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I-MID Examinations (Subjective Test)

Course : III B.Tech Branch : CIVIL

SET : 3
Name of the Subject : FOUNDATION ENGINEERING Academic Year :2015-16
Date of Exam : 05-02-2016 FN Time of Exam : 1 HR
Maximum Marks : 10
Answer any TWO the Following Questions 2X5=10
1) (a) Describe the method of slices to determine the factor of safety of finite slope of C-φ soil.
(b) In a Swedish slip circle analysis the mean height of 1.5m wide slice is 10m. The base of
slice is inclined at 250 to horizontal. The soil properties are C=60Kpa, φ=250, Saturated density
is 18KN/m3 assuming the soil to be saturated. Calculate the Factor of safety of slice against
2) (a) Describe briefly about the pressure meter test and state its significance.
(b) State the points to be considered in Preparation of soil investigation report.
3) (a) Explain stability of slopes of earth dams under sudden draw down condition.
(b) Explain Swedish Circle method with a neat sketch.
4) What are the assumptions made in coulombs theory of earth pressure.

II-MID Examinations (Subjective Test)

Course : III B.Tech Branch : CIVIL SET : 4
Name of the Subject : FOUNDATION ENGINEERING Academic Year :2015-16
Date of Exam : 05-02-2016 FN Time of Exam : 1 HR
Maximum Marks : 10
Answer any TWO the Following Questions 2X5 =10
1) (a) Derive an Expression for the Factor of safety of infinite slope in a pure cohesive soil.
(b) An Embankment of 10m height is inclined at an angle of 400. With horizontal. Stability
analysis by the method of slices gave the following results. Calculate the factor of safety with
respect to the shear strength.
Sum of Tangential Forces = 300KN.
Sum of Normal Forces = 600KN.
Pore water forces = 140KN.
Length of failure surface = 25m.
C1= 20KN/m2 and φ = 150.
2) (a) State the different failures of modes of a slopes with sketches.
(b) An Embankment is inclined at an angle of 360 and its height 12m. the angle of shearing
resistance is 180 and the cohesion intercept is 200KN/m2. The unit weight of soil is 18KN/m3.
If Taylor’s stability number is 0.06, find the factor of safety with respect to cohesion.
3) (a) Explain any two types of boring methods with a neat sketch.
(b) Explain the procedure to determine the settlement by plate load test.
4) Describe the Culmann’s Graphical method for estimating active earth pressure.

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