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Dissertation Proposal OGR

Simulations and Escapism

Jack Rushton
Dissertation Synopsis
The purpose of this dissertation is to discuss the links
between escapism and the ever growing popularity of
virtual reality. This will be achieved through citing
scientific studies on causes of pleasure, and in turn
linking this to multiple philosopher’s theories on pleasure
to develop a variety of perspectives on pleasure. Then
these various perspectives will be linked to theories on
the ethics of escapism in its various forms. Eventually
these compared perspectives of the ethics of escapism
will be applied to the recent virtual reality chatrooms and
pornography that has arisen in society.
Chapter 1 Synopsis
In the first chapter of this dissertation, the basis of
human behaviour and actions as motivation, will be
linked to pleasure. This will be achieved by
referencing scientific studies on dopamine release in
humans as a cause for pleasure, and Epicurus’
theories on pleasure as absence of suffering in
connection with Freud’s theories on the id, ego and
superego. These studies and theories will be used to
discuss how people might turn to simulated realities
as a possibly more pleasurable alternative to reality.
Chapter 2 Synopsis
For the second chapter I would like to introduce Robert Nozick’s
thought experiment “the experience machine” as a basis for
arguments both for and against simulated realities as a justifiable
replacement for reality. Next Baudrillard’s theory on hyperreality will
be introduced to explain what can become the blur between real
life and simulations,which will be linked to “the experience
machine” as an explanation for how it might be feasible. Then John
Stuart Mill’s theories on utilitarianism as well as Jeremy Benthan’s
formulation of utilitarianism, will be used to discuss the ethical and
moral aspects of escapism through simulation. Then Freud will
once again be discussed for his views on reality principle vs
pleasure principle and how this applies to views of ethics regarding
escapism through simulation.
Chapter 3 Synopsis
In the third chapter the previous ethical dilemmas presented in
chapter 2 will be used to explore the moral ethics of virtual
reality chatrooms and pornography. News articles and images
from the chatrooms will be used to demonstrate how this might
be a new avenue for humanity and to what extent it could go
to. The thought experiment “the experience machine” will be
applied to these new platforms as a basis for arguments both
for and against the use of them.
The next example that will be used is the Black Mirror episode
PlayTest, with support from Nozick’s thought experiment and
Baudrillard’s theories on simulation and simulacra to justify this
episode and show how it could be feasible in real life.

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