = 40 Marks)

1. Differentiate between fauna and flora

2. Differentiate between abiotic and biotic environments
3. Humidification means ________.
4. A clutch is the _________.
5. Enlist the factors affecting the fog
6. What is meant by 'Green house effect'?
7. Define (a) Aerosol (b) Smog
8. The main sources of air pollution are _________ and _________.
9. Elutriation of sludge means _________.
10. Sources of sludge are _________, _________, _________ and _________.
11. _________ and _________ are two of the methods of sludge disposal.
12. Differentiate between ploughing and trenching.
13. General characteristics of solid waste are _________.
14. Salvaging of solid waste means _________.
15. Differentiate between pyrolysis and incineration.
16. What is meant by fermentation of solid waste.
17. Acoustic reflex means _________.
18. _________ and _________ are two distinct types of noises.
19. Differentiate between air borne noise and structure borne noise.
20. Distinguish between bel and decibel

Part B (5 x 12 = 60 Marks)

21. (a) (i) Illustrate non-renewable resources with neat sketches.

(ii) Give a chart showing the environmental health hazard.

(b) Enumerate the important powers conferred on the Central Government of India
by the Environment (Protection) Act,1986.

22. (a) Give a list of treatment procedures to treat effluents from (I) a textile industry
(ii) a Distillery and (iii) a tannery.


(b) Enlist and explain the factors influencing the stages of sludge digestion. State
also the objects of sludge digestion.

23. (a) Enlist the main gases which are polluting the air. Explain their sources and
suggest measures to control them within the permissible standards.


(b) Give the air quality criteria and standards. Mention the methods of collection and
testing of air quality samples.

24. (a) "Disposal of the solid waste can also reclaim waste land to prime land" - Discuss.


(b) Explain in detail the method of composting including the precautions.

25. (a) Describe the administrative and engineering controls of noise pollution.

(b) Enlist the methods of noise pollution control and also enumerate the adaptive


Part A ( 20 x 2 = 40 Marks)

1. Briefly describe the segments of the environment

2. Name the trace constituents of the atmosphere with their approximate percentage
3. Define environmental pollution and describe briefly the causes of environmental
4. What are the various steps in a pollution control program?
5. Compare and contrast factor monitoring and target monitoring
6. Write a short note on Eutrophication
7. Enumerate the pollution problems caused by detergents
8. List and define three units of measure used to report air-pollution data
9. What are the common adsorbents used in solid form to remove SO 2, H2S, HF and
10. How are the emissions from gasoline-powered vehicles classified?
11. What are the various approaches to minimize exhaust emissions?
12. Tabulate the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of refuse from an Indian
13. Write a brief note on composting
14. Define leachate and explain why it occurs
15. How is political activism important for securing a better environment?
16. List three common noises that could harm your sense of hearing
17. Describe what is meant by source reduction of pollution
18. How do economic considerations affect environmental protection?
19. Write briefly on radioactive fall out
20. What is acoustical lining?

Part B (5 x 12 = 60 Marks)

21. What are the main features of Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act of the
Government of India


22. Describe the phenomenon of ‘green house effect’ due to carbon dioxide

23. Explain the difference between pretreatment, primary treatment, secondary

treatment and tertiary treatment and how they are related


24. Explain biological nitrification and denitrification either by words or with an equation

25. Explain with a neat sketch, the principle, construction and working of a settling
chamber. How can its efficiency be improved?

26. Sketch the theoretical principle on which each of the following air pollution control
devices operates: (a) Cyclone (b) bag-house (c) electrostatic precipitator (d)
adsorption column

27. List and discuss the factors pertinent to the selection of a landfill site


28. Differentiate between waste minimization, waste exchange and recycling

29. Explain how to reduce occupation exposure to internal radiation hazards


30. Explain the relationship between the allowable duration of noise exposure and the
allowable level for hearing protection, that is, damage risk criteria.

PART A - (20 x 2 = 40 marks) Answer ALL questions.

1. "The environmental control of vectors and pathogens is the only permanent measure
to eradicate communicable diseases'. List what are these measures from
Environmental Engineering.
2. Tannery effluent untreated is used for farming. -Explain how does it affect the
ecological balance.
3. What is C.O.D?
4. Why D.D.T is not popular in the western countries?
5. List the effluent standards for discharge into a body of water.
6. What is the efficiency of primary clarifier?
7. Why Grit is to be removed?
8. Mention whether the' strength of an Industrial waste as measured by C.O.D or B.O.D
or both?
9. Sewage is discharged into a water course. How would you follow it up by water
pollution legislative?
10. What is Air classification?
11. How Air pollution affects the climate?
12. Compare SPM and Aerosole
13. Where, in what industry, Electrostatic precipitators are installed?
14. What is the composition of solid waste?
15. Why sanitary land filling is superior?
16. List the recoveries from solid waste.
17. What is Electro magnetic separator?
18. What is the limitation for comporting?
19. An industry has spilled a radio active waste on the road. How would you dispose it
20. List the Engineering measures to prevent - noise pollution.
PART B - (5 x 12 = 60 marks)

Answer ONE question from each Unit.


21. Discuss the role of environmental engineering in the environmental control of vectors
causing malaria, cholera, filaria and plague.(4 x 3 = 12)


22. How nitrate is a pollutant? How would you determine Nitrate concentration in a given
sewage and industrial waste? (12)


23. Explain in a Trickling filter handling domestic waste, how bacterial reduction, BODs
reduction, Air supply and Nitrification takes place. Draw a layout. (12)


24. a) What is the objective of sludge treatment by digestion? (4)

(b) Explain a sludge digestion process using heating and mixing, and list the factors
affecting the speed of digestion. (8)


25. (a) Compare the constituents of clean air with that of the Air classified as hazardous.

(b) What is meant by Primary Air Quality standard and secondary Air quality
standards .List the limits (6)


26. In an industrial area, how would you monitor Air quality (12)


27. (a) Describe the nature of garbage, rubbish and ashes. (6)
(b) Draw a process flow chart for separation of heavy metals and processing the
solid waste for
(i) Mechanical composting (ii) Methane gas generation for power by a digestion
process (iii) Fuel pellet making. (6)


28. (a) Explain Aerobic and Anaerobic composting. (6)

(b) Describe the Microbiology of composting process. (6)

29. (a) Who are the users of radioactive materials? (5)

(b) List the conditions for safe disposal of Radioactive wastes by deep burial. (7)


30. (a) List the sources of noise pollution and it's effect on human health. (5)
(b) How noise pollution is measured? State the limit and the control measures and
adaptive materials (7)


PART A - (20 x 2 = 40 marks) Answer ALL questions

1. Name the types of pollutants.

2. Distinguish between point source of pollution and non-point source of pollution.
3. Enlist the types of analysis carried out on pollutants.
4. Define environmental damage.
5. The characteristics of waste water include __________ and ________
6. Distinguish between industrial and municipal wastes.
7. Preliminary treatment of waste water removes _______ and__________
8. Enlist the methods of sludge disposal.
9. Enlist the sources of air pollution.
10. State the classification of air pollution
11. What is an aerosol?
12. Name two units of measure to report air pollution data.
13. Why should waste is to be treated?
14. Name the methods of solid waste disposal.
15. What is negative lapse rate?
16. Briefly explain recycling of wastes
17. Enlist the toxic wastes.
18. State some effective disposal methods of radioactive wastes.
19. Enumerate the sources of noise pollution.
20. Suggest methods of noise control.

PART B - (5 x 12 = 60 marks)

Answer ONE question from each Unit.


21. "Industrialization is an index of prosperity of a nation - Industrialization is the cause

of environmental degradation" - Discuss and reconciliate between -the two
contrasting statements.


22. "Mere legislation of 'laws' will not contain environmental pollution" - Discuss

23. With a neat sketch draw a typical waste treatment plant and explain the functions of
each of the components.


24. Explain in detail the secondary treatments of a municipal and industrial waste water,
bringing out their differences and requirements in the treatment process.

UNIT 111

25. Explain in detail the types of air control measures and enlist the equipments used to
contain gaseous emissions.


26. Give the detailed air quality criteria and standards and explain methods to evaluate
and monitor the same.


27. "Nothing is a waste" - Discuss with reference to solid waste management.


28. Explain in detail the thermal disposal of solid wastes and composting of solid wastes.
Compare the merits and demerits of both.


29. Differentiate between:

a. Musical sound and noise.
b. Loudness and annoyance.
c. Indoor noise and Outdoor noise.
d. Air borne noise and noise pollution.
e. Bel and decibel.
f. Air pollution and Noise pollution.


30. "An atomic energy plant has the problem of continuous disposal of radioactive
wastes. The plant is on the outskirts of a fast developing metropolis. Ground water is
the only source of water supply to the metropolis which is spread near the atomic
energy plant" - Explain the possibilities of the ground water sources getting
radioactively polluted and its after effect on consumers. Suggest methods to prevent
such a situation and provide different methods to safe of safe and effective methods
of disposal of the radioactive wastes.

Part A - (20 x 2 = 40 Marks)

1. Study of environmental engineering is important because _________.
2. Name the pollutants that damage the environment.
3. What is a non-point source of pollution?
4. Name the chemical analysis of pollutants.
5. Classify the wastewater.
6. State the units employed in the preliminary treatment.
7. How are sludge disposed?
8. What is the difference of treatment of industrial wastes?
9. Classify air pollution.
10. Enlist the air quality criteria.
11. What are particulates?
12. What are cyclones?
13. State the characteristics of solid waste.
14. ____________ and _____________ are the thermal processes of solid waste
15. What are the factors that control the sanitary land fill?
16. What is recycling of solid wastes?
17. State the sources of Noise pollution.
18. What are the noise control criteria.
19. State the engineering controls of treatment.
20. Enlist the adaptive materials.

Part B (5 x 12 = 60 Marks)

21. (a) What are the laws enacted to protect environment? Enlist and explain some of
the important ones.


(b) "Environmental pollution degrade the air, land and water resources - Explain.

22. (a) Comment on the following factors that influence the capacity of digestion tank:
(i) Temperature
(ii) Mixing and seeding and
(iii) Seasonal storage.


(b) Design a sludge digestion tank with the following data:

(i) Average flow of sewage = 20 m3/day
(ii) Total suspended solids in raw sewage = 350 mg/l
(iii) Volatile suspended solids = 250 mg/l
(iv) Water content of raw sludge = 96%
(v) Water content of digested sludge = 90%
(vi) Volatile solids reduction = 50%
Assume any other data required.
23. (a) "Solid waste disposal can be gainfully performed by recycling" - Discuss.

(b) Explain the microbiology of solid waste composting.

24. (a) Describe the methods used to control particulate emission.


(b) What is the nature of air pollution? State the sources of air pollution and suggest
methods to control air pollution.

25. (a) Name the sources of radiation pollution and state their impact on the
environment. Explain the methods to safeguard against the same.


(b) "Growth of any city is felt by the growth of Noise pollution" - Discuss.

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