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The Stomach meridian originates at the ala nasi of the nose, at LI 20 (Yingxiang).
It runs internally up the bridge of the nose to the inner canthus and meets with the bladder meridian
at BL 1. The meridian continues over the eye, through the pupil and emerges at ST 1 (Chengqi) in the
infraorbital ridge. It then travels down to the corner of the mouth. From here, there is an internal
connection that curves around the lips to connect with the upper gums and also to connect with CV
24 (Chengjiang) at the mentolabial groove. Externally, the meridian continues postolateral across the
lower portion of the cheek to the corner of mandible and curves up to the corner of hairline at ST 8.
From here, the meridian continues internally to connect to the DU meridian at GV 24.
From ST 5 (Daying), at the anterior border of the masseter, an external branch continues down the
neck to the clavicle. An internal branch travels to the back to connect with DU 14 before going to the
supraclavicular fossa at ST 12.

From ST 12 (Quepen), at the supraclavicular fossa divides into two branches:

i) An internal branch then enters the chest and diaphragm and continues down to connect
with the ST and SP before going to ST 30 (Qichong), at the superior border of pubic synphisis.
ii) Externally, the meridian travels from ST 12 (Quepen) down the chest, 4 cun lateral from the
midline and continues 2 cun lateral from the midline after passing the diaphragm and meets
with the internal branch at ST 30.

From ST 30 (Qichong), the meridian diverts laterally to the ASIS and continues down the thigh on the
line connecting the ASIS and the lateral border of patella. After passing the knee, the meridian
continues down the leg, 1 finger breath (measured using the patient’s middle finger) lateral to the
tibia. After passing ST 39 (Xiajuxu), slightly more than halfway down the leg, the meridian goes back
up to ST 40 (Fenglong), before continuing to the dorsum of the foot. At the foot, the meridian runs
between the second and third metatarsal and terminates at the lateral side of the second toe.

There are two internal branches on the leg:

i) The tibial branch connects from ST 36 to the lateral side of the third toe.
ii) The dorsum foot branch connects from ST 42 to the medial side of the big toe and links with
the SP meridian.
Starred: 6 points (most used) – ST 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 in the Head and Neck region

ST 1

 Location: directly below the pupil between the eyeball and the infraorbital ridge
 Needling method: perpendicular and slowly in, no thrusting or twirling0020
 Moxa: no
 Crossing point of the Stomach, Yang Qiao and Ren Meridians

 Expels Wind and clears Heat

o Redness, swelling and pain of the eyes, lacrimation on exposure to wind
o Twitching of the eyelids and deviation of the mouth and eye
 Benefit the eyes and stops lacrimation
o Short sightedness, night blindness, itching of the eyes

ST 2

 Location: 1 cun directly below the pupil, in the depression at the infraorbital foramen
 Needling method: superficial and perpendicular-oblique insertion
 Moxa: no
 Crossing point of the Stomach and Yang Qiao meridians
 Precaution: deep insertion may injure the eyeball or damage the infraorbital nerve


 Expels Wind, clears Heat and benefit the eyes

o Redness, swelling and pain of the eyes, itching of eyes
o Twitching of the eyelids
 Promotes the free Flow of Qi and Blood
o Headaches and vertigo
 Relaxed the tendons and relieves pain
o Deviation of the mouth and eye, twitching of eyelids

ST 4

 Location: 0.4 cun lateral to the corner of the mouth; lies in the continuation of the naso-labial
groove - ask the patient to smile if the groove is not visible
 Needling method: transverse insertion to join other points (LI 20, ST 6, CV 24)
 Moxa: no
 Crossing point of the Stomach and Yang Qiao, LI and REN meridians


 Expels Wind
 Activates the channel (relieves Qi stag.) and relieves pain


 Deviation of the mouth, facial paresis, drooling, trigeminal neuralgia, numbness of lips
and face, twitching and cramps of facial muscles
 Twitching of eyelids, ceaseless movement of eyeball, inability to close the eyes


ST 6

 Location: 1 fingerbreadth anterior and superior to the angle of the jaw at the prominence of
the masseter muscle
 Needling method: perpendicular or transverse insertion to join other points (ST 4, ST 5, ST 7)
 Moxa: no


 Expels Wind and benefits the jaw and teethes

 Activates the channel (relieves Qi stag.) and relieves pain
 Regulates Qi


 Lock jaw, tension and pain in the jaw, toothache, gum disorders, swelling of the

ST 7

 Location: at the lower border of the zygomatic arch, in the depression anterior to the
condyloid process of the mandible.
Although this point is needled with the mouth closed, it is helpful to ask the patient to open the
mouth to better locate the condyloid process. If the finger rests on the condyloid process
when the mouth is open, it will fall into Xiàguān ST-7 when the mouth is closed
 Needling method: perpendicular or slightly inferiorly insertion
 Moxa: no
 Crossing point of the Stomach and GB meridians

 Expels Wind
 Promotes the free flow of Qi and Blood in the area and relieves pain
 Revives the spirit
 Strengthens hearing


 Deafness, tinnitus, itching and purulent discharge from the ear

 Lockjaw, dislocation of the jaw
 Toothache, swelling and pain of the gums (of the lower jaw), pain of the cheek and
face, swelling of the cheek, deviation of the mouth and eye

ST 8

 Location: at the corner of the forehead, 4.5 cun lateral to Shéntíng DU-24 and 0.5 cun within
the anterior hairline
 Needling method: subcutaneous, transverse insertion, posterior direction
 Moxa: no
 Crossing point of the Stomach and DU, Yang Wei, GB and San Jiao meridians

 Expels Wind and clears Heat

 Benefits the eyes
 Calms the mind


 Headaches on one side, splitting headache with chills and fever, dizziness and
 Eye pain, lacrimation on exposure to wind, twitching of the eyelids
 Hemiplegia, used often in stroke patients, agitation with a sensation of oppression

Starred: points (most used) – ST 18, 21, 25 in the upper abdominal region

ST 18

 Location: on the chest, directly below the nipple, 4 cun lateral to the midline in the 5th
intercostal space
 Needling method: obliquely or transversly
 Moxa: yes
 Precaution: deep insertion may puncture the lungs

 Regulates Chest Qi
 Benefits the breasts, promotes lactation
 Removes meridian obstruction, relieves pain
 Acute mastitis, insufficient lactation, breast pain
 Chest pain, cough, wheezing and asthma, hiccup

ST 21

 Location: on the abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the midline and 4 cun superior to the umbilicus,
level with CV 12
 Needling method: perpendicular
 Moxa: yes


 Regulates Qi and alleviates pain in the MJ

 Harmonises the MJ: ST and intestines
 Transforms accumulations and relieves stagnation
o Epigastric pain, abdominal distension and diarrhoea, vomiting, poor appetite
 Tonifies SP and promotes the SP’s T/T function.
o Vomiting, poor appetite, borborygmus, diarrhoea, undigested food (in the
 Raises the Qi and stops diarrhoea
o Prolapse of stomach and diarrhoea

ST 25
 Location: on the abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the umbilicus
 Needling method: perpendicular; oblique inferior insertion towards the uterus for diseases of
the uterus
 Moxa: yes
 Precaution: contraindicated for pregnant women


 Regulates the Large Intestine

o Mainly used for Large Intestine conditions and abdominal masses
 Supports Stomach/Spleen functions
 Removes dampness and damp-heat
o Diarrhoea, dysentery, turbid painful urinary dysfunction
 Regulates Qi and Blood and eliminates stagnation
o Abdominal distension, borborygmus, pain around the umbilicus, constipation,
diarrhoea, dysentery
 Regulate menstruation
o Irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea
 Expel parasites and urinary tract stones
o Intestinal parasites and stone in urinary track
Starred: 2 points (most used) on the lower abdomen – ST 29, 30

ST 29

 Location: on the lower abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the midline, 1 cun above pubic synthesis and
4 cun inferior to the umbilicus, level with REN-3
 Needling method: perpendicular insertion on an empty bladder
 Moxa: yes
 Precaution: deep insertion in a superior direction may penetrate the peritoneal cavity or a full

 Warms the meridians to dispel cold

o Abdominal pain, hernia
 Regulates menstruation and benefits the genital region (replenishes Chong and Ren
o irregular menstruation, leucorrhoea and prolapse of uterus (especially due to cold in
the LJ or merid. Def.)

ST 30

 Location: Last point on the lower abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the midline, 5 cun below the
umbilicus, level with the superior border of the pubic symphysis
 Needling method: perpendicular insertion on an empty bladder
 Moxa: yes
 Precaution: deep insertion in a superior direction may penetrate the peritoneal cavity or a full


 Regulate Qi flow in Lower Jiao

 Regulates the BL
 Regulates and strengthens Chong meridian (Sea of Blood)
 Harmonizes Yin and Blood


 Irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, infertility, impotence

 Hernia
 Pain due to stagnation and distention in lower abdomen, bladder, painful urinary
dysfunction; intestine – colic pain; pain in testicles, swelling and pain in the genitalia;
lower back and thigh pain

Point Location Function I

ST 1 On the face, the point is directly below the pupil of  Dispels Wind
the eye, between the eyeball and the infraorbital  Clears Heat, benefits the eye
ridge  Stops excess lacrimation

ST 2 On the face, the point is directly below the pupil of  Dispels Wind
the eye, in the depression at the infraorbital  Clears Heat, benefits the eye
foramen  Soothes the tendons and facial muscles

ST 4 On the face, 0.4 cun lateral to the corner of the  Dispels Wind
mouth, directly below the pupil of the eye; lies at  Activates the meridian, relieves pain
the continuation of the naso-labial groove - ask the
patient to smile if the groove is not visible

ST 6 On the cheek, in the depression one finger-breadth  Dispels Wind

(middle finger) anterior and superior to the lower  Removes meridian obstruction, relieves
angle of the mandible where m. masseter attaches, pain
at the prominence of the muscle when the teeth  Benefits jaw and teeth
are clenched  Regulates Qi

ST 7 On the face, anterior to the ear, in the depression  Dispels Wind

below the zygomatic arch, in the mandibular  Removes meridian obstruction, relieves
notch, between the coronoid process and the pain
condyloid process of the mandible  Benefits ears, jaw and teeth
 Revives the spirit
ST 8 At the corner of the forehead, 4.5 cun lateral to  Dispels Wind
midline or DU-24 and 0.5 cun within the anterior  Clears Heat, benefits the eyes
hairline  Calms the mind

ST 18 On the chest, directly below the nipple, 4 cun  Regulates Chest Qi

lateral to the midline in the 5th intercostal space  Benefits the breasts, promotes lactation
 Removes meridian obstruction, relieves

ST 21 On the abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the midline and 4  Harmonises the MJ: ST and intestines
cun superior to the umbilicus, level with CV 12  Descends rebellious ST Qi
 Transforms accumulations and relieves
 Tonifies SP and promotes the SP’s T/T
ST 25 On the abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the umbilicus  Regulates the ST, SP and LI
 Removes Dampness and Damp-Heat
 Regulates Qi and Blood and eliminates
 Regulates menstruation

ST 29 On the lower abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the  Warms the meridians to dispel cold
midline, 1 cun above pubic synthesis and 4 cun  Regulates menstruation by replenishing
inferior to the umbilicus, level with CV 3 Chong and Ren meridians

ST 30 Last point on the lower abdomen, 2 cun lateral to  Regulate Qi flow in Lower Jiao
the midline, 5 cun below the umbilicus level with  Regulates the BL
the superior border of the pubic symphysis, in line  Regulates and strengthens Chong
with CV 2 meridian (Sea of Blood)
 Harmonizes Yin and Blood

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