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a guide to salaries and

industry need to knows
Why should I choose a career in coding?

Make digital magic

“These masters of the web don’t just write code; they make the digital
magic happen. They’re responsible for what you experience every time
you open a browser, app or online game - from content
to presentation to behaviour layers”.
The Creative Group

Learn to think
“Everyone should learn to code, it teaches you how to think”.
Steve Jobs

Beat the universe

“Programming today is a race between software engineers
striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and
the universe trying to build bigger and better idiots.
So far, the universe is winning”.
Rick Cook
Whether you’re new to coding, planning a career change, or looking to gain skills to bring to your
current role - here’s the run down of the best coding career advice.

1. Know the Facts


£25,000 - £35,000
Assisting web developers by creating reliable, high performing applications and services, which can be
accessed over the Internet.

£30,000 - £40,000
Web developers build and maintain websites and web applications. Although their work usually
focuses solely on the underlying software and databases, some web developers work on the interface
and visual design, while others combine both.

£30,000 - £40,000
A software developer is involved with many aspects of the software development process, including
the research, design, programming, and testing of computer software.


£40,000 - £80,000
Managing successful development of web and software solutions as well as a team of developers and
other IT experts.

2. Choose your tribe

Once you’ve decided that you want to become a web developer, knowing HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
will be essential to your success. Our full stack developer course provides you with the training
required in each of these systems in order to progress your web development career.

If you see yourself working in app development, then being proficient in JavaScript, Python and MCSD
app builder will be essential. Our full stack developer course caters to this, and an add-on of Microsoft
app builder is available to give you the extra edge.

Interested in working in desktop applications? MCP programming in C and C++ are really important to
those looking to break into this field. The MCSA web applications course is also invaluable.

The first step is choosing your tribe. Once you’ve got an idea of where you fit into the world of coding -
you’re halfway there.
3. Know a language

Once you know what role in the coding world suits you best and you’ve started the training that you
need, picking a language to specialise in will be really important.

Python is the most popular coding language and one that is utilised most by big companies. It
works best with large data sets, and whilst it can be really useful to get your head around, it’s not a
programme that you want to do your initial learning on. That being said, if you want to become a
coding all-rounder, Python is definitely something that you should have under your belt.

The second biggest coding language and one that is renowned for being a fantastic programme to
learn to code on. Java is a versatile and accessible language, which is essential to most development
roles and often suits coding newbies.

This will be essential for those looking to become web developers. JavaScript is the language
responsible for creating interactive web pages, which includes loading animations, images and
ensuring that the user interface is responsive.

As the first programming language, C is pretty special. It’s the number one language for Microsoft
applications and is really useful to have as you start out in your career in coding. It’s commonly
thought of as the strongest language across desktop software.

4. Have coding goals

What really great project do you dream of being part of? Do you have ambitions to start creatively
coding? Maybe there’s a dream role that you have in mind?

Whatever you plan to do with your coding qualifications, write them down and use them as a source
of inspiration. And remember; your coding education doesn’t have to be purely for career purposes.

Plenty of coders spend their free time working on personal projects, which they find interesting and
rewarding. Brainstorm some ideas and think about what you’d really love to do with your
coding qualifications.

5. Browse job sites

Once you know where you want to be, browse job sites in order to get an idea of the skills that are
needed for the roles that you are interested in. A great way to advance your coding career is to work
on projects outside of your study, which can prove your interest in a particular area.

So, when you’re looking at job boards try to understand what employers are looking for and look to
incorporate that into your personal projects. Having a good knowledge of what roles are out there will
aid your future applications and ensure that you land your dream role on completing your training.
Fill the skills gap
There are currently 220,000 vacancies for digital roles in the
UK. By 2023 this figure is expected to be 900,000.

Code Institute
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